The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 09, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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s TowrijTopics
LL: .it i ,rr3
.b1 ' Subse
uhsarlbsrs can' havs The Journal da.
bvered at tha rsgular rates at the roi
ioWf resorts bjr notifying tha agents
.at 7Vi various daces mentioned Bub-
scnptions py dhui j,-... -
Oearhart Park P. J. Struck
Hot Laka...- Hot Ika Sanitarium
Seaside.,.. ,t. -l? Co.
Wllholt Springs.. T. W. MoLeran
ipmh RnHnn...... '.
Boyd at Son and Mlnaral Springs Hotel
Caaoada Spring.., Thomas Moffett
Colllna Springs . C. T. Belcher
Ilwaoo Lou la Cohen
Long Beach....;..
Marshall A Pottenger and O. A. Smith
Nahcotta H. J. Brown
Ocean Park Stewart Taylor
Beavlew .
Dan B. Rarbev and Frank E. Struhal
The Breaker. ...... .Tha Breakers Hotel
toszoktv AinrsBinsirTS.
Marquam Orgnd , . ."The Sorceress"
Orand . Vaudeville
iyrw......."Ths Man From the west-'
Star "Utah"
The Oaks
. ...O. JV. P. oerllne, Flrat and Alder
anent organisation of tha Port-'
nd Rosa Festival society will be, ef
fected tonight at a meeting to be held
at o'clock in room 110 Swetland build
ing. Tha articles of Incorporation,
which were filed with the secretary
Of atate same days ago, hare been re
turned, and all that remains to be done
Is the election of officer and the adop
tion of by-laws. . No names have been
mentioned for the presidency, but It
is considered almost a certainty that
K. W. Rowe will be reelected on account
of the ruccess he made of thla year's
carnival. Headquarters of the associa
tion will remain in room 830 Swetland
building, Mr. Swetland having donated
the use of the room rent free for one
Taxpayers snd voters of Mllwaukle
believe that their town la an object of
the evil practice of discrimination
brought about this time bv the Port
land Railway, Light ft Power company
against Mllwaukle and in favor of St.
Johns, Lents and other points located
farther from the central part of the
olty of Portland than their town. A
petition signed by Mayor Schlndler, the
council and 78 cltlsens, nearly the whole
voting strength of the place, has been
presented to the state railroad commts
sloji aaklng that the 10-cent fare be
abolished and a 6-cent fare be substl-
There will be sn echo meeting and re
ception to delegates who attended the
sixteenth International convention of the
Baptist Young People's union, which
Just closed at Spokane, Washington, this
evening at o'clock at the White Tem
ple, Twelfth and Taylor streets. All
young people of the city are cordially
Invited to attend. Some of the speakers
1V$ a fact," said 7. A. Eastman, sec
retary of tha Mount Tabor Improve
ment association, this morning, "ths
floors 4n the West avenue publls school
building on Mount Tabor are so rotten
that a teacher broke through one day
last-winter. She did not fall to he
basement, but it's a wonder."
At a meeting of the association last
night a report was presented showing
a most neglected condition about the
sohool building. The ground have
been allowed to run down; tha basement
Is- full of water most of the year; the
desks Will no lonrai. remain screwed
to the "floor because the floor has de
cayed. xn report also recited that
, ' ;
sanitation 1 poor and, in absolute men
ace to tha health, of pupils.
A communication was received from
the Mount Tabor Homa Training circle
declaring that the school building
should Be oondemned and a new one
erected. A committee . was appointed
to further Investigate and see what can
be done toward aeourlng another site.
Tha committee consists of P. P. Dab
nejrj A. E. Jackson and W. H. Qren-
fl'lt' was decided to devote the 1109
won by ths float entered In the rose
show to future prises to be given in
local rose shows. It is the plan to en
courage Jhs growing of roses on Mount
ths steamer June IT is renorted alive
ana wen. in tne accident A. iewis,
flennnd AnrlniiAi. rmnmtvA 4ml,ir4a wfclnh
resulted in his death, but CUlbreath was
Dan Marx, who was severely Injured
In a runaway accident six weeks
ago. Is abls to leave the hospital and
is now at noma at 7i Main street.
