THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND.' TUESDAY . EVENING, JULY 0.1007. It TRANSFER AND HAULING C O. PICK-i-OFFICE IS 1ST ST. BHV tH Star and Ja eta; phone. ass. Pianos and furniture moved' and packed for shipping; commodious brlok wars- House who Hiff inw rwmi, and t:iay t.' Hear Boa. W. A. Ci eland. F. P." Bheascreen. .. .. fleneral transfer and storage: ufM. ntanoa and f urnitur moved, packad and . iihirDd. 809 Oak at Both phonea TOM' Mow transfer. storagjS Co., Inc. Furniture and piano moving h a aDeclalty: storage warehouse, 40-41 Id St.. comer Ash. Phone Main 1818. PF.NIlttlULAR tfjtPRESS A BAGGAO Transfer, 147 Alder at Phona Main 1 ortEOOW TRANSFER c6., M. Trf Main 69. Heavy hauling and storaga ifrftpNbfcNY ba3qaoi8 A trans 4 rer tft ciorage. sis guru. win wi. TODAY'S MARKETS Movement Is Well Started to Prohibit the Use of Traps and Wheels in the Columbia Salmon Fishing Industry. HOES OPEN 10 CENTS IIP ; FANCY EGGS ARE IN QUITE STEADY CALL WHOLESALE JOBBERS M A. QUNST- CO- mSTRIBUTORS OF FIN15 CIGARS. ttVfcftDlNG A FARRE LL, PR6DUC- and commission merchants, 149 Front at Portland. Or. Phone Main ITi. ' OltfoW-FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Ca Manufactorera of fural ..... i th trade. Portland. Or. WaDham A c6., WHfrLEHALK ob6- -..rchVta 4th and Oak ata. aneclal jrders. I Ruvenakjrs furni ture factory. 307 Front at. VLLKN A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and" Davis aia., mnwm. m. WHOLESALE CROckERY AND "alaaewara Prael. Hegele Co, Port- f'flB ORBOOtf CHEESE CO. INCJi - unease, ouner. .., . , y.- acta bought or handled on eommlaalon. Ill th st (Swetland bldf.). Portland. Canned Goods Market Firm- er Fruit Values Have Not Been Opened. Todajr'a market feature: Canned tomatoes open up. Loganberries) are ateadier. Strawberry seaann la closed. walla Walla oalooa make appear- una Bell peypere drawing fast 4 "Eggs seem to be holding 4 about stesdy for atrlotly candled took. A treat many of the eggs are arriving In bad condition and I would advise shippers not 4 to hold stocks too long. This kind of weather a few days makea a great deal of differ- once. Poultry Is holding firm, ea- 4 pectally hena and sprlnga. Pucka 4 and turkeys move alow. "Fancy fat veal are wanted and at nreaent the market oould uaa a great deal more than la coming In. Large ones are not wanted. Small hoge In demand at nrinted Drlces." Frank Tem- nleton. of Templeton Bros. 4 110 HOGS HE FOB PAST WEEK Since Last Wednesday No Arrivals Shown Pack- ers Get the Blame. XEWIS-STENQER BARBERS' SUPPLY t.w-M flunnlt-ai Tim rr-rr Piir- nlture. Barbera' Chafra. 10th A Morrison. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TUPS U. S. Spoka-a, jaly 1 M Aag. a. m. v , k my is. aTOK i jMXIJTB. a. a VMAtout :...9nr n sj. B. A.T.a- MOT-. tkarva;, Ktka, arao aad way per. aag s p. m. 1.1. 0a Knmbo-tt 1T t. Is. tt City of Seattle .alyt, oo Cottage Olty, via, mu mj x wu bam nuoroxsoo soim. aXU-r Us, rsoaa SaattUa. President Xaly T Olty of Pabla ....Jnly t omm y mm City tfioe, t4t WaaW-gtom n. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES Egga Mill akow tMul ejuaJity. Pit aaarkee fracuonally higher. Sv-rvUy MM tm tfreeaed real. New rMtw aMta4C steady. , Paver eewMxt emtneeei aeason. Cai aMbtKMspeta, aftnw H( demand. Opes. Up. At t tS' eH.f U Fruit Canners' ', mmemutlumt so seNl Its opening val we eat eaawneig tMae. Prices as Heteti are aMtt httgtter than a year ago eat ataaiterA ta Today' s values In taia market fee futures la tSc per dosen aa ajrataat 9i a year aga Oal- lona are quoted at aa againat 11.60 a year ago Floor quality shows pro- oortlonate adrancea. While the trade hero has been await ing with considerable interest the open ing announcement on canned fruits. there la little worry expressed, as the Jobbers have already oversold their prob- uC; fancy hen. llVi 14o lb; roosters, able deliveries from canners. While 0di 1040 lb; fryers, l17c lb; broilers, this seaaon'a opening prlcea on fruits 1l7o Ibj old ducks, 15c lb; spring are laie, iney wre .urauwiiai uj I ducks, 161BC ID year ago. ai iiui um onan until about July 18. v. ir aur It Is the. general opinion oi mo local per dot; pigeons. 11.25 per dos. Pressed U1T Trn1lrr' DrlCB Timothy. Willamette valley, rancy. iu.oii.i ordinary. IU.U0V14.U0; eaatern Oregon, 111.00020.00; mlxea. tiv.vvw iv.ov, clover. I8.50W9.O0; grain. 18.U0W1U.00; cheat. SS.6009.00. Batter. Sggs and Poultry, BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Rweol rream. 26c: aour. 24a BUTTER City creamery. 27o: aoe- onda, 25Hc; outelde fancy 36c; seconds, 22 Ho; store. Oregon, 184f la KOQS Extra fancy candled, JS24c; unosnxlled, 2223H CHKKSE New Full cream, flats. 14H616c pr lb; Young Americas, ISfce PL1'. t .. rvuuIKI Mixea cnicaena, itw lb; geese, old. S410a per so, UViOUo per lb: tur 1b for old; squabs. SI. 50 trade that there will be a marked ad vance In all sorts of fruits. The reason for thla is not so much In the crop shortage as because of the inability of growers to get pickers. Cannerlea are very ahort of help and what men they have are receiving materially higher wasea. Then there ia the advance in cana and the rise In boxea. All of these poultry, lOlio per lb higher, Hops, wool and Kdas. HOPS 1901 crop prima xo choice. Tc; medium to prime, 101c; con tracts. iv07 crop, lu&llc. WOOL 107 clip valley, iooiic eaatern Oregon. ISO lie. MOMA1K NOW l0l-IIO"HS. SHEEPSKINS SheaiMg. 