.1007. 13 the' oregon : daily, journal; Portland," Monday, evening, julv.; w. r San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 7B9 Market St, bet 3d & 4th A&T rKTrsBMBWT tire - emu CU014S CIT3BX. . Oregonlans whan la San Pmnctaeo ran bsv thlr mall nt U car of Th- Journal offloa ARTHUR I FISH, Itprntatlva REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' ' ' NEW TODAY. MaMaJWaaasaaawia i J0Wr$l MvJjLjOOK AT TH&E i 900 Rare bargain. Lot on Mor- J. rit afreet, near Albina avenue. ' j Don't miss this snap. X R, 8. and Alma B. Holmea to J. . a. UinM intm 23. 34. it and 26 P SI, Peninsula addition No.. 2. ; Count Investment Co. to I B, V . Moulton. lot 4, block 3, Barton addition . ..................... 8. Pries to N. J. Lambrv iota i and (, block 21, lot . block 25.' portiand City Homestead.,,,... 1,800 Alovs Harold to S. C. Spencer at 1., lota 1, z ana a, diock 16, Good Morning addition. . . . . . . , Otto A. Frankopf to F. Fergonla, lot "A," ubdlvlalon of lot . 1, block 14, Portland Homestead tract -j t O. C. Larsen to if F. flack lot 21. block 6. In Arlata Park No, 1 Fred S. Rogers to Ada N. Dech- and, lot . diock I, in Arieta Park No. 4 W. J. Peddlcord at r.l to Hannah Johnson, lot 14, IS. IS and 17. block 2. Peddlcord ft Hurlburt'a addition Emma A. and Norman P. Smith to 8. P Bartlatt, lot 22, block 4. Woodlawn Heights James H. Dixon at al to David H. Leech, lota ZZ, ZS and 14, block 0. Terminus addition to Albina. D. H. Leech and Fannla W. Leech to Mollis E. Bowersox, lot 22, block 6. Terminus addition to Albina Emma L. and B. F. Doty to Ellen M. 8haw, lota 14 and IS. Mock 7. Flrland Frank T. Woodward and Ella T. Woodward to C. C. Yett, lot 4, block lit. Hoiiadays addition. 00 225 175 900 10 700 undertakers; DUNNING. M'ENTEB ft OILBAUOH, undertaker and embalm: modern In every detail Seventh and Pin. Main 430. Lady assistant. SeLLeh-bYrKes CO.. FUNERAL DI- rectors, emonimers, Z7 Russell. Eaat ipsa. I.afly asaiauint.' UNDERTAKING Aid HELP WANTED MALE."1! nnn -. -1 -i - m-..n. i"i ., . . . i , WANTED GOOD CEMENT FINISHER In city; steady work. Cole, room l. Jjibbe mag., cor, Phone Union 2704 Wash, and Id , at. KR1CKON embalming. 409 0113. Lady assistant. Jer at CO.. AND ft aln 1.400 1,100 1.000 150 2.150 135.000 Half block with trackage Frank L. and Minnie M. Lilly to in .. Twelfth street, or Jf- H KJ.er. lot 14, block 1 Of "... ... . I Bungalow Ulade . will build warehouse to suit tenant. 7 m. m. O'Nill et al to E. W. I Wright 6 acres of northwest 4.000100x100 Portland Heights; fine building site; terms. 500 f 8,800 g-room modern house on 1 quarter block, Portland Heights; fine view; very small aum aown. ' 1108. 10,800 Two 7-room houses on full Ipt near Portland academy; you 2,700 If NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING, v Notice Is hereby Riven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid wny OH company will ! hel.l at the office of Ladd at Tllton, Portland. Or., at a ociock p. m. on Wednesday, July 17. 1907, for the purpose of electing- a board 'of directors and for the transac tion of such other business as may com before the meeting. WILLIAM M. YVHIDPEN. Secretary. SH1NOLER AND PLASTERER WANT- en. rnoia penwoop ti. CASH COMMISSION TO ADVERTIS inc; solicitors who can ''deliver th roods." Western Elk and other live pub- III .iniin. nvfl vjiAninuiinn otfiiuill NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDKKS' MEET Ing The annuel meeting of the stock holders of th Coeur d'Alene Develop ment company, for the election of a board of directors tor the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business aa may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oregon, on August 5, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. GEORGE K. HOLMAN, Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development company. Portland. Oregon. Julv 11. 1S07. . i ; PRINTERS. PRE68FEEDER8, PAPER rulers, printing help wanted, furnished; plants bought, aold. Northwest- News imp w Brokerage. Goodnougb Building. Main 5651. Established li. Branch in Seattle. - 1 - BARTENDER. EXPERIENCED, SOBER and reliable, with flrst-elass refer ences, desires position. Addrea K-421, SITUATIONS 1 WANTED -MALE. A. YOUNG MAN. 21 TEARS OF AGE, Ilv and nergetlo, with gooa eauo tlon and excellent habits, and at present employed, wishes to make a connection with soma reputable business firm; ha nan year or rirsi-ciae bu innvnefl, nKvmR luiiGiiini. , acted aa office clerk and sold goooa on the road: can furnish ,aceient raier ences. Address B-412, Journal. PREISER ON PANTS; Mtisf BE good, weedy. 207 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED JOB PSESS FEEDEll Lioose card Board Co.. 6S Sth st.'- corner of section 1. townshlD 1 south, range 1 east 1.250 John B. Quay to Wslter F. Brooks, part or the west H or the south east Vi of section 8, township 1 horth. ranre 1 west 1.600 Michael Materhofer and Theresa Malerhofer to Ernst E. Lang, lots I and 4. block 2, North Al bina I.7I0 Ellen and Nlcholla Boskovlc to Henry Merger, lota l and z. block I,' Fernbrook 125 carrefceupy one house and leave the s. a and c. a. Hatch to Ju gust R. 1 other rented to present tenants; ' nair casn. iuuu. f 3,650 S-room house on East Main near Twenty-second street; two blocks from Hawthorne car; terms arranged.' 1303. 