The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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IHl It llLfll ULLI
I & N. Attorney Says the
The Loom End sale which is now on needs no introduction to the public The crowds that responded to our circulars and ads, for the sale which started oi Tuesday!-
If I
, .. , 1 . .1
Tk iiili
If n
i i AX . ' i
Eoad Is Entitled to Ter
ritory It Develops.
Traffic Manager TMtiflea aa to Cur
tailment of O. R. A. N. Bualneta
speaks for itself. There are only a few days left of this sale, and we intend making it a , great Bargain Center of Portland. You will find here at the- Golden Eaele
more genuine bargaii
tine bargains on one of our counters than you will find on all counters In other stores. We are not going to take up your time with lots of wording, but are
- 1 -1 f A- at. iJA4f . L. 1 . 0 . 1 . . . ... - - . m m m - -
going to give you now cold facts that represent strictly b argains, that we bought forspot cash, and are giving them to you at ridiculously low urices for the sake of eettin?
you acquainted with our store.
Under Proposed Joint Wheat Rate
Rearing Drawing to a Close.
wheat rate
declared It
. (Sparta! Dlpaten te The Journal.)
Olympla, Wh.. July 10. Indication
re that the Joint wheat rate hearing,
which ha been In progreaa before the
tate railroad eommlaalon etnce June 11,
will be oonoluded todar- The defendant
rallrnada will rut In the remainder of
thjfruetlmony todar and the attorney-
ncral will have a cousle of wltneaeea
Jn rebuttal, cloalng up the hearing. It
la not likely any extended argument
will be made by the attorneys in the
H. B. Miller, traffic manaaer of the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation com pan
wai on the wuneaa aland nearly
day yesterday. Me waa called by
defendants for the purpose of showing
Hint a Joint wheat rate would be unre
muneraUva to the railroads.
Attorney Orosscup got Into the rec
ords the statement that the Northern
Pacific accented the terms of division
laid down by the O. R. ft N. In the
matter of the Joint rate on oats and
feed rather than go Into the courts. He
said the total amount of tonnage on this
business was not sufficient to Justify
court 'proceedings over the division of
the Joint rate. If a Joint
wore put in. however, be
would be a more serious matter.
Millar Bays Bate Uajuat.
Mr. Miller refused to testify that a
Joint wheat rate would be unremunera
tlve, without being allowed to qualify
that term. He said It would be unjust
and unremuneratlve "under the existing
conditions and circumstances." He ex
plained this by saying that at present,
when there are no Joint rates, the O. R.
& N. company, which he represents, gets
the entire haul to Portland and there
fore the maximum rate. If there were
a Joint rate the O. R A N. would get
the haul only as far as Spokane or
Wullula, and therefore the short end of
the Joint rate division.
Mr. Miller waa aaked by Assistant
Attorney-General Falknor whether he
believed the O. R. A N. would actually
lose wheat tonnage If a Joint rate were
fut In. The witness said he did so be
leve. "Why would wheat be taken to Ta-
coma and Seattle instead of to Port
land." asked the assistant attorney-general.
''If the price la as good or better
In Portland?"
"Well." answered Mr. Miller, "your
witnesses here who bur wheat have all
testified that they wanted a Joint rate
so they could ship the wheat to Puget
sound, and if they do that It will take
It from Portland.'
Commission Bafasea to Be Quoted.
An effort was made by Attorney
Spencer representing the O. R. A N.,
to get into the record an extract from
the railroad commission's annual report
to the effect that the O. R. A N. had
oeveloped and built up certain territory
in eastern Washington, the article re
ferred to containing something of - a
history of 4fte -O. R, A K. operations
in that part of the state. Attorney
ftpenccr stated - frankly that ha wanted
this to go into the record as Indicating
the Indorsement of the commission of
the theory that when a railroad has de
veloped a country In this way It is en
titled to the proceeds from the business
Chairmen Falrchlld held that the
article referred to was purely historical
and was not an expression of opinion
on the part of the commission.
