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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1907)
HARD LUCK GAME MIES KlfIG OF GOES 10 81, JOHNS' TURF PLUNGERS VIEWS OF WOTERS IN AUTO RACES JULY 4 ' Hoodoo Persists in Follow- Former) Steel Magnate Bets inff Trunks Throughout Entire Session. His Head Off on Korso Races. BROWN AND SHOCKLEY MAKE GREAT SHOWING Apostles' Third Baseman and Oppo nent's Second Gnnrd Give Exhibi tion of Major League Plainf - Six Hits Made Off Gardner. PLACES THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DAILY In Fire Days Lays Two ITandred Thousand on Results at Sheepa- head Baf In "Effort to Recoup Hi Last Year's Hear Losses. TRI-CITY GAMES TODAY. At Recreation Park Kelso Tigers ys. Cuba. At Woodburn Frakes vs. Indians, li nt Johns Brewers vs. Trunks. At Astoria Apostles ,vs Bohemians. Woodburn v Frakee .... fit Johns.. Kelso . . ' Bra In art Astoria , fire we rS Trunks THE WAT THEY STAND. Played. Won. Lost 14 CttlM.. li t .. It ,... . If II 11 i! 1 0t Johns T. Trunks 4. "Shorty" : Gardner ' lost his Initial ,'; game with the Trunkmaker yesterday afternoon. It earn about principally u; la lh third Inning when four hits r brought In as many ' runs. Gardner finally Closed up tha, disastrous sssslon about 116,000 a day. By J. S. A. MaeDonald. (Special from the Hearst News Service.) I New York, July 7, 107. Once again John W. Gates Is the turf hero of thS hour In this neighborhood. The famous "Bet-Tou-a-MHUon" Is the big tent right now so far as the betting end of the game Is concerned, for his wagers hare been of tremendous else during the last weak, and his money Is dominating 88the horse playing1 market to a greater I degree than ever before. At th Washington park meeting- at Chicago, 111., along in 1001 and again at Saratoga In 10I. Gates deluged the bookmakers with money, but It is -safe to say he outdid all existing plunging records at Bheepshead Bay for a period extending irom June z to juno . Put the amount the blr fellow wagered at 1100,000 and you are within reason aDie bounds, in otner woraa, ne Dei just to tnina oi it r. .857 .841 .6 .100 by striking out three of the Apostles. It Was hard luck all tha way through tor tha leather goods men. Their hits numbered nine, whits half a dossn was all that tha St Johns team sould pinch off of Gardner. But thsrs was aulas sons place. Tha scorekeepsrs couldn't find It. and the players themselves didn't understand, sxeept that a green eyed hoodoo followed them throughout . me game. Be it said. teams ther that, ye caaenote parlay flendi Gates Xas Sve Chances. bf course. Oates Is not a bit more in fallible than the veriest 12 piker. He stands the same chances of winning as the Saturday arternoon rinnon eoun stance borne out by the faot of Gates being almost 1150,000 behind the Talk about "Pittsburg Phil?7 Grannan, "Plunger" waiton, joe I II.. ' y- II Sv, " ' v'f 30 v ! J L iws: 4 i. ' DLIRfS ULLI nil"F Alii" I LfUl U t nil JLoo Loos Bobby Complete v Master of Yesterday's HardFignt. ' r CAtlFF PITCHED V ccvocipwmft f eager and "Jack Donald roiling nign etase money uieir aayi Johnson, Donald r betting ring In nd nt nuvlnr YMAm drtwn thirff sack fol the Anostlea. la a wonder. lie played major league J ball ytsterdfty, pitied up siisltng not . ! ones that tipped him off his balanoe, '? .but-ths norsehida was Oriven over to first In time t cateh kls men without reoulrina- the' umpire to raise an arsu- 1 ment oa a close deolalon. Altogether ; ha arsw to mmseir six airnouit assists and one put outi and- while- two errors '1 mar his record they were exousable and y did not detract from the excellence of : - his fielding. r . . i. . . SkookUy and Brown Stars. Following right at his heels Shocklsy ' did the best that was afforded him to .' divide honors with the Apostles' third - 4aseman. He took four chances, all there was In sight, hard ones at that, - and acquitted himself with a goose egg In the error columm ' ThS team that .. could get. Brown and Shockley together ; wouia nave a nnca wan Detween tmra ' and second that only steel projectiles could pierce. Both Riplev and Gardner wars hit - freely st times, the latter getting out with a little the beat of It althous-h josing a nara-iuoK .gams.. The, post Why, they uatea. m ng pre miership of the American -turf beyond peradventure this past week. In faot, he is the greatest money prodigal the sporting woria nas ever seen, ana mere have been a few from Lord Hastings ald.