The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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North Beach
1 . fBpectat Corrnpondrm lo Tb Jooraal.)
JNorth Beach, Wash.. July II. The
' aeason practically opena here the flrat
' - WMk of July, but the roinr attraction
during the week of the national holiday
i "- hav a tendency to keep people In the
city until the great event has been fit
" , ' tlngly celebrated and the hot glare of
" the aun reminds them that luramef hl
. really arrived. '
It la then that thoughta turn Jng
Ingly toward the cool retreat : along
' the ocean beach and the -whtstUof' th
' ateamer Potter aounda ever more and
' more Inviting. The call becomea more
enticing aa the mercury becomea am
bitious to reach the top of the ther-rn-
tnometer. and already large numbers of
Jleaaure aeeaera ana ousy women, on
or their vacation hava responded,
crowding the decka of the big plde
" - wheeler and thronging the trains from
Thralo and Nahcotta.
Up to thla time moat of the arrival
hava been transient and the opening
of cottage for permanent aummer out
Inga la in Ita Infancy. The hotels have
han dolna a a-ood bualneaa and expect
i a large ruah on Saturday, after which
there will be a ateady prrowth of the
';- aummer population, which .usually
: ' reaches high water mark about the
third week in August.
Bvaryoa la Sestliur. ,
): Until mora cottages throw off their
i window blinds and chimney covers.
i i4w-. which have protected them, through thai
f v . 1 viae ineir uuurn hi iiww ww.jiryy.
- ttalirv. there will not be much doing
. . in a aoclal way at the beach, aa the
- tourist ana note I transients seen in,
I beach rather aa a rest from society
- and find ample recreation and amuse
'. nunt In welkin, bathing, or lust slnv
ply breathing the Invigorating air of the
ocean. ,
i, w ,.- ft many houses have been 'newly
painted and repaired, ao many new ones
are in ine course oi consirucnun "
owners who hava desired to rent their
cottages for th summer have disposed
of them wltn so lime ainicuuy, mav
' h- everything indicates a very prosperou
reason-for 1907 and plainly shows tha
' Tnrtland rxKinle are not alow, to appre
j '. , data their good fortune In being so
I - near auch a deligntrui watering piace
Aa Ideal Spot.
- Tha reputation of Ocean Park as one
' of tha most ideal epots In th whole
'northwest ia becoming generally so
' talked or mat it win no uouoi inrti
a very large share of the visitors tb
North Beach this year. Its nearness
to Nahcotta and Shoalwater bay makes
It a favorite spot for fishermen, while
. ; It unusual widtn or oeacn, nu oesun.
- - t ul grove and ahady woods offer per
f Farther down tha beach ia Tha Break-
s era. Where looms the big wnire noiei.
deservedly popular, or wunoui morn
Ing Its visitor of a single convenient
or luxury of th home it offer every
advantage, oeneru ana pims oi mo
beach. Tne noiei ia airiay iimwi
filled with guesta who may be seen
! dally boating on tha lake, playing ten
. Bis, bowling or bathing In the aurf.
. About half a mil from The Brmaker
i Is Tioga, where some of the cosiest
and most substantial homes on the
beach are situated. Here are the ium
mer homea of people who come regularly
to tha beach and most particularly at
thla place, are pld acquaintances re-
newed year attar year. Beach Is Ketropolla.
Long Beach is the metropolis of the
7 aummer colony, possessing the largest
: number of cottage, stores and places
- of amusement as well as boasting of
x- tlva large hotela and innumerable board
ing houses. The Driftwood, a popular
hoatlery at Long Beach, Is one of the
t moat unique architectual structure to
i ba found anywhere. The wimmlng
tank, the bowling alley and large roller
skating rink add to the attractiveness
and popularity of thla busy little city.
Sea View seems In ome way to have
fascination for th young people who
come to the coast, isvery jmr una wii
has been very marked and the social ac
tivity ha alway been greater at Sea
View than at any ner piac. a irK
hotel like The Breaker would do a fine
bualnes here, many of th larger ones
being unable to accommodate the, large
number of people who would rather stny
at Bea View than go farther up the
beach. The Hackney cottage at Sea
View has been Improved and enlarged
almost beyond recognition and in its
setting of lawn and varicolored flowers
la a very attractive jooamg
Become Om Jf Cty.
txrv, , th aajuui becomes farther ad
vanced a distinct separation between
these ditferent named station is not
noticeable, a they oecome, ao inicxiy
aettled as to aeem line one iarga sum
At the eittreme south end of the
" beach at th mouth of the Columbia
v. river. Is North Head, a famous picnic
ground, and the tnecca or aigni-seers.
