The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 05, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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l '
G . Jackaea,
FoMlake. eTarr -Taillnr. fexpt Sondajr) aa.
im; Born I nf, St Th Jonrn) Balld-
n. lifts sad Tamblll stratta. -Tortus-. Or.
"fared ( the poatofffat it Portland, Or., for
fraaetnlasloa through tie siaile Meaod-eUn
SMtter. ,i i t
4H. 4partmnta reache. br this iramber.
nprmtor tb .apartment want.
Tr)id Brojimln 8pcll Ad.ertlsln.
. Branairlck Balldfnjr, 228 Fifth Tiioe, N
-! Trtbeaa Ball-In.. Cla.o.
SabacrlDtlon Tanna Tit mall to ur ad-faai I
tm Uia Unite. Sutaa. Canada or Ma-lea.
1 ' ' IUILT.
Ob year. 5 oo i Una moat-
00 t ear...,...., J3.W I Ona month
Om raar.t $7.80 I Ona aontb
hog industry la the Willamette
ley Is as good as a gold mine, and It
proves beyond the possibility of even
question that the importation ' by
Oregon of porlc products from high
priced eastern farms and high-priced
eastern markets is sheerest waste of
our substance. This importation is,
in reality, a. great Injustice to the
fame of fair and fertile Oregon,
whose generous endowment by na
ture never contemplated the extraor
dinary spectacle of the residents of
this magnificent country going else-
Oil is not only fulltleaa-C-f , ar HPl,. i0.i. - ;P,-
corporation, why do these men dls-l
like so exceedingly to discuss its af-l
fairs as witnesses?
The Standard Oil, notwithstanding
. p
By Arthur Brisbane.
Manr men were busy la the club.
By Beatrice Fairfax.
Dear Mlas Fairfax I have read with
great interest your little tilt with C.
their denials of Its . wrongdoing, has b. A. on the subject of Introductions,
been convicted of aeceriln: or com- C. B. A. calls you a stickler. If your Mr. Daniel Cohalon was giving a pa
niHr imlsf..i ,ftv,. iM m.A rcaea aavice on IA UDjec con- u winner w .lunur ut ir.
7 : : : 1 TVi stitutee stickling, then I..ay (to coin a ODonnell. The purpose of the dinner
man i,iv instance., alter au ini DhrM,, ..,tlck, ,om mor," only was t frM Ireland-a task that Mr.
and an able defense, and Is liable to louder. C. B. A.' case Is far wide of Cohalon Is determined to carry out If
maximum fines amounting- to nearly the mark at which you aim. n has to hurt the feeling of King
I ... ..1 Mm I M M 11 aw. - aa-
n nnn ntn r.. t n 1 Oins. let me say this, ana I say u me royevi inniiif
rrora experience ana rrom tne coniee-i "" v, u jhu vuiui,
der to assess reasonable fines, At
slons of numberless men, who make patiently eipUlnlng to P. P. Dunne
i ; The will of the present is
the key to the future, and
moral character Is eternal
destiny. Horatio Stebblns.
where to buy pork products. The sires to know what the actual wealth pra.ct)ce of "plcklnr ud" acau&lntances. tnt all Irish bills born under the elock
I .bo I "Pertinent clinches contentions that and revenues of the Standard Oil They are not looking for a girl to take tower must necessarily be bad, because
. The Journal has often made rela- corporation are. and from what nooi ana tney ao not ex- - " -y - ""-
1 30l . . . Int tn finii . Nimriav ohnnt iri I Downstairs Mr. Murphy, whose real
five to some of the possibilities of sources its revenues are derived. He ' TJw chhnceiJ mr?j 0 , tht th6 gM name Is Cross and Company, was show-
nas mtimatea mat wnue ne naa no wm appMr WOrse than she Is because lnK t0 enraptured friends a small
disposition to make the fines un- she dors not wish to be thought "slow."'
reasonable, he proposed to make 8n ps little by little until the man
thm hnaw rnnnirh to mnrrtt aa an thlnk" hu 'lret P'nn verified based
mem neavy enougn to serve as an M lt u tn ve rt8Jlon that Bh,
..s s
bottle that . keeps cold. If you want it to,
or hot, If you want lt to. About that
bottle we want to talk.
