y THE .OREGON:' DAILY JOURNAL, JPORTLAfJD, TUESDAY. EVENINO, JULY ' 9, 1307. 1 . :;.'., .'. ; .. TEACHERS HEAR ;nionnn nnniTV 1 iiiiinijr ijuiiiii I , upeff Meeting oi uxiraorai . nary Interest Fill Bo Held Tonight. : FLETCHEE DEESSiAR ; ON MANUAL TRAINING Berkeley University Professor Says That Leartlng nd Doing Must Not D Blade Separate and "Isolate Things.. , (Jooratl Special Service.) Los Angeles, July l.No general ses lon waa held by the National Eduea tlonal association today, but a-program of extraordinary Interest - ha bo ae ranged tor the open meeting thla even Ing, sad It If predicted that the treat a xuaWTJrium. spacious though It ia, will unable to accommodate the thousand! Iji w1 will eek admittance to hear the it, luarnMi' 01 joisnop iuuaiy, rmiacni Jn'1 hompson 1 of Ohio State university, , tenor Justo Sierra, Mexican minlstor or puouo instruction, ana otner men or wide prominence who are on the pro gram. Numerous department meeting's are being held in various parts of the city today at which papers are to be read by the following members: Kindergarten Miss Grace E. Barnard. Oakland, California; Margaret E. Scbal lenberger, San Jose, California, Higher Education Joseph H. Hill, president of Kansas State Normal school; Reuben Post Halleck, Louisville, Kentucky: Alexis Frederick Lange, Uni versity of California. Manual Training ueorge w. jiggers, Chicago; Fletcher B. Dressier, Univer sity of California; Charles H. Keyes, Hartford, Connecticut; Thomas A. Molt, Richmond, Indiana. Music Hamlin E. Cogswell, Indiana, Pennsylvania; Stephen B. U Penrose, president of Whitman college. Walla Walla, Washington; William McK. Vancei Delaware, Ohio; Miss Kathryn Stone. Los Angeles: Frederlo H. Ripley, Boston, and Dr. Frank R. Rlx, New York City.. Business H. M. Rowe, Baltimore; James J. Sheppard, New Tork City; James Ferguson, San Francisco; H. B. Brown, president of Valparaiso univer sity, Valparaiso. Indiana, and F. C Weber. Ixta Anrelea. rhiM m i (Tv J. K. Btableton. Bloom In (t ton. Illinois; Miss Jessie B. Allen, lsm AnnlM. and C. C. Van Llew. presl dent of State Normal school, Chlco, f'allfVirnla Science H. A. Senter, omana. we- NERVOUS COLLAPSE ! ' - , xa oyTjar mtxtzd t 4a. wx i-'iuki' pane pxxu. ."-' Takea Waea taa Plrrt Waning Sjymp ' soma- Am Jrotloed , Much JTsealess ufferlag Map ive. :v:; ? Are you troubled with pallor, loss of Dints, waves Of heat naaatna- aver the pbody, shortness of breath 'after alight exertion, a . peculiar skipping of the heart beat, poor digestion, cold extremi ties or a feeling of weight and fullness? Do not make the mistake of thinking that these are diseases In themselves and be satisfied vwlth temporary relief. This. is the way the nerves give warn tag that they are breaking down. It simply means' that the blood has become Impure and cannot carry enough, nour ishment t te nerves tot keep them healthy and able to do their work. Rest, alone, will sometimes erive the needed relief. The tonlo treatment by Dr. .Williams' Pink Pills, Jiowever; pre vents the final breakdown of the nerves and the more" serious ' diseases which follow because the pills act directly upon the impure blood, making It rich, red and pure, . Mrs. E. C. Bradley of lot -, Parsella avenue, Rochester, New York, says: 1 was never very healthy ana some 'ears ago, when in a run-down oondi ion. I suffered a nervous shock, caused by a misfortune to a friend. It was so great that I was unfitted for work. "1 waa just w Mit, low-spiritea ana nervous. I could hardly walk and could not bear the lease noise. - My appetite was poor and I did not care for food. I couldn't sleep well and once for two weeks got scarcely an hour's sleep. I had severe headaches most of the time and pains in the back and spine." vi waa treated Dy two aoctors, Demg rrtler the care of one of them for six montha I got no relief and - then de cided to try Dr. WllUjftns' Pink Pills. I soon beaan to feel better and the im provement was general. My appetite be came hearty and my sleep better. The headaches all left and also the pains in my bsck. A few more boxes entirely cred me and I was able to go back to work. I felt splendid and as though I had never been sick." