; THE " OREGON SUNDAY JOirNAIX PORTLANDV SUNDAY MORNINO, JULY K M !- AV 1 v T FOR SALE FARMS. Escey ROOM 111 COMMERCIAL' BLDG., Corner Sd and Washington at. 160 'Acres Washington county; improvements VSd atock and maehlnnrir. mixl build- In!; phone in house; on good road. Jloee fo school R. F. D. mail. ., Price 11.600; tirmi. v CA Arrc . 50 acre rood oil, 16 aerea in crop, 20 mora partly cleared and In pasture, balance timber, ate.; fine land, nice creek of living water and aeveral fine prlnga: choloe roses and other flowers about the houee; all klnda of email frulte and berrlee; good houee, barn 10x40, both In good condition; chicken Tiouse, etc.; 4 cows,' 1 heifer coming In iresn. B0 chickens, I nogs, wskoiw, i A FOB SALE FARMS. . FARM BARQAINS. 40-acre farm near Besverton, II acres under plow. fine eoll, orchard, building etc, for 13,300. . On account of" alcknese a 201-acra farm will be r;acririced for 13,600; 60 acre under plow, rich level land, rood bulldlng-e, near achool and postofflce. very reasonable term. I5i-acre farm near Carlton In high State of cultivation, well watered, good buildings, orchard,, etc., Includes atock, eta Come In to get full particular. HAGEMANN & B LAN CHARD, . , 91 6th at. ; HERE w A tliOdiTlj"" 1A ArClrt farm, fine eoll. all level. Dlentv Wateri rood houee and barn: 4 acres In or chard, mostly apples; not a foot of waste land: one mile from cars; price 12,600. $1,760 cash, balance at 6 ner cem: an in una crops. Hont lana Co., 11464 1st t. r J , SAY, MISTER." H ERE IS AVgOOD thing. On of Oregon's best ISO acres ",y FOR sAlE-UVESTOCI. ONEL STTLI8H RIDIN" AND DRI ing mar, city Drone; one team grays, 1,200 pounds one sound de livery horse. 1,100 pounds: surrey and trap cheap; must. sell.. Call Bunday. 171 Hooker St. KR 8ALe ojAb! - fresh! . JersbIV cbw. cheap. Apply 848 B. Madison. FRESH MILCH COW FOn BALE 11 i N. 4tlt st Phone Pacific 111. yrank Ttnnttv. feWYObNQ JfeRSSV COW. CHEAJ. Call 761 Oantenbeln are., near Beech. buggy, mower, wrse rakepiows, smau t(t ba had for j 000. Pacific Investment tools; also household goods; 8 ni lies yn m sth st. irom railroad station. u muss irorn , ,i. ,. . iv,"....j r,i,a" Portland; R. F. 1. mall. Fries $3,000; . ""-'V"" Diwiv i-Anm a anjmiiv- . .....a. vuiilll, tUI HW VII MWW, ,U Aaoresa is-fii, journal station. 40 $1,000 down, balance on lime at I per cent. YAMHILL 'COUNTY. ' 110 acres, 76 in cultivation, good rmllillnar. mnnA orchard, fine water.' DO county road, 8 V miles to good, town onl nery: pic now- ior i rallrnml. creamerv: dace Or anything that growa In this latitude. Price $1,600. $1,600 down, balance can stand at 6 per cent Interest. 65 3-4 Acres K acres. 3 miles west of a good oad towrv 80 milea from Portland, a rood county road; rood youns or chard; fair house, good barn; 20 acres In vetch, oats and other green reed and crop; all new land; more land can be cleared easily; some timber snd good pasture; 1 large brood mare, mare and colt, 1 good work horse, wagon, buggy, harness; tools of all kinds; 11 first class young milch cows, bringing in goo money every month; 2 heifers, 6 or I young spring calvesv I big hogs and some pigs, 1 extra high-grade Jer sey bull, 80 to 80 fine chickens, 1 cream separator, milk cans and nails;, half mile from school. Price $1,600; a part can stand 1 years at 6 per cent LEASE COW RANCH. 200 acres river bottom lend; good buildings, orchard, 80 acres high lsnd, rlvr ami rail, 8 miles to cannery; 26 coWs, 1(T heifers, 60 hogs, 1-horse wagon and harness, 1 cream separator, chick ens, all the implements for running the place; rent $Z00 per year, e-year lease; prlee $2,600. ;V4 acres, opposite Terejaee Park, on Villa ave.; good 6-room house, good sta ble, chicken-house; hi acre fruit. Price $2,800. K-room en tta.se and lot 40x126, on 111 MlHsourl st; modern, with house. rlcs $1,000, terms, $300 down; $1,460 cash. W.W. Esjpey ROOM 119 COMMERCIAL BLDO., Corner 2d and Washington sts. TIMBER. WE ARB STILL IN A POSITION TO -locate several parlies on rmuroaa tanas in soumern uregon, cruising oetier tnsn 4,u).uuu rest per quarter section $V.S(I0 SO ACRKB, all in a high state of cultivation, extra good house and burn and outbuildings, fruit, shrub bery, water, etc.. on a good county road, 1 mil from railway station, 2H miles from electric line and only 8 miles from Portland. This Is certainly a barguln. $3,000 56 acres. 0 acres In cultiva tion, good house and fairly good barn; well, orchard, land well fenced, fin lot of Rood timber nearta sawmill; the land Is good and is on a good road, 2 miles from station on S. P, railroad; terms. $900 For 9 acres, 2 miles from rail way station, 2 V4 mile from county seat, 3 acres cleared, all fenced, good well, small house and barn and on a good wugon road about 12 miles from Port land. ' $6B0-For 100 feet square, all cleared, a good small house and woodhous. on carllne. near station. 10c fare; $260 cash, balance 8 per cent. ' $400 For 84 acres, unimproved, 1H mllg from railroad and electric line, 7 miles from Portland. I). F. LE FEVRE.. Room 10. 142H 2d St.. Portland. I 1VI making tender to the company -and filing- caiiers In the clerk's office after ward, .location. Including all attorney fees, we chares the sum of $26.' NoW come ant look Into this proposition, If you have never bought any lands from the company heretofore: remember this does not Interfere with any of your other rights, call and get full particu- Ur' HOWBE A MILLER, i ? 