-1 THE OREGON .DAILY. UOURNAU , PORTLAND, . TUESDAY, EVENINO, . JULY 9. ICC?. , . .1-.. ,i7 ') i i i, , 1 ' s our mm to hebei hahos iT; TURNED OPffl 1NHIH III RESlGllAIII ( Interest Very High and Sue- Mayor Lane Will Accept and : Federation President Will Not Betray Haywood on Witness Stand and Will cess Assured Nursery men in Convention. Appoint New City Phy sician at Once. Testimony. fSseelal Dispatch to The JoamaU Salem, Or., July . The second an nual cherry fair to fee hald under ths Give Orchard the Lie onl10" ' Horticultural society I spacious Auditorium skating rink hall. Th interest la all the more absorbing in urn meeting Deoause or the ractaqat the Pacific Coast Nurserymen's assocla- tlon will meet in connection with the cherry fair and flower festival. The TJv Inhn NevlnS. I ""imr imriiun 01 ins I air nil noi iw.m.i SwcUl serrlce.) . . , . . ..Pi nor- oeen, and It reared that the flower Boise. Ida. July The early por- ,e8t)va, win not b BO rat a iuccul. 'tlon of today's session of the Hr" m expected. On the other hand the ! trial was again devoted to me Mn tiuH.mromtm In tha harrv FEICTION CAME OVER 'PESTHOUSE EEPAIES Requisition Antedated and Chief Ex ecntive Holds Such Action la Not in Line With Cautious Administra tion of City's Affairs. fair assures the success of the venture. The prises are to ba awarded Tnurs- doDOsltions. Darrow . . ..iv ih Mnnr in his call this . ,A.rmttnn nrnaldent sSvs "y. on the second day of the exhibit, morning. The federation president says Jud cho,en gom. Ume ago by he is la tine condition. He la looking Prudent H. C Atwell are It L. Smith 'r.iMi.lv forward to the ordeal on the of Hood River, Professor C. I. Lewis anxiously rorwara " J" of Corvsills and Mark Levy of Portland. ' witness stand and will absolutely deny Thf prorram or the r,t day lB u Orchard's testimony In so far aa It re- follsws: lates to htm counseling or even Pnit- Wednesday. July 10 Afternoon essloa, ting by Implication or suggestion that , Jr. h vinlftnca in connection with 1130 p. m. taking Orchard to Ouray, and that he Address of welcome. Oeorge F. ant Orchard to Idaho to kill Steunen- Bodges, mayor of Salem. fir. Weleome on behalf of Salem board , ' Kaaafeetaxed Sridenoe. of trade. H. B. Thlejsen. president of Albert A Swain. Denver agent of the Salem board of trade. Pueblo Chieftain was put on the stand Response on behalf of fruitgrowers 'tihs afternoon, while the reading of and nurserymen. H. C. At well, president .deplUoos was temporarily dispensed of the State Horticultural Society. with? in order to testify to ths confer- Address, T. W. Power, president of nee between himself and Detective the Paclfio Coast Nurserymen's assocl- McParland at Denver. Darrow said the all on. witness would testify to an attempt on "Commercial Bulb Growing," A. Llng- McParland's part to manufacture false ham. evidence against Haywood, but Borah Evening Session. P- m. .objected and was sustained and Swain "Marked Line Between Inferior and was not permitted to tell his story. He Kuofrlor Nursery Stock.' J. A. Stewart. was withdrawn as witness, "arw "The Necessity of United Effort, promising ne wouia rscau mm jj. mgiass. rariana no tesuiiea. Allan F. GIU, Spokane contractor, formerly city engineer of that city, master mechanio at too Tiger and Poor- arJcAK FUNERAL SERVICES tried to seu airs, uui ms uhw m the Hercules mine In 1899. Hs saw Orchard In Spokane In 10S with Jack Slmpklns. Orchard - In discussing the Hercules matter, the witness, swore, said he would have been a millionaire 19 times over It It had not been for aUsunenbera. Ho said caroona was Dr. a It: Wheeler, city physician, has banded his resignation to Mayor Lane and it will be accepted and a new official appointed. The resigna tion was caused by a dissension between the mayor and Dr. Wheeler over a re- auest made for an appropriation of flSO for ths repair of ths past-house and grounds. This was In turn precipitated by the discovery by Mayor Lane that ths clerk in the cltv a requisition for repairs to the boiler at the pest-house at the direction of toe city pnysician, wnen in tact ins requisition had not been Issued until after the bill for the work had bean foil. rendered to ths health offlos lowing the completion of the lob. According to the contention of Dr. wheeler the - health department W. 