The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 11, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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J' '
.Legislation Which Will
: ;Turn State Topsy-Turvy
; . , to Become Operative.
Camp Willamette Particular! . F
rorrd by the Leaned Pro-K
feasors of Oregon.
OpMtel DtopaUk tt Tk JosraaLi
Newport. Or.. July IX. Camp Willam
ette ha received accession a follows:
Mr. nd Mrs. Kirk, Professor Matthews,
Professor May Keyvolds, Professor
Bach, Mrs. Chapel, Miss Spafel, Presi
dent and Mrs. Coleman and children,
all of Salem; Professor Chambers of
Forest Ur ore. Professor and Mrs. Hop-
sins or .-.Daily-, rroreaaor prideau o
Portland, and Mra. Haydn n, Mr. Soren
, tfoeraal Special terries.)
,' Austin. Tex- July 11. Laws that are
calculated, to turn thing In the Lone
Star state more or less topsr-turry for ion and Mlsa Mora Sorenson of Harris
. ' ttl Km. V.I.. will Mn. IntA Anaratlofl I bUTS.
st TTA,t j Mrs. Carrie Chapel of Salem has just
. J"WBlnt. "lp. arrived to conduct the course In primary
" Tha new Uw of which the oountry at m,thods at the aummer school.
larre nee probably heard the most la I Dr. John H. Coleman, president of
the Robertson met. which requires tor- Willamette university, with hla family,
etn Insurables companies doing business I has arrived and la at Camp Willamette.
tfln Texas to deposit 7 per cent of tne I on Nye creek,
reserves on Texes business In state de-1 The new hall at Nye creek rave the
posltortes. it also requires a. I formal opening- July . The attendance
per cent on gross premium- """5wsa about fQO. An orchestra of 10
iAi a result of this law w ,rd". .' pieces furnlahed music. , The affair was
me oir insurance mmp"' a complete aucceaa.
j iSlmi;5 i I cnurcn ana nis ramur nave come rrom
biJJllL'l?i!Z 52 i-mJnt JnA th,,p hom Philomath and are located
on which date the first Investment ana I m K creek
(deposit required or me jaw nun oe Ked Me.g itte convention will
Several other new laws are of a mora SShii-ha. T.a . "
I er lee radical nature and hava attracted rrn"?.I7 Ru.M,'LhJ V i"L -a ....
' Widespread attention. One of these la n jin'aw viTn7 V-i
. .ti.r.... law and another Dlacea - O. W. Talbot, general man.
more strl
lsw and another places
ant rerulatlons on tne aale
lot liauor fa Tsxsa 8U11 another re- Orge F. Nevlns, ge
i that all nmnrietors of hotels. I passengor Brent or
sleeping cars and
ager of the CorvaJlls A Eastern, and
F. Nevlns, general frelarht and
of hotels. I pasaengor arent or the corvanis
nihr niiua far t ha I Eastern, arrived Sunday evening on
accommodation of the traveling public anon ousine ss inn.
ahall furnish ton sheets not less than I 111
- 5i"altyHforl failure 'to TOmplyith "the J BETII SULLY WEDS
' The new law for the regulation of the D0T70LAS FATRRATTvS
. liquor irsiiio, Known u me xaam
McQregor act. requires every liquor
dealer In the state, whether wboleeiUe
- or retail, to take out a new llcenae. The
new licenses are to be lasued only to
, persona of good character who have re-
sioea ror more man
county where the i
rr.i,A .-a v..... .--- I DanKs or New TorK. The ceremonv.
oonvioted of a felony. i iwn " s'7 'nOi piacs
V Tk. anM.naaa .a nM.tlMl) mwam I m ins OUIiy country DOOM. JSnnStn
fi m " . - . l huh wuen hiii
inn im raiirwu mi iriiini inninia - .-
out Texan. Even Oia atais railroad rom-l The. bridegroom waa formerly an
company in new xorx.
Itema for (he Vacationist.
The person who needs the vacation
That' oar American ro rests abound Ii
planU which poesesi the most raluablt
medicinal Tirtuea It abundantly attested
by acorei of the moat eminent medical
writers ana teacneri.i ran the nmn.
tortd Indian! had discovered the useful
) aau of many native planU before th
i advent or tne white race. . This informa
tion, imparted freely to the whites, led
the latter to continue investigation until
to-day we here a rich assortment of moil
valuable American medicinal root. .
