The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    - 1 , , .. " . . 'tHE OREGON.. DAILY". JOURNAL." PORTtANDl WEDNESDAY . EVENING,' JULY.' JO. , ieOT,, . -..
1 . ' 4 .
; JJetnrncd Edncator Tells of Conditions in Our Oriental Convention of Evangelical
' Possessions Good Work of Teaehers Military . Association Will Be Held
ForcAS-lAnti.Tarfff RfintimftnL hi ueumngs uoage.
Mrs Emma Stolt, of
Appleton, Wisconsin;
mA tuighbor mdviui u t uu PtrwuA
I btgan to improvt t oncti.
Colonel William Parsons, who has Jut
returned from nearly five years' service
as a supervising teacher In the Philip
pine islands, talked interestingly today
to ft Journal representative or airairs
In the Islands.
Everything ia running rather amooth
IT now, the hostile bandltl having bean
pretty well aubdued or rendered Inac
tlve, and thera la no longer much fear
of serious outbraaka. The people gen
, erally have accepted American rule and
re quietly loyal 10 ine lovrnuiwui,
though many, of course, entertain an
tlcloationa of future Independence.
The military forces or tne isiana are
liriAMA inln thrM nflrtl. first th rTU-
and they are American subject a
Ha rrli'f1.10-,.1?? am. con'ldSr!! campmeeUng of the Evangelical ass,
and treatment as tha people of any otiierj , ., . " . " ,
erritory. The tariff duties Imposed are elation of Oregon will begin July 28 ar
divided into three parte, first, the regu
lar army, consisting of aome 25,000 of
18 oao American officer and men. who
seldom have any active onensive or am
' fenslve operations to carry on any more;
; s second, the Philippine scouts, about 6,000
' .In number, officered by Americana, and
;' 'who are loyal and efficient: and third,
- ' tha Philippine constabulary, also n umber -'
Ing ,000, who are not only general po-
', . lice but perform tne amies oi aoiaiers,
end do most of the fighting with crim
inal brigands. In tha case of activity
1 vtm the part of these lawless bands, who
-are rellglou fanatics and regard murder
i as a moat worthy deed, the acouts are
' , snt out first; It they do not auppreas
them, the constabulary follow, -and only
v ' whan both these fall is tha regular army
' called on as it was in tha Lake Deho
'affair, where a large number of out
Jaw Moros were killed, with much satls
. faction to the government The munic
ipal police are all natives, and are not
ivery efficient Thera appears to be no
' ' ned of the larger American part of tha
,-. military lorcea, except as a preventive
or a precaution against - possible up
risings, which are becoming less proDa-
Oppose to Tariff,
All tha expanses of the Insular gov
rnment are paid by taxes of one Kind
or another levied on , the Inhabitants
'duties on imports, property tax, a poll
, tax of a peso a rear, etc. The Filipinos
tare pretty well contented with these
and ill other conditions except tha tariff,
i.which they unanimously oppose and crit
icise aa aomethlng unjust and oppres
sive. They correctly reason that if the
sVhlllpplne islands are American territory
At Jennings liOdge on the line of tha
they O. W. P. tha annual convention and
not only a caua of Hnatlfart(on and will cnntlnua until Aumst 1. Tha
dlHtontent. but they retard development events are to be for the benefit of tha
from engaging in industrial and other Ministerial association. Sundsy. school
enterprises. league. Young People's alliance and
,.Jhe '8lajl3; r very rich in natural Woman's Missionary society,
resources and the climate quite toler- . . . ,h IT,
able, and If possessed by Japanese or Dr- 8- Umbach, of the Union Oos-
Chlnesa would be extremely productive, pel institute of Napervllle, 111., haa been
Chinese are the principal merchants secured and will alve Bible Instructions
hj!Si3J5?- :laild"ne"pi ttw Uverr afternoon. The meetings will be
The first legislature, to be elected' hald in a larae gospel tent. The follow-
thls fall, will consist of a house of rep- ing program will be observed,
resentatives only, no aensta and will I t ...
hVA nrAft1Il th rtnwAfa am tt lrt 1 I MMIIII 111 SLmmvi ,
legislation of a territorial legislature aTlday, a. m. Our Ministry; Tne
here. Bills passed, however, will' have I Applicant; Probationer; The Deacon;
to be approved by the commission, com- The Elder; The Presiding Elder; Tne
posed of aeven Americana, with Gov- Local Preacher; Why Do We Believe in
ernor-Qeneral Smith at lta executive the Itinerancy? Shall We Have Lay
head and then may be veteod br the Representatives in Our Annual Con-
president of tha United Stataa. I ferenoeT Why the Shortage of Minis
ters T xiow Aiay tne criiciancy vi vur
Tha School System.