The new Invention is called "The
"Thermos-Bottle." Whether this bottle
will permanently do all the things that
It Is said to do we do not know. Those
that wish to find out must exoerlment
in: ii.. . . . m
: mrougn purcnaae. But we do Know
x -ml thftt lh9 'dMk " a plausible one, and an
HE Heppner Gazette says that effectual warning against the repetl- " readily acquiesced to the acquaint
the fuel problem there is al- tions of these crimes. Probably he only last night we read In the papers
ready a serious ona. that manv Montm to a-Af nil th Infnrmntlon ha f a young girl, whose story began: "I
' ' thought lt would be Such fun to ;
"v'a uul Vl vreccueav .u. ,"nBa:h 4 w" Intensely Interesting one, as It actually
wood and coal, that the prospect of that can be followed In other cases. IX, ft to ' cnangea my lmUte, , the mtie bottle, that you
tHn. f.i... a,.. t i.-t v ,. -v.-.. .v. Bhe thought that i wnii h .noh CTT7 around In your pocket, the
I I hirmleaa run ei n 4 l an Ansa had
AAllvairln i a ff- mo 1 Aa. 0.4a.J I . .' a - . . .
wu.inaauKt v it cav vuai ucaici a mtv dibuubiu un uuruui kliuu i minim, i wariioa nir ana wouia navel turnAn. i " " . . a . .
HERB WAS much virtue in the Con8umer. no encouragement, that and so 1. the public. And the Vh
the man who can get a carload of more the Rockefellers try to dodge noi..a vr'r tai11". r'n,ln tn wordsT whatever you put in the bottle at a
f iih ZC,i. -fcJ; ...rf-V oerta,n temperature, nigh or low, re-
ruied with women who started (romL.i., . .vT. .
appeal of Governor Chamber
lain before the State Teachers' coai wa8 DOrn under a iucky Btar.. the proceM Mrvera and the more
association at saiem
sirenp-ueninK me common acnoois WOod belnz hauled goes like hot rovernment. the heavier th fines strangor. good fellowshlo led to eatlna. .uf" '"V""''"'
of the state. Ninety per cent of the cakeg an(J add,: tnere a ought t0 be Poor men would be TO'coa
'or that "a small amount of-mountain trouble and MDense thav maka th ll of. ".evening as lnnocept as any wna, th, wather may be.
i " wnn r,,i in mnir . m v-i n m mjht t . . t . - a .
mi tne Dome wnn not
t hot at noon on a cold
A woman going out to the
rhlldran nf nrnn hi nnt htthav. . . . . . . , .1 .... . . . I .k... . t I ""'
-- . - . great, coai nea or nign quality coai maae to suirer severely tor sucn ac- U1 para witn a enna can put cool nnx in
to. passed beyond the eighth grade. wlthln 20 mile, of Heppner is a well tlon; why not they? SrtX forar'Sr being athoughr--sTow! leven "fho'ugl, U.tC mlyTaV un
In more than 200 districts of the kn0Wn fact, but to get ft here Is the - Swav'sTn aJ2?r withI in?u tb Tf" ,n.the hot ,u.n,lh,t:
aYat lant var ffian ,. . y J" oanger with a stranger. These statements seem extraordinary;
exaie last year mere was less man question." The people are under- land In th vlolnltv of Tha tate,men.t iu,t male are the eon- but. according- to Mr. Murphy's expiana-
flve month, of school. WJth but taking a movement to have coal t!l ? .A-wi'i aJSiT lI v' w SJilSI f J ""JfiT. "L-ft- JPiJf
I I uiw&WUUi jaillUl 11 IB Bain LllD anill ' ------- nv v uvnuuat, ssvr 11 vaDiia, si v iuvi inn
inree or rour montn. or acnooi annu- hauled by wagons from this mine.
ally in a district, and with 90 per
niimher or f hm wurt 1nn tal v nal wtu - i. ... w .w .
Francisco Chronicle. Will, owlna to M as Fairfax states that an Intro- ti nM.n rmr
What a commentary this situation Lv. v ..i.u auction Is a sort of a voucher for the coin In. If you nut hot stuff Inside
cent not getting instruction else- t. n nnml..l ln.t,i-i . . 7 7 luc party introduced, but I ould warn any the bottle the heat cannot come out. If
s-.a. ft .... " . . . ign P"ce tney command, return at ; :"U.Y".
v. . uw yicocui. a I anions in tnis country.
school system abreast of her stand-
von nut rnld atnrr Inalda tha hottla tha
There lie .... . 1U 11 on 01 yur Prl acquaintances is in heat cannot go In and spoil Its coldness.
lueie least S300 an acre to the owner, a habit of "nleltlnr nn5 frianita In thla ind I. lh. ki. i. k,.ii.
liuuiBUBo quaniuiee oi commercial o.. . inn . way, ao not accept her introduction as a uDon the lines of the earth on which
ardi in other lines. It rniutni that . --t ,ivi- o . ,1"" "l ,fc " " license to continue the acquaintance, you live.
