The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 09, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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.4 :
-it's the piano store on Burnside street"
J.N. Teal, Counsel for Transportation Committee of the
Local Chamber of Commerce, Returns From East
More Briefs Will Be Filed With Commission.
J. ' N. Teal, counl for the tranapor-
Utlon commute of th Portland chain
bar of commerce, who represented tha
business Interests of thia city at th
Spokane rata hearing bafora the Inter
state commeroe oommlaalon at waan
ington. D. C. returned home yesterday,
after an extended tour in the east
Farther brlefa are to be filed In the
ease, and a final decialon la not near.
Brlefa yet to be filed will bear on
certain Questions entering into the val
uation of apeclfle klnda of railroad
nronartlee. such as termlnaia, coal
mines, etc. On his return trip, which
was made via the St. Lawrence river,
through Canada,, and over the Canadian
Paclflo railway to the Paclflo coast, Mr.
Teal made many observations on the
jiauAlnnmaiat and Droereaa of that oOun
Discussing me matter ioaay ne
Caaada's Qreat Growta.
"Ne one can travel through Canada
without being Impressed, not only with
Its growth and potential wealth, but the
.' intelligent application of sound buslneaa
rules on broad lines to lta development.
While the winters are severe, and to
my mind the country as a whole does
Dot offer the attractions to settlers as
does the state of Oregon, yet It la go
lnc ahead faster because transportation
measurably keeps pace or ahead of set-
"The Canadian Paclflo la a powerful
factor In Canada's development. The
. policy pursued by its directors would
never keep such country as central
Oregon botued up. lng since it wouia
have had It full of settlers and roads
aarvlnr It In every direction.
'This road not only builds and oper
ates railroads, but great irrigating
canals and encourages every kind of in
dustry that will tend to build up the
country. - Without anr superiority.
either ellmatto or scenio. It maintains
throughout the mountains and at other
places, eomroriaDi ana attractive Ho
tels and means for enjoying th coun-
'From Montreal and Quebec it has
a splendid line of steamahiDS for all
points to the British Isles and the con
tinent, it baa a line ,to the orient, to
Australia and to Alaska, Its steamers
ply the great lakes. In fact in every
direction this road seems to be the lead
er la commercial activity, it baa Just
put la commission a new steamer coat
ing 1100,000 on th Vancouver-Skagway
"Comparlsona are always odious, but
one cannot help contrasting this pro
' gresslve spirit with that shown by our
hMMsa SflfM riaa M ' lakaM HHilaS saatrfaa
vorabl conditions, hardly one feature
thus adopted by th Canadian road is
Understand Water Tata.
"We have the same ocean, the same
markets, beautiful ' mountains, vast
areas of rich and tributary territory,
. but a' different spirit prevails. To a
Canadian, from th sailor to the farmer
in the remotest province, one does not
nave to preach th gosoel of tha bene
fit of water carriage, for Its competitive
influences are so apparent that anyone
who runs may read.
"Montreal, the chief seaport of Can
ada, Is about 700 miles from the sea.
The fit Lawrenoe Is a swift river with
narrow channels and requiring dredg
ing, and above Montreal a number of
lockages yet we find deep-sea vessels
discharging cargo and loading wheat
at tha head of Lake Superior at Port
Arthur and Fort William, over 1.600
pi Ilea from the ocean, and carrying car
go cneaper loan can be done by rail.
"Last year Port William, a town of
11.000 DODUlatlon. ahlnned over il.000.-
000 bushels of errain and 1.711 vessels
arrived and departed. It is 1.647 miles
from Liverpool, of which distance about
860 ml lea Is lake and river navigation
and 1.600 ocean. In order to save sev
eral hundred miles' navigation through
Lakes Huron. Erie and Ontario the
building or a canal from some point
on the northern shore of Lake Huron
to the Ottawa river in the province of
Ontario Is being seriously considered.
