.. , , , . IS THE OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. ? THURSDAY. ' EVENINQ, 'JULY 11, 1807. :? K RAM I- Classified Advertise ihents received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 13. REAL ESTATE T SFERS BUSINESS NOTICES Rachel 8. Harris to Harllet I. WINO BINO LONG KEB A CO., vani. Iota 1 and 4. blAck 7. I Wholeaale and Retail Dealera in - Clifford addition to Albina.... 1.000 GENERAL CHINESE MERCHANDISE. Cynthia K. and Jean Cllne to W. I Labor contracting i jpwjilty, 108 O, farnaa lot ana wmi f ' near tuiumui rogiu uun o. f lot 7. block II. TUtons ad- I noma pnena a-oou San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSt., bet 3d fr 4th ASYEBTIIEKXim AWD BUB- o&irTiom bzositso. Oregonlans when In San Francisco can bar their mail Bent In care of The Journal office. ARTHUR L. FISH. Representative. of lot 7. dltton 1.900 uoit C. ana jranni n. niuon to Sarah A. Wirt, lot 19, block I, Kenllworth John aii(t Stella BulMvaa to Na- fioleon v. uaraner, I -acre tract n northeast tt of aouth wcat of section 7. townahlp 1 south, range 2 east In Hampton Kelly and wife D. L. C 6.000 nun na o. io rui ana Adeie Wrtnowmjf, tract 1. Northern Hill aorea .... 600 Dell M. ana George H. Bhlnn to Ellon A. Tyler, land commencing at point In eouth line of Laurel street 160 feet weat from northeast corner of block 88. Cartra addition 4,200 BEID BACK. Mgr. jNVENTldNS BbUdHt AND BOL1V Covenant Contract Co. 417 Flladner 200 bldg. Main 2801. L. . he:nrich6eiJ Co., Jewelers. ana opticians, waanington at. HELP WAOTED--FEMAJLD MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAM P No. 65, W. O. W.. meet Fri day night In the W. O. W. temple. 128 11th t. Mattera of Import ance will coma up and all member are re queatrd to he preaent. Visitors welcome. FRANK MOTTER. C. C. A. I BARBUR. Clerk. WANTED YOUNO LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP ERATING; GOO SALARY. SHORT HOURS, PAT WHILld LEARNING- LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNOINO AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL EPHONE BLDG., WEST PARK AND ALDER 8TS. r NEW TODAY. EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE SITE The Micleay Estate Co. offers for sale those four choice lots front ing on City Park, Douglas Ave. and Park Ave. Bitulithic streets, gas, water and sewer to each lot Apply WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46, A. F. & A. M. Special communication thla (Thurs day) evening. 8 o'clock. Burkhard building. M M. degree. Vlsltore welcome. Bv order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, M64 meete YVe1nailn v evening- Allskv bldg., 2d and Morrlaon sts. A Edgar L. and Maanah Lowell to jonn tt. Haak lot 2, block 8. lota 1 and 2. block 6, lot 1 and 2. block 7. Mount Tabor Cen tral Park 10 iitn Case to Romulua B. Carey, iota 10 ana IB. block 1. air field 100 Mat tie I. Plaeket and E. H. Plaa- ket to U. C. Rogers, undivided tt of lota 9 and 10. block 17. North Irvinrton I7S C. w. and Arrena W. Dart to Pe- W ".-V,iSnr.?Ar,fi- Kif.-i' M. W. A. OREGON ORAPE CAMP N6. addition tn Bell.t ' i nrtn ..?" Monday.. 17th and Marshall. ni.t.., iviiii- . h-visitors wl"omi v...u .1 , . . . u. . 1 a . U AUBUVfc fife Sperling, lhk aorea beginning at point in center of Powell Valley road 1.762.42 feet eaat from weat line of aouthekat W of Clinton Kelly and wife D. L. C Hattle and Louise Salomon to Sid ney H. Salomon, lots 6 and 7, block 1, Lochlnvar addition to Albina Mary B. and F. B. Locke to F. M. m. corutbers, northeast tt. northwest k and southwest tt of aouthweat A of aectlon if. townshlD 1 south, ranae 6 eaaL containing 120 acres 1.600 line uuarantee ft Trust Co. to H. a. Hergman, lots 12 and 20. Hljvnlr 9 UAriAiiMU'. . . 1 I slon of North St. Johns 700 Jennie M. Kraner to Delia M. Mil WANTED - WAITRESS RJ OTJH lunch room. Call today. 8 wetland. 272 Morrlaon. WANTED GIRL TO EARN TO SEW mattreaa ticks, power machines. 55 Front cor. Davis. HELP WANTED UNION LAUNDRT company. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 241 Waanington at., corner Seventh, up atalra. Phone Main 2611 Female help wanted. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADY WOULD LIKE TO KEEP houaa for widower, who haa no a mall children. Call 621 Clayt EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES or 4 hour' work dally, or work by the day. Phone Woodlawn 661. WANTED- AGENTS LOST AND FOUND 660 FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresees renovated and returned same day. 328 Front St. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Metx- ger, proprietor. 10 LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOO, NEAR Arieta; body nearly alt white; one half head black; answers to the name of Kogue. Phone Main 2020. Office 291 Vt Morrison at, room 6; reward. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Leasona given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor at. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and Eaat i ayior at. . vOUNG LADY CLERK F5R OUR tore. Call today. 8 wetland. 271 Mor rlaon. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL good at If go we need you: complete outfit free: cash weekly. Write for choice of territory.-- Capital City Nur aery com nan v. Salem. Or. SOMETHING NEW In HIGH-GRADE perfumes; price very low; supply limited. R. MT Plummer, at drug store, Xo id tt WANTRD TMOftDUOHLY1 COMPE- tent, reliable nursely salesmen for the Bitter Root country. Montana. Exclusive agency given to party qualified. For terras and particulars, address Oregon Nursery company, Salem. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d st Phone Main 1626. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 H Morr 27 N 2d st Morrison st. .Phone Pacific 239 , .Phone Paclflo 1100 ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT the A. B- C. Employment agency. 2iH Morrlaon at. Phone Main 1011. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. HAS name insiae, A. Werner. Address 382 5th st. Phon Main 6835: rewnrd. STRAYED FROM WOODLAWN. BAY mare, with strap around neck; hind lea-s SDOtted with white. Innulre at 71 1 ler, lot I, block 7, Sunnyside... 1,960 Harlem St., Woodlawn. Phone- Scott Mathilda Brown to Benjamin May 111a. iot... Diook 1. Grimes' addition 600 Lucetta Petros to Silas and Jenavria F. Wellborn, lota I and block 17. Sell wood 1,060 uiarae-demaon-olumauer com pany to J. W. Doane, lot 24, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALES manacer, to conduct and manage branch salesroom; man of ability to In vest 110.000 with well-eatabllahed auto- blook 2. Cletnson'l addition 22S mobile eomnanv: manufacturers nf hla-h. Emanuel Mitchell to Floyd F. class machines: position nays In sala- Brewer, 104x17 feet beginning rles and commissions over 15,000 per a.t point on east line of Nar- year; beet of references required and tllla street, 129.86 fett south furnished. Address P. O. box 172. Free- from northwest corner of block port. 111. 2. King's addition 2.700 r . v,i.k . i v.CT-i.-v. ...u,., ...... I wuuiuuti , Ma a. iu nivu 10 G. D. Schalk 264 Stark Street Orchard Homes lft-acre tracts from S600 to 81000. 18 -acre tracts SI 100. All on easy taring. Near Estacada car Una. Your monthly savings put In these tracts will eon pay for a lovely country home upon whlck you make an easy living. C R. DON NELL & CO. BOOK la, 868 ITAJtX IT. Taa Xxpansloa of tlu Heart of Portland Ana Monthlr JUatsJ of 390.00 Makes tne V. W. Cor. of I5th and Overton A FINE BUY 25 OOO. Terms. 2ft. W. WlXBOaT, 401 XoKay. rhoae Mais 1068. Fred W. and Mabel M. Clemson to Elisabeth J. Roberts, lot II, block 1. Maealr Highland William M. and Dora Killings- worth, Frank M. and Anna 8. Warren to Margaret F. So liars, lots 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 and t. block 16. Walnut Park E 000 T1U1 and Paschal Hill to Helen m. weisennue, lot 1, block 1, Hills addition to St. John. M. M. and Alice Cain to A. 8. Her- iow ana w. j. Peddlcord, lots 10 and 21, block 107, Norwood. . 1,000 Portland Realty & Trust company, to Frank and Anna M. Melvln, lota 7 and 9, block 14. Wood- mere A. B. and Helen D. Manley to Alexander and Hllma Erlckson, lota 11 and It, block 5, Arbor Lodge Forbes Grelg to Louisa Gretg, lot 7. block "A." Cherrydale Fred r lea and C. T. Llndaley to Ellsa E. Stevens, lot 10. block 17, East addition to Holladay Park addition River View Cemetery association to Lamar B. Seeley, lot 46, sec- 2100 to 1160 per month; some even more; atock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; caah ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad- dresa Washington Nursery Co., Top penlnh, Washington. DRAUGHTSMAN W A N T E D TO work on building and machinery plans. Beginner preferred with six months' to 00 one years experience. Address i'i any ninnian, pox , Oregon my WANTED 8HIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work lroners, flannel ironers; nice new plant, cool and airy; food wages and steady work. East Side Laundry, Kast Ash and flth. Phone mast 80S. H-1655. INDEPENDENT LAUNDRY COMPANY wants good help. WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED LADY clothes Ironers and mangle help. Steady work and good wages. Apply tuy Laundry, 4tn ana couch. FINISHERS ON PANTS WORK ALL good pay; also learner. year round 207 Commonwealth bldg, WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon. Divorce cases a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear In court. Moderate fees. Address N-212. Journal. Probate A Co., court practice. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE F1TZ Well ahlrta and Boas of All overalls at 76 1st st. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept 1. Apply at once. Address Ai-41, journal. OJRLS WANTED, dry. AMERICAN LAUN- 12 th and Flanders. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework; 2 Id family. 164 Mont- gomery st. WAITRESS WANTED OLYMPIA OY- ster & Chop House; good wages. 113 H Grand ave. WE GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS; special members, 12. y. M. C A.. 4th and Yamhill sts. 100 600 Union Hotel 11 N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates 21.60 per week; room, 25c and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. 