O O O ".
Dr. Pierce believes that ear AsMrtcsa far
est ttfjand In Most valuable medicinal roots
fo tbecursiAf most obstinate and fatal dls
easM, If wawOMdMoperiy investigate taemi
and lOertOTsAsnsn of this eoavlctlon, b
pOlArlrltfc PrtdW t" f w.rvalmi.
tni'nY ami
aroTcn-ltMlLto h Ut,
auir. heart tonic and
cleanser knogn
Ic snd rerulstor. and
sis. or liuUrciioo. torpid llfe Tvnctkwal
and even valvnlar and other affections of
most is not always the one who can! and even valvnlar and other affection t
get away. but. a. I have ..Id befool Xleld to lu cUk TbJ
ther, are many opportunities also f or !?J? 2!
(Josnul Special etrtes.l
Providence, R. I., July 11. Miss Beth
Sully, only daughter of Daniel Sully, the
lan two years In the I famous cotton king f a few years ago.
.mission will have
as the new law cute off all passes for f "'"."J wa (
tha MmmlullMMl anil atnnlnvaa ka I th Stags bSIOre Mr.
body, AU of th railroads of th state b' consent for him to wed his daughter.
obi I red to slvs un
Bully would give
Vat v Jk aant An
: nual pasae and mileage asking that L,0I! .which formerly belonged to Mr.
sucn transportation ds return ea
1 general office for cancellation.
ussts to holders of an- H now vice-president of the corpora
to th I Sully a brother-in-law, Colonel Thomp
All Methodists!
f We etUl have a few pianos for Meth
. ; edlat home special rate. Reed
- French piano company.
Great Reed-Frenoh demonatratltin aala
Startling valueal
Half naat eeven. See tomorrow nlvfct's
there are many opport
the tine who stays at homo, providing
the home is In Portland,
Within easy reach are fields and
streams, are trees and groves, wher
one msy spend blessed hour of Idle
ness snd breaths in the fresh sweet at
mosphere of the out-of-doors.
Anotner opportunity wnicn is now
open Is that of spending a day or sev
ersl days at Chautauqua. Leaving town
in tne cooi or tna mornins- one wniris
slong ths Dleasant river bank nast the
many little homea which have sprung
up with almost a mushroom growth all
ins way rrom fortlsna to MUwauKle.
The river la hi ah now. and all bare
banks are covered, while tall trees
stand in the midst of the water with a
hair-aurprlsed look, like a girl caught
wadlnx. Svrlnaa noda ita feathery
plumes, vsrglng now on the brown; wild
roses are gone, but aweet fields of
ciover, patches of bachelor buttons and
magenta-colored princes featner catch
the eye and are gone, while broad
stretcnes or marguerites spread the
neias with their snowy tops.
And always the river clearly and llm
Fldly blue, sun-streaked and breeie-ruf
led. Many yeara ago 8.m Simeon, i
true Bohemian poet of Oregon, wrote
-ueauurui Willamette," with its refrsln:
-vnwara ever, lovely river, softly flow
lng to the sea;
Time that mara ua.
Malms and scars us.
Leaves no track nor trace1 on thee."
Nobody ha improved on auch lines as
tnese. while still the river runs softly
on to the sea, ever young, every calmly
Ofiffl i "lll''ll'"'lll"l''lllii1iiiliili'l -
111 II ,
For Infants and Children.
stailailng (hERicdaJKlRuta-ttagaieSmoiacJisaiulBwtiSfi'
Promotes DiestionflrcW
rvess and Restlontalnj ndttn-
OphmxWarphine ikTMaeraL
"BMBBBSBnBsaaaak e e SBBjesassaasasBasa
AnerfefiBeinedv tarCaasfati
.. 1 M lit ' ' ' ' - 1
non . sour ammarji.uianiix
Worms jConvulswnsmrisfr
IxcSimut Sifciarmt of
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
A, A.
Guaranteed uiuWthtl
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
LAEGE saving of time in issuing of
Judicial, Contract or Fidelity Bonds is
enectea by the Union Cruarantee Associ
ation of Portland because it is a local
institution witluan intimate local knowl
edge. All legal requirements complied
: At- 3 T -a- r vf ' A
wim,auu oonas, ii onerea, are compulsory.