"I only give this instance as illustra
tive of what others are doing who un
derstand what water transportation
means, and also to Impress upon our
own people here in Portland two fact
first, that being 100 miles from the
sea, provided there is deep water is no
handicap, but rather an advantage, and
that, situated as Portland is, the de
velopment of our waterways muet be
the fundamental plank in our platform.
Cheap transportation is the controlling
unit In commercial life, and we have it
potentially and to some extent actually,
and it Is In our Dower to extend it so
as to cover all territory naturally tribu
tary to jroruana."
OomnUsslon Hard Worked.
"The interstate commerce commission I
is simply worked to death, and I can
not see how they can even stagger un
der the load they are carrying. The
Importance of the Spokane case is ac
knowledged, and it waa fully argued.
member commission tola me
More Bribery Charges Are to
Be Fressed Against Mayor
Schmitz Motion for Re-j
lease on Bail Is to Be!
Heard Tomorrow.
(Journal Special (Urrlee.)
Ban Francisco, July . Hearing on
the motion for the release of Mayor
Schmita upon ball waa postponed today
until tomorrow.
It was learned today that th prose
cution had perfected to the minutest de
tail its case against Eugene E. Schmlts
In the trolley bribery and that the chief I
witness would be Abe Ruef. who will
go upon the stand and testify that he
paid to the former mayor 160.000 for
signing the overhead permit Not only
will the prosecution trace the money
Into Schmlts' hands, but it will trace
part of It out again. It will -show that
It waa this mnnav whirh n.hlH
Schmlts to make his now famous trlpjl
to r.urope.
s Incurred by th former mayor at
lie TiMrrw Early SS J
dreds of People Attended the
Reed-French Piano
Yesterday in response to our invitation in Sunday's papers. They were delighted ; with the high-gride pianos
that we are selling direct from the factory at less than eastern factory prices during this sale; they enjoyed read
ing the lists of best phrases submitted in our cash prize contest Many of them brought $5 bill along and
secured a great bargain. Others who had received piano certificate! in recognition of their meritorious work,
selected a piano or an organ and our wagons began delivering at once. A; number of -people had purchased
piano certificates at a reduction from contestants who were glad to realiae cash on their prue awards; and thus
pianos went fast and furious, beginning an unprecedented piano-selling event in Portland.
it waa the moet Interesting argument
mat ha been submitted.
Possibly I may
be prejudiced, but
Spokane made out her
I do not
"The lesson
other seaport Is perfectly plain,
that is th necessity for run
ment or a
nich win
for Portland and every
kin, and
method of transportation
protect them against any
possible combinations, rates or rulings.
Through the ocean service we can, if
we will, be measurably independent.
and with the opening of the Panama
oanal and the deepening of the Missis
sippi, thus opening up that great sec
tion of the country to water competi
tion, the coast can certainly hold Its
own under any circumstances, or water
transportation Is a delusion and a
Briefs are to be filed in this the
Portland gateway case by September
1, and It will, in my opinion, be some
time before it Is decided. In the mean
time conditions may ao change that
the apparent necessity for opening the
gateway may exist It must be borne
n mind that tn rai mux in tns co-
eoanut in this case was not that the
sound lumbermen did not have a rout
to th mlddl west territory, but they
lacked cars, so that if tha oar move
ment increases I look to see the in
terest in this case wane.
The commission hasn t the power to
arbitrarily create through routes and
joint rates, but only where certain con
ditions prevail such as no existing sat
isfactory route. A shorter route would
be no justification, provided a reason
ably satisfactory one existed".
After six months of inactivity the
clever bogus check operator who so suc
cessfully swindled a score of Portland
merchants by representing himself to
i be R. W. Lewis, of the firm of Allen
t Lewis, has made his reappearance and
: V th police are making every effort to
land the crook behind the bars before
- his operaUona become extensive.
Last Saturday evening a dapepr,
- well-dressed fellow visited the Jewelry
store conducted by H. Heltkemper. 285
Morrison street add requested Frank
Heiucemper to snow him a tray of rings.