Mr. Marx and a party of friends were
out driving on the Llnnton road when
the horses were frightened at a passing
Freight snd. barns direct .to Chau
tauaua. Freight car leaves O. W. P.
depot. East Water street and Hawthore
avenue, aaiiy, except uunaay. at ju a. m
Steamer ' Jess Harklna, for Camas,
Washougal and "ray landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
UUV 4 J?. Uk V
Dr. F. F. Casseday.
throat, removed to ftl7 Dekum.
to 10, 4:30 to .
ear, nose.
Tel. Main 161.
Trolley excursion. Canemah nark.
Thursday, p. m. 16c pays the bill.
Allen's Kushion Komfort shoes are
worn by those Who desire perfect corn
rori. uo Morrison si.
Woman's) Ex chance. 113 Tenth street.
lunch 11:10 to I; business mens lunch.
' Acme OH Co. sells ths best ssfety ooal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 710
B. W. Moors, expert photographer.
Elks' building, Beventa ana stark sts.
B. J. Mills, 111 Sixth, near Washington.
For Ice call Main lit
Co., tSl Stark.
loe Delivery
Dr. Wetherbee returned. 117 Marquam.
Dr. B. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
D. Chambers, optician, lit Seventh.
Berger signs 214 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism.
at the convention will be present and
will speak, among them being
L. Laws. D. D Rev. George T.
them being Rev. C.
field secretary of the RaDtist Tounar
People's Union of America, and others.
Examinations to secure ellglbles from
which to make certification to fill va
cancies In the positions here announced
will be held on the following dates:
Clerk (male), salary from 1900 to 11.100,
In the bureau of trade relations, depart
ment of state, July 10; aaslstant In dry-
Sand agriculture (male), salary from
;00 to 11,000, in bureau of plant ln
lustry, department of agriculture, Au
gust e. Further Information mir ha
Aecured from the pnssaaastev r by d-
reeina- tne civil service commission
at wasmngton.
Residents In the vicinity of Twenty.
third and Lovejoy streets made life
miserable for nearly every public off!
dal in town, from Mayor Lane down
to the city acavenger, yesterday because
a aeaa norse was not immediately re
moved. The horse belonged to tbo
union LAundry company and was killed
by a runaway Italian vendor's wagon
about noon. The matter was entirely
In the hands of the street cleaning de
partment and Protestants were directed
there for relief. The carcass was re
moved this morning.
A movement has been started by the
eltlsens of Center addition to open six
streets east on the Ladd farm adjoin
ing Wlberg lane. A petition has been
framed up by prbpertv owners and It
will be presented to the council at an
early meeting. It la ths plan to open
up this part of the city so that Center
addition will have room In which to ex
pand. Tha Center Addition Improve
ment club is behind the movement
Chautauqua service direct to Glad
stone Park, fare 2S cents round trip.
Tickets must be purchased. On sale In
waiting rooms, First and Alder streets
and East Water street and Hawthorne
avenue. Take Oregon City cars, leave
Alder street, between First and Second
Streets, 7:15 a. ra. and every 35 minutes
to and Including p. m.
Beck Jeweler 205 Alder.
Klser. Bcenlo photos. Imperial hotel.
T? A TT.Q TTamTYTTrrnrT'
4kaAAAj jjio x IVJ.D U XLiU ; :i
Traction Company Baa No Excuse)
Longer WiUi Regard to FaJInra
of Material Delivery.
Fortland Presbyterians .Ten
der Banquet to Editor Best
and Von Ogden Vogt
Over 100 prominent Presbyterians of
Portland and vicinity assembled In the
rooms of the Commercial club last night
to attend a banquet given by the Pres
byterian Brotherhood of Portland In
honor of Nolan Ries Bsst of Chicago.
editor of the Interior, and Von Ogden
Vogt, secretary of the National Presby
terian Brotherhood.