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Invalu able In such diseases as rheumatism, after-effects of the grip and fevers, neu ralgia, St. Vitus' dance and even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for fl.Se, by the Dr. Williams Medicine company Schenectady, N. Y. BISHOP SCADDIflG Oil CITIZENSHIP bra8ka?cand ciifton h. ' Hodge, Clark Views of Greatest Breadth in His Oration on July Fourth. linlvralt v Physical Training; E. H. Arnold, New Haven. Connecticut; W. W. Hastings, Springfield, Massachusetts; W. F. Snow. Iceland Stanford Junior university; Clark W. Hetherlngton. University of Missouri, and EL J. Milne, Salt Lake NOW ON MISSION IN eouin Carolina.; Aioen doiiui 7, -.-dent of State Normal school, Whlte- walr Wisconsin. iaian Eduntinn Elmer E. Brown commissioner of education of the United On the subject, "Manual Training in Tta natation to Mental Development.' Fletcher B. Dressier, associate profeasor department of education. University of COOS BAY COUNTRY rlifnrniiL Berkeley. California, said: "Manual training tn its larger and truer sense means learning now to enter Into organising activity with the hands and how to come Into active participa tion with all those fundamental ana imeful occucatlons necessary for mod ern life and society. This law of men tal development demands that our rnuraefl In manual nii It reaulres that all our school work be adjusted from the point of view of the organisation of body and mind, to the end that learning and 4nlnr are not Isolated, separate things. "One of the most urgent needs of our achnoia la better eauiDtnent for Diay - . . for rree piay is one or cue Declares Oregon Spirit Animates Portland Instead of Alleged Port land Spirit Maes Friends for His Charch and Church in General. rounds, ror iree Diay highest forms of manual training. Play Ing ball and tennis are better organ Is Ing agents ror me larger ana more run (Specie! Correspdesce to The Toerssl.) Bangdon. Or., July 4. Ranchers, farm ers and loggers for miles around have training be broad- assembled with the townspeople today in a grove on the seaside to celebrate the glorious Fourth. The procession from town was beaded by the Bandon brass band. The oration was delivered by Bishop Scaddlng of the Episcopal church In Oregon. The Bishop was in troduced by Colonel Rosa, and spoke with fervor on the subject of good M damental adjustments than any sort of I cltisenshlp. He neither twisted the work in wood and iron, our notion cr uoa'm tall nor made the eagle scream, manual training should be so broadened . . . Ainrt anri nraetlcai wav that It should consist not only of shop but lD yery o1 "0 practical way work, but of many kinds of Jleld work "he showed the moral force of true and abundance of regular playground patriotism In the nation, the state and experience. -. th h-- t I . T - . . . I CAKVING MATCH ON Pt cltls.na to criticise and 1 disparage- axi jr f iihiiti auu cuu- STEAMER HASSALO &v;-SSrlJt! there is much corruption and evil in the (Special DUpatcb toTh Joeraat) Astoria, Or., July .. Scott Anderson, a waiter, and John Scott, a cook, on the steamer Hassalo, got into an alterca tion Sunday evening and during 'the row Anderson slashed Scott with - a butcher-knife, .cutting b,l right hand and inftlctlna a severe