The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 15, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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f v. .y;-;- jef.v.v- .
Eusene Schneider Fr. bk. .Newcastle, X
let. Louis. Fr. sh. .Nswcastle, A.
Truro ItMuin am BdiM.
flenrlk Ibsen. Nor. str. j .nan rraoctseo
Queen Aleiandra, Br. str. . .... .Madras
Thyre. Nor. a. San Francisco
Btrethness, Br. at r.... Port Los Angeles
Oil OarrlM Kb Boat.
Argyll, Am. atr Port Harford
Catania, Am. atr GavloU
The Nom City arrived In Astoria thta
mornlnr and left uti at B o'clock. flhe
comes with a cargo from southern Cali
fornla In which Is included a shipment
of 11,000 barrel of aaphaltaum for tha
tjarDer Asphalt company, .
Buoertntendent Frank J. Smith of the
Open Hlver Transportation company,
who was taken seriously 111 Saturday
afternoon at hla office with an attack of
heart trouble, will leave the laat of
thin week for a much needed rest In the
mountain or at no me summer reaort.
It la probable that Frederick Snlpea
rill asaume hla dutlea during; ma id-
Repair are being made to the Chlneae
Irate chaser whang Ho. which hna
een a notable attraction at the Oak
lnre carlv In the season. The boat waa
brought down to the ahlpyarda thla
morning:, where aha win be rained ana
supplied with a new mast. One of the
latter waa lost while the vessel wn off
the Columbia river bar on the way In.
I The ateamer Alliance arrived at As-
torla thla morning- and will reach port
The doctor "thinks"
The doctor treats
The specialist KNOWS
The specialist CURES
v ...
The doctor
relieves the
Th ZitadlBa BpeoUllat.
A good doctor has some in
struments and equipment
for all ailments.
The specialist goes further t
and removes the cause. '
A good specialist has ALL
scientific mechanical aids
for his specialty.
sweat peaa. aeven reet high, la the
marvel?ua growth in the yard at the
realdence of C. J Parrlah, 69S Weldler
at reet. They are a high aa a person
Hedge In the Garden of C. L. Parrlsh.
of ordinary atature can reach and have
bloomed prolificacy during? the entire
Sweet pea vlnea sometimes grow very
luxuriantly but seldom attain a height
of aeven feet as these have done, uau-
allv when aucht a growth Is accom-
Dllahed verv few blosoma are put on.
but in this caae the bloaaoms have been
Immense Traffic Carried by
Vessel to The Dalles This
Open Kiver Steamer Has Two Hon-
dred and Forty-Four Passengers
on Board Telephone and Spencer
Tied Up Temporarily.
With 244 passenger's on board, over
100 tons of freight and 15 head of
horse, the ateamer J. N. Teal broke all
Its previous cargo records this morning
when It vailed down the Willamette on
the way to The Dalles. Additional pas
engers and freight were picked up at
Vancouver when the boat put In there
earlv this forenoon.
The Open Hlver boat will also be
iflVER fdi
r 1 n
loaded heavily tomorrow upon its return
trip from The allea; in fact will be the
only boat on the river plying between
the two points. The steamer Telephone
la In harbor waiting to take a party of
excurslonlata to Cascade locks tomorrow
and the ateamer Charlea R. Spencer Is
tied ud at the foot of Alder street. The
boat's wheel is belna torn down to re
pair flanges and will not be ready for
operation again before Wednesday.
With both theae ateamer out of com
mission the Teal thla morning carried
freight for ail three besides passengers.