15920c -tU have en effect toward making the I Rach. ,hort wool j840c; madiun. wool. yl,.,m . . '. . "-"- 60075c earn: long wool. 7BCri.w eacn. TALjOW-Prime, per id. iiOc; no. I and grease. 22Uo. CHITTIM BARK 60 per lo. Prolta and Tegetablea. POTATOES 2 ft Jc per lb. ONIONS Jobbing price New Call higher than thoae that ruled at the start of the season a year ago. TjOgaaberrUs Are Steadier. A ateadier tone Is ruling In logan- berrlea today, especially for the better quality. Poor stock is hard to sell at any price and arrivals of this character I fornla red, $S. 6043.75 per sack; New ATJGtrST I. t, 10 It, 13. Chicago and return, 171.60. St Louis and return. SS7.60. : St Paul, Minneapolis, Upluth, Supo ! rlor. Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re . turn, (0. 5-TRAIN5 DAILY -3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C P. 4k T. A. US TKXJU) ST, POmT-AJTO, OB. Telephones: Main 6S0. Homo A-128S Colombia EElvcr Scenery x-av-ATOB un Dally aer let betweea PortUad aad Tke VsiMs, exo.pi Boaaar, MMvaig rertiaag at t a. at, arriving abost 6 p. mi earrylng rrelgat aao passengeia. apwaqia mttom mm tkmM tut eatflts and lirMtock. Doek foot of Alder at. Portlsad; foot of . coort at. xse Danes, nwae Mala Sli. ForUaad. aroBT. ucmo sta-xf cat Steamships BOMfKE, and .CEO. W. ELDER Safl for Eareka, San Franelaco and Los Angeles direct every Tnursaay at p. m. -xicaet omce in inira. near Aiaer. Phcnes M. 1114. BL TOUNO. Agent. Ho! For Astoria K OB FastSteamerTelegraph , Daily (except 'Thursdays). LeaveaAld? . street dock T a. in. PXOBB JCAXar MS. INVITATION EXTENDED TO ALL ENDEAVORERS mmmmm a mmm. .Portland Making Extensive Prepara tions to Entertain Seattle Dele gates En Route Home. Preparations are under way for tho ' ontertalnment In this city of the large : number of Christian ' Endeavorers who ;will pus through Portland on their re , .turn from the International convention , which will, be in session In Seattle, . July 10 to 16. Those arriving now en . ..route to Seattle are being entertained, , ; and. extensive preparations are being ' made f or . those who will visit Port ' land ' on their return homeward. , It Is Hoped that the Portland bureau '., which has been established at Seattle , will -influence a large majority of the 70,000 visitors to. return via the Rose Clty.; ' Eocal Endeavorerg have joined 'with the commercial bodies in prepar '1b for tho reception of the visitors. Members of the reception committee - will board Incoming trains and dis tribute literature and postal cards to bo sent' to . their homes. H. E. Powell )who la in 'charge of the Portland bu reau in- Seattle has made arrangements " to distribute 25,000 personal lnvitationa 1 to visit Portland. A banquet will also bo given them at the T. M. a A. t ,. mill ii in urn. in Live In -Tontavilla? '- Five of our very best pianos will be put Into Montavllla homes, where they "will bo appreciated and praised for their superiority, at a nominal figure. Call tomorrow and apply..- Freed-French Piano company. , . . r ; JpBaBwaaPsBjsaajBwwsaa Don't faff to pay your west Bids gat '.Mil tomorrow. PosltiyaJjr tho Jast day ,6f. discount. , ; would not bring more than 60c or 75c at any time. The reason for the enormous shipments in this direction of late Is that the berries ripened too fast and they could not be sent longer distances. Aa a usual rule a larce amount of local loganberries Is annually sent to Spokane and other points, but if this waa tried during the past few days the railroad tracks the entire distance to the inland empire would be colored scarlet be cause of the leaky condition of the frlt. irawueiTy season as janavo. Practically no strawberries are now being received In this market and the season is dosed. A. Hood Kiver paper thus reviews the situation: "The strawberry season has practi cally closed In Hood River for this year. However, there are still dally consign ments going, forward by express. This year's crop has oeen practi cally 100 per cent larger than the berry output of last year. The total straw- 11. berry crop or 1906 was aDout gg .car- Audi ua , nun. uic iivi uu i amount to about 36 cars. "The prices that have prevailed this season have not been as large as those received last year. This is due mainly to the fact that the places in Oregon. Washington and Montana that have been our most open market in former Vears are now being supplied by local growers In the respective vicinities. 