THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY IV 1907. '13 TODAY'S MAR KETS - i, Washington Hopgrowers Are Selling: Their Old Crop in Order to Get Money to Tick Their Crops for This Season. N8L FAMINE IN PORTLAND I maser Supplies of Dressed Meat In adequate to Fill Demand Price Very High. Today's marktt features: Veal trade la famished. i Chicken market la vary stiff. Heavy trade in Washington hops. Oregon peaches mora plentiful. Tomatoea ranging: lower. First car watermelona arrlvea. Oregon apples In belter ahapa. Egg receipts not so heavy. Cheese market Is firmer. New potatoea only are wanted. Teal Trad Zs Famished. Vnr- aavaral weeks there has been dearth nt arrivals in the local dreased Market. veal, wiucn is in me Pavlest demand, la coming so alowly that present supplies sre not more than sufficient to aupply the trade of one larva market. The price has already advanced to auoh a figure that the trade Is almost scared to ask more for with higher prices the block trade could not cut out their money. Dealers attribute the present scarcity of veal to the Dresa of work on the farma. Haying Is In full blast; tha nop yard need attention; me irun crop r comes in for a large amount of work .ana tn wnet aarvesc is now unow w In some sections. AIL this has a ten denoy to restrict the Arrivals of dreased meat and product In tha markets. Washington Xops Selllig. Henry Bents, prealdent of the Aurora State bank and .a prominent bop man. passed through the city today en route home after a bualneaa trip to North Yakima. Washington. As waa told in The Journal Monday evening Mr. Bents furchaaed a large amount o3 hopa In hat section; tha buyer placing the amount this morning at 775 bales. Thay grade prime to choice and Mr. Bents says the purchase prloe of 6c reported by The Journal waa about as correct as anyone could oome, as the terms were private. Other dealers have been heavy purchasers of hops In the North Yakima section during the past few days; It be ing estimated today that fully 1.600 or 1.000 balea have changed hands there during the past three or four dsys. Growers want ricking Money. "1 believe that the growers In Wash ington are selling their hops so freely at this time because they want money for picking the coming crop and would like In any event to get the old one out Of the way. The crop In the North Yakima section looks well: all the yarda coming under my notice being In good shape." Mr. Benta says that the hopmen of Aurora are not paying much attention to their yards: thus confirming late re ports by The Journal. 'There Is some lice there, too. and I do not believe the a-rnwera will anrav because the pro pects are for very low prices. Ten cents I believe to be an outside figure for the coming crop but there's no tell ing what may happen to the crop be tween now and picking time. I believe that the yards run by renters will be -better nicked than thoee run by the owners themselves because of the finan cial outlay. Most renters are becked by the vsrd owners or someone else." Picking Prloe to Be Sower. According to the Aurora man. hop picking prices are not likely to be ao ilah as- loot .season. 'Growers, he ays. "'cannot pay these prices because hop values are so low. when hops are high the . pickers come to the growers and say that they ought to receive more money for picking but now when hops are low will they come arouna ana say they will work for less? I don't believe they will. Out in any eveni growers can not afford to pay former high prices." Chicken Trad IS Yery Stiff. nln. to the verr scant arrivals and the deoleted stocks in the handa of killers, the chicken market, and In fact the entire poultry market with the pos sible exception of geese. Is In very fine ahane. nrlces being held stirrer all arnitnri EH market ahows lighter arrivals but the market Is still very depressed rreamerv butter market Is very firm; Shipments of eream showing a decrease of late owing to tne ary weainer which cuta down grass supplies. Cheese market is steadier and some who have been secretly cutting values are again charging- the regular marxet. Brief Votes of the Trade. First car of watermelons of the sea son from California arrived thla morn lnc In good shape. Sales at 2 cents MORE CHICKS WANTED ; SAYS B. W. GRAHAM - Thars has been heavy d-' ) ' mand for spring chickens 'and fancy liens