The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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: Tmvri .Tnnfps:
the Journal at resorts .
Subscribers P. t have Th JfAtirnal da
: psfired at the rtfular ratal at th fol
' ' I0.?! resort by notifying the rnti
t thflArlous places mentioned. Bub
acriptlons by mall are payable la d-
' OREGON RESORTS. ' '"' 'n
Oearhart Park...., ..P. J. Struck
Hot Lak Hot Lake BanHarium
8alde lwls A Co.
Wllholt Springe T. W. JMcLeran
Carson Springs t. ,
Boyd A. Son and Mineral Springe Hotel
Caacade Springe Thomae Moffat t
Colllna Springe C. T. Belcher
Jlwaco .....Louie Cohen
Lon, Beach
.Marshall ft. Pottenger and O. A. 8mlth
JJaheotta H. J. Brown
t'cean Park Stewart Taylor
,,ran H. Barber and Frank E. Struhal
The Breakers. . . . . . -Tb Bkr" 1
Towgiri aicusxicebts. '
Marquam Grand ............ "Ingomar"
rna , . . . vaudeville
i'no 'The Man From the West"
tr "Utah"
The Oak....
O. W. P. carllne, Flret and Alder
Portland Academy Hall Piano and
Bong Recital,
let Us DoYour
Another story added to our
building enlargea our facilities
almost a third. Equipment up-to-date.
- Only ateam-haated pollsh
ers the kind that does not burn
In Portland. Female help
wanted. , '
Telephone Main 398. ; .
Jhn Talt. of 140 Eaat Thlrtv
.ireet, treasurer and manager of the
Troy laundry and manager of the City
laundry of this city, was arraigned in
Justice Reld's court this morning on
the charge of violating the state Tabor
laws. Bail was fixed at, ISO and defend
ant was released. State Labor Cotnmis
sloner O. P. Hoff brought the charge
against Talt of working women more
than 10 hours out nf 21 unri Mlnnia
Balrd has been chosen In the Informa
tion agalnat the defendant as the spe
cific lnstanoe of the violation for which
Talt will be tried. It is an Interesting
test case en a new law. The case has
ieen set for next Saturday and will be
' in me justice court.
At S o'clock on Wednesday afternoons
during 'uly and August, a series of
xalry stories for younger children will
be given In the children's room of the
publlo library. On Saturdays at the
same hour the subject of the story
hour Will ha "RfnrUi nf Hrul InIUn.''
Cor children from 10 to 14 years of age.
Rev. Charles F. Wei gel e, evangelist.
f Newport. Kentucky, will have charge
of the services of the Oregon Holiness
association tomorrow afternoon at
o clock at the camp ground. Tremont
station, on Mount Scott carllne.' Take
Mount scott car at First and Alder.
Mr. Weieele. with Rev. Aura Smith.
will have charge of the coming camp
jnceung. juij m io is
To the Chautauqua by Trolley Take
Oregon City cars direct to park; leave
First and Alder streets every SS min
utes from 7:36 a. m. Fare 25c round
trip; tickets must be purchased; on sale
in waiting room, Flret and Alder streets
and East Water and Hawthorne avenue.
The street committee of the city coun
cil yesterday voted favorably on the pe
tition of the Northern Paclflo Terminal
companv to use a portion of Nloolai
street for trackage. A similar action
was taken In relation to a petition from
the Portland Fuel company to lay tracks
for two blocks on Eaat Alder street near
the river.
Sunday Excursions on O. W. P. To
Oreeham. 45c; to Boring, Barton, Eagle
Creek and Estacada, 7 So round trip;
tickets must be purchased; on sale In
waiting room. First and
Cars leave 7:80, 9; JO. 1
8:40, 5 44, 7: is p. m,
Estacada, 60c.
11:10 a. m.; 1:0.
Pinner at Hotel
land Railway, Light A Power company,
who received a severe electric shock
yesterday and almost lost hi eyesight,
is reported by Dr. Hicks C. Fenton to
be1 slowly recovering from the accident.
Rev. W. R. Warren, of Pittsburg, Na
tional Campaign Secretary for Centen
nial Convention Disciples of Christ,
1809, at First Chrlstlsn church. Perk
and Columbia, morning service., Rev.
W, T. Groom, of Butte, evening service.
Rer. John W. Bradshaw, D. D., pastor
of the First Congregational .church of
Oberlin. Ohio, will Dreach at the First
Congregational church Sunday morning
ana evening.