. Alter selecting one ne tendered
a check:
for Sit purporting to be
W. Lewis of Allen A Lewis, in payment.
Th swindler maintained that he was
Mr. Lewis and ordered the ring sent to
(09 Everett street. The difference of
$10 between the check and the price of
the ring, the pseudo Mr. Lewis requested
the jeweles to hand over to him.
Heltkemper became suspicious and
determined to telephone to the Lewis
residence. While the jeweler was st the
pnone tne reiiow hurriedly left the store
and the police have so far been unable
to effect his capture.
ix. is Deiievea that ne is same man
who operated so successfully last winter
in mis oity. ine metnoa or operation
la me same, aitnougn tne description
furnished by tnerchants who were
mulcted does not tally and It Is thought
that since his last visit the crook has
gnaved orr his mustache.
Several detectives are working on the
expensive hotels In eastern statea and
in Europe win be produced in- evldenoe.
George E. Burns, son of Special Agent
William J. Burns, who tracked Schmlts
through Europe, has gathered data
which snows that Bchmits left tn hia
wake a trail of trolley currency that
would have done credit to a millionaire.
Aitnougn tne prosecution . has an
nounced that It la undecided as to tee !
next case to be brought agalnat Sohmlts
It la atated on reliable authority that in
an prooaonity Bcnmita win next be
placed on trial for th trolley bribery.
The dlatrlot attorney's office has In
formed Judge Dunne that it had not de
cided what dlsnoaltlon ta muka nt tha
remaining four extortion indictments I
agalnat Sohmlts.
(Joaroal special Sot tea.)
Boston, July Leaders of the Chris
tian Science church end their attorneys
are In session today preparing to pro
test against subjecting Mrs, Eddy to an
examination by alienists If their pro
teat falls leaders will appeal directly to
the alienists.
Upton's Dad's White Pig
Was Upton's only advertising space when he started in the tea business a good many years ago in Ireland. He
painted "Lipton's Teas, in red letters on the pigs' sides, and drove them, grunting and squealing through the
streets, gathering followers as he went. The whole town knew In a day that Lipton was selling tea, even as today
the whole wide world knows it. We're not driving a whie pig through the streets of Portland, but we're driving
a live, palpitating, snorting truth right home to you through the press, and it's getting the crowds in our wake
they all fetch up at the Reed-French door where they lea rn what all the northwest world is destined to know
that for pianos of high grade and a low factory price this is headquarters all the year round. Come tomorrow
to our special demonstration sale, where bargains are as thick as blackberries in August We're expecting you.
(Joorntl Rperlal Berries.)
El Paso, Tex., July . Taqul Indians
Sunday robbed Richfield, a copper min
ing camp, near Fuer Obabl, Sonora. The
Mexican camps were all destroyed and
mine operations suspended.
Yours in any case
Sixth and
Burnside Sts.
(Journal Special Barrio.)
Chicago, July t. Attempts were made
today to Impeach Jere Vrsal, who testi
fied that Herman Billek made plans In
his presence to kill six members of the
Vrsal family. The boy clings to his
story closely.
(Continued from Pss One.)
NaiU and th member of our general
executive board will not change my
J plana. Our future moves will be fore!
. bl and decisive. In the future we will
. have to pay less attention to the feel
i lngs of the opposition and public opin
ion, and carry on our fight with more
determination and with but one object
in view that of crippling th enemy'
until they are willing to meet us In a
peace conference."
ft a. a r
unicago, juiv . -me Journal, com
menting eaiionauy today, saya: "What
ever the telegraph companies gave their
operators. It was too small. The com-
f tallies' treatment of their men is green in
he boldest dress. The wages of op-
nignest were pitifully
In obtalnin
orators at the
small. The public should asslat thAm
g D
etter treatment from tk
munuuuiy. ine oDeraiora hflv tn h. in
telligent men. and most of them riu.n.
noi jess man si.uuv yearly."
You Don't
(Journal Special Berrtee.)
The Hague, July t. American
British, Dutch and Spanish delegates to
day are conferring regarding the bom
bardment of unfortified towns. Count
Tomellll of Italy has been Instructed to
draft a proposition embracing the Amer
ican views.