10 lion 1. saia cemeterv John Waters to E. 8. Brubaker lot 22. 2,000 LOTS $160 and $200 Purse & Co. Baa CKAKBEK 07 COKMXKCX. WEATHER REPORT A portion of the high pressure area - . over the - northwest has crossed the Rocky mountains and moved east to the : . Dakot&s. The barometer continues rela ' tlvely low in the southwest and rela tively high over the east grulf and At lantic states . The small disturbance yesterday over Alberta has advanced to HasKatchewan, and another small dls- turbance occupies the lake region. Fair weather continues in the Pacific states With temperatures slightly above normal. 8howers and thunderstorms have oc ' eurred over a strip of territory extend ing from New Mexico and Texas north--" eastward through the lake region to the St. Lawrence valley. Indications are for fair weather In ' this district tonight and tomorrow. It will be cooler tonight In eastern Wash- lnf ton and northern Idaho. i' ! - ' .. Temp. i 6 - Aiax. Abilene, Tex. 90 ' Baker City. Or 84 Chicago, III 76 Denver, CoL 80 Fresno, CaL 91 .' Log Angeles, Cat.. 84 New York, N. T. . . . 84 Pneonlx, Arts, ..... 100 : Portland. Or. 84 t,Red Bluff, CL..... 94 Roseburg. Or. . . . 90 fiarramento, Cal. .. 92 Salt Lake. Utah.,... 84 . " San Piego, CaL .... 74 Fan Francisco, CaL. 1 r Washington, A C 0 Yuma. Arts. ...... ..102 ' ; TiiE river. - Ths river-will fall at the rate of about tnree tenths of a'foot day for the -next four r five days. ' i" and L. 8. Normandln, Hazlewood J. B. and Ida S. Gehr to Mary E. Bhupe, undivided 1-1 of lota 19, 20. 21. 22. 22, 24, 28 and 29. J. B. and fda 8. Gehr to Frank E. Alley, undivided 2-2 of lota 19, 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25, 28 an4 29. block "A." Grand View.. Victor Land company to Ernest r. a. Lioxe, lots 18 and 19, block 1. Corona Park Fred Kaub to May Petty, lot 10. Linn Park Merchanta Inveatment A TruBt company to Helen Mae Cur ran, lot 23, block 19, Council Creat Park Title, Guarantee & Truat company iu jcrnraiine a. ana Aioert Luedke. lot 9, block 6. Tlltosts addition .T7 eoo Anna C and George R. Edner to josepnine squires, 3.48 acres, beginning at point on section line, between sections 10 and 16 township 1 north, range 1 east 10.11 chains east of north west corner of said section 16.. 1 800 FOR AB8TRACT8, TITLE INSUR ance or mortgage loans, call on Paclflo Title ft Trust Co.. 204-6-4-7 Falllna bids-. GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB stracts to real estate from th Tm. Guarantee A Trust Co., 240 Washington at, cor. 2d. WANTED A PERMANENT REPRE- sentative who has met with success as a salesman to represent large cor- j0 poration In this territory; man who has aula rru eiiaii ur lriHunmcv preierrea, but not essential; to the one qualifying 400 e wl" "av ooa salary ana commis sion, uuieen, miuliuk uhbc CAyenauct, or call 206-207-208 Couch bldg. EXPERIENCED WINDOW TRIMMER and cardwrlter. Apply at once. The Hub, 2d and Burnslde. 50 I MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing. plastering, blocklaylng, electrical trades; free catalogue; posi tions secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San Francisco. WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon; divorce cases a specialty. In 980 200 700 10 CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 110; family lots. 10x16, for 2100, and upwards, according to sire; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. tiOj family lots, 826 to 876. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 20C. For 602 Commercial b .ft" Phone Main 2823. most cases clients need not appear In court. Moderate fees. Addreaa A-316 Journal. FOREMAN WANTED TO DO TAD feat work and take charge of uphol stering room. Oregon Chair company. 1190 Macadam road. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 291 Alder, room 6, upstairs, help furnished free of charge. J. C. Grant, Prop. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE MACAR onl. Apply 109 N. 6th St. PLEASANT 6 INGLE LADY, BET tween 25 and 36 years of age to take charge confectionery and Ice cream store as a partner, with a little capital. 374 S4 1st st. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO., FARM ers' and loggers' help a specialty. 84 N 2nd st, 291 N. 2nd st, 241 Davis st. fhone Main 8437. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Main 6294. We pay all telegraph charges. :' 5 FOR; RENT II0U8 ES FOR RENT HOUSE, LARGE STORE, ft rnntna kiv vrd and barn: all modern i tnnA lnatinn: rent reasonable. 10 Hi) berd at, Montavllla, on carllne. CORNER STORE. NORTH 19TH AND ' Overton,, good for grocery store, or viumoing . establishment rarucuiai f. Kraemer. 90 6th at VVHl RENT AijD BELL PIANOR SHER man. Clav A Cn. FOR RENT COTTAGES CORNER 17tn na unsan and 661 Gllsan, between ism ana 17th at a. Max Smith, the a VOV restaurant III 7K Unma A. 4241 MODERN -ROOM: ' WILLIAMS AVE i-rrom. cenwooa. 1'hone owner, Ben wood '424. rmVE A NICfe 6tX-R66t H6tTSE for jurnished or unfurnished; thle place la modern and close In. See Turner. IQltt Washington st. VaW bbRN TRANSFER FlRN.TURi! ana pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1611... FOR RENT s-ROOM CbTTAGEi, C6R ner E. 8th and Drant ! 