Additional life preserver were taken on
board the Teal from the other two
boats, extra seata were provided and
other accommodation for the many paa-
aengera. Heretofore the passenger list
on the Teal has aeldom exceeded 60 for
a single .trip.
filek Haadaeh and relieve all tbe trouble In ai
dant to a bulou state of the system, such as
DlxxlnaM, Naosaa. Crowdaau, Distr after
eating. Pain In the Side, to. While tbair moat
ramarkable race has bean ahowa in ouiiug
Baadache, yet Carter' Little Liver Pills are
equally valaable in Constipation, onring and pre
venting tnlsannoylngoomplalntwblle tbar else
correct all disorder of tbeatomachtimulate the
lirer and regulate the bowels. X ren IX they only
A aha tbey won Id be almoftprtoalesa to those who
oner from till dli treating complaint; but f ert
BaUly tbelrgoodneas doe notend heretnd those
who once try them will find thee little pill valu
able in o many war that they will not be wil
ling to do witbont them. But after all atca beta
X the bane of so many lives that her Is where
we make our exeat boast. Our Pills cure II while
other ao not.
vw a adver rutm are Try imui wm
verjwaay to taae. vne or two pius maa a uoaa.
Thsy are atriotly vegetable and do not grip or
parse, but by their gentle action please all who
Cams vtsienn oo vmr xou.
hill U.0S9. Jiillfe
Unusually Long Spell of High Water
Will Be Broken Tomorrow.
According to observations made by
District Forecaster E. A. Deals and pub
lished this morning, the Willamette
river will fall below the 18-foot stage
and an unusually long period of high
water will be broken. The stream
mounted above the 16-foot stage on
May 21 and has remained there for
nearly two months, the highest point
being: reached June 6 when the river
touched If. 2.
This waa the year when It was ful!y
expected Front street would be Inun
dated, but while tha river has been high
for eight weeks, only once during tliut
time has it approached the flood mark.
The fact that the commission district
has not suffered inconvenience from ex
cessive high water is due to the gradual
melting of the snow in the mountains
and ,the lack of long hot apells which
would have put the river on a rampage.
In speaking of conditions, Mr. Deals
said this morning:
' Notwithstanding the heavy ran or
anow In the mountains, the river nas
caused no flood, but his remained high
throughout an unusually long period.
It was the prevalent opinion this year
tat f ront street would do flooded, but
It has been demonstrated that it is not
the amount of snow In the mountains
but the rapidity with which It melts
that effects the Willamette. The fact
that there have been no protracted hot
apells has saved the commission Ola
trict from heavy loss mis year.
orders to the police department to
notify the wholesale houses to clear
away the boxes which have blocked the
atreet to me puouc. ine action waa
taken at the request of Harbormaster
Spier arter city Attorney n.avanaugn
determined that the ground was owned
by the city.
Astoria. July 15. Arrived at :10 and
left up at ( Bm. fiteamer Nome City,
from Ban Francisco.
Ban Francisco, July It. Art-lrea
Steamer Oeo. W. Elder, from Portland
and way ports.
Astoria. July U Arrived down at
and sailed at 11:10 a.m. Steamer Au-
rella, for Ban Francisco. Arnvea aown
at 10:30 a. m. and sailed at 1 p. m.
Steamer Atlaa. for Ban Franoisco. Ball
ed at 2:S0 p. m. Schooner J. H. Luna
man, for San Francisco.
San Francisco. July 18- Sailed
Barge Washougal In tow of tug Bamson,
for Portland. Arrived Steamer Yose-
mlte, from Portland.
Astoria, July IS. conoiiran or m
bar at 8 a m.. smooth; wind nortnwest
6 mile; weather, cloudy.
Tides at Astoria today nign water.
S:15 a m.. 7 7 feet; 4:21 p. m., 7.7 reeu
Low water :6 a. m., 0.4 reel; p.
m . 2 8 Teet.
I have treated hundreds of men who had ong suffered a gradual decline of phygkal and. mental energy
as a result of private ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general Improyement that
follows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My succus in curing difficult cases f long standing has
made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases This success is due to several things. It is due
to the study I have given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of rrten's aiments, and
to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ.
To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow
neglect, I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your ease
is one of the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge
my services upon anyone. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat.
You Pay When Cured $101
My Fee in Any Uncomplicated Case t) JLJ i
Kerala Zln era So to Arrive.
Columbia, San Francisco July 22
Breakwater, Coo Bay July 19
Alliance. Cooa Day July 16
Roanoke. San Pedro and way.... July IS i nil . duet eliminator and the
Cota Rlra, San Francisco July 17 . , rv,mm.rHil Coun
Jlll II I.e. inmi.i -
(Special DUpateh to Tb Journal.)