(Journal SpeHal 8rrlce.)
Paris, July 9. The earl of Rosslyn,
who Is sojourning here, has been noti
fied that his wife, formerly Anna Rob
inson, of Minneapolis, is suing for a
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Ua.iaw Tu1 Q Vf m n TTrnmnnlrl wn
.XAtSV-VOT, WM.J - " ......... - -
today sentenced to death for attempting
to assassinate General Rheinbot May 13.
(Continued from Page One.)
Mh$r when you XR
jfi$if Yon will be satisfied, for they stand the Wft
'aTI test- Dnt buy cheap eastern trunks, but. WjU'"''1
call on us. 1000 trunks to select from.
MPortlaiiil Trunk Mfg. Co. Egg'
'jSJWSix Third and Pine
food because it is scientific
ally cooked at the factory.
ou Save
all that time, trouble, fuel and worry.
More cool, solid
v""i t aiiu (juici
:oos Bay to begin
to be the product are now possessed
of sawmills which turn the trees to
lumber Instead of fuel. When timber
can be got men can not, so that the
condition all around Is tight and has
no rift In the clouds of the future.
Coal Is now selling for from t to
$11 a ton for average coal of the two
trades sent to tne Fortiana mamet.
There are about 11 cargoes of Austral'
Ian coal or about 46,000 tons due for
Portland during the season, though
more may be listed in the future. About
20,000 tons were shipped from Australia
last year.
Wvomlne coal is a thing of the oast
aparentiy ana about tne oniy nops lor
relief Is apparently in the prospect of
shipments from c
In September.
The wood men say there Is a corner
on the coal situation in Portland. They
say that the coal companies sell coal
at $10 and $11 a ton to the consumer
and that when It Is handled by the
dealers other than those who act as
agents for the bunker companies that
a profit of only $1.25 a ton is allowed
which does not pay for the handling.
The wood dealers are therefore unable
to handle coal, or If the ydo it is at a
The situation In cordwood and coal
seems to be in Just as bad a condition
as that in slabwood and no hope of
amelioration is neia out. The con
sumer will either have to oay the price
or buy heavy underwear and go with
out fires.
M. W. Farelius Bays Prom Thomas
C. Devlin Property for Which
He Pays $5,500.
M. W. Parlieus has purchased from
Thomas C. Devlin seven lots in Holla-
day Park. The property Is described as
lots 10 to It, block "B," and was sold
for $B,60P.
Another recent sale In the vlclnltr
was that of an Irregularly shaped tract
on East Twenty-eighth street, near
Halsey purchased by F. E. Andrews
from Stanley Eastman for $2,760.
William Ballls has sold to Laura A.
Johnson a lot on Twenty-fifth and
Johnson streets for $2,860. The lot Is
I. B. Blackburn has purchased from
L. W. Woodruff five lots In Mount Ts
bor Villa. Consideration. $1,400.
The deed of Edward Jaeger to Rufus
Mallory conveying an unimproved lot
In the North Portland warehouse dls
trlct for $12,000 was filed for record
(Continued from Pag On.)
(Continued from Page One.)
energy m
these hot
a saucer of r.ran- m
days than in pounds of
FMre'sSaf Reason"
division, comprises all school districts
In the county west of the Willamette
river and the part of No. i on th
. Division 2, known as the East Side
division, comprises districts 12. 40 45
and 70 Jointly, and all of No. l on 'the
east side of the Willamette.
Division 8, known as the Powell Val
ley division, comprises districts No. 4
8, 10. 16, 2. Jt., 16 Jt. and 83 Jt '
Division 4, known aa the Cascade di
vision, comprises all school districts
east of the Bandy river. -
Division 6, known as the Cblumbia
division, comprises districts Nos 2 a
7 1. 17 20 24 27. 28. 30 and S3. ' '
Sdsc ar division A snorini i.u.
has- bw arranged for pupils who wish
to exhibit and who live outaid. 1 .52
county. Special prutea will be provided
lot UUs division. .
on the tug could look up Into th faces
of the officers on th cruiser's bridge.