Twn llirht houses, a life-saving station,
coaat defene fortifications, a splendid
view of the ocean, the Columbia river
bar with ita wonderful Jetty, are sights
that are f Interest to every visitor to
North Beach.
Tha Visitors,
Mr. J. V. Burke and little aon are
at Sea View for the summer.
Mr. Theodore Wilcox and son arrived
on Tuesday for an Indefinite stay at
the beautiful Wilcox home near The
The family of W. M. Kfilingrsworth
opened their cottage "Eureka at New
ton station durlne the week.
The Aloha cottage at Sea View will
again be occupied by the family of
Charles Mastick. Mrs. Norman rater-
son will be her mother's guest for the
months of July and August.
Mr.. Fielding Kelly and Mis Kelly
are occupying the Kelly cottage at Sea
View. s
Captain" and Mra. Edward left the
beach for Portland on Tuesday after a
short stay at Sea View, where they were
registered at th Hackney Cottage.
Mis Germain Samuel Is at The
Mrs. J. W. Morrow and two children
have taken a cottage for the summer at
Sea. View. They have aa a guest Miss
Junnlta Matlock of Heppner, Oregon.
Miaa Rosemary BAldwln. who is con
valescing from a serious Illness, Is with
her mother at Sea View, .where they
have rented a pretty beach home fori the
) Mr. Kmll Frank and Mr. Fech
helmer, who were guesta of Mrs. Isam
Whit at Tlora during the week re
turned to Portland On Monday.
Keep Open Bona.
Mr. ar.d Mr. Isam White are again
Installed for the summer in the pretty
red cottage on Tioga Ridge. As usual
they are keeping open house and have
already had aevernl ruests. Mrs. C.
Fochhelmer and Mr. Emll Frank wore
among the recent visitors at the White
Mr. Allan Wright with hor four little
on and her mother, Mrs. Ilowr. wife
of the manarer of th Hotl Portland
contemplate two month of free and
healthful beach life in their cottage at
Sea Vlow.
Among the guests of the Hotel Break
ers Is the family of "Doc" Ackrrman
prominent In social circles In San Francisco.
Mr. Julius Mler left th bench for
Portland on Monday. His wife and two
little children are comfnrtnhlv settled
In their cottasre, Swlfslde. at Tioga.
-;Mtsl Wfiliara" ririn will spend
the summer at Tlotra. where she has
lately onened her cottate.
Rev. William T. Eliot, vlth his fam
ily are rusticating at Sea View, where
they hava taken a convenient beach
Mrs. Alexander Warner and her sis
ter. Mrs. Pope, are In the Warner cot
tage at Tioga.
Lipman at CentervUle.
The Peeley cottage at CentPrvllle Is
occupied for the seeaon by Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Lipman. With them ar" Mrs.
daughter N. Smith, Dan Parkard. Nah
cotta, Wash.; Mr. Hyatt and family
Lebam, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ever
Ing. Hanover, Germany.
At Xiong Beaoh Hotel.
Horace Caswell, Al iAthay, Thoma
1 Jennet t. K. O. Horsch, tW. H. Cay, H.
Le Tlssler. C. H. McCarthy. D. A.
Monurls, Mra. J. ' E. learned, Mildred
Learned, H. Cayo, R. H. Brown. B. E.
Flske, C. E. Stewart, W. F.
Wilson, Ar. and Mrs. P. Heats,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Richard
son. T. W. Macklin, L. T. Hubbell,
Mrs. E. W. Kandcr. Marie Murry. Millie
Stlnrhoombe, Orace Htlnchcombe. Mr.
Clara Firth. 11. T. Borden. John Milll
ken, Thoma Huntington, Alfred Oeary,
F. E. Manchester, R. Morris, L. Bene
dict. V. R. Clarke. A. D. Clifford. I.
Arousay. Fred C. Hyde, of Portland.
Oregon; Captain 1. J. Hat hey of Juneau,
Alaska: I,llllan neary, Tacoma, Wash.;
J. K. Roddy.r Nampa, Idaho: Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Dural, Nampa. Idaho; Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Gardner, Mlddieton,
Idaho; Eva Allen, Greenfield, Maine;
Irene Whitley. Mrs. O. A. Newcomb.
Mrs. S. I,. Hodglna, Loul Rose of
Holse, Idaho; Mr. and Mr. B. F. Ivy,
Edgar Beard, Gertrude CMalley, Indy
eicnooni, Mr. ana mr. w. woirnein,
Mia Mattl Wolf stein, Mas laabel
Wolfateln, E. W. Lawrence, J. R, Mlnton,
Mr. and Mr, urant rnegiey or Port,
land; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hill, Spokane;
W. E. Baker, cedar Rapids, iowa; Mra.
George W. Baker, Payette. Idaho: N. R.
