.'; 'THE - OREGON ') DAILY ' JOURNAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY 'EVENING. JULY 11, 'MOT. 13 ' mm curb SMIL FOR DAIIS CUP Tennis Authority Sizfs Up ,:' American Challenge Team as Weakest Yet. TEOPHY LIKELY TO GO , TO NEW ZEALANDEES Decisive Defeat of Wright and Behr : In Double Last Week Proves Strength Brookes and Wilding .Personnel of English Team. By ErnMt U Heltkamp. ... ' (Journal Special 8errtce.) "'"' tondon, July 11 Will the Devia cup. ;. ito premier trophy of the tennis world, -.'travel back across the blue Atlantic i ithls year to the land which gave it birth? Or will It travel over strange , aeaa and stranger landa to far-off New yea land? These are the questions that ' are paramount la the mlnda of all lov- ,ers of the fimt and they are posera Of ;the first rank; none but a eeer bleat ." with superhuman powers can hope to ' answer them with any assurance of success. However, to guess and to hope are privileges denied to none of u . In the matter of the American team I think It will be admitted that aa It la at present constituted It la the weakest : afire ration ever chosen to represent 'the players of the United Btates. In .. the writer's opinion, and I believe It Is ' ', a very general one, the team which sue- 'eessfullv defended the Davis cup against :: the English players In the first inter national contest for Its possession was ' better than any which has aince fought Sot the Stars and 8trlpea, - Teem Wm Best U JTJstory. J .!." Whitman and Lamed, ' Ward " and Davis, were the test bunch of players ever gathered together In the states and . whea the following rear the Dohertys returned to the attack and wrested the - pavls cup from these the best players ' Uncle Sam could produce -It was a , foregone conclusion that several sans i V of several summers would travel their v course before the cup would again re ' - turn to our shores. It was certain that ' - It it was to be rewon It must be bv a v team of players then practically un- ' known; for Lamed, Whitman and Davis ' had ehot their bolt and their stars were ' In their decline. Ward, the best double player that ever swung a racquet, rur i - vived the retirement Of his partner, ',. Davis, and subsequently won the singles . championship of the United Btates. i .-.Beals Wright, a member of the pres ent American team, while hardly a con temporary of these men, at the aame -time was a star of very great magni- tuds towards the end of their tennis a - , reera. It was with Wright that Ward , paired In doubles after Davis retired and they certainly made a more steady ' , pair than the old combination, ir nox oulte as dashing a one. While the writer does not think that Wright - . over aa axeat a player as Lamed or Whitman, he does believe that ha sub sequently developed his game to a level -second only to tueira.- XUUla Out of Class. But after you have named Wright. where does the American team class? . ' Little never Was. and certainly Is not How, a player of the first class. In the days when tennis was peopled by better players than it is today ne rouna it air :: ilcult to get Into the first 10. Karl Behr Is a comparatively newcomer, Is young In years and experience, and fu- , ture seasons, or even this, may see the top of his gMne. But upon his past "form he does not give much promise of changing the complexion of the lnterna " tlonal lawn tennis situation for Amerl . cans .xm a dull gray V bright rose ' hue. -;' " ; - I It would hardly be good sportmanahlp - to aay that we Americans find some consolation In the situation in England. Wo might however, aay that It ; gives tia some cause for hope. It is announced that- tha condition: of health of R. F. Doherty will not permit of his playing , in first-class tennis, where tha strain t la so very hard. Coupled with this la "the announcement that his no less bril .Ilsnt brother. H. I Doherty. tha pres ent champion, has decided to take no part In championship tennis inis year. .leaves ITew Ones la yield. v That tha removal of these two play- ( ra, who have for years stood m a class by themselves In English tennis, will - make a. wonderful difference. In any con. alderatlon of chances it Is hardly neo- essarj to say..