81,800 .room modern cottage on . . a r e 1 WEATHER REPORT and Margaret SUlnskl. lot 12. block 15. subdivision In Proeb stels addition to Albina 2.200 Leoua C. and L. C Jones to Ma. thlas N. Roth, lots t and 7. block . Lexington Heights 4E0 Portland Realtv A Trut Co. to C. K. Hatch, lots 4 and t. block 0. Laurelwood ' 200 W. H. and Minerva J. Tuttlt to Thlrxa J. Povey. lot 1. block 10. ' cr.i(V ,.,t; j C.11. ftieagiy Hignianrt i.doo corner .v, wv.. yAn aBHTRACTS. TITLE INStfR wwu, vhu. -w. ancaf or mortgage loans, call on Pacific I TltlA & Trair t "inalK-a.T ITttlllftflr AAAA M . . f .ww u .V.t .v-w-.-. ........ w.ui. 4?uuB-room inoaenx nouse on t6UR INSURANCE a!ID AB last coucn near i nirry-nrsi aircet, streets to real estate from th Title 50x100, near East Ankeny car; Guarantee ft Trust Co.. 240 Washington f 5,000 A beautiful 6-room entirely modern cottage on lUUxllAJ; corner Sine Saturday evening a storm of da- East Ninth and Wygant Streets; c,oea cnaracter na aavancea rrora tne 3,000 cash. 1406, : valley. It ha caused showers and thunderstorms In all th northern states from th Pacific ocean eaat to the great lakes and the rainfall in por tions or me Missouri, ana uDter Mia Isslppl valley waa excessive. At Oma ha 4. IS inches fell during the 24 hour ending with this report, and a fall of I. vi incnea occurred during the aame period at St. Paul. The temperatures on tne racino coast are general v from Ave to eight degree below normal and It 1 also cooler than usual In th At lantic atatea. Indication are for fair and warme: weather in tal district tomorrow, 1 emn. Max. Mln. Precln. Amariiio, lexaa ... 70 T. Baker City. Or 61 Chicago. Ill 80 Fresno, Cat. 8 NOTICE TO PARTIES CONCERNED Garments left In our establishment over 60 days after date ordered will be sold less deposit on same. Old clothed left over 20 days will be sold for cost of cleaning or repairing an ma. Call and fet your clothes out before w move on uly 1, 107. Will move to 14H 2d st. Werner Patterson Co., tailor lis 4th st. Ill'SINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co., 427 Fllednar bldg. Main Z8S1. BICYCLE REPAIRING AND LOCX smlthlnr; work guaranteed. 207 Stark st. bhiw fc wyatt. ' Il' . LEriCKE CO 1 TH. WAtHrNOTOM Al iO. sua 3 Good Buys ON Portland Heights $3,000 A house of six large Lo Angeia,'cai"' ".74 T r Prtrttan1 Nw Orleans, La, . .90 Heights, smaU lot, !y RAgj .....ih Roseburr. Or 70 $0.000 A better house with 8 Ban Diego. cl ....70 I ' . I Baa n IrVaNA Uaa rooms, on b7xiw-ioot Tacorn. w.h. grounds, sightly place, a a..u only one block of car: a ouaF' Th river will continue to teadlly an AAA . , .1 . I '" ouring ma enure weeg. 11 will Tail o,vww i4H.cs uic musi oigini oeiow tne nood stage or 15.0 feet to- quarter block on Fort- ullr """"- land Heights, with a MARRIAGE LICENS good 8-room house; 70 48 72 BR 60 74 60 74 62 42 St 64 62 62 64 62 .54 .06 .0 .0 0 0 .0 r. .0 o .0 .0 .01 .0 .0 PAINTER. PAPERHANOER. WORKS reasonable by th day or contract. 722 A loins av. RE-SHINGLE. OR REPAIR YOUR roof while th aun ahlne. Brown ft Hoffman, practical ahlnglera; first claaa rererencea. mown. Tel. Main SS41, Kes. 221 10th st; Hoffman. Tel East 2603, rtes, oi AiDina ave. L. C. HERMcHgeU C6.. JeWeXErX and opticians, 184 Washington st skELLt c6, urn and fLandi?rb- nour, reea, nay. (rain. Fhonea A-lii. SLEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at S o'clock. Burk hard bldg. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. C. H. MILLER. Sec. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, S.4 meets Wednesday evening, Allsky piqg., aa ana Morrison sis. A M. W. A. OREGON GRATE CAMP NO. .76. Monday. 17th and Marshall, visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. IL Mets irer, proprietor. LOST COAT ON TAYLOR FERRY containing bank and memorandum booka, also certificate of deposit on Ladd and Tllton bank, reward. John iraarqe. route l. Bell wood. Or. WANTED BRIGHT BOY FOR OF floe: On residing with parent pre ferred; fin chance for advancement for boy who 1 wide-awake. Apply to advertising department, fillers Piano House. WaNted 6666 6'ffiok b6Y ' about 17 yeara old. Blumauer A Hoch. 108-110 4th st. V.aNTED BOY; GOOD CHANCE TO learn business or trade. 66 Front, corner Davis. WA NTED SINGLE MAN. SOME E X- perlenrt. take charge branch real es tate office. Apply 614 Chamber 'of Comtny re. WaTTTED A MAN TO DO LAWN AND garden work. 1st anir- Ankeny. Inquire N. E. corner HELP WANTED F KM ALU WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP ERATINO; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING: LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND RE8T ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR. TEL EPHONE BLDG- WEST PARK AND ALDER 8 fa Capable. kNbroek! man Wld Ilk ..ruM.to hlAiealf With DrOS- perous and responsible mercantile firm, city or country; capabl of kplng booka and taking charge of office; ha pusinasa experience ana was superin tendent of school for year would b willing to Invast some money in th bualnes If conditions warranted. H-418, journal. BARTENDER. FIRST CLASS, WANTS situation; no dumps. Address Robert Nelson, bo lfiK ftrenfa Pass. Or. MARRIED COUPLE WOULD, TAkB charg- of rooming bouse; year or Jxperienc and wprkirs. Address Vl-tii, ournal. - ' f WANTED POSITION BY SOBER. BE- liable engineer. .Address P. O. box 21, city. WANTEDAGENTS AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL4 gooa ST if so w need you; compiei outfit free; cash weekly. writ ror choice of territory.. Capital City Nur sery company. Salem. Or. v SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perrumea; price very low; supply limited. , R. M. Plummer. at drug store. 