Robert Livingstone acted as toast-
master. A number of Interesting ad
dresses were made by local laymen and
ministers. In addition to tne nigniy en
tertaining and Instructive remarks of
the guests of honor.
As explained by several or tne speax-
gathering was to Improve the "esprit de
corps or tne roruana fresoyienan
Brotherhood. Presbyterians from all
walks of life and from each of the It
churches In ths Portland Presbytery
were present. Mr. Von Ogden Vogt
called attention to the fact that a
world-wide movement la on to bring
about a closer unity among Presby
terians, and that last night s meeting
was but a typloal manifestation of that
Attention was also directed to a re
cent resolution of the Portland Presby
tery arreelng to maintain the 11
churches belonging to the organisation
witnout further aasistanos irora tne
mission board.
The full nroe-ram of the evenlna- fol
The Portland BDlrit" John F. Car
roll: song. Kred Butler; "Charity That
Begins at Homo," Rev. A. B. .Nichols;
e Little Log Collese." Rev. J. R.
Wilson, D. D. ; eong, Fred Butler; "Pres
byterlanlsm." Wallace McCamant: "As
sembly Echoes," O. M. Scott; "The Pres-
erian Brotherhood" Von Ogden Vogt;
is Forthcoming War." Nolan Rice
Tomorrow Mr. Beat will be enter
tained by a trip to Seaside, and Thurs
day ha will go up the Columbia to Cas
cade Locks and return.
Heavy seven-Inch steel rails, grooved,
have at last been distributed along
Grand avenue from Hawthorns avenue
to the fill between East Btark and East
Oak streets preparatory to tha paving
of that thoroughfare. Business men
and residents Interested In the improvs
ment are very anxious to sse the work
I at onc"- Ti u'7 has been long
uu vv&aiioue.
During the winter it was repeatedly
asserted that work on paving Grand
avenue would proceed at once as soon
as plessant weather arrived In the
spring. The summer Is nearly half
passed and still no steps have been
taken to expedite Imnrovumml Tha
patience of Grand avenue business men
and property owners Is fast giving out
The inability of the street railway
company to get material has been of
fered as the delay. The contract has
been let for nearly a year.
It Is Impossible to sweep the street
Is out of order. You go to bed In a
bad humor and get up with a bad taste
In your mouth. Tou want something
to stimulate your liver. Just try Her
blne, the liver regulator. A positive
cure for constipation, dyspepsia and all
liver complaints. Mrs. F ., Fort
Worth, Texss, writes:
"Havs used Herblne In my family for
years. Words can't express what I
think about It. Everybody In my house
hold sre happy and well, and we owe It
to Herblne." Sold by all druggists.
Th big power brooma would tsar tha
old planks to pieces. ' In winter a slush
mud jeovars ths thoroughfare from our
to curb. A few months ago tha ga
and tslephpne companies tors up the
planks to put down mains two or three
airrecent times. '
Don't fall to pay your west side gas
Mil tomorrow. Positively tha last day
or discount
Wise Counsel Trom tha UomXh.
T want to glvs some valuable advice
to those who suffer with lama back and
kidney trouble'' says J. R, Blanken
shlp of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to
an absolute certainty that Electrio Bit
ters Will positively oure this distress
ing condition. The first bottle gave me
great relief and after taking a few
more bottles I was completely cured; so
completely that 1 becomes a pleasure
to recommend this great remedy." Bold
under guarantee, at Red Cross Phax
macy. Pries 50c.
Oae-tas Aider Street, Between
First and Second.
tighthto Tn BEir tbust"
If von aas ths right kind of meas In
wm weather yon will enjoy it. It will
nourish yon and keev up row strength.
There Is nothing mora deueions tnaa a
meat Jelly i and what tastes better than
sold siloed beeft Cook these meats
slowly and sarvs them uiim.
Soup Meat at Smith's
Beef to Boll at Smith's
Shortrlbs Beef at Smith's ..........
