WISIOilS LE YOUNG BAPTISTS r--.. ,." . - t 1 .. : ' "v t -. , v - i r.J h. i. , ..i. , , VT. .. , , . ;. ,1 . , . V v. I;, V . ...-.- j-! ' r " 1 V T" . . " " , " in E I PflHF Mwllb Guide JIoMer and His Pack- Hie Rendition of "The Voiw of God's Creation" Feature at White, Temple. era Take;First load Into SEKH0N SUBJECT uangmg;vaiieyrrepara- VERY, NOVEL ONE tions for. Trip of Mazamas CI EARN HEY Asked to Participate in Cash Prize Contest of Portland Commercial Oub. ill ''j . a n ' i a i m casn prises ior arucjs tO'Mt. JefferSOn Complete. Dr. Brongber Preached on "The papers outside the states oi , ' x- j Washington, and treatlns; V ( Jealons Old Maid," Taking Miriam, sources, scenery or other t ' . Tr.nint1niii for the trip of the Ma aamaato Mount Jefferson. July II, to 2S. art eomplsted. The provisions hav. 11 been shipped to Detroit and auiae Slater of Mosee and Aaron, Character Study. for A apaelal letter lite been addressed by the Portland Commercial club to the Baptlat Toun People's Union of Amer ica, in convention at Spokane, calllm attention to the club's offer of 18.00 In caah prlaea for article printed In or ureron ana I of the re merlta of the atate and the city of Portland. There are nine prises, rangma rrorn ad 71 other pru 1100 to 11,000, an I eligible for the competition other d amount down to 110. In order to be article muit have anoeared In a rerular edl tlAn a anma nvininnr nr other tiubll! A feature of the aervice at me wniie cation dated on or before December II. Mohr.MT,rk:rVh.v. rne to Tempi, laat nlebt . , th. n. ; of ffia.omplet. yot ."..' ' l 4,,Am larar than ITahrUaXV 1. 1101 J " - . . -w ' ch article muit be sealed and ad inut into Hunting- vaueyi rea uuuer. m ...rt :Tl tin back In I of Ood's Creation" In a ntaaterful man- fe.c ti meet the company at Detroit ner. Hla voice was dear as bell and dressed to the "Prise Contest, care Port KrCSTSto the aem. Ailed the double auditorium to the ..Commercial club. Portland. Ore destination. fartheet corner. Hla gospel solo at the -writers may handle any phase of th. ) k.M.. With the Maaama close of the sermon was alao greatly subject they desire to take up," said . . - ' i 1C.T Detroit, en loved. Manager Tom Richardson of the club. . chef,vBrody, leaves today for Detroit, enjoyed. .. "It Is the purpose of the club to get where they expect to meet Mr. Mohler Dr. Brougher preached a sermon on 4 po,,lD jnfort.rlon about the Ore- nd 'aoeompany him and hla train to The Jealous Old Maid." He took ton eountry before eastern readers, not - Hanging valley, ao as to have the tents Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, so mUco to 'boom' the state and this , , iiltched. floors swept, pots boiling, the jor ng character study. Among other Cty but to simply: convey the facta . electric fans going ana in ; mm neve i things he said: . about Oregon and Pi - verytning in reatuness ior "Miriam waa a remencaoie woman. f the warm, weary and hungry travel-1 nh came from a remarkable family. ere.. There ere few families that have pro- . - Will Have Camp BeaAy. duced three greater children than Moses, . ' . a n wamtr and Deacon Hicks I Aaron and Miriam. It Is almost a will Jeave one day in. advance of the shame to pick out the one great fault ... " . . . "... utnr liiLf h Ufa tn rlv. am n hall a to it When order ' to have that camp In readiness ah. has so msjiy otbernoble andlovabie The a,,,,. handled should relate to i f of the oncomers. . Potatoes will be dug trsJta pf character. I do It slmp be- nltural, r.,ource scenery, Irrigation, and.chickens will be in the pan, so that cause I wish to show that the grtest agriouUur horticulture, timber, dalry- . fTd-ZX drtn'kd UTOforthi w motto hr care her Jfer o5V Ah phs of Si ilA da? Ihey will have to travel. About little brother Mo.... Thar, never was '.iniSSTnSS." 