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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1907)
11 THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTLAND: SUNDAY MORNING. JULY v 7 1C07. '. 1 1 n EIGHT HUNDRED MEMBERS: ADDED TO WHITE TEMPLE Splendid Portland Kecord of ;fv Iter, James Whitcomb v v Brougher, D. D. , .; ' V ': i;'f ' -I, ' ?AS PLATFORM TALKER ,V PASTOR CAPTIVATES Special Calls From Other Cltlea Hava Been Declined and Whit Temple ;A Will Probably Retain IU Leader i for at Least Another Year. ri ' Rev. James Whitcomb Brougher. D. ,: IX,. who ' has ben pastor of the First Baptist church of thia city alnce Feb ruary. 1(04. is one of the trone preachers of that denomination In the '." country and a leader of men. During " his pastorate here he has added over 100 member to hie church. , . Ma ni born In Indiana, came to Call ' fornla at the age of IS and there re ceived hla education, graduating from , California college with the degree of A. B. He completed tne college courae In two and a hair yeara He married , , the daughter of the president of tha '-eollege. ,. file theological training Was received at v Rochester Tneoiogicai - seminary, from which he graduated in 1804; dur i v ing thi theological courae he alao did graduate work of California college and received tne aegree oi a. m, xne oe- gree of D. D. wae conferred wpon hln ' by Carson Newman college of Ten nee . aee while he waa castor at Chattanooga. Dr. Brougher'a firat pastorate waa that of the First Baptist church of Pateraon. New Jersey, .which he held for sis. years, making it the largest Baptist cnurcn in tne state. He accepted- a call to Chattanooga, where be waa recognised aa the strongest force for righteousness in that city. Bam Jones said of him: "Dr. Brougher Is . one or the most captivating speakers in the platform; he makes the people laugh 1 ana tnina ana cry ana pray. Dr. Brougher has accepted an invita tlon to go to Los Angeles and prearn for Bob Burdette at the Temple audi torium, which seats MOO people. Pur - Ing the month of August he will give a series or lectures ior tne ixng jueacn Bible association at Long Beach, a suburb of Los Angeles. On of Dr. Brougher'a favorite say ings 4s. "There is more religion in a laugh than in a snore," and -he preaches the gospel message of Joy and kindness. He saya of hla church: "Nothing that ia vital to mankind Is foreign to Its life. . It Is open for the King's business at all times." Dr. Brougher haa received many calls from other churches while he has been in Portland, but It Is understood that ne win remain nere. -0 MMast SOVSJIilSLS OF THE CDUI1TRY Have Just as Good Chancer at Cash and Scholarships as City Young Folks. SECOND COUNT OF VOTES TO APPEAR WEDNESDAY Contestants Should Forward Their Subscription at Once So w to Be Included In fuMJshed Srw List Value of Pjri.-wnts In Votes. The publication yesterday of the first score list is causing a stir among con- testants snd their frlehda The acore ahows the comparative standing of con testants as to the subscriptions which they have actually sent In to The Jour nal. Friends of contestants may pay t?lr j I subscriptions In such a way that, the contestants will benefit in contest votes. By paying for three months In advance (nothing less than three months) the subscriber can add votes to the score of anv contestant whom he chooses LINN. BOASTS OF to favor. Kindly dlaposed people often w- . -r I a tnia, aa it costs no more to.aavanos HXiAliXIi, UUiLrllUi0 the subscription and It helps a hard worklnsr bov or alrl to earn an educa tion, voluntary subscriptions give the For First Half of Current Year Only "naioates great encouragement. Rev. 3, Whitcomb Brougucr, D. D, monthsr By naiL" tt.Tl: by 'carrier $J90; and so on. ' TT,v'.,nl2nth,V ya!t' 17.60: by carrier, 17.80; votes allowed, if new I.OOOj If old. 1.000. v r " ' J09 'Wttc Withonl atoaoityC :m 9.nJ2?nt: b nall. dTentss delivered, 46 cents; votes allowed, if new, 40: If old. none. Two monthsi Price arrowy, "'Y'- oio, none.'Th anra which la an Wednesday. For the nurnoaa of '' awarding the scholarships and cash prises, the field of The Journal has been divided. Into lour district, as follows: . . .m i. Mtiltnnman (fonntv. rtreeon. Wlllanretta! valley aa far-south as Sugene). " - Southern Qregon, . (all south of Eu gene;. . Very liberal measure of votes ! al lowed tor subscriptions to the semi weekly edition Of The journal to favor contestants working In districts where the nonulaffnn ia raftered. The voting n . i . . r - , . , It 10- bv otrrlar tl ii- T, I scneouio tu no aeyea ana mt iwiu f nev. yioo!rroii,?o zrrzizv ?. .!. m j? Bv malL IS 76: bv carri. iT.T':: r"' J"UA". allnwail It naw .ii '' "luai aavantage Wlin me conieavani so on 11 nw K old. J00; and ing in the city of Portland. The young TnlM MiMtiiai I... i. - l fwpii' living in tne couniry n rler utmSSSS riElJSM'' rear. advantage over their citv rivala:. they It oil, M0. ; " m ' ' 6nJOr Ur,r Pr,onl acquaintance. Twelve months .PrtS r JL?W?.i Ptofnce, orFalrview. .rail- carrier 12 BO- vAtaa La H - " I rwma Station on tne U. K. a raw SSbscrbir '.bo te . WTr. 't ,"ew mile east of Portland, has nominated ri. ii i. ,.. .iiV-.i i " 1' - yniiiuTn- (Jieone setiiement ia if Thrtl 'oS.175 worth,,y rl br Alta Wilcox. k i.vJ.I'. T -R?"."!!!-By. mQ or thel-yearJoId dUghtir of a Cleone new (0- If M is ' rvl" "uow,a' merchant Mr. R. W. Wilcox, new, IV. H Old. I. v . I - Yaaterda Ul 111. hrnuaht mora than 1,000 votea to The Journal and rae munuia. dj mail. . 11.40: dellver.l 1.16 ; votes ailowedV if new oo if L JO.. Four months: By mall 1 1.78; by 'r1?!' Al'i9i ' VJ2 lloweV If new. iov; out, xiv. aive month. - ejal-Weeklv Tdlttoa. This edition of The Journal la sent I thla w th reeult of one day's work, to subscrlbara bv mall oni . pn.. I She - admitted that It wai nrattv aood 11 months. i.60: votea aJinwat tt I for the first attemoL Verv soon Miss 76-cents: votes allowed, if n. ms. lple In the locslltv of her homa Then (Ad. 100. - lshe will look for new worlds to con- Nf? - foore Agate Wedaesoar. " ?S?kX2:9Wit?l 'The score of all votes cast . in favor I from Oreaham. of contestanta up to Monday evening Other contestant who reported sub at o'clock, will be printed in The Jour- scrtptlons and were allowed votes up . . 1 - . ' wmwrf iv iiwii jreaiarasT wsre: noma xorwara tneir aunacriptions with William Rnaaaii' ti r..nnn .... he cash to The Journal ao that hUH"". V Pu.P9"t Street, the cash- to The Journal so' that they 5" SffSP R": will be counted in the next score list aVenuJ Pwtland-lnr l'So om The first score waa ief vr.tti. "a!""'- ""lPa "na Jonss. Olde : i xiiWHn wc .wtjerex a x rw A ad x-s dimming .in ine ; pool, 'ri. -v.iw.'.."r We . wonder1 iivKftt tKvcs ie f.l.. Tkat keeps the bodv Cool! - ar r aa - x - a-t-ar i i w r r- ear .mi a v i 'i -rsf ,.ir?r i?r w. vl Fenley. a Portland contestant 'But ttai Joi rT,V ii?rUitak:rtS; young people In the metropolis mav S?..:" AV J.FfndvS?.r-bel! not always lead In the count of vnt.a. I Nine to the Thousand From All Causes. (Special Dkpateh to Tke JoeraaL) Subscrlotion monev sent direct to The Journal with the reauest that the votea be credited to a certain contest ant will be handled as directed bv the subacrlber, or the money may be aent to the contestant whose address 11 will be printed twice a week when the score That won't come off, appears on baby's face after one tottle of White's Cream . Vermifuge, the great worm medicine. Why not keep that smile on baby's face If , you keep thla medicine on hand, you will never see anything else but .smiles on his face. Mrs. S ., Black well, Oklahoma, writes! ' "Mr baby was peevish and fretful. Would not eat and I feared he would die. I used a bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge and he has not had a sick day altica.'