Oregon men and Oregon money are back of them.
Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and Accident
Insurance; Indemnity Bonds.
W. B. GUrxt, Presloesi
Wkolanuer la Fralta
' .VIoa-PresldeBt
nkolawl sad Bauil Grocar
BlISaRD ALBBBS, . Si Tles-Pna.
B. D. WaVOK, , , . Uanacar
K. W. Bomtim, . . . Auditor
Koantiaa a Diamoad, Baal Satata
W. Coopbb Mobbis, . Treasnrar
Oreaoa Traal a Bevies Beak
S. C. Sraxcxa, . General Counsel
Attoraar-as-Lssr .
H. D. WaONOx, a, " . Seeratary
j - BTexBisa Mediesl Referee
- rsjriiUaaa48aTam
and Embroidered Hats
more popular than ever
w . are showing many beautiful exclusive
fitterns b eyelet, French and ihadow work,
atternt lumped, with
for embroidery, each, 59 ent.
tern afl hand embroidered, anv design,' '
iy for mounting, $4. SO to 12.00. ,
h&Mmint ear new dttia4 for . "
,Z3C&t!&'." C v T . 9ne,nocn, pern, auiet,tte. .
PbeesrscUesit Th Veedlecraft Slop, aw washJagtsa stnet, PorUaad, OreeoB
There are ne tedious dlstsnees to ha
traveled; step from th car and her
you are at the gat of Gladstone park.
Within, the great shady groves of oak
and firs await you. Dim alales suggest
exploring, while? venerable rocks decked
with moss Invite repose. The decorous
family lifs of th camps suggests no
anomaly: these are earth children come
back to her for a season snd gratefully
accepting th feaat of beauty apread for
The great bee-hive dome of the as
sembly hall spreads a friendly mush
room top and gives a welcome shade
end some brilliant addresses are to be
mad under ita canopy this vear. The
groves will echo with music, also, and
wun woranip.
The wayfarer or the chance visitor
win una a res ay welcome at the head
quarters of the W. C. T. V., the largest
ieni on tne grounas and maae eonsplo
UOUS bv Its banner hearlna tha wall.
known words "For Qod,. home and na
tive land." Mrs. Addition -Is acting as
iiuaiesa, ana is always ready witn in
formation and courtesy.
Many campers are coming In, and the
organized work of the classes and a
full program will occupy the time snd
attention from now on. Now all this Is
In readiness for the vacationist who
stsys st home. Those who are st the
seaside or off In the mountains may
read of It and wish that they could be
there; It la for the stay-at-homes.
Fashion Hint From Dress.
New Embroideries Roumanian, Br
tonne and Moldavian embroideries are
the newest trimmings for tuasor and ra
jah gowns, and even on the simple voile
frock this brilliant trimming will be
worn. The "blrarre colorings xlve a
bright and xay effect which add a cer
tain cachet to the dull shadea so much
worn this season.
The Bathing Suit Checks, stripes and
polka-dotted fabrics are most In favor
for bathtna costumes, and ara trimmed
with bias bands of plain silk. These
garish effects are purely a matter of
taste, but by the woman who likes her
costume to be smart but less consDicu
ous a plain satin or taffeta trimmed with
narrow strans in Dlalri silk is nreferred
ins materials Dest aaapiea ror tne oath
lng dress are aatlna, taffetas, brllllan
tine, burllngham, fine wale surah, mo.
nair ana cnains.
An Attractive Model An unusuallv
attractive suit is a brown taffeta
nncess; email plaits are laid over the
IDS. DUt a wide box-nlalt bordered w th
pale blue and brown check silk runs
irom tne square yoke to the hem of th
suit. Three large blue buttons on either
sine or tne niait ornament the wa st
snort purr sleeves are gathered Into
band of blue snd brown nlalri. a fitted
corset cover gives the necessary support
io i"" KnicHeroocKers, wnicn are snaped
with darts on the hips, and drawn in at
tne xne with an elastic band.
Empire Styles on the Wane-Thou
ismpire effects, both classic
fled, are still seen, there Is a decided
tendency to lower the waist line, snd
f sctloae, I dearly shown la a little book
of extracts from tb standard medical work
which Is mailed frtt to any address by Dr. B.