during the past weak 4 and the market is still very firm. Shippers who send In their sup- plies promptly will get the bene- ' fit of a strong market There Is d very little call for ducks, geess 4 or turkeys and It is hard to dls- 4 pose of them ' at low figures. "More veal could be used to 4 good advantage, the supplies of d lata being Insufficient to meet d the demand. Hogs are also In e limited supply. d 'Loganberries have been arriv- d lng In better shape during the ) 4 past day or so and all supplies 4 are now being picked up prompt- 4 ly at better prices than pre- vailed during the latter part of e last and the first of this week. 4 Overripe fruit sold at buyers' 4 own figures for several days and d It seemed that nearly all ship- ments wre overripe." B. W. Graham of Sherk A Graham. GO AFAR FOR ' 1 ' , THEIR CATTLE Killers Forced to Buy in Utah and Montana Still ' No Hog Arrivals. Portland Union Stockyards, July 10. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 115 ?0 on Week sffa lid EGGS Extra fancy candled, 13 14c; uncand ed. I202JHc CHEESE New Full cream. nets. H416o per lb: Young Americas. 16fe per id. fUUUIKl Mixea cnicaens. iioi fsncy bens, 14c per lb; roosters, old. lOUe lb: fryers. 110170 lb: broilers. 16 A 17c lb; old duoks, lto lb.; spring ducks. 150160 lb; geese, old, SQlOo per d: soring geese, iihdiio per id; tur keys, 110140 lb for old: squabs. $1.60 per dos; pigeons, 11.15 per do. Dressed pouury. ivifto per 10 miner. Hops, Wool aaa Bides. HOPS 1101 croD prime to choice, 14 7o: medium to prime, O06o; con tracts. isu oroD. iwkvuo. WOOL. 1107 clip Valley. lOQllo eaatern Oregon. 16 011c. .. MOHAIR New 1107 IIOUS. SHEEPSKINS 16A10o each: short wool, 15 Otoe; m(un. wool. 50 0 76c each; long wool. 750OI1.00 each. TAL.L1OW mme. par id, swtc; no. and grease, ZOZttc. CHITTIM BARK 60 per lb. - lor z Ore shape avhlcti ina a nrutnrt Local peaches are fn better arrivals and are crowding California association stock out. Demand at present Is practically all in new potatoes and old stocks are drag ging and lifeless. Price on new stock slightly lower but tone Is steady. Good demand for Walla Walla onions which arrived yesterday. Quality bet ter than usual. Loganberrlea were firmer again today and all good stock sold at 11.26 today lor Z4s. Jjeaay SIOCK at any oia price. Oregon apples are arriving in neiwr shape. Some Dutchess or Oldenoergs Ich arrived mis morning iran 1110 s. were In fine shape, iiest sell ing good prices. Asparagus show a rew straggling ar rivals and some holders are asking as high as tl a dosen , Peel of chlttlm bark In Oregon is light, according to dealera, but Wash ington operations are on a larger scale. Price dull at 60. Front street prices: drain. Hoar aaa Peafl. ' GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9a. large lots; small lots, 9tyc. WHEAT Club, 84 tt 85c; red Russian, tic; blueatem, 8788c; valley, 84 85c. CORN Whole, $28.00; cracked, $2.00 per ton. BARLET New Feed. 121.00 O 21.00 ?er ton: rolled. 121.00024.00; brewing, 22 0023.00. . RYE $1.86 oer cwt. ' . . . OATS New Producers' price No. 1 White $28.00 per ton; gray. $27.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon Datenta, 14.80: straights. 14.26: exbort. $4.00: valley. 4. 80OI4.40; graham. Us. $8.76; whole wheat. $4.00; rye, 60s. $.00; bales. 12.75. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $17.00 per ton middlings. $26.00: shorts, country, $20; city. $19.00: chop, $18.00021.00. HAY Producers' price Timothy. WUlsmette valley, fancy. $16.00017.00; ordinary, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon, jis.oo wiu.uv; mixta, 510.001910.50; clover, $3.6008.00; grain. $8.00010.00; cheat. $8.60O.00. Bnttsr. Bffgs asA Poultry. BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portlanfl Bweet cream, zsc; sour. Ho. . , BUTTER City creamsryv 17 He; sec onds, 26 Vic; outside fancy. 26c; seconds, $2 He; store. Oregon, 18019c. CABBAGE HEADS ARE! MUCH MORE SOLID . ; v ; j "Plenty of cabbaga Is now ar- 4 riving in the local market to supply the trade. I haya never a seen sucn good quality as is how shown for this tlms of ---year, practically all heads- being un usually solid. On this account there Is a better demand for outside sljlptnent." Walter Bol lam of Dryer, Bollam & Co. tfi 4 V Prolts and Tegetables, POTATOES tK aaVo Der lb. ONIONS Jobblna Dries New Cali fornia red, $8.600$. 