-Their erracement rrom the field leaves aa possibilities for the English defending team S. H. smitn, jr. , L. Rlselev. A. W. Gore. N. 3. Q. Ritchie and H. Reper Barrett. It is announoed unofficially, however, that there la a .4 SECOND DAY OF DD OUR Eighty-Two Cars Are Mak ing Two Weeks' Dash Across Six Big States. mouto of OUddem Tour. July 10 Cloveland to Toledo, to South ' Ohio 4 July 11 Toledo Bend, Indiana. July IS 8outh Bend to Chi- 4 cafo, Illinois. July It Rest in Chicago. e July 14 Rest In Chicago. July 18 Chicago back to 4 South Bend. July 10 South Band to la dlanapolla. July IT Indianapolis to Co lumbus, Ohio. July IS olumbus to Canton, Ohio. July IB Canton to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. July SO Pittsburg to Bedford Springs. July 21 Bedford Springs to Baltimore. July it Baltimore to Phila delphia. July S4 Philadelphia to New Tork. a OU BETTER Tl wmmm reter Kopke of Hopd River Says Beaver State Is Good . Enough for Him. IS DOGGED BY POLICE DURING ENTIRE VISIT Trip Through. Old Country la Half fkr Pleasurable aa Waa tlcipated and Globe Trotter turns to America. Not An Be a L. R. Prince, one of the Multnomah club a oldtlmera, who Is back on the - tennis courts this year. Mr. Prince H practicing vlally for the Oregon state tournament. IRVINGTON DOES HOT WISH TO TAKE TOURNEY FROM MULTNOMAH possibility of the younger Doherty play ' Jner should great pressure be brought to r bear upon him, and in this case he will -ta selected with Smith for the singles. - (Smith and Rlseley will probably play . In the doubles in the absence of the 1 elder Doherty. It -'is' however, the presence of the . Australasians, Norman Brookes and A. , SV Wilding,, that ahould give the Ameri cans the chief cause of alarm. Indeed j ahould Brookes uphold the reputation ' for Improvement In play which has pre , ceded him to this country the chances - of this pair seem very bright It will i ba ' remembered that Brookes won the "all-comers" at Wimbledon In 1905, and against 4h fact that he was defeated by Beals . Wright on too only two oc- . casions on which these champions met it la urged that the progress of his game during the psat year has been truly I marvelous. Wilding has also improved ; ml makes a dangerous player against even -tne nest or men, wniie ne ana . Brookes make an Ideal doubles com blnatlon. These two men met Wright , astd Behr in the all-England doubles .- championship last week and defeated them m straight sets. While It Is cer tain that the Americans had an un usually off day, the victory was so de- ' eisive tnat little doubt is left as to the result wnen these teams meet again In tha Da via tourney. Wright did not play Jay S. Hamilton, president of the Irv ington Tennis club, haa written o George W. McMillan, prealdent of the Multnomah dub, offering tha Irvlngton club courts for use In the Oregon state tournament. If the use of the courts is desired. . While the Multnomah club will not avail itself of the Invitation, the letter Is valuable In that It la a final proof that there la no Jealousy existing between the two clubs and no unfriendly rivalry for the possession of the state tournament The letter la as follows: "Mr. George W. McMillan, president Multnomah club, Portland, Or. Dear Btr: Having beard that your club have found It necessary to install two extra tennis courts for temporary use during the state tennis tournament,, which la held on your grounds this month, and realising that this will mean consider able extra expense to you. the board of directors of the Irvlngton Tennis club have requested me to tender your club the use of our tennis courts and club house for this state tournament. "We regret that certain unauthorised newspaper ltema have put the Irvlngton Tennis club In the light of wanting to take the state tournament from the Multnomah club. We assure you these statements did not come from official of our club. Neither do ipri alp. they express the sentiment of our member fours very truly, IRVINQTON TfcNNIS CLUR "JAY a HAMILTON. President" Wolf and Miss Goes (receive SO) "and Benham and Mlas fibaefer (owe IS) have reached the finals in the mixed doubles tourney at Irvlngton. Yesterday Wolf and Miss Goss defeated Raley and Mrs. Green 6-0. 