Salem, Or., July 15. Salem believes
O. W. Elder. San Fodro and way.July II
juiy ii
Nlcomedla. orient
Numantla. orient Auauat li
Arabia, orient Sept. 1
Begalar XUaera to Depart.
Redondo, Seattle and way July 16
Breakwater, Coos Bay July 16
Columbia. San Franclco July 16
John Paulaon
Alliance Coos Ilav
Roanoke. Han Pedro and way . . . . juiy is
and other atreets has proved euceeaaful.
It has been discussed, however, that
with the kind of soil found here the dust
mint h removed nrevlous to theanplloa
tlon of the oil. On heavily graveled
rtreets th application or the oil. even
livhtiv hnm nrnved a atrong dust erad-
.July 1 irtor The offensive smell of the crude
f i H la8t onlv a aav or " na l"" "
. . . j ii j y
So-called "weakness" In men Is
curable fully curable. It has not
been cured by those measures
commonly employed, for they are
methods based upon supposition
and cot upon fact Premature
ness and loss of power in men is
due to a ohronlo state of inflam
mation In the prostate gland, and
not to a dlaordered nervous con
dition, as has been supposed. I
treat the Inflammation by a local
process that does not fall to ac
complish Its purpose, and with
this condition corrected full and
complete strength and vigor re
turns. STRICTURE My treatment Is
absolutely painless, and perfect
results can be depended upon In
every Instance. I do no cutting
or dilating whatever.
Contracted Disorders
Every case of contracted dlaease
I treat is thoroughly cured; my pa
tients have no relapaes. When I
pronounce a case cured there is not
a particle of Infection or inflamma
tion remaining-, and there Is not the
slightest danger that the dtaeaae
will return In Its original form or
work its way into the general sys
tem. No contracted disorder is so
trivial as to warrant uncertain
methods of treatment, and I especi
ally solicit those oases that other
doctors have been unable to cure.
X have tha largest praottoe ke-
eevuM X Invariably falsi! mr boss-
My Colored Chart abovtasr
male anatomy and affording' aa ta-
wnnuf sanay in blob's
frwe at ofSoe.
Without using knife, llgaturaor
caustlo, without pain and without
detention from oualneam, I our
Varicocele in on week. If you
have sought a our elsewhere an4
been disappointed, or If you fear
the hareh methods that moat pby
siclsns employ In treating this
disease, corns to me and 1 Will
cure you soundly and permanent
ly by a gentle and painless)
method. Don't delay. Varioooela '
has It dangers and brings Its dla
aatrous resulta If you will eaJl
I will be pleased to explain my
method of curing.
No dangerous minerals to drive)
tbe virus to the Interior, bat
harmless blood-cleansing raise
dies that remova tha last poison
ous taint
'"PU lH.e- Pe-wrl. Corner Second and Morrison Sts. Private
J X 11C J-l X Cly 1U1' JU. Entrance 234 1-2 Morrlsw St. Portland, Or. J
Patients living out of the city and coming to Portland for treatment will be furtshed fin room fre of oharsT.
nertlon that the streets where oil has
Costa Rica. San Francisco July tO k..n ,nnii m hotter than others h
O. W. Elder. San Pedro and way.July 14 v.r been conclusively proved.
Aiesia, orient juiyiii Another earioan or on nas iimn mni
Nlcomedla, orient August o nv Mfivor Rodgers ana win do ais
Numantla. orient. August 2 trlbuted along State street and on
Arabia, orient September 11 Twelfth as tnr as the depot, one of the
Vessels In Port. dustiest highways in tne cuy.
Alesla. Oer. sh Montgomery No. 1
Yola. Br. sh uievstor a oca
Jordanhlll, Br. by Astoria
Zlnlta Br. bk .East Pin
Llllebonne, Am. sch. ..O. R, & N. Alblns
Wasnucta Am. barge. .University Mill
Chehalls. Am. bktn Knappton
J. H. Lunsman. Am. sch Stella
Paul Jones. U. S. N Astorls
Maori King, Br. ss Stream
Alvena, Am. sch Westport
M. Griffith, Am. bktn Stella
Dalgonar, Br. sh Columbia No. 1
Mathilda, Nor ss Portland Lbr Co.