Kasnrord. ija. center, vvasn.; a. c aru
dick. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sin
nott, Elsa Savage, Tha Dalles; Mr. H.
E. Gessejl, Crlppl Creek. Col.; Ml M.
C BaiUle. Denver. Col.; William G. Nel
son. Reno, Nev.; O. Schmidt, San Fran
At Garden Orova.
Ed Nichols. Mr. F. D. Northrup and
daughter, Mr. and MM. Tom Holland,
Mr. Lena Shulta, MlesVnnle Kennedy,
Ml Gleason, A. Williams, Lout
Bronaugh of Portland; Mlas E. Johnson
of Seattle.
At to Prorv
Miss F. D. Storey, Mlsa D. Irene
Storey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lotan, Mis Sue
Barnes, Mr. and Mr. E. W. Barnes,
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Shea Jr., W. Shea,
Mrs. Arthur S. Spencer, Fenton Spencer,
Mra M. A. Fenton, J. H. Barbour, Mr. It.
and wlfe. Aatorla; Mr. Jesale Bird,
William B. Honeyman Jr Portland; L.
Todd' Haten. -Portland; K. Oshum, As
toria? Charles Bertram and wife, F. E.
Fowler and wife, C. II. Plxley ahd wife,
PortUnd: A. W. 8tlve. Aatorla; J. W.
Crane, D. J, H. Dickey, Portland;
12- A T! . t Tin 1 A . r 1 .1.. X,.r-t
land: Dr. J. K. Lock, wife and daughter,
Portland; Beatrice M. Locke, Portland;
R, Hovler. Aatorla: Myrtle Dallaa.
rranKiin, fa.; Artnur Morris, fortiana;
Humph re y,)Portl'and; F. J. Cook,' Port
land: K. (J. Hlaalna. Aatorla: Mr. ana
Mr. W. N. Wblttler. De Moines. Iowa;
J. epellman, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. w.
Coggerhall, Portland; Mr. and Mr. Geo.
alf li ' ixr -a aM,v
jonnson, cnicago, iil: u. a. btocKDriage.
Chicago, III; B. E. Flake, Portland; A.
Edgar Beard, Portland; Dr. W. J. Cottel.
wife and 6n. Portland; Dr. Margaret E.
Stratton, Portland: H. A. Webber and
wife. Portland: Mr. and Mr. F. Loman.
Aatorla; A. J. Taylor and wife, Flavel;
Miss Taylor, Flavel; Mr. and Mr. E. P.
Taylor, Oakland. CaX; A. C. Wattle,
Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mr. J. W.
al i y a. a - m Br
j'Mny a man believing he is well haa
gone to an insurance company only to
' b told by the examining physician to
t put hla affairs in order as he has only
'. a few .months to live due to advanced
' v kidney" disease. Thus, many people do
not ven know they have kidney trou
' " ble.- i -
If jrouyknow It you have had notice.
No. matter how well you feel or look
. Jf you hava kidney trouble don't feed it
with delay. As above. It may be al
rady chronic. Hence, the necessity for
takiqf at the atari the only thing
,' known thai .reachea It In both the first
and chronic, form,. li, Fulton' Renal
- j. Compound. ,1 v " . .A , ,
rf Tha census shows that 58.000 death
th laat census year wera ..from a dis
ease of th kldneya that was abso
lutely Incurable up to the discovery ,of
, vniinn'i . Rinil Conmound. It also
shows that over , nine " tenth of all
' th ceneu1 caaes. v eooner or later, as-
aumed this on lorm, - mow -unaer ine
' aun then can people who have kidney
1 - trouble afford to tak anything but
- th only known apeclno or the aeriou
' "IV has put aeveral of our dying fel-;
' low citisens on their t eeC-r-Honoiulu
lally Advertiser -
v it you bv tolssz Uovblt fttrjt tight,
Lipmnn's elster. Miss Helen Rosenfeld
and her brother, Arthur Roaenfeld.
Miss Henryette Lauer was a guest of
the Lipman cottage during the week.
Miss U lima Ftk Is with the Mas-
tick family at Bea View.
A very pretty and convenient ramp
near the Breakers Is tenanted by Mrs.
R. J. Holmes. Miss Annie Holmes, Miss
Lcllta Holmes and Edwin Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Amos, after ar
ranging for the occupancy of their
heath house at Tioga, left during the
week for a southern trip. Miss Tilly
Ames is now in tne cottage.
Mrs. Bettls la visiting her sister. Mrs.