H. M. White and Oeorae B. Brand of
prlllr.gham testified in the Interest of i
n joint rate on wheat for that city. The
told of the discrimination against Bel
iingham as compared with Everett, Ta
coma and Seattle, and declared that
capitalists stood ready to establish
flouring mills at Belllngham if they
could get the same rate as the other
Whereupon Postal Department Says
It Must Steamship People Say
Risk Is Too Great.
(Special Dispatch to Th JtaraaL)
Seattle, July 10. The Alaska Steam
ship company will carry no more gold
by mall. Jhe last to be brought down
by the ships of Its fleet arrived yester
day on the Jefferson, which carried
ttOO.OOO worth. President Peabody of I
the company has ordered that mall
hlpments of gold shall now cease.
eabody and the postal officials do
nrrMtgree on this subject, when the
company some days ae;o refused to ac
cept mall shipments of gold at Skagway
the matter was Investigated at Wash
ington and President Peabodv waa wired
that the' postal authorities had decided
that his company could be forced to
carry the gold. Peabody takes the stand
that it would be cheaper to let the oon
tract go than to accept shipments at a
great risk. The company's bond Is for
only (10,000. Although the steamship
company nas a limited liability clause
In its contract the government holds it
Is worthless and there Is now In court
a suit for S 1,600 for the loss of the
registered mall which went down at
the time of the wreck of the Clallam.
A Happy Child.
Story of a child's delight at Reed-
French s. Bee page S.
(Special Dispatch to . The 'Journal.)
Amity, Or.. July 10. A modern milk
condenser plant, complete In every de
tail. Is now assured for this place. At
a meeting Monday night it was decided
to incorporate a Joint stock company
with a capital of M2.500. Before the
meeting closed 11,400 ot the stock had
been subscribed. A meeting haa been
caiiea to complete tne organisation and
In the meantime committees are actively
at work raising the balance of the capl-
Tai Biuuii, wim a very uruspect or gUC
cess. The plant will have a daily ca
pacity of 40,000 pounds of milk and will
Thtm. .fei1r Mil.. A, V. ... M
Thousands of obstinate cases have been
u ujr xjuan n uinuQwii, iv Deals svt
a rug store. -
Cement Output in Skaait. '
(Special Dispatch iF The Joaraal.)
Aberdeen, Wash., ' July 10. A, F.
Coats, one of the officers of the
ement company at Cement City, Skagit
county, reports that the company la now
turning out 800 barrels of cement dally.
Twenty-five thousand barrels war
shipped last month.
' "Half past tsvea -will go down In
history. .. : r,.:;v:,-, .
A Clean Sweep in Millinery
Goodi must go, during thltiile we muit hav you here at
Any Copt nd to bring you here we are going to give you
bargains that never before has ever been put on the count-
ers in Portland. You tane your cnoice 01 any nai in our
store, worth up to $2.60 for 25f . Come early,
and get the choice there are about 2,000. Make
no mistake your choice
ai in uui
In Oar Waist Dept.
We are going to
that ought t
the country.
aire you bargains
o bring people rroni ail over
Oa Table ate. 1 wa will sell about I.tOf
Ladles' Waists in all lis a. short ana
long sleeves, open front and back, the
very latest styles; worth 7(1.
up to ll;M.' Now tOO
On Table aTo. our entire stock of high
grade Bilk Walsta There are about aW
Waists, worth from 17.60 to $UjOO.
They are beautiful Imported and do
mestic Waists, very latest styles in all
respects. It will pay you to come here
and purchase some ror ruture time ir
you do not need them now, but the'
must go, ana these prices
will move them. You choice
Oa Table Wo. a are our odds and ends
of Summer Waists. Ws will move them
at this price. We will not carry over a
single Summer Waist Pall goods will
soon arrive. Grasp this opportunity
and be here on table No. S. You take
'our choice or about no.
a w
, but they
1,000 for
There are waists In this lot worth 11.
This Will Bring Yon to the
Glove Counter
Ladies' Fine French Lisle and Taffeta
Gloves, two-clasp, colors black, white,
erey and tan values 85c to 80c these
have got to go take your choice
Be Here Tomorrow at (he
Dosfery Department
Ladies' Full Fashioned Black Cotton
Hose, all sizes and regular 20c
grade Loom End Sale price, pair
Here, tomorrow, we place on sale in our Suit Department, and we advise
you to come early. Three (3) racks Jammed full of ladies' ready-made gar
ments. The very latest style some of the cloths are imported. These
goods were sold on our regular days as high aa $35.