75 per sack; New Walla Walla, 3o lb; garlic, 8c per lb APPLES New. 51.00!. 76. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $20 4; bananas. 60 lb; lemons, $4.60 06.26 per box; limes. Mexican j4.0Q per 100: pineapples, !.zt0S.uo aos; graus rruit, a 20; cnerries, iio per id, gooseberries. 8c per lb; loganberries, Ira 1. 26 per crate; peaches, ll.iroo1 .25: cantaloupes, fancy. I3.Z6W3.50 raspberries, $1.26; plums, $1.2601.60 watermelons. 2Uc oer lb. $1.00 sack; carrots. 76c0$l.OO per sacLI beets, 61.75 per sac it : parsnips, ii.oocy $1.26: cabbage, $2.25. tomatoes, Cali fornia, $101.26; Oregon, $202.26; pars nips, vucry ti.uu; wax oeans, ow'oe; green, 8c per lb; cauliflower, 11.250 1.60 dosen; peas, 107c; horseradlah, 80 lb: artichokes. 65 076a per dos; sspsra gus, 76o per dos bunohes; rhubarb, 80 lb; ren onions, 26c per dos; bell pep pers, 12 H 015c per lb: head lettuce, ( ) dos; cucumoers, notnouse, 400 50o dos; outdoor, $1.0001. 60: radishes, 16o dos bunches; eggplant. 800850 lb; green corn, 65o dos. Orooeries, JTuts, Kto. STJOAR Cube, $8J2H; powdered 85.S7H; berry, $6.77 H; dry granulated, $S.77H; Star. $6.67H; conf. A. $5.77H: extra B. $6.27H; golden C. S6.17U; D vellow, $5.07 H: beet granuiated. J5.6VH: barrels, 10c; half barrels. 26c; boxes. 50c advance on sack bRsls. (Above prices are 20 days net cash quotations.) HONET $$.fo per crate. COFFEE Package brands, $15,880 16.6$. SALT Coarse Half pound. 100s. $11 per ton; 60s, $11.60; table, dairy, 60s, $15.60; 160s. $16.25; bales. $2.10; lm- T EA. tlfl AA. 1AAa llT IfUim iJI CI JWWI, VWB. ,iD VV, AVVBF, V . ' j 224s. $16.00: extra fine, bbls, 2s. 6 and 10a. 84.60eS.60: Liverpool lnmu rock. $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, $11.00; 100a. $10.60. (Above b rices srclv to sales or less than car lota Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperlsl Japan. No. 1. c: No. 1, 6H06c; New Orleans, nead, 7o; AJax, 5c: Creole. 6c. BEANS Rmall white, $3 80; large white. $8.25; pink. $3.26: bayou. $S.0; Llmas, 8c: Mexican red" 4V4c NUTS Peanuts. Jumou. Uc per lb; Virginia, 7Hc per lb; roasted, 10c per lb: Jananesf. (0tUc: roasted. !7Hc per lb; walnuts. California, ISe per lb: flne nuts, 14016c per lb: hickory nuta 1O0 per lb; Brasll nuts, 18o per lb; fll- oerts. tec per 10; rancy pecans, uvivc per lb: almonds, 19021H& Vests, Pish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs fancy. 808Hc per lb; large. 607c per lb; veal, extra. 8 He per lb: ordinary, 8c per lb; poor. 8 7c per lb; mutton, fancy, 8 09c per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack local) hams. 10 to 12 lbs. 16 Ho per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. l(o per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 1614c: breakfast bacon, 16H022o per lb; picnics. 12c per lb; cotiage roll, 11 Ho per lb;- resular short clears, un smoked. 12c per lb; smoked, 12c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c per lb: Union butts. 10 to u ins un smoked, 8e per lb; smoked. 9c per lb; clear bellies, unsmoked. 11 Ho per lb: smoked. ISHe per lb; shoulders, 12Hc per lb; pickled tongues, 60c each. per lb; 6s, 13 He per lb; 60-lb tins. l2Hc per lb; steam rendered, 10s. ll4c per s, ll'fcc per id; compouna, vs. iuc per lb. FISH Rock cod, 7e per lb; flounders. 6c per lb; halibut, 6 Ho per lb; striped bass, 12c per lb; catfish. 10c per lb; - ll- mon, rresh Columbia chlnooK. 11 c per lb: blueback. lOo per lb; Steel- heads, 10c per lb; herrings, 6c per in; soles, ec per lt; snrimps. xuc per lb; perch, 6e per lb: black cod, 7e per lb; torn cod. 7c per lb; lobsters. lo per lb; fresh mackerel. 8c per lb: crawfish. 20c per dos; sturgeon. 10c per lb; black bass. 20o per lb; Columbia river smelt, 60 per lb: shad, 4c per lb; black cod, 7 He per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal lon, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $4.60; Olym pla, per gallon, $2.25; per 115-lb sack. 35.6006.26; Eagle, canned, 100 can; $7.00 dos. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $8.40; razor clams. $2.00 per box: 10c per dos. Paints. Coal Oa Sto. ROPE Pur Manila, 16c; standard. ibc; sisai, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cnses. 19 He per gal: water white, iron bbls 14o per gal: wooden. 17c. per gal; head lla-ht. 170 deg.. cases. 21 He Der gaL GASOLINE 86 deg., cases. 