Wallacot. Am. barge. University Lbr Co.
Alumna, Am. sch Drydock
Bee. Am. sch. . .Willamette I. A S. Wks.
Not the least of the large Improve
ments at Tiuamooa conicuiiimi
m.nin Potter A Co. In the general up
building of that section s a IBO-room
hotel to oot $150,000. A local architect
has been commissioned to prepare the
plans for th proposed structure. i ne
main building will be four atorles In
height, with two wings, each three
stories high.
For a Good Complexion,
Health and Beauty.
Steamship President Report Condi'
tions at Sea to Weather Bureau.
Two wireless messages were received
this morning by District Forecaster E.
A. Beals, from the Steamship President,
through the government station at
North Head. The condition of the
weather and sea reported will be re
celved with interest bv the owners of
log rafts which left down Saturday.
The first message received at the
custom house at 7 o'clock this morning.
The President Sunday night was 175
miles south of North Head and re
ported oonditlona at 11 o'clock, as fol
"Partly cloudy. Barometer 80:0J rls
Ing. Wind N.-N. W. strong, rising,
Heavy swell.
The second wireless message from
the steamship was received this noon
while tne President was 60 miles west
of North Head, as follows:
"Weather cloudy. Barometer 80:10,
Wind northwest. Heavy northwest
Major Orders Wholesalers to Clean
Up Stark Street Landing. ,
Boxes and rubbish which have been
piled up for many weeks by the whole
sale houses at the Stark street slip
will have to be moved or those respon
sible ror tne unsignuy collection will
be taken Into court to answer charsres
which will be preferred against them.
Mayor Jbane this morning Issued
5 acres on Southern Pacific Ry., 9 miles from Portland, all
cleared and in high state of cultivation ; son public road; soil
rich and lays well. Price Sjlr(Kr; one-third cash, balance ori
5 acres l3 mile from carline; all nice rich level land; on fi
jjuuiii. ludu, uiic-uiuu LicaicU) umauic atumi iiiiu. irriCC
$750; $200 cash, balance to suit purchaser.
8 acres mile from Willamette river; all cleared; in good
state of cultivation; 1 block from carline; new house, partly
fenced. Price, $3,800 ; $1,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser.
4 acres 1 block from carline, lA mile from Willamette
S river; half cleared; balance light timber; on good public cor
net Prfre SI .ftOrt half raeh .
4 acres mile from street carline, soil rich and lays well;
on public road. Price, $800.
7 acres on street carline adjoining station; all cleared:
8 lavs well with beautiful shade trees. Suitably located for I
cutting into lots. Price $4,300 ; $1,000 cash, balance on time. I
1 acri IX rm'1a (mm Wniamff fif all iis LaI 1nM4.l
part stump pasture ; balance good timber. Price S175 per H
acre, ah lays just ngnt tor .cutting into acre tracts. :
15 acres mile from Southern Pacific Ry.; all rich
'smooth land ; half cleared : balance stumo pasture : on nuhHi'
road. Price $150 jper acre. $500 cash, balance' to suit pur
chaser. ' . j -- t-mtr? z
For choice acreage with no rock nor gravel call on
&e Shaw-Fear ' Company
Yosemlte, Am. ss Astoria
Redondo, Am. ss Couch
X,ombr Carriers En Boat.
Mabel Gale. Am. sch San Frjotsco
Retriever, Am. bktn San Francisco
South Bay. Am. str Ban Francisco
Echo. Am. bktn San Franclaco
Melrose, Am. sch Ban Pedro
Sailor Boy, Am. sen Ban iranciaco
Alden Besse, Am. bk Ban Francisco
Louisiana Am. bk Ban Pedro
Irene. Am. sch San Diego
Washington, barge San Pedro
Aurella, Am. str San Francisco
James Rolph, Am. sch .'..San Francisco
. Xn Bout' With Cement and General.