'The state of Washington, that was at one time one of the heaviest con sumers, has shipped hundreds of car loads of berries into the eastern mar ket this year, and the Bitter Root coun try in Montana has also had a heavy yield this season." Walla Walla Onions Arrive. The first car of Walla Walla onions to arrive this season came In late yes terday and was unloaded this morning. Stocks were more fully matured than usual for first arrivals and were gener ally In better shape. Demand was there fore quite good at So a pound. Stocks were packed In crates instead of sacks, thus insuring longer keeping quality. Two cars of cantaloupes were re ported In from Brawley yesterday; fine shape. Bell peppers are lower with larger re ceipts. New potatoes are holding steady, with arrivals and demand Juat about equal. Raspberries are In fine shape. Sell ing at $1.25 for best. Poultry Market Zs Higher. On account of the very liberal de mand and generally small arrivals on the street, the poultry market in gen oral shows an advance of about c a pound In price today. Hens are quoted up to 14c a pound and springs range around l(o and 17o. The era market continues mixed, with values showing a range of about 2c on account of quality. Most sales at 14c, although once In a while a case is sold fractionally higher and a large lot frac tionally lower. Business .in eggs, how- over, is generally dull, the market show ing little -movement on account of 'the eastern arrivals. Creamery butter and cheese are hold ing. Former is very firm. nresaed veal ' continues very scarce and prices are firmer though unchanged. Front street values: again, Ploa and Peed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, Be. Urge lots:; smalt lots. 10c WHEAT--Club. S4986e; red Russian, 12c; bluestem. 788c: valley, 8485c. CORN Whole, $28.00; cracked. $29-00 per ton. BARLEY Now Feed, $21.00 22.00 ?er ton; rolled, $28.00024.00; browing, 22.0028.00. RYE $1.55 per ewt OATS New Producers prloe No. 1 white, $28.00 per ton; gray, $27.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, $4.80; straights, $4.25; export, $4.00; vallev. S4.3O0S4.4O: graham. Us, $8.76: whole wheat, $4.00; ryo, 60s, $d.00; bales. $2.75. MIL-STUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton; miaaungs, sz&.uu; snorts, country, zu; city,; coop, jie.uu wi.vv. Walla Walla, 3c lb; garlic, 8c per lb. APPLES New. $1.0091-75. FRESH FRUITS Oranaea $1294: bananas. 6c lb; lemons, $4. 6098.26 per box; limes. Mexican. $4.00 per loo: pineapples, 3.ZBg;.o aos; grape fruit. $3.25; cherries, 3 9 8c per lb; gooseberries, 6c per lb; loganberries, 90c 9 $1.26 per crate; peaches, $1,009 1.26; cantaloupes, fancy, $8.25 4.00; raspberries, $1.25; plums, $1.2591 50. VEGETABLES Turnips, new. 90cf $1.00 sack; carrots, "5c9S1.00 per sack; beeta 81.75 Der sack: parsnips. 81009 $1.25; cabbare, $2.60; tomatoes, Cali fornia, $191.25; Oregon, $298-85; pars nips, 90c$1.00; wax beans, 596c; green, 899c per lb; cauliflower, $1,259 1.60 doxen; peas, 6 97c; horseradish, 8c lb; artichokes. 65975c per doz; aspara gus, 75o per dos bunches; rhubarb, 3c lb; srreen onions, 25c per dor: bell pep pers, 12 9 15c per lb; head lettuce, ) dox; cucumbers, hothouse, 409 50c dos; outdoor, 11.0091.60; radishes, 15c doz bunches; eggplant, 8036o lb; green corn, 66c doz. Groceries, Buts, Bto. SUGAR Cube, $8.12 H: powdered, 15.97 H; berry, 85.77; dry granulated, S5.77H; Star, $5.67H; conf. A. $5.77J extra B, $5 27; golden C. 85.17; D veilow, 5.07: beet granutatea, &.bt; barrels, 10c; half barrels. 26c; boxea, 50a advance on sack busts. (Above prices are 30 days net cash quotations.) J HONEY $8.60 per crate. COFFEE; Pacaage brands, $18,889 16.63. SALT Coarse Half pound, 100a. 11 i per ton; AOs, 811.60; table, dairy, 60s, $15.50; 160s, $15.25; bales. $2.10; im ported Liverpool, 60s, $18.00; 100s. $17: 224s, $16.00; extra fine, bbls, 2a oa and 10s. $4.6096.60; Liverpool lumti rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. $11.00; 100a $19.60. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lota Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan, No. V c; No. 2, 695c; New Orleans, nead. 7c; Ajax. 6c; Creole, 5c. BEANS Small white. $8.80; large white. S3 25; pink, S3. 26: bayou, $3.90; Llmas, 64c; Mexican red 4c. NUTS Peanuts. Jumoo, c per lb; Virginia, 7c per lb; roasted, 10c per lb: Japanese, 695c: roasted. ?97c per lb; walnuts, California, l6o per lb; nine nuts. 14915c per lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb; Brazil nuts, 18c per lb; fil berts. 16c per lb; fancy pecans, 1820o per lb; almonds, 19921c. , Meats, Pish and Pro visions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 898c per lb; large. 697c per lb; veal, extra, 8c per lb: ordinary, 8c per lb; poor. 697c per lb; mutton, fancy, 8 99c per lb. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to IS lbs, 16o per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 16o per lb: 18 to 20 lbs, 15c: breakfast bacon.. 15 9 22o pet lb; picnics, 12c per lb; cottage roll, llc per lb; regular short clears, tin smoked. 12c per lb: smoked, 12c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c per lb: union butts,. 10 to ia ids un smoked. 8c per lb: smoked, 9o per lb flMt- hn I on iifiatflhkeri. IIUi' her lb smoked. 