The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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v 7
(VU. klMl
Magnate Says He Will Carry
Coal Along the Coast in
Foreign Ships. :
Announcement of Secretary of Nary
., That Similar Contracts Have Been
Made at Washington Emboldens
Railroad King.
(enroll Special Swrrlee.)
Nsw York, June 10. During luncheon
today on board of the Southern Pacific
I company' new turbine steamship, the
f Creole, E. H. Harrhnan atartled thoae
I preaent by announcing that alnce the
I United Statea government had reoently
f lSrTered foreign steamahlpa to carry
IISal to the Pacific eoaat he would do
the aame. "The bars ar down," aald
ft iir. Harrlman, "and I am going to ahlp
Jr eoal to the Pacific coaat In foreign ves-
Railroads Employ All There
Is in Legal Tactics at
1 - the Hearings.
Difference In Attitude aa Between
former Hearings and Preaent
Joint Wheat Hate Hearing What
Railways Rely on to Resist Rate.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Tacorna, Wanh., July 10. Thoae who
have attended the joint wheat rate hear
ings before the atate railroad commis-
aion at Colfax during the paat two yeara
are commenting on the radical differ
ence In the conduct of those casea aa
compared with the preaent hearing- on
the aame subject before the commlaalon
at Olympla; the contraat la found an
tlrely In the handling of their aide of
the caae by the railroad attorneya.
Wltneaaea who were called to Colfax
and Olympla on the joint wheat rate
caaea all apeak of the diatlnct lmpres
slon that they received at the OJytnpla
nearing, oy way ol contraat. Tne rail
road attorneya are now fighting every
Inch of the way and contesting every
point. Heretofore they have been con
tent with croaa-examlnationa of the
atate a wltneaaea and presented very
mue direct teatimony ror tneir aiae.
Law Mo Good, Aayaow. -
But they are overlooking nothing In
the preaent hearing, and have dragged in
aeveral new points that are causing the
commlaalonera and the attorney-general
to an up ana taae notice.
The aecret of it all. aa virtually ad
mltted here by oae of the railroad attor-
mat tne coirax nearin
to one
aide aroueea his listeners.
There were aeveral preaent who called
hla attention to the navigation' laws
that expressly atate that a foreign ahlp
anaji do connscatea u ane engagea
coaatwlae trade In the United Btatea.
That the government about two weeka
made chartera with representatives
to carry
ha nronoeed setting the navl ra
tion jaws or tne united btatea
ago made charters with repit
of foreign cargo steamships
eoal to the Paclflo ooaat became flrat
known afterward, and
ipat tne arovernment
waa auggeated
us own lawa. The aecretary or the navy
acknowledged that auch chartera had
been made and asserted that It waa im
possible to obtain -vessels under the
American flag to carry coal
Whether or not conditlona in time of
peace will allow such chartera to paaa
unchallenged remains to be aeen, but
many of Mr. Harrlman's hearers atated
their belief that an attempt on hla part
to aend coal to the Pacific coaat for
commercial use In ship not flying the
American flag would open the way for
serious compQcalona.
Slaking Money!
Even If you don't want a Diane, you
can buy it now and make money selling
it, arter tnis demonstration aaie la over.
Bee page 6.
ye. la
held under the law of 1806, which waa
Eilers Piano House Have a Window
Full of Piano Bargains, Represent
ing a Combined Saving of Nearly
$1,000 from Usual Cost.
The Special Sale of Balis Pianos,
Marred in, Shipment, 'Continues to
Be the Center of Interest for Piano
Seekers-t-Six of the Instruments
Displayed in WindowPrices Cut
In Half.
considered clearly unconstitutional on
account of the provision It contained ex
cepting electric lnterurDan raods rrom
ita operatlona. Modern railroading has
brought the electrlo lines, such aa the
Seattle-Tacoma Interurban. strictly In
competition with the ateam railroads,
and the railroad attorneya, according to
present admissions, endeavored onlv to
make enough of a case under the old law
to get into the federal courta.
Two around They Xely Oa.
But - this defect has been remedied
under the new law, and new grounda of
attack must be laid. The railroad attor
neya believe they -have found two suf
ficient grounds uf attack In the present
joint wheat rate case to warrant their
confidence In preventing the enforce
ment of Joint ratea. One la that pro
vision of the commission law which re
quires the courta to determine the ease
on appeal, on the testimony taken before
the commission. Thin provision, - tho
railroad attorneya profess to believe,
will not stand the test In the federal
courta. They eipvt to be able to ahow
that an Injustice Is done them in limit
ing the evidence to be considered by the
courta, to that actually taken at the
hearings held before the commlaalon.
