EDITORIAL EVGE Of THE JOURNAL nMhz . f ' THEJOURNAL ' AH JHDEPIKDEHT NEWSPAPER. .Publlahar ft I. Jaefcaos,... Iabllh4 every evening (aao.pt Snodar) and '.. fvary Soneay Btornlnf , it Tha Journal BnlW- - "a iuui ana xamtilll atretta, 1'oriinna. it. v Katrd at tha peatoTlc. at Portland, or., rnr traaamlaalom through the malla aa areoud -cl.M Matter. - , TELEPHONE MAI 717S. All ettwrtnents rtached br thla nnmbar. . .Tall tne prater th dcDaxtmrnt ro aot. " rOBCiON ADTBRTIkTno REPRESENTATIVE Vrvwland-Ranjamln Ftp-rlal Adn-rtlilna- Ainrr. , i-,. Branewlck BuIMtns. 2S5 Fifth aooa, Nfw K York; Tribune BuUiDnt, ('hlrago. ' Sahaerlptlon Tnni br mall to nr aiMrfaa ' w ua united St:rv Canada or naiico. rAiM ' . , Oae year mi i'n month I a0 .2-. 8! NPAY. Os year 2.r, 1 On. month I 23 nAIl AVI) Sr.N'DAT. , ' Cm raar 7.&ii Od niMith t .! Have a purpose In life, and baring It, throw into your work anch utrpngth of mind and muscle as God lias given you. Carlyle. OREGON'S COMPLAINT AT LAST HEEDED. r 'N SOME features of the report of the Interstate commerce com mission given out Saturday there Is an extraordinary slml laxity to the arguments which the people of Oregon hare been urging persistently for several years past In particular, we call attention to the commission's strictures upon rail roads which use their surplus fund and credit, not for the development of the territory through which the road runs, but for the purchase ot stocks and bonds In Wall street. Two years ago the chamber of commerce of this city directed attention to the Ylclousness of this practice, which was being followed by the 0. R. & N. Co., to the detriment of the state, and the topic has been commented upon frequently since that time, both ' by committees of our local commer cial organizations and by the public press. The people of Oregon have no disposition to wage war upon the O. R. & N. or any other railroad, but they da resent and protest against the policy of piling up a huge sur plus, through exorbitant rates, and then using that surplus, not for the development of the territory from which the money Is1 drawn, but for J the purchase Of stock in the New York Central or some other road ab solutely remote from this state. The farmer who ships his wheat to the seaboard Is willing to pay a fair price for the haul and does not be grudge the railroad its legitimate profit, but he Is not willing to put up more money for ihe sole purpose of helping to margin Mr. Harrlman's stock gambling transactions. The Journal commented recently upon some of the uses which' have been made of the huge surplus accumu lated by the 0. R. ft N., laying stress particularly upon the fact that prac tically all of this surplus has been used In ways that are of absolutely so benefit to the people of this state. Furthermore, there is the glaring fact that interior Oregon is still a Tirgln wilderness, so far as railroad development is concerned, and this despite the repeated promises of the Harrlman management to build ex tensions and new roads. It Is plain that the conclusions of the interstate commerce commission were largely Influenced by a study of conditions In this state, and this fact affords hope of the relief which the people of Oregon have long sought for In vain. ' his time and money In a saloon, cease to grow until this octopus can even on the week's rest day. In the be made to relax Its grip on the first place, he cannot afford to spend building Industry of the country." the money thus; and in the seoond This is an exaggeration, as to ex- placo, a saloon is a bad place for listing conditions, because a goodj recreation un ouuuay. neat or 4unaing, is going on in many But would we deny them any! towns and in the country; but there agreeable recreation on Sunday? Is no doubt that great deal more No, nor do we think a little mild could be done If the people wb drink, beer or wine, on a rest dayl would like to build were not charged nocossarlly harmful; but the gather-1 extortionate and unconsclonabl Ing of a lot of men nto saloons leads prices by the lumber trust and th almost in variably to excess in drink- plumbers trust, and made to con lng and In expenditure, and If a tribute heavily on everything they man has a family he owes it to his buy to the tariff-protected interests. wlfo nnd children to afford them The few ar ewtin rich and many pleasant recreation also. I who would go ahead and Improve If in consequence of the Sunday land help build up the country are "lid" being down tight, not only In kept poor and robbed at every turn St. Johns, but In Portland and all by these trusts, of which the one the other towns round about, these complained