7-6, and Benham and Miss Bhaefer beat Rosenfelt and Miss Ford ing. e-4, -. S-l. The finals will be played Saturday. SCHiMPFF LOSES 1 GAME III Brace of Errors by Shortstop Send Run Over Plate When Two Are Out. ( YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. San Francisco 1, Portland 0. Los Angeles 7, Oakland 5. ' STANDING OF THE Won. Los Angeles '. . . . 48 San Francisco ........ 48 Oakland 48 Portland k.. . 32 CLUBS. Lost. 43 46 62 Pet .671 .627 .511 .381 (Journal Bpedil Berries.) San- Francisco, July 11. Two errors by Scblmpff after two men were out In the ninth -inning broke the double line of goose egga and gave yesterday's game . to San Francisco. . Bhaughnessy started on the little shortstop's first error. Mohler pur mm second on a ount blV', Then "Wheeler , cam to bat and lined a hot one to the Dutchman. Snhlmeff crabbed ' It " clean.- but waa over-anxious in the throw; the ball went wild and tmaugnnessy 'gauopea across the pan. Score,: lto Oj, Hartman'' work in the box was all that oould be desired. Bill Morlarlty, the Seal shortstop, did not appear In the game and it waa learned last night that he had league club. up to his game and Behr had a palpable .attack of stsge fright. To put the American chances in a few -words, I would say that Beals Wright haa an excellent chance of defeating , either Brooke or Wilding, or both, de i spite the former's Improvement In play :: since their last meeting v that neither ' Little nor Behr have much of a chance of defeating either, and that no doubles team of the three Americans can hope for success against the two New Zea - landers. I ahould say that the hope of . the American team lay in Behr. Should be win. one' of his single matches and Wright both of his It would give them ; tha victory and the right to challenge . the English team for the trophy which ; la to the tennis world what the Amerl . can cup ia to the yachting. Bassey, - If Mott. Sb .. Casey. 2b .-. Atherton2b McCredle, rf Donahue, c . Carson, lb . Schlmpff. ss Hartman, p . to the Stockton' State The official acore: t PORTLAND,- " ab:r. h:po. A.E. 4 0 0 0 Z 0 41 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 6 0 ft, 0 r 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 I' 0 0 4 4 0 : 0 i0.. 7.1 0 i i e , . ' - ...V 11 o a. a ., . OFF FOR TOP OF MI. ST. HELENS Twenty -Five T. M. C. A. Juniors Leave in Launch for Two Weeks' Trip. Zip boom bay I Zip boom bay! Y. M. Y. M. Y. M. C. A. Portland! Totals ;.,..J0- 0 t SI It 2 X SAN FRANCISCO. " AB. R. H. PO. A. E Bhaughnessy, rf Mohler. ZD Wheeler, aa Hlldebrand. ir Irwin. 3b ... Williams, lb ......... Spencer, cf . ......... Street, c Quick, p 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 " 1 0 1 1 "4 .0 6 ' 0 It I I t o Twenty-five association lads, between the ages of 14 and 18 years, yelled themselves hoarse early this morning, as they embarked on the launch Y. M. C. A. Junior for a 18 days' outing trip, the final objective of which is the top of Mount St. Helens. The boys left at 7 o'clock this morn ing under the care of J. C. Clark, as sistant secretary of the boys' depart ment, two assistant and a cook. The launch will carry them to Woodland, up the Lewis river, where they will dis embark and make the remainder of the trip on foot, accompanied by a plenti fully supplied grub wagon. A two daysr stop will be made at Trout lake, where fishing, boating and swimming will be enjoyed to the limit. The ascent of St. Helens will then be made, after which the boys will re turn as tney came. stODDlnar araJn at Trout lake. Thouah manv more bova wanted to ro. the number had tn ha limited to 25. as more could not ba taken care of. The lucky 25 are Frank Runar Tv.n Clark, Charles Henselman. Norman Flske, Irwin Short, Edison Edwards. Walter McManus. Ivan niahnrv Allan tjuncan, rTea failing, Walter He ton, Fowler Cardwell, George McAfee, Fred Glenn. Robert Shemnnii. RiOrt urwia Carl George, Armond Stroacher, Rudolph ivrctr, nuwii nurn, ijiarence cprague. Jay Coffee, Howard Stokes, Harry Belk nap ana imasiey Koss. SUNDAY'S GAMES OF COOS COUNTY LEAGUE (Jasnul Special Bervtee.) Toledo, Ohio, July 11. Blghty-two au tomobiles left here at minute .intervals this morning for South Bend, Indiana, on tha second day's dash across the country In an effort to win the GUddan trophy. The contest will laat 14 days and the motorists will traverse six etatea, and if they encounter dry Weather they will lift a blinding cloud of duat half-way to the sky. If