6-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR cttV HALL On Marl lAtl Ml Sin rent Il am Morris rBtaurant. 21 WMhlngton t; WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. 8. E. Cor. 2d and Oak. VERY DESIRABLE TENANT WANTS modern 9-room house. Nob hill dis trict, for a term of years. Main ls 605 Chumber of Commerce. FOR 8ALE-CERtiFiAM W6RTH ou on any piano at Keed-Frencn Piano company. Will sell for 226. Ad- A a At a Y ' U i PB J q, JUUrilKl. 6-ROOM HOUSE, tt BLOGK GARDEN, chicken yard and barn; $12, 261V Alder, room 16. FOR RENT FLATS. 4-ROOM FLAT, $12 PER MONTH. Mississippi ave. 611 FURNISHED HOUSES. WANTED ROOM. AND BOARD IN Swodlsh family, private. Address E-414, Journal. , WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to tneir mends, list It wlt me; new pian. m. D. Howse. 66 6th st Main 6188. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ALASKA PET. AND COAL. B. C. Amalgamated. Cascadla, Almeda Con., J. C. Lee. Home Telephone, In ternational Coal, or any other active stocks. H. W. Donahue ft Co.. 612 Bu chanan bldg, phone Main 7858. WE HAUL DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, or notify Csrney's Veterinary, 4th and Gllsan sts. Main 1966. GIRL WANTED FOR COOKING AND general housework; second girl kept. Apply 732 Flanders et, between 22nd and 23rd sts. GIRLS AND YOUNG LA- CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6AV- age & Pennell. 346-147 lat st Phone Paclftc 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 66S6. 211 lat at, If you want To seLL" see us. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 2518. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hend goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front at. Pacific 1481. WAKTFT dies for office work, folding" letters DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF rooms; all modern conveniences. 471 E. Ash. Phones Enst 886: B-1586.' FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Phone Main 6680. S-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. $25. Phone East 675. 5-R06m FURNISHED COTTAGE. AP ply 87 E. 17th. Phone East 1164. BUSINESS CHANCES:-v-.v-t-- THE COAST REALTY CO., 216 MOR. rlaon st,, (Suite !). Headquarters for real estate and timber lands, also busi ness opportunities of every description. Phone Main 1668; -automatic, A-4150. Read these few specials: 6,000 acres first-class timber on liver,' very easy terms: (must sell); wun large sawmill. Others, all slses. 266,000. half cash, buys best clos acres ee near cltv: suitable for Plail mn.i h iai1 to aAttle estate, vihar acreage, all prices. (With us exclusive ly.) $18,000 Hardware store, sell at In voice; established 10 years; half cash, or trade for real estate. $15,000 Splehdld new manufacturing. $2,000 Manufactory can clear $600, month. $7.000 Half cash, nearly new saw mill, on R. R. and 6,000,000 feet of timber. . Half caah, 60 acrea, 2 mllea from Ore gon City, aultable for dairy; muat sail; or will rent $6,600 60 acres, all improved; good buildings; fences; fruit; etc.; near Ore gon City. Other acreage. HOME-SEEKERS READ THIS! $2,260 Half cash, buys tt section level wheat land, will bring $100 per acre In few years; other ranchea, etc. $ MOO 160 acres, all level, wheat land, tt In cultivation, with new bulld lnas. fences, water, some machinery. furniture, ete. We have some timber claims running 6.000,000 to 6.000,000 feet open foa filing: also homesteads end R. R. land. $10,000 One of the finest homes on the heights; only with us. $1,800 At $300 down and $15 month ly, house and 6 lots East Portland: also vacant lots all prices and locations; wy lerms. $2,260, half oaah. (-room modern end lots; going away. k KiMiNn.Hnimo. 17.00O Half aah afaam-haa ad. inns' lease, cneapest, eto. $1,600 Half cash rooms. in, corner brick. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg., Id and Madison sts. STORE ROOM FOR RENT CHEAP. See Joe Nash at Millard avenue on the Mount Scott carllne. NEW STORE FOR RENT REASON able, or. Washington st Apply J. Wolfe, 668 Washington St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE OF 11-ROOM MODERN house; alwaye full. 188 W. Park st. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOl HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. FOR RENT GOOD DAIRY AND FRUIT farm; cash rent; for particulars, aa dresi Estacada. Or, route 1, box 43. SUMMER RESORTS $3,000 New modern 80 rooms. $1.400 Half cash, house svaras-ine: $20 dally. $800 Half cash, 20 rooms "near waanington et. $600 Half cash. 16 rooms, near de pot. $600 16 rooms, new furniture. $160 6-room, furniture, close In. $1,000 Grocery, inventory; 1 living; rooms. $2,500 New shoe store; invoice. $1.000 Invoice, meatmarket. $600 Real estate business; old -established. $600 Investment secures position worth several hundred monthly, can draw $26 weekly If preferred; refer ences required. $250 Confectionery store with 2 nice living rooms, close In: others all prices. Honest man to assist In employment