Helen Bradley. Miss Vail I also a
member of the Bradley household for
a few weeka.
Cottages imt Bock.
Among the few cottages built at the
extreme southern end vf the beach near
the rocks are the StiVile cottage and
tne Collins pretty green bungalow.
i nese are ootn occupied Dy tneir own
The Barnes house at Tloa-a. which is
n unusually fine summer home, is dis
pensing beach hospitality to several
?uesta. Caotain Reynolds Is with the
amlly for a brief visit.
The family of Wl Ham McKenzle. the
well-known accountnnt, are in their
house at The Willows.
Mrs. Tsaao Lawler and daughter Nona
are spending the month at CentervUle.
J he Misses Agnes and Ethel Mcin
tosh, In the absence of their mother,
who is spending the sumrrFar with rela
tives In Scotland, have opened their cot
tage at The Willows and are keening
house for their small brothers. Miss
Ann McLean and Howard Knight of
Astoria spent a few days at the Mcin
tosh cottage this week.
lx Months at Beach.
Mr. D. W. Crowley has been in her
cottage at Tlogu since Mav 7. Mrs
Crowley Is extremely fond of the beach
nu spends about s x months of the
year In -er beautiful home here, which
is one or tne nnest on the rid ire
Mrs. Wllltam Harder and the Misses
Maraer are in one or the Gibson cot
tages at Sea View. Miss Ethel Honey
man 1 a guest of Miss Ethel Harder.
The Klosterman cottage has been
lanen lor juiy ana August by Mr. and
Mrs. Ard Haradan.
Mrs. John Rayborn Is at the beach for
the summer season. Her cottage is near
ntwions station.
The spacious and elegant Corbett
house at Sea View has been opened
Mrs. H. W. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Mason. J. H. Mason and Mrs. David
Robertson comprise the household.
Barber Cottar Sold.
The Dr. Barber cottage at Tioga has
been sold to H. Huggins. Mrs. Hug
gins and Harold Huggins are here for
the rest of the summer.
The Mitchell cottage has been rented
to Dr. Nunn. the Portland oculist.
Mrs. Frank Heitkemper is with her
mother, Mrs. Allard, at Sea View.
The beautiful new home of M. r
Wells at Sea View has Just been com
pleted and made ready for the summer.
Mfs Madeline Bruce. Mrs. Dan Kellaher
and Miss May Coon are being enter-
tainea Dy jura. wens.
The Schooht cottage at Sea View arain
presents a lively scene and as usual
many good times are anticipated at this
hospitable summer home.
Professor Jamison, Mrs. Jamison and
daughter Le Conie are In their Sea View
At Th Breakers.
E. A. Howe. F. A. Gaddis. G. E. Kel-
log, Mrs. G. H. Reed, Paul C. Bates,
Mr. and Mrs. Claud D. Starr. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Rosenfeld. Delphlne Rosenfeld.
unaries ti. Mccrum, j. w. iNewxirk, u
A. Stewart, C. F. Stewart, Mrs. L.
Samuel, Germain Samuel Mrs. C. C.
Gartren. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nane. Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Tynan. A. R, Harmon.
C. W. Thomas, Mr. and Mr. George W.
Boschke and children. Miss Marguerite
Boschk . Mrs. T. M. Truth. H. E.
Wood. Miss Ethel Harder. Master Rus
sell Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meier.
B. E. Flske, A.' Edgar Brand, Mrs. J.
Meier, Mr. Frank. I. Aronson, Dr. H.
HoODle. Margaret OConnor. Mrs.
Walter Honeyman, nurse and child, J.
uesevoise. l,. m. ciark. v. m. Averin.
Mary Avertll, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Connell, Leon Hayes, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Morton. Seattle, Wash.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. w. Bell, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.
v. Ll. Hatfield, Sacramento, Cat.; Mr. and
sirs. ti. m. Bradford. Boutn Bend,
waan.; vr. H. T. Hoople, Calgary; w.
E. Nixon, Twin Falls, Ida.
At Th rortland.
Mrs. Grara ITIvnn it Thnmaa T IT
Kaltx. Mr. and Mrs.' O. 8. Kusaeil, Mr.
. i31". Mr. and Mrs. Thoma H.
jvraiaraaon, n. w. stott, A. Garvin, Dan
Mazxte Mlnnl Blackwood. Mae a Jost,
Mi1,Bl'vESier. J'ord- George C. Ec4s, L.
Allenhoff, Mrs. Holding, J. H. Stanley,
of Portland; George J. Rutkin, Mr. and
H. Ba" Francieco; Mr.
Sf.4. i . Mitchell, Wclaer- Ida.;
Floyd Harri. Le. Wyiiama, Caldwelt
y' H;. u OConnelL Mra. W. L.