J: . ..An Bin
.. i.n, . i The nrsi sxory miu ivuiw-hvm ...
hairn Br ss MpraeJ bo of stone, with the superstructure of
h"aJrn. Br- 8R M';7? rrnma. The hotel will have a double
front, one facing the ocean and the
other Tillamook bay. The building will
occupy an elevated signi ivv ieei nuuvu
hlrh tide, and when completed will be
the nnest seaside noiot in uiiuu.
(loarnsl , Bpedl Bertie )
London, July 15. Further particulars
are published concerning the unprece
dented Judgment tor $1,135,000 which
has been glvenbln favor of Senora Con
ception Benltes De Belstgegul, a Span
ish ladv. aralnst Frank Aa Colx Qard-
ner, the Ausfrlan gold mining million
aire. The action was brought to re-
rnvnr monev loaned between 1885 and
1908. It was advanced In the form of
cash and securities through the lady s
secretary, Boberano, who la charged with
aiding Gardner to defraud her. Gard
ner, part of wVjbs eventful life was
spent in Ban I'Tancisco, nas a princeiy
home In Avenue De Bols Du Bologne,
The suit was brought In London In
stead of Paris on account of the French
law which would compel the plaintiff to
pay 125,00O of the amount recovered to
the French government
(Bpediil D1ptfh to The Jonrntl.)
Boise, Ida, July IB. A meeting of the
Western Retail Lumber association,
composed of lumber dealers in eastern
Oregon and western Idaho, will be held
at Nampa, July 20. Several prominent
lumbermen form the east will attend
the meeting.
Buccleuca, Br. sh
Brenn. Fr. bk
Conway Castle, Br. bk
Europe, Fr. bk
Oenevleve Mollnos, Fr. bk.
Rene Kervller, Fr. sh
Laennec, Fr. sh
;.e Pilier. T bk
Martha Roux. Fr. bk
Mozambique, Br. sh,
Samoa, Br. bk
Slam. Oer. sh
Thiers, Fr. sh ,
, .Antwerp
, .Antwerp
, . . London
I .end on
.Newcastle, K.
.Newcastle, E.
Vincennes, Fr. bk Glasgow
Marechael Turrene. Fr. bk Hamburg
Ytlle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp
Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp
Plerrl Lotl. Fr. bk Antwerp
Walden AbboyT Br. sh Antwerp
Glenesslin, Br. sh Antwerp
Versailles. Fr. bk Lelth
General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk. . .London
General de Negrler. Sr. bk London
Bayard, Fr. bk Antwerp
Vllle de Dijon. Fr. bk .Antwerp
Coal Ships Sb Bouts.
Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle. A.
Col. de VUlebols Marenll.Fr. bk
Newcastle. A.
Claverdon, Br. sh Newcastle. A.
Wtllseott, Am. bk Newcastle. A.
Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
St. Mirren, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Crlllon, Fr, bk Newcastle, A.
Ardeocralg, Br. bk Newcastle, A.
Charles Wright, proprietor of the Ore
gon hotel, purohased a new automobile
the other day and took Municipal Judge
Cameron for a ride. After proceeding
about tho city for a while in a leisurely
manner Mr. Wright "opened up" the
throttle several notches to push the
atmosphere to one side mons rapidly.
Judge Cameron grabbed the side of the
teat with one hand, his hat with the
other and said in a trembling voice
with bated breath, "Don't go so fast,
Charley;, you see I am so well known
The brakes were applied after his
honor had taken In a few more kaleido
scopic views of blurred buildings, and
soon after the twain returned to the
Next morning when the usual array
of weary wanderers confronted Judge
Cameron one particularity dilapidated
specimen stepped forward and said he
was from McMinnvlIle and would leave
town if theludge could see It that way.
"Just give me two minutes, your
honor, and I will be out or town.
With that he started toward the door
to make his promise good, when Judge
Cameron called mm oacx.