Interstate Commaros restore.
On this point they expect to get re
lief through the United Statea courta,
on the ground that the state tribunal la
attempting to confine the caae within
Are both symptoms of organic de
rangement, and nature's warning to
women of a trouble which will soon -er
or later declare Itself .
i Bo w of ten do we hear women ear,
"It seems as though my back would
break." " Yet they continue to drag
along and suffer, with aches In the
small of the back, pain low down In
the side, dragging sensations, nerv
ousness and no ambition.
- They do not realize that the back
la 4I. m.lnnrlnir nt warn an 'a Aa-araM."-
lam and nn 'Air Indicates bv achinir . MISS LENA NAG EL
a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches
and Yaioa will continue until the eause is removed.
Lydia E, Ptakham's Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the nest
successful remedy la snch cases. No other medicine has suoh a record
of en res of feminine ills. '
Miss Lena Nag-el. of 117 Morgan 6t, Buffalo, N. T., writes:- '1 waa
completely worn out and on' the verge of nervous prostration. My back
ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits
of crying and extreme nervousness, and waa always weak and tired.
Lydia l Pinkham's -Vegetable Compound completely cured me."
Lydia S. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complain ta,
such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases.
Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and
tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates
the whole feminine system.
Mrs, Plnkham's 5tanding Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is free .
United Statea Can Construct Fleet
Faster Than Any of the
Other Nations.
(Journal Bpedal Berrlee.)
New Tork, July 10. Charles M.
Schwab In an lntervlew stated that In
the event of war the United Statea could
build and equip battleships much faster
than Japan and more speedily than any
other nation In the world. England and
Germany not excepted. He spoke of the
determination of the Bethlehem ateel
corporation to go out of the business
of building warships, and concerning the
corporation's San Francisco plant said:
rne snipDuiiaing plant or tne union
Iron works Is for sale. It ought to be
bought by the government Already
offers have been received for the prop
erty from the railroad, which would uae
the site as a terminal.
"since private capital cannot build
war vessels with any profit, here ia an
exceuent opportunity ror the govern
ment to purcnase tne greatest shlpbul
lng plant on the Pacific coaat and the
only one adequate for attending to re
paira and refitting of a great fleet The
government wm need auch a plant"
Dcnwab aald the government eould
have the property for a reasonable price,
his corporation not asking any profit
at greatly reduced prices
Washable fabrics-sizes 12 to 20
Knows that Ballard's Snow Liniment
has no superior for rheumatism, atlff
Julius, cms, spraina, lumoago and all
pains, ouf 11, try it ana you will i
ays use it. Any oody who has uaed
Ballard's Snow Liniment la a living
oroof of what It doea. All we ask of
you is 10 get a trial Dome, price 15o.
wvv aiiu . ..vv. uuiu ujr rn.ll aruggietS.
too narrow bounds.
The large corner window of Filers Pi
ano House, at Park and "Washington
streets, just now holda a display of the
greatest possible Interest to piano seek
ers, as it contains about a half-dozen
. inatruments. In which there Is repre
sented a combined aavlng of nearly a
'thousand dollars from the umtal eont
Inasmuch as the prices at which these
pianos are to re sold are Just about
half fnat ordinarily asked for these very
aame Instruments in the regular retail
These pianos are
a nnrtion nr n par.
load ahlpment received last week from
the ractory of the Baus Piano Co. of
New York. Through careless packing
in the car, these Instruments became
somewhat marred on the journey; this
was what ia known as a "harness ' ship
ment that Is, the pianos were unboxed
and were protected by bracings In the
car, which ordinarily hold them aeoure-
ir in piace. in mis particular case,
however, the brace became loosened,
with the result mentioned.
It would have been a very easy mat
ter to put the c&ses in- good order
again, ror jcuers piano House have a
fully equiooed faotory at their large
?M.t'?,(b"t il"n rAts,t n PILLAR OF CHURCH
"".... o ...... I. wj a ui turn 1 1 1 . u r w inu
therefore the pianos are offered to the
puDiio just aa tney came.
ha main point on which the railroad
attorneva anuear to be denend 1 n for
rrellKf thrdugh the federa.1" courts, : how
ever, ia that of Interstate commerce and
traffic. A studied effort is belnar made
by the railroad attorneys at the pres
ent hearing to put Into the testimony
or every witness sometning to the errect
that there Is no such thing as strictly
local wheat shipping; that practically
every wheat cargo fa either for inter
atate or foreign shipment The wheat
buyers who testified for the complain
ants here were asked If It was not the
fact that the wheat was really Intended
for export: the millers were made to
testify that the great bulk of the wheat
purchased by them was either sent for
etgn as wheat, or was ground Into flou
and exported in that shape.