0 persons have enlisted for the outing, a greater trust imposed upon any giri It Is desired thai all persons leave me i since xne worw oesan. w ra.ppa w superfluous luggage at Albany and don that : brother la the civilisation and ' tha blue and arav ready for the tramp- sanetiflcation , of the whole.' earth. - In r -trip from Detroit to Camp - Hum-I Greater than all the riches and trees. about Oree-on and Portland to eaatern people who never have visited the state and do not hav. any adequate idea of what there Is here. "The aim of the writer also must be to give expression to these facts in suoh a way as will be acceptable to the east ern press and secure tneir puDiioation. question being valuable material.' Money Getting." , He selected for hla that portion or tne scripture con text talnlng the celebrated paasag mm bur. . ' ... ures of Egypt was that bor'aUf. How th- lo of money l0 a root of all Perhaps little aetaii or tn. trip win wen . sne perrormea ner ouiy on of evu." Dr. Wilson said In part whet the appetite of the boys. Leaving occasion we all know. She was a .ph money making, money-i "For kinds saving Camp Humbug the .campers next arrive I bright gin ana a oruuani woman- world Is divided Into two departments w wbiou awn An vw .-, the cet-rlch-qulck met teen. Here mey aiv the first. three cheers for Mount Jeffer at Camo Hicks, near Jefferson is first seen. sonf ' ' ' - rU hl yl, W yl, hef, . we re au going , ti i can get murwa inai ,k .i.k,i,i, ..h. ..i.n If aha is silly and fool In h I ''V'"' r '";..T ' .a iib..n aii ttiinf r nn r nnmaa r -. . . : rilUU.ll w b-w 1 ---r. I . . o climb old Brick-Bed Books. Out .from Camp- Hicks a little lnas. prudent investments ana patience I . a a . a 1jB1 111 WeUklUH 1VI IVIUiS get married. i nave anown many m -,h.r. , . j-. . emeth rlaht along with a man's clothes oh she can Mt ,.ft SMta Sf wiwS1 unT'm'buYVnef" iiLlif. Vl ...1V!ia 0 the ways of death. This proverb fl way enaiDie mna . . . . u. lli.f Illnatratlnn "After the children or israei croseea - -rr;-".- are rhis proverb nnas In the short cuts the come to Red mountain.- so called Ka VA a,ah anA hla ho.ta to wealth. Any man ..who promlaea twvmiaa lta rooks are all brick red. Ai-K". 1... j v....t, tha you something for nothing, or neari cendlna this mounuin about half wm m "u,Tj ,w': ohiMr.n of Israel in nothing, la himself a fraud and thin thav nf.taln out nt the flneat ' vlewe of I IT,.. . . u.... .v.. n.nl..tlnn VOU a fool, ..""ron uu im. .uikuuim... g. OOd ana toe occasion sne oompuaru . " - - . . eountry to be seen on the journey a I the hvmn and led the people In their 'or the frauds who prey upon fooft, but most splendid , location for csmera triumnSnt song. th" " ot trying, to get something for shooters. Her. the Brlttenbush canyon -ruJt h. aiv.n unto her the nower of nothing, or making a fortune without Is overlooked, extending, from this faratalllna- future events. Moses and paying an equivalent in money, time. Ood had g mounuin and passing several preclpl-1 iaron we leaders among the men but I thought or service, is the covetousness she was th. chief woman among the which raui aays is idolatry, ana oerore W v (ID l v s'V . v irr-wT' scz mt . , ... U I . JfffwM A V f ,.t .Ti ''.'-. if .iT' T'l ... . w iTSaI t l - aa. :m I B ts&m : i k X.-i.a........ I .. itutf fOR,MEN in n i?i nrr l 'II I I IV VV. I 11 II ' I I -Tf A XI 1 1 ' I I 1 1 r f ' .lj ' i ' - ' " H' ' in,. With all the SNAP arid? STYLE of the $15 and i$20 siuiit uptowii stores --500 suits to choose from more than any r . . . - Al A t - a. a. t. Atnaf tTT-a in miim rtyrrfT. va inpg than an v store in America 1 tons mountains to. Mount Jefferson. The next stopping place la at 'Horse I women. Her ttlavatlon tn leadsrahln. this Ood may fall down in abject wor 11 y a ain 01 ue ncn, the toor and doea the , splendid appearance of the plaoe I tlon. . She had saved her brother from them fully aa much damage. It makes and of the abundance of tall grass I . m. Hh. had vninhnl over I tha rich odshm tha noor. and it causes ' . growing there. It Is said that In this hjm an cs,red