' W - ; THE V OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, FRIDAY. EVENINO, JULY 12, 1007.' 'JJ1 RESIDENCE PROPERTY DEALING ONLY ONE MORE BAY Town Topics FEATURE OF REALTY MARKET ifr m . N THE JOURNAL AT RESORTS sl. Bubecrlbers can hay The Journal de THred at the regular rata- at the fol lowing resorts by notifying: tha egente at tH rarloua plaoaa mentioned. Sud eorlptlons by mail are payable In ed- Mice; OREGON RESORTS. Paarhart Park ,.T. XStrnek Hot Lake Hot like Sanitarium gae-lde .lwle C. .wilholt Springs.. F. W. McLaren WASHINGTON RESORTS. Carson Springs..., lm",W. . Boyd Son and Mineral Springs Hotel Cascade Spring. Thomas Moffett Collins Spring a C, T. Belcher Jlweoo Louis Cohan ijonn Beach . Marshall Pottenger and O. A. Smith Nahcotta K. J. Brown Ocean Park..., Stawart Taylor Seavlaw Dan B. Barbay and Frank B. Struhal The Braakara Tha Braakara Hotal TOarzoxT's amuujcbvts. Marquam Grand "Ingomar" Grand Vaudeville tyrlo "Tha Man' From tha Wait" Star "Utah" Tha Oaka ....a W. P. carline, First and Alder Wksn jjminn tl .af"" uu aioi deputlaa from tha aharffra f- arrlved In St Johna yaatarday. hara they had been aant to Investigate tha alot maohlnea In uaa, they waro un- abla to find but ona machlna In a St Johna aaloon. Previous knowledge of ma unpanaiog visit bad Dean oonveyea to tha owners of tha maohlnea How arer, tha deputlaa Informed the saloon man that the alot machines must ba taken out and kept out or prosecutions would follow. . The saloonmen will keep them out Tha city of St Johna alao an oral nance prohibiting; alot ma chines, but haa navar been able to en force It Therefore tha duty devolves upun ojierin Bievens. The Oregon state board of tnedlc&l ex aminers held tha annual examination yesterday, when about IS applicants for medical license were examined. The aults will not be known for about two weens, vr. B. T. Moore, an oateoDathlat La Orande waa appointed on the of board and hereafter all osteopath lata Will be obi! red to nui an tumlnitlon In order to practice In this state. Those already practicing will not ba obliged to take examination. A determined fight will be waged agalnat all physicians practicing unlawfully In the state. The certificate of O. E. French, who trav. aled with Fer-Don. was revoked for lr regularity and unprofessional conduot Portland's photo-en graven will hold their second annual picnic, Sunday, July It. at Hsuvle'a tslsnd. where the Wil lamette and Columbia Join thalr forcaa Jn their Journey to the sea. The blggeat and fastest launch that piles tha harbor haa been engaged for the trip and every thing to eat and drink which could pos sibly be desired will be as free as tha waters In the two mighty rlvera. There will be athletic games and other fea tures The launch leaves at o'clock and returns at f o'clock In tha evening. A Cathollo teachers' Institute will be conducted In tha city hall July 22 to 29. at which seven orders of sisters. will be represented and which will be open to all teachera of the state whether Cathollo or Protestant. The institute will be conducted by Professor Haaren who haa charge of 25 schools in tha borough of Manhattan, New York. Harry J. Maheur haa filed auit for di vorce from Bella Maheur in tba clrcul court charging that Mrs. Maheur de voted too much or her time to the ant talnment of other men, and when aakad ty bar husband for an explanation of ner wnereaoouta at night aha became abusive. They were married at Tha uaues in jNovamDer, 1888. A stream of water waa thrown BO feat into tha air at tha Intersection of Han cock street and the Sunderland road yes- terdsy afternoon by the blowing out of a tap placed to extend mains to Ross mere and Rose City Park. Tha damage was of no consequence and waa soon repaired. The Boy - ' Who Wins Out 10 THE ONE who culti vates tha habit of sav. lng. Ha will ba a suo oaaaful buainaaa man, pra- fared to Uka advantage of ha light kind of Invest ments Start a savings ao eount for your son with us. WcPay 4 Interest Compounded Twiea Every Tear. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Ste., Portland, Oregon. ' Deposits Over $2,600,000 W. H. Moor President B. JO. Lytle. . VI oa-President W. Cooper Morris. .Cashlar AT THE THEATEES "Utah" at the Star. There will ba a matinee performance of "Utah' at tha Star tomorrow after noon. Thla la a new atate play which haa never baan aeen on tha Pacific coaat before and la one of the most interesting stories unfolded on the. stage of th Star. Tha company la doing excellent work. Grand's Many Feature. It is not of tan that a vaudeville pro gram haa ao many faaturaa as are found on tha list at tha Orand thla week. Abigail Price does tha mlnd- raadlng feats of Anna Eva Fay and the publlo Is invited to aak her any ques tions. Joe Thompson renders latest song hits. Small Boy In His Element. Tha dog show which opens at the Oaks on Sunday, known as Dob Carlo' educated dogs. Is probably the greatest of ita kind in existence. The . enow will ba a free attraction and Is espe cially pleasing to cniidren. ecnusonyi band continuea to grow in popularity. Sales of residence property continue to ba tha feature of tba ooal realty market Tba activity tn this clasa of realty la quit aa marked aa It has been at any. time during tba year. Osorg H. Hartman Jr. recently pur chased from Marion Nersteeg a house and lot on East Eighteenth a tree t, be tween Brasaa and Thompaoa for $4,200. Mrs. Charlotte Oraen haa sold to Qra ham Glass e (0-foot lot on Ford street for H.000. ' Tba lot haa an eastern frontage and begins no fast north of ru avenue. Ellis i O. Hughes haa deeded to tha noma tne east half of block ft of Waverly, consideration 12.000. Mrs. Oeorge Simon, who owns Qa Q",rUr block at tba aouthaaat oorner i "ra and East Burnslde streets, is having plana prepared for tha erao tion of a modern brick buainaaa housa on am property. Tha aita la now occu pied by some old structure that will ba oiearaa orr preparatory to beginning me now improvement. FIRE VMRDENS CAN BE . NAMED Offices Established In Can terbury Building by Sec retary Sheldon. MUST COMPLY WITH LEGISLATIVE ACT Watchmen Moat De Paid by Prop erty Owners or Counties Request ing Appointments Fifty-Three Named While Hundreds Needed. THE PLAY With 'Ingomar at tha Marquam last night Nance O'Nell's company scored another and possibly a more pronounced auooeaa than In "The Sorceress," the bill for the early week. Tha two plays ;ive tne leading woman a cnance to isplay her versatility aa few other con trusting plays, for the woman'a role in Water through boa for sprinkling yarda or aldewalka or waahlng porches or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between tne Hours of snd I a. m., and 6 and I p. m. It must not De used for sprinkling street If used contrary to these rulea, or waaafully, it will ba shut off. It takes B minutes to boll "Golden Grain Granules," the cereal coffee. It la stronger and richer than any other. jjan jieiianer, grocer, roruana, Oregon Wire and iron work of all ktnda. firs escapes, elevator enclosures and fences. Columbia Wire 6 Iron Worka. 868x370 East waanmgion. rhone Eaat 702. Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas, waanouaal and way landlna-a. flail v ex cept Sunday. Leaves' Washington atraat dock 2 p. m. For tha best bereragea go to tha beat liquor store. The best is Kelly's Family liquor store, Park and Morri son. Rtngler's new swimming plunge. daily: enameled tank sons dally; Kun water. F. F throat, rem Lea- fresh Bull East Morrison and Orand. F. F. Casaeday. removed to 617 Dekum to 10, 4. SO to a. eye. ear, noao. Hours Tel. Main 262. Perfect fitting eya glasses. $1.00. Dr. B. 1. Mills, 111 Sixth, near Washington. Woman's Exchange. 