?. 8old by all druggists. . . w - . I L . .. w. 1 1 -fc. ... fW.t. the smallest percentage of deaths . 1, tt according to population of any county remittance will give bis favorite. That In the state. Out of a population of J".1" d"" y the con teat ant and by .ka., ana , the oirculatlon manager of The Journal, about 11,000 the average death loaa was aU ooijteatants receiving the same treat a little over nine to the thouaand dur- ment But thia much is certain, the ing the past six months. The records on5 , 5??. "bcr,5d.v,or the i b w tuwivotes creaitea to the contestant death loss of 110 from all causes and! Sates and Credits. the average age of death as 61 yeara I Prepaid subscriptions, onlv. count for Out of the total that died since Janu-1 votea in the Oregon Journal rontaat ary 1. 1007, pneumonia, as a cause, leads I many .'more polnta being allowed for the list Following pneumonia the rec- I new subscriptions than for payments ords show, aa cauaes. in the order I on old subscriptions. In order to urn. named, .ie following: Old age, paraly- cure votea on an old subscription, the sis,' dropsy, heart failure, spinal men- advance payment shall be made for not Ingitia. suicide, blood poison, conaump- less than three months. Votes are al- tlon, accident, typhoid fever, cancer, lowed on new subscriptions, for advance tumor and diphtheria. Consumption I payments for one month or more, an caused but two deathe. and accident I outline of the voting values belnr aa cancer, typhoid fever, tumor , and diph-1 follows: therla one each. Sally and Sunday Edition. According to the flrures of the local! .w. . i, v ' ,, ... officers of the health Wrd Linn mki.a 1 2JT"m TZY.' 'w'"" a remarkable showing. It is doubtful KSC-'iiriSL ?'?"rlV'"V' if . ...nt i. K. .7,...ra i.u . nV; """ .V"" "."i.1"- Mn.T.tim "nmmZZJ' - i'V " MTu'! " old, nqna Sr.,. ' 171 1 . ' -1 1" r. . 1 -r ... . 1 i wo monios: rrice oy mail or dellv In everr election it taka. .om. i. .""V.u ? n. Kaxaei, t-ort- to hear from the counts anrf S"a.l.u'" "5' i'" Taylor street. country diatrlot. i'M. k. , -"".. n-uwaraa. wuwaukia tlon. Bo it may be in the election X TrirmtitTrrv, . AT MARQUAM GRAND How to keep cool? - scholarships. But in the counting off of the schol arships, the country contestants do not nave to equal tne number of votea held by city contestants in order to ei ineir cnoice or - scnoiaranioa. For When you think vaudeville ,thlnk insiano.. h i roruina contestant should I Marquam. The American Specialty - .......... iiuiui vu ma uui TOinotiir ia miing a special engagement I 6rt h,.0r wh. KmM tho-flrst at that 'theatre and tho program is the ",vi" " ...,, Ansa im im- lunini ana one or uie oest ever arlven I Ond Choice would fall to a eontaatan I here la vaiM.vlll. Th. kill T-i... of hlgheat standing outside of. Port- of 16 of the best vaudeville acta as Jfcnd or Multnomah county. Then the aemblied In the west, and each act la a third choice will pasa to the contestant I hit In itself. Of special Interest are or nianasi sianamg in anotner district I ne moving pioturea of the roae show or until the contestant of highest stand- parade and these pictures are so clear Ing has had a chance to choose In every fnd dlstlnot that if is easy to recognise Flaa; of Awards. .' ' I There will ba a matinee today. The This will be exempneTln ttWaJifflSi! the sanitary conditions of the cities Tand erei tlio" votes flowed T If new its" the aurrounnlna- rmmtn aM k. 1.-iwL,Tl?" 10WT5i Mwi f28 a,i vuuiava astsau VU UlVUltSU X I Ba.L.BS nlty. The same number of votes are al lowed whether the taner a-nea to th. Thia veer's session of -the Nw Torlr I aubacrlbar bv mail or bv carrier. legislature has been the lonraat alnna I Four months: Bv mall, dallW that in 1881, when the notable conteat I ered, 11.80: votea allowed. If new, 400; to return Roacoe Conkllnsr and Thomas I if old. 200. Five months: Prica bv C. Piatt, to the United States senate. I mall. 81.251 by earner. 