wound in his .IA. flnnlt araa taken to the hOSDltal. tne injuries were iouna 10 do country he branded the popular theory the "every man has his price" as false as tne accusation tnat -every man in orexon is web-rootea. "There are." he said, "hundreds of honest and upright men, and they should have our loyal appreciation and cordial support. - Let us look for the best in men, and believe there is a good side to every man" Portlands! Altruistic He corrected a local Impression that. han thu miurles were thourh not dangerous. Scott Vu arraigned in Justice court yesterday portlanders have no interest in Oregon I TisUernoon charged with an assault with outside the city. He said the Portland I a eslaxerous weapon. He waived exam- newspapers were not provincial, and I lnatltm ana wan rommm i nm county Jail in default or it&o Dan, to await action or tne circuit tuuru ogw men are negroes. were doing their best to create an Ore gen spirit, and that while his head quarters ' are m rortiana ne is as much LIGHTNING STBIKES CBEW OF HAYMAKERS fSDeelal DbMteb to The Jon rati. Butte, Mont., July Lightning struck a haying crew near Cascade yes terday afternoon,-killing one man and iniurlng five. The dead man. Theodore Anderson, was hurled SO feet in th air. lighting on top of a load of hay. . You Can't Enjoy YOUR VJiCJITlOJH It you find that the strange eatin and u," tn ilikino. iinaata vonr atnmach anil lvr in lino. and causes vou to suffer from an attack of Cramp, vunnvm or auinaunii ne Interested in" the remote and isolated missions In Oregon as in the missions in the city. . - - "Oregon will go forward in its devel opment with, great rapidity when the farmers, ranchers and villagers loosen ud. and a-tve liberally of their means. and interest, and sparingly of their criticism, to all public spirited move ments which tend to build up a munlty," said the bishop. "Men get good by giving it;-they gain by giving the I to your town your slate and the church 10 wmcn you Deiung. 00 mag as you reside in a community, or are a member of an' institution do not vilify, condemn or disparage It. Not that you will in jure the institution, but when you dis parage the concern of which you are a part, you disparage yourself. In the words of s Elbert Hubbard, Get out or Crlows Over Oregoa's Puture, The blshoo sooke in xlowlns- terms of on the safe siae ana (axe aiong a serue Oregon, ana its ruture; ana particularly of II'. 1 nun r m 1 1 sa ..'J6fj ?i i , a P: of the prospects for the Coos Bay coun try. He said he had come to live in this , state permanently, ana-ne aesirea to identify nimseir wttn it and help ror ward every cooa movement. He eook earnestly, as a citizen of the TTnlted States, and not merelyasvthe head of the Kpisoopal church in Oregon, and this kindly attitude, and manifest desire to take a foremoat part in every morement for the good of Oregon, has won manv friends tn the coos Country for the EdIscodsI church, and those who symptom win save listen to the bisnop's sermons Sundays you much unneo-land week days, also, nave a wearer un- essary : suffering, I aerstanamg 01 nis position. tor It never -run. to keep the Btom-IMI) FITS NKVKtt'NIl Kidneys in a keal. SNI Q AT (JAJVBl also cures liostetter's Stomach Bitters A dose at the first Wonderfuil . OppoFtnnity tto Bs in Suits That Should Crowd This Department Tomorrow Choice of Tailored Suits, &"t O tf Worth 915 to $18.50 iov 3lr3OU Just' 40 new styJish suits are In this lot some were bought only a few Aveeks ago others are remainders of our regular lines in a limited range of sizes. The materials are chiffon, 'Panama and fancy worsteds in plain tailored or handsomely trimmed effects. The styles include French Eton, bolero and short, tight-fitting