260 8d st. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 16 N. Id st Phon Main 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 H Morrison at Phon Paclfio 229 27 N fj st Phon Pacific 1200 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logclng camp and farm help a P- clalty. 20 N. 2d st. Phon Main 6220. We psy all telegraph charges. WANTED TO RENT FOR RENT HOUSES FOR wirvT a.ROOM COTTAGE, 406 . Rrn.rf..i, JTninIra 222 Washlngtoa For"reit1-ro6m I Housa btrIW- ly modern. 4 Honaaay avw. I'6r .ren't Large basement; suitable for atorag or nouaeaeepin-. AddIv 42t tliirn.M ' ' SroCerV storero6m. At FiALiNb ft Nashville Addition. See Joe Naah, owner, at MUlard Av., Naahvlll. on th OTtunv proii car line. Bl')i-h60MMOT5ERll - HOUSE. Ut McMillan St nhona Fast 16S6. FOR -RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE f6k small famllv: 114 it ath at. PART OF COTTAGE, LARGE FUR ntshed rooms, separata entrance near shady-grove: west aida-rlver. Ad. ply 264 N. 26th.; Willamette Heights car to 26th, turn, gouth half block. MODERN -f-Rom WlLljfAMS AVE.; i-rrom.. oeuwooa. fnone owner, Ban wood 424. ..... FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, strictly modern, close to S-mlnut ear service. 7 room, fine resldenca dlatrlrt piano, 288. Phon Eaat 4006. rURTTiSHED 2-noWc5TTA6i5 WW H pantry ana cellar, piano, etc, 212 per monm, inqirn. wooa, Z01 Aider St. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. Apply 187 E 27th. or Dhone East 1164. NICE 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE bath and' gas: rant 820: furniture for sale. 6120; close In. 246 Clay st. SIX-ROOM MODERN COtTAGE, FUR- B76. nlshed. 225. Phon East ROOM COTTXM FURNISHE 178 Sherman at. WELLTfURNI SHED ' 6-ROOM HOUSa strictly moern. walking, distance. 412 2d st near Harrison. Phon Paclfio 149. BUSINEbt CHANCER THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 MOR- , 'J rlson st., (Suit 2). Headquarters for ' real estate and timber lands, also bust- neaa opportunities of very deaorlptlon. ' Phon Main 1668; automatic, A-4169. . Read the few special; , . a, uup acre nrst-ciaaa timosr on river, vary eaay -tarma: muet ell); - with, larva sawmill. Othera. all alaaa. ' . IAS 000. half eaah. huva haat cllTWa In. aoreaa near city: suitable-for Blattinas must b sold to L settle aetata. psii ' , acreage, all price. (With ua xav4sTv lv. r . . : j . . " 111,000 Hsrdwar atora, sell at In voice; ea established 10 years or traa tor real estai. half cash. 616,000 Splendid new manufacturing. 12.000 Manufactory can clear, f 600, month. ' . ' '" ' ' 17.000 Half cash, narly'Bw aw- ' mill on R. R. and 6,000,000 Xet of timber. 1 ' ' ' . ' 1 ' Half cah, 60 acre, t mile from Or,' gon City, suitable for dairy; must aallj , or will rnt. . - 26,60060 acres, all Improved; good buildings; fences; fruit; etc.; near Ore gon City. Other acreage. , HOME-SEEKERS READ THIS! 1 18.260 Half cash, buy ctIot level wheat land, will bring 2100 pep,, acre in few years; other ranch, tc 21.0OO160 acres, all level, wheat land, H n cultivation, with aw build ings, fences, water, some machinery, furniture, ate. We have aom timber claim running 6,000,000 to 4,0oo,oo feet open for filing; also homestead and R. R. land. 110,000 On of th flnt horn o the heights; only with ua. . v 21.100 -At ssoo down and 116 month ly, house and 6 lojs East Portland: also vacant lot -a-11 prices and location; aay term. s 22.260. half eaah. 6-room modern nous ana iota; going away. t URNISHED HOUSE, t R06MS. Pf- ano; is minutes' walk from P. O.; 40. fnone main ists or A-i4i. 22 MONTH 6-ROOM FURNISHED house, modern; Sunnyslde, 1 block to vur, arairauiQ. iiiain ooob. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT- tarea. flata atorea. office, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to cdll on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. Id and Oak. LIPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. Llpman. Wolf ft Co. reoulre experi enced Ue woman In. various depart ments; highest salaries. APPiy to Supt WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY, IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your DroDerty to thel friends, list it wlt me; new plan. M. C. Howie. 16 6th at Main 6116. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS STENOGRAPHER. ALSO 8ALES- women In shoes, domestic, handker chiefs, embroideries, ribbons, and other departments; good, permanent positions to competent and reliable person. we have also several placea ror high- school graduates, where there is an op portunity for advancement VL.ua, WUKTMAN ft KINO. WANTED GIRL TO .EARN TO SEW mattress ticks, power machines. 66 Front, cor. Davis. HELP WANTED UNION LAUNDRY company. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 142 H Washington st. corner Seventh, up stairs. Phon Main 2692. Female nolo wanted. WE HAUL DEAD HORSE8 AND CAT tie free. Oregon Fertiliser Work, or notify Carney veterinary, 4tn and GUsan sts. Main 1966. CASH FOR HOU8EHOLD GOODS. 8AV age A Pennell. 