of by the Pendleton pa worklngmen of St. Johns save In per 1 in this region perhaps one the aggregate $1,000 or even $600 of the greatest. Wben It comes to every Sunday, won't it be better for the golden results of prosperity we that city in the long run than if it will find most of them In the pouches received $1,000 or $2,000 a year of the protected interests and trusts more revenue from licenses? The I People who do not own land and people who spend this money on I are not In a combine are euchred Sundays In saloons will hare It to J out of all the prosperity that Is al Improve their oties. trpat their fam-1 lowed to reach them. Hies to something all of them can "The people will awaken some enjoy, buy more furniture and better day." says the East Oregonlan, "and clothes and food, and help every- the members of the trust who are body except the saloonkeeper to now holding the country by the prosper. Against this Is to be throat will be forced to let loose." debited t,he diminution of the saloon-1 Perhaps so, and then we suppose men's expenditures, but which is bet- rthey will sit back upon their hoarded ter the prosperity of four or five minions and plead that prices are so or of a thousand? how that it doesn't pay to do busi ness unless they can reduce wages. REAL DANGER IN YELLOW PERIL launch bar lesions at any time against the any ro " wnajn ror wi. inae- himself tn Japan finds that he la ham- pendenoe of Asia, and avail tha alliance praj by tnan laws aimed at Mm. He tha ,twMn our nations hu not. wholly Smnot owT lani ha eumot Invert In j.lv ?Bal.. creating discontent and a longing trolled bv eourta that have baan con. err stage ot Japan's commarctal enter prises, halptrg In a way that makas avaa tha tnorouarh.nl araflll SUBDOrt SiVSa oy in. Uerman government to jia na tionals sink into In.lgnlf icanca. ina foreigner who tnea 10 idiiu T THE PURE FOOD SHOW. Oregon has within its territory HE FORTHCOMING pure food today a very distinguished visitor, show should be an affair of one of the most exalted figures of positive value to the community the time, the vice-president of the at large, as well as to those who United States, who as such will be participate In It. It needs no argu- duly welcomed and listened to with ment to prove the Importance of Interest and attention. He has vis- pure foods, and such an exhibition lted more noted, ambitious and fash is calculated to stimulate and en- lonable beach resorts than Seaside, courage manufacturers and dealers but none where he would meet truer to be more careful and conscientious Americans or better people, and In the preparation and sale of food- therefore we are sure that he will Btuffs, and also to cause consumers be pleased with his visit, as we all to be more particular about what will that he came. sell only pure foodstuffs are cer- Mrs. Roosevelt, It Is reported, has talnly the ones for consumers to deal declared war against the corset, or with, as against those who sell adul- at least has cast It aside as a thing terated or Inferior goods, whenever not only uncomfortable, but nnhy- tbe discrimination can be made, and genlc, and the cause of many feml- those who sell only pure and honest nine ills. We doubt not that Mrs. foods laudably . desire the public to Roosevelt Is entirely correct in her know that fact. It is well known conclusions, whether her reported that a large proportion of the stuff action should be followed generally consumed for years past has been or not. If Eddie Bok Indorses her Injuriously adulterated or treated action we shall expect a great fall- wlth preservatives or coloring mat- lng off In the corset Industry soon ter, or falsely labeled, and every ef fort to reform or Improve this ne- Japanese, it Is said, are spying farious practice Is to be encouraged around American navy yards and by all consumers. fortifications, which will perhaps do as an offset against the demolishing WHY IMPORT WHEN WE CAN ' a Japanese restaurant In San PRODUCE? Francisco. The treaty doesn t give them a right to spy though we sup- troUed by eourta that have baan oon atantly charrad with favoring thalr own nationals. By T. A. McKensle. Ia there a yellow peril? Are yellow men and tha brown man, Mongol and tha Mongol-Malay, on era of a time when they will aerlou.ly VepTad'TK prumacy or tn woriar I Japan la mall in numbara: bar natib-l In aolta ot all tbla foralanara bara Thr yaara ao tha publicist wholbor, Cblna la tha moat populoua land I uccaaded -la .Japan. For intanoa, tha V.. .11. bm 4 a monomaniac inie is no longer ma. tha human raoe Is a Chinaman, with a I great tobaooo bualnaaa In Toklo and Today a wave of apprehension la