Ministry Be Increased?
a complete duduo scnooi system is i a. n m Wnman'a Miu niun an.
maintained not only in tne cities out olety program, in oharge of Mrs. H. O,
throughout the country or in VUIages Henderson, nrealdant.
composed mostly of farmers, and are Saturday, 9 a. m. The Bible. God's
very useful feature or tne govern- Word. F. Bens: Tha Holy SDlrlt Theo-
to learn, and learn readily and are eas- Sunday Public worship.
11 y subject to discipline. The supervls- Monday. 9 a. m. Haa the Evangelical
ins teacnera or principals ana soma Association a Divinely ordained corn-
others are Americana but most of thai mission? L, C. Hoover; The Church's
grade teachers are now natives, soma Relation to Civil Reform, J. A. Ooode;
woman, but tha majority men. In Tar The Preacher's Attitude Toward His
lac, for Instance, where Colonel Par Predecessor and Successor, E. 1). Horn
sons was employed for awhile, he had schuch.
under him about 26 teachers and nearly Tuesday, t a. m. Shall This Confer-
1.000 school children, in the main city ence Be Independent of the Parent Mla-
and the adjacent barrios suburbs occu- slonary Society? H O. Henderson; The
pled principally by families who cultl- AavisaDlllty or Having a conrerence
vats the surrounding soil. The Ameri- Evangelist N. Shunp.
can teaohers sent over thera have si- I Tonnsr Vaonla'a ininua
most invariably been well adapted to 1 ,, .
.v .nhiKr.,i , u . a k..,. I Thursday morning session 9, Conse-
been the Instruments of doing great
On bis return tri
visited several schoo
ne says, the school system is far su
perior to that even In this country,
being marvelous, as he showed In nu
merous particulars cited, of cleanliness,
tidiness, order, variety of practical in
struction and thorough efficiency.
.- v. - yi ...'.::::.:
- . v
mi m
oration service: V:tO, Investing a LJtev
g ln-
Miss Mav Ooode: lo! The Unifyln
n rinr..i t.r.n. f-uence of Chrlatlanlty, Miaa Rata Price
P. i ?I -ifflL 10 0. The Sabbath Its Use and Abuse,
.v.?.l iV J?! Chester Blum; U. Tha Value of the Old
system Is far so- r.. .,. -r,.ir,in r. v,.n o-o..
v Lw i sett v ass a I avtiiiiisv vsui i vuua . s
pl for Citiinhlp, Miffs Frieda Geljfer
Afternoon suasion 1:30, The Pastor i
vv v v ia aiij a. a . vv v
mann: 2. What Should Be the Strong
Points or Attraction in the x. V. A.?
Mrs. J. Smeltzer; 2:10, The Application
of New Testament Ethics to the Every
day Life of the Alllancer. H. N. Goode
I, Beat Methods of Conducting the
Monthly Missionary Meeting, Miss Ber
tha Townnend: 1:30. The Alliance. I
Training School for Soul-Winners, H.
Albright; 4, business meeting.
Bvenenla- session 7:80. What Part of
the Y. P. A. Work do I Enjoy Most and
Why? One minute talks; H, annual ser
' Two blocks of planking on Grand ave
tjua between East Washington and East
garrison streets have been torn up by
the Portland Railway, Light A Power
company, preparatory to laying hard
pavement on that thoroughfare. Actual
f C, M, & St. P. R. R.
operations were started yesterday
morning and between 1& and 20 man
are at work today near the corner ot M,Ir.r
East Morrison and Grand avenue. 5
mon. S. L. Umbach, p. IX
Sunday School X,eagoa.
Tuesday, 7:20 p. m. Grand rally, E.