To rederal Supreme Ooori.
Figures were introduced to show that
only a small percentage or the wheat
raised In the state of Washington waa
actually consumed locally.
On this sort of a showing the question
of Interstate commerce will be raised
and the federal courts will be asked to
take jurlxdtatlon and review the find
ings of the commission and the state
courts, once started In this direction
the joint' wheat rate case will not be
disposed of until the United States su
preme court has passed on it on appeal.
The attorneys for the railroads profess
to believe that under any clrcum-
stancea it will ne two or three years
before any Joint wheat rate can be
maae errective in the state of .Washlng-
REGON men and Oregon money are back
of the Fidelity, Contract and Judicial
Bonds issned by the Union Guarantee
Association of Portland. Every legal re
quirement has been complied with. The
laws of Oregon make any of its bonds, if
offered, compulsory on the part of any court, judge,
public officer, municipality, board, body or organiza
tion. There is a paid-up cash capital of One Hundred
Thousand Dollars. Twenty-two of Portland's repre
sentative business men are behind it with time and
money. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and
Accident Insurance; Indemnity Bonds.
You Be the Judge.
Musically, the pianos are nerfec.t: (ha
njury is confined entirely to the mar-
ana scratching or the cases: this
daTSBaa-a shows for itself; the pianos are
offerSd strictly upon ihelr merits; that
is tne poncy or utters nan House.
These pianos are splendid instru
ments; weir tone is rine, their action
responsive, their finish and quality ex
cellent In every respect. They are In
tended to sen in tne usual retail way
for SB0 and $87S. Regardless of reg
ular value these pianos are offered now
at prices mat win sell them immediate
it. - Bom or thm Ar f a..h tioc
others In plainer cases at $176, and
sun outers at correspondingly reduced
figures, depending upon the condition
of case. Venr easy terms will be made
small first payment and moderate
monthly amounts on the balance. The
expense w putting the cases In per
xeci uruoi win Da comparatively very
slight and this work .will be done at
. actual cost The Instruments will be
iuuj suriiioea ln the usual manner
and when the pianos are delivered In
the homes of the purchasers, there will
be absolutely no. trace visible of the
inarriiia u- ujo cases.
AA !. fc'9r' ,Mm Wano House
sould put these pianos through their
iiuu iu nir repairing tnem. put the
on their floors as absolutely perfect li
struments; Wdeed. many rfrms make
naou or aomg tnis m the ease of dam
... ....v.u,u w irora display or
ouier purposes. But that Is one aSvan
, tags you have in dealing with Eilers
you uuw ju wni you are buying and
very Instrument Is represented exactly
Trusted Solicitor of Hollywood De
serts His Wife for Another
Write, If You Cannot Come.
wow, ir you want a bargain, this is
I your uppynumiy. iiw pianos are good
ones well known, favorahiv inanr.i
by many satisfied owners right here In
. rurumu, a,uu wo nave nanaiea the line
lor yoara. o can oner tnem :with
very recommendation. They apeak for
themselves. Examine them, critically
and carefully -from every- standpoint
. iitg) vir iiiuoitm inanui wltnyou to
pass, upon them. If you happen to live
. ouagfof town, send at once .'or descrln
J0n catalogue nd leave the matter fcf
Mtiecuon iv us ana we n agree to do as
rwell by you as though you made the
ehotce In person. But be prompt; re
member there were only sixteen pianos
v altogether In the car. and several have
w sureaay own aoia; j nose remaining will
not remain long. Bring at one or send
(Jooroil Special Berrlee.)
Los Angeles, July 10. Marvin McR&e,
church pillar and widely known real
dent Of Hollywood, long trusted solicit
or for a Newberrv rnrv hnnu
missing wiin nis employers' caah. The
amount is aupposed to be very large.
v- f ,vivvv icw.Ri waa vuerea gate last
night for his apprehension. The young
"" acHeneo nis wiie ana tooK with
him a dissolute woman. He Is believed
to nave gone to Ban franclacok
- a
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Chehalia, Wash., July 10. At a meet
ing of city counctlmen, members or the
Cltisens' club and taxpayers in general,
the attendance agKrearatihe- too. the
timent was practically unanimoua in ap-
ftroval of the council's action in author
sing the 480,000 expenditure in pending
street improvements. Resolutions of
Indorsement were passed. The meatinv
also approved the steps taken looklna-
to the creating of city parks, and the
or Market street with vitrified
W. a Glaus, . . . President
Wsoller In Fruits
F. Dkisskr, . . Vice-President
Wholesale sad Batall Orooer
Bcbnabd Albebs, . 3d Vloe-Pres.