Just received a car of J. Hungerfords
Smith's soda fountain requisites, con
sisting of "True Fruit" syrups and
crushed fruit, by Paclflo Coast Biscuit
Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas.
weanougai ana war lanoinga. aauv ex
rept Sunday Leaves Washington street
dock I p, m.
Navajo Indian blankets, 111 Sixth st
Alaska Indian DasKets. in sixth st.
Eastman kodaks, 111 Sixth street.
Dr. F. . F- Caeseday,
throat, removed- to 617
to 10, 4:10 to . Tel.
eye, ear. nose,
Dekum. Hours
Main IS!.
"Golden Grain Granules." that Is all.
G. W. Dickson, grooer, 1808 Belmont
Woman's Exchange. 1SI Teath street.
lunch ll:o to z; Business men s lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal
oil and line gasoline, mono East 711.
Mill cuttings Sz 60 per load for lim
ited time. Main uv.
Dr. Wetherbee returned. zzT Marquam.
D. Chambers, optician. 121 Seventh.
Berger signs 114 Tamhlll phone.
Bark Tonio for rheumatism.
Beck jeweler j 06 Alder. '
Klser. Scenio photos. Imperial hotel.
A I Yin B. Hawk, the printer has se
cured ground-floor quarters in the new
building at' Second and Alder streets,
where he Is Installing a (modern printing
plant, and will carry stationery and of-
iice supplies as soon as siock can oe
put In. Now ready to care for all print
ing orders at tne new location, 144
Second street, corner Alder.
Out of the Ordinary.
J. W. Brown, manager of the Brown
Transfer company, doing general trans
fer business In Portland, was burned out
at 1:16 a. m, Thursday, and lost eight
head of horses rn the fire, which were
insured in the National Live Stock In
surance association of this city. Notice
of loss was filed at onoe and proof of
same was placed on record and loss was
paid On Friday, within 24 hours after
the accident
This is the nollcv of the comnanv in
Alder streets, fall its transactions and tbe motto of
"honesty and Drotnotness" is strtctlv
carried out. No loss yet reported but
what has been promptly paid and the
policyholders are very much surprised
at their unusual quick and satisfactory
method of doing business. The affairs
of the National Live Stock Insurance
association are carried out on strictly
business - principlss, pure and simple,
and no one who hae a horse or valuable
animal can do better than Insure him in
Chautauqua Take Oregon City cars
leave First and Alder streets every 35
minutes from 7:85 a. m. direct to Glad
stone Park. Fare 25c round trip.
Tickets must be purchased: on sale in
waiting room. First and Alder streets.
East Water street and Hawthorne ave
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be pstd for in advance
and used only between the hours of 6
and ( a. m., and C and p. m. It
must not be used ror sprinkling streets.
ii usea contrary to these rules, or
.wastefully, it will be shut off.
Trolley Excursions Tomorrow To
Oregon City and Canemah Park, 46c
round trip; tickets must be burchased:
on sale in waiting room. First and Alder
streets, interchangeable with O. C. T,
Co.'s boats. Cars leave every 85 min
utes, from 6:26 a. m. I
Excursions to FalrvteW and Trout
dale By trolley; take Estacada and
Casadero cars from First and Alder
streets; 7:30. 9:jo, 11:80 a. m., l:$o.
8:40, 6:44, 7:16 p. m.; transfer at Cedar
fcVllle Junction.
lei Estacada, Summer Resort on
upper- Clackamas river, 2 per day;
$10 per week; take O. W. P. cars from
First and Alder streets every t hours
from 7:80 a. m. to 7:16 p. m. inclusive.
Dinner 60 cents.
Leo Furlong, 18 years old. held In the
county Jail on the charge of assaulting
P. Kasnlwage, a Japanese laborer, on
July 4. was this morning transferred to
juvenile court by Justice Reid.
RlngnVs new swimming plunge. Les
rons daily; enameled tank, fresh Bull
Run water. East Morrison and Grand.
Harry L. Gray, of 290 Jefferson street,
an electrician In the employ of the Port-
Arfetev Rev. 8. Al Smith. Services.
11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school, 10
a. m.: B, T. P. U. 7 p. m-
Third Vancouver avenue .nd Knott
streets. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:46
p. ra, by Rev. C. H. Darls. of Dallas,
Or.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Highland Albert and Sixth streets.