agency; references and small capital re quired. Other bunlness opportunities. For quick results, consult the Coast Realty Co., 226 tt Morrison st. (Suite 2). Call, write. Phone Main 1668; auto- matic A-4150. A 20-ROOM HOTEL. ON CORNER lot, In fine location, a good paying business; must be sold quirk. Apply 882 Sandy road: phone East 1086. $2j00 PROFIT IN 6 MONTHS ON AN Investment of $3,000, guaranteed ab solute security. O. Yates, 421 Haw thorne ava. GENTLEMAN Fr.OM THE EAST. 20 years' experience as manager In some LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OR., DR. "f the best furniture factories In Mlch- P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. igan, is desirous or meeting parties wun and addressing by hand, and on type writer. State whether you can use the typewriter rapidly or not. Give tele phone number In reply. Address B-414, Journal. WANTED A GOOD WAITRES8. AP- ply Johnson's restaurant. 3 N. 8d. WANTED GIRL IN TAILOR SHOP. Good wages. 11 tt N. 4th. WANTED ONE NECKBAND IRONER order. K. E. Karlson A Co.. ken it St., Main 6250. 261 An- and one collar girl. laundry. Apply Pacific WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED waitress at the family hotel. The Morrison, 53$ Morrison. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOU8E hold goods of every description bought, sold end exchanged. The 1, 232 1st Main 6374. Home A-2327 WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write 8. J. ft L. Rubenstnln, 175 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. WANTED A LIGHT TEAM 5T horses; must be young and sound. 831 Williams ave. WANTED VAUDEVILLE SHOWS AND carnival attractions for one week. Room 601, Portland hotel. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WANTED GIRL FOR HOTEL WORK. Montavllla hotel, $16. Hlbbard. Phone Tabor 467. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO HELP IN to keep house for man; rent free; general housework, small family, house is furnished. Address V-412, Jour- Phone East 2254. or call at 439 E. 13th , nai st. N WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work; no washing. Apply 916 E. 16th N. ARTISTIC GIRLS FOR DRAWING, burning, painting, lettering work. D. M. Averlll & Co., 102 6th St. N. COMPETENT COOK, PANTRY GIRL and dishwashers. 376 Yamhill st. WANTED LADY TEACHER. APPLY 145tt 1st. this evening from 7:30 to 9:30. FLOOR MAN Also salesmen In domestic and tovs: thoroughly reliable and competent men wanted at once. OLDS, WORTMAN A " KING. WANTED maker. COUCH AND LOUNGE- 66 Front, cor. Davis. CAI u CABINET MAKER WANTED, at 106 N. 11th st. PRESSER OTl PANTS. MUST BE good worker. 207 Commonwealth bldg, ONE MARBLE POLISHER AND ONE all around marble and granite cutter wanted at onoe. SApply to F. H. Watts. The Dalles, Or. FIRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS; steady employment The P. J. Cronln Company. WANTED ENERGETIC MEN IN Portend and state. L. Alnsworth Smith 109 Sherlock bldg. GOOD 8TRONG BOY TO LEARN THE business: bring references. P. C. Stamp Works, 249 Alder st. UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST, 160 6TH 72t opposite Meier ft Frank's. Main J. P.' FINLEY ft SONS. 3D AND M'ADlf- aon sts. uince oi county coroner. Phone Main 9. A. B. HEMSTOCK, FUNERAL DP rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bel I wood 71. Lady assistant. DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft 61LbaU6h; undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail. 8eventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. ZELLER-BYRNEfl CO.L FUNfiRAL Dl- rectors. embalmers, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN,' UNDfiRf AKER,' WANTED EXPERIENCED HOP- dryer: must be able to take charge of double dryer. Apply David Crulck shank. route 2, Gaston, Or. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO drlv wagons. Kennedy Commission Co.. 326 3d st. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR CLOTHES to be cleaned; at East Portland Clean- lng & rye Works. 148 Grand ave. COMPETANT MAN CAN FIND lucrative employment Call 214 Couch bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLDER ers at once. Apply Oregon Packing company., E. 8th and Belmont WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; 4 adults; good wages. 274 14th at WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BEC ond girl and waitress; beat wages. 163 12th st, cor. Morrison. WANTED PLAIN AND FANCY Ironers. Apply Star Laundry. Union ave. and E. Ankenv st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co.. 88 6th et HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 tt Washington st. Paclflo 1370. WANTED PIANO-PLAYER, MALE, OR female, for road show. 92 tt N. 6th at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. , n watchman, by sober, reliable man. Ad drees J. 8tone. 49 N. Park, city. GENTLEMAN WANTS CHAMBER work. 10 years' experience. 248 Burn slde st. WANTED NIGHT WATCHMAN AT sewer pipe factory; must understand care of boilers and engine. Apply at of fice Diamond Brick Co.. foot Ankeny et. WANTED POSITION ' BY EXPERI enced family cook. Address 247 Va Stark st, Chinese mission. A. Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. WANT A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE? Write F. McFarland. Seaside, Or., who will locate you. State price limit, etc. REACH PROPERTY. The finest beach property ever offered. it capital to go In the manufacture of ex tension and center tables In this city or state. W-418, Journal. CTWFFTIONEfRYAND CIGAR STORE for sale; doing a good business; also a saloon at a bargain. Call 266 Stark. BICYCLE SUPPLY AND REPAIR shop, in fine location: paying well L flC Iinl UWt; 11 IUJC1LJ "nivu, a,,, ,i, nun nraauuii, YJ ntng Breakers hotel property, to be j now: party will sell for $500 on account acre tract, a portion with building re-j FOR SALE FtRST-CLASS HARNESS strlctlons; other unrestricted; eaay Bh For pBrtciars call on the terms. . Carv Hardware Co.. Estacada. Or. A. C. CHURCHILL ft UU., A ' . 110 Second St., City. onr.Ui runniuno r o-nuum iiuuse on vvasningion St., urmsing i" 190 per month; first offer takes this. Main 6202. HOUSE; RUSINEiM CHANCES WANTED SECOND-HAND DONKEY. Address James Dewltt Philomath, Or. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE COLLINGE NICELY FURNISH ed rooms, hot water In every room, free phone and bath, 12.60 to $5 per week; no children. 121 4th. cor. Clay. THE RICHELIEU 23 tt N. 4TH ST. Elegantly furnished; 'steam heat and baths. , THE GRAND;-46 tt N. ID ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, 11.18 per week and up. iioTEL ROYAL 108tt 4TH; NICE rooms. 60 cents, $1 per night; $1 to $6 per week. A FURNISHED ROOM IN A PRIVATE family with no other roomers. 427 3d st. 3 FURNISHED APARTMENTS OF two rooms each; reasonable rates. 230 tt Russell. THE ARGYLE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, day. week or month. Three blocks from postofflce. 193 W. Park. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR' GENTLE- men; rent reasonable. JEFFERSONIAN 345 Harrison. 14 JEFFERSON: two and three-room suites: complete ly furnished for housekeeping. Main 5432. FURNISHED SLEEPING APART ments; cool; baths; reasonable; pri vate family. 13 E. 7th. Phone East 1929. 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, LOT 60x 100, walking distance from city hall; price $1,400. 23 rooms, all furnished, close to saw mills and factories; price 1760 cash. 3-room house In St. Johns, lot 60x100; Btable and Jersey cow; price $750. Two lots and an 8-room house, close to woolen mills; price $850. 4-room house, lot 60x100; city water; Dries 1550. Mpdern 6-room house on Williams ave., furnace; price $2,600. L. B. MAY. 502 Swetland bldg. 1300 HANDLES 14-ROOM rent $28.50: lease. 241' Madison. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH C. B. Arnold & Co., original hotel brokers; hotels, rooming houses and furnished houses bought sold and exchanged. In all parta of the United States. C. fl. ARNOLD ft CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 151 tt Morrison St. Phone Mat 7811. WELL-DRILLING OUTFIT. COST plete; cheap for cash. C. W. Steph- ens. Orient, Or, A NEAT CONFECTIONERY, ICE cream and cigar store doing a good business, for sale cheap on account ot other business. 402 8d st. HERE 18 A DAIRY BUSINESS WHICH Is certainly a bargain and up to data. You can t afford to miss It Has 18 head of livestock; 6 head of No. 1 draft mares and 2 colts; also 84 tt aerea of hay; also tt section of land for rent FOR SALE REAL ESTATT. Artw lodge Snaps Only two more homes left, easy pay ments, balance like rent, on St. Johni car, near station: choice vacant lots; terms. W. B. Rust, Arbor Lodge sts tlon. Date by phone Woodlawn 126. C R. Donnell & Co, REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 268 Stark St. $13,500 WHOLE BLOCK. CLOSE IN. Income $76 month on part of ground, balance K block: fine proposition for manufacturing site. Owner. Apply 44$ E. Everett. 1675. Fine corner lot. 60x100, on E. 12th and Frederick: terms. Phone E. 4651. 4-ROOM HOUSE tt ACRE GROUND. 1 blocks from Kern Park station; $100 worth of garden; pylce $1,300; terms. 242 'Madison st. ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE BOUGHT. sold and exchanged. Abraham & White. 227 tt Washington st, corner 2d. Labbe bldg., offices 8 and 9. Both phones. NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60x100. streets 60 feet, near car station at Lents, 6c car fare; only $115; terms. and complete farming outfit; one com-1 Take Mount Scott car. 6. R. Addition. plete steam tnresnine; ouxni; iiu acres Lenta, ur.. 6o rare. under Cultivation; iu acrea ucaver aain land. Slegenthaler Bros.. Beaverton, Or. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; REA sonable; close In. Apply 200 tt Park. FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen; breakfast or dinner as desired. Phone Main 3684. ROOMS AND BOARD. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, CARPENTERS AND CARPENTERS' helpers 43d and Harrison. - Uln. Precip. 66 1.42 64 .01 70 .84 6 T. 66 .0 62 .0 70 .06 80 .0 66 .0 68 .0 64 .0 60 .0 60 .0 66 .0 $2 .0 70 .02 12 .0 220 2d st. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 6133. Lady assistant. NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way Oil company will be held at the office of Ladd ft Tllton Portland. Or., at 3 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, July 17. 1907. for the purpose of electing a board or directors, ana ror tne transac tion of such other business as may come before the meeting. WILLIAM M. WHTDDEN, Secretary. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. O. W. and Cell A. Priest to R. , . B. eturgls., Berth , 40 feet and tf; weet feet of lot If, Wock H. Central lAJWn Mua..iUMt3,00 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET lng The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Coeur d'Alene Develop ment company, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce; building. Portland, Oregon, on August 6, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. GEORGE F. HOLM AN, Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Company. Portland, Oregon, July 11, 190T. noTice-Any6ne Intending shIp- plng a car to Elcampo, Houaton or M. Potts. Corvallls Or. WANTED A GOOD FLOOR MAN FOR horseshoeing work. 726 Powell at, corner 21st St.; or will rent shop for two monin. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR ORE gon. Opnortunltlea to advance. Ex amination Aujrua-t fi. Let us qualify you. Good salary to start. Call or write Pacific States Schools, McKay building. WANTED FARM HANDS. INQUIRE 816 Ablngton building. IMMIGRATION INSPECTORS Special examination to be held August 12. Join our class immediately and prepare for this examination; life positions, starting salary $100 per month; appli cations must be filed at onoe. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonlan bldg. Open evenings. ' UTa RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Sneclal examination August 6. Salary to start $70 per month. Join our class Immediately. West Coast Schools. 315 Oregonlan nldg. Open evenings. YOUNG LADY WISHES A PLACE TO substitute as stenographer or billing clerk for two weeks, x-414. journal POSTING AND KEEPING SMALL sets or dooks, aiso sienograpnio work neatly done: phone Main 7320, 203 Chamber of Commerce. ANYONE WISHING A WOMAN TO work by the day please phone Pacific Z8. ask lor Mrs. Lemasters- WANTED LUNCH WAITERS AT the Newport 53 3d st. CARPENTERS AND LABORERS wanted. Inquire, cor :ith and Wash. BUSINESS NOTICES BKELLY CO., 14TH AND "FLANDERS; RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR ORE- aon. Opportunities to advance. Ex amination August 6. Let us qualify you. Good salary to start. Call or write Pa- clflc states Hcnoois. MCKay Diag. WANTED APPRENTICE BOYS. PORT land Wire & Iron Works, 2d and Ev- erett sts. FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS WANT- - A L,.a.aa 4 A la. a.a.Jl (Etk " ru uciwrwn 47I.H biiu ton, uii UYerwij WANTED ONE AS8I8TANT EnTTT: nMf. one nfler one fireman T O a preferred. Apply 614 McKay bldg. after 6 p. m. HKLP WANTED FEMALE GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work. - 428 14th at between Waih. jAXtOA Aad Aid :. : WANT AD. HAPPENINGS Almost every want adver tisement that 'is printed causes "something to hap pen" in this city. And the wonderful thing about it all is that in prac tically every business trans action which is brought about between two people through a want ad,1 both parties are pleased, both are gainers. For about all want ad transactions are based upon two "wants" instead of one the want-to-sell and the want-to-secure. One ad sat isfies both of these wants and so is well named a "want ad." THE COLONIAL. Corner 10th and Morrison. 8 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class rooms and board; rates reasonable; transient and table board accommodated. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with good board, at The Hart man. 426 Alder st 406 4TH ST.. NICELY FURNISHED rooms" suitable for two; board If de sired. ROSEDALE SELECT, PRIVATE boarding house; large grounds; a few rooms at present 404 Madison, corner loth. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON account of other business. Address B-415, Journal. . - SNAP 27 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: no agent. For particulars phone B-1705, FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST equipped flouring mills In the Wil lamette valley; net 26 per cent on In vestment Address R-414, Journal. A N6. 1 GROCERY STOCK. DOING A good business, in East Portland; will Invoice about $1,500; cheap rent. T-414, Journal. 2 LOTS: S-ROOM HOUSE ;$600 TERMS. 478 Mlldre- ave. 100x100. CORNER $626, $300 DOWN. balance $20 per month; located on car line; city light, city water, and splendid view of the city; a bargain. Fred C. King. 606 Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington sts. . A POSITIVE SNAP: AN EXCELLI Dunaing iot ior 2ou; pa" o a npiii . will build house soon as lot is paid for. The Spantor- Co.. 270 Stark st 'Barbers must sell shop by Aug. 1; highest bidder takes It. 506 Washington st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. fTTo Week kp Large, clean furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman at. south. fort lana. HOTEL FA1RMOUNT. Just think, only 60o a week up for new, bright rooms, worth 13 a week. Hotel Falrmount. first opened slece the fair; housekeeping or single rooms, fur nlshed or unfurnished; above price If taken before the 20th; gas, bath, phone. 