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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1907)
i: YORKERS READY TO LYNCH: MAN -PERCY 01MD i ViUA nniiDnrnrn i itti r nmi am rim i vmv munuLiitu li i i ll dv i lhw uim . V'. -,,'.: V' other of Child Follows" a Baker City Boy 'lieutenant- f Clue4 and W1U Identify. Commander in United : Assassin. States Na?y. NEIGHBOES THREATEN , TO ATTACK ITALIANS FORMER HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICER AT PORTLAND Klne-Year-Old Daughter of Respect Orecoa Haa Who Made Good Record ed Woman la Assaulted and Killed by Wineshop Loafer of Upper ta Bpanlghamerieaa VTar Is Ad ran ced as Result of Retirement of 364 to 370 East 'Morrison St. . ..... ., , . . . c . , t East Side. Older Offloen. Branch Store atSU Johns Till! OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. ; SUNDAY ' MORNING, JULY 7. 1007. NEW I I 1 1 . . II '1 ' II IV iimo nnnnnnnn mm mf mmmfc i Wlllu niun IUIIUH IS t t s 4 t ' ft , aW. -t 'J a x 1 ji,aVA m i a. at sTi ar . mm wfrmw mm w sw sa v' (haras Special Sen-toe.) New Tar, Julr I.-Resldsnta of tha uppsV tut side district of New Tork are aroused to the lynching point or ths brutal murder of Uttls l-jrear-old Vloi Boylan by an unknown Italian lot I k. .The outraging and strana-llnr of I child threatens to atart a raea war which will raault In tho deportation of I all of the iona of Italy who raalda In that district Although the mother of the murderad ' child haa seen the murderer of her aaugnier ana a large rorce of detectives are working on the caae, hla hiding plaea cannot ba learned. Several sus pects have been arrested, but each baa been liberated upon the declaration of muinor mat ma man haa not yet wvu tvuuu nug auieu avr Cull a. Tarorlte ta Valgliborbood. ' Viola Boylan was ana of atrht ht1. dren living win their parent on the lounn noor or ttvv second avenue. Her rather.' Thoraia Rnvlan la a ntnti but haa been unable to work for some time because of Ulneea His wife and the older children were the bread-win ners, viola attended publio school No. , in cjbi una Hunarea ana ivineteenta street. She was an unusually attractive cniia. witn. blue eyee and light hair, and a favorite In' the neighborhood Mrs. Nora Boylan aent Viola to buy a iuki of orcaa aionaay ariernoon. When tha child had not returned at o'clock .me parents became alarmed, and a few hours later notified the police of tha .msi une nunarea ana Twenty-aixtn ireei station, uney believed it "lost child" case, and made tha usual earcn, dui without result. . Mrs. Boylan waa well-nigh heart broken. Bhe was questioning her daughter Bessie, aaed II. aaaln Wednes day when the later recounted a hitherto untold incident. Beasls said she was walking through One Hundred and Heventeenth street a week aro with Viola when two Italians loafing In front or a wine cellar near second avenue reached forward as If to seize Viola. Bhe cried to her sister and they ran for dome. Mother roUows Clue. Immediately upon learning this Mrs, Boylan areompanled Bessie to tha wine shop, which Is In a basement. They entered, ana Mrs. Hoyian askea tne price of wine to gain time while she surveyed several men who were In tha plnce. ncssie naa been instructed to. press her mother's hand If she recognised either of the men who had attempted to seise Viola. , Mrs. Boylan felt the algnal and .left the wins shop.. 