models. Choicd of Tailored Suits - Worth 820.00 to 925.00 3ltOU Fashionable tailor-made Suits in this lot They come in finest Panamas, serges, plain and fancy worsteds, in the newest mod els ot fcton and tight-fitting styles. HP New White Waists $1.00 These are not the ordinary Waists shown at this price, but finely made, stylish, good fitting; Waists, which have been made to our order by manufacturers whose reputation is shown in each garment; there are 10 styles to select from, some are trimmed witn laces and embroideries, others are made with fine tucks and Pleats; choice of Waists worth up to $1.75 On Sale ttfc u fhTh at tpJLoHJ Hundreds of Wash Skirts In shrunk cotton, pique, repp and linens, in pleated, gored and flare styles, i perfectly tailored and the best fitting wash Skirts ever offered; the Q Cfl price range is f 1 f 1.50, f 1.T5, 2.50,. $0.0J 0125 Wrappers for $1.00 Our entire stock of $1.25 Wrappers; they are made of good grade percale, in dark ground, with neat stripes and figured designs; these wrappers are not made sAnt and thrown together for the purpose of selling cheap, but they are our best $1.25 wrappers, measure JY4 yaros arouna Doiiom 01 SKirt, aeep flounce, finished with wide hem and self AA straps, at ej)l. UU. Long Kimonos A' new assortment of long Kimonos of pretty fig ured lawn in white, pink, blue and lavender, QQ with plain border, $1.25 value for SOC DRESSING SACQUES In dainty figured lawn, sleeves, neck and front finished with button 40 holed edge; good 75c values on sale at aOC Children's Dresses Blue chambray, fancy plaids and white Dresses for girls, sizes 4 to 14 years; prices range 0? flfl from SOt to PI.UV Bathing Suits At Popular Prices Great many new styles are shown this season, all pret tily trimmed with fancy braids. Prices Range from 91.50 to 94.50 Children's Hats and Caps Large assortment of Duck Hats and Tarns, at 2K 35 and 60f cniiarens straws at zof, OOf, 75f and f 1 Mexican Hats for men, women and children Sun Bonnets, in all colors, best quality 19ft Skirt Special 100 all-wool Panama in black, blue, gray and brown, in five of the best models; special gQ Hosiery and Underwear Special Tomorrow Every item is at a cut price away below what you customarily pay for qualities offered. The Mid-Summer Sale of 1907. A splendid stock awaits you the best we have ever gathered for a season's sailing. Women's Underwear 40o Sleeveless Vests 25o 'Women's fine white Swiss ribbed sleeve less Vests, made with crochet yoke in new attractive patterns, regular OC 40c values, specially priced at....X0C Children's Underwear i An 35o Vests and Pants Xcf U Tomorrow we place on sale a special lot of children's fine lisle thread Vests and Pants, in all sizes, one of our best 1Qj selling numbers at 35c, at the low price of iVC Women's Underwear 7 5o Sleeveless Vests Women's fine imported Swiss ribbed Vests and Pants, in shades of. pink, blue and white, made of fine mercerized silk with hand crochet silk yokes, in all the newest patterns; best CQa 75c grade, specially priced 'at J7C 59c Women's Parasols Bejrula ta.OO aaa Q-f fa $30 ftradea . . . . 1 3 Tomorrow we place on sale another spe cial lot of women's hig-h trade Parasols, in plain white and fancy colors, this sea son's most stylish effects, assortment so larae that all may be suited reg-ular tl and $2.50 values, specially priced for this sale at 49 Attractive Values in SUMMEB BEDDING 5 FOR COTTON BLANKETS Full 10-f else, colors gray and white, ood wearing- quality; special values at this rice. fi FOR COTTON BLANJCRTSDNiII 1-4 slse. rrav only, sxtra welsrht a nit splendid wearing quality; sold elsewhere m 11.20, S3. SO FOR WOOL BLANKETS Full . 