Wednesday, morning session Early
worship led by the vice-president: 9. de
votional service, F. W. Launer; 9:30, The
Beverly, Warden, Rootboro and
, v Othello Are to Be Opened in
the Near Future.
if Tha foUowlns: circular telling of tha
. view towns -to be opened along tha line
fef the Chicago,- Milwaukee & St. Paul
, Vaflway- has been issued by General
Iand Agent G, W. Morrow. Four, new
towns... located on . tha Chicago.' iMU
;fwaukaa A SU Paul railway . In eastern
J (Washington are to be sold at public
aiuctlon. Tha opening sales of lots in
thena four towns " will take place at
'ISpokane. Washlnxton. as follows:
Beverly. July, XI: Warden, July 18;
Boxboro, July IT,' Othallo. July . 18.
! Beverly, the first town to be sold. Is
located on' tha Columbia river at the
crossing of tha Chicago, Milwaukee &
fit Paul railway. SI miles east of El
ensburg, which will be its nearest com
BatiUve. nolnt
. A steamboat with 111 tons carrying
''Capacity- and. koooi passenger accom-
:inodatlons makes semi-weekly trips.
- leaving Vulcan and Trinidad lor Beverly
on Tuesday ana t'i'nursaay mornings.
thus giving this point tha benefit M
iver transDortation.
. This will make one of our best
,town. and. while tha country tribu
ttary la yet undeveloped, Iti is capable
.i Decommg a good agricultural ana,
sJruit-gTowIng district, the fact being
iwioaiy Known that rruu lands similarly
located in eastern Washington have in
- ivaiiably increased to the value of $600
' IJto $1,000 an acre. It is platted on part
-Of section 34, township 16 north, range
,11 east, in Douglas oounty.
I Warden is located II miles northeast
f Othello, In a particularly fertile part
. 'r Douglas county, on part of sections
ao ana is in townsmp li north, range
v east.
arming and rnut growing are ear
ned on extensively in tha territory sur
- rounding Warden. We predict a pros
. parous future for this town.
Roxboro is located 13 miles east of
.Warden in tha center of a rich farming
country, wmcn is Douna to push this
. Town to tne iront. it is platted in sec
tion is, townsmp ii north, range 32
east, in Adams county.
Othello is located about 40 miles east
f Beverly in a rich farming country
. witn a i&rge territory to a raw from, on
part sections 8, 4, 38 and 84, in town-
snips 10 ana io, range it east, in Adams
' These various towns are in that fa
;Vored part of Washington known as the
,Blg Bend" country, and will afford
.splendid business opportunities for
bankers, merchants, hotel keepers, law
Jers, doctors and skilled and unskilled
r Sale will commence at the hour of 2
- f' m; """T 'CI oay. in the Elks'
ivmv1, niHir tne
Grand avenue business man nr rm..
Joielng because the proposed improve
ment im linri, miav aft,, - n ..
months of delay. It la hoped bv them Sunday School; (a) The Boy, Salem Eng-
thore wui be po further Fay oi the "h:lb ThJ 2ag Man Monmouth;
work Is completed. The Father, Seattle; 10:16, confer-
The only other cause of delav will he noe: What do you consider the great-
on account of the larire .n nmnf- est question in connection wnn our sun
re of sDeclal wort that i day school work? How wo
olere of snorlnl wnrb that k. i day school work? How would you an-
stalled by the Street railway complnv 8Wer ltl J,1, The Ideal Sunday School
at the Intersection of Grand avenue and room' Portlana first German.
morrison street. This work must
be ordered in the east and is not easily
constructed. The Intersection at th.s
point Is exceeded In IntHracy only by
the intersection on the west side of toe
rirvr mi rum ana Washington streets.
i-rcaiaent or Flooring Mfll at st
Johns Expired After Reaching
Office Without Warning.
W. V. Jobes. president and . managar
or the Jobes Milling company of St
Johns, died suddenly yesterday morn
mg in tne office of tha company. Mr.
Jobes was apparently In his usual good
health when ha went to business In the
At i 4" . v, JP f 1
Its i'.V,t i ' I
W. V, Jobes.
morning, although ha had been troubled
with heart disease for the past two
Three years ago Mr. Jobes removed to
. jonns from D
flouring mills, wh:
aioaerata prices will be
..... ijnLcu un
" oj tn townmte company.