122 Tenth street, lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789. Mill cuttings 22 B0 per load for lim ited time. Main 220. Dr. EL C Brown, Bye-Ear. Marquam. Dr. Wetharbaa raturned. 227 Marquam. D. Chambers, optician, 12( SeYenth. Bergar signs 284 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler tog Aider. Klser. Bcenlc photos. Imperial hotal. 't ... '. Nance O'Neil, Appearing at the Mar quam Theatre in "Ingomar." F.V.BALTES & COMPANY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR if innmniFS ran i wiiiiisw a wii PRINTING FIRST AID OAK STREETS the one Is qulta the direct antithesis of the other. To say that Miss O'Neil performed Parthenla's part equally as artistically as she did the high tragedy of the Moorish woman is perhaps the most that can be said. The play has a little more whole some atmosphere than Sardou's play and seemed to please the audience het ter. Franklyn Underwood duplicated his Instant success of the last play and flared nonors witn miss o Nell, rne tory of the old clay is so well known that it is unnecessary to tell It. the tory or a man retaining much of Ma early barbaric traits swayed by the gentle civilisation or tne maiden, rar thenla, the story of the subjection of Drute atrenjrtn to tne nner strength or culture. The support played well and the scenery was effective. The ap plause showed that the play struck more than once a responsive chord In the heart of the hearers. "Ingomar" will ba repeated tonight, tomorrow night and tomorrow matinee. Water Coolers Keeping tha ice from coming In con tact with the water, hence sanitary and economical. Phona or call up Ice De livery oompany. Homer Earl. 18 years old. employed j by the Moyer Clothing company and re siding with his parents at First and M1U Secretary E. P. Sheldon of tha Ore gon state board of forestry has estab lished offices la tha Cantenury Dunn ing. Third and Washington atreeta, where timber owners or others inter ested in protecting forests against the dreaded fires may secure the appoint ment of state fire wardens by oomplylng with tha provlaions of an act of tba last i.4iatiii- .r ttn a state board oi forestry. This act repealed the former statute lacing the appointment of foreat war-- h. v,nri nt the various county n,xrtm Tha nw law nrOVlOeB IH1 "' state board of forestry anaii appoint. nunnn aa fir warden Who anail DO rc- nmmmAKA for such aDOolntment by tlm- K.r l.n nwnara or county COUTt. and that the warden snail do paia oj . property owner or county rtquowu me appointment , ,. k UP to date Oi tire wiuii m. nnnintjut throughout tha entire state. The board Is anxious to have timber owners make recommendations for the appointment of more wardens. n bellevad that at least 800 men ought to be patrolling the forest district; from now until the rains come In the fall. Under the law these fire wardene are peace offlcera, and have tha right to ar rest any person caught aetting fire to alashlngs without the proper permit from the state forestry board. The board has prepared e quantity or literature explaining tha provisions and requirements of the new law. which It is anxious to get Into the handa Of per aona interested in the enforcement of the statute. A letter addreaaed to Sec retary Sheldon In the Canterbury build ing will bring a prompt reply, giving all the information necessary to aeoure the appointment of fire wardene. DETECTIVE DAY (Contiiued from. Page One) RETIREMENT TAKEN TO MEAN MERGER Unexpected More In Management of Corvallls A Eastern Surprise to Prominent Railroad Men. had delivered over the man for whom ha had made tha trip Day started back in Pnrf lunrl His return waa something of a triumphal tour, according to reports which came from the east. It being stated that no one on the steamer lmag in. that Thnmnunn waji a Drlsoner. and hat ha had Impressed