13e per lb: shoulders, l2c per lb; pickled tongues, 60e each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c, 18c per lb; 6s, 13c per lb; 60-lb tins, 12 per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 11 o per lb: 6s. 11 c per lb: compound, 10s. 10c ner lb. J", FISH Rock cod. 7e per lb: flounders, 6c per lb; halibut, 8o per lb; striped bass. 12c per lb; catfish. iOc per lb; Cxl mon, fresh Columbia chlnook. II o per lb; blueback, 10c per lb; Steel heads, 10c per lb; herrings, 6o per lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, loo per lb; perch, 6c per lb; black cod, 7c per lb; iomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, 18o per id: iresn mackerel, 8c per ID; crawnsn, 20c per doz; sturgeon, 10c per lb; black bass, 20c per lb; Columbia river smelt, 6c per lb; shad, 4c per lb; black cod, Sheep. its 1,000 404 75 Portland Union Stockyards, iuly Oiriciai receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Today 848 Week ago 878 488 Year ago 198 834 Previous year 4 88$ The absence of hogs from tho local market for a week Is creating much talk among tho killers. Of oourse the big packers understand tho reason shippers will not send hogs to market aa long as tney are not fairly treated. With values In tho east very strong packers are not oven willing to pay present quotations to locsl people, out will pay more freight charges added to tho eastern producer. Even with the absence of arrivals hers for several days, buyers offer no encouragement in prices; the market holding Just steady. Cattle Hold at Pont. At 84.00 today the market for best steers was auito steady, although killers did not hurry themselves to make pur chases. Receipts today were 846 head. This compares with 430 head a week ago, 134 nead a year ago and 863 bead this day two years ago. tTheop -toady But Basy. Receipts of sheep today were small Ith the market holding steady but easy. Today's run waa 146 head aa againat 1,000 head a week ago, 404 head year ago ana 7 neaa tnis aay two years ago. a year ago tooay nogs ana sneep were steady, cattle ouii. Today 67 head of horses cam In. Official livestock prices: Hoas Best eastern Oreron. 86.80: stockers and feeders, $6.006.5; China rais, ii.oi.iv, Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $4.00: best cows and half era. $3.86: bulls. $2.00. Sheep Wethers. S4.I8O4.60: lambs. $6.00. era dug is IT GUI '01 Wheat Crop Shows Farther Damage Advance in Chi cago and Drop Abroad. 4 Beg rfllag Wheat Crop. 4 Northwestern Miller of Minne apolis, says: "Reports discouraging on green bugs; soma bad spots showing Id the wheat; otherwise the crop Is making favorable progress. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. July Sept Deo , May July . . 92 . 96 . 99 ..102 JulyS 92 95 98 102 Gain. WOOL SALES A SUCCESS Price Rale as High as 21 Ue at Shanlko Yesterday. At the wool sales at Shanlko yester day upward of 1,000,000 pounds were sold, prices rangtng around 30 to 21 c. The latter was the high market. Over a half of tho wool offered was taken by one firm. Thla was the Botany mills of Palaalc, Now Jersey. ts purcnases totaled eit.ouo pounos. Other buyers were Russell A Co.. of Portland, 85.000 pounds; Pendleton Scouring Mills, 35,000 pounds, J. Kosh- !and it uo., i90,uuo pounds, and Hal lowell, Jones A Donald, 165,000 pounds. Chicago. July 9 Bad reports are again coming from tho wheat harveat. AT special from Kansas City says: Threatening' returns Indicate that the wheat crop Is very spotty. Some re turns are very much better than expect ed. An estimate on total yield will be almnlv a auess until complete reports can be had and that might be 6,000,000 bushels out of line. Weather favorable and wheat harvesting Is very good. In the markets today there was some short covering on the advance, but the trade Is still very short of wheat. The market closed to c up. Liverpool cables were weak with a very aparp break ahowlng at the close. Bradatreet's report of the grain visi ble show: Wheat East of Rockies, increased 608,000 bu; Canada decreased 1.148.000 bu; Europe and afloat decreased 5,500. 000 bu; world's total decreased 6,160,600 bu. Corn Decreased 1,204,000 bu. DIG STEAMER IS e riTHOUT CHARTE Maori King Hides Lazilyva Ancnor Awaiting in structions. , DELAYED BY TROUBLE AMONG PASSENGERS . . , . ,, ., x : , Possibility of Vessel Being Fixed to Load Lumber for Some Foreign Port Since Frank Waterhouse A Co. Canceled Original Charter. Official Chicago prices by Overbook, Starr A Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Open. High. July.. Sept. Dec. . May.. 81 96 98 ' 101 LOW. 101 Big Sheep Deal. (Special Dispatch to Th. Joanut.) Boise, Ida., July 9. Deputy Grazing Inspector Bergh has just returned from a trip through the Sawtooth forest re serve, 100 miles east of here. He was there inspecting ranges and marking out aome trains ror tne Tusker sneep com pany to pass over. This outfit was formerly owned by Payne & Pence and waa purchased not long ago by wiscon sin parties, but the transfer was only lust made. The deal involved 18,000 head of sheep In 10 bands, and It is said the consideration was $100,000. High land valley has been