4s,-gry mixed wool Blankets, made of fine select wool, aztra good auallty. fully worth 14.60. -55 FOR FEATHER PILLOWS 17 H by 28 inches, full H lbs. weight, cov ered with strong blue and white striped ticking; usual 7Ec value". ?8 FOR FEATHER FILLOWS 10 by 7 inches, full I lbs, weight, covered with best quality fancy flowered tick ing, colors blue, pink and green; usual 11.25 vslues. 95 FOR BEDSPREADS Full slse, for double beds, neat attractive patterns, hemmed ready to use; exceptional val ues at this price. nrDzossTxov -com xxTxirxsai ; HXAXTSTBV . OX I Try a bottle. We guarantee i pure. tSoeeial tMseetea te Tbe 7eersal.k Canbv. Or Julr . Canby has. cele brated a dry Sunday, the first in many fears. Marshal -Dick, under 1 lnstruc lons from Mayor Mack, ordered all sa loen tlahtlv - closed, which - order was obeyed. Tbe usual thirsty crowd from Portland was on hand, but nothing was doing. ' - " .. '" - 1 .'. i Itls said that the saloon men will en deavor to have all other business places, such as drug stores, oandy and cigar stores snd. soft dxlng 1 sstabllshuenUf closed also, vf .x"t-:1 r-,.,: At Extra Special Values Seasonable Dress Fabrics for Summer Cream white Mohairs, beautiful silk finish, pure As trachan yarn, will wash nicely, come in all the popular weaves, five widths to select from: 36-in. Mohairs 40 44-in. Mohairs T5 38-in. Mohairs .....50 50-in. Mohairs ...fl.OO 54-in. Mohairs ...fl.25 Cream Colored Dress Fabrics unapproached values. 40-inch Crepe Albatross. 38-inch Henrietta. 38-inch Nuns Veiling. 40-inch Sicillian. 38-inch Wool Taffeta. 38-inch Wool Batiste. 38-inch French Serge. A -ay j 1 oo-inca uonva raonair. lard V 36-inch Mohair MestroL Pongee Silks A great showing of Pongee Silks, popular, durable, cool : and washable; will outwear any' silk made. Here are some of our own importations yery much tmderoriced: 26-inch, Plain Pongee at 6Se 26-inch Shan Tung Pongee at 8Se '24-inch Embroidered Pongee at fl.OO 34-inch Hand-made Pongee at...., fl.25 5,000 yards Jap Habutai Silks, in an endless assort ment of pretty printed designs, in all the best tolors; : a cool, styusa and washable silk for sum- x iner wear, specially priced at, Pf Tt d, 50e Muslin Underw'r Specials Tomorrow Fall Assortment of Fresh, New Garments to Choose From DRAWERS Drawers of cambric or muslin, tucked flounce, edged with lace or ruffle of em- MO broidery. 75c VALUES. SALE PRICED. .. .4oC DRAWERS of cambric or nainsook, lace or em broidery trimmed, regular or extra sizes; worth 85c. On sale at .68 48c Petticots 98c Deep flounce, with cluster of tucks and lace inserting - and edge; or tuck ed flounce and ruf fle, of embroidery. special, t. PETTICOATS.' with deep; flounce, lace inserting and edge or embroidery trimmed. Choice at. .f 1.45 GOWNS of muslin yoke of tucks and lace insert ing neck and sleeves : finished with rnfflesr 75c alues at.;. .......,..,... .....88 GOWNS of cambric and nainsook trimmed With laces of embroideries $1 yalues,' special at:....85r A WHEN TI-JB PL,AY IS OVER After the theatre nothing is so refreshing as a glass of our delicious tee cream soda, or a plate of our unexcelled, let , cream.. Every product served Is our own make. Cakes fresh from the oven three tunes a day. ROYAL BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Washington and West Park THE MANUFACTURERS OF GOLDEN GRAIN " GRANULES HAVE CAPTURED ', .; . . SALEM, OREGOfr The capital of the state of Oregon and county seat of Marion county, 15,500 population, 100-foot streets, 17 churches, four banks, Indian training school, deaf and dumb school, state penitentiary, Inssno asylum and other state institutions.. ASK ANY OF THE FOLLOW INU rlKMS IN 5ALKM FOR A PACKAGE OF Golden Grain Gra rhe cereal health coffee (100 per cent pure), which makes everybody strong who drinks it regularly; it tastes swell. 