'The Cherry In Eastern Orecon." Judd i Qeer. . "European Method a," J. B. Ptlklngton. spending money which belonged to him. fea saaillnr of deDOsitlons was aaatn taksa up and consumed ths balance of ' COUNTER CLAIM IN given an appropriation of 1600 for ths use of the department. Hs has during the past year expended perhaps 1100 of the sum In various ways so that there Is now In the fund approximately 1400. In submitting his estimate for the oora lng month's expenses, Dr. Wheeler asked for 11(0 for "repairs to ths pest house and grounds." - At a meeting held several days ago tit expense animate was submitted to the mayor and when the $160 Item was reached the mayor asked what the sum was Intended for. Dr. Wheeler states that he explained that it was for the a rrt TT AT TIT i XT0 mrr t TrCT I construction oi a zence ana oiner worn Al llULJllAJN O LliAxHiL which might have to be done, or to meet any accident that might happen. The mayor then asked what It would cost to construct the fence, upon which Dr. Wheeler said he had not yet determined. Ths mayor then asked what accidents could happen and the city physician said: 1 "Well, ths boiler might blow up. It did last winter." The mayor then directed that tha tlEO Funeral services over ths remains of b strlcksa out and a fund to cover 1L , a.- . . ... I Vlisj nuiai Bauu J IISUIIVU IUOI WVU. VI v- me mis jiin il. warDaugn, wno aiea th, estlmat submitted to ths Last Snd Rlts Over Remains of the Late Colin K. Harbaugh Held This Afternoon. ANSWER TO SUIT Snndar at aood SamarlUn hospital. were aeia ai xioiman s cnapei mis aner- noon at 3 o'clock. The services were ways item and means committee bore the "Should the boiler of the peat Fraud and Conspiracy Charges Which Rankin Seeks ,to Re cover Kearlr $12,000. , ' Fraud and conspiracy are the charges ;1 on which M. B. Rankin seeks to recover .nearly f 11,000 by a counterclaim to a suit brought against him by H. C 1- Mahon. Rankin filed his answer setting sup- the counter charges lp thO'Clrcult court yesterday afternoon. Ho alleges mat ne empioyea Man on to secure um ; bar lands for htm in Benton and Doug las counties, and that the price, was to ' be not more than til an acre, . fr Mahon entered Into a conspiracy with ' P. E. Snod grass of Eugene,' alleges Rinkin; by which LS31 acres were vtbought -at $22.60 an acre with the agreement that Mahon was. to receive ati tne excess or 14 an aero that was paid, giving Mahon a commission of J7.60 an acre. Rankin alleges that be Said 134,447 on this deal, relying on (ahon's representations and now asks 1 that he may. recover 111,900 from Ma hon. UMATILLA RANCHER SERIOUSLY INJURED (Special Dtesatck to Tie Jaaraal.) ' Pendleton. Or, July . Oeorge . Adama, a sheepman whose ranch Is on upper McKay creek, fs at the point of death in a hospital here as a result of being pitched from a wagon seat and trUiing on his head on the pavement. ' His horse became frightened and ran. Making a short turn, the wagon careened :and tossed him out Oeorge Hart was -also seriously injured but will reoover. little lines Ths Journal bring re- suits to ths advertisers. s, i.W .U l X y - TV. 1 '"'( 3 J Colin K. Harbaugh. under the auspices of the A. O. U. W., of which order he was a prominent member. Mr. Harbangh was one of Portland's most prominent clttiens, having lived l house need repairs, i0." This, in the belief of Dr. Wheeler, was needless sar casm from the mayor and was the di rect causs or his resignation. Mayor Lane puts a little different construction on ths story. He etates that It Is a hard and fast rule of the city government that before any money can be expended from any fund that a requisition tor the work needed or the expenditure must be signed by him. He says that Dr. Wheeler caused the boiler to be repaired at the pesthouse, the bill amounting to 110 which was dated on Juno 7, and sent to the city health of fice after the completion of the work. Subsequent to the receipt of the bill a requisition was brought to htm asking that the power