pass-1 surplus of enough sons of Cathar to elsewhere. The Japanese government lng over tne world. reDODulate the Brltlah lal.n. Forced ln"n I""""? w owi.nn, Australia la planning a navy of her into line by tha example of Japan, own, because her people realise that China Is beginning to emulate the mill- they are at the mercy of Japan; Call- tary example of her little neighbor. lornia is standing stuDoorniy me Uhlnaman Is not naturally a against the coercion of the American keen soldier. Tha Japanese loves light reaerai government and la resolved to lng for Its own sake and possesses un drive the Japanese out from her midst; ouenohable spirit, absolute fearlessness Janan Is nothlns- to what we will have tne unineaa mercnants. incensed ny wnai and great ambition. The Chinaman, on to faoe from China Tha Japanaae Is an may consider the unjust treatment or the other hand. Is more a commercial amateur trade, tha Chinese la thealev- w Americans, nave usea tne weapon man man a flghter. .rest merchant In tha world. Already of commercial boycott with terrible ef- Tet the Chinese have shown, time factories are springing up all along the flcacy against them; America Is aug- after time, that they present the ma-lyangtae valley. Once tha factory sya- meniing ner racmo neet; rormoea nasi"" uuosi private aoiuier in been largely closed to white traders; manufacturing of tobacco Was a nation' al monopoly. Th British and Americans ware com pulsorily bought out; and tha Japanese government started competition with them In the Chinese and other markata a e But tha commercial competition ot Small Change i "'- rW""aaasBl " a a praOTegm"k e e Ban Wanelefla lan'a bum k.tv.. .. wa,w KUfMlOr 11 has any mayor or not I e , Tha aravernmant Wum .. In pretty steady circulation Bill Tart. a Don't want t knn wt a . train will arrive, for you can't find out e e COflSldeitnar hoar nftan ha ki. temper, Heney's suooess is aatonlahlng. e Chloaro has a JurlM Vaka. t-. trusts would Ilka to have him trv th.ir cases. e e Iiatead Of vlattlnar an ITna-lt.h house, Mark Twain called on Maria Co relli, ' a e An Indiana man dleif frnm a Kan. peck, but moat hen-pecked men live on the world tern cornea into unina tno wnua worxer C'LmIT, i..r one.rern.mber. Lord Wolseley'. will have a pght tot his Ufa as never and suff mnAm ant.. T... ...,,.v.i. I IorCftl ana Dnillant eulogy on the hafnraL I circumatancea that the white merchant w rlor Chln(l today la coming into line with k" k-mi I !.ia aPP1""' wortV cannot secure. I wkL ' ... .v. . . - -m.. Jn"ohho.14ln dow hereafter yet rd The command of tha Piftn 1. r..... nB man or tne north, the Bhantung tne west in many ways, xne oia oon- bear Watching. in. . t.n.n . ,i -- '7ii v.ninese, wno now rovers tha powerful servatiam is being tnrown ore ana west I e ..i ... ." provinces arouna ine rmiow nn is a em teacninar and western laeas arei nut. ne ir m.. .w. a iic twjm miw nocmt open wax wiin our L,ln. n . . M i -- . . - . 1 . v vn iuuuuo uuii own on various routea. China has raised .ni msjrnlfloenl spreading everywhera fellows are convicted they will be lm- ine cry or "China for the Chinese." and ii. vi.. X -K V V"'." , . L . Vv T. ' I "" ro punisnmen. ntcrprets It as meanlns no more con- r,r, !t " ' nuuaini iana on aariu. rmn-omoini, , cession, for th. liun.p.an. or Am.rt- : V."u diV oe.n't bell.v. th. nr.... le.eM.al I .aa..- .. 1 1 ' T . . IUVIS 1 SJUUniT amMlfl a k ItaVL III B L IHIlCrl Ufa. ryi v l m I V Tir mP PSnBTV fe. laAa. f kan. aal iia Thak nnla am laaiMu . i . . ' While the birth rate In almost every white nation Is rapidly declining, the birth and age rates are rising "to an MUlni rlArraa amnna- tha -T.nanaaa mnA UI mil new UDiy, I whan fhlnn la malluhl . " " l ut autumn I Via A th. nn... I ' . " ' . ' " a a cmnesa of examlnlna- at nr.t h, th. n.r. .. r.'L."" A t T.,i. m.n ...i i- . . ..... i mxi . : i example, ana oy our direct leacnins. i '. . uum ine Mongols ror long naa tneir popu lation kept down by epidemics, by lgnor- sane, listen to . . . - " t guinea iiiuumTH. . uo vuiuiu iTuivvt i n a al 1 niica at Ovarap hiv birds to eat. Today China Is attempt- by which the nation seemed likely to be " 0ytr B,y- !n5-wli considerable auoraaa to make lulled Into the Bleep of decay and death, M.mhar. . .JI.ia-e t thee, men Into soldiers. Tha Japanese a n0w being bravely fought. . Members of a Tlglaaf party" In Iowa !..c.?n?I?'