86 6th st Open evenings. Phone Main 6188. FOR SALE -8,200 ACRES VALLEY land, In Washoe county, Nevada, sur rounding Massacre leke; 26 miles of fence would enclose this tract and fully control water privileges and adjacent range; fine location for cattle or horse ranch; price $4.69 cash per acre, less $1 per acre deferred payment 1,920 acres unimproved valley land In Harney county, Oregon; price $4.60 per acre. 200 sores valley land in Lake county, Oregon; price $6 cash per acre, less de ferred payments $2 per sere. INQUIRE ROOM 11. 221 U Morrison st. A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW Dine claims In Wheeler county; must be located at once. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE Dlllard and Clayton., Roseburg, Or. WE HAVE A FEW GOOD R. K. TIM ber claims for location. Reasonable fee. Call for particulars. 407 Buchanan bldg. LOOKINa FOR TIMBER? We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending -time or money. If our general report indi cates that ws have what you want our estimates by two snd a half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." i JAME8 D. LACEY A CO., ' 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 507 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. FOR" BALE CHEAP GOOD SPOTTED Durham milch oow. or will exchange for , strong buggy ot light hack. 725 Brainard St., Montavllla. FOR. BALE 3 FINE DAIRY COWS; -big fnllkers: '1410 Macadam at, Ful ton. Main $981. . iiiOICH-FAMILY COW; PART JER- ' eey; very cheap; parties going away. 17' Belmont st PbTTBALB 8 FINE FRESH COWS, at 84 8 Front St.. city. UM AL,b V1KCIT-CLA80 UE.D11 cows. 74 Rhone st, cor. iatn. G66b famiLy cow'. Jersey, cheap, pasture, going away, 917 Belmont, East 858.j 'i BARTER.' AND EXCTIAXGK ':y ' 1 ,' TOR NAi.n or fnina. ' j New 80-room hotel In best town In Or egon, zft year leaae, at reasonable rent, flna business and town growing rapid ly. Owner must sacrifice on account of other business. Will sell or trade ior a small Improved farm. . THE VETERAN LAND CO., n&H Third st CALlF6RtflA Land for exChaNg! seres fine level unimproved, m artesian belt. In Imu Angeles county; can have all the water you want; can raise anything but oranges; close to nw canal. What have you to tradeT ywner, ueorge Kooertson, 4io ra St., Portland. ' CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR ATJTO- mobll; must be good and to carry four or six peonle. See Joe Nash, owner. at Millard Ave., Nashville, on the Mount pcott car lln. FOR SALE MISC2LLAXEOUS 00 YARDS RED, BURLAP FOR walls, slishtly used but not faded. y .. m - wortn new mo, per yarn ta. $24 4-4 bedstesds, slightly damaged, rular IS valuaa At flT&O- One second-hand Bucks range wlttf reservoir, sells at $60, for $16. One damaged arm cnair iw. On dimukl norch chair. 82.26. Anv ouandtv of second-hand cooking utenseis at your own price. Odd -dishes and glassware ai your own price. Rugs made from carpet remnants as low as 60c each. Six small lardlniera eacn itc. One second-hand noker table $9. Second-hand carpet and linoleum at very low prices. Bring in the slxe of your foom. EDWARDS COMPANY. 186-191 First street. "A good place to trade." 466 BfjYfl CARRIAGE $ 18-WCH" headblocks; feed works. Iron track, 90 feet, wire rope, one 66-tnch. Atkins saw, new and saw mandrels. $50 buys one hand edger, complete, carriage, track, rolls. $70 One 4x24 Sweepstake planer. $860 One 4x9 Houston moulder. $50 One water-wheel. TRAPPIBT FAT HE KB. BCIO, Ur. FOR SALE OR TRADE-A GOOD PA Y lns business In a aood live town. For Information, address box 884, Newberg, Or- WANTED WE HAVE SEVERAL cash buyers for homes ran a In a from $1,200 up to $3,000. For quick sale list with us. THE VETERAN LAND CO., l5tt Third st. SPECIAL WILL TRADE FIRST claashonograph outfit for good or- ?an. Portland Phonograph Agency, 12S th. WANT TO TRADE FIRHT CLASS l'I rlght piano for driving horse and bua gy. Inquire 201 Flrat st. .ART FRJB LESSONS IN EmOi Idery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, S82 Washington St ALTOMOKILKS - ' HOJVARD M. COVET, A rent Pierce Grout Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac snd Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and alder sts. BANKS.' YTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND,-OREGON, j jvonnwt vortnr vnira ana una nireets. 7; Transacts a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISHCtO Ay"M la All Cities of the United States and Europe, Honjkong and Manila, CoUectlone made on Favorable Terms, . , i . , , - President , ,j C A INS WORTH I Cashier, .R. W. BCHMKRH Vice-President tR. LEA BARNES AsslsUnt chlr .W. A. HOLt Assistant Cashier A. M. W.'.IQHT ACCORDION DRESS PLEATINQ MISS O. GOULD, 617 SWETLAND bid :. Accordion Dleatlns and buttons covered. DLANK-IJOOK IAKRS HOWE, DAVIS A KII.HAM. 108-111 2D st Blank books manufactured: scant for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf Udgers; sse the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market RAtllS-MAKSAGB MANICURING, FACE AND SCALP treatment; baths and massage, no 4th st. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ERSONAL. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month' treatment 81; 1 months', $C; sent se curely sealed by mall. Agents, Wood ard. Clarke ft Co., Portland. Or. MRS! OBROCK. ORADUATE MAS seuse; cabinet bath, calt glow; alcohol rub, cream massage; referencea. 