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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1907)
I ' ' "". i 1 ' ' , "I 4 ,' - " r i f V- , , IM' y ' i mmmmtmmm nniiiwi 111 1 1 i 11 i n 1 "' i 1 wwmmm 1 ''- Zjr " - - r " mMM;' THE v . , ' r rm cAnn , nmmmurm ! ii ii in u u i ill ii ii fiii xy 1 vo5 ; -.v? -trr liae. -a.- - ii en r, cwrr ww7T,af h2m . i i i r ii .at ' -i ' m CLEARANCE IN MEN'S FOOTWEAR f 1.85 Choice -of Men's regular $3.00 and $3.50 Oxfords and shoes; broken lines, not all sizes in each lot, but we can surely fit you. S3.45 We offer all our Men's Oxfords which have been selling at $5.00 at this price. Nothing re served. f 2.85' for Men's $4.00 shoes and Oxfords, velour .and patent and vici kid, leather -lined, Blucher styles. The best shoe values we've ever offered. $2.35 for Men's box calf, Bal and Eluelier cut, vici kid and ve lour, are regular $3.50 values. ";v -, . r 1 ' rHE Tomorrow Ushers in Our 29th Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Verily this i the selling event of the hour, one which is more eagerly awaited than any other of the entire season. This, our 29th anniversary of this great bargain period, promises to eclipse all previous records, because of the exceptional merits of its inducements. It is a matter of common knowledge that the unprecedented weather conditions this spring throughout the east have retarded the mercantile business to a pronounced degree. We bought too many goods because we had the cash on hand to buy these goods with. As a result the amount of merchandise we have for disposal is of a much larger volume than usual; naturally the scope for selection among the season's most favored styles and patterns is greater. "Clear stocks" regardless of profits is the watchword that goes all along the line. Our loss is your gain. We must effect an absolute clearance. Read every item on this page. Over 1,000 Men's and Young Men's Up-to-Date Suits Are here included. Unrestricted choice of regular $12.50, $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00 garments at this price. Every suit sold is guaranteed to be the best that money can produce to sell regularly at $12.50 to $18.00. As to fit, workmanship and trimmings, this sale is worthy of your closest attention. Men's Underwear Reduced f 1.00 for Men's mercerized Silk Un derwear, pink and champagne colors, all sizes, the kind that feels good and wears well, $1.50 value. 1.00 for Men's pure lisle Underwear, fiink and blue colors, an exceptionally ine grade, regular $1.50 value. T5f for Men's linen porous knit Un derwear, white, white and black and blue stripe, short sleeves, loose fitting, regular $1.00 value. 50f for lace Undershirts; a boon to the' warm weather sufferer, all sizes. 45e for Men's mercerized silk lisle Underwear, in blue, pink and salmon eolrs, all Sizes; other stores charge you 75c for same grades. ' 45e for Men's porous knit Underwear, champagne color, al sizes, 75c value. 85e for Men's silk stripe Underwear, balbriggan, all sizes, 50c values. 20e for Men's ecru Underwear, all sizes, regular 35c value. 0 for Men's Derby ribbed Union Suits, $1.50 values. SATISFACTION OR Out of the High Rent District HORMIHOIS OVtRTHC DOORS - OREGON . DAILY JOURNAU fcORTLAND FRIDAY i EVENINQ, T-nrTT)f IT r SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR-THE Rare Values in Men's Clothes Hundreds of patterns, $20.00 and $22.50 suits, clearance price, $9.50. SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW This store caters to the masses, and its efforts are directed toward pleasing its own customers. Too many irons in the fire are the handicaps of others. We stick to the clothing business. We don't sell dry goods, groceries, crockery nor furniture, and thats the reason we can undersell any other store in' Portland. Men's Neckwear & Hosiery 251 for imported English Rep Neckwear in endless color combinations, in tones of leather, Copenhagen blues, delft and Alice blues, resedas, tape, gunmetal and many more; all other stores selling same at 50c. 25f for French fold foulard silk Neck wear, checks, dots, plaids, solid colors and white. 50c value. Hurry, for this kt won't last long. 8 1-34 for Men's Sox, black and tan, and fancy colors, all sizes. 25t for 4 linen Handkerchiefs, in white and fancy, fine values. 2043 for 60e For regular 25c grades fancy Hosiery. 3513 for f l.OO Regular 50c fancy Hosiery. 23.45 will purchase a pair of trousers during the clearance sale which have been selling for $5.00 and $6.00. Excel lent values and patterns at 83.45. fflMsrmfflMf0fwmcc 0) Men'sSuperior$22.50 and $25 Clothes At a saving of half and more. Choice at 912.50. Rare Bargains in Men's Shirts 65 for Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Shirts, in latest styles; an immense line from which to select 91.00 for Men's Griffon Shirts, $1.50 value, with or without cuffs attached, coat style. 81.50 for Soisette Negligee Shirts, m white, gray, blue, tan, champagne colors, all sizes, $2.50 values. 81.50 for all $2.00 grades Negligee Shirts. 8&4 for Men's Negligee Shirts, $1.25 values, bright, snappy stuff. 4&4 for Men's Golf Shirts, new colors, 75c values. 3.50 for Men's all silk Negligee Shirts, $5.00 values, in white and champagne colors, also the new leather tones. You'll have to be quick for these. 81.85 a pair is our clearance price- on men's regular $3 50 Pants. The array of patterns is very broad. Choice, per pair 81.85 YOUR MONEY BACK JtliY 12. 1&07. o mi SUIT SALE V, Just think of the free and unlimited choice of any fancy Summer Suit In the house for this meager price. Some were $80.00, some $27.50, some $25.00. Just pick them out; none reserved, $ the price. Suspenders and Belts Reduced 25 and 6O4I for men's black, gray and tan Belts, in Cardovan, Morocco, calf and pigskin, narrow and wide ones, all sizes 28 to 46. 20 for President style Suspenders, regular 50c value. 35 for all 50c grades of Suspenders, Bull Dog, Crown and Knothe makes. 45f for Men's regular 75c Suspenders. Men's Bathing Suits Reduced BATHING SUITS, an kinds, one or two-piece, with or without sleeves, an endless variety for men and boys, Jriced at 75, 85. 81.15, 81.35, 1.85 and 82.25 for the best kinds, sold elsewhere at nearly double. 81.45 for choice of hundreds of men's regular $2.50 Trousers. Included are all the latest patterns and fabrics. Price only 8 2.85 We have reduced all our $4,00 Trousers to this low price. They ax styles for business or dress, 8 2.85. 1 Not in the : (fe Hi?h Prtre N fl ! C IIORSttIIOS3 I Vi I I v loVSItTIISBOORSl ' , life D t'i Pas Sevci Men's Straw Hats SHARPLY REDUCED We place on sal for clearance Mca SUBS and $2.50 Straw Hats, in all tb stapU and, novelty shapes, choice 81UB5. , ' 81.85 i9 the price w art'.aow .mUok 4 f of Men's $2.50 and $100 Sailor and 8trwa all shapes and, braids. 83.85 is the price w haRr zarkd alt ur $5.00 Panama Hats at, all abap and dimen sion. '5 . . 85 for Men's-$T50 Straw SaOw and Abt shape. , : :h't':mo; If - f V