!'r ndc.voring to Obtain U!?T. for u. to Vse 'hi. moment t? Ir"t.i. T?f " a5 """try, tn nnntHnna w ""v. n Auen. act. lurmuacea 01 tne northern cninaaa aoi. i..: i. . ... -i i eaiinar loa cream. Rut it na i t . . : . t: . i inBL 11 ane wuuiu imiiain us urt muii :r . . of Ami TAr,fltoUow alone our commercial efforts, not r aumm.r glrL ance and by miper.tltlon. The old type tlon In the country alone our fighting way., but the Ideal- - m fhinat.A, ,,..in The Chineaa inVarnm.nt .a. viw lam, the faith and the moral, that have I Th. esar will try to see to It that of Chinas, doctor learned hi. profession I inecuinese government vary kindly I T.i.nj .h.t .h. ( hereafter no undealrahla iiin k. by walking th. hill, and .tudylng the f-"0 ZZJ;? lci lly I. for Sne. am not pretired to .coff come, a member of the douma. tar. H. kn.w nothing of anatomy orLithni nt tr.inin. .v,.i.'Vl:' M I at the "yellow peril.' But I am car- a phyadology. life In the greatest detail. I went to I Hla remedies wer. dtsrustlnr infl Paotlngfu expecting much, for I had we ,can d0 n?ih.ln? t0 m?-t. tJ1'" r,",n r!Tan tW" P0Pl would be on hi. . . . . 7 m , : neara muon or the transformation made worlu Pwcr 11 a.'r u 10 w pmciu On the coal carrying proposition Her aide and "ae1n the aavtrnmant." fantastic mixture., and he relied mainly hn the men. I found more than I ex- tlon now u u for 08 t0 leaa' we e for his cures on two counter-irritants a pectus an army as well controlled as I cn leaa " w" out rise to our oppor- Vice-President Fairbanks I. ro- black plaster and the making of wounds ,5e- maern armed and In- " coming oyio ol me ported to have quoted a .wear word, it by puncturea He knew nothing of "'V 'l H aaepals or of Internal surgery. He was L, JI'IY ??.hJ nrmm 1 rvrt lr if Urnfhstr TTs). I rhinks nae.iA i us to see that th. yellow diaclollnlng. Paclflc ii. . I xLtTory una nu neara or ine ma ttnt or it ie lor Dowerles-) before an enldemle'or before Chinese soldier, the man whose drill In- man comes Into line with the rest of th. serious Illness. Th. same was tru. at . exercises tne max- worm, auiu- mat mm mvwovmtni ana a picture I. labeled "John I an earlier date In Japan. 1 . IBV. 10 rr'tfntn the enemy prowess are along tne lines or world feller as He Is." Ia Is to be 1 errors of Hi'gk Japan has been remedying all this for f"d ""A1"1" hideous crle. to alarm him peace and proaperlty. some yeara, ana China la rapidly cnang- r' :: , ,," "T "c"u "!P it. a a In 25 year, tha population of Japan . . has risen from 88.000.000 to 48,000.600, ino n,w enmese army is dressed a growth of 25 per cent In addition I In khaki In summer and serge In win to this, large numbers of Japanese have ter. The soldiers are well hniiimi spread all over the Pacific. In Honolulu armed, well clothed and well fed. For tna mitnumhar nt nthar nation: thara I 1BU- r or are 180,000 of them In Corea; they are i"" u-y nave up-to-date maga- lnferred that ordinarily picture, of prominent people are aa they aren't. The heavier the line, against Stand ard Oil th. higher the price will ha raised. Imprisonment couldn't be thus transferred to the public. Oregon Sidelights Gervala la to hare a 110.000 bank. From the Jacksonville (Or.) Post Prices on everything are soaring sky ward at a rapid rate. Living expenses scattering over China, and they are to sine rifle., and their artlllar have advanced at least 10 per cent with in ManchurltL veMncr,,,,'' number from the yards of Armstrong and ln the la,t two yara. New. Item. "whUa we talk of race aulelde. every Krupp and Bchnelder-Canet Their of- It la a .ad thing to see small children man iu j.yiui livuoiuois " cl caaeis are now DSlng trained " " Wanlnlta haa wat.r at a Aanth nt aa a-rAced if ha haa not a son. From I .. .... u .i .i , i .v.. k.u - . vyapinita n. water at a aeptn or B c-..f.ii. M..nu..r oni f,nm manner or tne uerman mill- I """" " ' reel. Louisiana to Siberia there are new Jap- try schools, and their non-commls- "" of tender, IrreslsUble sympathy anesa settlements everywhere. aloned officers go to the smartest born, surge, up ln the brea.t of th. writer to see people eating the birds off th. hat. of th. hou.ehold. The rue same cauee inai naa so miriea i i n K.n.f1l.1 -..) 1 T.nan tha i. xover or riTmOUIIl. troductlon of western medical methods J ne army of ChJ-11 number, about OI la IBU1" Twelve Irrigon four ouncea dewberries weighed irUUUUllUll UI WV.IVIII IUVUHW1 III.IUUUB W. UUUlUVri aDOH " - . . .AAA m-in is beginning to work ln China Today 60,000 men. In a very few year. It will features of this article have been lying horctvna000ia0pan00anrcPolrta l to 100.000. with a further dormant ,n my vocal chord, for month, .wW. number about 600.000.000. At the pres- quarter of a million a. reserves. and must com. out or a coroner will largest yi tni Sherman county can give employment new cannery e state. may be the Similar armies are being raised ln oon sitting on my