183 Seventh st. Main 48. DR. KING CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicine; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 181 2d St., between Yamhill and Taylor. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pill cur all weakness; $1 a box, 8 for 16; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenaon, druggist, Port land, Or. BVTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekvm. 181-188 1st St.. carries a full line and c tplete assortment st lowest market prlcei. 8. HERKENWALD ft CO., 104-208 Ev erett st largest butcher supply house on tne coast, write ror catalogue. LADD ft TlfVTON. BANKERS -Fort land, Oregon. , Established 11J9. W. M. LADD. C. E. LADD. . 'X W, LA DD. S.viBTJ"aiLl,act General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, pavinge book laaued on eavlnsra dloslts. Interest paid on time deposits. MERCHANT!' NiTtOMii. A NK Portland. Orcron. ' i, f.?ANK WATSON.. President I R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R- W. HoTT...t.. .. .Cashier I GEORGE W. HOTT.. Assistant Cashle Tren..-. 8 c- CATCHING. . t .Second Assistant Cashier !. Transact Oenernl Banking Business. Drafts and letter of Credit Issue Avmiahu to A. puna of the World. Cnllectlons a Specialty. v THr..N,K 0F CALIFORNIA Established 114. Head Offlco fian .rn.cin: Uipltal paid up $4,000,000 I Surplus and undivided profits $lt.i8.17l, r)f.i7 ai I"1" ExchHng Buslneae Tranact;d. interest on 'iimej , nAviN ih nrnn WM. SAVINOfl mrpinTUt'WT Arconnts may be opeii'd of $10 and up ' wJ1dAfortlanl Hranch Chamber, of Commerce Building jt MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELt. A t Manages FIRST NATIONAL BANK-Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Paciflo Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 A. Ij. Mfr.r d . . M . ,,rtTr a 4 r i, n t Pah1 J. W. NBWKIRK : : : : : : ; 1 ?: lTr iV r STEVENS. ISecond" Ass'. C.M. t TRl'ST COMPANIES.. PORTLAND TRI'RT COMPANY op OREGON The Oldest Trust Company hj Orogon. RESOI'RrKB nvFB 12 tan or.n. Oeneral Banking. Two per cant dally balances of $500 or n nil nnrts or ine wonu. -- on CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 210; carpets ciranea, renttea. sewea ana iaia; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com prenied air cleaning; carpet refitting our oerlalty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2)12 and A-2872 279 Grant at A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter' estimates given; lowest prices. 682 Washington. Phone Main 7108. TIMRER LANDS. Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber In the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locatl tzem Including all necessary at torney' fees are .reasonable. Address J. E. Verdln. Grants Pass, Or. BARGAINS BTEEL RANGES, stoves. Iron beds, springs, mattrssses, tables, chairs, dressers, cheffenlers. car pets and linoleums, new and good as new, at lowest prices. Come and see us; It will psy you; your goods taken In exchange. Fox ft Bromer, 81 N. Id. Phone Main 1111. RHEUMATIC CURE SURE rheumatism. Sold by all HOLD EN'S cure for druggists. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed perjods; by mall $1 per box, pr Pierce, 18 lt. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN bldg; ladlea daya, gentlemen nights. Main 1958. LADY BARBER SHOP FOUR CHAIRS SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hsnd. strom. 289 Couch st. Carlson ft Kali FREE FOR EVERYBODY 1RING UP Main 4290 or call 211 H Front at W buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FIFTY SECOND-HAND :'--wlng machines at your own price, all makes, at the White 6ewlng Machine office. H. D. Jones, 280 lam hill at., corner 4 th. EXTRA GOOD CHANCE TO TAKE UP timber and stone claims of 2.OUO.OO0 to 8.000,000. sugar pine. 406 Morrison. LauGE BODY FINE TIMBER NEAR transportation, only a few miles from Portland; have new modern mill, logging outfit, horses, good roads and every thing complete. Mill how In operation. Will sell timber at actual present worth. Mill, etc.. gratis. Call SOD Ablngton i Diag., 100 .fa nt FOR SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 271 1st st. RANGE. FOR SALE COOK STOVE, LINO leum. heater, etc.- 115 Alberta at. FOR SALE NEW GASOLINE launch, 24 horse-power engines. In first-class repair; will trade for im proved real estate, or sacrifice for cash: i original cost, $2,200. Apply box M-411, journal. NICE LITTLE LAUNCH AND BOAT house; 4 H-horae-power en sine; guar anteed; sell cheap for cash. Phone Main 6360. FARMERS, ATTENTION! 100 seres, one of the best farms In Clackamas county, 80 acres cultivation, good house, 2 good barns, fine orchard. Spring water; stock and farming Imple ments with the placa; price $7,000, on easy terms. 320 acres, one of the best farms In Yamhill county; 200 in crop; 8 milea from MoMinnville, at $80 per acre, or will divide to suit; all No. 1 soil and well imoroved; tsrmi. $36 per acre buys this 220-acre farm; ISO in cultivation; good 8-room house, large barn; 90 acres timber; living water, on reasonable terras. 