for him. Bhe had been the poor to envy the rich, cultivate .'Place In season' huckleberrlea grow In I hi. .1.1.. ant nnth.r and closest com- I covetouaneaa. and ao Into all klnda of abundance, consequently some bear may panon and moat confidential friend now wildcat ventures, which lead them astray . oiapuw m rignv 01 way. 11 is 10 w (Dr 40 years. She loved Moses ana aid Trom the faith, ana wnicn pierces tnera sorrows. t Dr. Wilson will "fiVwil P.atthra anil Thursday. Here the reception .commit- more than she could stand. Her Jeal- the Parasites Which Prey Upon the 1AU taw. - uiihuujii ui, . vuyuiea, iiuiucr 1 ousv was arouaea. ner nearx was or poruana," Heaven, a place so called np4 because I however, made her lealous of Moses. ship. This is net onlj f Its beautiful Horses. ; but- because of I -Human nature is a strange comblna-1 but it also strikes hoped that the whole ,barty will Cetlnot want him to lov. anybody sis. bet- through with many sor farthsr up than tHorse Heaven. ter than her. . Next Sunday nlgbt The party arrives at Hanging Valley "When Moses ot married It was take for hla subject "I 1. , uiHuujii vt, vuyuiea, iiuiucr 1 ouay was arousea. tier nearx wai Ives, cougars and other varmlnta will broken. She became as weak and re greet and extend to the travelers the I vengeful as any curaiuiiy 01 inn camp grounos. flang ing valley's grissly bear will give the address of welcome and Deacon Hicks will respond. Trlday Day of Best, Friday will be given over largely to rest Saturday two side trips will be undertaken. One party will go In a . northeasterly direction to th. glaciers I of Mount Jefferson, which are very ex- tensive. Th. ic. is hundreds of feet thick with crevasses Intervening so Jeep that after looking for a time into ' them one becomes dlssy. This Is an other i splendid place ' for . camera operators. At this time these glaciers will b. named. , The other - party will explore the peaas 10-tne north or jerreraon to the , highest,, point From here may be seen a vast country extending over many , miles; In . fact nearly all- of eaatern Oregon, and -to the north the snow capped mountains and deep gorge. . Among these mountains la seen Ollalle . nutte, which is a little more prominent than the viewpoint- Over these hills may be. seen Indian trails nearly, ob literated by time. Tet in some places 1 hey are quite marked, especially on the stones, where they are worn deeply Sunday will be a day of rest. Serv Ices will be conducted at 10:30 and I o'clock. - Addresses will be given by Kieniuu, aocrora, lawyers, aeacona-ana preachers, interspersed with good music . , such as they, had in the olden timea. ; A' good vnlght rest and -early Monday morning the start will be made for the main ascension of Mount Jefferson. - Those remaining behind will spend the , ume wasning ana, ironing while ; they ; are hot watching the party snake the , : moth, onagei wiu De in ui. leaa on ; tnis aay. - -,:.- , raaa Bangarons Canyoa. i . , i . Tuesday a side trip to Lake Permelia . 1 is on the program. On the way to this ;lake an exceptionally deep and danger ; ous canyon Is passed. , At th. bottom 1 of this canyon may be Been two beauti Jul - mountain streams which unite be " . neath our eyes and tumble on down the ; mountain. Two :, very beautiful falls will be seen also on this trip. This Is a rough and tumble trip through the - i canyon,, and it will be optional with weak and wicked woman In all the camp. True lov. Is as strong aa death' out wnen it is ais- GENUINE PROGRESS appointed end turns to Jealousy It Is aa Poverty Will Produce It When Poor cruel as hell. . ' . , . "Jealousy la a terrible thing. But Awake to Exact Condition. U2.7vi VLi Mr?.0 tZ "Poverty will produce progress." de- VlMYnA kZW lt iMZ c1m4 r- & B. Muckley at the First rn "ndmSv inm h- Christian ohurcH last night, speaking on Jf!ni.n,tn;nX?i.yii JZVSXk,! '"Progress and Poverty " Their RelaUon kI? 0 " 1 V r Both." He said that when the poor he.U'MTrlam and Aaron talk- who Ina. He called all three of them be- ??JL lw,ak?.5..?f eir.xl.