Smith's Brisket Beef .4e
Smith's Brisket Pot Roasts ,..r....4
Smith's Shoulder Roast Beef Tc
Smith's Pot Roasts 74
Fancy Prime Rib Roast Beef at
Rolled Rib Roas'ts of Beef.' Smith's' o3
NEARLY $2,500.
Carload of Fine Baui Pianos Come Through From Factory With
Cases Somewhat Marred ia Shipment, and Instead of Repair
ing Them First and Selling Them Afterward, Eilers
Will Sell Them First on a Square-Deal Basis,
at a Radical Reduction, and Repair
Them Afterwards.
"Utah" at the Star.
In the play "Utah," offered yesterday
at the Star, ths author haa found a
theme of great popular Interest and one
of great dramatic power. There are so
many elements of romance connected
with the Mormons Of that state that It
is a prolifio field for writers.
The play deala with the sorrows and
misfortunes of polygamy snd the story
Is that of Daniel Strong, an upright
young man, who Is forced into prison
through the wiles of the father of his
sweetheart. However, be is eventually
given bis liberty and secures his vindi
cation. He also secures the girl from
whom the father Is trying to separate
Miss Margaret Pitt, the popular lead
ing woman of the Star company, has
the part of Faith Farnum, the young
man s sweetheart, and her portrayal o
the character Is an excellent piece of
acting. Raymond Whlttaker. the lead
lng man, plays opposite to her as Daniel
Strong and he makes the most of the
excellent opportunity of his part Other
members of the company appear to good
advantage, and the piece is artistically
"Utah" will be tha blU at the Star
tor tha snUrs week.
Special rata to Chautauqua, 28 cents
round trip, take Oregon Cley cars, direct
to Gladstone Park, everv 85 minutes from
7:S5 a. m., leave Alder street, between
First and Second streets. Tickets must
purchased. On sals In waiting rooms,
arm Aiaer streets ana East water
street ana H&wtborne avenue.
A few of those Chatham Standard In
abators left; the kind that hatches
every fertile egg, ltO and 340 eggs ca
pacity, and as long as they last a B0
gg alas for only 18.00. Do you want
oneT Call or write, Geo. W. Foott, 811
juast aa orris on street, ir-oruana.
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must bs paid for In advance
ana usea omy oetween tne nours or 6
and I a. m and 6 and 9 p. m. It
must not be used for sprinkling streets.
If used contrary to these rules, or
wastefully. It will he shut off.
The Manama Outing to Mount Jeffer
son. July 18 to 2. Membership in the
dub is noi necessary to Join the party. J
tvmpuiw oi trip 145. nei
ters city hall.
Information has been received In
Portland that James QUbreath, chief
engineer on the steamer Tacoma, who
was reported killed la an accident on
75 Women
For lucrative positions in the
Union Laundry. Oar ironers
make $10 to $12 per week, and
"lather work rav eauallv welL
r .. - - - -
We have added another story to
our building, and this additional
"help Is necessary atr once.
Telephone Main 398. ' -
"The Man From the West" at Lyric
"The Man From the West" is the
name of the play that is being produced
by the Allen stock company at ths Lyric
this week. It was given Its first pro
duction yesterday and pleased a large
The storv deals with the unwritten
law and is of deep human interest. Ths
Erinclpal character is a Texas, cattle
lng, who la separated from his wife
snd family through the villainy of a
false friend. After years of separation
be is umtea to tnose ne loves tnrougn
the efforts of bis daughter and the
false friend pays ths penalty of his per
The east Is a strong one and gives all
the Individual members of the Allen
company excellent opportunities. Miss
Josephine Deffrey Is appearing as lead
ing woman Ox the Allen oompany for
the last time this week, and she gives a
most creditable periormanoe. The piay
is one of tne best offered at the Lyric
this summer and is sure to meet with
popularity. It will be the bill for the
entire week.
There was a bill at the Grand theatre
last week which seemed to be about
as good as could be offered in vaude
ville. However, there is a doubt about
Its superiority over the one that was
offered yesterday and will run for the
remainder of the week. The perform
ances pleased large audlenoea yester
day and will likely continue to do so.