Well made, elegantly trim'd, strictly up to date. A suit
that any lady in the city of Portland could wear with
pride. For this sale they are going at f 0.08. Take
our word for it, you would pay other stores $25 to $35
for the same garments. On sale here at
Extra Special!
1,000 Ladies' Silk Underskirts
About four months ago we managed to get hold of a large amount of Silk
Underskirts they were all sold out in the first hour we published in the
Telegram and Journal that we would let you have another bargain in a few
weeks. We secured the entire manufacturer's output of Silk Skirts, and
bought them at a ndiculously low, price for cash.
These Silk Skirts are worth up to $10 they are well
made, good width, and all in handsome colors. For
this sale, you take your choice of tny one, all for
$2.98. Other stores would charge you $7.50 to
Great Bargains In Onr Lace
Oriental Laces, all tbwMths neat, de'r
able styles, 8 to 8 inches wide regular
25c to 50c values all go at one
Loom End price, yd . .
Special at the Embroidery
Something that should interest every
body cambric and Swiss, edgings and
insertions to match 4 to 8 inches wide,
open mesn and snadow etiects f
values to 25c Loom End Sale, yd 1 UL
5000 Children's and Misses' Hals
They are good for Summer Hat or School Hata : they are
in Tam-o-Shanter, Sailors, large brim and small brim Sail-
There is no
ors. ror this sale
one in the lot that
a .sal -A.
we place tnem at ivf
is worth less than 50c.
Now lor Wrappers
If you need a Wrapper, or several of them, be here tomor
row they come in all sizes, well made, good lengths, nice
coloring, finely dyed, worth to $1.60. SPECIAL JA
tomorrow ..aTaC
In Our Drug Section
Rimach Eau de Quinine, 50c value Loom End Sale..89?
Kimach Vegetable yuinme, $1 value Loom End Sale OOf?
25c Bay Rum Loom End Sale 14
25c Florida Water Loom End Sale 14
The Notion Sale
5,000 Skeins Gloss Silk, all colors lajx
Japanese Pure Silk Web Fans, hand decorated, worth rtf
15c, at 10a 3 for 3C
10c Vestal Toilet Soaps, box of 8 cakes during Loom f
End Sale itfC
Extra Special Feather
Boas at 89c
25 dozen,
every one
$3.50 Loom
full size, black and colors
a beauty, worth $2.50 to
End Sale
We Bought These Direct From the
Factory for This Sale.
Ladies' Swiss Corset
Fine quality cloth, lace and ribbon
trimmed every one a 50c Corset Cover
Loom End Sale price on every
Red Hot Bargains Tomorrow in Our Crockery Dept.
When we say RED HOT, we mean that they are bargains that should bring
you here tomorrow, bargains that make you acquainted with our store.
Bargains in Hammocks
I 4-pi
qt.," ret
25c and 30c Cuspidors 1 Q .
Loom End Sale price ..'.1JC
40c and 50c Cuspidors QQL
Loom End Sale price . , . aJaiC
Fancy English Teapots, woOh
60c Loom End Sale AA L
price u.. VlC
Mottled Tugs and Tankards, 2-
lar 40c value Of
Loom End Sale price . .
Baking and Mixing Bowls, 3-
qt. size 45 Loom End
Sale price J&C
Uncovered Vegetable Dishes
Loom End Sale
Covered Sugar Bowls Of
Loom End Sale price . . &DC
Teacups and Saucers Loom
End Sale price, f
6 for DUC
iece Ulass table bet, cut
ter, Sugar, Spoon Holder and
Creamer Loom End iA
Sale price, set fflC
Lemonade Sets, worth up to
t 3.00 Loom End A Q
ale price MUa)
Fancy decorated, assorted col
rs, shapes and sizes.