be given to have the re pairs made. This the mayor signed and afterwards discovered that the requisi tion had been dated June 12, the clerk of the health office stating to the mayor, upon Inquiry, that the requisi tion had been back dated at tha direc tion of Dr. Wheeler. ire i in charged, that the laxity of the procedure in causing tne wora to te oone ana curing power to authorise It after the bill had been rendered was not In Mne with a cautious administration of the cut's finances. Therefore when he came to the lump estimate of 1150 for Yt I the repairs of the house or grounds at the pesthouse he simply requested that the estimate be made definite. The question of selection of a suc cessor to Dr. Wheeler will be taken up by the city board of health at Its next meeting. DEATH OF A NOTED PIONEER OF IDAHO sjsjSMMSjaMMHBBBkmsMaaVM Ill tXXYl i-llL rkM f-l II lifJrVXii2iV.U li lt 1 1 rwmm n t bivv- w III . aflli isl1) Si 1 l ! v'jf ill nm m a av 1 iai m mm tt.nm itiiiis ar su aawa m suiri. twrm. av III i H II 1 ba-C:i,S . CTAaJPJC5SDw III I MIL it il aa-ii ii ma it MLfm Itif zwAca " iinrn. i m - .u-An imhmwvnmssss.- You Are Welcome to Credit Sll 1; Sliir iwaist ni!s L6& ' " : A Suit for $1.65, sold for $3.50 anywhere else. Step into our store; tomorrow morning and see them. Other as great. bargains, as follows: $6.50 suits for $2.95; $8.00 suits, for $3.45 ; $5.00 suits for $2.65. Also new arrivals in Voile Jumper Suits, something very. swell and up to the latest fashion idea; priced very low and! sold under our easv-payment system. Slarfe! SMrfsH Sldrfsiii Values up to $8.00; extra well made ; in brown, blue, ' black and gray, chiffon panamas. vsts REALLY. 18.00 VALUES FOR ONLY . . . . White Serge Coats, values up to $6.95; offered special for $3.95 BIacbSilI(TonrislCoats Just the thing needed for wear to and from the coast this summer. They are 48 inches Pay a little Down on the Rnest &4 Xtilnni "tra, E00d la.'feta silk Suit in the House, and Then. .$13 WC8K ....$M5 Cor. Second and Yamhill GEVU TZ Cor. First and Yamhill The mayor contends that while there was nothing wrong with the amount nost prominent eltirens, having lived V. . - Mi n this city since his birth, 49 years Peter Sonna, Noted for Public Spirit igo. His death followed an illness of , -r.w.. c. . auu ruuwuiivi, orucu niui almost two years' duration, resulting from a stroke Of apoplexy. He Is sur vived by a widow anil three children. Apoplexy. Explanation MRS. IAWT0N SURRWSK MRS. BROWN t Mrs. Lawton My A. B. Cbaae piano is perfectly delightful. It is rcsn tone and has an action that is responsive. Besides being a per fect; piao for ray special musical work, Mr. L.wton is fond of the pfcyer and our daughter Grace thinks it a great treat to play the ad Twcedmuwc by means of the music roll. The player is a wonderful mi stance to Grace; it aids her in her interpretation of the more diffi- . -Mn. urown 1 never saw the nn. pi t. t i.t - omereni irpm tne ordinary oiavers l have n rt.. mil i a . a I a j , . - . . . ----- vvwea MV UiUw'w Wa is ngm vj tuc aeyooara ana tne mecuanjsm. is below, where it does not rV.u fp?r2Lnco .1 lT pnoJ Dav never cared for a player pignd vwfr .w.9 m me. vv uere uiu vou secure itf -i V 1 .Jr. JMrsj iAwton we all enjoy the Player and we find .. . ,,n,i Piano it. it just as ewcci in tone as any mano wo h..,. ..... t,...i the case is just as pleasing to the eye as though it .n lastniment. ShcnnaGUyft-Co. are western agents for the player and tney ccriainiy wave a ucsuikui unc oi pianos trom which to select Their tort is known as "the House of Quality" and is located near the port ofice on Morrison street ? They also sell the celebrated Stehtway piano inti f VKVI wiu aixi4 i wi Ma.