I WILLIE GIVES JOHNNY JONES A SWIMMING LESSON - : - Dear Tommy: This is a scheme I invented to teach Johnny Jones There's an artificial lake on Johnny's place, and.we.went.mUo The machine went ahead all right, but Johnny couldn't steer.it, and ry " cut circles around the boat. i i ipTfr ml I I 1 ' I He got so awfully frightened that I held out an oar to him And what do you think. Tommy J He grabbed the oar and pulled His father got awfully angry, although there's onfy ! about two feet of water in the lake. Yours, Willie. PA'S NIGHTMARE-" WAKED ! ..' A:'':" A'' '..',' ' ... -J .J,il . I... - i i 1 1 i ! . 'H 1 & SIS YES ii CAN WALK MILES BEFORE BREAKFAST -cf 111 .1.11, II 1 1 llliMMIMMa,!! iitiii mpi Plli Vl'Ci'j'l '.'''ill 'illiiinU. .ifjy: illlivVMAT5 HE Ufn 111 AT THE WRONG TIME AGAIN r k. . ' A (vl II 1 I 11 ir jr fir -7 -ZV If r ,thwl I 1 I Jt ' i Ml I MIJNW Tn . 1 1 Ml - 11 ' ' ' " ' , ' ' ; . "" ' '" , . , ..,',,1, '. ... i aps ) (Aifi ft. it palM I IT