selected as their opening and closing range. NEVADA MIXING STOCKS WOULD LEGISLATE TRAPS OUT OF BITER "I am In favor of elosing tho river against all salmon fishing for two years at a time. Other wise I would prohibit trap or wheel fishing altogether. Some thing must be done to save the fish." Robert a Farrell, repre sentative from Multnomah county. "I believe that something must be done to aid the salmon , Industry at once or all tho fish will be caught t think it would bo a very good Idea to legislate out all trape and wheels. Tho former are especially kHIlnc to fh IndUStrv aa the era the irei. co ash -can pass them." Willard H. Chapln, rep resentative from Multnomah' eou&ty. rc per lb, OYSTERS E Shoal water bay. ner gal. Ion. $2.50; per 100-lb sack, $4.60; Olym- ria, per gallon, iz.Z5; per lib-lb sack. 5.50 9 6.25; Eagle, canned, lOo can; 17.00 doz. i CLAMS Hardshell, per' bog, $2.40; razor clams. $2.00 per box: 10c per doa Paints. Coal OIL Etc ROPE Pure Manila. 15c; standard. laiic; eisai, lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. lo per gai; water watte, iron bbls, 14e per gal: wooden, I'm per gal; head liaht 170 dear., cases. 21 Uc ner nl GASOLINE 8fl deg., cases. 24 c per gai; iron immb, ic per gm. BENZINE 63 deg.. cases. 25c per gal; Iron bbls. 98c per gal. ,. TURPENTINE In cases, 96c per gal; wooden bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7o per lb; 500-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lots, 8c per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.16. United States Government Bonds. New York, July 9. Government bonds: Date. .1806 .1906 .1918 .1918 .1925 .1925 .1907 .1907 Twos, registered. . . do coupon ... Threes, registered do coupon ...... Fours, reg., new. . do coupon ...... Fours, reg., old. . . . da couoon Fours, Philippines. do coupon ........ Twos. Panama, new District of Columbia, ... Bid. 105 105 102 102 128 128 100 100 109 104 114 11 4 U Asked. 106 106 103 108 129 129 101 101 105 Bid Prlcea Current Today on the San Franelaco Exchange. San Francisco, July 9. Official bid prices : GOLD FIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 61c, Red Top 84.25, Mo hawk $16.00, Columbia Mt. 61c, jumbo $4.25, Jumbo Ext $1.90, Vernal 20oA. Pennsylvania 3cA, Gold Held M. Co. $2.00 A, Kendall 34c, Booth 46c, Blue Bell 34c, Adams $124. Silver Pick 660, Nev. Boy 10c, B. B. Ext. 7c,, Blue Bell 19c, Dixie 6c, G. Columbia 81c, Hlbernia 7c, St. Ives $1.05, Conqueror $1.14. Blk. Rock 4c, Lone Star 21c, G. Wonder 2c, Oro 23c, Kendall Ext 2a, Sandat Ext. 4o, Mayne 7c, Atlanta 64c, Great Bend 70c, Slmerone 18c, Empire 12c A, Red Top Ext. 26c, Florence 16.15, Diam'f B. B. Con. $2.54, G. Daisy $2.10, Laguna S1.26A, Commonwealth 26c, Comb. Fract. $3.40. Or. Bend Ext. 13c, Or. Bend Anx. Kewanos 8c, Esmeralda lie, Portland 23c, Cracker Jack 19c, Francis Mohawk $1.25. Red Hill 61c. Lou Dillon 9cA, Y. Tiger 17CA. S. Pick Ext. 7cA, Col. Mt. Ext 6oA, Goldf. Cons. $8.45, Diam'f Triangle 22o. COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Ophlr 18c, Mexican 42c, Gould & Curry 15cA, Con. Virginia 62c, Savage sic. Hale & Norcross 50c, Yellow Jacket S1.00A, Belcher 25c, Sierra Nev. 34c, Exchequer 88c, union 28c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Bullf. M. C. 18c, Mont Bullf. 4c. Nat. Bank 20c. L. Harris 2c. Amethyst 80c. Gold Bar 66c, Stelnway 9cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 10c A, Bonnie Claro 6 7c A, May It Cons. 78c. Monty. Ohio Ext. 8c G, Scepter 14c, Monty. Mt 14c, B, Daisy 13cA, Homestake Cons, lc, Yankee Girl 6c, Nugget 4c, Tramp Cons. 50c, Victor VOa TONOFAH DISTRICT. Ton. Nev.?$4.60A. Mont. Ton. $8.25, Ton. Ext. $1.80. MacNamara 28c, Mid way $1.17, Ton. Belmont $3.60, Ton. No. Star 25c,. Ohio Ton. 2c, West End Cons. 88c, Rescue 16c. Ton. St Calif. 8cA, Golden Anchor 18c, Jim Butler $1.10, Ton. Cash Bov 7c, Ton. Home 16c Bost. Ton. 10cA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 6c, Mont Mid. Ext. 4c, Golden Crown 8c, N. Y. Ton. Cons. 2c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. "46c, Manh. M. Co. 7c G. Wedge 8c, Seyler Hump 6c, Dexter 13c, L. Joe 2c, Crescent 6cA, Com bination 4cA. Granny 18c, Mustang 26c, Cowboy 6c, Orlg. Manh. 8c, Broncho 7c, Jump. Jack 6c, Pinenut 7c, Buffalo 3c, S. Dog 15c Y. Horse 4c, Indian Camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King lOcA, Fairy. Eagle 62c Nevada Hills $6.60, No. Star Won der lOcA. Eaaie's Nest 18c. Alice of Wonder 6cA, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.46. Portland Bank Statement. July... Sept. . . Dec. . , July. . . Sept . . Dec. . . July... Sept . . July... Sept . . Oct July... Sept . . Oct Jan... . 62 89 108 CORN. 64 64 64 66 62 63 OATS. 48 89' 40 40 MESS PORK. .1615 1616 1616 .1617 1635 1612 LARD. . 880 830 889 . 892 897 893 . 902 902 902 SHORT RIBS. . 847 847 847 . 862 867 862 81 84 97 T4 7 Close. 92 98 99 102 64 64 63 43 89 40 1616 1686 880 897 902 847 867 867 800B The British steamer Maori King la still swinging lastly at her anchor in the middle of tho stream and there is no telling now how soon Bhe will be fixed for loading, .her charter to the Frank Waterhouse line having boon can celed. 