'She cent tsessie lor a policeman. One waa found and accompanied Mrs. Boylan and Bessie to the basement. Tha man whom Bessl recognized had disap- V ' t -f'-l! ''' weMBftae Ivmi f Xk leanal) Waahlngton, July I An Oregon boy, Percy Napier Olm stead, gains promotion from lieutenant to llautanant-comman- Ider by reason of tha enforced retirement lot aider afflosrs Just made by the navy department Ueutenaat Ol instead, the son of Judge M. U Olmstaad of Baker City,- henceforth will ba Qualified to I command . vassals of lesser grade and neeas only one rorward step to oom mander, to command warships of the larger olasa Olmstaad entered Annanolla utilim In Hll and on graduation In 189 was assigned to auty on the Philadelphia, I He waa nromoted to enairn In 9t mnA HeuUnant in lis. He served on the Vermont, Lancaster, Iowa, Indiana. In- Sepenaenoe, Aauni, tirooaiyn, zorktown, olaoe, Pensaoola and Boston. He was t t hydrographlo officer at Portland as well aa inspector ai Seattle and was assigned to the trial trips of the Nebraska, Mil- MiPiMrn 0UI nnnnn This picture la from the only photograph of little Viola Borlaa, whose shocking murder has aroused the inhabitants of the upper east Ida district of New York to the lynching point. Tlj"Vu" " . -y m laoufr I compartm icuiieouy DinL ana awe. woyi&n step and tl niaruiea 19 rouow it up yesterday morn- 1 nlsed ina. ireaericn Hcno floor and against the rear wall of the ent. Behoeppei advanoea ben darted back. - Ha reoog- Instantlv tha face of Viola. Tha -n.Lf .K0r ?fnNo- r c 6ec,on?. vr". pel summoned Policeman Vetter. Dr. went to the cellar at K o clock vaatar. I Itm.k. ..n. u..i day morning. ach tenant In the house pltal and after aa examination said the .kL ?Zul.w compartment for storage child apparently had been dead three . i5r.:6cno5iPPe',moye,(1 ,nt2 !? ay"' CapUin Walsh and six detectives flat a week ago, and had not locked the hurried to the aoene and a drag-net door of his compartment It was partly waa extended through tha Italian col open when he reached tha cellar yeater- ony. "V. m,?r?!n oat7ying,?:5Bf1- I Following the arrival of Coroner Bar lta. light revealed a littla form on the I burger the body waa carried into tha light Crimson staine oovered tha faoe and the clothing waa torn. Tha parents were not permitted to view the body. "This Is the most dastardly outrage I have ever had anything to do with," Corofter Harburger said. Bearoh of the cellar revealed a whits ribbon which Viola had worn on her hair. It waa found on the floor near tha stairway and a dosen feet from where the bodv lav. There were no signs of struggle In the oellar, and the polloe are workina on tha theorv max me oniia was not muraerea en us premisea OREGON'S OLDEST REBEKAH HAS SEEN HISTORY MADE - . - - I. . . j i nr.,aaaitB ziiiMi . i Tl I TT I Slf i II Oold Hill, Or.. July f. Mrs. Sophia Emery of Oold Hill is the. oldest mem- iber of the order of Rebekaha hi the state. She was born In Somerset oounty, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1820, and la therefore now nearly St years old. "When a young woman she removed to Ashland county, Ohio. She was then present facilities which are enjoyed by Miss 8ophla Hoover, and It waa while the residents were hoped for they were means and was counted among tha In fluential oitlaana In thla then decidedly new country. Ha gave to the settle ment which sprang up around his mill the name of Ashland, from his home county in Ohio. At that time little was thought of the Prosperous town which would afterwards occupy the present site of Ashland, and while many of the In Ohio &he met Eben Emery, to whom she was married In 1141. They emi grated to Oregon In 18tS. There waa nothing out of the ordinary Jn the life of the young couple until they came to this state, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, which route was ,hen beginning to be used. They were, however, destined to become actively in strumental In tha upbuilding of southern Oregon: . acr. Siasry Built KUls. Mr. Emery, being a millwright, as well as a first-class miller, located on .the present site of Ashland. Oregon, and commenced the erection of a flouring mill. He waa possessed of considerable so remote as to occupy the thoughts but I or a, moment. Indian Tighters Trained There. Mr. Emery afterward erected ths Ash land house, which has since been