-fcew.ver. that en teth aY'auja eompaS to Qati f 2 i?A,.ot 2 Jul!E established a claim to the plunsln ,hir,.nf 2h5l J?1-0' Jfho mlershlp of the American -turf b 1 FIGHT SQUIRES III 01711 LAUD ffl EEgV-iSrto Tommy Burns Will Meet the vanquished lnigilist in over 1200,000 to 'lios. He eommenoea the grand work some days after the onenlng at Bheepshead Bay on a regu lar business scale. First he nut himself In touch with "Boots" DurnelL Ther bought Colonel Whits. Savabla, Royal Vane, Monster Klnar and aaveral other horses of fc.e glum elaee, but more suitabls for betting purposes man iiu.vuu staxe perrormera. A big plunge and a winning raoe ended tneir useruinesa isacK in tne a 1 scar a they went. warn aung in wame. Australia. San Francisco, July I. The very newest thing in the pugilistic game Is that there la more than a little likeli hood of Tommy Burns making a trip to Australia to fight Bill Squires on the Anupociaana native heatn. Many peo Incidentally Charles Head Smith, o.ielple believe with Barney Reynolds that of the old-time wheat klnra of the we;t I over confidence on Squire's part lost and the former owner of Oarrv Herr- him the battle. mann and Colonel Gibson, ia the head I Reynolds and Burns met in Coffroth's Gates commissioner. He has the orov- office this afternoon and durlnar the ermai "length oi striae," ror ne is tail i discussion, Keynolda said to Burns And attenuated. Goodness! how he can peat it from the clubhouse to the bet Indnnnndenne ilehr tinn hnn In. Ih I tins? rlnsr for "tons" for (Isteal third for both teams. Gardner was re- eslie Coggins bets for Durnell. 4 tired on his bit to Ripley, Locke drove a speedy one to Clark Moore, who had t nothing more to do than pick up -the ' apnnre ana iroi over to nrst. :( With two out Jameson drove a two 4 base, swat Into left and reached home RTounoer. Day im HoDioeau then .i both hit safely, but lost a chanoe to 1 soors When Bhockiey's drive to Ripley i v was mussed by tfve latter, bounded over to Moore at second, who threw out Slsaster in ttbird. "Tf--. Tha Apostles set off their fireworks ; with Gains, who was the first at bat. He blngled.a small one cast first, stole i, second, took third on Hinkle's hit to i rignt arter Kipiey had fanned ahd reached home on O. Moore's punch to i i inira. Trowbridge had also landed J safely, cftme in on Hinkle's hit and i Hinkle himself crossed the rubber when f Charlie Moore poked one out to center. , Clark Moore had split the air and was xouowea oy mck.iv, wno aid the same ; stunt, but not until four runs had been Scored. The Apostles passed three more men over the plate In the seventh on two errors and two safe pokes by Trow v uriuKe una uains. -mat onaed tne run- getting for them, the Trunks flavoring ' their digits in the sixth with two more. ; Robideaux cracked a one-baser Into left then a series of grounders and errors ; filled up the bases. Locke had nut a . ioui into .me air which Moore drew i down behind the bat after Robldeaur 4 ana onocKiey naa Both scored. The spirits of the Trunks rose pre : eeptlbly with all sacks occupied, but the Apostles turned the trick with a " aouDie. Mrown picked up Jameson's -; Stinger and slapped it home, catching . j. Price, then Moore relayed the ball to S.V."1 Jna naooea tne Trunks catcher. ' The Trunks got one more In the sev enth, and had annother chance in the . ninth when RohMMin nnnii & h.. ,,C base hit into left after two were out but Bhockley bit at Ripley's outs three times in succession and the , over. The score: It's rr sails away for Francs shortly for month's boar hnutlng en the t estates or the Due ds Ktlenne, the confederacy la bound te hold the stage front CHOOSE CAPTAINS OF FOOTBALL TEAMS Practically Erery College ia Country Has elected Bead of Various Elevens. the With ths baseball season at Its height, auto races, harness svents and athletlo contests still on the boards, football enthusiasts are already laying plans for the gridiron struggles which win monoDOiise tne eariv rail months Practically every college of note throughout the country has elected oaptam lor the ensulna- rear. wmon are tne renewing t among game was Trowbridre, ss 4 u. Moore, c , , , I Clark Moore, lb .... 