1 Tho Maori King waa engaged to carry a cargo of flour and general . merchan dise from this port to north China and Siberia, but arrived too late to take the cargo intended for her. The delay was due principally to a race war on board when the steamer was on her way from the orient to Suaymas, Mex ico, wun a load run oi tjnineso ana Russian laborers. The Russians fell out with the Chi nese and some blood would have been shed had not the officers decided to steer for San Pedro, where tho trouble. makers were reprimanded. One of tho coolies wss kept in irons for a long time. From Guaymas the Maori King came hero. She is the first steamer in many months to He hers in ballast seek ing a charter. There is a possibility of her being engaged to carry lumber, hut the for eign market Is said to be somewhat con fused, although several orders have re cently come from South America, espe cially since the slump in the San Fran elaco market. The Norwegian steamer Mathilda is at the mills of to Portland Lumber company loading lumber for Australia, and the Norwegian steamer Tnyra is due to reach nere soon. The Thyra Is under charter to the Pacific Export Lumber company to load for China The American Trading company la dispatching the Mathilda CREW FIGHTS FLAMES NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Clearings today do year ago . Gain today Balances today . do year ago . , ..$1,232,678.76 ,. 891.226.04 Early Advance Is Lost by Heavy Liquidating Sales. Tho stock market closed sharply low er today. Profit taking was the cause of the latter slump. The Boston News Bureau wires: "The deadlock between producers and con sumers of copper has been broken. The new prices agreed upon are electrolitlc 22c. Take 28c. Larare sales of copper can now oe momentarily expected. ' Official New xora prices by over- beck, Starr & Cooke Co.: Open. Am. Copper Co. 93 Am. Loco., c Am. Sugar, c 12 Am. Smelt, c. 119 Atchison, c 91 Baltimore A Ohio, e 98 Brooklyn Rapid Transit... 67 Canadian Pacific, c 174 Chi. Milwaukee &- St P...134H Colorado Fuel A Iron, e... 82 Erie, c Z5 Louisville & Nashlvlla ..116 Missouri Pacific New York Central .... Pennsylvania Railway . Peo. Gas, Light ft C. Co.. 92 Reading, c. 107 Rock Island, cn zi do preferred 46 Southern Pacific, c 80 Union Pacific, c 140 United States Steel coC, c. 37 United States Steel Co.. p.100 Officers and Sailors on Steamer Un dine Save Farmhouse. Officers of tho stesmer Undine on re turning to Portland Monday from Van couver, discovered a farm house burn ing. Captain Cnpeland,- master of the Undine, sounded a fire alarm and the entire crew turned out at once to fight the flames under command of Captain Copeiand and Flrat Officer Leslie Loula While part of the crew were directing the streams on the burning dwelling aome of the others entered the building and carried out the household goods. A woman was the only occupant and after the flames were extinguished she waa taken on board and transported to the Washington aide, where she left for Vancouver. THREE SAILORS am: nnni'ifirn IIHL UUUWIILU : r- . ,i v. i h . 8sBSBwsssSMsjpisBjPBSssaBjsBssasnBB t . .m ' Members of Crew of H. (ay Pierce's YachtLose Lives in Harbor at New York. (Jearaal Special Service.), New York, July 8. Three members of the crew of tho steam yacht Taoona, owned by Henry Clay Pioroo of 8t Louis, wore drowned in . tho Hudson river today when a yawl earrvtna- t crew was upset by a sailor rocking tho boat Four were rescued. ' The crew was returnlna to the vuht after lu. of absence. The dead are Rudolph Johnson, Frederlckson Vondorsen, and Herman Vondaraen. Yaoona reached port yesterday after a week's cruise on Long Island sound, Pleroo Is chairman of tho board of tho Waters Pleroo Oil company. Wlllscott, Am. bk........ Newcastle. A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle. A, St. Mlrren. Rr. ah..- - a Crillon, Fr. bk.. .....Newcastle, A. a MMAM I m 13w Kb Y... ..I. . Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. .Newcastle, A. St. Louis. Fr. sh.. Newcastle, A. Trams Steamers Bn Bouts. "V. Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. str, , .San mnclsoViv. ouean A i.r,nH.. n. ... -w. - --- . v. . ...... .nwiii. Strathnoss, Br. str.,.. Port Los Angeles Oil Carrie am Boats. ArpU. Am. str Port Harford Cataala, Am. str ..Qavlot ALONG THE WATERFRONT t A hold full Of 800 tona of fralrht m. passenger list that crowded overy state room ana ail extra places taken waa tho record of the maiden trln nt h Breakwater for Coos Bay when she cleared last nirit Tho Geo. W. Elder arrived in Astoria this mornlna and will reach the Pnri. land dock lata this afternoon. Tho British ship Strathnairn, which arrived In port yesterday morning, Is unloading 13,500 barrels of oement brought from London for B-lfnup Guthrie company. i ne catania ir unloading 18.600 bar rels of crude oil at Llnnton for tfc- Aaaociated Oil company, brought hero from Gavlata. The steamshlo President reoortail th weather 200 miles south of North Head laat night by wlreleaa measaa-a For. caster Beals saya that as soon as the oriental liners are equipped with wire less annoratus the local bureau will h f reatly aided In Its work. Reports will hen reach Portland while steamers are still 1,000 to 1,400 miles out at sea MARINE NOTES RESUMES SERVICE . 