OConnelL Miss Grace Flynn. Seattle,
Wash.; F. 8. Frank I. M. Bettls. J
C. B.ttU. C T. Bettls Jefferloi. city!
Tenn-j-Mr. and Mr. F. A. Mason, .As
toria, or.r Mr. and Mra. 8. Atover.. J.
M!Lllranr J, C. Wimi f un.
gomh Bfli uri. jui&asi ad
if hip, Vy 14
Bailey, Htllsboro; Mis Bajley, Paul
Bailey; Ohas. H. Holman, Junction City;
O. T. KelihQsn. Portland: Mr. and Mr
C. H. Huntley, Oregon City: Dr. J. ,J.
Fisher. Portland; Octavla Downfng.
rornana; UTans vj. rossi, Portland ;
John F. Roth, E. A. Erlck, Portland;
E. G. McGlaughlin, Hoqulam. Waahlng
ton; George A. Harding, Oregon City
A. P. MiHiren, Rainier; Mr, and Mra.
S. A. Mathlew, Portland; Jam A. Bani-
ford. Portland; Mr. and Mr. J. Marsh,
Waco, Oregon; E. O. McKee, Wasco,
Oregon: U 8. Parkin. Monmouth, Ore
gon; W. B. Cheatham, San Frunclaco,
California; b. H. Caldwell, Newberg; M.
Peterson, Buffalo, New York; Mr. C
8. Archer, Portland; M. E. Everett,
North Bend; Mr. and Mr. J. E. Roger,
McMlnnville; M. Thompson, Fall City,
Oregon; C. H- Thompson, Fall City;
O. P. S. Plummer and wife, Portland;
D T l.nnU... n n mnrt t. -1 1 . n . A
Allen, Portland; Effle Johnson, Port
land; Mr. and Mr. B. F. Jone and
on, Portland; Mr. and Mra. F. A. Ann
tey. Portland; Mra J. B. Holbrook and
child, Portland; v. Mcculiougn, fort
H. H. Flower, Portland; Mr. and Mra.
Gregory MacOregor, Portland; Grace
Oberg, Portland; Hazel Ramsey, Port
land; Mrs. W. Ramsey, Portland Gladys
Ramsey, Portland; Elmer Ramy. Por
land; Margaret Hawklna, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Portland! Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. McClurg, Mildr4 Mo
Clurg. Frank Kenewll, Mr. and Mr.
O. W. Phelp, Pendleton; Margaret
piiiim Pntiinil' Cl Phalns Portland:
Mr. J. C. Hart Portland; Ruth Hart,
Portland; Mr. S. C. Kenewell. Portland;
Ml Rose Thull. Portland: Mr. and Mr.
Clemanaon, Portland.
j " Colonial Hotel.
halam- C ntnarlddla Prlnavllle: Mr. J.
W. Jacoba R. E. Flaa-. Orego
Mia N. CreswelL Ml S. CreaweU,
bard: Ml Anna Staler. Vanoou
Wash.: Mr. and Mr. J. Bagley, P
land: Florence Neal. Des Molnea. low.:
Grayo and Lid a Brown. A. L. Baker,
fas r''vv' i
Surf Bathing Ia One of the Many' Attractions at the Coast Resort.
Spokane, Washlngton; Mr. and Mrs. C.
I Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc
Clellan, D. W. Ceban. Roy Tait. Frank
Maro, Robert Nluhol of South Bend,
Washington; A. J. Taylor, Astoria. Ore-
fon; Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Ward, Deer
aland. Oregon: J. H. Taylor, Nahcotta,
Washington; Florence Eynard, Tacoma.
Washington; Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs.
Charawell, Bay Center; W. L. Burt,
Vane, Washington.
At th Driftwood.
Mrs. D. A. Shlndler. Page Shlndler,
Lawrence J. Schade, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Reed, Mrs. N. Kan ff man, C. J. Kauff-
man, Gertrude cnocm, airs. m. Mc
Donald, Violet McDonald. Bernlce Mc
Donald, R. H. Pease. Ieo. J. acnmiat.
A Lovett of Portland: Mia Vlda Wolfe.
Independence, Or.; R. Case beer. Castle
Rock, Waah.
Clatsop Beach
Alice Healy, Mrs. M. Llynlff, Mr. and
Mrs. George Farn, Mrs. u. lvnoii, Mrs.
E. Von Borstel, Ada Mercer, W. H.
Mall, Gertrude O'Malley, Josephine M.