The lookout did not discover the raft
astern until the cruiser had cleared
the Dauntless. Those on the tug heard
him say, "What in hell!" They heard
him hail th bridge with a frantic cry.
They heard the officer say, "Hard
aport. Full speed ahead." The Mil
waukee's siren shrieked and like -1
wraith th cruiser disappeared In the
(Continued from Pag.' On.)
In the main auditorium from 11 to 12
for the discussion of important sub
jects. Tomorrow's program for the
forum is as follows:
"The Orange." Mrs. Clara Waldo,
state lecturer; "School Gardening," Miss
Aphia Dimlck, ex-president state teach
ers' association, and Professor T. J.
Oary of Clackamas county; VBreak.
Break. Break," Tennyson, .Never the
Time,'' Browning, Mrs, Bessie Evans
plttlnger. .. ;
' Tomorrow's full program - Is as follows:-
. - '. f . t
Morning 8:00 to IIjOO, summer
Best Bobber
Cood Set for
Sam kind all
our reliable
dentists make;
only difference
Is the . profit
we ask.
Bridge work
or teeth, with
out plates, per
tooth. S3.00
to 85. OO.
Gold Fillings, up from . ,
Silver Fillings, up from.
Enamel Fillings, up from.)
porcelain S3.00-85.OQ
Painless Extraction .50e
A guarantee for 10 years with
all work. Lady attendant.
Lily Dental Co.
Opening evening until 8 and
Sunday until 1 p. m.
Home Phone AIO10.
Paclflo States Phon Pacific 1850.
Timely Savings
Our stock of men's furnishing goods was never
more complete, nor did we ever quote such low
prices on such elegant merchandise.
Men's 50c Foulard and Imp. Reps. Silk Neckwear
on sale at 25c
Men's 75c Balbriggan Underwear at 45c
Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts with or without cuffs at
tached on sale at ..... , 65c
Men's $1.00 Gauze Lisle Underwear, sleeveless, 75c
Men's $2.00 Bathing Suits at $1.35
Men's $2.50 Bathing Suits at. $1.35
Men's $1.50 Bathing $uits at $1.15
Men's and Boys' $1.00 Bathing Suits. 75c
We save you many dollars on your midsummer
of the
The Chicago
Clothing Co.
The usual coffee is poor
stuff; the substitutes
worse; there's plenty of
Tear grocer ra tarns year money it yea doat
like SehllHnr'a Bast: we sey him.
1 'Mrui v -
in the
school; 11:00, Chautauqua forum, under
the direction or Mrs. Java emery Dve.
Afternoon 1:16. conoert. Chemawa fh-
dlan school band: $.00. reading. Profes
sor Knox: lecture'Bounclnr the Blues,"
ur. Stanley U. xreos; j:o, baseball,
irunamaaers vs. nonti racinca: 7:i&.
concert. Chemawa Indian school band:
8:00, grand concert under direction of
Dr. R. A. Heritage, dean of the pnn.
servntory of music of Willamette uni
versity. ,;:v
- Praf erred Stock Oattasd Srooda.
Allan I-ewls' Best Brand, ,
Hand Embroidered and
Made to Order for (5.00
ThU special price is made to introduce
bur new shirtwaists and many other dt
igns in band embroidery. -
W0. 300, exactly like cut, daintily hand
embroidered, in eyelet, shadow or In
French work. The chic aryle, Ugh
auality of material and neat workman
hlp will be appreciated by thee who
enjoy wearing- the genuine. ,
.Exdutive Pattern Iiupect&n invited
Ureedlecraft Shop, m WaahiagtoaBt.. tlia4, Ore.
H ' - . i " .
A Shirt From Our Tailon
Means a striking combination of the latest style, the best
quality of materials, accuracy of perfect comfort, exdus
tveness of pattern, a shirt that pleases a man, not only today
but aU the Ume.fnuff said. -
w Jwrx tu aetv Fourth and Fifth. Portland, Oxl