-- (Bpeclil Dlepttcb te The Joarnal.) Boise, Ida., July 9. Peter Sonna, mayor of Boise from 1893 to 1895, and and a substantial, wealthy and pro gressive business man of this city, died here suddenly this morning about 3 o'clock from a stroke of apoplexy. He was out driving late with his wife last night and on his return complained or not feeling well. He was born In New York In 1836. In 1868 he cams to Idaho and at Idaho City was engaged in mercantile business four years at a time when It was the richest placer camp in tne united mates, no then, came to Boise, where he had since resiaea. For many years ne conducted a general store here, but for several years had only looked after his large property holdings. He was vice pres. Ident of ths First National bank here at the time of his death. He was also a prominent Mason and tha funeral will be held under the auspices of that order, probably Thursday. Mr. Bonna wes very popular and flags are at half-mast on public buildings and business houses. His benevolences, public and private, were very great, and his personal qualities ranked high. His family consists of his wife, five daughters and a son. TOM DRISC0LL IN DsTDETERMINATELY (SpecUl Pimtcb to The Journal.) Balem. Or.. July 9. -Tom DrlanalL th ex-convlct and burglar, who assaulted a Lake Lablsh farmer on ths evening pi juy t uiv woo was apprenendea by xjovuit onsnns Minto ana William ttscn just as ne was mating his escai on the California train, wu hmna- before Judge oeorge Burnett and plead- eu guiiiy. no wasgiven an lndetermln ate sentence, imscoll had an entire burglar's outfit In a little pouch he car ried and whloh he claimed was a tn. bacco sack. He Is said to hnv haan concerned In the robbery of a number of nouses in mis vicinity. Urlsooll has served terms at the state nrianna .t waiia waua, can wuenun and Salem. CARES NOT nor; JAPS TAKE IT Governor Chamberlain Says Let That Fleet Go Forward. TO BEV0LUTI0NIZE EDUCATIONAL BODY (Joorosl Special Berrtce.) Los Angeles, July 9. At the educa. uonai conrerence tomorrow a president 1 ne selected ana tne questic selected and the question will I be taken us of amending the eonstltu. tlon so radically as to revolutionise ths Organisation by placing the great educa- ai ooay in control pr ins l ead ( Officials. tlonal body In control of t or a small coteaw of governlnc lnstea teachers Dent fail to pay your west side gag rosMTSiy the last day (bill tomorrow. let disoouot. (Special Dispatch te The JoarnaL) Balem. Or., July 9. In response to a telegram from the New York World relative to the Japanese question In which that paper said. "We would deep ly appreciate from you an expression of opinion concerning the plan to mobll Isa an American battleship fleet in the Pacific, and the view the Japanese nation would bs justified In talking of the move." Governor Chamberlain recited brief and to the point He said: "ice pian to moonire American Bat tleships in the Paclfio meets with my approval. I know not what view the Japanese nation would take of this movement, and I care less. I do not think their oDinion should ba consulted. Dut i oeiieve tnis government snouid act lor its own protection, witnout consult ing tne views of any otner nation." OREGON'S MINING C0NGBESS DELEGATES (SmcUI Dlspatcb to The Journal.) Balem, Or., July 9. Governor Cham berlain yesterday appointed a number of delegates to the American Mining congress to bs held at Joplln, November IB to it, inclusive, as iouowss tf. it. Konilg, James H. Howard. D. M. Kelly, J. A- Panting. F. R. Mellls of Baker CIHr: F. 8. Balllle of Sumoter: L B. Wickersham of O rants Pass; Em 11 Mel rar of Bourne: T. C. Burks of Burke- mont; John C. Lewis of Portland: Jeff Hurd and J. F. Beddy of Medford: James Coehet and Thomas Kinney of Jacksonvuie; Al ueiser or reiser, Use a Journal want ad If you want result.; ADDITIONAL SCHOOL BOOKS FOB SALEM (Special D la patch to The Journal) Balem, July 9. A.t a meeting of the Salem school board the following addi tional grammar and high school hooks weir, adoptsd to better ths curriculum of the flalsm sohools: , in tha cram mar grades Mra Sloan t Primary readers, first and secpnd books; Second readers, Cyr's, Jones, and Silver Burdett; Third reader, Sllver-Burdett Mra. Sloan, the author of tha Drlmera. Is a Portland teacher. -Tha other " additional sohool books adopted ware as follows: Principles of Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache. Sour Stom ach. Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to tafto mm Laxative Fruit Syrnp MB lAXJi T Ufi SBVOaiBTS. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed 0AXX3-0X3TZ4. KOTZXA Botany n 'end Davis; I'Oge'S Berare Latin composition, Peok's Ovid, Books Cicero, Myers" Ancient History, Myers' HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND QOUQH 8TRCCTS 8 AN rBANCISCO CCIAl SUMMER RATES New hotel, faces Jefferson Square. Two blocks from Van Ness Aye., the present shoo ping district; Car lines transferring sll over city, pass doer. Every modern eonranlenoa. 850 rooms single or en suite. 150 private betas. American ana European plana. Prices nodexv ate. umnlbos meets all trains. STEWART BARKER CO. Ths Bote! Stewart Opens September 1st OSXOOBT XOTXZ.. OUQOBT UOTBXM. VMM BZAUTLTUJt WW Hotel "Key Route Ian' 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunnr rooms, mi vats baths. lonsHUi :anoe laiepoones, compressed air deali ng, large lobby, oafs a la carte with ouisme and service unsurpassed, jror rates, etc., address N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Kotet. Ban rraneisooi HOTEL HOLLAND Sill. Street, Bee. Powell a4 Vaaoa, .an jrrancisoo. NOW OPEN Strlotly Tlrst-Oiasa, Absotately lUre- prooz. is. jutemsi w w jan. 9. (KDOinrBU, Mg. HOTEL AVDUBON 1A niXOVKO-JWXOTXXM riAV OXtT. Slafto room or ea suite.. Devater, stessi seat, elcatrle lights and all stodera ceaveat- scnetiy nrat-eiaaa. unnuiu w lna enters. Oa direct Bae from ferry and lire asa TownseDa aspm. m p. 8 SUlls St., near van uni Bveasab C B. OANTBB. Mgr. sin Tbi S020DQNT CLEANSES iAND BEAUTIFIES TEETH C Medieval and Modern History, Cheney's Short History of England,' Powers and Lyons' Offioe Method, ana Booueep- PEES0NAL St Paul atto'rney. Jams. B. Kerr, who represented the notrhern Paclfio eaa Great Northern Railway eompanies la Utlgatlons with Harriman , eompanies on the nerth bank of the Columbia river, wtll locate permanently in Port land as attorn ay for the Portland v Seattle Railway company. Be will have The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. 3 ih mi Ksusnra stnoaai bjbsobt ot thb paoxtio stobtbtwbst. xaectrlo Light, Steam, Hot and Cold Bait Water in Every Tub. Buy Ticket. te sreaxers, racine county, waan. rostoirice Address, Breakers, Wash, LOCKSLEY J1ALL SEASIDE, OREGON Spend your vacation at Seaside and at delightful Locksley Hall. More attrac tive than ever before. Accommodations of the highest order, one nunared ele gant outside rooms; private baths; elec tric lights; :.ot and cold water. Annex overlooking the Paclfio and de lightfully situated cottages. Cuisine TTacurpassed. ssa Poods a SpseUlty. rxxB BTTS BOTBTS AJJ. TBAXoTS. , X- AVBmt, Jm A. flABTiTHIOB, Props. HOTEL MOORE ortx au not yzasV CLATiOF BXACS. BEABIDS, 0BZ00X, The OUff Koaae ef Oregea. Directly oa the beach, ererteoklag the oeeaa. Hot salt bstbs sad sail bathing . Beereatloa pier for fishing. ' one- parlor 1, electric lights, flraplaee and furnace heat, yine walks and drive, flea foode s specialty Rates, $2.50 and $3.00 per day ' IPECUI BATKS BT TBI WEBK. ' ' 1 BAR J. MOOEB, Prop. ; ' 1 ' offices with Judge C H. Carey, in the Chamber of Commerce building. The Corvajlls & Eastern railroad, re cently purchased by E. H. Harriman. Is being inspected by J. P. O'Brien, . gen eral; manager of the Harriman ltnea tn the northwest Mr. O'Brien, 1. sooom- panted by O. W. Talbot, whe has charge of ths operation of the Corvallis road. t is said the road win beoome . part f the Southern Paelflo system In Ore gon and lose It. present IdenUU. . . , , Portland PORTLAND, ORXOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY BBUOQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS aw COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Every thlcc to eat arul erlttk. and It costs no more In the Portlaai Hotel RathsksDsr th?..,lMwh;r-,n the dty. Every weekday night from S;IS to 41, BC 0. BOWBBB, Btaaages, HOTEL LENOX OOB. TB3BS AMD MATJT S' Portland's. Lateest ; Moat Modern Hotel n . Mew BuUdlng, convenienUy ' locat ed. fitted with the latest designed furniture, hot and oold water v ia every room, private bathe, modern Grill, long distance telephone, free automobile bus. sample room,; free from noise, faolng pleas., Rate, fl an up. , ' -i. y; mm m a mi i mmnaMi M a Q 1 .-v.'- t - r::A;' i c i