24 He per gar. iron no is. isc per gai. BENZINE 3 deg , cases. 15c par gal; iron bbls, 93c per gal. TURPENTINE In cases. 98o per gal; wooden bbls, 93e per gsl. WHITE LEA D Ton lots, 7o per lb; 600-lb lota. 5c per 10; less lota 8Hc ::: in Yaar mma 118 Previous yaar ... it 7 1.800 Tha small cattle receipts from local points are the cause of soma concern to the local trada Walla arrivals at tha yards total well In comparison with previous periods but little of this stock is being received from local points. Up to this tlms tha bulk of the ar rivals have come from Cal.-ornia. but from this tlms forth during ths prea ent season some other section will be drawn upon. 80 scares have cattle be come during late years In Oregon that every season packers ara forced t go farther away to get tha bulk of the supplies. viaa aaa honus sioea. Utah and Montana points will now be Invaded by Pacific coaat killers for their cattle, as ths offerings in Oregon are too eroau 10 uu tne requirements of the trada According to buyers this' will very likely cause cattle values to hold very stirr here, especially ror select steers. Four cents will be the low point for the best steers, according to the ouyers. Begins With ITo Bogs, A second week was started In the local atockvarda since there were any arrivals of hogs. Last Tuesday evening 230 head arrived, xne maraei werexore la nominal. SheeD market shows arrivals of 350 head against 910 head a week ago, none year ago ana 1,100 neaa two years ago. A year ago today hogs and sheep were rirm, cattle ami. official livestock nnces: Hoas Best esstern Oregon. $6.60 stockers and feeders, $8.0006.16; China rats, b.z6s.69. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. $4.00; best cows and heifers, $$.16; bulls $2.00. Sheep Wethers. $4.8$ and 4.50! lambs J6.UV. WAR TALK SEXDS STOCK PRICE OFF London and New York Both Record Bad Breaks in Ameri can Issues. NET LOSSES. A ma! Copper. Atchison Sugar Smelter Brooklyn B. & U Colo. Fuel..., Rock Island . . . South. Pac. . . North. Tac 2'4 1H .1 . 7 .1 St. Paul Canadian .... IOulsvllle .... Missouri Pac N. T. Central. Pennsylvania . 4' . 1 HIReadlnx . 1 (i:. B. Steel do preferred. 1T.I .1 4 The New Tork market was In ths hands of the bears today. The greatest influence wag the severe weakness In London, due to the Jan war talk. This left American shares there nearly 1 point lower all around. Stocks boosted by Lawson Amalga mated Copper and St. Paul were among the ohief losers. St. Paul lost 4H point and Amalgamated nearly 3 points. Read ing was hurt by heavy liquidation, which cost the price 4 points. Money ratea were strong and reverisn. Official New York prices by Overbeck. Stnrr A Cooke company: DESCRIPTION. ? P 86 6fi P"wiRE NAILS Present basis at $3.16. United - New bonds: States Government Bonds. York. July 10. Government Twos, registered.. ao coupon Threes, registered do coupon Fours, reg., new.. 00 coupon Date. . .1905 ..1906 . .1918 ..1918 ...1926 ...1926 Four, reg., old. . .;,190T do coupon 1907 Fours, Philippines do coupon TwoJ, Pan-ma, new District of Columbia. ... Asked. 105 44 106 108. 103 106 H 105 U iOEH Amal. Copper Co. Am. C. & F., com. do preferred . . Am. Cot. OU, o. . . Am. Loco., com . . Am. Sugar, com.. Am. Smelt, com . . do preferred : . . Ana. Mining Co. . Am. Wool., com.. Atchison, com . . . do preferred. . . B. AO., co n do preferred. . . Br. Rap. Transit. Can. Pac. com. . . Cen. Leather, c. . do preferred. . . C. & G. W.. c. . . C. M. A St. P.... C. St N. com. .... Chesapeak & O. . Col. F & I. com Colo. South., c... Col. So. 1 t pfd . Dei. Huason). I. & R. O. com. n. & r. a., pfd. Erie, com Erie. 2nd pfd. . . do 1st pfd ... Illinois Central . Louis. & Nash. . . Mex. Cent. Ry. . . M.. K. A T., c. . . Distillers O. Northern .... F. Smelters M. K. A T.. pfd.. Mis. Pacific National Lead .. N. Y. Central . . N. Y.. O. A West. N. A West. c... do preferred . . North American. Nor. Pacific, c. . P. M. Steam. Co. Pennsyl. Ry. . . . P. G., L. A C. Co P. S. Car., c do preferred . . Reading, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd ... Rep. 1$. A S.. c. . do preferred . . Rock Island, c. . . do preferred . . S. L. A S. F.. 2-p. do 1st prrt. . . . St. L. A 8. W c. do preferred . . So. Pacific, com. do preferred . . So. Railway, o. . . do preferred . . Tenn. Coal A I. . . Texas A Pacific. T.. St. L. A W.. c do preferred . . Union Pacific, c. . do preferred . . U. S. Rubber, c. . do preferred , . U. 8. Steel Co.. c . do preferred . . Wabash, com do preferred . . W. U. Telegraph. Wis. Central, c. . do preferred Total aales for day, si ar 90 43 99 siH 68 122 118 105 68 26 H 91 4 17" 42 99H $1 67H 121H 116 106 56 25H 89H 9 66 172173M72H 1S4H 147 34 31 24 27H 24 H 4! 