. . ... " , 7v """,u v neyyucr, uuu 8erted( wm bring about f 720,000. The man ,ne would Introduce you to Is I The bottle consists of two glass bot
m wo kvuu ui uur juuiu not only tnat "mall town, hut mnnv I ....... . proi
with whom educaUon is desultory towns, even Portland, need it. Peo-
and haphaiard. It means that many pi an 0ver this region are contem
young men and women must pass Uuting a shortage of fuel, which is
into t manhood and. womanhood but even now, in midsummer, scarce and
illy prepared for the struggle with high, and yet there are hundreds of
the world. f.A....-. .1 . .4
After they leave the classroom, it fac) 0f the ground and but a steo . C -.V-l
I only the more apt that .natch from a railroad. The owner, of the
from the wayside information and coai field cannot or will not mine lt
self-culture. Men with but meager unless the O. R. & N. Co. will build
education have become great, but a raiiroad to haul it out on certain
they were of extraordinary men-.lterm. and the O. R. ft N. won't
tallty. What Lincoln lacked in build the road nnless lt can a-et the
nrattv aura tn ha tha rhiitn nf mm nna I tm,m sin. In.l. tk, n K m,A
Potatoes are not as pretty as whom she has "nicked ud" and of the toaether at the nek. There la an air
nr..... h., a A a ..... tM.. m sort. space between the two bottles, or dl
"'""6"D' " " "u, -""s Tbu cannot be too careful. In spite visions, and from this all of the air
crop they beat the latter all hollow. or ur romantic friend. C. B. A., I hope has been extracted, forming a vacuum,
. . , . , . Miss Fairfax will "stickle nome more, as nearly complete a possible. And
Potatoes are almost always a paying only louder." tNTEHESTED. that Is all the secret there Is to It.
rron and freniiflntlv thv "nav hl " Girls, I want you to reaa every word Heat does not travel through a
crop, ana irequentiy tney pay Dig. of th(lt ,etter and he nIt Ume that m ycu HAat can no more g.0 from one
11 everyDOdy plants potatoes next man tries to thrust his acquaintance side to anotner or a chamber containing
with the way our earth is constructed T"
It haa everything to do with It. This
earth and the water on It, and air
around It, are supplied with a certain
amount of heat. The Inside of the
sarin ia supposea to be very hot, per
Small CLango
New you can go to the ooaat
.-.w.... . a
was gionous rourtn, an Ugh
-f ... e
It', a lona time between hnlltaM
now. ,
i .. . e , -; . .
There Is more law than law in an..
oourts. '
e s
haps boiling hot. f. In any case, w?nave L l" ta W. afUr, when It's dlf,
only a limited amount of haat km In I "rent. ' . ;.
addition te that which oomes to us . m ,
from the aun la the daytime, and the "Jr,"nr " 00d plao ,pena a
sun beat ia a mystery we know noth- vacation in.
Ing of Its nature or how lt gets here. . . .
But we do know that the amount of . vif weU" Is always an instructive
heat which we nossesa In tha earth it- n1 pleaaunT speaker. f
self ia limited. And we know that the
only thing that eaves us la the fact The Hague conference won't declare
that the earth to built like the Ther- against wir oiTthe trusts. '
mos bottle, with a vacuum all around a .
it, ana the neat cannot go out through Ralaull uama A h. h..,i .
that vacuum, , , nt f lAm i?. b h4vln '-
There ia no aUch thing in the world P 1 o--rou-please raoe.
as a real vacuum. Nothinsr could be I
absolutely empty. But around ua there! M0W begins the biggest wheat harvest
Is a rood enough vacuum that is tolon record east f the mountains. .
aay. tnere is a mass of ether, ao called. I a a
a substance so thin that we can hardly A commencement orator advised "Use
conceive of It. Through this ether our yeur head." To butt in. we suppose he
earth rolls, carrying its atmosphere and I meant
its neat along witn it. Ana alter mil-1 a a
Hons of rears of rolllnc we have sot I If ha had haa hnn ..,!.. riv..a
-"""- "" iwiwu ., claimed mat ne stole Cf
wnn. mm nave iobi vuij juai anauin i urn xvoas.
of lt to aive a crust to our earth and I . a a
make our Ufa noaalble. And millions I Thouah It ta i ..
of years from now, thanks to this al- been a (Chancellor) Day-'breafc for sev
most complete vacuum and non-eon- eral days.
aucior oi neat surrounding us, we snail I a e
..111 Umm,. , U . V. . l U ... I ft. T.. .... -
i mo nvrai wim ub. Ana amy aiviaenas ov the bis COP.