26 acres, 16 in cultivation, near Beav erton; fine 10 -room plastered house, cost $1,800; good barn, cow stable, work shop, etc.. crop, horses, cows, chickens, farm Implements, all go with the place; this Is a snap at $4,200; $2,000 cash. Irrigated farm land clous to railroad, the best land In the world, $65 fo $100 ner acre: Vi cash.balance In annual payments; also several thousand acres for homestead entry. Including water rights. DIAMOND REALTY CO., 251 Alder St., room 10. "Locators for timber claims in Coos bav country; only a few good claim left. Party going out Monday evening. Call this afternoon at room 12. New Grant Co., 207 Grand. Address E-421, Jeurnsl 2 STEAM WOOD SAWS, WILL BELL cheap. Inquire Lowengardt. 83 Park. STRONG DOUBLE WAGON, ClDSf $290; will sell for $165; almost new. 47K William ave. Phone East 460 A DRIVING good real 268 Stark. TWO TIMBER CLAIMS tOR SALE IN Trinity Co., Calif. R. E. Buber, 228 4th St.. Portland. FOUR" CHOICE RELINQUISHMENTS Yellow pin. In Wheeler countv. Or. Apply at once If you want them. Co lumbla Trust Co., Couch bldg. BLOODED YOUNG horse, or will trade for estate. See Owner, room 32, Main 143. FCm SALE CHEAP FINE MOTION Flcture machine, films, etc. Room 2, 4 6th st. FOR SALE 3 4-INCH WAGON prompy service. ber wsnted. PIANO 64 4th st. Lady bar- 686. TUNING PHONE PACIFIC C. E. Carlton. 311 14th at MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flled ner bldg. Phone Pacific 185. LADIES, IF YOT ' ARE UNEASY about yourself, if your condition of health im not what It ounht to be. con sult Dr. Isabello Mackle. She has helped others, she will surely help you. She treat by natural methods. Room 10, 860 H Morrison t. Phone Main 73 20. CLEANING! AND DYEING ClOTHES CLEANED AND PRE8SED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., I0S Stark st. IL W. TURNER DYER dyed a specialty. (05 Main 2513. CARPETS Jefferson at FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS cleaned, curled, dyed; work called for and delivered. Main 2876. 764 Water st interest on rherit OVT. Lfttr rtf rreA ,l n - counts. Time certificates. 3 r 4 per pent short-call tpeclsl certificates, $600. Or over. 2U tn i n.r -,ll r!.. n t -ITT ttOTUlTinNH." ti..x, 8?u,n"Bt Corner Third .ml Odk sts. Phone Private Exchange 72i ' SENiJ' co'lEN President I H L PITTOCK ,.. Vice-President' B. LEE PAGET rt.rrefmv I J o. OOLTRA. . .Assistant Secretary SECURITY SAVINGS S TRI'HT Co.- '! Morrison Street. Portlands Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Huslnem. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ""f"' est allowed on Time and SnvlngM a' iirt. Act as Trustee for Estate jP1"" nd Letter of Credit Amll .l.i.. on All I'nrts of the World. C. F. ADAMS President I I., a. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vlre-Preiddent R C JI'BITZ Secretary GEO. E. RUHSE1..I AfFHtnnt Secretary . ' TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY- T40 Washington Street MORTGAGE LOANS ON Ponlnnd It. al Ftnte st Lowest Rate Title Insured. Abtr'-tx FiirnNred X THORBURN ROSS President I JNO K AITfHISON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL. .. .Vice-President I T T. Rt'RKHART Traaurer;, M BONDS AND 1NVKHT.MKMS. ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commer.-o Building. irntlon Bonds. Municipal, Railroad and Public- Service r-crrc OWNING-HOPKINS COMPANY Establlahed 1 -S s S HROK ICRS. 1 STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cah and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COM m khck. Phone Main ST. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST ft 8 LAB WOOD Co., 366 Front at, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood, coal. Tel. Main 136. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4875. Oak. ash, fir and coaL Portland Wood & Coal Co., 16th and Savlrr sts. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. House and blacksmith cosls, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONE8 ft CO., Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st DR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST. DIS eaaas of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mall. Office 181 1st at., cornr Yamhill, Tort- land, Or. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Ful Co., 834 Alder CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ma Dam v, shti and assistant , give baths and massage treatments. ( See Melfii 201 U 3d st BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 236 Jefferson. Phone Pa cific 2321 MISS RAYMOND, masaeuse; 268H Mor rison t., room 14; phone Main 6911. The World s Greatest Clairvoyant and Dead Trance Medium. Overbeck, Starr 8c Cocke Co. (Member Chicago board of Trade.) ; Couch hlclif,. 4th t . near Wasblnaton. UHAIN, riiUV 1HIUINB. HUN KM AND HOiSUS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION RUdlNESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wlr. Quick Service DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRAN clco wlihes a few more customers; alteration work neatly done. 284 3d st. Phone Pacific 806. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflo 981. EDUCATIONAL BEIINKE WALKEH BUSINESS COL LEGE. Elks' Building, Portland, Oregon. Chrtler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught In th Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts 737 calls for help and placed 111 since Aug. 1. will place you wnen competent- en roll now. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60c ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert, 106 Sixth St., next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT 5 cents. Jones Book store. 291 Alder. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- good condition for $60; Lents, Or. W R. E. Beegle, YOUR WINTER'S WOOD Will cat you less If vou buv stumn- FOR QUICK SALE. are of me on aood srravel road near One solid section 25.000.000 feet choice Lents and .cut It or hire It cut and yellow fit in 27 south 4 west Douglas hauled. Also wood and posts for sale. Co., only $23,000; 280 acres, 6,000,000 to R. E. Beegle. Lents, Or. 7,000,000 feet on South Umpqua, SO south west This can go for $4,000. I have tracts rrom 160 acres to 10,000 acres; also large and small mill propositions; also tie and piling properties. If Inter ested please call or write. References. THOS. P. THORNTON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. HORSES, V EHICLES, HARNESS FARMS ANYWHERE IN OREGON 45,000 TO r CHOOSE FROM. - , LIST YOURS WITH US. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankefiy. CHI r. SMALL FARM CHEAP. AHa sail rnA laitiAo 1 i cSkC ViiMgklv Atl rgisU WtWf CUS Menu. aaww,y( va mlSa, countv road. 6 miles out: nearly all cultivated; 6 acres In choice apple orchard: sold . 11.000 worth of apples: last year; good -room plastered bouse; hot and cold water, bath; good barn, good team, fine cow, some chickens, wagon, buggy, all farm machinery and small tools; a choice little farm; no atone or travel; might trade for a atock farm; price $6,000. HENKLH ft HARRISON. 117 Ablngton Bldg. fcfo-AdRTE DAIRY FARM. ALL BTOCK ed; present income $300 per month; $5,000 cash will handle it; a fine propo- Ultlon. cuoiumpia i rum. lo iouca oiog. F75r SACS 5R EXCHANGE ONE hundred and sixty acres of good land well watered In the fruit belt In White Salmon district M-412, Journal. fOR SALE 40 ACRES UNIMPROVED land, close to Estacada; nearly enough timber to pay for same; price $850, $260 rash, balance long time. Cary Hard ware Cp-. Eataoada. Wash, Jb-'OR SALE BY OWNER 11 ACRt:S good land on Foster road, 10 miles from city, - no rock, - no gravel ; good neighborhood; close to school and- Btore; lays nice and level; three acres cleared, balance easily cleared. Call on George Hamilton at Gates' Crossing or write R. T. D. 1, box 65, Qresham, Or. "A BIG FARM FOR LITTLE MONEY. gu acres, ou rencxr ana in cultivation; tieat 4-room cottage; good barn; other buildings; well of water, springs and creeks; good orchard; very rlohest of 5 oil; 4 acres fir timber, balance pasture; 2,700, with Implements included;' 2 milea railway station. In Benton count This Is a rar chance to get a snap In a, zarm- THB DUNN-LAWRENCB CO. 149H First street !Tu AcrfES OF CHOIClS HOOD RIVkr orchard land at a bargain. Can sell 5n parcels of 40 acres. Columbia Trust company. Couch bldg. CKEN RANCH, MOST' COMPLETE west $1,000 oash. balance term. a -f cm ina . T ACRES OF UNIMPROVED LAND HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn. East 72. BE8T WORK AND LIGHT HARNESS. prices lowest; we take your old har ness in exchange for new. Keller Har ness Co., 49 North 6th st. $100 DUE BILL FOR $76 TO APPLY on any new piano in store. E-413, Journal. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED SHORT horn Ion a bull. Inquire 344 Johnson St., near Union depot. EXPRESS RIG DOING GOOD BUSl- ness, also 1.200-lb. horse. 880 Water. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co., 49 N. th st FOR SALE CERTIFICATE WORTH $80 on any piano or organ at Reed French Piano Co.; will sell for $15. S-412, Journal, CHEAP LIGHT EXPRESS TEAM AND wagon. Incubators, brooders, poultry netting, sausage machine, bonecutte and power feed cutter. Apply corner North 14th and Flanders sts. FOR SALE CERTIFICATE WORTH $60 on anv piano at Reed-French PI eno company. Will sell to highest bid der. Address G-412. Journal. Strangely fascinating are the words that come from the cultivated Hps of this Great Enigma. That he has a power that is marvelous most marvel ous Is to say the least. He tells your name, the name of any one you Jtnow, living or dead; gives in detail a correct description of the one you will marry; settles lovers' ouarrela; unite those who are separated; hastens marriages; I tells as to Journeys, law, business, . mines, investment, will, natent. old els. etc.; German, English, French, estates, buried treasure, lost or absent Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction- ; friends; develops maanetlo force and arlea; foreign books of all kinds, i removes evil influences; teaches every Schmale Co., 229 f irst St. I phase of occult power. Bee him today CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE i Hours from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m Electric and vibratory treatment ror e""'i uom i io u. all acute and chronic diseases; good sur geons in charge. 92 V, N. 6th at Phone Pacific 2838. Consultation free. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druRslsts. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- ment; dandrurr. room 52. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both day and night MOXEY TO IXM Y MONEY MONEY MONEY. SALARY MONEY MONEY" MONET - MONEY" , FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young laJles who wish to take a shorthand course. Apply at once at office. 617 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Burnslde sts. ' L. BRONBON SALMON'S STUDIO OK shorthand and typewriting; full course In 11 weeks; open all summer; established 1888. Mllner bldg.. W. Park and Morrison. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS dally; 268V4 Morrison st. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. ACCOM- PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. rnone siain uu GASOLINE ENGINES Low Fee SOc THE BENSON BUILDING, 291 i Morrison, Cor. Sth Phono Main 7246. ! OASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electrlo equip ments; launches; accessories; wholessle and retail: enclne repairing. Keierson Mnchlnerv Co.. 182-4-8 Morrison st SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. AN 1? St., BEAUTIFUL CHESTNUT MARE WITH silver mane and. tail gentle and fine driver, 7 years old; also good rubber tired buaav and harness. AddIv 1670 E. 18th st. FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD HONEST work mare. 12 years old, weight about 1.800. 852 E. 11th st, N., cor. Shaver. Phone Woodlawn 163. FOR SALE ONE 4-YEAR-OLD DRIV ing mare, one saddle pony. Must be sold at once. 446 Flanders. Phone Main 7606; FOR SALE A 1,200-LB. H6rAe. $66: also hand-made rubber tired top bug gy. 154 E. 18th st., corner Belmont. FOR SALE BUTCHER'S DELIVERY wagon, $15. Phone East 3822. PAIR FINE TWO-YEAR-OLD COLTS, oroaen ana wen matcnea. one is a fine saddler. Phone Bell wood 428. ONE GOOD SIX-YEAR. OLD WORK horse to trade, weight 1,450. for team good work ponies. X-421. Journal. BUY FROltf THE SECOND HAND store where your credit is good. 325 1st st. Pacific 1970. SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford oedar In stock Call and see them. S. E. Gilbert 114 Front. SPECIAL ONE WEEK MASON FRUIT Jars, lids and rubbers, complete: Quarts, 60c per doz. ; pints, 60c, half gallons, 75e; dvered to sny part of ths city. Crane Bottle company, 14th and Couch sts. Phones A-2288: Main 2288. SIX-HOLE Inquire 632 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $40 REED, FRENCH PIANO CON tract for sale cheap for a few dav: parties Intending buying piano or organ call 268 Stark st., room 24; will get a bargain. PIANO OR ORGAN CERTIFICATE worth 880 on anv nfnnn Avo-on in Reed-French Stock: will sell tn hiirheat bidder. State what you will arive. James Flltcher, Baker City, Or. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Steinway (and other) pianos. Shemran. Clay A Co.. 6th and Morrison sts.. opp. postorrice. FOR BALE GARLAND range, piped for water. Flanders st. A SNAP WILL SELL A $30-CERTIFI-cate on any piano in Reed-French Piano company to highest bidder.' Ad dress A-412, Journal. GOOD CHANCE TO BUY CERTIFI- cate for tuition at the Behnke-Walker Business college. Address V-415, Jour nal. PIANO CERTIFICATE REED-FRENCH nal. :o., $20 for $6. Address P-421, Jour FOR SALE $50 CREDIT ON REED- French piano house for $16. H-42 2. Journal Address JUST A FEW MORE WHITE AND barred rock hens and cockerels from Ladd's stock. These are choice and a hargaln. Phone Bellwood 428. FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE MOWER. (Wood patent), also rake, both In good working order. 733 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. . 8 miles from Salem. 120.000 worth nf timber on the land; price $30 per acre. Hatfield ft Smith. Ufa 4th at FARM FOR SALE ON THE WILLAM , ette river; 107 acres, 160 In cultiva tion, black soli, house and barn, ware house, boat landing at warehouse; can be bought this week at $30 per aore, wuJl worth $80. s 1 V 7 D. W. HT5ILMAN, V VMn 1942? 0( Ablnfton bldg. FOR BALE A $30 .FRENCH-REED piano certificate ior $10. Call at 407 E. Belmont at WILL BELL A $50-pA"YMENT ON A high-grade piano at big reduction. Address D-412, Journal.' I WISH TO PLACE BEAUTIFUL. UP tight piano in home of reliable party temporarily, with a view to selling or removing same later none but careful and responsble parties need answer. Ad dress A-122, Journal. FOR SALE NEW PIANO; TRADED for It; have no use for it 107 Union ave. north. v ' WILL Liberally dIsCount trade orders on Reed-Frenoh Piano Co. for $70. 448 Sherlock bldg." FOR SALELIVESTOCK. FINE. BROWN SWISS BULL; vTLL aell or hold for service. Apply to E. Arnspiger, route I, box 69, Reams cross road. Gresham, Or. A GOOD FAMILY COW, EASY MILKER, address 717. Amherst chona Wand. lawn 604. , : v . . . WANTED SPOILED OLD POTATOES cheap. 713 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. FOR SALE OAT HAY; $10 A TON, delivered. 711 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. FOR BALE FURNITURE OF TWO housekeeping rooms, centrally located and reasonable , rent Apply today. Room 30. 133 M 1st st. ; FOR SALE ONE RUBBER TIRE RUN- abnut buggy. Frasier road cart: both in first-class condition. Inquire barn on Lownsdale at., between Yamhill and Taylor sts. MISS MARCKLLA LE ROY, plished mastieuse, 291 H Alder suite 4. MISS ETHEL WARD TREATS SUC essfully corns, bunions and Ingrown toenails; she also manicures. Room 16, 351 Morrlpy Bt. WE TRACE AND HANDLE SPECIAL ly English and Irish heirs and estates. Gray & Richardson, attorneys. 618 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Always Consult the Best. PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full uame and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; doe all othera ad- rtise to do. Hours 10 to dally and Sunday. 362 H Washington st. Phone Main 1267. Falrbarka, Morse ft snd Stark sts. propeller. 