the crew of the ehlp with the generosity of his tips. Day when he left Portland did not purchaae a round-trip ticket and his fare o vw York is estimated to have cost him approximately $168, both going and coming. His berth was $40 for the two trtna Vila ttifntr fare was $200. and hla meals on the train would be about $6 a day, or $60 for the trip across the continent and back. Thompson's travel ing expenaee would Include $100 for steamer fare, $80.60 for a railroad ticket from New York to Portland, $20 for a berth and 226 for meals. This would make a total direct traveling expense of 1873.60 for both Day and Thompson from the time Dav left Portland until bis return to the city with his prisoner. XJYlnr Expenses Jtlgh. To this turn, however, must be added tha llvlnr exDenses or uay wmm in Washington and New York and London the Incidentals caused by the escape oi the nrisoner from the train at Denver and all tha expenses Incurred. Since the traveling expenses cited have been placed at the lowest possible figure, and atnee it la not supposed that Mr. r v won 1(1 ha nartlcularlv economical when the state would ultimately foot the bill. It Is safe to place the lowedt amount of expense which will be turned in aa a claim against the state at $1,000. It la verv possible that this sum total may climb nearer to $1,600, however, by the time the bill Is presented. Much BDeculatlon Is being Indulged In aa to why Winters waa willing to spend so mucn money ror tne arrest oi a man who was guilty of comparatively so small a theft. The value of the 11- monds taken la placed by Winters at $8,000. He has already prior to this attempt made three different efforts to capture Thompson, and all in all has perhaps spent nearly double the amount of the theft in his efforts to bring Thompson to book. It is explained by his friends that Thompson practically managed Winter's business and was trusted imnllcltlv bv the saloon man. When he betrayed his trust, therefore, the desire for vengeance was aroused and Winters determined to have the thief punished at any cost j Whatever me motive,; nowever, mo state will have bills to pay before Thompson Is landed .behind the bars whlrh will total Into the thousands of dollars, and Joe Day had his European trip. OPEN SHOP The retirement of Ouy W. Talbot from tha management of the Corvallls A Eastern la taken to mean that tha line haa been merged with tha Southern Paclflo. General Manager O'Brien re turned yesterday from a trip of Inspec tion over the line. Ita Incorporation with tha Southern Paclflo system is a move unexpected among well-informed railroad men. Tha purchase of tha Corvallla road waa made by Harrlman In hla own name and supposedly with his own money. In view of the threatened divorcement of the Southern faclflc and Union Paclflo systems by the federal government, and the oompelllng of the Union Paclflo to dispose of Its Southern Paclflo stock, there la a strong probability that Mr. Harrlman may lose legal control of tha Southern Paclflo system. In that event he would naturally prefer tha CorvaJlla & Eastern or any other Paclflo north west roads he may require should re main the property of the O. R. t N. company. NEW METEOD TO RELIEVE CONGESTION Terminal Managers Will Spot No More Can Until Consignee Agree to Unload. Of the GreatDiamondiSale at Leffert's This great event has run for two weeks, but will posi tively close on Saturday night. Avail yourself of this rare opportunity to secure a beautiful stone at a great discount. A magnificent stock to choose from in both mounted and unmounted gems. OTHER PRECIOUS STONES GREATLY REDUCED. READ THESE ILLUSTRATIONS PERFECT WHITE DIAMOND. Former price $7.00 Thia .week f5.25 Former price $1100 Thii week 8.0O Former price $15.00 This week f 11.25 Former price $16.00 This wetk f 12.00 Former price $25.00 This week 118.S0 