they encounter wet weather they will teas up enough mud to make the trail of the U07 Glidden tour a thing to be remembered by the Inhabitants of tha country through which the machines will paaa. ronrtu Olid dam Tour. This is the fourth time the Glidden trophy has been contested for, under the direction of the American Auto mobile association, and It la by far the largest number of cars ever entered In a motor contest In America. Every ef fort has been made to formulate rules which will bring out the real, qualities of the 1907 car and which will at the same time prevent the competing cars from racing through the country at an Illegal rate of speed. There la a path finder, known as the pilot car, and this machine will precede the caravan each day. According to the rules, no car must f ass the pilot car, but at the same time here will be a running schedule to which all the machines must adhere. The 100 or more miles which must be covered every dav will be divided Into controls of about 26 miles In length, i and all tha ears must check In at each control on schedule time. This means that they cannot run over the achedule times without being penalised. nd also that If they do not make these controls on time they will also be penalised. Sxtras acturt Be Xeglrtered. No parts can be replaced in the en- f lne or running gear of the car unless hese parts have been registered at the start of the tour and carried in the car throughout the journey. Tire trou ble will not count against a car except when a car ia late at a control through reason of tire trouble, In which case It would be penalised for being late. Today s run la a long one from To ledo to South Bend, but the road condi tions are not impossible even in bad weather. At South Band the tourists will put up at the Oliver house, a hotel ouui as a monument to jamas Oliver. Tomorrow s run rrotn south Bend to Chicago Is called by the surveyors of the route easy and quite fast Getting into Chicago through South Chicago is said to re tne naraest sart of the triD. In the Windy City the headquarters of me tourists win be in tne Auditorium Annex. Where the tourists will remain for two days. Saturday and Sunday, and permit themselves to be entertained by the Chicsgo Automobile club and such other motor organizations there as have hung their latch strings out to tha (jiiuaenues. From Chlcaao the tour bends hack through another road to South Bend, which completes the fourth dav of run ning. . (Special Ptipiteh to The JoersaL) ' ' Hood River, Or., July 11. Peter Kopke, who left Hood River last April with 17,000 ia cash In his clothes for Germany, . with the idea of making a long sojourn or possibly locating perma nently in the domain of the kaiser of the celebrated moustaches, haa re turned. The Illusions In regard to hie dear fatherland which he has been cherishing slnoe his boyhood days when ne came to America are saia oy mi Kopke to have vanished forever. HI steps dogged by - Berlin policemen, lona-ail for tha freedom Anr Orecon. Mr. Kopke was non-committal aoout the disposal of the great quantity ready cash which he thought waa nec assart to convey him safely to Germany. but from' his attitude toward his native country on his return It la inferred that ha brought a goodly share of 11 back to be lnveated la more rult land from which he derived his original smsll fortune. "Everywhere I go In Germany," said Mr. Kopke, "I find a polioeraen. They want to know where I come from, how long I am going to etay, how much money I got, what my business ia and a hundred other questions. When turn around suddenly in the street find they are watching me and I don' like it Aa soon as I can make a visit to my people I come back to Hood River. I thoucht I like to go back to Germany. but after I spend 10 years in Oregon It la no good. I like Uncle Sam the beat I atay here." EHUIS TO ; TAKE 111 RACES Bridge, "Whist,: and Divorce Question May. Corao .Be fore Seattle Assembly; 2 (pedal PUpatek to Tb Journal.) Seattle, Wash., July 11. Bridge whist and the divorce ' question are matte to which the Christian Endeavor con vention will devot lte attention If.aome of the delegates can manage , to get them before the session. Many ot the delegates say they are In favor o tha convention expressing Itself on both questions. ..... . . wmie .eerrain members are declaring againat the evils or bridge, however, others are planning to ; take e.v crowd of the visitors to tne raeea Gambling will be tabooed,' it le said, and there will be no bitting by any of the members r of the party , that Tlstta -.the" Meadows, but the delegates 'will be taken out to 5. th. P??le o round the track of the race track party, declares he ea see no harm in taking eastern visltora put to the tracks and says tnat in fact, to omit the trip to the Meadows would ..ir be to give them a distorted idea of wha aaavu. iiu. yowl-man jr.. .jLOgar Dirifl or Ina-fiei,, erai commutes, nowever, does nfT ap- PIY ! lt? ,dwtv H the atand of the d a at the 'question of horse racing Is well known and while the visit to the racee might be exouaed under some .conditions.- it . will never have hla official sanction. ' v v Cured of luf TronMe.- ; 'It is now eleven years since I had a narrow ' escape - from ' consumption " writes C O. Floyd, a leading business man of Ksrshaw. 8. C. "I had m. down In weight to 1I pounds, and coughing waa constant, both by day and by night' Finally I began taking D,, King" New Dlsoovsry, and continued thla for about six months, when m cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I waa restored to my normal weight. .170 pounds." Thousands1 of peraons are healed every rear. Qua.. aateed at Red Cross Pharmacy. lOe and 11.00. Trial bottle free. , MB IN he School Teachers I need a piano. Spend a little wisely. A pleasure now and an Investment for time to come. Tou'll never duplicate these low prices. Reed' French Piano company. ' Tou money Half past seven. See tomorrow Bight's journal. Baa SMde s life ad la that CGeeWo She WeO-Tsses Bailable CHINESE laat sad Bars DOCTOR Stady of rests ssd htrba. tad eiaeorarad iad ts glrtag WflXO-a to the werM bis wvaearfal rasMdlaa. tO MEHOPtT. rOlBOMB OB DEUOS HX CTIatS WITHOUT OPIBATIOW, 0 or a junxx. Aattaia, WITHOUT TEX ATA Re naranteae to rare Catarrh. Lsns. Tbroat RbeosiattaBi .Nai Karroos Debility, Stoaact, Uver, Kidnap Trochlea! aten Lest Maabend. ! Weak sen end All Private Pfaeaaea, A SURE CANCER CURE fast Saesived Tnm Paktar, Oaiaa safe, Ian aad KeliaUe. ir you an ArrucrsD. port ovlat. dbxats aei DAKOISOUS. If yea easaet call, writs for iraiptosi Mask sad drenlar. Inclose 4 easts Is stasips, CONSULTATION FREE rax o. gex wo chutxsi uzaiovn m, MSfe rirat St. Oat. Usirlaas, rartlaad, Oragoa, Flaaa ataatlaa Tila Fas as. TREATED ;;:AN D C'lJ R E D Best service, lowest Charges. Cores Goarasteed - - - . v..w, w.u n a v i o . tJtuBi ii x x i or 'ruling Strength, commonly called "tHT . MiNHiVin I v,iln: &ip& TO,B.ak- Inflammation of the Bladder and 1 ' KIi.n" Highly eolored Urine, Iropotency, Despondencyv Fall- I Ing Memory, Loss of Ambition. Mental Worry, results v- , cess, and, overwork; Pllee, Fistula and Hydrocele or other wt.aa. " naaa. wmcn aosoiuiaiy unfit them for Study. Business, PleasuTf-k eontmoted or hereditary: 1 ' naaa, wmcn I or Marrtaaa. ao cure, e pay, afieee: olam. XtUMsteea, SaeeuMttSBjB. Soree, gwUtnaa, Disoharrea, qow H?'"-. Dealings, Successful and Conscientious Service. Reason able Charges. ; Can ot writs pay T. 9. rnaCM. m rtrst werOaad, Ot. OUR FEE WeCurclen SEE US FIRST AND YOU WILL HAVE SO MANY MEDICAL FEES TO PAY. NOT We are curing more men than any two spe cialists in Portland. Our small fee enables us to cure for less money than many self-styled specialists ask for their services. Our advice to you will be worth much in your case if you need the services of a skilled, reliable specialist Do mot waste yoaz life eoaaralttajr ther the education, skill nor ezperli ailment la. much leaa to cope with Irregular ."doctors' who possess ned- ence necessary to find out what your it and make you wall. Thlnrs that are not dons right never turn out well. Barla tiafetl Ooasnlt aa! We ate regaWly gradaatad Val varsity Tralaad SpMUUstSL whose original Investigations and long atudy Into the cauaejud cure of special diseases nave causea us to oe auiy reoognixea as toe leading claltsts in our line. We Cure Nervous Debility This is to men who lack courage, whoee eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains are nerves are shaky, whose muacuea, laeea oonrusea, aieeo restless, confidence sons. SDtrits low and aaallv denressed. who are backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they ere afraid of failure) who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and rest less. It Is to men who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life, new energy. We especially solicit those cases In which 'many so . called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method of fers a certain meaaa of cure by local treatment. We Cure Varicocele Varicocele causes congestion of the blood in some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It cauaes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varicocele re sults from partial paralysis of the delloate nerve fibers that control lo cal circulation of the blood. The muecular coating of the veins Is deprived of nervous control and becomes inactive, weakens and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes sluggish and clots form in little nooks and pocket that constantly en large aa the relaxation continues. No Pay Unless Cured v Consultation Free We nave been Our reputation and work are not a mushroom growth. ounng men ror it years. , Write, if you cannot call. All correspondenoe strictly confidential and all replies sent in plain envelope. Engloee 1-cent stamp to insure re ply. I OFFICE HOURS I a. m. to 8 p. m.; evenings, T to l:i; Sundays, I a. nx.to 11 noon. , ST. LOUIS " "J." DISPENSARY coajrn ncoxro An yamxxxj. bttxehtsj, romnvajrs, on. TRUNKS BEAT BREWS AT GLADSTONE PARK The Trunkmakers defeated the North Pacific Brewers at Chautauaua. yester day, 9 to 0. Gardner for the trunks Itched a fine game, allowing only three Its. while Kotteman waa touched un for 10, including four two-baggera. Robtdeaux was unable to be present and big Rich Parrott held down the first sack for the Trunks. Emrlch caught and Jamison played right Held. Tha score: Portland Trunk Co. Runs 3 1 0 1 t Hits 2 2 0 0 2 N. P. Brewers Runs 0 0 0 0 0 Hits 0 0 0 0 0 x X 10 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 z 4, AX1 ma WOMB ,- Knows that 'Ballard's Snow Liniment has no superior for rheumatism, stiff f lo'atB ruta. .fPralna lumbago end. all pains. Buy it, try it and you will aJ vaya tise It- Aay body who haa jised Calls rd s Snow Liniment la a. living nroof of what it does. AU we ask of s to get a trial bottle, Price 25c. too n4 11.00. Sold by aU druggists. Totals ....... 86 S 11 f 1 RUNS BTvINNINGS, Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits ........... o e 1 v v o v x San Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hits ;.0 1 01 1 0 1 1 - SUMMARY. ... 'V Two out- when . winning run scored. Bacrifloe hits Street. Irwin, Atherton. Mohler, First base on called balla Off Hartman, 1; off Quick, 2. , Struck out By Hartman. 6: by Quick, t. - - Xatlonal League. ''- i r a- Philadelphia Pittsburg . , Phlla At Mew ', Tdrk-St,- Louia ' jj Tork 7 -h.' -.',:-..' uoston Boston , Cincinnati 4. New COOS COUNTY LEAGUE CoaulUe North Bend Marshfleld Band on juaat eunaay s games STANDING. Per Ct 800 600 400 too In the Coos county league were as follows At CooulUeCoouille. 8: Mum Batteries Collier andjPeralto; Wright and Cowan. The features of the game Coquille got t hits and Marshfleld 1 At Bandon Bandon. 12; North Bend. Batteries walker and Swift: Graham Sad Lyons. ' JEROME TRAVIS MAY .': BE GOLF CHAMPION - Joeraal Special fierrtee.) Cleveland. July 1 1. The mat rh for the national amateur golf cbamplon shln begins on -the .links. here truia- By night the list of possible champions will be reduced to eight. Jerome Travis . A.t Brooklyn Brooklyn I, ( Chicago . ! picked to win the champloaablp. Angels Beat Commuters. 'Jnarnal Speefil Bervlea.) San Francisco, July 11. Burns went Into the air In the fourth Inning yes terday, but Dillon replaced him with Gray In time to prevent disaster. Gray helped to win his own game by scoring two men with his two-swat. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 7 7 4 Oakland 6 7 8 Batteries Burns, Gray and Eager; Cates and Bliss, umpire Perrlne. Northwest League. At Seattle Seattle 20, Vancouver 1. At Aberdeen Aberdeen S, Spokane 1. At Tacoma Tacoma 4, Butte 1. Percentages Aberdeen, .872; Tacoma, .606; Seattle. .559; Spokane, .616; Butte, .486; Vancouver, .203. American League. At Detroit Detroit fl, New York 4.. At Cleveland' First game: Boston o. Cleveland 0; second game, Cleveland 2, Boston 0. At Chicago Chicago 1, Philadelphia.' PETER NELSON LOSES LIFE IN COLUMBIA - (Special Dlspataa Tha Journal.) -Astoria. Or.. Julv 11. Coroner Pohl has received word from Clifton that a man known as " 'Dirty Pete''- was drowned in the Columbia river Tuesday night while Intoxicated. His body had not been recovered. . His real name Is thought-to be Peter Nelson, and who haa lived In a scow In tha vlalnltv for a number of years. . MEN'S iHM MS IN UNC0MPUCATED CASES MY FEE IS ONLY su YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED I Dave the Largest Prac tice Because I Invaria bly Fulfill My Promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up of many little triumphs. A Urge medical practice doesn t await the younf physician at the college door. Hje mnst prove himself. He must work toward success day after day, doing well each day' tasks. - It has always been my rule to promise noth ing that I am not absolutely certain of accom plishing. Realizing that no one physician can successfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses" of study in preparation for my present work. For 16 years I have been proving my ability end building my sue cess. I have mastered, first the limoler dis eases, then the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither core nor comprehend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively and there is no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. T mil krA.il mnA il.ftnU rlaima T tll mn friaf T pin rurm rham .n.n though others, have failed. 'Jeslous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But, I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My prac tice is now fully twice that ot any otner specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men s diseases, it has grown to tnese dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled hem; Each -cure I have effected is a triumph. and a manifestation ot skin tnat nas naa us part in tne making ot my suc cess. Rich day new cures are completed, and my present growth of prac tice is more rapid than ever Deiore. Xm. TAY&Ost, The Seeding peolallat. Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, ana i accept your case ypu can rest assured that complete ana permanent cure wj iohow my treatment. All necessary X-Ray examinations : are . abso lutely free to patients. My equipment for X-Ray work is the finest and most complete ever pro duced, and equally per feet results are not possi ble with an inferior apparatus.;;,- y . ' ; . All medicines are pre pared ; from x standardised drugs Jn my own private laboratory and are ' sup plied te patients at actual cost' " " ' 1 ' The Dr. Taylor Cpmpapy ISi'A Morrison St., Cor. 2nd Orenon Patients llyinf out of""the etty and oomta to roru iot imuiiDi win os lurnianeo wua ok fine roem f res of chun Chan reet to 114 Vs Morrison street your trunks dl-! ai. To produce temporary activity of the functions in cases of se called weakness is a- simple mat tar, but to permanently- restore strength and visor is a oroblem that out few physioians have solved. I never treat for tem porary effects. Under my sys tem of treatment, every bit of improvement la a part of a per manent euro. Though ' other physicians have, through my suc cess in effecting permanent euros, been convinced or the fact that prsmatureness. loss of pow er, eto., are but symptoms re sulting - from frronlo - inflamma tion or coMtrestion in the prostate gland. . none have as yst been able to duplicate my cures. My system of local treatment la the only effective meana yet known for restoring the prostate to its normal state, -which always re sults in full and complete return of strength and vigor. Such a eure is absolutely permanent, be cause . the condition responsible for the functional disorder la en tirely removed. . It , le the only kind of a cure a patient d sires, and is the only kind of cure I .in UA nM . ... '. vwaaunzazwa arauuB, ; ; j , 1 atate nothing in my an nouncements , . but the straight, aquare truth. It will cost yed nothing to eaU and talk over reur oaae. Tou can And out au about your -trouble and you can later arrange to begin treatment any ' time you like. My of noes, eomprislng tsn rooms, . are ' the largest, most elegant, and best equlppedlo- the west.- . j .