246-247 1st st Phon Paciric Jo PAY WE MORE FO IF PORTLAND AUCTION Malq 6666, YOU WANT TO FURNITURE. OOMS. 211 1st st SELL, SEE US. Second Hsnd Palace. Highest nrioes Said ror second-hand gooa. zst Flan era. Phone Main 2618. HJOHGE8T PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hend goods. Union Exchange. J6I Front st. Pacific 1421 GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Aoolv at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOG, NEAR Arieia; Doay nearly all white, half head: hlnck: iniw.ri in nam nf trm. Main 2030: offlr ;1 U Mnrrlinn rnnm a. iwwnra, Alleen Freeman, lUvIn PatnjkV TniA r.n.a fl 9 . . . . , . w-r j:;--.-i" ' , -- Eieniy)i iruii; a loveiy 1D"" K- ww- J t J Leo Peterson, 21; V. ome for the money. n. vincenso raiamiaesse, ibb r.asi uij street, it; lyouisa faganeiiL zi. William W. Cleek, Vancouver, Wash ington, 27; Agnes H. Sturgeson. 17. Richard W. Wrlrht Oregon Cltv. Ore gon, 26; Jessie R. Alllngham, 21. John Kaufmann. Cleone, Oregon, 20; Augusta Gluth, 17. Oscar Nelson, 624 Glle avenue, 24; Josephine Smith, 19. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith A Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Wedding carda the beat 100 for IK Alvln 8. Hawk. 144 2d st. Tonseth ft Co., florist, for flower 61 FOUND CARD CASE, CONTAINING various papers, checks and other pa pers; -name W. H. Burking. 8nokane. on cover of case; finder may receive same py calling at Journal office. L08T BETWEEN CRESTON AND Arleta, leather suitcase, containing clothing; finder please return to 67 Max well ave. Stuart station, and receive reward. Call and we will tell you about ; 7. ;"':' them. ' TITLE GUARANTEE 8c TRUST CO. r. . awr . i m . I xonsc ior. oecona ana wasnington dcs. ail kinds. 121 eth st Clarke Bros. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED SALESMEN: MANY MAKE 2100 to 8160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orcharda; eaah ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. DRAUGHTSMAN W A N T B D TO work on building and machinery plans. Beginner preferred with six months' to one year' experience. Address Draughtsman, box C," Oregon City, WE GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD rectory No. 3, Qrand ave, and East Taylor st ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT the A. B. C. Employment agency, 226 H Morrison st. Phon Main 80ZI. WANTED" SHIRT FINI8HERS AND folders, starch work ironera, flannel Ironers; nice new plant, cool and afry; good wages and steady work. East Side Laundry, East Ash and Sth. Phone East 809, B-1636. INDEPENDENT LAUNDRY COMPANY wants good help. WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED LADY clothes ironers and mangle help. Steady work and good wages. Apply City Laundry, 4th and Couch. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FTf2 Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 76 1st st. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept. 1. Apply at once. Address ii-418, Journal. DEFORMITY APPLIANCE8 MADE TO order. K. El Karlson ft Co.. 261 An keny st.. Main 6260. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSfi- hold good of every description bought, aold and exchanged. The 1. 222 1st. Main 1274. Horn A-2317 WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goons ana guarantee best prices. ' Call, phone or write. S. J. ft L. Rubensteln, 17S Front st, opposite National hotel r-aciric 1401, WANTED SECOND-HAND DONKEY Address James Dewltt, Philomath, Or, LADY WANTS TO BORROW 11.000; can give gooa security, f- 11, journal WANTED TWO SECOND-HAND trunks, flat top. In good shape. Ad- aress C-41Z, journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. special members. 12. and Yamhill sts. Y. M. C A.. 4th Union Hotel Orchard Homes Florists Flna flawara and floral designs. 289 Morrison st Full dress suit for rent all ili Unique Tailoring Co., 209 Stark t BIRTHS I0-cr tract from S600 to SlOOO. I l-cr tract SHOO. All on easy 1 SCHNEIDER July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. jonn jr. ecnneiaer. iobz Ohio at ..-w 1 n.iiffnr.r term, near uwou car una. Xour B A LLIET J uly 7, to Mr. and Mrs. monthly savings out In these tract will M?"'610 J"?h MiMaaon st, a son. oon pay for a lovely country horn upon which you mak an eaay living. C R. DON NELL & CO. mom 12, ass atftxx sr. BAUER July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Bauer, 768 Mallory avenue, a daughter. W aLva. Tiavw J.JLVJ fa. uauglilCr. WORKMAN July 12, to Mr. and Mr. Ueorge a. .workman, 11th and Grover; a son. TWIGGER Jun 20, to Mr. and Mrs. josepn w. xwigger, tss Michigan st. a daughter. McKEAN June 19. to Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. McKean, 869 Minnesota st, a daughter. SCHULTENS July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bchultens, 476 Vancouver ave., 81 N. SIXTH ST., .PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates 21.60 per week; room, zsc and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. EXPERIENCED WINDOW TRIMMER and ard writer. Apply" at once. The Hub, 3d and Burnside. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing, plastering, blocklaylng, electrical trade; free catalogue; posi tions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Francisco. WANTED COUCH AND l6UNGE maker. 