'"No," said his honor, "I won't let you
fo on that condition. I will give you
2 minutes to get out, in order to save
rou from being arrested for breaking
he speed limit?'
The tramp iert tne courtroom with a
knowing smile, and now Judge Cameron
i wondering whether he saw the court
take the automobile ride.
FOR Clear Eyes
Pure Complexion
Sweet Breath
Clean Tonrue
Calm Nerves
Good Temper
Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect
you need It. Cany a Utile 10c Emer
gency box constantly with you, In your
Purse or Pocket.
When do you need one ?
When your Tongue is coated
When you have Heartburn, Belch
ing, Acid Risings In Throat
When Pimples begin to peep out
When your stomach Gnaws and
That's the time to check coming Con
stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
That's the time to take a Cascaret
One tablet taken whenever you suspect
you need it will insure you against 90 per
cent of all other Ills likely to attack you.
Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken,
don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.
They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to
contract and propel the Food naturally
past the little valves that mix Digestive
Juices with Food.
This stronger action produces greater
nutrition from food and perfect elimina
tion of useless mateials.
It makes the blood purer, healthier
and more reconstructive, insuring a fine,
clear color and complexion.
Then carry the little ten-cent box con
stantly with you In your purse, and take
a Cascaret whenever you suspect you
need It.
All Druggists sell them over ten mil
lion boxes a year.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulkt Every
tablet stamped "CCC." n7Bl
Mine edict
Saloonman and Brewer's
Representative Come to
GriefGrocers Open.
If not, you owe it to yourself to ba madt whole
and strong, as manly man should be. We
cure all private diseases of men. Our fee is
low, as small as $10.00 in most cases, and our
ability Is unquestioned. We are the oldest
specialists curing men in Portland.'
FEE KJJ M. a i sv niti miirno i nr-rv
in most cases NU rAY UNLDa LUKCli
Special Diseases Newly contracted and ohronle caass eurad, AU
burning, Itchlns and Inflammation stopped In li hours; eures effeateel
in seven daya We eorsr the satire field of Cpeolal aad Chronlo, Desp-Saa-ted,
Complicated I) is ease.
If you have a disease or weakness peculiar to men your oondltion
calls promptly for the best treatment the medical profession affords.
We have thoroughly mastered infirmities of this character. Our bust- '
ness and professional methods are clean. While we are naturally an,
bltious to cure as many men as possible, yet we want to do so on a
fair aad square basis, with mutual eonxldeaee between phyaiolaa amd
patient. Ou ohleet is not so much So do the work that ether doetora
oan do, but rathei to do toas wnica ny eat
in particular is obstinate oases j eases whloh
all kinds of inferior treatment. The k
years are at youx eemoe. .
Sy the latest and beet methods we etna, to remain eared, TaJSZOOem ,
ox xjroTTED -ram, bxvoos roxsoir. kmto-yitax. buxutt. .
BXJUDDZB and CBIR Troubles, aad ail associate jlssassa asal weeds--
n eases with their reflex complications. . .
We make no misleadlnf statements, deoepttre or nabnahissei Hie
proposition to the afflicted, neither do we pro miss to ease taeca m m
few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to eeeure taste
patronag-e. Honest doctors of recognised ability do net leeort to sues
COSTBTTLTATZOir TMXM AJTO uTTITID Our reputation and wort
are not a mushroom growth. We have been curing; men for ST years.
write if you cannot call. All correspondence stnouy conriaentiaj
and all replica sent in plain envelope, incic
OFFICE HOURS a. m. to 6 p. rn.
9 a. ra. to 13 noon.
so. What we solicit
hare been made worse br
The knowledfe, skill and experience of '
Inclose 2-cent stamp to Insure
evenings, T to 1:19; Sundays
j (jToornal 8peclal Scrrics.)
Berlin, July 15. A unique sensation
Is belrK provided here by Raymond Dun
can of Ban Francisco, brother of the
well-llnown "Greek dancer" Isador Dun-
ean, Who has endeavored to persuade
the world In reneral. and Germany In par
ticular, to return to the customs and
apparel of Greece.