Cronan, Frances E. Cronan, H. Bowers,
Mr. A. A Wright and sons, D. Madl
won v.. W. Dlnrman of Portland. Ore
gon; Mary -G. Cronan, Sea View; James
W. Bell, Mr. Bell, Chicago; Walter
Seaborg, Ilwaco; Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
vtnrriann Tji Grande. Oregon: Dr. A. E.
Stuht and family. Colfax, Washington;
Miss Mabel M. Stunt, Omaha, Nebraska;
Jack De Brau, Str. T. J. Potter, Mr. and
Mrs. C. O. Flfleld, LewUton, Idaho;
Mrs. R. J. Tennant and son, uiympia;
Mrs. B. Knott. Olympla.
At th Wickham.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hael, Miss Mon
roe, Mr. J. Schmltllng, C J Felton, Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Cook, Robert Doery, Clar
ence Haeth, Miss Helma Sburm, Miss
V. E. Schmithug. Miss Ethel M. Stlltfs.
Of- Portland, Miss Stella Block of Los
Angeles, Cal., Robert Dorge. C. M. J
Heath, Arietta, Oregon.
At th Bait Air,
Lydla Metzger, Emma Shepard, John
McCuliy, airs. vicior n. friiz,
Helen Rosenfeld, Mrs. I. N. Lipman.
Mra. Isam White. Mrs. E. Frank. Mrs.
C. Fecheimier, Howard Hutchinson, Mr.
and Mr. William Ruppell and son. By
ron MoKinn, Lyie urn wnjiam S.
Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Q'NieL
W. E. Hutchinson, Mark McAllen, Mil
ton Gevurtz, Mrs. M. Barndt, Miss Allle
Werden, Miss Ruin Werden, Mr. and
Mrs. Drake and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Farrell and children, J. M. Archfold, of
Portland. Oregon. Mrs. H. L. Keely, Miss
May Keely, Oregon City; Mrs. V. F.
Fritz, Reno, Colorado.
At Hackney Cottag.
n n .1 ir.. t xjr )r.nA c -ci t.n -
Mir, nnu luio. 11. xvwu, V. . a . .11 1 1
shall, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Temph, L. F.
Beck, Cora M. Eastman. Gertrude
Schocht. Margaret Schocht, S. Sweet,
Mrs. Sweet, Miss Irma Hart, Dr. A. E.
Stuht. Mrs. Stuht. Miss Mabel Stuht.
Mrs. John Andrew. Mrs. Ines A. Hlbbard,
k. h. Kaultz, A. Rosenfeld. W. H. Uren-
fell, B. Haradon, E. S. Edwards, Mrs. E.
E. Edwards. A. E. Mcintosh. Anna Mc
Lean, E. R. Mcintosh, R. B. Mcintosh,
N. Mcintosh, H. Knight, W. E. Cox, R.
Chapman, Leo Selling, B. E. Flske, A. j
(Special Correspondent of Th Tonrnal.)
Seaside. Or., July IS. The season of
1907 promises to be th moat prosper
ous In th annal of Seaside. Hotel
are filling rapidly, nearly all th cot
tage have been opened, and th (hell
road vie In popularity with the pier
and the board walk in front of th
Moore hotel. Wooden shelter are be
ing replaced by gaily striped awnings
and the cottager who owns an American
flag, no matter how small, displays It
conspicuously In honor of the soldier
boys who are encamped near Seaside
During the week there have been few
private parties, as everybody was busy
watching the drills of the Third regi
ment of the Oregon National guard and
enjoying the festivities given in honor
of the two state conventions which met
at Seaside this week.
Druggists and Medio.
The Oregon State Pharmaceutical as
sociation held their seventeenth annual
convention here July 10, 11 and 12.
About 200 delegates and friends com
bined the duties of attending conven
tion with the pleasures of a trip to the
beach. During the bathing hour mor
tar and pestle were-forgotten and one
c.r two staid delegates became ao enam
ored of deep sea fishing that they spent
every available minute fishing from off
the end of the pier; but although there
were many fish stories told no very
wonderful catches were made. Wed
nesday night a grand ball was given in
the shell road pavilion and on Thurs
day night an old fashioned clambake
was given in front of Locksley hall.
The Oregon State Medical association
opened a three days' convention here
rairtanke' Banquet.
Tho big event of next week is the
banquet (n honor of Vice-President Fair
banks, which is to be given at the
Moore by the Astoria chamber of com
merce. The banqueters will come down
from Astoria on a special .car.
Sam J. Moore, of the Hotel Moore, is
making every effort to have the banquet
a success and has ordered decorators i
and caterers from the city. Covers will
be laid for 10 guests. Music for the
evening will be furnished by th Third
Regiment band.