4 Hinkle, If . , 4 Charles Moore, lb .. 4 MeKay, rf 4 Brown, lb 4 F. Gains, cf Ripley, p .......... g JOHNS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 1 10 11 1 0 0 1 1 0 College. Georgetown. . . . Pennsylvania. . Yale. Harvard. ....... Princeton. . . . . . . West Point Naval Academy. uorneu. . . Michigan. Lafayette,.., Weselyan, Dartmouth. Lehigh..... Brown Cantaln. . . . .H. C. Dutcher. , ...R. C. Folwell. . . .L. H. Biglow. . . . Bartol Parker. ... J. H. McCormlck ...R. H. Smith. . . .A. H. Douglee, . . . G. T. Cook. ...Paul Magoffin. ...W. J. MoAvoy. a . ts. uayior. J. B. case. ........... C. M. Lawyer. J: v. rryor. Total : Locke, Zb, ef Jameson, e . .. , . Van Nortwlck, If Robideaux, lb. lb : i Bhockley, ks . . . Metaser, lb ... -. Barnhart, rf ... i Gardner, p Kfrice, ct .11 TRUNKS. 7 I 17 IE 4 0 o ? .41 4 14 II 1 '" Total ' if. .-y Ctnrtssk fiif tnn trm : St. Johns , 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits 0 0 0 4 0 0 Trunks 0 0 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 4 t Hits ids 101 10 11 f Summary -Struck out by Ripley 8; - Gardner . Bases on balls, off Rit- ley-1 Ga rdner 1 Two-base hits, Jame son. . tnna-Dim nits, KODiaeaux. Iouble piaya, Brown to O. Moore to C - Moore, Stolen bases, O. Moore, a ' Moore.. Gains 1. - Left on bases. Trunks 11; St; Johns B. Time of Gams, 1 Hour lv minutes, umpire wneyne. A Mg purse bulging full of the long ,.'..l. n.lff mr., .. w .... M . WW UV n v V AVoridburn today, and some good-slsed wads are likely to change hands as a ruit of the game' there with the Indians. Concannon' for Woodburn and I'ender for the iakes will be the op posing r)tchrs. Manager Pomeroy has skcI a barrel full of bora aboes -h he 1-fls o.-'trlbufed among his " re arid s'ukes on the iron tliat (he i a i4 be t.ctorloun, i Ohio....... ..G. Kaler, Holy Cross. .......... .C. O'Donnell. Bucknell J....C. A. Nipple. Wisconsin............. J. C. Miller. Belolt. B. Johnson. Chicago....... ...L. De Tray. LAke Forest. ....... . . L. Callahan. Trinity E. J. Donnelly. Vermont..... ......... F. H. Watklns. Colorado........ ..... ,N, Farna worth. Indiana F. Wade. Bowdoin...... W. R. Crowlev. California. .....W. K. Tuttle. Barlham. .....,... . . . G. Thistle waits. Northwestern. EI Kowalkl. Virginia, J. F, Naff. Oklahoma .W, J. Cross. Vanderbllt , Robert Blaks. Wabash W. Gipe. Washington and Jefferson .H. - J. Pries. Use a results. Journal want Ad If you want "You won saUarelv but it tniaht have been different If Squires had got set." -i n give mm a chance," said Burns, I'll ad over to Australia, if the nroner Inducements are offered. What do you think we would draw over there T" "You would do very well in Australia." Said Reynolds. "I mean by that that you would draw as much there ss you did at Colma, We would have a much larger crowd, but the prlcea we get in our country are smaller, but I should judge the aggregate would be about the Same as we had ; here." "I believe in knowing what I am do ing." answered Burns, "If your Aus trallaa promoters will give ma a guar antee of 110,000 and pay the expenses there and back for myself and Professor T .a m m mv (rain.. T will .n ai., tn Australia and fight Squires. Instead of going to isngiana, as i naa piannea. Keynoios tnen wanted to know if these were Burns' final terms. The Canadian replied that they were. Reyonlds has already cabled to Wren, Squires' backer In Australia, and if a favorable reply is received Burns will probably go to Australia. WEEK'S CALENDAR OF SPORTS. LOCAL CARS WILL COMPETE IN AUTO ENDURANCE RACE Along the road between Salem and Portland, or perhaps It will be between Portland and Albany, country folks will have an opportunity to tie up their horses or get them off the road until a long procession of automobiles passes on July II. Otherwise nervous animals might persist in running away ana spoiling the endurance and economy run which has been arranged by the Portland Antoiridbile aesoolation. At the meetina- which the organisation held last night the date of the test was nxea ana entries nave