69 142 116 33H 65 132 I 67 '75 61 112H '75' 29 123 '36" 104 134 147 36 31 24 i9 28 '24 42 60 Vl 142 115 83 65 132 I 57 76 61 112 '75 96 56 28 2i 36" 78 26" 29 27 49 137 37' ' 100 86 99 77 17 40 29 123H 36" 104 130 146 34 30 14 166 27 H 24 41 69 141 114H '33 64 130 I 65 74 61 110 '74 28 ii 36" 78 26" 27 49 137 37" 100 38 89 26 121 35" ioi sharaa. .Call money closed at 5 per cent. 77 17 40 939,200 :7 21 35 76 i9H 28 27 49 136 86H 100 36 99 77 17 40 -8T" 89 81 57 122 117 106 67 26 89 92 9H 86 66 172 22 92 10 181 14 36 80 24 69H 167 27 70 24 41 v 69 141 114 21 33 64 1S1H 65 74 60 111 36 74 70 68 126 121 90 35 90 102 77 77 28 84 21 46 35 5 21 62 78 110 19 63 143 28 27 48 136 83 36 100 35 99 13 J4S 77 17 40 0 IIIOII IS 81.6 PER CENT OoTerament Wheat Report Issued Spring Wheat Is Ninety-One Four Tenths. Government Orop Beport. . Condition of grain crops on July 1 as compared with previ ous periods: Winter wheat condition 78.1 per cent as against 77.4 per cent June 1, 1907, sgalnst 86.6 per cent July 1, 1907, and 10 years' average of 80.4 per cent. Eprlng wheat condition 87.1 per cent against 88.7 par cent June 1, 1907, and 91.4 July 1, 1901. All wheat condition July 1. 1907. 81.6 per cent against 87 per cent July 1. 1906, and 86.8 per cent July 1. 1905. Corn condition July 1, 190T. 80.1 per cent compared with 87.6 per cent year ago. 87.3 per cent 1906 and 10 years' average of 16.1 per cent. Oats condition 81 per cent against 87.6 per cent June 1 and 84 per cent July 1, 1906. 4 Ml STATE LAW DELAYS THUS Oregon Provision for Short Working Day Causes Rail road Trouble. , (Journal Special Berrlee.) Redding, Cat, July 10. The new Ore gon laW forbidding trainmen being em ployed mors than 14 hours continuously is Interfering with the operation of freight trains between Dunsmulr and Ashland, Oregon. This waa strikingly Illustrated yesterday, when a 'north bound freight train consumed 10 hours in srolnr from Dunsmulr to Horn- brook, 11 miles from Ashland. Ths minimum tlms tha Southern Pacific al lows for this mountain portion of ths road is three and one half hours. If tha crew in charge took the train "over the hllr they would nava amvea in asn land 16 minutes beyond the limit of 14 hours prescribed by tha new Oregon law. There is no station between Horn brook and Ashland with sidetrack room for tha storage of a freight train, so the train dispatcher at jjunsrnuir oraerea the freight to stop at Hornbrook and tha craw were deadheaded back to Dunsmulr to take 10 hours rest A fresh set of trainmen was sent from ahland tn hrlna- In tha freicht. Railroad men approve the law, though it has no effect in California ex cept on the Dunsmulr division, which Is part in Oregon and part in caiitornia. HARRIMAN OFFICIALS ESCAPE FROM LAW HEIR TO TITLE IS -ST0KER0N STEAMER Brother of Earl of Xeftrim Cornea to America tn th Fireroom of Oosan liner. (Journal tpadal BarTtca.) ' New Tork, Julr 10. It was learned today that the Hon. Francis Patrick Clements, 11 years old, brother f tha present Earl of Lei trim, who hag been searching in vain for him for weeks. tan liar as a stokar sa ths steamship 1 Louis af the American Has, which Is w la port. When ha ran away from his famllf setats at Mutroy. Ctauntv Donegal Ireland, about a month ago he went to louthamptan. wbere ha applied for a chance to werk his paasaga ta this country. He had esperlenoa on tha sea a midshipman and, being Strang and athUtlp; had no trouble in getting tha work ha asked. He gava tha assumed name ot 81eans and Assistant Engineer Dobson nut him In tha stoke hols with- JuL!12A.,,l,,MwU Ha landed here with his wages, amounting ta $8. and said ha would gat employment ta New York, Clementa ts tha hats pre sumptlve to tha earl s title aaa estate. Is a paternal government la which nobody works hat father CHICAGO WHEAT July 10. July 9 July $ .91 $ .92 Sept 95 .96 Dec 99 .99 May 1.03 1.02 Gain. VALUES. Loss. 2 1906. .78 .78 .80 Although Chicago vslues showed "a loss because the government report