Following are the guests at the Sea
side hotels:
Th Moor.
Mrs. L. P. Curtis, Portland ; George
E. Ross and wife, Charles Humphreys
Four Will Engage In Business, One
Xm Promote Religion and Sixth
Wm Advertise Portland.
Six new concern tiled articles of In
corporation in the office Of the oounty
clerk yesterday. Four of them will
engage In business, one was formed to
promote religion and another to adver
Use Portland and Oregon. The last wj
the Portland rose carnival, the article
of incorporation of which expressly dis
claim any intention oi earning proms.
J. C. Stanleton. H. L. Slpple and IL C
Fertlg have Incorporated the Willam
ette Fruit A Produce company; capital
stock,- 6,000.
The Hendricks Hardware company
was Incorporated by J. E. Hendricks,
Josephine Hendricks and Jennie Hen
dricks; capital stock. $4,000.
Articles of Incorporation of tha Cre
canf Timber comnany were filed by John
F. Ducey, James G. Ducey and Charles!
oimcnneia jr., cttyi uu euwa, vivv.uvv.
George G. Root, August Donnerberg
and R. W. Wilbur have Incorporated
th Alaska Plumbing company; capital
stock. $3,000.
The Bellwood Church of the Nazarene
waa incorporated by its directors, E. W.
Bartholomew, H. A. Bartholomew, F.
W. Bartholomew, Etta Mclntyre, A. O.
Hendricks, Emma Eaton and Edltb
White'sldes. The property now owned
by tha church Is valued at $2,000.
F. Jesse. Mrs. R. Strickland. Portland:
Ruby Strickland. A. 8. Ashley. San
Francisco: F. Jacob. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Whlta Portlant: Rart Pnlamin Toronto.
lanil' T A Ijiw Xnrt lanrl ' fa II Itnra I . ' fnw Y- i, i.v. 1, . 1 - . m
Portland; H. N. Welch, Portland; Mr. j. Thoraon. Baiter Citv: Rev. and Mr.
na Mrs. in. j. noovris. roriinna: a. i a w Roharta Mr. an I Mra M a. how.
V. Roberts. Oregon City; Mrs. H. Bur-1 ard and children. C. A. Cook, Mr. and
goyne. r-ortianu; Mrs. Marry Munixig. Mrs. M. A. Neudecker. George Prlester,
Portland; George Burches; J. A. Grav- Llle Parry, Arthur J. Smith. Mr. and
t.'1 x . ' .u"i Mrs. ftibk ana on, -oruana: air, jr.
Mareotte. Port fund; Fred R. Foulkes. lE. Selover, Mr. and Mra. H. L. Glob.
Portland; W. S. Holt. Portland; Nolan Eurene.
U Ilaal f'tilAnarA- Kjg a i nil MAT a, U t' I
jv Acg'a v ininai'. i biiu ivt id. a at .
Garratt, Portland; Captain D. K. Bu
chanan and Family, Portland; Mlas Ada
Jonea, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. ri,
Bauer. Portland; H. W. Scott, Portland
George 8. Taylor Portland: John Gra
ham. Astoria; 8. K. Howes Astoria: Lee
Boyer. Portland; C. Franklin. Portland;
Mrs. r . ri. rower h-ortland; Mrs. lxgan,
Portland: Nanrv K rltirnav Tina-Flaar-i.
uaurornia: is. w. uaston, Tacoma. wash
lngton; V. A. Hall. Clatskanl. Oregon
Mrs. W. A. Hall. Clatskanle Orea-on: J
F. Robertson. Clatskanle. Oregon: W. V.
Fleidner, Portland; E. A. Hlgglns, As
Xrfcksly Hall.
F. J. Kolman. Milwaukee: Mr R.
Kolman, Bralnard. Minn.: Mr. and Mra
M. J. Donnell and child, T. Donovan.
Xnw m n A 1 w nnJ 11 n. TI
. w . . .-nu, i,. niiu rail. c. 1 . ' HI I1UV1L T,, - ..M
Portlanri- Arthur Thavar P,tl. I Rlddl. Or JttM IT, HOT.
A. Wright. Union, Oregon) H. C. Alien, John Blaauw, Portland, Or.!
Portland; Mr. and Mr. F H. Held, Port- Dear Sir: I saw your ad in Th Jour
land; Mrs. T. S. Smith Jr.. Malcolm G. mi nnH hava anawarad It annnar
oiiiiiu. Mrs. narry p. munixig, i-ortiana, but could not get any uoifian (irain
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Wilson. Walla Granules In town until I had our grocer
Walla; Mr. and Mra A. K. Turner, order some. 1 hope my letter will get
Springfield, Or.; Mr. and Mr. Paul there in time. I drank the coffee and
Straw, Portland; Mr. and Mra. A. L. thnusht It was fine. Th name of our
Glbba, Eugene. grocer 1 E. Underwood. Th nam of
swMHiiiB Aan. i my acnooi is niaaie.