aireaay oeen made, The route lies down one side of the Willamette, the return trip being made on the other,- covering a distance of about 110 miles. Whether Albany or Salem will be the southern terminal has not as yet been agreed upon, Dl be entered. Thirty-five machines both the endurance vhloh The race is to test and economy of the various cars w 11 have already been signed and It Is ex pected that when the entries close no leas than 10 odorless bubbles will be In readiness to compete for honors. No limit as to ths number of machines one dealer may enter has been fixed, and some will place as high as six cars In the race. Each car will start from Portland with 1,000 points. One point will be de ducted for every minute or fraction of a minute necessary to Stop and make repairs, oil up. fill the gasoline tank or do other things required to keep the wneeia going ouring tne run. 'ine speed limit will be fixed at a maximum of 20 miles per hour. An observer will ride in each car to take note of the swiftness with which the sookes fly around, record the points that will be deducted, and otherwise see that not one of the rules governing the race are vioiatea. The race will be started about 10 O'clock In th morning and if the speed most likely, the contest will be finished in anout six and one-hair hours, r. a Bennett, F. I Keats and William Wal lace are the oommlttee which have ar rangements In charge and final details tne endurance run win oe made own during the week. Much interest Is being manifested relative to the out come and conaiderable ' credit will fall to the car which makes the highest record. WINS $20,000 Beavers X6e tV Calif omUns by i Close Boore-Donahue Only-Man on Portland Team Able tSunch Out Safe One. isWui Dtepatek ts Tie JoaraaLl Los Angeles, July (-Burns bald the Beavers down with a single safe hit to day.' It t Wal 'a Ditcher's battle and Cftlrtf for the visitors pitched a winning tame, but the Uocele managed to land on him enough times to soors three runs In; ths sixth Inning, thus winning ths fame. . The visitors were never abla ta gat within smashing dlatance of Burns' ourves and were shut out. Ift the Sixth Barer whacked one down tftb ' Infield and was' safs when Carson drotlnfcd a nloa aaalst. Rurna hit ta second, forcing Eager,-but Carson failed to get his hands on ths peg to. ths In itial cushion and Burns galloped vsr to second base. Bernard laced a line drive oval sec ond bass to the fenee, scoring Burns front second. Ellis, who had announced that he would duplicate anything Bar hard did. proceeded to make good with a double over the center fielder's head. coring uemara. A wild Ditch by Califf Sent Ellis ta third and Braaheer drew four wide ones, Dillon gave Bush the aign for the aqueeae play and as Ellis dug out for tne mate tna aa-inner nusnea tne ds.ii I -down toward Atherton at second, soor- ing toe lean iae. rrom Kivera. rnia ended the game ao far as run-getting was concerned. Score: LOS ANGELES. ON 10 T0 1 SHOT Emil Herz, Owner of Mont gomery, Clears Up lUng in New York. of Bernard. mm. i Braahear. lb Dillon, lb 2 Cravath, rf I Smith, lb I Del mas, ss 1 Eager, o 1 Burns, p I AB. R. H. PO. A. B e e 0 0 0 0 MS ! 4 o8 ? 4 0 Total 14 I 7 16 14 0 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. Pa A. B. Monday Seventeenth tourna ment of the American Wblst league opens In Chicago, En durance run of Bay State Auto mobile association from Boston to Keene, New Hampshire. Olympic oup golf competition at Euclid C. C, Cleveland, Ohio. Tuesday National amateur golf championship opens at Eu clid C. C, Cleveland, Ohio. Wednesday Gltdden trophy competition of American Auto mobile association starts at Cleveland. Summer meeting of Brighton Beach Racing associa tion opens. : United States Motor Racing assooiatlon at Cleveland, Ohio. Friday Two days' meet of United States Motor Racing- as- soclatloA at Chicago. Saturday Annual Lake Michi gan Taohtlng assooiatlon regatta at Milwaukee, Wlsoonsin. Illi nois state tennis championship at Chicago. Interscholastlo ath letic meet at the Jamestown ex position. Preliminary competi tions begin at Wimbledon, Eng land, for David International tennis trophy. GLOOM PREVADE8 ANTIPODES SINCE BILL SQUIRES' DEFEAT By W. W. Naughton. ri (Hurst News by Longest Leased Wire.) Ean Francisco, July I. Bookmaker Jack Wren's deep-sea message to Barney Reynolds, conveying ths tid ings that the defeat of Boshter Bill Squires had "east A gloom over all Australia," gives an inkling of. .the "shipload of money" that would have Chan red handa on tha Burns-Soulres fight if there had been any way of bringing the sports of opposlts Opin ion into run ooniiici. Of course, the supporters of Burns did very well as It was, but the amount won was "a mere bagatelle" to what might have been cleaned. Up if the rank and file of Australia's bet- tine; phalanx and the small fry of wa gerdom on this side of the Paclflo had been able to mingle and challenge each other to a putting up contest, or say that when the matoh was first ar ranged a. small band of American sports had taken steamer for the An tinodes loaded down with drafts and letters of credit. Think of the killing. The gloom which now rests Upon Aus tralia would be several shades deeper. Right or wrong, It must be said that the Australians are staunch in sup porting their opinions. A great deal of the money that was lost on Squires was cabled here and It came In such volume that Squires was always the favorite. n the light of what has happened It Is hard to figure how the best judges of Queensbury doings in Australia ehOuld have lost , their heads over Squires. One noted orltio there wrote to a friend here: "I have seen men like Goddard, 61a vin and Peter Jackson gradually de velop and attain their full power and I have no hesitation In saying that Squires could have routed any one of these nv short order." ... Another and he sent 160 English pounds to bs bst on Squires wrote: "When you see htm in action watch his fist play. He can hit five times to tne otner man's once. Why ths Antipodean experts Weo hid seen Squires so often In the ring should have referred to him as "an improved uoaaara." Tne impression was con veyed that Squires had the Goddard temperament, which he certainly has not. Goddard was never ruffled either before or during a fight When he entered the ring he might be going to bed for all the concern he showed. His face had a wooden expression and he seemed to be without nerves. He was like a bulldog in repose and When he began fighting he showed the ten acity of ths bulldog. ' Squires went Into the ring looking as though he felt he was carrying all Australia on his shoulders. He had a palpable attack of stage fright, a fact which was apparent by the awkward way hs posed for the camera men. YACHT BUILT BY BOY BEATS ALEXANDRIA (Journal Special Service.) New York, July I, Emil Hers, Owner of Montgomery, took about 110,000 out of the ring as the result of his eoU's victory in the Commonwealth handicap today. Montgomery won a great race on the post from Frank Gill, the public favorite, with Dandelion third. The first two went past the wire like a team. Despite the winnings of Hers, the bookmakers quit ahead on the race be cause of the big play On Frank Gill, Dandelion, Flip-Flap and Dr. Gardner. The money on Montgomery did -not linw ., r. 1 1 .U. ,., In,... . . U I accounts for his going up In the betting from 4 to l to 11 to 1. " first race, furlongs Dreamer, (Miller) 8 to 1, won: Roseben, (Mar tin), second; Coramedlenne, (Dillon), niru. nine i:iz 4-6. Second, raoe. steeplechase, full course Palm (Archibald), 1 to 1, won: Essex " yurienj, second; lArone (ROgan), third. Time 6:11 2-fc. Third race. 5 furlongs Meara-'s Mill. third. Time 1:01 i-fi , Fourth race, 1 miles Montgomery (Gamer). 10 to 1 won; Frank Gill, itvrappi, secona: jjanaeuon (B. ugan), third. Time 2:08 8-6. Fifth race, mile and ona IxtMnth Royal Ben (Henry). 12 to 1. won: Rifleman (Shreve). nennnrl- . kk ifiuranr), inira. Time IMS 1-6. Bassev. If Mott, lb Donahue, cf . . McCredie. rf .. Atherton, lb . . Moore, e Carson, lb ... . achimpff, ss Sallff. D ........, ArnOiar CE ..V. ' V 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 s Sixth race. furlonas Jo Naalon K. i Dlic-anl. . frt R won- tllanb Mac Callahan)., second: Olnrlmia li Powers), i third. Time 1:08 1-5. Seventh race, I hi furlongai Maga zine" (Graham), 10 o 1, won: Biskra (Preston), second! Castlewood mimtn third. Time 1:01. NEW BULES 1HADE FOR TENNIS COMPETITORS National Association Sends Out List of Ineligible Racket Welders. Total 24 0 1 14 10 4 SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 0 0000100 1 Hits 0 0 111111 7 Portland 0 0000000 06 Hits , 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base-hits Bernard, Ellis. sac rifice' hit Atherton. Dillon, Delmas. Ellis. Left on bases Los Anaeles. x: Portlshd. 