!nd purchasers will be required to bid
,or cnolca. Easy terms given.
For further information write or ao
V?0 if w'",eZn Townslte Company
f Washington. O. W. Morrow, general
!!& S"'"' "'ngton' trill
toa--ndr ppoitane, Washing-
. ; k The way to buy tea is to
;say.toyour grocer: "I
;rrSbntSchiIhVs Bcstr 1 lb
v - Japan br Ceylon or Eng:-
f " T?" W.saaat sa4ea't
T" ' . f aiaw . , " ;- Z
okana and erected the
Hon ne onerateil nvlth
his two sons, A. R. and W. H. Jobes,
who survive him. Funeral services win
be held at tha residence In St. Johns
this afternoon succeeding which Mm
Jobes and her son. W". H. Jobes. will ac
company the remains to the birthplace
and old home of deceased at Rockford.
Illinois. Deceased was 15 years old.
From the 10th to the 21st.
Those are tha vital dates. lUtwMn
them you can set a Reed-Prench nlano
at less than factory prices. It's a vast
demonstration sale. See page I.
Afternoon session 2. Devotional ser
vice. L. C. Hoover; 2:30, conference; (a)
weak I'oints in our fresent Day Bun
day School System;. (b. Remedies; 8:80,
waat Should Be the Qualifications for
Sunday School Teacher? Mllwaukle; 4,
buslneas meeting
Evening session 7:80, Song service.
led by the convention cholrster; 8, an
nual sermon. tev. m. Heveriing,
Xew West St. Johns Industry Will
Be in Operation One Day
This Week.
The 180,000 turpentine plant recently
constructed at West St. Johns by H. C.
Campbell and C F. Swlgert will be put
into operation this week. All machinery
has been installed, and only a small
amount of adjusting and other essentials
have to be completed before the wheels
begin to turn.
Industries in Bt. Johns are an begln-
nlne- to take on added energy. The first
carload of asbestos for the new factory
or tne umen-cnamDers company ar
rived yesteraay.
Mrs. Emma Stolt. 1061 Oneida St, I
Appleton, Wis., writes:
"Parana haa done ma a great deal of I
gooa since l began taxing it ana 1 am
always giaa to speax a gooa wora ior it.
"Three years ago I was in a wretched
condition with backaches, beartns down
Pains, and at timea was so sore and
lama that I could not move about. I
had inflammation and irritation, and
although I used different remedies they
aid tne no gooa
"A neighbor who had bean using Pe
ru na advised me to try It. and I am aiad
that I did. I began to improve as soon
as I took It and I felt much better.
"I thank you for your fins remedy. It
la certainly a godsend to sick women."
Catarrh of the Internal Organs.
Miss Theresa Berries, White Church,
Ma. writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of tha stem
ach, bowels and internal organa Every
thing I ate seemed to hurt ma. I never
had a passage of the bowels without
taking medicine. I was so tired morn
ings, and ached all over. I had a pain
in my tert siae, ana the least exertion I
or excitement made me short of breath.
"Now, after taking Peruna for six
months, I am as wall aa I aver was. Pe
runa has worked wonders for ma I be
lieve Peruna Is tha beat medicine In the
world, and I recommend it to my
State Troops Prove Profi
cient in Handling Big
Guns at Fort.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe JeeraaL)
Fort Stevens, July lfc To the great
relief of the regular army officers In
command It has been proven already
that tha volunteer troop's of Oregon can
be utilised to man the big eosjrt defense
batteries, if occasion should . arise, oh
very short notice. For the past three
days steady drill with the big guns has
shown that the militiamen readily pick
up tha necessary knowledge to man the
big guns and that the garrisons could
be reinforced with state troops if neces
Drills and speed tests have shown
tnat tne volunteers, with little nraa-
tice, can handle the distance finders
with nearly as rreat dlsnatch as the
regulars. Militiamen yesterday located
a vessel and transmitted the flrlnr1
ders In 40 seconds, while the record at
the for is 20 seconds. Even better
showing was made in loading a 11-inch
mortar, for which the record at tha
fort la 84 seconds, the mllltamen accom
plishing it In 42 seconds.