V. Pierce, of Buffalo, M. y to ell Banding
request for ue em. "
Not less marvelous, In'tb an paralleled
ear It Is constantly making of woman'
many Peculiar affections, weaknesses and
dlsMaalng derinfBeat. I Dr. Ptorcc'i
FaVoriteSfreeeriptidnv I amply attested
by tbonsaMs efjautwUdndjestlcftpaUls con
tributed b)-ft3Ttful oaneiHhwho hiM been
enred bykofjatarrhal nrlTlcflfMni.binfm
Ptrlodw irrexairil
jmremenla fHfr
log of uterui snjl
h IpdjafffcTlons, onto
rverUssd aoeUlcuiea and
ter many other aJ
phxtlclan bad failed.
Both th above mentioned medicine ar
wholly mad ud from th glyceric i tracts of
native, medicinal roots, ine processes em
ployed In their manufacture were original
with Dr. Pierce, and taey ar earned on oj
killed chemist and jiharmaciste wiin tne
aid of apparatus ana. appliances specis
assigned sna duui ror mis purpose.
medicines are entirely Tree rrom alcohol i
all other harmful bsblt-formWg drugs,
full list of tbelr Ingredients la printed
each bottle-wrapper.
(peeial Dtapster to Tbs JoarnaL) ;
Roseburg, Or., July 11. Judge C
Sehlbrede, while in Roseburg en rout
to Astoria from Marshflald to meat Vlca.
President Fairbanks, who Is an old-time
rnena or his boyhood days, said the I
bay city waa verv enthusiastic over the
prospects or an electric road from that
point to Roseburg. They had over $76.-1
uuv suDscnoea ana tne balance of the
required -amount, which is tm.Ooo.J
wouia do suDscnoea within the next few
While Coos bay I In favor of the Har-
nman una now in course or construc
tion from Drain, that road will orao-
tlcally . .las North Bend and Marahneld
unless the company can obtain thai
waterrront and a bridge across th bay.
two thing that Marshfleld will not
Thla Is what makes the Southern Pa
cific ao slow In construction. It Is Just
holding the ground to keep out competl- I
tlon, and If It could hold the entire I
waterfront on Coo bay the chances are
mat it would be many year before
Marahneld would have direct communi
cation w...k the outside world. The bay
people thoroughly realise their altua-1
tlon ana feel aure that the electrlo line
win be ou. within the next two years.
With three fourths of the money in
sight snd plenty of outside capital to
carry the road to completion. It Is safe
to say tnat this road is now assured.
Iligh School Students I
Tou can get a piano at a purely nominal
o aaveruse our rectory methods
rate, to
of sellln
side streets.
lg,. by applying early at Reed-
r-ieno store on sixth snd Burn-
Preferred. Stock Canned Ooeda.
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
Half past seven. See tomorrow night's
resume Its normal
ere Ion.
a tmj or tne Moment Among
most original and unique ideas in hat
Among the
pins are those specially designed to
commemorate the Jamestown exDositlon
A jagged, irregular pearl in the shape
ui a guuon Doir is sei in oia-rasnionea
guinea gold, the setting forms the cap
sule of the cotton plant, while the pearl
represents the boll with Ita loose flbrea
(SoecUI Dlipatch to The Journal.)
Bilverton, Or.. July 11. An Interest
lng feature of the annual meeting here
of the rural letter carriers of Marion
county was the address of President
Frana Kroxberger, who had Just re
turned from an eTtAnalva trtn Ihrnnvli
Europe, where he paid special attention
to the DOStal service. H aald tha nr.
eel or packet postal system is a decided
success in Europe. All postal employes
must wear uniforms, postmasters in
cluded. Rural carriers and some city
vainer are BUDDliea wirn milnmftlll
for the service after a certain number
oi years 01 service, rostal employes
The following officers were elected
ror tne next term: President rnn.
Kraxbreger, Aurora. reelected; first
vice-presiaeni. it. u. Allen. Hllvertnn-
second vice-president, Harry Hobart.
Bilverton; secretary, O. L. Wolford.
Bilverton; treasurer. J. H. Keene.
The next meetlnar will h at inmn
October . A vote of thanks was ex
tended to the carriers of Silvartnn fro
ths hospitality extended.
(Special Dispatch to Tb Joonul.)