Sunday school, is a. m.; eeryloee u1
11 a. m. and 7: p. mThj X. L. John
son and Joha Bentalen,
aiAmi - Taoama and . Eleventh
streets; Rer George A. Learn. Bervloes,
H a. m. ana p. m.; ouuua Km,
a, m.i B. If., P.U., l:i p. m. , ,
calvary Jaai o;iguin
streets. ' Bervloes, 11 a. m. and j:ip p.
m.; preaching by Rer. jh. b. iooa nun
day school, 10 a. m. .
Immanuel Second and Meade streets.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.;
preaching by Rev. A. B. Winkler; topics,
"Love to God": "Just a Little"; Bun-
day school, 10 a. m.
Grace Monta villa; Rev. Oilman Par
ker. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:10
p. m.; topics, "The Good Shepherd ;
Report From the Spokane Convention .
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets; Rev. W. T. Jordan. Services at
10:20 a. m. and 8 P- m.i Rv. John R.
Stratton , preaches In morning. Bunday
school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. E.. 7 p. m.
University Park Rev. A. B. Waits.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; services. 11
irst--ine wnue "1H,",;,7""7
and. Taylor streets: Rev. J Whltcomb
wrougner, u. v. oervicn ""
ana. i:45 p. m.; morning, "The Congo
Atnlcttlee, by Rev. H. 8. Johnson of
Bejton; evening. "Mlsmated, or an Un
fortunate Marriage," by the pastor;
Bible school, 12:10 p. m.; young peoples
meeting, 4:80. - .
Bunnyslde (German) Forty-first
street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. u
Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. m.; Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m. " , .
St. Johns (German) Rev. C. Feld
meth. Preaching 8 p. m. Sunday school
Iec?nd Seventh and East Ankeny
trvata: Rev. Henrv B. Hudson, nerv
ices at 10:(0 a.
Great Healer";
ventlon." , .
Savler-Street Between Twenty-firat
and Twenty-second streets. Services
10 a. m.; Sunday school, a. m.
St. Johns E. A. Leonard. Services.
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bunday school,
Chinese Mission 26! H Oak street.
Sunday school, 7 p. m.; preaching in
Chlneae, 8 p. m. -
First Oerrorn Fourth and Mill
streets; Rev. J. Kratt Services 11 a.
m. and 7:80 p. m.i Sunday achool. 9:46
a. m. ,
Second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Bueermann.
Servlcea, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bun
day achool, 9:46 a. m. ... ,
East Forty-fourth Street Mlselon
Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook.
Services, 11 a. m.; Sunday achool. x10
" Lents Ninth svenue. at home of Wil
liam Kneeland. Services at 8.80 p. m
by Rev. K. A. Smith.
Mount Olive oevenin mi
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev.
Erlck Bcherstrom. Services, 1V.4& a.
m. and 7:40 p- m.; ounuy icnoui. m-.
B. Y. P. U.. 80 p. ra. .
Union Avenue Mission lowminn
Corner Skidmore. Sunday achool. 10
tion. H)-erv one welcome.
First Spiritualist Society Artisans'
hall, Ablngton building. - Bervloes. 11
a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; topics, "Trifles"
and "Mediumshlp," Rev. Wilson A.
m. ana t: p- ra.;
'Echoes of Spokane Con
p. m.. topics, "A Stone of Stumbllnr
Belf-Mastery ;
Firat Twelfth and Alder
Rov. William Hiram Foulkes.
at 10:30 a. m. and 7 40 p. m.
"Am I Mv Brother's Keeper 7
streets ;
; topics.
and "The problem of
Sunday school at 10 a. m ; Christian
cjiiuntvi, , j. in.
6unnyl(l Corner of East Taylor anon
East Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J.. J.
Ktuub. Services at 11 a. rn. and 8 p. m.j
topics, "Heallzlng God a Purpose" and
"The Pivots of Success and Failure";
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Senior Chris
tian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
llasaalo Street Kaat Seventh and
liasaalo; Rev. Paul Rader. Services
10:80 a. m. and 7.45 p. m.; Sunday
school, 12 m., Christian Endeavor, 6:46
p. m.