It is expected tnat the new rerry,
Llnnton and West St. Johns within
few days. The boat was recently taken
iown tne river to ita location at - Bt
Johns, where
been added.
t S
finishing touches have
Last of "The Sorceress. H
Thla evening's performance will be
the last appearance of Nance O'Neil In
The Sorceress." tha nowarful tras-edv
mat nas created so rreat an lmnrassinn
rh piece is ma-nirlcently staged. To
morrow ana for the rest of the week.
mgomar wui be the Dill at the Mar
Great Joy for Small Boys.
There Is promised Joy at the Oaks
next week for every small boy In Port
land. Every younirster likes tn aa
aog snow, especially when it is a good
one and is free. Next .week Don
ynos aog snow win be a free attrac-
Write Tonr Questions.
Without seeing your written aues
tions, Abigail Price, at the Grand, reads
tnem and gives answers. This is one
ui me sironeest dnmnnatm.inn.
.i,u irai nas Deen seen here
wia aiiui niva. iri advent Miss
Price does all that Mi.- p
Huge Trench-Digging Machine. Scoop
Oires Way Without Warning,
Crashing Laborer.
8. Aleckh, an Afghan , laborer, was
fatally struck yesterday afternoon by a
huge backet on the big trench-digging
machine In use on the Brooklyn sswer.
The accident occurred at 5 o'clock.
Aleckh was working' directly beneath
the machine when the Ducket broke
loose and fell on him. breaklnc his legs
and Injuring him internally. He was
removed at onoe to the Good Samaritan
hospital bat died soon after arrivat.
Aleckh was about 80 ;yeaod, and
leaves a family in Afghanistan, consist
ing ef a wife anal -'three eh tldren, -One
ot the ehlldrea la la Ue Unite, gtatea.
"Utah" at the SUr.
utan, me play this week at tha
Btar, brings U mind one of the stranscst
states In the country, where Mormons
hold sway and control the destinies of
the commonwealth more directly than
mere will be
matinees tomorrow, Saturday and
Seats now selling. '
The Man From the West." '
The Allan 8tock company at the Iyyrlc
ia offetins; an unusually fine attraction
in "The Man From the West" this week
It la. a strong play and is . splendidly
Potter Schedule for Beach
.Tiiis Week.
The sail In- schedule of the steam
er Potter this week from Portland, Ash
street dock. Is as follows: Thnri
a.ipa.J Friday, 7:80 a, m.: Saturday, 9 a.
m. - Get tickets and make reservations
at city ticket office. Third am w.v,
Ingtonureetavp. attngfr, city ticket
Store of Novel Ideas.
The Golden Earls deoartment slor
has gained for Itself the reoutatlon of
aiwaya naving "something, un its
sleeve." This loom and aale Is tha first
sale of the kind ever held in this nart
of the country. One of the very simple
yet Important reasons for the great
uccess oi tnis saie ana or mis store
seems to be the hard and consistent
team work" of the emolovea Durlnar
this loom end sale each of the sales.
ladies wears a neat little silk badge
with the words "Loom End Bala" This
is only one example of the constant
systematized working-together of em
ployes and employers at this establish
ment. . luvery ciera is ready to work
hard for the house and, in turn, the
use is ever ready and willing to stand
It h
ick of tha
has ' been
admitted by one high In this firm that
the present great volume of business
which this store enjoys is due Just as
largely to nara ana persistent work on
the part or the employes as to the bust
ness methods and buslneas policies of
tnis ever busy store
The bureau of commerce and labor
has sent Miss Agnes Smith from Wash
ington, D. C. to Portland to obtain the
copies of the records of the J or anile
court for the nast year to be used in
conneotlon with statistics compiled from
the records of criminal courts. Miss
Smith is now at work in the Juvenile
court rooms at the court house, work
ing with the Juvenile oourt officers who
are prearing the annual report of the
Juvenile court.
in the statistics oeing eorapuea dt
the bureau are Included tbe records of
the divorces granted in the local circuit
courts for the past 20 years. These
fimirea were obtained some time aco
by another employe of the bureau.
(SDeclal Dispateh to Tb Joornil.)
Long Creek. Or.. July 10. It la now
assured that a telephone line will be
constructed from Tjklah to Long Creek.