1st Co. REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES; low price; call or write. Fairbanks, Morso Co., 1st and Stark sts. Irs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist. She reads your life with unerring sight z N. 3d st., Romano LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest. A c . . ..ic.Kt, Tab nn nthpr. ( h 1 - chesters Diamond Brand Tills are soldljoHN SLATER WILL HOLD A TEST1 by druggists everywhere. J Hoaiire tonight, 8:15 sharp. W. O. W. nail, inn ouiween aiuci nicu o.itp, ton; entire evening devoted to tests, messagea and answering (sealed) writ ten questions. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE, EUROPEAN PLAN, 4 th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan. $1 $6 day. . i .. ' 1 m BELVEDERfe. European; 4th and Alder. HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hardware Co., 74 8th. PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB SO llelts business from reliable people only; fine local list. Mrs. H. ,C. Wil bur, 406 8d st, Portland, Or. NECESSITIES FOR AtAxtRIED WOM en. Call or address Mrs. IL C. Wil bur. 40 3d Ft., Portland. Or. DETECTIVE. STRICTLY tial; private work M-422, Journal. OONFIDEN- onlyi Address MARRIAGE PAPER, HIGHEST CHAR acter; Incorporated; 11th yoar; 3,000 members: naDer sealed; send 10c. L. I Love, box 1600, Denver, Colo. GENTLEMAN, 44, INCOME $500 PER month would marry; conimeniiai. C. box 35. Toledo, Ohio FU- irnrir YOTTR FORTUNE TOLD, ture and past reveaiea, BurpiiniiiB i.y nerica's eminent philosopher, astrolog- lst, clairvoyant. St. John, 1Z sneldon St.. Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB for honest. soDer peopie; unn n(- atrletlv mnfldential. Address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d and Harrison; Scar "HERMES." ASTROLOGER AND palmist; know thy future; truth only. The Olive, 303 V, Wash lngton st MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 825 Main St., 25n. Phone Main 7648. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MKLTON, 204 4TH ST. OF-i flee a.id store fixtures built and re modeled: showcases and counters. Phone Main 1 787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE Fix tures: general jobbing. 87 1st at Phone Main 3190 BUY ROSE CITY baby swings, Washington St. LAWN SWINGS. or lawn seats. 630 MADAM A. LUOKEY HAH AJUL , n hwn known as a natural healer. a gift she was born with; by her touch she has performed the most wonderful cures and has testimonials from very grateful patients; she also uses for stiff and sore muscles the electrlo vi brator and radiator. 146V4 Front St., niur Mnrrinon. Phone Main 2011. PSYCHE SNOWDEN VAPOR BATHS' and massage. 145 fttn, room to. HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE- painng; foundation and carpentering. 1033 E. Caruthers. Tabor 20. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE, 244 Sherlock bldg. W. L. PAGE, INSURANCE; EMPLOY era' liability, surety bonds, burglar and accident Insurance. Phone Main 328. 204 Falling blOg MONKY MONEY MONKY MONEY MONEY! LOAN'S ON PLAIN NOTE GET 110 TO $100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSERV "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIESTPA YMENTSJ A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. . REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK. . WE 1VILL ACCOMMODATE YOU, , WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKf RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. , ; STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKI'M BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY" MONEY' tG loan ' On improved city property or for build. Ing purposes, for from 1 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loins ap proved fromcplan and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. . FRED IL STRONG. Financial Agent. . 242 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS OU WXTZ artes, insurance policies,, pianos, fur niture. warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may secure a liberal ad-, vance. repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE COM PANY. 206 Ablngton Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBO pie and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, essleat payments: offices In 60 principal cities; terms first. I save yourself money by getting! outr- TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bid. ioH sa st UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 1 Id st., near Alder, established 1879; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and, seal skins. ' : . ' ' JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA- blllty and individual accident security bonds of all Kinds. Phone 47. 102 Mc Kay bldg LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including- armroved forest re serve, scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 880 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DRS. C E. BROWN AND MILLER Dog and horse hospital, 108 N. 6th at Phone Main 4086. GOITRE AND CANCER SPECIALIST. Goitre promptly removed; cancers, tu mors and moles cured without a knife; chronic s"nd private diseases a specialty; consultation free. Dr. Vose. ism 1st. YOUNG MAN OF 22 WOULD LIKE TO meet a refined young- lady between the ase of 18 and 21. for her compar and evening. i i-n, journni. FOR SALE PIANO CERTIFICATE. worth $40 on any piano or organ In Reed-French Piano Co.; will sell for $18. B-422, journal . GASOLINE ENGINE. New 8 horsepower horiiontal Lewis: all complete; will take $190. Address-,454 E. 8th st. FOR' iSALE CHOICE FAMILY ddWi gives good milk and plenty of It rnone iuast isti $40 CERTIFICATE SAfcfE AB CASH t'6 anv instrument In Reed-French Piano So.: make me a bid. Phone East 6818. -432, Journal. ' BARTER AND EXCHANGE, 80 ACREB.