-??nal"?!!f- fore hire and told them that Moses was "". ?JX iVat.lv t thmT r7v the leader and for their evil speaking U,vd.o et tnem B,v- witt TanroaV and out of "th. Vrnn.nS here are Iwo kinds of poverty a. mniV 1fJr0By out of cmp ,he Richard T. Ely tells us, a lacli of goods "In the last analysis, every envious, 'J .Vn5,Ethh'r VrfJf lealous, spiteful, slandorou. pir.on .1. a janta '7tH wf .AS" J'IVt leper. e wno sianoerea nis neignoor :: r .iLV .. ought to be caet out until he repents. &w&li?rZZF&'&t Moses prayed for Ood to forgive his ',;... ?L .J ??r?l sister and after seven days Ood healed SfTi' V ' I. Ja ' mpMi ?5?glv.!.tUbnutd ASJ SSSi rw?ur.lnAor5.rnderh' UU" th th.foMt ?5n $ awrui sin or 'nqer to mak men XrM poverty will pro- auce progress, uui not until tne trutn EVILS OF MONEY 1, seen. It is the eternal law of God that the disobedient shall be poor In rw iiriiaon tH.hoA att o, aoul and body. Progress must be In nr. Wilson Preached Strong Sermon harmony with the revealed win of Ood . on Method of Accumnlatlon., SttS Yi2&fi& Dr. Clarence True Wilson nreached an Inf annlatv In which we stow into trust. Interesting sermon last night at Orace ful. amicable helpful dependence upon ine WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IfS SO ER 2 Stores 3rd & Oak Nelson Allen and J. 7. Ohormler. . This was the first of th. union vesper ser vices whlon are conducted every sum mer by the East Side churches, and which will continue throughout July and AUgUSt Next Sunday afternoon Dr. Ranshaw. or tne American unnsuan Missionary society, will deliver th. principal ad- are... Progre SSIV8 Methodist church on Evils persons to take this trip. of I one another Is approaohlng the divine ideal ror tne race, unnst taugnt us the wav tn .ttf4na ahmit rhia vinifltiAn Camp over Though our Lord was poor, .he became DISGUSTING TO HTM trv: dotted with lakes.. Mount Mlnto, many beautiful little Into. Diamond nealr Three-Fingered' peak. Three Sisters. Mount Pitt and. if clear. Mount Shasta can be seen. Fifty miles away to the north, a beau- Heifl atrarrth rtf itnttntrv lnt.ra.nlni, . be seen Mount Hood, rearing imDoslnalv and oommandlngly above the others. 1 h v - 1 r 1 I I Blacksmiths DTld othei whose work oitit requires reat physical strength and en durance need tissue build ing foods. Among these there Is none so good or so sustaining as delklona Ghirardelli's Cocoa 1 I I jjjgnt is maae at LAke Permelia, return- poor that through bis poverty we might mm uiiiiis "uiftQA pre- i.Decom. ncn. Danwrr to leavina nancina vajiav camp ana taxing ai uiiaue Dutte. There is an unnamed lake at the foot of Ollalle butte. Here aa-aln one can see not only . Mount Jefferson and all I r?. ttiii T.a- tr.imM.. ' 1 Its grandeur but a vast expanse of coun- . . , . 01 Millionaire it. u. rvocaeieuer. John D. Rockefeller does not nermtt nis religion 10 miener. wun nis dusi nesc affairs, and be can pray just as reaanv as ir na nu nor aoununaniMul numerous lies in endeavoring to avoid servers of witness subpoenas, 'said Rev. Everett M. Hill last night at the Taylor Street Methodist churoh, speaking on the subject: "The Younr Man in tha Broad Line." Rev. Hill said there are ) two dangera in the food problem over- reeamg ana unaerreeamg. e con tinued: "The saddest and, to me, the most disgusting thing in th. public press that has come to my notice for a long time is the spectacle of a great rich man, the richest man In the United States, trying to avoid being - served with a subpoena to appear in court and tell the truth. There be has been on the ranch of his son-in-law. Just out from Plttafield, Massaqhusetts, and the marenai wno cauea wasitoia that he was not mere. "Here is this man, a member of the church of God, and yet countenancing lying; in oraer 10 avoia stanainc ud in u. court of Justice and telling the truth. lJust think of it for a