25f per package. nnles RUTHERFORD ft DOE FARRINGTON ft VAN PAT TON H. M. BRANSAN BELLE ft STIFFLER GIBLET ft CO. L. H. SCHULTZ MOIR GROCERY CO. A. DAUE. , y ROTH ft EPPLEY, 7 A, L. HARVEY ; DAMON ft FOSTER 2? W. A. IRVIN ft CO. F. O. BOWERSOX i O. X. STORE SHORT RIVER TRIPS TO OREGON CITY AND RETURN UN FOUR HOURS Aiiis ia iilusl uciigiiuui iitci 11 ly. i inc wai ia uu . vvjiiiiui fc- able; no finer scenery in the west; it's a short trip, full of rest and comfort. Entertain your friends by. giving them the Oregon-City excursion. Boat leaves daily 7:30, 11:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Leaves Oregon City 9:30 a. m., 1:30 anfl 5:30 p. m. Round trip, 45eV Tickets exchanged with O. W. P. & Ry. Co. cars. Oregon Gty Transportation Co. FOOT OF MAIN STREET. PHONE MAIN 40 ". Stop ruggmg Don't Rum Your Stomach With Poisons.: You know drugs haven't helpad you and that they have weakened your stomaoh and nerves. Tou would like to quit but you are afraid you would be neglecting your condition It you didn't take some kind ot "dope." Ever since you pan remember you have understood that ths only way to cure pain or disease was to All your stomach with drugs. Your father before you took drugs for every little ail ment, and you think you must do the same. That's a foolish notion. You don't seem to realise the danger in drugs. Why, most ail drugs contain poison in large quantities, and It is this poison that's so destruc tive to the nerves and vitals. Of course poison- will ease pain ror a short time by stu pefyinar the nerves, but tha nain cames back a soon as the stupor wears off. What your body needs is not drugs, but nourishment something to build up, not to tear down. - Thai nourishment is electricity. Feed It to your nerves and they will absorb it. Just as a sponge absorbs water, and carry It to every organ and tis sue of your body, where- it aivaa energy and strength to all weak xour 00a j is run oy electricity. It's the lack of electric! tv tha causes sickness ' and disease. When vou have a full supply of aWtrla energy you ara healthy and strong. mactricUV IS ' tha uses to restore health, so can't you sea that drugs . won't arlva tou thla XoreeT - .j Y-;- -' ;:r .v.i-v Human aiectricitv comas from tha food you eati The diaestlve Juices of tha stomach burn the food and produce this power, which Is forced tnrougn tne nerves to run the hu man machine. When you con your stomach with drusrs y ou . .rrennn yonr ? ply Of electric ( rgy, 1" r urn i - j- v I Electro af Ha tha an ' alec mo set tha stomach, rendering ' It able to generate thla force. Help Nature cure ' by restoring electricity wnera it is neeoeo. Kleetra - Vla-nr ilnca h1a whiu sleep, it saturates tha nervea with. tnis glowing power and these con- uuui am xurcv- to ing jmr tnai auing ana quiokiy restore health. Elect ro-Vlror la a relief from j o v u. aa."B . ivmurn the causa of disease, and when that is aone no pain or aicaness can Virer Is not belt. It la s. dry. cell ' body battery and . makes : lta own , Dower eon tlnuously. r There Is no charging to ao just put it on and turn on tJie current. ::T nlttll r' a" Vtaxka cured ma of diges tive trouble and restored my strength after ' I Bad .. tried manv that ; methods i without 1nerit. THO8. KELaAT. Bmitn, Oregon. Get It FREE Get triy 100-page book describing 1 . Jt,ieciro - vigor , ana witn inu- tions of fully developed jnea ana women, showinr how It U applied. This book tails In plain Unf uaga many things you want 10 , and gives a lot of good, wholesoma advice .or men. - , i) send this book, prepaid, fraa, If vou wiu mall this coupon. m "" now. ; f . Av- i S. A. HALt. r.!. 0. rie "id r. Pf " v free 109-pas , ' 7-S-i Kama " ' , ' ' ...-U.. V . r-