76 .113 124 79 138 87 100 COMPLAINT OF MRS. . GOULD TOO STRONG (Journal Special Berries.) New York July 9. Upon the order of Supreme Justice McCall the allegations of infidelity and tampering with' mall, have been stricken from the divorce complaint filed against Howard Gould by his wife. The 'court, however, re fused to grant Gould's request that a third allegation, that he had his wife shadowed by detectives, be stricken from the complaint WALKER ACCUSED OF ROBBING A STORE D. P. & A. N. Again Handling White Salmon Freight. (Special Dispatch to Toe Joaraal.) Hood River, July 8. After suspeBd lnsr its freight service to White Salmon for several months, tho D. P. A A. N. company has resumed again, due to the fact that the J. N. Teal, which waa put on the river, recently, Is stopping there. unaoie 10 gei rreigni consigned to inem any other way, residents on the North Bank have, since about May 1. been ferrying It across the river from the O. R. & N. The residents of tho North Bank sre anxious to have tho Open River Transportation company put on another boat so they will be Insured a dally service and say that If it doea they will pledge themselves to give It their patronage. MARINE IVTELLIQENCB Xog-lar Xlners Duo to Arrive. Kedondo, Seattle July 10 Columbia San Francisco........ July 12 Breakwater, San Francisco.... July 13 Alliance, Coos Bay July 16 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.,.; July 16 Alesla, orient. .....July 16 Costa Rica. San Francisco. .July 17 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.July 2$ Nicomedia, orient juiyzf Numantla. orient...,,.... Auguat 18 Arabia, orient Sept 1 Begular Xdasxg to Depart. Alliance, Coos Bay .....July 10 Costa Rica. San Francisco July .10 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.July 11 Kedondo, seatue ana way Juiy iz Breakwater, Coos Bay ....... . . July 16 Columbia, San Francisco ...... juiy 16 Roanoks, San Pedro and way. ...July 18 Alesla, orient ....July 27 Nicomedia, orient .August f Numantla. orient Auguat 28 Arabia, orient September IS Tassels la port. Tola Rr. sh Elevator dock Jordanhlll, Br. by. Astoria Zinita. Br. bk .. . ... u. vBaat Pins Llllebonne. Am. sch...O. R, A N. Alblna Waanucta. Am. bar so. .University Mill Chehalls. Am. bktn..... ...... Knappton J. H. Lunsman. Am. sch. .Stella Astoria July 9. Arrived at 4:80 anil left up at 8 a. nr. steamer George W. Elder, from 8an Pedro and way norta. Arrived down at 6 and aalled at 10 a m., steamer Excelsior, for San Francisco, Arrived down at 6 a m., and aalled at 7:30 a. m.. steamer Breakwater, for Cooa Bay. Arrived at 11 a. m.. steamer Ar gyll, from Port Harford. Astoria, July 8. Left up at 1:10 p. m., steamer Catania Left up at 1:30 p. m., barge Washington In tow of tug Samson. Astoria July 9. Condition of the bar at 8 a m., smooth; wind northwest, 8 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria today High water 1:08 a. m., 6.7 feet Low water 6:47 a, m., 0.4 feet; 8:38 p. m.. 3.6 feet. MEAD'S SECRETARY IS FRANK DALLAM (Special Dispatch to Tbe J.nnul.) Olympia, Wash.. July 9. At the ex ecutive offices announcement is mads today of the appointment of Frank Dallam Jr., of Wenatchee, as private secretary to the governor, succeeding A. N. Brown, whose resignation waa an nounced 10 days ago. Mr. Dallam takes office July 16 on the retirement of Mr. Brown. The new private secretary Is the son of Frank Dallam, one of the pioneer newspaper men of the state, now editor of the Palmer Mountain Prospector at Loomla, Okanogan county. The elder Mr. Dallam was the founder of the Spokane Review and has been In tho newspaper business In Washington since 188Z. The new nrlvato secretary Is 27 years old, a native of California, married, and has spent nearly his entire life In this state. He was a student at tho state colleae at Pullman for a year and at tho University of California for a year. For the last aeven years he has been In the newspaper business, a largo part of the time In the Okanogan coun try. Ho is now editor and advertising; manager of the Wenatchee Dally World. He ts in town today, In conference with the governor. Don't fall to pay your west sldo gas bill tomorrow. Positively tho last oay of discount. LONG FLIGHT WILL BE TRIED IN AIRSHIP (Journal Special Service.) Toledo, Ohio, July 9. Roy Knaben- snue, the aereonaut, is planning a long e dtHte.nre teat with hi- new rilrrihl hnl. "l loon. Some time this week Kjiabenshu- will make tho flight from Toledffb Cleveland, a distance of 137 miles, fi an average speed or zu mues an hour, xno ship will carry three passengers, one of whom will be Mrs. Knabenshue. This unariesiuit. u. is. iihyj .n-i uui i ... . . , , . , . Paul Jones. U. S. N Astoria temTrfEi Maori King, Br. ss. Stream t evw attempted. . .iour mui . . .Westport (Special Dispatch to Th. Joaraal.) Astoria, Or., July 9. A man named James Walker was arrested yesterday, charged witn robbing a state at Ham mond Sunday afternoon of Ttoods val ued at $160. Walker was arraigned in justice court yesterday afternoon and pleaded not guilty and was committed to the county jail in default of $600 bonds to appear Wednesday for exam ination. CAR DISMEMBERS MESSENGER BOY 841,847.71 124,801.19 98,122.93 Foreign Exchange Jtates. New York. July 9. Foreign exchange market opened dull and steady, with rates down S points 60 days, 483.90 484; francs. 