The top-line feature this week Is
Charles Carter, a magician of rare
ability. He claims to have mastered
the secrets of the Yogi, but whether he
haa or not he has enough tricks to
mystify most any audience. The next
most important feature, according to
the bill is Abigail Price, who deserves
the title of physio marvel. There la a
similarity between the two acts in
that thev are of a mystical character.
"A Sage-hmsh Widow," is the name
of the comedy playlet produced by
Joseph and Mra uowung, wno an
both clever performers.. The act Is wel
received. The sketch entitled "A Stolen
Kid," by Gavin, Piatt and Peaches is
anotner tnat won inauuii popularity.
Peaches, bv ths way, is a bulldog, but a
very intelligent actor. ,
(8peclal Dlt patch to The Journal.)
Olympla, Wash., July 9. The com
mittee appointed by the last stats legis
lature to dlsouss with ths national ad
ministration the question of forest re
serves In thla state, will have a meeting
at the Butler hotel in Seattle Wednes
day evening with Secretary of the In
terior Garfield, Land Commissioner Bel
linger and Forest Commissioner Plnchot
The state committee consists of At
torney General Atkinson Land Commis
sioner Ross, Senators Kline and Ander
son and RepratentaUvss Upgaa . and,
Lambert. ' -:
Nance O'Neil at Marquam.
Few actresses or players ever created
such a sensation in Portland as Miss saving in space In the car effected and
A square deal is the best policy. That
is the policy of Eilers Piano House.
And that Is the basis upon which the
special sale of Haus pianos is being neia
this week at Eilers. It is a source of
satisfaction, when one is buying any
article and especially a piano to know
all the 'Ins and out" And that la
one of the reasons why the piano seeker
Is safe in buying at Eilers, because
every piano la sold strictly upon its
merits, and Is represented exactly as
It Is.
This week a carload of the well-known
Baus pianos ars being sold at a radical
sacrifice. These pianos were ahlpped
In harness or, in other words, un
boxed, under the modern method adopted
by the House of Eilers, whereby the ex
pense ot Doxes is aone away wnn. a
Nance O Nell In "The Boroeress" last
night. An Immense audience was captl
vated and the star was given an ova
tion. The piece Is magnificently staged.
i ne oorceress win be repeated to
night, tomorrow afternoon and night,
"Utah" a Hit.
When the stock company at the Star
presented "Utah" last night for the
first time it msde a hit. There is spe
cial scenery In plenty and the play was
attractively mounted. Matinees will be
given Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
Beats are now selling.
Another Orand Success.
The bill at the Grand this week is
meeting expectations of patrons. The
headline act of Charles Carter, a ma
gician, is something unique and his
vi ii .i n nw,i aim now 10 xuriimnu.
''Honey Boy," the new eastern song hit.
is sung Dy joe inompson.
Sailors at the Oaks.
Sailors from the cruiser Charleston
now in port will appear as mitnstrel
performers at the Oaks, besinnlnr to
night The sailors are endeavoring to
raise funds for a library. Every young
ster win oe interested in the announce
raent that Don Carlo's dog show will bs
a free attraction next week.
Great Lyric Hit.
In "The Man From the West" the
Allen stock oompany Is scoring a hit at
the Lyric. It Is a breesy drama of the
frontier ana mingles adventure, ro
mance and pathos In delightful nronor
tlons. If is full of action and Is inter
esting In the extreme.
Potter Schedule for the
Beach This Week.
The sailing schedule of the steamer
Potter this week from Portland, Ash
street dock, is as follows: Wsdnesday,
7 a. m.; Thursday, T a. m.; Friday, 7:J0
a. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. Get tickets and
make reservations at city ticket office.
Third and Washington streets. C. W.
SUnger, city ticket agent
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank many friends, espe
cially the Modern Woodmen, Odd Fel
lows and the Rebekahs, for their sym-
riathy ahown us in our late bereavement
n the death of our dear one. Mrs.