First Madison and Park. Services
10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. John
V. Kradshaw will preach morning and
evening; Sunday school, 12:15 p. m.;
T. P S. C. E.. 6.46 n. m.
HlKhland East Sixth street north and
PreEcott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., topics
"Rest In Seeing lort " 'The Coat of
Square Livlnf-"; Sunday achool, 10 a.
in ; Y R C. E . 6:46 p. m
St. Johna Rev. G. W. Nelson. Senr-
lca. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday
school. 10 a. m.
Garlstlaa sjda-aa.
First Church of Christ, Scientist-
Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison and
Lawnadale streata. Rervteea at 11 a. m.
Subject, f Sacrament"; Sunday school at
close of morning service.
Second Elks' temple. Stark, between
Sixth, and Seventh streets. Bervtcea at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; subject. Sacra
ment"; Sunday school at 11 a. m.
TJalsed Brethren la Christ.
First Eaat Fifteenth and Morrison
streets; Rev. 11. C Shaffer. Services
at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
achool at 10 a. m.
- Radloal Sixth and Mechanic streets;
Rev. C. P. Blanchard. Services, 11 a.
m. and 7:80 d. m. ; Sunday school. 10
a, m.-
Splrltual Life to a Correct Creed": Ep I Mediums' Protective Spiritual assocla-
wortn ueague, 7:46, followed by sermon
on, "Fool Catohersand the Parasites
That Prey on the Life of Portland";
Sunday sefcool, U:H. , -
2SplsopaL - '
. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar
7vrr Xhlrtentl and Clay streets; Rav.
H. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:30 a. m.;
services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, nt; Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m. '
Trinity Nineteenth and Evarett
streets; Dr. A. a. Morrison. Service.
I a in., 11 a m. and 8 o. m.
St David's East Twelfth and Bel
moot streets: Rev. George B. Van Wat
ers, D. D. Communion, 8 a. ra.i morn
ing prayer and sermon. 11 o'clock: 8u
aay school, 9:46 a. m.; evening prayer
and sermon, 8 o'clock.
All Saints Twenty-second and Read
imti. uunaay scnooi, io a. m.: aven
lng service, 8 o'clock.
St. Andrews UnWersltv Psrk: Rev.
W. R. Powell. Services and communion,
n a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. .
-'Good Shepherd Selljarood street and
Vancouver avenue. AlolnaL Rev. John
Dawson. Services, 8 p m.; Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m.; morning prayer and
many, 1 1 a. m.
St. Paul's Woodmere: C L. Parker.
lay reader. Servlcea at 11 a. m.: Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m.
St. Matthew' First and Caruthere
streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck. Com
munion, 7:30 a, m.; aervlce and aermdn,
11 a. m.
The Church of Our Savior Woqd
atock. Servlcea, 11 a. m.; Sunday
achool 10 a. m.
St. Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
Qulmby streets; Rev. J. E. H. Simpson.
Communion, 8 a. m. and 11 a. ,m.; even
song, 8 p. m.
St. John's Memorial Bell wood: Rev.
W. R, Powell. Services and sermon,
11 a. m.; Sunday achool 0 a. m.
University Park 113 Haven avenue;
Rev. D. 11. Gray; aervicea it I L m.,
topic, "What la It to Be a Chrlatlan
Without liulonglng to a Church?" Sun
day achool, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 7
p. m.
Laurelwood Rev. D. B. Gray. Serv
ices 11 a. m., topic "Essential Elementa
of Chrlatlan Life: Sunday achool, 10 a.
m , Mtxa W. Ingalla, superintendent;
Y. P. S. '. E.. 8 p. m.
Mississippi Avenue Mlaalaslppl ave
nue and Fremont street; Rev. William
L'pshaw. tervlcee 11 a. m. and 8
. Tnltod ITeajbyterlaa.
Church of the Strangers Wasco
street and Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl
DuBola. Services at 11:46 a. m. and
8:00 o. m. Services for mutes every
Sunday morning. Bunday school, n m.
First Sixth and Montgomery streets;
Rev. A. W. Wilson. Services at io: a.
m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school 11 m.
Church of Our Father Corner of
Yamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. Yf.
O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D..
minister emeritus. Services at 11 a. m.
Adult class at 11:30 p. m.
Church of the Good Tidings East
Couch snd East Eighth streets; Rev.
J. D. Corby. Sermon at 10:45 a. m.
Topic, "The Rights of Parents: Shall We
Cast Our Aged Forth as Public Charge
or Kill Them?" Sunday school at in m.