en larged to a hoatelry of no mean propor tions, and It with the old mill which still standa and Is operated successfully. Is a lasting monument to tha foresight of this plain couple, who were Imbued with that spirit of adventure which has actuated so many American citizens. During the Indian wars companies of cavalry were wont to assemble around tha old mill and there train for service. Induced Others to Corns. After Mr. and Mrs. Emery had been in Oregon but a few months they paid a. visit to their eld home in Ohio, and through their reports of the territory others wars induced to visit the new land. Mr. Emery did not stop with tha erao tion of the mill at Ashland, but later sold hla possessions at Ashland and re moved 10 uagie roint, wnere ne erected ths flouring mm which is still In active operation mere. In 18S1 Mr. Emery -lied. They had. however,- previously removed to the present site of Oold Hill, which waa then only a way station on tha Southern jracuia line. Sprlg-hCy Bespits BTer Tsar. During the past winter Mrs. Emery haa passed through two severs spells of slcknesa. She la now aetlva In, hv nousenoia autiee, attending to some ex tent to her garden and to tha rearing ox cnicKena. one rrequenuy attends the Rebekah lodge and at times remains to tne banquets wnicn tne oold Hill branch gives when new members are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Emery bad no children of their own, but reared several adopted children, among them being Mrs. James Davis, who with her husband resides near uoia hiu. MRS. WOODCOCK MEETS MISHAP On Way to Newport Her Supply of Fresh Eggs Is Diminished. ?: (Sifeetal ' '.IHspetca f ts-The. JeamaL) ir ,'. JSewport, Cr-. July lv Mr, Woodcock ''pif Portland, the noted suffragist who offered her services to President Roose velt HO lecture (during hla presidential campaign, has arrived here. While passing through EddyviUe, on the Cor vail Is & Eastern railroad, ahe purchased two dosen eggs, lest fresh eggs might be rarities at Newport On arriving at Ta. quina her purchase was wrecked by the Jostling crowd. Mrs. woodcock there upon created quite a sensation by calling the attention of the trainmen to her mis hap, and insisted that tha Harrlman sys tem must psy the damage. Mrs. Woodcock Is making It a point here to admonish all draymen and ex pressmen that they should use extra irecaution with all baggage during ths season, aa fresh eggs might be packed away In ever piece. Mrs. Woodcock will camp at . Nye creek for the season, V - LAKEVIEW TO HAVE ; J tCATHQtlQ, CHURCH ' T mVaIm a"l.a ' Tlww S YtV... VT3.I1 ley cf Baker. Gity. daU vexed, aa oration to a very large audience here on Fourth. His hearers were charmed and the consummated tha nnwhiu r, 101 ivvxsfv leei. wnere a spianald church need his remarks were highly applauded. To day he and Father B. Fensle of Klamath rails consummatea tba pi ot 100x96 feet, where a an: win be erected. It will ba th, nniv Catholic church In this entire section of 200 miles square. Scores of young Irishman have during tha past few years coma to Lake county, and a uainoiio ciiuron was Tell to DO a that must be supplied. - - - i i : Pick Pockets With Their Feet. f "Tha: best, pickpockets, said Xieqoo, the detective, "ara the Hindus. You have to call them light toad aa wall as light fingered, for they can lift a watch 0i,uw. VllT wlt their feat as with their hands... ..