616; marks, 66 6-6; cables, 487487.55; demand, 487487.06. k Liverpool Grain Market. , Llverpol, July . Official prices: WHEAT. . r :- '' Ooen. Close. July', July..7s 3 d Ts i d 7s 8d is itto !. s s a 7s 6d 7e 7,d CORN. 4slld 4slld Sept. 7s 4d Deo,. .7s 6d Sept. 4s 11 d Loas. ld : 14d Liverpool Cotton Marked LlveroooL July' 9. Cotton futures closed' very steady, SH to a points down. (Soecial Dispatch to Tbe Joaraal.) Vancouver. B. C. July 9. -A messen ger boy named Frank Miller, aged 18, of North Vancouver, was run over and in stantly killed hv one of the big Inter- urban cars on Hastings street last even ing at 7:16. His body was horribly mu tilated and crushed. . His head was nearly severed from his body and his body was cut In two. ' ' - TRAITOR TORTURED BY MEN HE BETRAYED (Journal Special Service.) -Riga, Russia, July 9.-A revolutionist named Sproge, who betrayed his com rades who were plotting In an old flour mill, was te-ribly tortured afto tho po lice had raided the mill, killing 10 revo lutionists and capturing many. Sproge was taken to the mill and tied to the floor. A sack with a small hole in It was tied around his head and flour poured through the hole until Sproge was smothered tp death, , . Don't fall to pay your west sldo gas bill tomorrow. Positively tho last day of discount. ' Manshu Maru, Jap. ss.. Alvena. Am. sch J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn Stella Dalgonar, Br. sh... Columbia No. 1 Mathilda Nor ss .Portland Lbr Co. I Wallacot, Am. oarge. university jwar vo. Aiumn.t aui. .vii. . .iijruuuft Bee, Am. sch. . .Willamette I. A S. Wks. Lettltla, Am. sen , Rainier Costa Rica, Am ss ...Ainsworth Alliance, Am. ss... Couch etreet Strathnairn,. Br. ss ....Mersey Yosemlte, Am. ss Astoria Catania, Am. ss Llnnton . Samba Carriers Bn Bouts. Mabel Gale, Am. sch.,... Sac Frerntaoo Retriever. Am. bktn San ranclaeo South Bay, Am. str San Francisco Echo, Am. bktn San Francisco Melrose, Am. sch. San Pedro Sailor Boy, Am. sen Ban Franclsoo Alden Besse, Am. bk San Francisco Louisiana. Am. bk San Pedro Irene, Am. sch San Diego Washington, barge San Pedro Aurella, Am. str San Francisco James Rolph, Am. sch ...San Francisco Bn Boats With Cement and OensrsL Buccleuch, Br. sh............ Hamburg Brenn, Fr. bk... ..Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk....;.... Antwerp Europe, Fr. bk .....Antwerp uenevieve Monnos, ft. dk..,,,. onaon Rene Kervtler. Fr. sh ..Hamburg Laennec. Fr. sh Swansea je Pllier, irr. bk.... ...........London Martha Roux, Fr, bk. ......... Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh.. ....Newcastle. E. Samoa. Br. bk ...Shields Slam. Ger. sh....... ......London Thiers, Fr. all .....Newcastle. E. Vincennes, Fr. bk.............GFasgow Marechael Turrene. Fr. bk.,.. Hamburg Villa do Mulhouso, Fr. bk. . . . . .Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk..i ...Antwerp Plerrl Loti. Fr, bk............ Antwerp Waldsn Abbey, Br. ah......... Antwerp GlensBsllu, Br. sh . ........... .Antwerp Versailles, Fr.bk........ ..... ...Leltfi General de Boisdeffro. Fr. bk,,.. London General do Negrler, 2"r. bk...... London Bayard. Fr. bk. ....... ..Antwerp Villa do Dijon, Ft. bk. , , ... . . . .Antwerp . Coal Ships 8a Bouts. . Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle. A. CoL de Vlllebols MarenU.Fr. bk ...V.. Newcastle, A. CUverdon, Br. go. ..... . .Newcastle, ' A. .-Iw, .jr AMERICANS DESIRE INTERNATIONAL COURT (Journal Special Service.) The Hague, July 9 -Among tho new propositions introduced at the Interna tional peace conference yesterday was that of the American delegation regard ing a permanent court of nations to be established and maintained here. The Idea Is to have a court to servo the pow ers In the same capacity that the su- f reme court of the United States serveg he Americans. CALIFORNIA FLOOD' DOING HEAVY DAMAGE Bakersfield, Cal., July 9. Destruction Is spreading over the rich wheat and alfalfa regions of Kern county. The flood water is spreading at will. More than 260,000 sacks of wheat, worth 81.60 a sack are already gone. Tha damage to ditches, fences, hay, alfalfa fields; levees and personal property will boN enormoua Don t fall to pay your weat side gas fa bill tomorrow, of discount. Positively tho last day F. MISSLER (Bremen, Qermany.) B10418 BIST ST OAXV-STOir, BANK (Unincorporated) Remittance of Money to v and from Europe POBBiaB KOBZT SZOXABOB. ' Ticket Offioo for tho Steamers from and . ' .so Buropa. ) .J f