66 Front, cor. Davis. ONE MARBLE POLISHER AND ONE all around marble and granite cutter wanted at once. Apply to F. H. Watts. The. Dalles. Or. HARNESS SsJllt'roJl; MORR'owLjuly 7. to Mr. and Mr. lBTyfol ame. Morrow. 426 E. Main t. . J. L. WELL9 CO. SO Chamber of 0njafo Bid. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Davis Investment Co. to Columbia Truat Co., lot 11, block 2, Wl- f,! berg Height i v .A. C. Churchill ft Co. (Inc.) to , Frank , H. Gibbs and Mary E. . Uiuo, 2 21-100, beginning at ' point in the east line of section (,!, township south, range 2 oast, W. M., which point is 1,466.88 feet south of the north- east corner of the southeast 4 of ald section S 1,805 Title Guarantee ft Trust Co. to Jo Adami, lot 12 and 14, block 16, Berkeley joa ' Charle L. Gillllandto Alna B. , Chance and Winifred E. Chance. ' land beginning at the intersec- " ' tlon of th north Une of lot 18 - In Ravens view with the eaat Una .of, Ravenaview Drive. 1,800 1 College endowment aesoclation to , Matilda Pan, lot 11 and 22, : block 12, Collog Plac.....,;.. 450 Colleg Endowment asoclatlon to H. T. Dow, lots 7 and 8, block . 12. In colleg Plao...........i ISO Anna Ton to Floreno A. Mar shall, lot if, block 26, In Mnltno- nah ,.."?.;,....,-,. S00 j j. end Emm Fitzgerald to Car oline Augusta Virgel. lot 1 and 1 fractlonel lot 4, block 20. Holla,- ' day' addition t . t .. . . 1 1 . . t . 1,800 Nora L. Iilngley to N. A. Schanen, , lot 1 and south- M lot 3t block 46. Sonnyslds ................. 2,600 W. H. ml Alice B, jNttnn to An- ; ' drew C. Pshl. lot I and 2, block , ; It, N. InlPitoa. .......... . . , 400 '." ' '- -t1'--T".:'-'-.-T--;.-;;;.i..,': RAHN July 9, to Mr. and Mr. Albert Rahnt Mt Tabor, a eon. BROBTBEf July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Broetse, Mt. Tabor, a won. DEATHS BAYLAN July 12, Baby Baylan. 228 Market at. premature birth. CLIFFORD July 11, Clara Adele Clif ford, aged 7 years, 1 montn ana is days; 246 Eugene st. ; eerebro spinal menlna-iti. STORY July 12, Mr. Elisabeth Story. aged 64 years, 6 month and 4'days; 62 E. 8th t; paralysis. CEMETEKIKS RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 210; famllv lots, loxle, ror iuo, ana upwards, according to aise; th only cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains and care for lots. For information, apply to W. R- Mackenxl. Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. 610; family lots. 226 to 175. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phon Tabor 206. For full information apply to Frank Schlegel. 662 Commercial blk. Phon Main 8S22. FIRST-CLASS steady employment company. GOOD STRONG BOY TO LEARN THE MAKERS; The P. J. Cronln PLEASANT SINGLE LADY, BB tween 26 and 25 years of age to take charge confectionery and Ice cream store as a partner, with a little capital. 374 H lat st. , WANTED ONE NECKBAND IRONER and one Laundry. collar girt Apply Pacific ARTISTIC GIRLS FOR DRAWING. burning, painting, lettering work. D. M. Averlll ft Co.. 103 5th st N. WANTED PLAIN AND FANCY ironers. Apply Star Laundry, Union ave. and E. Ankenv st. WANTED WAITRESSES AT HCT bart-Curlls, 14th and Jefferson sts. THE COLLINGE NICELY FURNISH ed rooms, hot water in every room, free phone and bath, 22.60 to 26 per week; no children. 821 4th, cor. Clav. THE RICHELIEU. 22 i H. 6fH ST Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. THE GRAND, 45 H N. 3D St. ROOMS for gentlemen, 11.26 per week and up. JWTEL ROYAL 108V, 4TH; NICE rooms. 50 cents, 21 per night; $2 to 26 per wreK. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men: rent reasonable. 245 Harrison. THE KLONDIKE NICELY FUrT nlshed room on ground floor. 608 Alder t. NICE LARGE FRONT r66mS. WlTH closets, clean and neat; price 2 to 4 week; 60c to 41 a day. 83 H lt st. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 241 13th. Small family. GOOD WAGES TO GIRLS OF 16; LIGHT work. Portland Cigar Box Mfg. Co., 43 H E. 3d st. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child 2 years old, also help with up- smirs wonc. . uau Z46 King st. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, small family; wage 130. Phone 1809. Call mornings. business: bring references. Stamp Works, 249 Alder st. P. C. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR ORE gon. Opportunities to advance. Ex amination August 6. Let us qualify you. Good salary to start. Call or write Pa cific Btatcs Schools, McKay bldg. WANTED A SECOND HAND BAKER on bread. Inquire 661 Second! at. YOU CAN LEARN TO OPERATE MO tton picture machines in short time; salary szs weekly: lesson reaaonani. Newman's, 145 6th at WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 361 32d St.. Willamette Heights; good wages. Apply from 9 a. m. to z p. m. Telephone Main 686U. BRIGHT, EXPERIENCED WOMAN desires position as housekeeper, in hotel. A-420. Journal. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS and home cooking. 316 18th st Phone Main 661 9. THE YAMHILL. 381 YAMHILL Sf. well furnished rooms, Isre and light, single or en suite; transients, 6O0 to II; free hatha. Phones, Pacific 1890; Home A-13R6. FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg., 8d and Madlaon sts. NEW STORE FOR RENT ON WASH lngton at. J. Wolfe, 666 Washington. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOl HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phon Main 1669. FORWENT GOOD DAIRY AND FRUIT farm; cash rent; for particulars, ad- dress Estacada, Or., rout 1, box 43. SUMMER RESORTS RiJOM IKA.HOTTSE8. 