To conatruct the. line from its nresent
terminus at Dale to Long Creek will
reaulre an expenditure of $1,100. The
comnanv has been incorporated with -a
capital stock of 13,000 . and shares -are
' ' v
We unloaded a carload of "New Method" Gas Ranges yesterday after over two monthaV delay
en route from Mansfield, Ohio. This belated shipment we shall place on. sale for ten days at a
rery substantial reduction from regular prices, for we do not intend to be "stuck" on gas range
stock if wc can avoid It. '. ' .- . '
M f siips $1.11
SLOO Dawn, $1.00 a Weeft
VkM n"'Mna fl . a.
This style of the "New Method Oas Range has a burner at
each side extending front to back. Each throws a sheet of
perfect blue flame towards the center, covering evenly the en
tire broiling, space. It has a simmering burner, four New
Method top burners, guaranteed for five years, that will save
you 25 per cent in your gas bllL New Method finish that will
prevent the steel rusting out in a life time instead of in six or
eight years as it will if not protected. Has large baking oven
and broiler. .
Consume ONE-FOURTH less gas than the old style sold by the
GAS COMPANY, therefore it is not to the interest of the Gas Com
pany to have "New Method" ranges installed in Portland homes,
however, every knock they give the "N. M.M becomes a decided
boost for this gas-saving range.
$20 Gas Ranges $18
$1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week
This style has four "New Method" top burners, large baking
oven and broiler oven, nas bottom flue through which the heat
passes evenly causing all parts of the oven bottom, sides and
top to bake the same. - The flame not coming into direct con
tact with the bottom as in other ovens, does not warp or burn
it out Accurate tests made by gas experts in different parts
of the country have shown an average of 25 per cent less con
sumption of gas from the "New Method" than from any other
0i Course, the Gas Co. Doesn't Like Our "New Method" Range
Gas Ranges connected same day as ordered without Extra Charge.
m r a
Special in Crockery Department
To introduce our fine new Basement Crockery Department we are
quoting weekly specials here. They are all bargains. This week it is
Large Glass Berry Bowls.. . .MM...10V
Six Glass Individual Dishes to matcli ....... ,,..10
You Wear a WATCH While
Yon Pay
When you take advantage of our Installment plan of easy payments,
less than elsewhere.
'H vv
Solid Oak Bed Special
Three days this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday-we
shall offer a line of solid oakbeds, the product of one of the
best Eastern factories and always sold for $12.50 Am g
and $14.00, for only Of .UU
EASY PAYMENTS See Window Display
Corner First and Yamhill
Corner Second and Yamhill
People of Pendleton
tad tor the. line will
subscribe M00 ' and ; the, patrons living
now being sold.
who will oe benefited, toy the. line will
in the south end -of the county and in
Grant county agree to take the rest.
The Commercial club has the matter In
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear tlfnatur of
See Fe4fosate Wrapper Belew.
. ' i mf . 'tJ , A .
(Special Dispateh to Site 1 Journal.)
Astoria, Or., t July 10, Judge T,
elroult oourt last evening for-the term.
. H. Bowlabv. oharsed withv 'murdarlna?
Cleva Jennings, was to have pleaded
yesterday afternoon, trai as he was too
ill to appear the case was continued to
the September terra., Bowlsby has not
tjsucceedeA-lB Jrfvln the, J2,60fl hand re
y h
i be
. SS tSJtS SS sslssai ',' .
lifcise--.--Jsm'-Sl " I
r : . -i
RTUN0..0RK .
Persons suffering from heart
troubles should avoid coffee.
Secure a heart tonic and a
coupon for
f lora s Bmc ml AiwMkaltabki
AUM aUCK rllADACriala ,
habits ass Matttvelr sored by
arnodermle or Internal nsa.
sent to say arnr habitae by CVsMk
CenlMmell0Oner bottle avXTJC
ereale y SUdmare One CalsFSaki
From Skidmore Drug Co,
Jonei Drug Store, and Allen
Drug Co., who recdmmend
it Golden Grain Granules
for sale by the grocery trad2J
Sa M
Dt. Saaaaiaaa Oosoea4 Savts
;-aad Cotloa Boot tUlx. Tha ksst
fad enhr ralisbla taatady tat
Wri?!k,kk.?ht"l,t easts.;' le':S t 10 Sara ;
K1 JH boi. Hwtlea Is slsla wrasan.
f .
v y