Miaa, T,.rdan wi.. v n I Tha wit li nackages oan D paekaa
m,inr prii.. ur- iir uf t i ' I in a. cut. leaving no vacant so ace In
PortUnd; W. A. Morgan. Portland: Mis th nv pa wg?2 3own tt
Edith Freeman. Portland; Dr. and Mri ml"a ' "V . A-TTTi.. ii" vi.,ei
ITVlUVIl tjiaiiutc aa MjMM,tM
and should be uaed in every hom. On
rckage weigns l pouna ana ao ounce,
am 10 vear old. Tour respectfully.
Jessie Hwarta, Kiaoi. ur.
Here Is One of the Letters
Sent to John Blaauw in
a friendlyContest Be
fore July 4th, From
' Children
B. Whistler Badly Braised Whfle at
Work on Honae on Coun
cil Crest.
E. H. Wetzel, a wealthy mining man
of southern Oregon, is in Portland nego
tiating a mining deal. Mr. Wetzel de
cllnea to disclose the names of the rroD-
ertiea which he haa under consideration.
but says that It 1 not the Blue Ledge
mine, a has Deen reported. Mr. Wet
eel says he had nothing to do with the
sale of the Blue Ledge property.
Mr. Wetzel is enthusiastic over the
future of the copper belt in southern
Oregon, and says that many fortunes
will be made. in that territory in the
next row years. will remain in
foruana several days and will then !
tnrn to the mines.
B. Whistler, a carpenter, residing at
292 Eleventh street, was th victim of
a rather unusual accident yesterday
morning and as a result He in a pre
carious condition at hi home suffering
from a badly bruised back and posalbl I OPEN
internal injuria.
WhUtler while at work on the roof of
a dwelling on Council Croat waa struck I AND
by a flying plec of stump that had
I A. M. TO 1 P. M.
been dislodged by a giant powder blast
i ne Diasting operations were going on
fullv too feet from th house on which
Whistler waa employed and it i pre
sumed that the men engaged in the
cieanng wore usea ioo large an amount
of explosive.
Whistler when struck fortunately fell I On Savings Account. Interest Com
inio me ounaing ana mereDy escaped
being precipitated to the ground, a dis
tance of 20 feet. Dr. Fred Gillette was
called to attend th . injured man and
pronounces tne injuries serious.
pounded Seml-Annually.
Balance of Chock Account
Summer School At Albany.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Albany. Or. July 18. The summer I OFFICERS:
nhnnl r llhanw nfAiaA V Da I '
dent H. L. Crook and County Superln- thokbukw ituaa - - Fro-iaeni
tendejit W. L. Jackson. Is meeting with GEORGE H. HILL - Vlc-PreIdeut
remarkable success. In th normal I t m hitditu a r-n - . rr-
- . . . , , m 1 . A. u i.niiJii. A A wmm Ul .1
iiciuiiiuciu ia an ouruiiiuiui ut ovor nrn n iTTmiin o
40. The total enrollment 1 about 46. IVO- 81 AITCHISON - - 8crotar;
This school undertake to prepare for
, n 1 n T A .Inl. n. . ln. I
vuui.iv . . nunn. iui aaaa . m. .
teacher- diplomas. jroressor David 6J-6tV VVaSIUnxIOn OlreSX
la assisting.
Torbet of the college
Preferred Stock Canned Oooda.
Alien St Lewis' Best Brand.
When in San Francisco
Stay at Hotel Hamlin, 287 Eddy. Flre-
proor; iuv room, 4V Datna; rate l.o
ana up. uaay-sireet car at terry.
4 rC
4 :
1 'rL, "i- v i -"
ttf? i TitJ&'Y-z xw-f ai4Mrh y&Pfc&S?4 CTtuta
Typical Beach .Scea)" it,- Sealdc:' "-fM -fe
Special Sunday Boats
Just lone enough on the river for a restful trin. Boat lea-
Main street dockM 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a. ni. and 1:30, 3:SuSJ
V - A. I . , A .AM . . A . Y
p. ou xvaai trips irem wrcgon wry, o:ou ana o:ou p. m.
Round trip 45c. Tickets exchanged with O. W. P. cam
Oregon Gty Transportation Co.
j . - - PHONES 40 AND A-2231."
''v t, .
. ' .-3 ".si, r... v