11.26: votes al- from which, they had realgned. occurred. lowed. If new, 600; if old. 126. Six at THE OREGON JOURNAL, Portland, Oregon: I de.Je to aid y t0 , Scholarthip by nbgcribing to th.... JOURNAL for the period of months beginning 1907. Please credit $ Indicate here whether NEW or OLD subscription No. of points due riease credit 9 to my account and deliver the paper to the following addresi: (Signed) e e a 4 First; yur underwear. Our stock shows the pick of the best styles on the market t For sum mer we suggest knee-length drawers and sleeve less, coat-cut uridershirts. . We carry the best that can be bought for 50c a garment A cool blue serge or gray suit, will cost $25. You can get under a clean light straw hat for $3. Airy negligee shirts, $1.50 to $3.50 Thin hosiery. Belts of little weight, at narrow prices. Comfortable low collars. " J Summery neckwear. ' All to make you feel happy and look cool. , w . .w..7 uvt Mtuucu iu conicsiant unieii tAsH accom- pgniea .tne oraer. i o make ure , contestant gets proper credit fof the polnti, remit direct to The Journal or givathe money to the coitestant you wiih tp faror. A peraon now. taking The' Journal will be allowed votea if the subset iptkm ia a'4f ancW for three months or more. Votea are allowed on new auptcriptioni ior any payment above one month. n mw0 We Gentility Shop 31lMoiTisonSt.teS. '"-'V; ? ..v ' : '" .V.';-.-. ...fjU . .. : -'O . WaJ,4 .. W W M ... . a-l. . 1-4 : U asa If you don't believe there's a reason for ouf SLAUGHTERING PRICES ON NEW SUMMER GOOIDS, just drop around and see the-Workmen Who are nnnnrlincr nH hnmrn-nnor awav nnrl nrr Hr.rnnnHinnr ' - : ' ' 11 Mr was ..waa.aa.wa ... iv J wa w awaaaaaaaaa more; room every day. Hence 'everything in their way must be solcl regard less of profit Save Money at this Sale of ; Suits for Vv if ti if tirr fi'infji $9.50 ; These Suits are the equal of anything ever put on the counter in Portland. Were it not for the fact that we must move them quickly, it 'would be unwise to cut the price so low. Come in and see them and compare the prices with uptown dealers. The most popular light grays, made in strictly cus tom tailored manner, with the snap and style of made-to-measure clothes. It is a V fact that every suit we offer is worth every cent of its original price. Come early for these "Hotweather Spe cial" Suits. Never were bet ter bargains offered. $4.50 and $5 Pan(sfor$2.75 Made of extra good mater ials; popular patterns; for Belts or. Suspenders. Made wim oirl without cuffs at bottom. Also a lot of $3 Pants for . .$1.85 $1.75 and $2 Hals for 65c Nobby Felt Hats, many styles and colors, strictly nobby and up-to-date. A fine lot of Extra quality Felt Hats, regular $3.00 and $3.50 values for $1.65 & $235 Si itmtm hoes Ladies' losses' Extra Fine Line White, Tail and -Black r $1.50 Values Aft. for .... TOt $2.00 Values for:; v $2.50 Values for . . . $B5 $1.65 Watch for the New John Del Jar Store when the workmen complete it. Portland : will-be, proud of-it - YcuBis' Sizes 32 to 35, all weights, strong variety for selection,1 every Suit anexceptionai bargain. Come earl v. Men's Fine Oid3 In patent, vici and tan, also a lot of coorsummer. outing shoes. : $4 Values for $3 Values for ' $2 Values for 215 $1.35. SU SuitsWorth$IOfor Every article advertised in this sale Is honestly quoted. I would not make an a 04"lAaMiMAlf aV"t 414 . Wamsjaa aak. aswaaaai V 1-a .wmm aVsL a. ax ' 1- . -:.t . uauuw omiuuwuv ouvuv -vaviy gwu9) liciivw YUU Jtvaiuw U1C5C VcUUCS HTC real. V - , -. - z. . . a . ... . m m w av . . -. t a . , ,. - j v. a is ariri an . a w - wr in 11 na t java" sa: a. .-.tasta .. aaaa p m tm 'mm bbbbw a -: i. vatiBa "-iatn i a i.a.v-J.lrJfaliA -i r :;''. .v -i;?' . ,.,r..i5. ., -tbi ' at, I Fine Straw Mats ... 'VA; Reduced ; We can save you a lot of "money, oiv have a