Emma Weeks, Mrs. Jane Weeks. W. D.
Colonel William Parsons, formerly of
Pendleton, who has been for several
vears connected with the educational
system in the Philippine islands, arrived
in fortiano sunaay to meet nis ramny.
His eon, William O. Parsons, Is a cap
tain of constabulary in the islands.
Portland Heights Folks!
Ths first five satisfactory applicants
tomorrow will be given a piano apiece
delivered in the home at a merely
nominal price in order to acquaint
Portland Heights more fully with our
superior pianos and metnoas or selling.
can any nour ana mass
Reed-French Piano company,
reduction of freight accomplished by
reason of the weight of boxes being
eliminated. Not only thla but thl
method enables shipping two or thrse
more pianos in a car.
This particular car of Baus pianos
was Improperly "harnessed" the braces
between the Instruments became loos
and the pianos rubbed and bumped to
gether. Now, any one knows what a
sensitive finish there is on a piano
how easily it mars and scratches and
It Is sasy to appreciate that a very little
Jolting of one piano against another
would create serious damage. That was
hat happened to these Baus pianos.
They reached us in Imperfect condition.
Some are hardly damaged at all; others
will need a little rednlshlng.
But Instead of putting them all
through our shop flrs and selling them
afterward, we propose to sell them first
and reflnlsh them later. The railroad
and the factory have shouldered the re-
onslblllty for the damage, and have
lowed us a liberal concession for the
and this allowance we have deducted
from the selling price and every piano
In the lot has bsen marked down to a
figure that will move It quickly. The
damage In every case is confined to the
outside of the instrument Not one has
been injured so far as the action or inte.
rlor is concerned. Musical qualities will
be fully guaranteed.
sza fkxcb sxrrsKinroa.
Regularly these pianos would sell in
an ordinary retail way for 1350 and
1375, but we have eliminated practi
cally all profits, In addition to ths al
lowance for the marring, and now offer
these -nstruments for $185, $176 and
correspondingly reduced figures, depend
lrur upon condition. We will sell them
on a basis to move them quickly, as we
do not cars to havs Imperfect pianos on
our floors. A small first paymsnt and
moderate monthly amounts will secure
any one of mem. The necessary repair
work will be done at actual cost, and
when the Instruments are delivered to
the purchasers no one will ever be able
to detect a trace of their mishap. In
deed, many firms would put these pianos
through the shop and sell them as per
fect Instruments,
give our patrons a
bargain. Bargains help to advertise us,
and every purchaser during
will be well enough pleased to say a
friendly word for us when the chance
zroTZD ros bzuabeutt.
Baus pianos sre excellent Instruments.
We've sold them for a long time sold
a great many of them. There are many
right here in Portland. They'll stand
the test of a critical oomparlson, with
any Instrument at their cost We d like
to have any intending piano purchaser
look them over, try their tone and touch;
notice their careful finish; their good,
honest workmanship, all through. You'll
say they're one of the biggest bargains
of ths year and they are. Come today
or tomorrow for there were only 16 alto
gether in the oar, and they'll all be
snapped up within the next few days.
We have several of these pianos in our
corner window notice them as you
come along. And remember the loca
tion 858 Washington, corner of Park.
Eilers Piano House, the House of High
est Quality and Lowtst prices.
But we prefer to
square deal and a
thla sale
"Bang" It's the first "report" of our
Special Straw Mat Sale
12 dozen Fine Split Straw Stiff Brim Sailors at
They Won't Last LongBetter Hurry,
Whv swelter In the heatT Take a
car ride out to the highest, coolest and
most beautiful plane in the olty.
Oood Koala.
piesuUd moon
(Phone Mam a.)
.15c. 50c. 76o and 1100
aek. "Ingotnar.
lAst half
Phone Main 4(81.
This week the Allen 8tock Company,
m KAjr noK ran wbit."
. I TW.. a w C a ,!.. F
and Sunday. Prloes, 10c, JOc. Every eve.
ning at 1:15. Prices, loo, iso ana soo.
mil it nnone. Mala 4115.