Former price $3200 This week 24.00 Former price $35.00 Thig week 226.25 Former price $36.00 Thi week 22T.00 Former price $39.00 Thii week 229.25 Former price $45.00 This week 3S.TS Former price $60.00 Thig week eM0 Former price $70.00 Thig week 52.50 PERFECT WHITE DIAMOND. Former price $102.00 This week f T6.50 Former price $110.00 Thi week f 82.50 Former price $122.00 Thii week 291.50 Former price $137.50 This week $103.15 Former price $150.00 Thii week 2112.50 Former price $18000 Thig week f 125.00 Former price $205.00 This Week 2153.T5 Former price $225.00.. Former price $255.00.. Former price $300.00.. Former price $360.00.. Former price $400.00.. .This week 8168.75 ....This week 121.25 ...This week 8225.00 ...Thii week 82T0.00 ...Thi week 30O.00 LOTTO'S POPULAR AND RELIABLE JEWELERS AND DIAMOND SPECIALISTS 272 WASHINGTON ST. NEAR FOURTH PHONE PACIFIC 2759 From this data tha railroad terminal managers In Portland will not spot cars for switching to tha team tracks until tha consignee haa agreed to unload the oar Immediately. The practice haa here tofore been to switch ours to tha team tracks and then notify the recipient that his car was ready for unloading. It la believed the latest experiment will prove effective In relieving the long-complalned-of congestion In the terminal yarda The Northern Paclflo and O. R. A N. companies usually have from 800 to 600 loaded oars waiting on aide tracks outside of tha city and at sta tions along the line, for a chance to switch upon the Portland team tracks for unloading. Hereafter a consignee will hare to agree to unload the car tha same day It la placed upon tne team track. If not unloaded the car will be awltehad back out of tha city and Its place glran to another car. . When in San Francisco Stay at Hotel Hamlin, 1ST Eddy. Flre oofi 100 rooms. 40 baths; ratea $1.60 and up. Eddy-street care at ferry. Ice. For lea call Main I8 or A-II48. Delivery oompany, S61 Stark at Ice Jacobs' Shirts For the man who wants summer comfort. Scores of styles in white and fancy patterns. The Jacobs Shirt Co. 291 Stark SL, Bet. 4th &5lh PORTLAND, OREGON 1 OiT rSS ggZZZW vmsm mm 10di-107 riRdT ST A Store of Bargains Credit The big Clearance Sale now in progress is furnishing the store with bargains from one end to the other. In every department the price cuts are deep, rendering this store a most interesting place at which to shop. CREDIT FRXEXY YOURS On all that you buy. The Clearance Sale has put prices way down, but we extend our liberal credit terms just the same. Buy whatever you want, make a little payment down and then pay the balance of your account in small weekly pay mentsA Dollar a Week Will Do. This dignified credit enables you to keep the house well furnished and yourself and your family well dressed without a strain on your pocketbook. Lxtra Special for Tomorrow Silk Lton Jackets at Half Price mam m mmmm Hotel Salt Air CZYTEXTXIVU. Every modern . convenience; excel lent board. For terms write MRS. W. E. HUTCHINSON. Long Beach. Wash. OBEAT OFEamrO MU OI TXCXXT8 TO Grocers' Picnic TO BB ZSXJ) AT streets, narrowly eacaped being crushed to death last night by the freight ele vator In the Sherlock building. Oak and Third streets. Despite repealed warn ing rrom hla employers not to use the lift. Earl, about 6 o'clock, while riding n tne cage waa caugni Dttween tne ele vator and' the fourth floor. Ha was taken to tha Good Samaritan hosDltal Keor treatment and later removed to hla noma. - ii . - Don't think that nlles can't ba eared. Thousands or obstinate cases have been cured by Doan'a Ointment 60 eants at any drug store. For free cooks todar at 'tha Revel Bakery, as4 Confectionery. SW page it. (Continued frorr Page One) lng the grade of the men. then Colo rado will have no hostility to the fed eration, except that the federation or no other organization