handsome but Many additional fruit canneries are But, seriously, how needed In the Wlllamete valley. s TRANGB conditions find their p0Be they gained little , knowledge of way into uregon industry. At importance, many a vital point arrangements r . a ft a . a ro out. oi gear, some or mem Already the cutting off of a child's or late nave Been pointed out ln egt by ft reaper or mower has been these columns. There are others. tho, h- Idiotically careless as this passes a .. . l " - nurserymen s meeting at Salem that comnrehenslon. yet several accidents eigni carioaas or canned strawberries of this kind are reported every sum of this season's pack have been lm- mer. When the farmer goes out to ported from other states Into Ore- reap the mother would better lock up the children ln the house. " gon. The known fact that the best strawberries ln the world are pro- uut.eU m wrt-Bon. ana tne runner Secretary Garfield and his official admitted fact that Oregon has simply Lompanon8 heard Bome straight, ST. JOHNS SALOONS. W E CANNOT truly express re gret over the predicament of some of St. Johns' saloon keepers, who It Is said may have to go out of business there on account of the vclosing of their sa loons on Sunday; the day of the week when they did their largest busi ness,, often taking in $200 or $300 apiece. Doubtless the growing city of St. Johns needs a lot of revenue, a large part of which several saloons at $1,000 a year would supply; but we cannot holp looking at the other side of the shield and thinking how much better koff those worklngmen who have been spending hundreds of dollars on Sundays in saloons will Ke If the "saloons are cloned and the money Is not thus spent. v St. Johns is and will be Inhabited 'largely by worklngmen, men who ' work for wages in mills and fac ' torles and the meat plant. A large proportion of the.m are married and , are gradually paying for homes of their own or should be doing bo. ' Their first duty, and their highest ,. pleasure as well, should be to pro vide comfortable homes, to take good care of wives and children, to send the latter td school and Bet a good example before them at home, so as to start them on the road to good clt(ie&ship; In word, tos.be not only good workingmen,' but good citizens thenftelTes-at we 'doubt Inot that most of them atre.- ; ... , ' But the tfood dtizea'caruiot spend nllmlted power of soil and climate to produce strawberries, make of this importation a curious comment on Oregon enterprise. Why were Oregon strawberries not grown to meet this demand, why did not Ore gon capital and Oregon labor can them, and why were they not sold to Oregon consumers under Oregon labels? Would we not have saved middlemen's profits? Would we not have saved the freight? Would not the money sent as profits of produc tion and manufacture to growers and canning establishments in other states have been saved and paid to growers and canning concerns in Oregon? If we go on holding the soil and failing to use it, if we go on lolling in a heritage of prodigality that na ture gave us and never utilize it, if we forever let others produce what we should and buy of us what we can better and more cheaply sell to them, how can we prosper, and how make Oregon attain the Oregon that the state for her powers of climate and soli deserves to be? Where are men who are seeking op portunity? Where is enterprise that Is enterprise? plain talk Saturday night about that Southern Pacific land grant ln Ore gon, and it is to be hoped they not only heard but heeded and will re member It. This is a matter that the government cannot afford to Ignore any longer." ent rate of Increase they will before a finoooo to loo ooo ooo more to ther other provinces In Chins, and military busted remains. number. critics are already anticipating the tlm. 'on ar tnes" tnievmg price, going to w . . . . when the Chinese army will be num. laet? What 1. going to be the out- Thls extra population must obtain an . ..." I kw,i u .a ha ik. outlet. Japan la already overcrowded, IT:"' IV""":'"'"' I " m,n,.,., .k. and it wa. largely the pre.sure of popu- could 'wltgn Tv. 7aar. "hav.Vn a7 Journkll.t who stood Mrl, "blj. ta th. little tin cod ln the communltic where U.mm kaala n.l, . a Aw 4 ia. Waa Japanese and Manchuria is absorbed, bllities of the next six year.. butcher, the baker, tha grooer and tha ' a . I - j " awa,Lisuiv vuii l a u w iirv giMifm m h n wnn iriui tun ciiiiiiiimB. i ... a . . . - - - "ST HI "ZAVl i l....""" will bo ne;d.d"at "Union bitwaVi now Its solemn treaty promise, and absorb a1, 'nln.k.lt Hkely, but an army rorea But when Corea Is overrun with of 1-(,0-000 to 1.500,000 on the