did not show greater damage to the wheat, the news was considered bullish in gen eral. While there waa a fractional In crease in winter's conditions, spring whest shows a loss of 1.6 per cent from a month sgo. The trade had somewhat had these conditions reversed in Its mind, the ex pectation being that spring grain would be Improved. The fact the govern ment's figures showed that It did not. helped to hold in check the extreme nearishncss of the Chiosgo board traders. May Is Showing a Sain. While all other options in the Chi cago wheat market are showing a loss from yesterday. May closed with a gain of c. Liverpool was bullish tn anticipation of the government report showing a loss and opened and closed with a gain. However In the late trading that market was not so active and firm. According to the governmsnt report ssued today the amount of wheat In farmer's hands July 1 was (.486,800. equal to 7.6 per cent of laat year's orop. The board rtnus that tne preliminary returns show the acreage of corn to be bout 98.099,000, an increase of 1,361.000 acres, or 1.4 per cent as compared with the acreagie planted last year. Official ChlcuRO orlies by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke company: WHEAT. 92 92 Washington, July 10. Criminal ao tlon aaalnat hlrh officials of the Har rlman railroad system cannot be taken In the land grafting cases of the South ern Pacific tn Nevada. Tha Oakland. California, land offloe. after an inves tigation, has notified the Washington officials that the statute or limitation will bar criminal proceeding Civil suits will be started to recover the land claimed by the railroads. CONSOLIDATION OF MERCANTILE FIRMS (pedal Dlpatrk to Tn Jonratl.) Pendleton, Or.. July 10. A new store Is being Incorporated In Pendleton, to be capitalised at $60,000, composed of the Teutch department store snd the Wonder store of Pendleton, and the Fair store, recently organised by Lee Teutoh at Preston, Idaho. The follow ing are the Incorporators: Lee Teutoh, Charles E. Bean, J. B. Despaln, Charles Bonney, Oeorge Bear and S. E Llv Ingood. It Is the Intention of the new company to enlarge and add te all the stores. Jefferson business men subscribed about $100 to Improve a rosd. EASTERN MARKETS HOLDING July. Sept Dec. May. 98 102 July. Sept. Dec,. July. Sept. Dec.. 91 92 94 96 99" 102 64 64 64 54 62 63 HI July. Jan.. July. July. . . , Sept Oct ,. 95 ( . 99 99 .. 102 103 CORN. . 68 64 . 64 65 . 62 63 OATS. . 48 43 43 . 89 40 89 . 10 41 40 MESS PORK. .1606 1606 1605 1606 .1626 1630 1625 1625 LARD. . 880 880 880 880 . 8-97 897 895 896 . 900 900 897 900 SHORT RIBS. . 846 845 846 845 . 861 86S 860 862 . 855 867 861 857 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, July 10. Official prices: WHEAT. Open. Close. July 9. Gain. 2Hd 7s 2d 7s 2 d d 4d 7S 4d 7s 8d 6d 7s d 7s 6d CORN. 4sllHd 4slld July.. .7s Sept . . 7s Deo. . .7s d Sept 4sllHd Hd NEVADA MINING STOCKS " Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, July 10. Cotton' futures closed easy, 4 to. 6 points lower. New York-London Silver, New Tork. July 10. Bar silver. 7Ue: London 114, s Bid Prices Current on San Francisco Exchange Today. San Francisco, July 10. Official bid prices: OOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 42c, Red Top $4.60A. Mo hawk $16, Columbia Mt. 60c, Jumbo 34.25A. Jumbo Ext. $1.75. Vernal 17c. Pennsylvania 2c. Ooldfleld M. C0. JI.8OA, Kendall 32cA, Booth 46cA, Adams 12:, Sliver Pick 66c, May Queen 20cA, Nev. Boy 8c, B. B. Ext. 8c, Blue Bell 18c, Dixie 6c, G. Columbia 10c. Hlbernla 6c, St. Ives $1, Conqueror $1, Blk. Rook 4c. Lone Star 20c, O. Wonder 2c, Oro 19c, Kendall Ext. tc. Sandst. Ext. 4c, Mayne 7c, Atlanta 68c. Great Bend 64c, Empire 12c, Red Top Ext. 23c, Florence $5, G. Daisy $1.95. Laguna $1.25, Com monwealth 26c. Comb. Fract. $3, Gr. Bend Ext. 13c, Gr. Bend Anx. 10c, B. H. Bonansa 6c. Kewanos 80c. Portland 22c, Cracker Jack 17c. Francis Mohawk $1.26A. Red Hill 47c, Mohawk Ext. 11c. Iou Dillon 7c, Y. Tiger 12c. Grandma 12c, Y. Rose c, Ooldf. Cons. $8.1). Diam'f. Triangle 22c. COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Ophlr $1.70, Mexican 38c. Gould A Currv 18,. Qan. Virginia 60c, Savage 61c, Hale & Norcross ROc, Yellow Jacket 86c, Belcher 24c. Confidence 61c. Sierra Nev. 34c, Exchequer 85c, Union 26c BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c. Bullf. M. C. lc, Nat. Bank 23c, L. Harris 2c. Amethyst 11c, Steinway 6c, Denver Buf. Anx. lOcA, Bonnie Clare 65c, Mayfl. Cons. $6c, Monty. Ohio Ext, 7c, G. Sceptre 10c. Monty. Mt. 13c. B. Daisy 8c, HomestaKe Cons. $1A. Yankee Girl 7cA. Nuggat 7cA. Tramp Cons. 48c, Victor 9cA, North Star 6c, Sunset 5c. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton. Nev. $13. Mont. Ton. $3.25. Ton. Ext. $1.80. MacNamara 30c, Midway $1.20, Ton. Belmont $3.60. Ton. No. Star 24c, Ohio Ton. 6cA. West End Cons. 80c, Rescue 17c. Ton. & Calif. 17cA. Golden Anchor 20c. Jim Butler $1.05. Ton. Cash Boy 6c, Ton. Home 5c. Bost. Ton. 13cA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 8ca, Mont. Mid. Ext. 4c. Golden Crown lOcA. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 45c. Manh. M. Co. 7c, G. Wedge 7c, Seyler Hump. 6a, Dexter 13c, L. Joe 2c. Crescent 5c A. Combina tion 2c, Granny ISc. Mustang 24c. Cow bov 1c Orig. Manh. 80, Broncho 7c Jump. Jack lOo, Pinenut 7c. Buffalo 6cA, S. Dog 16c, T. Horse 4c. Indian Camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Sliver King lOcA, Falrv. Eagla 60c, Nevada Hill a $6.16, No. Star Won der leu Eagle's Nest 14o, Ruby Wonder 36c, Alice of Wonder 41c, Pittsburg su gar Peak 11.40. .vty'vi.v;.. IiiTestock of All Kinds Continues to Show Good Form. Chicago. July 10. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 80,000 22.000 18.000 Kansas City 11,000 7,000 l.oou Omaha 14,000 1,000 4,000 Hogs opened steady to a fraction lower with 1,900 left over. Recelpta a year ago were 17,000. Mixed and butchers, 35.80(26.10. good and heavy, If.oe.02: rough and heavy, $5.60 6.75: Tight $5.866.12H. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. New York Cotton Market. ft 00 ft m A rvri v sV m M- M fa A. ICVf w Dr. Morrow's MMeaok KAzsf ubajt noru VA Taaoagh tha a attain system. Xt la a purely vegwtabla aompouaa. Centatna ne oils or fata or any drug; that Is Injurious or liaole te proa no a napii. IT IS THCCJUtATXST TONIC IN THS WOULD aoh bottle contains 1 month's treatment and costs $1.60 at any nrst-laas drag store. Prepared ay toe ANTI-LEAH UEDICUIE CO. Osagsalan MUft Vartlaaa, Osy R Open. High. Low. Close. January 1211 1216 1186 1187 February 1191 March 1221 1214 1198 1197 May 1320 1220 1220 1209 July 1252 1215 1190 1190 August 1202 1205 1164 1164 September .. 1196 1195 1161 1161 October 1202 1207 1179 1180 November .. 1171 1171 1171 1172 December... 1207 1209 1180 1180 Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today. do year ago . . Gain today Balances today . do year ago . . .$1,296,967.87 . . 1.268,934.67 27.033.20 82.914.90 161,325.40 OUR FEE $10 Do not waa, yon Ufa consulting ther the education, skill nor expeiler ailment is, much less to cop with it We Cure Mm SEE US FIRST AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY MEDICAL FEES TO PAY. We are curing, more men than any two spe cialist in Portland. Oar imall fea enables ng to cure for less money than many self-styled specialists ask for their services. Onr advica to you will be worth much in your case if you need the services of a skilled, reliable specialist. lrrgnlar "dootors" who possess nei- leno necessary to find out what your it and make von well. Thinrs that are not dona right never turn out welL Baffin rlghtl Consult as I W arc rruarly graduated ITmlvarstty Trained apecdadlBtsw whose original investigations and long study Into tne cause and cure of special dlaeasea have caused us to be duly rogntsd ss the lesdlng spe cialists in our line. We Cure Nervous Debility This Is to men who lack courage, whoa nerves ar shaky, who eyes have lost tha sparkle, whoa brains ar muddled, ideas confused, sleep restless, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who ara backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they ar afraid of failure; who want somebody to decide for them, who ar weak, run down and rest less. It is to men who have part or all of those symptoms and want new life, new energy. We especially solicit those cases In which many so called treatment have failed, or where money has been waaeed on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method of fers a certain means of cure by local treatment We Cure Varicocele Varicocele causes congestion of the blood tn sotn of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless fooling, which is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varfoooel re sults from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers that control lo cal rlrculatlon of the blood. The muscular coating of the rains is deprived of nervous control and becomes Inactive, weaken and relaxea The blood vessels expand from the pressur within. The ol radiation become sluggish and clots form In little nooks snd pockets that constantly en large as the relaxation continues. No Pay Unless Cured v Consultation Free Our reputation and work are not a mushroom growth. Ws have been curing men for 27 years. Write, If you cannot can. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent In plain envelope. Bnglose 1-cent stamp to Insure re ply. OFFICE HOURS a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:10; Sundays. 9 a m. to 11 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OOim SBOOVB AMD TlHTITTiTi DISPENSARY in, ioT&Ajni ou. Biers wmm w IN UNCOMPLICATED CASES MY FEE IS ONLY Stt I Have the Largest Prac tice Because I Invaria bly Fulfill My Promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up of many little triumphs. A large medical practice doesn't await the young phy-en t the coHere door. He mutt prove nimseJf. He must work toward success dsy after day, doing well each day's tasks. It has always been my rule to promise noth ing that I am not absolutely certain of accom plishing. Realizing that no one physician can successfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study m preparation for my present work. For 16 years I bar been proving my ability and building my suc cess. I have mastered, first the simpler dis eases, then the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither cure nor comprehend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively and there is no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully oonqner. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors hsve charged me with claiming too much. But, I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My prac tice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. Each cure I have effected is a triumph. and a manifestation of skill that has had its part tn the making of my suc cess. Each day new cures are completed, and my present growtn ot pre tice is more rspid than ever before. Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. Yon can rely upon what J tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a fH 4fi. - m Suae eVwvt AMt) complete and permanent cure win icmiqw my i YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED 8B TATUm, All necessary X-Ray examinations ara abso lutely free to patients. My equipment for X-Ray work is the finest and most complete ever pro duced, and equally per fect results are not possi ble with an inferior appa ratus. .'K V? All medicines ara pre pared from standardised drugs in ray own prhrata "laboratory and tare anp- pBftd ta patients at actual coat The Dr. Taylor Company 234M Morrison St, Cor. Zed Portland, Orcnon Patients living oat of the city end eotninf to Portland tor treatment will be furnished with fine room free ot chars.. Check your trunks di rect JS il4fc .Morrison street.. , To nredue tamaorarr activity f the function tn oaaaa ef so- oalled waxnea la a simple mat ter, but to permanently re tore strength ana vigor la a problem that out few phyalolans have solved. I aevar treat tot tern , aorary effects. Under my sys fem f treatment, every bit of lmprovaaat ia a part of a per manent our. ' ' Though other physicians have, through air suo- eaaa in enacting permaaeac cure, beea eonvinoid of th fact that pretaatureness. loss of sow er, eicv. are but symptom r--1 sumng rroai earenio inxiamma tloa or congestion la th prostate nave aland, none able to duplicate my en ret a?a vat taa. Vr system of local treatment Is th only err active means -"- for restoring the prosfat to Its normal state, which always re sults ta full an oomplet rtum af Strength snd ,,i0BKJ ErwilWth klnd'of ear. a eat dtalrea ; snd Is th onlf Uw, wlU trat rA'V-'-M-frAr. ooMvttATtos ntza. r . ut nothing in my en-" aouaeinat Im t sralht. ' aouax truuw It wl.l c't kUUn to '! snd t-.m o" your TJ can r-4 out . about your Uoul j i 1 lat.r inw-M to f.'i-i ts... - t af tlai. UH i.ii. - eotuprUniir ten r .. largtst, i.mtl , ti.i sn-i fc etuliiJ la tie w . i f i I Vc '