Office open from 10 a. m, to 10 p. ra.
. Sixth and
Don't fall to pay your west slda gas
positively tne last day
bill tomorrow.
of discount
What do you think of a
t c a that . returns y o u r
money if you don't like it?
tew giocernrsras roar eneyUjos oYa'l
iScmroovdl Salle
Welch's Slogan: "If not right, Welch makes it right," applies
the same as usual during this sale.
TandertUs a XVnsa,
Week of July 8, "07.
"The Mysteries of tha Togt"
"A Chanter from tha tmperaatural."
Joseph J. and Myra Davis Dowllng
Gavin, Piatt ana feaones tne r our
Shannons Joe Thompson 10th Can
tury Motion Pictures.
Tha Beorganlaed fftaf Stock Co
Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays, Satur
days and Sundays at 1:10; prices 10 and
20 cents.
Every evening at 1:11; prices 10, to
and (0 cents.
sbbat onrjrara saxb or txcxbts
to bb mat a
July 17th ;
Ths tickets ean be secured from hm
Orocsrs' secretary C. B. Merrlek, third
floor, Allsky building, corner Third and
Morrison strseta Get your ticket la
time. Don't delay.
4,000 Grocers
200,000 People
la ths Northwest cm tall yen all about
Golden Grain
The pure, rich, nutritious core si haaltS '
coffee. It la ,
100 Per ' Cent Pure
If you buy a oaekaara of Golden drain.
Oranufea and If you are not perfectly
satisfied with it after you have used
half of the package, send ma too nam
and address and ths name of your '
grocer, and I shall refund yon your
monsy. Do not make It too strong; nso
plenty of water. Our cereal eoffaa la '
pure and stronger. ,
It front St. Portland, Or. i
It Acres of Shows, Shade,
Flowers and Dasallng Eleo-
trical Illumination.
"The erewd goes where tht crswd U"
Whirls on the Whirl; Dips In
the Bath Pavilion; Shoots on
the Chutes; Rolls in the Rollsr
Rink; Dashes on Figure t Loop.
These will help some to cool off.
Season tickets, at low rates,
admit you free st Oaka gate
each a. m.; free instruction.
Anderson & Klesnsr tn charge.
Schilzoivi'i DaalarUs Hussars
In Delightful Concerto Dally.
SATURDAY Don Carlos and
His Dog Circus Free In Open
Dinners at Tavern, S to .
U. S. 1 Char lettos Mlaitrtts TtBl(bt
Nineteenth Year Opens Scp
tember 10, 1J97; ;
The academy fits boys and girls for
eastern and westsrn colleges. Boarding
hall for girls provides for a limited
number. Elementary grades, both pri.
mary and grammar, under tha aame
management Office hours during tha
summer, a. m. to It m. and from
t to . m. For catalogue, . addrata
me worst disease
' earth, m tha
( te core WHl 1
TO DO. Uisy se
pimples, spots ea th
kin, sores is the
taxwith. ulcers, fslllne
hair, hose pilaa, ct-
W5 Aws it., frnm., fo
BROWNS BLOOD titii), J00 pr Wttl!
!( en . f -i la frortUad seiy kl ,
Weedwecd, Clacks
Vacation Trips
Whether (or a day's knockabout
over. Sunday's ran, or a dep-ea
cruiao. tha looker and storeroom
must contain supplies of tha beat
to eat -Tou desire no disappoint
ment en thla tack. There should
bo none.
D.C Burns Co.
offer tow tha advantages of a
offlolsat service) with delivery or
shipment of your orders to any
point designated on axaoi hours
and data you , specify. D. C
BURNSXtf. have only tha best
table dolleaelaa,
Freight paid by u to your
nearest railroad depot or team
boat landing.
For tha Tarjr boat at Vowest
prlcaa. ,-v .
D.C Burns Co.
v rhoaesi
-110 CTCXBB fT.
Vat ei A-ISSS.