field and Corea But when corea is overrun wiui M reaervea 1. quite within the possl- ipanese ana mancnuna i wnurum, Diiities or tne next six year., hat then? It thl. army la actually oontrolli The people of Japan naturally look the Chinese themselves I anticlpat Ith eager eyes to Australia. They see tie trouble from it. It will be a w ere an Immense continent which Is 0f defense in the hands of China With good management Grant county will be out of debt in two years. One Sherman county wheat field of 400 acres will yield 40 bushels an acre. A Butt. Creek man win have about 1.S00 ton. from two cuttings of alfalfa on 300 acrea e a with th weapon I and use the blue pencil unresisted. China, and I But It Is on the newly married eou- and October 1. nn arSa of Just ;l 000 000 war? f"?6" 1 Pton that were in ml.termed " good times." fill the more on an area or just s.uoo.uou square ths .i. not BO ionB. . pt ah.M I v, n.. . i. . k. I min8th. northern territories ther. ar. V?1 MjSmb.,".M.b " renouncing single blessed- 1 A North Tamhlll man has an acre of The harvest of the largest wheat crop ever grown ln eastern Oregon will begin this week, and as the price Is certain to be good the wheat growers up there will nave the wherewithal to secure some of those lots on Easy street that we have read about. still onlr nartlr settled br white mtn. iiii h. r.i..i, 'i" . D'1' " ? JT . - ..maa. ... i - - - - v . 1 1 ' n nuiiin 1 1 ilia . it 1 1 1 1 m i nina inn. rnnaa nrnnmnivii na.rHnr nrnaa . . . . . . . A Nortn lamnni man harvest ea over two tons of Royal Anna cherries from 75 reea. leaa than an acre. tnero are iAW , M , V.::.vT I 8 400 neonle on 628.620 eauare miles. To- " may ness nave an laea mat mey won nave r , : . . ... i I awi A Wl It W I yi ai artae a,ar sat t aa a. a. aa1 nhaw I day the Australian la ari ving rtne (Mnia Japanese jingoes openly speculate on think thev can live bn a smaJlbunch of pru"" that has yielded $100 a year for s to wash them . i K. a aaw I a I a wa a J w " uuiiuod a-UCaVll VV wj naja nv I n wa nn A 1 aa aa hOMmnlV tl a Villi VAIHaM t . r as) -- - ... men to come in from the outside. ffJS i?t??Sk ?"Ch..m,?..,Yp.-r: moon bovothe.1" .V? " "? 1 Now. It Is morally certain mat in tne v- "rr""r."' an average raarnea ine in nno, merely w-., th. two . Mvrtle future 'struggle for life, on this ptawt W 'Vt Ja?M a continuation of their "sparklng' nftrti?, ?uZ,th r.fhI?r"n?aZ Bit .irht" o. VcomoTlshment Sii ?-U.1 W id tnFSVZ: of land for I4.000T but thl. year he w"i.? ""J"'r".T'"t. T k. with opportunity: and a Chinese pmv K,."rj .V"i"" has sold it in three tracts for 8,000. II enwiva m w. i; i'v. "! anvarnii hv Jan.n wnM f. "l "V . ""T". " AY " enougn ror a wnua nauon io unciuro i TV- """".." rr v". ,!" tne anaaes oi nigni to mrow its man lie From a half acre a man near Milton that a stretch of land belongs to it. and "i? opportunity of being th. . ml.trew f darkness and secrecy around, so that L.. .IS a tn" -J?e DfJJi-- -23 that none other must come .there . nwon. or tne rac.no. but of the they can climb their neighbor', fenc. that t0o. when they were only 1 1 per wiii iio-vw iu nio.iv. vvv-.a,w.. - - . , m i cliiu uin.no v-a- w va bvu rrsu ann ini Troiii itiiimi nan nr thnm 1 A I tiflMIn Ywr tavrkflrl n tr Si n1 If I I m. . tirtM A e-aria. .a 4kal. ... t It'll I Jy liuiviui. "w. I ap. -t-. 1 a I twin tUI Ul W WU I vv uav a WWIll W 1JU v. z. Ti.hia i xne more lmmeaiAte atrti arw-in tnri j i wn v.. v. x-u I IICCUB VU. '.a n.'B. CUIIJUKai U1IB9 - WW1 W "til VIIV U1U 1rs A. r afl-lataai TelataJ 1..4 A .11 PrAHident Rooeevelt. for one. reoor-1 racial uDremacv will be warM in th Lnn" mnrm nnrrectlv ane.klnr. th iCcnoReffiater. irriRatefl iana i well Wl!1?"" of commerca Th. Japanese have husband. obliged to shin P will b 60.000 ore. o7Trrigated land Vu. r rrn,,.- h nraainant nra-aH been In the past a military rather than .. " A, '" . j " IVi ".T" soon bearing values every year running V." "'."i" T;,!';" iTv .w.i;. .- . . mo nopi. nen auu, li. nun ai y. in.- tnllllnni nf rtnllara on mm wim an nu mra " "i,"'" I cominerciai people, xne merchant was when the Joyous young couple l. reduced nroblem before Australia la the peopling I h. I , ....u .tr.it. that thav hv. tn hut.. With white men of it. northern terrl- - ""1 "r" 8 . 'uV",lun' ri wHh the appalling .7 .Albany. 