First German Tenth and
streets; G. Hafner. Bervloes at
m. and 8 p. m.
A ConrvaUo0 Cuitodian'
4 Per Cent
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second SI.
Corner Washington
YO .
f icnic
TO Uliu il . .-
SC. S. Church South,
171 U Second street: Rev. E. F. Mowre.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8. p. m. Even
ing topic, "The Fourth Command"; Sun
day achool. 10 a. m.; Epworth League,
p. in.
Heavy Travel to Seaside and
Clatsop Beach.
Hundreds of people are taking advan
tage of the excellent train service the
Astoria & Columbia River railroad are
giving between Portland and Seaside.
Two through trains leave daily from
Union depot 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., arriv
ing at Seaside 12:40 p. m. and 10:30 p.
m. In addition to this service the "Sea.
side Flyer," the crack train out of Port
land, leaves (Saturdays only) 2:10 p. m.
arriving Seaside (:6D p, m. Informa
tion and tickets .if an be had hv mlllnirl
at Northern Paojjle ticket office. Third
and Morrison streets. -
Potter Schedule for Beach
Next Week.
The sailing schedule of the steamer
Potter next week from Portland, Aah
street dock, is as follows: Monday, 8
a. m.: Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs
day, 9 a. m.: Saturday, 1 p. m. Get
ticxets and make reservations at city
ticket office, Third ard Washington
street C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent
New Train Service.
The Canadian Pacific's new 68-hour
service, Portland to 8t. Paul, is faster
than the fastest. Electric lighted trains.
electric ventilators. Library, buffet,
compartmeat, observation cars. The
most up-to-date train In the west.
Water Coolers
Keeping the ice from coming in con
tact with the water, hence sanitary and
economical. Phone or call up Ice De
livery company.
We Have Ton Mjoney
On trunks. We 'manufacture travelers'
needs. Peerless Trunk Co., 248 Third st.
preferred Stock Canned' aood.
Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand.
Cisterns and the Living Fountain"; 6
Y. P. S. C. E. rally. . .
Mixpab East Thirteentn ana rowou
streets: Rev. Jerome R. McUlade, jj. u.
Services at 10:80 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Calvary Elevenm ana i-iay sireeia,
Rsv: Ben-Eira Stiles Ely Jr., v. u.
Services at 10:30 a. m. nd 7:45 p. m.;
subjects, "The Patient Christ." and
'Christ s wora eaoKea vj nu jjeru .
music by quartet under direction Mrs.
May Dearborn Schwab.
Fourth first ana uidds sireeis; nev.
John R. Welch. Services 10:30 a. m.
and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school, 13 m.;
Y. P. 8. C. E., :3U p. m.
Hawthorne Park Tweirtn ana East
Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen.
Services, 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.; sunaay
school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m.
Forbes uenwoon sireei ana uuuirn-
beln avenue; Rev. Harry H. rrati. Herv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m. , .
Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
fett street; Rev. L. Myron Booser. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school. 12:15 p. m.
Westminster East Tenth and Weid
ler streets; Rev. Henry L Marcotte.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.;
Sunday school, 12 m.
Fulton Rev. A. H. Burkholder. Sun
day school at 11 a. m.; Christian En
..iif., 7 n m service. 7:45 D. m.
Kiarhll-Street Marshall and North ! Park
Seventeenth streets; Rev. C. W. Hays.
Rundav school. 10 a. m.; preaching at
11 a. m.; no evening service during July
and August; Y. P. S. C. E-, 6.45 p. m.
Mount Taboi- Belmont street and
Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M.
Sharp, pastor. Services st 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sellwood Corner East Seventeenth
and Spokane avenue. Services at 11 a.
m inn a n. m.: Sunday school. 10 a. m.:
morning sermon by Rev. S. A. Starr;
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; evening
sermon by Rev. A. J. Montgomery of
Third East Thirteenth and Pino
streets; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery,
pastor. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45
P - .i..w rr, .
vernon nat iwbuhcih uiu yvb111
Btreets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. by Rev. G. A. Blair; Sunday
school, 12 m.
Montavllla Rev. J. A. P. McGaw.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Millard Avenue Sunday school, 10 a.
m.; services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving streets. Hervlces, 11 a. m. and 8
p. m ; Sunday achool, 9:45 a. m.
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grunt streets; Rev. O. Ha goes Sunday
school, 9:30; servlcea at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m..