- UNIMPROVED, GOOD rand to trad for city property, 42,100. WANTED TO MEET ladles and gentlemen age; objeot matrimony. Journal. HONORABLE of responsible Address Z-421, ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner Id and Morrisosv sts. - CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horse and dogs. 288 Gllsan st. Phone Main 1484. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA STICK & CO., FRONT and Oak t.. leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. . A J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A .COM plete line uawmill machinery? also engines and boilers. STOCKS AND BONDS OF ' ESTAJS- llshed enterprises bought and- sou; ' commercial Bauer bought and moner loaned on all classes of good security. ' Koom zu uoucn Dug., tn ana wasn-s lngton sts. 'V MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL EfiTATfi." chattel mortgages or oersonal se curity; notes bought C W. Pallett to Fenton bldg. - ' DON'T BORROW MONEY ON BAULKY.. until you see r t ' .. v Hiitton Credit Co. 612 Dekum bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Money to loan on easr-nay- ment plan to wage earners: strictly con- v fldentiaL money Loaned tG 6aLak1id PtiO." pie Just on your own name: don t borrow until you see me; my system I the best for railroad men. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcar men and another employes; buslnens strlotly conndentlat. F. A Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 281 V anhlngton. - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED - city property or for building, pur poses. Columbia Life ft Trust Co 114 Lumber Exchange bldg. v "money to Loan oM ALL KlNTjflf of security. Wllliaid HolL room , " Wnshlngton bldg. . . ; SUMS TO SOlt CHAT- R. A. Framv 418- the TO LOAN tel security, Marquam. QUICK LOANS ON aLL SECfcRitltEd. 8. W. King. 45 Washington .bldg,-. Main 8100. ' . ' A LOAN FOR THE ASKlisfd SALARr or chattel. The Loan Co 410 Dekum bldg; ; MONEY TQ;iLOAN IN $600 TO $8,000. CharlNon & Co., Commercial,- Phona . Pacific 1196. MUSICAL DENTISTS DR. W. B. KNAPP HAS RETURNED from east. Offye 10 Hamilton bldg. rANCINQ C. S. MITCHELL, THE TALENTED musician. Is now available for all ninnn ennairemc-nts. first-class nlano and IV-'--, , , . wAnAnaVlA a,Aa mantlOlin mBUUClU'il a. l i -rnwiia mo icbv.-, Call at 484 -4 wasningion st. PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET, IROM bone, clnrinet. Professor E. A. Smith, 264 18th st. Main 4708. WALTZ. TWO-STEP, THREE-STEP and stage dancing; lessons 25c during summer months. Prof. Wal Wlllaon's Dancing School, 804 Aliaky bldg.. Id and Morrison sts. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES MONUMENTS NEU & KINOSLEY, 288 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. ASSAYERS WELLS & PROEB8TEL, "MINING EN- flneers, metallurgists and asaayera, H Washington st GARVIN-CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana 'Assay Offlca. Sit Mor- M. J. WALBH CO., Ill STARK ST., Electrlo and Gaa Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels. Tiling. Grates and Pogirons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENOI- neers, contractors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 94 1st, cor. Stark. Main 859. R. H.Tate. Mgr. WESTERN" KtECTRlC WORKS, 61 6th st Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors, and dynamos; we Install light and power planta. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 28 1 ET Morrison -at Fixtures, wiring, re pairing. East 8118. FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. Btarg sts. A. C. and D. C 1st and OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANC DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, 8PB ciallst on nervous, acuta and chronio dlaeases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific Il. - ' -- DR. R- B. NORTHRtJtV 4lM$-I7,ftR. Hum Diag., sa ami waenington ata. Phone Main 149. Examination freer PAINTING AND PAPERIN q P. A. DOANB OrVKa BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 188 Yamhill. M PLUMBERS FOX CO. SANITARY . PLUMBERS, 111 2d. bet Mala and Balmon. t Oregon phone Main 1001. DONNERBERG RjtbEMACuR'S moved to rv .o urnaid at. . CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE! money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either i country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. ' $200 TO $2,000 ON MORTGAGE FO"!? July only: low interest, small wrnensa io oorruwtir. varq, Missy OlOg. Jn-TIZS. WILL LOAN $3,000. fl PER CKt, 6 real estate: Farrlngton, $13 Fenton ' bldg. - MONEY TO LOAtf; LARdfil L6AK3 specialty: also building loans: ioweat PRINTING OGILBEE BROS.,' PRINTER8 CARDS, - "te ; uone Main 1898. kODERN' PRINTERY. . PHON'B 'VSA clfio 1628. R, 26, Russet bldg., 4th and Morrison sts, -'""i iii',',;xt PUBLIC STENOCRAPHER9 ? PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE writer. Main 1171. 81.4 Dekum FAYB KANDLE, 20 aLISKYBLTm - PAINTS. OH AN1 GLASS P. E. BEACH A CCt, -THE PIONE Z H . Paint Co. Window glasa and giii. 1 85 1st st ' PhjniMlf4. 7 .... , '": .jas)tAtRA!XTsr... y .' sjWsksaaaa)iBsasiai "aiB Wir.s "ii's11' GO TO THE BUSY -BKK ron Dt- I f. cateaens.,?HoB nkir.g, 434 lngton at ,T tt.9 huniii li. Crst-ciasa bakery la wmnaetiun. , i