27.000 Half cash, steam-heate lease, cneapest, ta 11,500 Half eaah. corner brick, room a 18,000 New modern 10 room a 41,400 Half cash. hou averaging: room a 20 na WANT A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE? Writ F. McFarland, Seaside. Or., who will locate you, state price limit, eia LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR., DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, slstad by L, A.Carlyle; rates rrom sii.so per weea up rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Kaietgn wag. REACH PROPERTY. The flncnf haarh Dronertv ever offered. Joining Breakers hotel property, to be ancfwii mm MHnii.i tail i..i ii, wv- acre traot, a portion with building re strictions; other unrestnetea; eaay terma A. C, CHURCHILL A CO., ilO Second st. City. FOR RENT A COTTAGE AT 6EA- side. for one month. Phone East 1760. BUSINESS CHANCES. CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM AND cigar store: rin location, estaoiisnea good business. If you are looking for omethlnr good, see this anap; 2750 Can be taken on trial. Wanted at once, partner In established real estate business; must be rustler; man or woman. Diamond Realty Co., 253 Alder at., room 10. A CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE ground floor or a good manufacturing business. For particulars call Phone East 3995. FOR SALE MILK ROUTE: 22 COWS, driving team; everything complete; Estacada line, Luther station. P. H. Trigg, proprietor. A MAN WITH FOUR HUNDRED DOL- lars wants some kind or business that -same will hnndle; would like good res taurant; will take any good paying proposition. Address e-410, journal T " L-- r j . . 1 BARGAIN IN UKUU BUBINEBB AT Huntington, Or., doing 236 per day cash; good, clean stock and fixtures; valuod at 27,600; will be sold for 16,000. 4.000 down; rent 350 per month. Ad dress P. O. box 6, Huntington, Or. 220 daily. 200 Half eaah, rraamngion St. 2600 Half cash, 25 rooms, near da pot. 1400 11 room, naw furnltur. r!60 l-room, furniture, close in. 1.00m-Groory. Inventory; I living room. 22,600 New shoe store; lnvolca 21,000 invoice, meatmarkat 2600 Real att ' business; old ea- Ubltshed. 3600 investment secures position worth several hundred monthly, can draw $26 weekly if preferred; refer ences required. 1260 Confectionery tor with I nlc living rooms, close In; others all prioea Honest man to assist in empioymana agency; references and small capital re quired. Other business opportunities. For autck result, consult th Coast .Realty Co., 22SH Morrison st (Suit 3). Call, write;- Phon-JAiOft aa: auto matic A-4160. HERE IS A DAIRY BUSINESS WHICH Is certainly a bargain and up to data You can't afford to mis it Haa IS bead of livestock; 5 heaftaef No. 1 draft mares and 3 colts; alao 34 H acre spring oats; 12 acres fall oats: 26 acre of hay; also H section of land for rent and complete farming outfit; one oom plete steam threshing outfit; 90 aore under cultivation; 10 aorea beaver dam, land. Slegonthaler Bros.. Beaverton, Or. MWWO AMD iNDtsTRlALitOClca and bonda bought and aold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue Al Co., 612 Buchanan bldg. Phon Malm 7S6S. ON" ACCOUNT 6F BUSINESS" WE ARtiJ authorised to aall a general hardware atore at $2,600 below value; anyone be ing Interested in business of this kind oall qulokly. 206 Allsky bldg. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE1 for sal, bargain. Address u-414. Journal. FOR SALS CASH GROCERY. ABOUT 1600; sales over 135 dally. 676 1st. FOR RENTTAND FURNITURE FuR sale A 29-room hotel; a good Dual- neaa at a low uric. Addreas J. Jay? Cook, Florence hotel, Baiem. ur. HOTEL fM'UrkS locality. Box 176. IOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established. With or without sa loon: furnished: newly remodeled; 236; also 7-room house and orchard, 310; and 4 flat 18 rooms, 325; all on west side. C H. Plggotf owner, lawyer, 4, 6 and MuiKey Ding. 6-ROOM TRANSIENT HOUSE. NEAR 6th and Stark sts., 2-year-lease: lady going east, will sacrifice. Main 6202. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE COLONIAL, Corner 10th and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class rooms and board: rates reaaonable; transient ana tame noaru accommodated. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with, good board, at The Hart- man, 426 Alder st. BOARD AND ROOM FOR 3 GENTLE men. 187 12th. FOR RENT NICEST FURNISHED rooms, with good board, at The Hart-" man, 4Z Aider st. WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work ironers, flannel Ironers; nice new plant, cool and airy; good wages and steady work. East Side Laundry, East Ash and 6th. Phone East 809, B-1535. Portland Wire ft Iron Works, 2d and WANTED RELIABLE PARTY TS Duy part Interest In patent and take management of same. Address U-412, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE SALES man for retail store in this city. Ad ores n A-41Z, journal. WE PA Y SICK AND ACCIDENT benefits for 21 and 11.60 per month. Agents wanted. Pacific Aid Associa tion, 224 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon. UlAN WITH 1300 TO 3500 AS PART ner in first-class proposition. journal. X--148, WANTED COMPETENT HARDWARE salesman; must know the business; young man preferred. Address the Sex ton- wanner jo., me uaiiei, or. UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST. 160 6TH et, oppose Meier A Frsnk'a- Main T7.tLLkL ON8. 