Botanla Danish Union avenue and
Morris street; Rev. Gudmund Grill.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 P. m.
St. James' English West Park and
Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leas. Berv
ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
St. Johns Peninsula avenue and KI1
Patrick street; C. Buechen. Servlcea at
10:45 a. m., German; 7:30 p. m., Eng
lish: Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.
Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth
street; Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:46
a. m.
St. Paul's German East Twelfth and
Hawthorne avenue; Rev. A. Krause.
Services at 10:30 a. m and 2 D- m.
Trinity German (Mlasouri Synod)
Corner Williams avenue and Sellwood
street; J. A. Rimbach. Services at 10
a. m.: Sunday school, 9:15 a, m.
Zion's Germnn (Missouri Synod)
Chapman and Salmon streets; W. H.
Behrens. Services at 10:15 a. m.; Sun
day school 9:16 a. m.
Central East Twentieth and Eaat
Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Ghormley.
Services, 10:45 a, m. and 8 p. m.
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and
Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson.
Services at 10:45 a. m., sermon by
George B. Ranshaw of Cincinnati, and
8 p. m sermon by W. R. Warren.
Mount Scott Services In hall at Kern
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.
Woodlawn Services st 11 a. m. and 8
p. m. ; Sunday achool, 10 a. m.
First Corner Park and Columbia
streets; Rev. E. S. Muckley. Services,
10:30 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:46
p. m.
Advent Second street, between Hall
and Lincoln. Services at 11:30 a. m.
and 7 p. m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a- m.
Th Christian and Missionary alli
ance Sixth and Main streets; Rev. C
D. Sawteile. Services at 10:80 a. m.
Sunday school at 13:16 p. m.
Universal New Thought Assembly
A. O. U. W. hall, Waahlngton, between
Tenth and Weat Park at reels. Lectures
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Toplca, "The
Power and Meaning of Ceremonies";
"Are There Other Worlds. With the
Same System of Living"?
Latter-Pay Saints Holds services
every Sunday In Allsky hall, corner
Third and Morrison atreets at 11:30 a.
rn. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday achool at 10
a. m.
Peniel Mission Evangelist E A. Ross
of Los Angeles will apeak at 266 First
street Sunaay evening at 8 o'clock.
Church of the Nasarene; A. O. Hen
rlckt. Servlcea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday achool id a. m. ; holiness meet
ing 3 p. m.
Olive Branch Mission 389 First
street; services everv night at 8 o'clock;
Sunday school at 1:30; followed by reg
ular services at 3 p. m.; A. Wells, sup
erintendent Mlllenlal Dawn G. A. R. hall, north
east corner Second and Morrison streets.
Bervloes at 2:30 p. m. W. A. Baker will
speak on "Time and Seasons."
Swedenborglan Portland New Church
society. Alder street near Eleventh; 11
a. m.; Rev. Hiram Vrooman.
pavement, property owners there, headed
by Ellis G. Hughes, yesterday succeeded
In getting the street committee of coun
cil to rescind all former paving permits.
For months a fight has existed In that
district aa to whether blthulltlo or aa-
phalt should be used and each succeed
ing committee heard the matter threshed
out between Mr. Hughes and A. M.
Shannon, agent of the Western Con
struction company, which laya the
blthulltlo pavement. Uniformity was
one of the arguments made by the
Hughes contingent, the other being the
Eetltlon of the people for asphalt,
hannon maintained that the petition
for blthulltlo pavement contained the
names of over two-thirds of the prop
erty owners In the district. Under new
charter provisions each one of the
streets must be taken up separately in
the district snd petitions filed for as
phalt pavement before the meeting of
council next Wednesday afternoon.
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Boise, Ida., July 13. The county com
missioners of Canyon and Ada counties
have just held a Joint session here and
audited the bills that have been Incurred
up to date In th Haywood trial, since It
opened on May 9. The bills aggregate
over 117,000.
T1- . aval. . ' '
The tickets can be secured free the
..... ... r Y) Vf . .
floor. Allsky building, comer Thlrt and
MorriJon street. Get your tlckata in
time. Don't delay.
T j V V V MAww-s.k
ajtd om
200,000 People
In the Northwest tJn tell you all about
Golden Grain
The pure, rich, nutritious) oeresJ health
coffee. It is
100 Per Cent Pure
if you buy a package of Golden Grain.
uranuies ana u you mrm nui
satisfied with it after you have used
half of the package, aend me you name
and addreaa and the name of your
grocer and I shall refund you your
money. Do not make It too strong; nae
plenty Of water. Our cereal coffee la
pur and stronger.