Dunwan and his wife, who is a Greek,
have been shocking Berlin for the past
four months by appearing In the streets
and stiops clad n Greek negligee. Their
outfits! consist of draperies thrown
ever, . UuHti f&ouUtra sM eU-
I 'looaoljt
playing most of their limbs below the
knees, while their feet are Incased In
sandals. Duncan's strange appearance
la accentuated by the way he wears his
hair, which falls to his shoulders. He
and his wife are usually accompanied
on the street by a Greek boy, who serves
as nurse to their baby, and is similarly
dressed. When the Duncans first came
to Berlin admittance was refused them
at several hotels on account of their
scanty attire.
Next month Duncan, assisted by sing-
era and dancers, will perform Euripides' '
"Alcestis" In the National theatre in
Grunewald Forest, oa the outskirts of I they had been warned by the patrolmen
Bexlia, jx& lMA XaerewvB elossi tbsic Alace-
Two dispensers of liquid refreshments
and a number of grocery stores took a
shy at the 8unday closing statute yes
terday. As a result Tom Fallon, pro
prietor of a notorious saloon at Third
and Couch streets, was arrested by off!
cers Edgeston Abbott and Johnson for
furnishing two men with liquor. The
arrest was made at 4:20 o'clock in the
morning and Fallon was required to
put up 100 ball to insure his appear
ance in police court this morning. Al
bert Hlttehner of the Portland Brewing
company was arrested by Detectives
Kay and Kelnlin for selling kejre of
beer to John Jacovich of 770 Bavier
street and to Anton Pregenser of 617
North Twenty-Blxth street. In both in
stances tne kegs were one quarter full
when the men were stopned with them
on their shoulders. Mlttehner was ar
rested at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon
and was released on 160 bail.
Officers from different parts of the
eity reported that a number of grocerv
siores naa opened during tne morning
for business but that in every instance
Other than this no breaches the law
were reported either In the city or
county during the day. The grocers
throughout the suburbs' ceased to supply
the improvident housewives who, like
the foolish virgins of parable fame,
naa-lected to lay In their suddUos
against tne time or necessity.
out over me county no case or vioia
tlon was discovered by the sheriff's
office and the day waa peaceful and
orderly. Not so many people took to
the woods and fields surrounding the
cltv yesterday aa old tne weea before.
owing perhaps to the coolness of the
day. In the little towns arOund the
border mere was liquid rerresnments,
but not much over-indulgence. As a
whole the day was orderly and the law
was observed with strick impartiality.
Mustang Liniment
fioesqulekly to tho
very oore of tho
dlsoaso and stops
tho moot deep-set,
exoruolatlng polite
almost Instantly.
Mad Naval Reservist! Firesh
Two Shots at President :
Mustang Liniment
Ouroa every allsaoei
sjfssda or Beast ,
that a good, fcoaoot
' Liniment oaa
None better ,
I Baaagoes
aooraal Bpeelat Serrtre ' '
Parts. July lS.Wholesale arrests ef
anti-militarists are being made as
result of the attempt of Leon UalUo to
assassinate President Failures yostor.
day. Maine Is held at tha prison where
alienists have ' examined him and do
clared hat he la demented. ' -
w ben -the president wss returalnf
from Long Champa, where ho had re
viewed tho garrison of Paris, two shots r
wore fired at him br Mallla who was
standing in "tho avenue des Champ
Klysee. Neither of the shots took effect
and bystanders declare that tho in anise
fired into tho air,
UalUe, it is learned, was a naval re.
servist at Havre who participated In the
recent seaman's strike. At that tlm.
it Is believed, he loet his mind through
fancied or real indignities foreed yvi
him by tho government Tho wouM r e
assassin refuses to make a. sta(m-' t
other than he has a wrong to right iu
the government
Irnpuro Wood runs ri nn-mv
you an easy victim tor r$ ,
Burdock Blood Bitters r - ' '
blood-t-curee tho cause p"-"" .
Vso Journal want ii U vt
(Of UfUa mawiiseme, .
a . ' . -r