Blue Enamel 2-qt. Coffee and
Teapot, regular 85c
Loom End Sale price
Decorated 9-piece Toilet Set,
reg. $3.50 Loom rf Q
End Sale price Dal7
Decorated 10-piece Toilet Set,
reg. $4.50 Loom
End Sale price . ,
White Ewers and Basins, reg
ular $1.25 set Loom QQ
End Sale price OaiC
Grey Enamel Preserve Dishes,
regular 65c Loom End A O
Sale price tOC
Special on Odds and
Ends ot Decorated
Dinner Ware
Large 14-in. Platters
Loom End Sale price .
10-inch Platters Loom rtv
End Sale price awlIC
Covered Vegetable
Dishes for
Gravy Boats Loom
End Sale price
Haviland China Plates, all sizes,
regular 19c each Loom End
pScc. 6 for 97c
Dozens and Dozens of Bells
Must Go
We have 50 styles to sell from leather
and silk black and white all colors, and
values up to 75c the Loom End 1 ni
Sale price on every one of these .1&2C
We call your very special attention, to the
marvelous reductions on Wash Dress
Good the very newest and best of these
at 1-3 and even Yt, the real value.
Men, We Have Some Bargains tor You
nun iiivii o
In bur clothing department we will place on sale tomorrow men's
strictly tailored Suits, well made, nicely lined, our
regular $10.00 seller, tomorrow
500 men's strictly Wool and Worsted Suits, black, blue and fancy
weaves, strictly high-class suits; hand-made buttonholes, well-made
collars; strictly up-to-date suits that we have dj f QO
sold for $35; on this sale they are going to go .) 1
2,000 pairs of DRESS AND WORKING PANTS we place them
on sale for ONE DAY ONLY they are m all sizes and all lengths;
they are well made, neatly trimmed, and for this ex
tra special day they go for
Tomorrow we place on sale 500 DOZEN MEN'S
SUSPENDERS, regular 25c, 35c and 50c grade,
ne't and leather, heavy and light weight; also Lysle
Suspenders in this lot, you know what you pay for
these in other stores, but for this sale, f On
TO BRING YOU HERE, they go for. .... 1 Ot
Now to Arouse Interest in Our Loom End Sale
We will give you some interesting bar
gains. Read on it is worth your while.
Good Pillow Slips, sizes 45x36, 5,000
dozen going for 10c
30 dozen 72x90 Sheets, a good quality,
for 53c
TOWELS18x36, a good Towel that
you regularly pay- 15c for; ( rt
special tomorrow U4v
CURTAIN SPECIAL 500 pairs of
Lace Curtains Lace Curtains that we
regularly sell for $1.00 they Air
are going on sale for T"OC
PORTIERES Fancy Portieres, they
are worth regular from $2.50 to $3.98,
to go on special sale here tomorrow,
and tomorrow only,
Dress Goods Department
We take our medicine, the Wash Goods
for this summer were over-bought this
is your benefit, we take our loss; regular
25c goods, for tomorrow, to clean iC
them out i Uv
15,000 yards of 35c goods, to clean them
out also they must go with OlA-.
the balance 1
50 pieces of Dress Goods, 36 and 40-inch
goods, worth as high as $1.00 a yard;
they go on sale tomorrow kt2
for .........49C
BargaiDin)S iui IHue Btkoc SectoeoD foir TToinKDirrew
Mothers Be Here with Your Children
We will sell $1.25 and $1.50 Children's Finest Shoes,
patent, bid and vici; hand-turned soles and 70s
spring heels, for tomorrow at I "C
&tra special Lot of Misses'fineSlioes&Oxf ds
Regular price of these are $1.75 to $2.25; they are this
season's latest style and best shapes, all J
sizes; extra special for this sale. .......... p I Ls
We will place on sale tomorrow 2,000 pairs of Men's
Patent Leather, Vici and Gun Metal and (JJ AO
Calf; guarantee'thee regular $3.50 value; tIjrO
Make it a point to be here tomorrow
We can mention here but a few of the
many great bargains that we have pre
pared for you for Thursday
Send iriyour mailorders-
a at am I
our prompt attenttonAsncci:! ccrp ct.
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