will be allowed to dictate aa the federation tried to do. Justified by Courts). "The principle for which Colorado stands has been Justified by every court In the land, namely, that every Amer ican cltlsen has the right to work for whom he likes, when he likes, where he likes and for what he likes. That Is fundamental aa a right of an American cltlaen. Neither a labor organisation or a corporation will ever be allowed to In terfere with this Inherent right" Governor Buchtel will speak at Glad stone Park thla afternoon. He told of the wonderful prosperity of Colorado and atated that enough laborers could hot be secured to handle the Industries of the state In referring to tha beet industry, ha said: "A man only works In this business for another man one year. In that time he haa saved enough to buy 20 acres of land on which ha starts himself In busi ness. Thla makes It necessary to im port new handa each year and we are about 11.000 laborers short." 1 "Royal Bummer Recipes" presented to certain women. See page 16. rref erred Stock Canned Ctooda, Alien at Lewis' Beat Brand. BONNEVILLE, July 17th The tickets can be secured from the Grocers' secretary, C. B. Merrick, third Moor, Allsky building, corner Third and Morrison streets. Get your tickets In time. Don't delay. 4,000 Grocers AJTD OVBB 200,000 People In the Northwest can 'tell you all about Golden Grain Granules The pure, rich, nutritious cereal health coffee. It ia 100 Per Cent Pure If you buy a package of Golden Grain Granules and if you are not perfectly satisfied with It after you have used half of the package, send me you name and address and tha name of your grocer and I shall refund you your money. Do not make it too atrong; use plenty of water. Our cereal coffee la pure and atronger. JOHN BLAATTW. 11 rroat It, Portland. Ox, AJnTSXafXaTTS. MARQUAM GRAND TPhone Main ) TOaTXOXT e4 BaJasoe of Week. aCael aee BaturdajTi MISS NANCE O'NEIL In the claaslc play INGOMAR. re. fl, TSolBOo, 85o. tKmX. no, Boo, 280. IText Week "The rires of St. John." LYKIC THEATRE Phone Main 4sSt. Phone Main 4685. This weak the Allen Stock Company, Presenting th maw rsOK nrg wirr." Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Prlcea. 10c, 20c. Every eve ning at S:15. Prices, 10c, tOo and 10c, n...n.ii Mta hv nhona. Main 48 IS. Office open from 10 a. m. to 10 . m. THE GRAND Vaudeville Da Luxe audevUle de tm Weak of July a, OT. CKAXZ.ES CABTBS,' "The Hysterias of the Togl." ABIOAXZ. TOUOa "A Chapter front tha Bupsraatam." Joseph J. and Myra Davis Dowling Gavin, Piatt and reaches Tne Four Shannons Joe Thompson 20th Cen tury Motion Pictures, 2 fMf? aW SSaajBBeBSlBSaaaaa, THE 9 TONIGHT Tour Vrlaes for Waltaara, 'Fswllloa Toalglit. On tha Band arhag-e, "Bear Old Stars and Stripes, uooaDyei" (uusreaa.j SehtlaOBjrl's Buagarlaa Kaaaare. Delighted Crowds Attend Four Concerts Dally. Exclusive Bathing Pavilion. S.000-ft Skating Surface Rink. Wanda, the Psychlo Wonder. Mystlo Marvel, Spray of Life. Baby Leopards, Ani mal Show. the 1 i g 5 Whang-lid, Pirate Ship ' Whin Trip on tb CoaflWr. Where Shall We Go moday? To Cascade Locks, of Course. Steamer Telephone will leave Alder Street dock 9 a m., re turning about 5 p. m. Fare for round trip $1. Meals 50c. This is the grandest trip in America. DON'T MISS IT AaTTISMZirra. COUNCIL CREST TOTBSBAY, TaTUMDAT, SATUBDAT. Whr awelter In the heetT Take a ride out to tne mgneet, cooieeV and t beautiful place In tha dty. oar moat BXJnrxsa at TATKW. S to t, TS CSXTS. mm SATVXBAT, Lf Don Carlos' Dog Circus All "t NEW PAVILION freed Kuala. jOeadU nee. THE STAR r SfrriJI 4,M Tae meernalaed ana Stock Oe, . Presenting UTA.n : V - Matinees Tuaaday. Thursdays, Satur day e and Sundays at t .19 ; prices 10 and SO cents. . Svery evening; at t:lt; prloee 10, 0 a&4 1 oamtav .. w . ATTEND WELCH'S GENUINE REMOVAL SALE See Ad Uzck Pczz r