Albra Bra. Milling Oo.
K. P. Waqkox, . . . Manager
Union Querents Aaroeiatioa
Albkbt Bant
Clatsop Mill Company
O. W. M omjioaAM
naham A Oo.. Uu
O men t and Floor
Behbt Awa
Alben Mllllns Oo.. Flour and Feed
Okas. L. iLumax
iaa. L. Maatlok Co,. Wholesale
Iiasthar and Boo FlBdias
J. B. WmtBisrB, Medical Seferee
Fhraioiaa and Snisaon
AntBDBs M. Surra
. , Wartent Ola Manfg. Oo.
BAirtnu, B. Oobb
Standard Box A Lombar Oo.
O. W.
0. M. Class
Clark. Wllaon Lumber Oo,
Llnnton, Oraooa
K. W. JtotnrrmBs, . , . Andltor
Boantraa A Dlaaoed, Baal Katata
W. Coopk Mobbis, . Treaanrer
Oreson Traat A Barlnsi Bank
8. C. 8pbncbb, . Oeneral Counsel
Attorney -at-Law
E. D. Waobos, Jb, . Secretary
Imperial Hotel Compear
B. R. Bima
Wastarn Clar Mants. Oo.
W. H. Moobb
Orsson Traat A Bavins Bank
Ckas. 0. Woodcock
Standard Box A Lumber Oo.
W. K. MoOobd
WUoonala Loaaing Oompaar
Cloud Cap Inn
SFZKD ywor tbckUod
a4 this dadlgbtrul re
sort (at snow line).
Enjoy a snowball In
Brimmer Mm. Aatomo
bllea lesiv Hood River
statkn mt KM a. m. and
at noon, BuvktBg trip to
the Ism in lees than
three boors. Rate,
Tot truing trfji Civm
Itortland, Ask at a R.
K. city ticket office
for particulars, or write
P. O. Mt. Uood. Or.
t stp $ftt .yg,& tv-5 , y. , .
I - hi in i
' " iiiniiai -ii
- lllll"l-''IT'lltlAl
X,A?:P'0 'trigjctai sesobt or tbb nemo hobtswxst.
cieciria L,ignt. Kteam, Hot and Cold Salt Water In Every Tub. Buy Tlckatsw1
-w w... ju u.i i j, iihii, rvaiuuica AaurHB, Dreaaera. vvasn.
brick- ,
The purpose of the meeting waa ta
get expressions from property holders
regarding the work oontemolated. The
worx proposea represents tne expend!
turn, nr connlrierjtrila mnniv n.l k
council did not care to take the matter
too far without having the Indorsement
ox tne citisens arieciea.
Factors' Worker Loses Thumb.
(Special Dltpatrh t The - Journal.) .
Astoria. Or.y July IS. Georant- Rim..
low had the misfortune to lose his right
tnumb in the machinery of the Kendall
can factory. He will not be able ta
work for a couple of weeks. .
If you lire out' of town, a small flrat
oayment and make aure of securinar on'
01 mew cct:ii.iuiiar jargajns.
. tne
Eilers .'Piano House.
Details Abont XVow lare
And through passenger service from
Chicago over Pennsylvania Short Llwi
Highest uuaiity,' Biggest, Busiest and
a wasnini
furnished; free- on requegt to Kollock.
House of Btark, street, Portland Or.
ngtoa street, eorasr of I
"Half oast seven.
Xon'k doubtj in-
- f BSaaBaaaaBaam
strong remtorccments will be brought forward tomorrow. Values uneaualed in anv nthrr fnrmr
- . , . m A -J " " wv.4- Vila. AiiaU UbViV llttta ' VVi UUlUV EJCCXl
a very busy spot since the beginning of this sale, but for this week we've planned a record -smashing selling that will even eclipse all oast '
performances. No house in America gives the bargains that we do. We demonstrated it last week; we will demonstrate it again. SEE
Thursday Clearance Sale Bargains
Short Box Coals Reduced vRreiar.f.0.a.n.d.$12 50.95
Bathing Suits Reduced
Regularv$3.50 values
Regular $5.00 values
Regular $6.50 values S3.25
Regular $7.50 values $3.95
Hose Reduced !nd
49 c
Gingham and Chambray Dresses Reduced
-values up to ' "gHn s-yt-
In blue, pink, also checks
Watch for the Greatest Waist Sale in the History of Vittimd
fancy Pongee Suits
Jumper Suits re-
oes up to $65.00 . .
$18,501 Wash Suits Reduced S s&..kl'flS
- 4