moment, and think what the poor people of the land must minx or a cnurcn when it raises up such a man. Think of the results upon the church. If a member of the official board of my church should go off on a big drunken spree I would not reel as oaaiy as x reel over this thing. And yet I suppose the great king of finance can smile and pray just as readily. This is a case of overfeeding. "The man In th. bread Una la the less dangerous man. Tet he is also a dangerous man, because he Is at the other extreme. I believe that this rich est man m tne united states is not a sane man. Just as I believe that the man wno is nungry is not a sane man while nis Doay is crying out ror food. Extremes on euner side create unbal- --X-TJJJION SERVICES Various 'East Side Denominations Held Forth in Hawthorne Park. Union services were held ytsterdav afternoon - in Hawthorne park by the various East Bide denominations. Rev. William H. Foulkes. of the First Pres byterian church, preached an evange Ustlo - sermon before an audience of about . (00 persona Dr. Hepne, of the Centvinary church, assisted In the ser vices. . Among the other clergymen who were present and took part, were Revs. A, . J, ; Montgomery, XX I ; Bad.r,, . Officers of Hercules Lodge. Milton. Or.. July I. Hercules Lodce. No. El, K. of P. has elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing year: Chan cellor commander, H. A. Williams; vloe chancellor, B. L. Archer; prelate, oeorge ma wards: master or work. w. 8. Woodward; keeper of records and seal, jru launatui s 1 sp vja vs. oaL4i--juui a va E. Brown; master at arms, Robert Warden. ltsfeiied Meek Canned (foods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Gas casy FRANK L. SMITH! MEAT CO. sae-aas Aider snreet. Between nrat aad 1 eooaa snreexs. "TZOATIJia m BSZY TBTJST." All political parties and all classes 6f I people are clamoring xor a sjiaie trust law. ... :: H people wans to dowa the wood I trnst, th. wholesale grei trust, the fish trust, Soup Bones at Smith's.... Soup Meat at Smith's The At. Beef to BoQ at Smith's $4 Shortrlbs Beef at Smith's.... .....44 the ice trust, the potato trust, the nttttI srs trail, tne launary Trust,, uxe plumbers' trnst, the printing- Smith's Brisket Beef... A4 Smith's Brisket Pot Roasts 45 -1 -at FOR YOU TO BUY A Gas Stove C Gas Water Heater . I : .. 1 -. .. .-r sWiii.iW'itiiiiiiiiiiiiifwiiiiMii 1 y n m 11 Or other gas ap- oliancc With either of our stoves, the - , . trust, the wrapplng-paper trust, ths nut not a- sou lumber trnst, eto.i 1 tas Beef Trust. worries about Smith's Shoulder Roaat Beef. Smith's Post Roasts The honor of paddllaa; the Beef Trust is exclusively Smith's. AH : I ue oxrioiais of ; . Fancy Prime Rib Roast Beef at Smith's .v..lOf oounty and stats, all the labor unions I ana people at large are wuung to Xiavs It ,to -Smith. Rolled Rib Smith's .. Roasts of. Beef at 104 Makes the skin like youTwaJit it:' Does It In & moment. - We guarantee the disappearance of all cookfaf , trouble and worry. -'; ' 'r This range is Wde of the beat cold-rolled sheet tteel, ridea ,asrestoa)linedt'nickeltrirfirned, 3 regular top burners, 1 large top burner, 1 sirnmering buraer, Oven burners are ao conatnicted that the heat acts directly I , on the baking from the tnatant the burnera are lighted that's DIRECT ACTION; and 1 cenre worth of gat will neat tne oven and do a quick baldng. RUDDilGas Water Heater s Hagaris cMagnolia. atrru Automatic, and instahtaneoua; finoiabes whole house with hot water . supply. . ' ; f S . ', " . . si- If.v,- A liauid preparation1 for Face, ecK, Arms ana.rianas. 121 Gallon for One Cent It is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean and refreshing. Cannot be detected. . NO 'ATTENTION :REQUIRED-IS ALWAYS READY. Two colors Fink and Uhite . :. Use it morning , noon' and night. aimer, spring, summer. rs. Lvoa Mm. Co., 44 S. Fifth 8t Braoklya, H.T. Companies, It Easy ilbir.fl OAOlH-Alr' M .-rs:.' ft..;.;"-' ..-vJsv.Vi-.-r.