3D Atib MADi Phon Main V"0- 0t CWUnty b- iL'B. HEM&fSCKV lfITKERA.r rector. Eaat 11th yi iim.tin. Dvuwuva 11, ugy assistant. s T5T- on SEVERAL YOUNG MEN IMMEDIATE ly to prepare for U. S. railway mall clerks; salary to start about 170 per month; special examination August 6. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonlan bldg.; open evenings. WANTED 2 STRONG GIRLS OR women to work In boarding house in camp, 1 for dining room and I to help In kitchen: no objection to a child. Ad dress N. H Nelson, Dee, Or., via Hood River. WANTED LADY TEACHERS. APPLY from 6 to 9:30 p. :n.. at 146H lat st. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau. Sua AllaKy pldg. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 31.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 202 H Stan ton st. U ear. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- Keeplng suites, water. Single room. 603 H Alder. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING "and transient rooms, reasonable. 7tb and Flanders st. FOR SALE BEING UNABLE TO handle it myself, I will sell cheap lthe best wood taw in Portland; it Is "T . . , . II ii , latest improved bkhuhiio, ait now, auu I have all th work' in sight any one would want. Call at 843 Garfield ave., or ring up Phone Union 6687. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS BY HATFIELD ft SMITH, 166H 4th St. 33-room bouse, near Morrison, 82,600. 80 rooms, brick building, cheap, 31.400. 14-room bouse, fine furniture, 21.200. 10-room house, central, 2625. 12-room house, $100 Income, 3760. 8-room house only 1 2 60; 2L60 WEEK UP LARGE, . CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 1S4 Sherman at. south, Portland. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR COM mercial telegraph posltlone;more calls than we have graduates; good wages when competent. Oregon College, 603 Commonwealth bldg. ELDERLY WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework and care for two small children for few weeks. Address, A. ineia, uresnam, ure., it. s, m. UNFURNISHED Phone Pacific 917. HOUSEKEEPING. A-1917. . TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rept. Inquire at 80 3. 12th t, corner Stark. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSfl keeping rooms; swell flat. 490 Morri son, flat 3, over th Hyland. Phon Main 6866. WANTED - FIRST - CLASS COOK. small family; car for dining-room and kitchen; wages $85. Phone Main 2699. 634 Clifton St WANTED GOOD, INTELLIGENT cook. Apply 495 Multnomah st, WA NTED FINISHERS ON PANTS; experience not necessary.. Apply at 88 n. tn st. INSPECTORS tlon service; FOR U. S. IMMIORA- salary iuo per month join our class Immediately; application must be filed quick; ee us today. Weal Coast Correspondence schools, 318 Ore gonlan bid-.: onen evenings. WANTED A GIRL OR WOMAN FOR light housewora and help care for children? no washing. Phone Eaat 8570, WANTED OFFICE GIRL APPLY 201 E. , Water stv. Tuesday morning between 0 and 10 o'clock. J STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau, 303 Allsky bldg. WANTED YOUNG MEN FOR RATt- ,ay telegraph postlons; more calls-i than W can iui; gooa wages wnon com. patent, Oregon College, 603 Common wealth bldg. j Edward hoLmaJ. UNbuUlf AlUta, YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN WHOLE- al house. D. M, Avar Ul ft Co 103 Sth U North. . 1 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good position opan with best firms: no charga- Underwood Type wrlfr Co., 68 6th at HELP WANTED ANT SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 V4 Washington t Pacific 12 70. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GENTLEMAN ' "WANTS CHAMBER work. 10 yearn xorlnc. 341 Burn- aid t, . . . JEFFERSONIAN, 614 JEFFERSON 2 and 8-room suites, completely fur nlshed for housekeepings Main 6482. FURNISHED HOUSE - KEEPIN j rooms. 658 Williams ave. j GOOD FURNISHED AND UNFUR- mshed houaekeeping and Bleeping rooms, on west aide of river; 2 for 28 month: 2 for 212: part of cottage. ground floor; yard: near fine shady grove. Apply 164 n. zetn wiuamette Heights car to 36th, turn oUth half a block. SWELL FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM house on Washington st, bringing In 290 per month; first offer take this. Main 6202. 116.000 INVESTMENT WE HAVE A gilt-edged proposition that will net 35 per cent. This is no schema Th property will convince you. Call at once. Diamond Realty Co., 263 Alder. Room 10. STOCK OF GROCERIES. CROCKERY and notions, on good corner: three fur nished living rooms attached; very low rent; all for 1800; party going east and must sell; this is a snap. Address L-414, Journal 22 rooms, 31 beds, lease, rent 170; will take 3850 for quick saia sitt N. Sd st. A BARGAIN- for sale, good Bprtngneid. or. EWSPAPER AMONG BEST IN VAL ley. for sale or trade; power presses; fine lob equipment and splendid field. M-416, Journal. X 10-ROOM HOTEL. ON CORNER lot in fine location, a good paying business; must be sold quick. Apply 882 Bandy road; phone Eaat 1085. BICYCLE 8UPPLV AND REPAlrt shop. In fine location: paying well now; party will sell for 2600 on account of leaving city. Addres H-411. Journal. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS HARNESS hop. For particular call on th Cary Hardware Co., Estacada. Or. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH C. 8. Arnold ft Co., original hotel brokers: hotels, rooming houses and furnished) houses bought, sold and exchanged,, in all parts of the United St tea C S. ARNOLD A CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 261 H Morrison St Phone Maf 731 1. WHY NOT GET IN ON THE GROUND floor and make real money? Company now forming haa place for small num ber of 3100 to 1500 Investors; glv phone. L-422, Journal. : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WILL SELL. United Wireless, preferred, 24.26; J. C. Lee Co., 240; Alaska Pet. ft Coal, 17 yc: B. C. Amalgamated, 4c; Almeda Con., 30c. - - - - H. W. DONAHUE ft CO.. Brokers. 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7353. SALOON FOR BALK CHEAP IF taken at once, on account of other business to attend to. Inquire at Star brewery office. WELL-DRILLING OUTFIT. COM- plete: cheap for cash. C. W. Steph ens, urient, kjt. LOT NEAR E. 20TH AND STARK. with a good 6-room house; basement, bath, gas. roses, fruit trees; 32,200: terms easy. Lot and 8-room house1 on E. Couch st. near 30th; basement, bath, sewer, water, gas; 32,400; terma 31.000 or leas down, balance 320 per month. CULVER. 622 Chamber of Commerce. GOING EAST, MUST SELL MY SIX- rooro dltlon. house and lot in Steven ad- Bee me today. 242 Mads eon st. 4-ROOM HOUSE hi ACRE GROUN5TT, diocks rrom Kern rara station; 'jsn worth of garden; price 31,300; jSJrTns. 242 Madison st , MODERN- 7-ROOM ON CORNER LOT 50x100; nice lawn, fruit tree and flowers. Phone owner, Sellwood 424. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Nice little home; take Mt. Scott car, get off at Laurelwood station; 100x100. 00 r ner Stewart and Charles; all in garden; fruit trees: choice roses: good straw berry patch and other shrubbery, 31,1765 cash. Address U-421, Journal. $8,000 B-ROOM HOUSE ON E. 9T1I st: hardwood finish, concrete base- ' ment gas. hot water; easy term. Call between 10 and 4 at 250 H 3d t Rooms li &nd n. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON account of other business. Address B-4 1 5, Journal. SNAP 27 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: no agent. Fo particulars pnone v-iiva FOR RENT HOUSES WE RENT AND SELL PIANOa BHER man. Clay ft Co. : ' ' ' FOR RENT COTTAGES-i-CORNER 17th and Gllsan and 661 Gllsan, between 16th and 17th sta. Max Smith, th Sa voy restaurant. 149 7th. Home A-4241. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and piano moved. tored or shlppea. Phone Main 1618. PHOUSE FOR .RENT BEAUTIFUL 9-room home, niar wawtnorne and 84th St.; also new 7-room house at Fir lend. 1 b:?ck from O. ,W, P. track. Ky- stone Realty in Aiisxy oiog. HOUflaFOR RENT BEAlitltt"L i 9-room uuina, near luwmornf inn 4th at: Keystone Realtv. Co-. Ill AiUky -bldg. .... .., , . . - A NO. 1 GROCERY STOCK. DOING A good business, in East Portland; will invoice about 21,600; cheap rent T-414, Journal. WANT TO MEET PART WITH 31,000 for ;safe investment secured by real estate for double amount; guaranteed 10 per cent Address L-4137 'Journal. DAVIS HOTEL FOR SALE, REASON able terms. 110H N. 3d.- IN MAKING THE ROUNDS DON'T -forget to call on us for business chances and investment before pur chasing. ' Western Realty Co., 510 Buch anan bldg. - W may have what you are looking for. Phone Main 6297. A-2417. FOR SALE NEW GROCERY 8TORET new building, new stock of groceries, new wagon and harness; . doing a ntae; Business or u per aay: ouuaing, stock and fixtures, all for f 2,000. Address H-418, journal 218,600 WHOLE BLOCK. CLOSE IN, Income 376 month on part of ground. balance L block: fine nronostMon for manufacturing site. Owner. Apply 446 E. Everett, , BEAUTIFUL HOME IN PIEDMONT;' half blook from car Una Owner 1161 Cleveland ave. BUNGALOW, HAS? Owner, phon 11,000 OR 1L200, ALL THAT is R: oulred for half-interest in two atnraa or will sell one store outright, splendid ooenina-for a buatness. man.. isAr E-412. Journal. " SALE BY , OWNER GROCER? FOR stock U07. , at Invoice. , Phon Woodlawn NINE - ROOM monthly paymenta East 676. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 1,800, $300, ii monthly. Phone East 675. WILLAMETTE SNAPS. Choice lots and homes, also acreage; cash or terms some overlooking rlvC and city; residence or business lota C. A. ZYGOWSKI. Office Willamette Station. St. Johns car. BEST BUY IN PORT. LAND, LOTS 60X! 100, above grade, graded street, water In, owner on ground. 343 E. 44th -at South, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. on 44th st Phon Tabor 264; price 3600; terms to suit. FOR SALE A NEW HARD-FINISHED 2 -room house, 1 fine lot- 60x100. on - carllne; only 3700, term. Phon Eaat 731. .. NEW MODERN FOUR-ROOM BUNGA low. near Mt. Scott carllne, - at Tre-- mrait: reasonable terms. Taaaart. 41 Chamber of Commero bldg. tialT THE NEWEST PKlCki UN Bay property, tnen see me. My coi , , t nni,.i r UlllBIOn nu.l A BMW JWM, and I mak money. W. W. Gravea 411 Commercial mock. "Fdft SAtE ON ALBINA AVE. CAR K lin. 8 housea Inqulr 1024 Albln ava ' " :-'., i.-- EXCHANGE. OR WILL SELL, SNAP, 11 $1,600 equity in 10-room modern bouse, 1 lots, fine rosea berries and grapes; owner) prefer acreaga I04S E. Washington at Phon Tabor SI 6. ,i- V