26th and Upshur, Fair Grounds; beauti ful location. $1.2G WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeDlnir-rooms. parlor. bath. laundry, furnace heat, yard. 202 tt Stan ton st. U car. V HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $8 AND $10 a month; with phone; newly papered. 64 N. 10th fet FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPG ROOMS. 443 5th at LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- waier. oingie rpom. WILL SELL OR TRADE ALL OR half Interest In good-paying business. 64 N. 6th st FOR SALE 11 SHARES OF LAUNDRY stock In first-class paying laundry with or without services; price $1,100. Address A-416, Journal, FOR RENT. AND FURNITURE FOR sale A 20-room hotel.; a good busi ness at a low price.' Address J. Jay Cook, Florence hotel, Salem, Or. FURNITURE OF A 11-ROOM HOUSE at 188 7th St.; cost $1,500; $700; terms to suit. Phone Main at is. BARGAIN HOTEL A SNAP MANUFACTURING SITE ON railroa'd In heart of manufacturing district of St. Johns, 100x160, with 2-story corrugated Iron building cover ing half of property ready to occupy; price $6,500; $4,000 down, terms on bal ance. See or write Colvln & Henderson, St. Johns. Or. Opposite postofflce. FARMS WANTED. We are in communication with people that want farms in all parts of the Willamette valley- If you wish to sell, call on us. or write full particulars. DIAMOND REALTY CO.. 263 Alder st.. Room 10. Portland, Or. for sale, good Springfield, Or. FIXTURES locality. Box 175, keeping suites. 603 Alder. TO LET FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, also thre unfurnished rooms; bsth. gas and phone. 171 N. 17th. NEWSPAPER AMONG BEST IN VAL ley, .for sale or trade; power presses; fine job equipment and splendid field. M-416. Journal. ' MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought arid sold. Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue ft Co., 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7358. FIRST-CLASS 60-GALLON MILK route, cows, horees. wagon; eto.: sold only on account or continued ill health; no reaaonable offer refused. Inquire E. B. LaFollette. grocer, Montavllla. Or. PREVENTION OF RAILWAY ACC1 denta; fog signalling without detona tors or men. Willing speculators write to Mr. R. Wallwork. 61 Brldgewater Road, Walkden. near Manchester, Lan cashl re, England. L. H. FREELAND, REAL ESTATE. Room 7 Odd Fellows' bldg., 141 tt let. FOR SALE FINE MODERN 6-ROOM residence on Vancouver ave; trade with owner on premises. 837 Vancouver ave. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER lot 60x100; nice lawn; fruit; flowera; full basement. Phone owner Sell wood 424. $1.400 SOUTH PORTLAND, CORNER 86x100 In lots 325 to 650. 208 4th st Main 2890. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSE FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 9-room home, near Hawthorne end 14th et: ibo new -room nouse at Fir land, 1 block from O, W. P. track. Key atone Realty Co. 211 Allsky bldg. FOR RENT--ROOM COTTAGE, 406 Broadway. ' Inquire 213 Washington. FOR RENT 4-ROOM HOUSa STRICT ,1 nodsra. lit tolU6x v, . - - RESPONSIBLE PARTY DESIRES 40 to 40-room rooming, house; new build ing near completion preferred; must be modern and good location; give full particulars. Box 187, city. RESIDENCE LOT WITH ALL MOD ein improvements In and with 16 mlnute car service; price $450; make your own terms. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. IF TAKEN AT ONCE 13,800 WILL BUY modern 6-room cottage ,on4 00x100, With alley, near school and 8 car lines; 16 fruit trees and other shrubbery: must be seen to be appreciated; will sell fur niture; look this up if you want a nice home at the right price. 870 Height. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-ROOM cottage, lot 60x100, fruit; on Borth wlck st Albina; $1,900; a bargain. H-408. Journal. FOR SALEi GOOD-PAYING HOTEL; will take other property in trade. Ad dress C-414, Journal. ON ACCOUNT OB) BUSINESS-WE ARE authorised to sail a general hardware store at $2,600 below value; anyone be ing Interested In business of this kind call quickly, .ob Aiisity mag. ROOMING AND BQARDINO HOUSE - for sale,' bargain. Address D-414, Journal. , ideaPV FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN1 home; threo full lots; 7-room haitso ana Dam; an nearing rrult trees; " rles of all kinds; fine garden and kinds of ehrubbery: this la an home; 7-mlnute car service. Phone East i NEW MODERN HOUSE, WEST SIDE. $3.260 Lot 60x100 and large rooms, bath. gas. electric light furnace, house will be completed in about two weeks; walking distance from business center. FRED" C. KlNa. i 606 Commercial block, 2d and Wash. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, LOT 60x ' l.2 J2,8J-ArJU-'lJ0& ve.Lnd ,Rua-.Ji Sell. Owner. 131 tt Mart a ,-. Taclftd IB"- CI