-.' i 'Trained from, childhood these- bare footed rascals are wonderfully skillful with their toes., This (gives them a great advantage A Hindu in a crowd will stand with his arms ostensibly folded and sneak with his foot tha wallet from , . JM VtUV , tV1h waukee and South Dakota. He has late ly been on the Albany. His salary at ths beginning was IflOO aa cadet ll,00 aa lieutenant and will be $1,600 aa lieu-tenant-commander. Olrastead'a raoonl durlnr tha Spanish war waa immi tha I tiiiicn ounuuL III PLAY DAYS Teachers at Newport Enjoy University's Intellec tual Bounty. (Sseelal Dispatch t Tbe Joenul.) Newport Or., July 6. During the past week Camp Willamette has been formally opened and bids fair to be come one of the most popular of ths many at this summer resort It ,has sn Ideal situation at Nye creek, mid way between the beach and the High School building, where the sessions- of the summer school are held. The com munistic nrinolDle of the camo 1s en- Joyed by students and members of the faculty who are tenting, and problems In distribution and consumption are worked out with amasing rapidity. This is tne nrst year Willamette uni versity has offered the teachers of the state . the opportunity for combining earnest study with profitable recreation by conducting a' summer sohool at such a ravoraoie spot aa xaauina nay. The mornings are given to reorsatlon ana tne afternoons to seasiaa or wood land excursions. A lecture course of five numbers Is to ee riven auring tna session. The camp Is under the direction of Professor w. to. Kirk and tha faculty numoers eigni Dr. P. ST Byrne,' former mayor of Spokane, Washington, haa arrived and will -remain with his. family at their cottage lor a xew weens rest Lloyd Sisters In Portland. Two eastern people, the Lloyd sis ters, need no Introduction. Ther are commonly called throughout the United States the Lloyd sisters. They got the name because thev cater to women only; but instead ot being sisters tksy are two gentlemen representatives of the Loom End manufacturers. They come to Portland to connect themselves with the Oolden Eagle department store. the fastest growing store on the Paolflo coast Mr. Liowit graeped the ocDor tunity of securing the services of these two gentlemen for the period of ona week. Their doings with Loom Ends start Tuesday morning at the Golden Eagle. CAMP TENDER SHOOTS SHEEPMAN IN IDAHO (Bpedtl Dispatch to The Jon null.) Boise. Ida. July 6. Frank Coate shot and seriously wounded Jose Arrletta at tne letter s sheep camp at Flint near Silver City, thla morning. Coate Is a camptender who waa with another out fit near Arrletta'a. Physicians wera summoned from Da Lamar and extracted tne ouuei, wnicn was ioagea oeiween two of Arietta's ribs. Coate was ar rested and taken to Silver City to await developments in Arietta's .condition. MACTINA"A BLESSING To Those Afflicted With Eye Troubles tufferuif t J our srr . a .Tjir Iris. pro-Vt parsoa with Isipslred eyestrbt or Irom weas or aiseaaea ires tumm write for our latest free booklet, entitled Positive Evidence. V The records of pbenooesal "cares" by tbs Actlaa" treatment, as described tbenln. br ratefnl astlsats tbeaasslves aBM and ad dresses (Itsd wtu satisfy ths awst skepti cal that "Actlna" is not only a remarkable, simple aad harmless Invention, but restores eyeslfht even after specialists kave pro nounced esses Incurable. Following are a tbe suecenses doced br "Actios." more fully described la free booklet. CblcssPr rentiers m. after sufferlrijes' months with laflsmmatloa et tbe used Actlna' a few weeks. He ssts be eaa now sse as wsU snd as far as snybodr,. Aa lows lady writes tnat alter betas nadsr treatmeat of specialists tor 15 rears, "Ictlna" completely restored bar eyesight aad aba no longer uses glasses. Astis-matism snd aranniaiea lias impaired tbe eyesight of a Hartford, (Coon.) lady. Specialists fallsd to cure. As a last resort scslnst adrke of friends, she tried "Actlna." 8as writes: "for manr months I bits written slmost dally without glasses. No more pain ta aiy eye ana drooping eyelid la restored." aeons" removea a cataract rrom lorn eve of an Oklahoma lady; relieved the closure of a tear duct for a well-known Chleace lady. and in scores or instances people have been able to dlscsrd eyeclsssee throorb tbe fitthfal ot "Actlna." To set an idea of the aa- thuslssm of ear patienu. tba satire letters as prtntsd .ta our book aaoua be read, "Acttaa" Is made aa eoaaaaea i eoaaaaea sease arta- erplse. Its eimpUdty. effecUvensas and last ing tram ties wiu laves tlaste. 