1. not as large a. London. torles. ,M . . f'""r": "."l" "uiI " 10 BOme rTJphtherla In Here; Keep OutI" In Nw York, Chicago, or even Portland. japan or onina wuiu wuitr ui "rem i muni, out me Japanese are more and I thai front aata tn scare awav tha a man oecame luoi in mat ary town absorb northern AustraJla They ar. a.votlnm thernlielves to trayi. Th- uhlnultous bill collector. " and wandered around for three hours not going forever to enaure m-eaiy - v -.an uin woman TO before he succeeded by asking quasuawis v. . i . i. in , .., Manv AniTranana i ia.i low .years, earieciaiiv tne rwrnn i - . J. . . . ' . J . v. t m . v,..), . v. . . r. uoniB . k , . . .. . - - must et married, li vour neart. vearn """ 1n. in. war hav . . V. . J m I v . ... - . I rm r rf Alt for double bie..eanee. ana wui not be japan into a strong industrial position, denied, don t marry a bum doctor, an out Many recognise th!., and the coming Aus tralian navy is one result of such recog nition. What i. true of northern Aus tralia is equally true of Hawaii and the Philippines. ANOTHER OPPRESSIVE TRUST. There is one week more of the Chautauqua assembly at Gladstone Park, and It deserves an Increased attendance. Those who provide this annual season of entertainment and Instruction merit substantial encour agement and support. Just for a small piece of reform, suppose the council prohibits those nerve-racking little peanut stand whistles. They are a small but to many an annoying nuisance, not ln the least necessary to the vendors. T HE Pendleton East Oregonlan says that It is Informed by grav eling men who visit all the cities of the Pacific northwest that building In all of them, as well as ln that own has- practically ceased, because "the sawmills in the northwest lumber trust have tabled the price of lumber until It Is- im possible to build." Because, of this, the Pendleton pajier eays, "the countxy. must stagnate andLthe towns Since it Is such a hard Job to se lect a mayor of San Francisco, why not consult Abe Ruef, since he has turned reformer? He might know a good man for the place. The vice-president is a temperance man and a Methodist, and if nothing but that cocktails story stood In the way he might be nominated and elected president. Critic, of automobllists will have to admit that .o far outomoblllng haa been more dangerous to Its devotees than to bYStaadaraM Next to the expansion of race comes the growth of arma. Japan Is straining her reaourcea to increase her navy and army. Last autumn the Dreadnaught was launched, tha finest battleship in the world, and the wonder of all lands. few week, afterward Japan launched the Satsuma, greater than th. Dread' naught. A comparison of the two ves vels is of interest: Dreadnaught Displacement, 18,000 tons; length, 620 feet; beam, S3 feet H-,..irht 2 tnut: horsepower. 23.000 armament. 10 12-inch guns; 27 12- nniinriAra: artead. 21.6 knots. Satsuma Displacement, 19,200 tons; lenerth. 482 feet; beam. 88 feet; nnht- 27 14 feet: horsepower. 18.000 armament, 4 12-inch guns; 10 10-lnch guns; 12 120-millimeter guns; speed, 20.26 knots. Today Japan ha. far and away the .imnniit fleet on the Paclflc. and her sailors are seoona to nvnv in iu wuuu. A new 22.000-ton warship 1. now ln course of construction. The Japanese army has been working unceasingly since the close of the war. to remove the weaknesses mat were reveaiea men. The cavalry, Japan's poorest arm, is helna: transformed, and the artillery 1. I being reeauipped. Four new divisions f halt, .AA.A tn th arm v this vear. and the introduction of a two years' service will before long add 60 per cent to the strength or the inrantry service. Oreat as tha additiona have been dur ing the past few months, they are not sufficient to eatisfy the atrong military party ln the mikado's dominions. There 1. no need to speak of the splendid courage of th. Japanese sol dier. He has revealed himself a. one of tha finest Infantrymen on earth.' He will endure any hardship with a smile, and nothing 1. too 'difficult for him to attempt. The nation that produced tha heroes who attacked Port Arthur, and who swept all before them at Mukden and at Lloayang, ha. proved It. man hood. If the Japanese generalship did not, in the past, prove equal to the magnificence of the troops, .vary effort will ln the future be mad. to do batter next tlma Japan, planted by nature In a position where attack on her. horn, territories 1. almost Impossible, is crc atlas; to . Th- n. win, wh.h t.v ..... o.,it-a-the-heels lawyer, a seedv editor. f""cl Attorney jucraaaen oi vor- , -...v... a, wimiw . miniat-i" nn't m.ira vains naa been -over to Newport, ana "u",m , mainiy ouut in . British JA- f.t-l mistake these day. of .kv-hie-h M" consequence ot one man wa. fined 1200 ere for yaras; me new Japanese navy is belna- n... n.t . v,.;i,. ana three others iioo eacn ana th built at home. '' hii7n,,i are other indictments against them. great Kawasaki Xd.VoVa'w' merchant, or even a villainous plumber violating the local option law. STr" -uaB.a?i yar?s,at Kobe- I saw and your day. will be long upon the triuon or nearin ful1 oi P'-ant John Schmlts took up a homestead what the" VmSr ivlm'- your heart, full of gladsome over a year ago, and this summer, on wnalJ.n." ve8Be' wre for. lhl. is the I . whlrh is mora vital than ail new ground and without irrigation. h? new uninese navy.