Newport, Or., July 11. Charged with
selling liquor, J. T. Porter and WlUlam
A Wlnant of Newport wr tried before
Judge Sylvester. They pleaded guilty,
and were fined 1100 each and. in addi
tion,' were placed under bonds of 11.000
each to observe the law In future. They
paia . in ones, do rewport is now a
dry' town In the full sense of, the word
District' Attorney McFadden conducted
th prosecutions. .
SWfcen In San Francisco
Stay at Hotel Hamlin, tIT Eddy. Flre-
Little liner In The Journal bring re
sults to ins aaverxisers.
Half past evn. Be tomorrow night's
Mustang Liniment
Sees qulekly to the
very eere of the
dlsesse and stops
the most deep-set,
exoruelatlng palna
almost Inatantly.
Mustang Liniment
Ouree every llmesl
of Man er Beast
that a good, henest
LInhnent eaa eare.
None hatter,
Notm e good.
httrpatmtmt 94 Ckmttrti sseV
W Law f lit Ststl af Ores
instjuks ajju kinds of
uvk stock aglainst
djbatu from any
, CAUfcOfi .
eW W flaMMr 9tnA4tot
VTm. H. amISiT.PM. a, H.OrMaOa1M(
. M.Obwatratsfr K.LftainuOMniBaa,j
I I "a
, 4 ' mm
" ' .'- , , ....
$12.50 Blach
rottlaos Chaasber, ef l
Wthsid koar af Trass
MruuntCH N ' J
Otepm Tree sod aavlng Bank rWtUe40is.
Tke BrsiatieU Cetapaay
a. a Dm Oe, Ccaaarelal agency '
, We auks ao bisibIm we-de sat MSB
, Ws ghe rae s aasra etal teaftssn)
bomb omesMiArAYtTTBBUai . :
Cm ruiiuetwm eW ?sW .:,
r-'At... ,w ,m,m Ii irrr -"-rJ-- - f- "'f
Here's the description in brief, but you'll want to
6ee theni. '.Box style, handsomely embroidered,
sleeves and. cpllar, latest New
York model',' made with ex
treme elegance :and worth
$12.50. Special for Friday ...r
Small Cash Pflynienl and Then 51.00 A WEEK
Special in
Women's Suits
$30.00 Values in Women's
Suits $18.75
These are in beautiful stripes and checks, hand
somely trimmed, three-quarter sleeves, extra
wide skirts; Just the thing for early fall; a job
lot of these purchased at a
cry low figure enables us
to offer a $30.00 value for
Friday at, only
Black and White Petti
coats 95c
These are. very striking; extra
wide flounce, pleated and hand
somely finished; worth up to
$2.00. Special, Friday only . . .
New arrivals in handsome net' Waists;
black, white and ecru; some of the most
elegant designs shown in the city at 87.50,
S9.50, 312.00 to 818.00.
Extra Large Suits and Skirts
These "are new arrivals; extra large, suits
and skirts for extra larga people in a large
variety of styles at extra small prices. We
fit hard-to-fit kind of people large or small.
. v " ''Wrt'M : Vw,r A'Vli -'.'ill
1 - ' . ' ' ; -
. ..... . t
Men's Special Suit Sale
Nobby Outing Suits, seasonable, stylish and serviceable, art fancy
gray plaids; no better made garments sold in the city and sold
regularly for $17.50, quoted for this special sale $11 AC
Friday and Saturday at, only;.... u)l
Stylish up-to-date three-piece suits in fancy worsteds, light, me
dium and dark colors, values up to $17JJ0. Special for two days,
Friday and Saturday, two big values to choose from at, only
" -"'a V..'' mW
Extra quality and make in blue serges, black and unfinished worst
eds, all-wool Scotch tweeds ;.d fancy worsteds, from the shops of
the very best New York makers and having all the style, and ap
pearance of the finest custom made garments. Values up to $22.50,
special Friday and Saturday, only
On top ofthis great, cut in price we offer you the added advantage of our great credit system.
You may have your choice of these fine suits, make a small cash payment and then
We are prepared to supply your. wants in these lines with standard
- 1 grades on our easy payment plan. v , y- v
Cor. Tirstand Yamhill
; Cor
. S ccond and Yamhill
j .u
If 1
end u. Eddy-street ears at Xexrj.