1. Bases on balls Off Callff, 1; oft Burns, 1, Struck out By Burns, 4: by Callff. 1. Double1 Dlavs Delmas to Braahear, Schlmpff to Carson. Bases on errors Los Anaeles. 1. Passed balls Moore. Balk Burns. Wild pitch Callff. Time of game, 1:45. Umpire rerrwe. Frank Richardson lWehased a alx- And about the only thins- Rauiraa hit I cylinder 40-horsesowar-Ford tdurina- ear ners was tne iioor. i irom . a. Bennett eariy in ine past VICTORIOUS PORTLAND CREW IN SEATTLE REGATTA j(; ..... .,.','' ., I li i II I II III II . "' . . . .1 I i. M , , ... , , , , - u; rv- ,tJ - X, v! fc - - ' VS- - -r-"' - " . .... . ' T, i-'V mn-lniiMi ' - ' " 7T ,"-4--'." 3 ' A. A. Allen, bow; Jf; , DHlabangH( Ka. 1; A. a McMlcken, No. I; B. a LofmU, (trokt. Woa lealor fouri by toa tosjuii;-- ' Tennis clubs are on the outlook for the new manifesto of the United States Lawn Tennis assooiatlon In relation to the eligibility of players competing) In tournaments held under the auspices of the national body. In addition to the rules Which must be observed by all players and clubs the association Is sending out a list or racKet wieiders not eligible to compete and asks that their entries be refused. Ths rules as propounded are as follows: None but amateurs shall be allowed to- enter for any match or matobes played under the auspices' of this as sociation. AN amateur is one who has never Violated any of the following conditions: He- has never entered anv nomnetitinn Open to professionals nor played for a Stake. Publle or admission monav- nr entrance tee. He has not competed with or against a, uruieasionai lor a prize. He has not played, instructed, nur, sued Or assisted In the pursuit of tennis or other athletic exercises as 'a means or livelihood or for gain or any emolu ment. . .i,- Hie membership In any tennrg or ath letlo club or any kind was not brought about or does not continue because of any mutual understanding, expressed or Implied, whereby his continuing as a member of any such club would be of any peouniary benefit to him Or the club. - . -: If connected with any sporting goods house such connection wae not brought about nor does it eontlnus because of his proficiency in tennis or any other form of athletlo exeSclse. The executive oommlttee of . the as sociation Shall be the tribunal tn ,1. cias wnetner a piayer is a professional or an amateur. No slaver shall be allowed ta cant for any match -given by this association unless he Is an active member In a Mi.k belonging either directly to this. associa tion or -inairecuy as specified in the first naraaraph above. But the tlve committee ts emnewered ; at . thai discretion, to invite any foreigners to enter for any match given by this association.. Little linos In Ths Journal brlns re sults to the advertisers. .. GREAT INTEREST IN RIFLE CONTEST ' London, July . Seldom,! If ever be fore in the history of the National Rifle j association s competitions, has so mucn i public interest been manifested as is displayed in the meeting this year, which opened at Blsley today. The best teams from Canada, Australia, India and Uganda are to take Dart In the competitions, which will extend Over a period ef twelve days. Oh, Joy, Tea Hits. San Franoisoo. July 8. Barnev Jov. whose work on the slab has been sur prisingly good of late, received a tell ing set-hack today at the hands Of th wauonmg commuters. lie was roun for a total of 10 safeties, and then, wit umer tilings neitea o runs, in much as the Seals were unable to more' than one lone mark, smiling Be. ney must oe tabbed with a gam S6or; n Oakland ....0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 lri0 6 ft San Fran...0'l 0 0 0 0 0 6 01 7 I Batteries Cates and Dashwood; San Franoisoo, Joy and Street. Umpire" may suTTom : (WWWiaMWIIMiWIimi '?'--IIMIIIlll III UHIMIH A f i . , - s j! Winner of Bri'tish Tennis Champion '.' , ship. ,