13 Front St.. Portland, Or.
Moneyback says: whcfl
ever you buy Schilling's
Best, your grocer returns
t J tM.
your money n you qpni; ;
like it.
Yosr grocer retsrsi yeer money if ye stool
IQu Scbillias'a Beat: we ear kiss
Well Known Oregon Journalist Suc
ceeds to Position Vacated by
John Fleming Wilson.
Lute Pease, well known to Portland
and Oregon people as a newspaper and
magazine writer and artist, has been
appointed editor of Pacific Monthly, to
succeed John Fleming Wilson, who has
been compelled to resign active connec
tion with the publication on account of
shattered health.
Mr. Pease, the new editor. Is perhaps
one of the best known writers OI tne
state. For a long time connected with
the art and reportorlal staff of the
Oreaonlan and Telegram he won recog
nition by hla clever writing and clever
flcturea. He firat came Into notice
hrough hla "Talee of the Town," bright
atorlea ricked up from the hlghwaya
and by-waya of the city and Illustrated
by his own pen and Ink sketches.
For some little time Mr. Pease has
been connected with Pacific Monthly as
an associate editor and his stories of
Alaska life written from personal ex
perience, embellished with reproductions
of Mr. Pease's work in oil, have added
to his fame. He will assume charge at
Pic nickers
Whan your thoughts turn to recreations and outdoor entertainment,
you think of TUX OAKS
Don Carlos and His Dog Circus Cleverest Chap in th Business that
ha com over.
Sdiilzonyi's Hungarian Hussars. Forty Masters of Melody
EOO New-Roseate Spoon
bills, baby leopards, peccaries,
iguana, contortionist, snake
arwTMlCrsTO BATzU Bathers
season tickets entitle them to
free admission. Chutes gate
Open 8 a. m.
MOJJUSM BXaTK Continuous mu
sic, new skates, plenty of fresh
air off the Willamette. Begin
ners in morning hours. Corns
and pleasant exercise, popular
with all, and you get a prise.
Refined surroundings and ser
vice. Ail that can be desired.
Chicken dinner, 76 cent.
THE WatAJTCr SO Galleon of
Chinese Pirates, Museum of
Bloody Wars, on the river front
ra ztoxrsB or xrTHFor
those who never laughed before
and those who alwaye laugh,
laugh the more.
Wanda, Occult Expert, Sht Knows. Alk Her.
auurxD TmAirarr at tkm oaxs.
sTew Tour 1b Kale Carl Coaster Whlsi Trips; Bhootlag the Chute
Whirls on th Whirl; toop-Loop-Loop on Figure Eight,
Fourteen minutes to Oaka on double track and the down-town loon.
Skipper Larsen's Flyer carries 120 people and every seat la an obser
vation seat
Behind a checkbook if you want to protect yourself against the
.footpad, highwayman and burg
"lar. With your money in absolute
safety in tHe bank, your check
book renders the entire amount
available whenever you want to
use it.
When crooks know (and they
have means of finding out how
you conduct your business) that you pay your bills by check and
don't carry or hold large sums of money, they will not waste their
tltor iryine to rop you ana you win live in oeace and safetv.
Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette
Short; Rev. 12. M. Hill, acting pustor.
Classes, 9:30 u. m.: services. 10:30 a. m.
and 7:46 p. m.; topic, "The Breath of
God"; "The , Young Woman With a
Psst.'' EDwdrth League 8:30 p. m.
Bunnyslde East Yamhill street, be
tween Jfiet Thirty-fifth and Thirty
sixth streets; T. B. Fbrd. Services 10
m. sunaay scnooi
Toung. Services 11
Sunday school, 10
and Twenty-third;
a. m. and 7:30 p.
11 a. m.
St. Johna F. L,
a. m. and 8 p. ra.
a. m. . ,
Fn worth Irving
E. H. Bryant. Services at 11 s. m. and
7:30 p. m.
Centenary Ninth and Pine, W. H.
Heppe. Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Trinity Corner of East Tenth and
Grant; Lowls F. Smith. Services at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school,
lfl a. m.
Central Russell and Kerby streets; J.
T. Abbett. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. TV..
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal.
Services U.-m. and 7:30 p. m.