- mv a-iiMa tni 1 m I 7. ' . . . . " , ..... 1 K. a ...... nnt.frn-a vVib will ,ti.l4 Tnnr vaara un k, ,,TV- v me rest put togevnor, your nungry mue !"""" . " " jfour years ago the order, for these win full to renietinn nf thai $170. 8 acres of wheat and rye each. 14 This Date in History. I defeated .Philip II ship, would have gone to the Tyn. or 1.73 mf the Clyde. Today jpan 1. getting them, fat of th' land wiu irooiiiiij uiuen tor ouier roreign .hip. a. well. T .L . . . . . 1 wayan in iu near luture I. go ng to iiai Richard b? aFat Upbuilding nation. 8h .s L.11, oonin ShJ i nn P" Mr hz 14 10 Iole. defeated Teuton Knight. 000 tons. She Is not only going to build at Tannenberg. her own navy, but also she will ha a ,r,. SJ.iT.JL -,.. . rraat ahlnnlna- natinn . II iL - I ' . "- ununnu .V. "r.. . k me rn Rtatdholder. " clfio one finds, ln port after nnrt I -r...i vr-,i. v-i I "i ""pianipputg ev- 1778 Pennsylvania adopted a state n ., -Z2i 8 . v, 7 me greater constitution. number or ships arrlvlnar tndav ara I i dai jA.t .i., A v.... ?.? ' . . Pius-VII and Napoleon. ' . .Si co"r,a- ao not PPly to all 1808 Murat made king of Naples, ports. The Japanese arovernment In I itti Tha Peril at a AofaataA ot v,J uarnuuj metering its snipounaing and lencla. shipping industries by heavy subsidies. 1848 Restoration of tha temporal The Britl.h firms which try to compete power of the pope proclaimed. with them find that they are fighting 1867 Massacre at Cawnpor. by Nana nui an inuiviuuai out a rovemmenc with 1 Kfthih great resources of credit behind it 1878 British flag hfflsted at Cyprus. a a I 1883 "General -Tom Thumb") C. H. Japan 1. becoming an enormous cot- stton)rrn.famou" dwarf died. tf m.nnf.i,,H.. " 1880 The new Croton aqueduot toft manufacturing country. The Jap- opened in New York. aneses factory owner 1. not troubled 1885 Remain, of the Pltesel chll. by humanitarian laws.. He can employ ?LaniT,u0Kd,i-ha.y, child labor with little re.traint. The nto!' Holm,s- "".covered To- T.n-n a- mill- t--w U.l. . - . - V HHV': 1UIU. WI c. u intgaij mu acres of oatsand 19 acres of barley, all of which will ' yield well, and four horses, three cows and 800 chlckene, also a house, hi. place fenced, etc., and farm machinery, all paid for from the return, of two crops. on woman's labor, at a fraotlon over five pence per day, Thl. woman', labor 1. aided by children, who earn anything from a penny to three pence a day. The men are paid an average wag. of about eight pence a day. The, mill. ar. working day and night to cope with th. orders pouring Into them from Japan', new dependenclea They can obtain special rat, for their rood. Into Manchuria: they hav. been able, during tha last year, freely to us. Dalny, where they pay no duty, while the British hav. to go through New chwang, where a custom, duty 1. added to the cose of th. good a Th. Japanese exporter find, that gov ernment money can b. had at a low rat. of. interest to help, bis MUroal trade., An Ad That Makes People Tired, From the New Tork Sun. "Now watch 'em yawn," said the guars on a auoway express as paasen- er. were piling aboard at the Brooklyn ridga station. A woman wit down and looked up at an advertisement showing a yawning baby. Soon she yawned and yawned and pawned. Other, near her gazed up at the advertisement and fol lowed suit This started th. people on tha opposite aid. of tha car yawning, although they didn't aee tha tod." "I've never seen so many Open coun tenances before in my Ufa as r hav. .inc. that picture was placed ln these car.." .aid the guard a. he throw open the door and howled "Fourteenth atraat "-&nan- tor local tnUnaV , , , "An East Side Bank Side People." for East THE RIGHT WAY To save money i. to have a sav ing, account and add to It regu larly from your earning. By thl. method you hav. a con stantly growing account and on. that will be of great 'use to you in case of a rainy day or when opportunity for Investment pre sent. its.lt. If you oan open aa aooovnt with no mora than 11.00, 70a should do so. We invit. aoooant. of 11.00 and tip from man, women and children, on which we pay 4 per cent Interest, compoun semi-annually. Commercial Savings Bank XJTOTT AJTD WXLXOAM ATH. George w. Bates.... . S. Blrr.1. . .President ....Cashier OaJta '.yi-j3.. -'