7- le aDnaal i ta ui am ttui Mill Let Jia Ssnd von ou n, tm weeks', trial. Use It B.pftjt.a vo pMe snd If, yoa se hof'tieneflbsd,. or Jo any other reason . are dissatisfied, send It back and no eaanrwtl be made. 'Write todav. i Address Acuna Appliance Co., Dent, 6fM. tU .Wslaat And, place your order with the first store you come to; consider the. condition! and advantages of all, Including the rent, advertis ing bills and 'other heavy ex penses of the various stores. If when you have done this you are not satisfied to place your order with us in the low rent district, we would ask you to go further and examine the stocks and prices of the big dealers on the west aide, then come and investigate our stock and price. .If you are fair to yourself and want to place your , order where you can get the best goods at the lowest prices, you cannot help but say we sell equally as good a grade but that we undersell, and it is money in your pocket to place your order with us. V August 1st is the date of our semi-yearly stock taking. In August our new stock begins to arrive, composed largely of new lines and new patterns. In order to clean oar store of the stock which is low and is not being replaced ; part of which only the samples remain and not wishing these short . X lines to figure in our August 1st invoice we will offer them at these special cut rate prices i '. ' V Regular Price. $14.00 Mahogany Bookcase at $50.00 Gents' Golden Oak Chiffonier... W.M,MM $40.00 Gents' Golden Oak Chiffonier ....... $26.00 Gents' Golden Oak Chiffonier... $85.00 Early English China Closet $75.00 Golden Oak China Closet... .......... $30.00 Golden Oak China Closet $25.00 5-Leg Extension 'table'. $29.00 5-Leg Extension Table $34.50 Pedestal Extension Table...... $75.00 Buffet M $52.00 Buffet . $35.00 Buffet , $25.00 Buffet . $17.50 Side Table ......... $ 9.50 Side. Table - $50.00 Oak Dresser . $40.00 Mahogany Dresser Mr sa tx si awe- Or' e x S) -a 4 br-a aajejs,)') 9n-m are a ar vv, a Sw ev -- sta) e - s Sale Price. : 10.50 .00 0.00 20.00 07.50 00.00 24.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 60.00 9.00 , 25.00 .. 18.50 14.50 7.00 37.50 2.00; ..829.00 $15.00 922.50 4.00 MM ! This nickel plated teapot, special this week at only 355 Porch chairs. Rockers and Set ' tees at cut prices. $34.00 Mahocanv Dresser $18.50 Oak Wardrobe, mirror front,....,. $28.60 Oak Wardrobe, mirror front, $ 5.50 Iron Bed, in colors..... $ 8.50 Iron Bed, in colors.... $11.00 Iron Bed, in colors ... . . $12.00 Iron Bed, in colors... .......-......,.... $18.50 Iron Bed, in colors $14.50 $30.00 Iron Bed, in colors .823.50 $35.60 Brass Bed M 824.00 6.00 S.50 .50 Many others we have not room to tell about. TleCte wmwM MiiMii Cdwipy 01 Yrcka, SIsklyon Connty, California Is pleased to announce that the remainder of the first allot ment of stock will be advanced 25c' on each share in a few days. Until then the stock can be had at the present low price. ONE GOOD INVESTMENT IS WORTH A LIFETIME ' OF LABOR WE OPERATE MINES, NOT PROSPECTS How You May Buy Stock CUT OUT AND SEND FOR PARTICULARS The Champion Croup Mining Co., Couch Building, Portland, Oregon. GentsPlease mail without cost to me descriptive booklet regard ing your offer. I may be interested. Name Street and No. : Mr - Town State , FORTUNES HAVE BEEN MADE IN SISuTOU COUNTY MINING Our Connty Has Produced Over $100,000,000.00 in Gold If you want an investment that .wilpay good returns on your : money, get some of this stock" while it is selling below par .i value. You will pay a premium in a few: monhs for the same . i stock. - , 1 s " - ' ' cmMPiORi ; GEcif afc i: T. ; .A. Lzi.JLx J A.; .