Mount Tabor James Moore. Servlcea
at 11 a. m. anl 7. SO p. m.
Fatton Michigan avenue ana parpen-
cervices at it a. m.
United Evangelical.
First Corner East Tenth and Sher
man streets. Rev. A. A. Winter. 10 a.
m , Sunday school; services 11 a. m.
Sermon by Rev. A. F. Bittner; union
services Hawthorne park, 6:30 p. m.
Second Fargo and Kerby streets;
Rev. B. S. Hughes, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m.; services 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.
St. John's Ivanhoe and John streets;
Revi Chester Paul Gates. Preaching 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. by Rev. M. J. Ballan
tlne; Bunday school, 10 a. m.
Ockley Green Gay street snd Wil
lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox,
pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:46 p.
m.; topics, "Spiritual Reviewing" and
"Individual Service"; Sunday school at
10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:4 p. m.
Irvlngton District Desires Sightliest
Street In Portland Petition
to Je Filed Next Week.
Promising that Irvlngton district
would contain the sightliest streets in
Portland after they had laid asphalt
SvanffeUoal Association.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket streets; 8. A. Siewert, pastor. Serv
ices, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
First German Corner Tenth and Clay
streets; Theodore Schauer, pastor; ser
mon at 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Sun
day school 9:30 a. m.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib
betts; L. C. "Hoover, pastor. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school
10 a. m.
(mono main
TONIGHT and Ma,tlne Saturday,
In the classlo play
Eve. $1, 7So, SOo, USD. Mat 7So, 80c, 380.
Xfezt Week "The Tires of It John."
A checking account not only offers the only safe method of
transacting business but it ives you the influence of the bank.
11 a.
11 a.
ter. H. T. Wire.
and 7:30 p. ni.
Vancouver Avenue oervices ai
m. and 7:su p. m.
Woodlawn liev. b. n. uewari.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
Woodstock Ke v. w. i. .err.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth
Davis; C. J. Larsen. Servlcea at
m. snd 7:30 p. m.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach:
Johnson. Services 11 a. m. and
p. m.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt, O.
A. Waasti. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. m
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
H. B. Maaa. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. m. ,
' Japanese Mission 121 North Fif
teenth. Service at 11 a, m. andi-7:30
p. m.
University Park Rev. D. A. Watter.
Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 p. m.
Grace Corner Twelfth and Tarlor
treats; Rev. Clarence True Wilson, D.
D.. minister, will preach at 10:80:
xnornlng topic. The Relation of the
Rev. John Slater of San Francisco
will hold spiritual services Sunday even
ing at 8:15 Bharp. W. O. W. hall, Elev
enth, between Alder and Washington,
under the auspices of the Ministers' and
Twelfth and Taylor Streets.
Merbert Spencer Johnson
"The Congo Atrocities"
poruxa sekticx 75 p. m.
Will Speak on
"Mis-Mated or An
Unfortunate Marriage1
FULD butllr
0000 Bruno cool messes
De Luxe.
Yaudevllle d lux.
Week of July 8, '07.
"The Mysteries of the Togi"
asiaaa nuon
"X Chapter from the Supernatural"
Joaeph J; and Myra Davis Iwwlins-
Gavin. Piatt and Peaches Ths Four
Shannons Joe Thompson 20th Cen
tury Motion Pictures.
saSBSBsMssSsaSgSJI1 1 m V
Monday and Tuesday on
in 22, 24, 26inch,"at
The best value on the market If yousare in need
of a Suit Case for your vacation trip you cannot
afford to overlook our stock. We carry the largest
stock of Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases in the city.
Portland Trunk Mnffj. Co
tauXaoturere of High Quality Bag-face
Two Stores
107 Sixth, near Stark
54 Third
Sunday Breakfast
at the Royal A
THE STAK .phdTi4M9.ln tSit
Tne Xeorranlaed Star Stock Go,
MatineesTuesdays, Thursdays, Satur
days and Sundays at 2:30; prices 10 and
10 cents.
Every evening at 1:16; price 19,
and 10 cent
You can get an ideal sum
mer breakfast of homemade
products, fresh fruit, rich
cream, etc., at most reason-
able prices. y
All day and "evening dainty and iubstantlal refreshments
arc aenred. Our fee cream is superb I
RoyalBakery anct Confectionery
. . Washington and West Tzrk Ctref:.