This ether that surrounds us. and In I Derations win ha tiaaaoi u ...f -TTlT
which our warm earth travels, is Incon-1 of ua were not in It
eelvably oold. If you could get to the! , ,
too of this atmosphere -It is not sol rv. ...
many miles high ind stick your head ouft"T hl'fZ1 l",n DOUl 5?
out into that ether your head would g" l-ouaho ?ltn2r 0n
be froien solid In about a hundredth l0nK 9uoa' be killed.
part of a second. If our atmosphere '
should vanish, and If the cold ether Suppose the farmefa' wivaa ahm,M
should close down and oome in contact I strike for an eight-hour day wouldn't
with our earth, all the oceans and lakes! thsre be warm times In the country T
mmmt 14 kajtnma biaIM 111 m w a 4 Ma, anil I
every living thing would Instantly be Mosquitoes are renartaii ta he nnma
froxen stiff and froxen stiff forever, ouVakd active ster Bar bSthE
Shouoccu0? W-CMWn CUCly,m
All of the heat in our earth, all the . . ,,' '
t.t... k... (m .k. a..... t a k. .k 1 PerhaDS a lot of Orarnn him iy
m.ut ii.ak ai, ilia vus au.. , wwm.u ww aw I . . - . -
an-ha4 In a uniH hv that iwM athar I never VOted for WOmU BUffraaa bafara
around 'us except for the fact that the will do ao next year just to show those
dreadful froxen ocean of ether through eastern suffragists that their advice was
which our earth ship takes up is a bad not needed,
conductor of heat. It Is to all intents
and purposes a vacuum, and this earth "J- Adler, now In Portland. Is
xeeps its warmtn miraculously witn I wim saying uiai you cannot
utter, inconceivable cold all around it erv? . J'wr fellow man without touch-
It la aa remarkable as thouarh a baby m him. But he did not mean "touch-
of three years should walk from here Mnr in the trust or graft sense.
to tne north pole with bare reet and
now, they are likely to go down to
the other extreme next year.
upon you I want you to remember what I no air than you could go from one side
"Interested has written. - to anotner or a room containing no floor.
I know quite well that in many caaes The mysterious thing we call heat must
no harm arises from frlendahlDS formed move from one atom of the air to the
but In such a way, but there Is always the next, and so on,
If you take the air
... v v, riak. and lt is a risk that there Is no out or a space surrounding tne bottle
there Will Certainly be a profitable necessity of your running. the heat can neither go out nor go In.
sometimes a gin writes tnat she nas ana mereiore ine insiae must stay at
market every year for an Increased
The Portland excursionists aro
"fallen desperately In love" with a man
whom she has seen day after day but
has never met
That Is perfect nonsense, you know,
for no girl really falls In love with a
man she has never spoken to. Bhe
the original temperature. There -could
De only a eiia-nt loss or addition of heat
at the neck where the two are Joined to
gether. You may ask, "What haa that to do
SChOOl privileges he made- up in men- eoal on its own terms. And ao thr-
f ft jtcalltiAta mnA m Annan m f n or Vifaf ......... . . saheduled to SDend onlv two hour may have taken a romantic liking to . . -
""a. it nfl, ana me people are wondering XJ , , , J "him. because he is handsome or Inter- first 1 hind nn Kavrlav
tor knowledge. L,h tha. -h.n a .,ai Hoquiam and five or six hours at I eating m appearance; but real love on irBl Uin on X"ayaay
oome home without even a frostbite.
We are alad to conaratulate the in
ventive mind that haa Imitated the car
pentry of the cosmos In a plain glass
bottle that can be used by mothers, and
workmen, and plcnlo parties, and others.
It Is a good thing occasionally to re
member now much the world owes to
the 'Ideas born in the Inventive mind.
Everything we have, from a corkscrew
to a plledrlver or a lightning express
train, la the material shape of aome
Idea, born In a human brain.
If lt Is true that human ingenuity has
given us a bottle that will keep cold
without Ice, and warm without fire, man
may set up one more small milestone
on the long, dreary road that he has
travelled for thousands oi years, past in
his lourney from heloless. brutal Irno-
ance to the final complete knowledge
that will crown him real ruler of the
earth and of his own destiny.
ior ainowieage. what they shall do for fuel. Isn't
) It Is aafer to have all the future this also a "perverse generation"?
ciutens well educated than a few
Aberdeen, and not to go to the near
by town of Cosmopolls at all. This
highly educated and the balance ua- srtTMTTr wnp mavop aratm may be tn best tney can Kord, but
I ir ougm, to De consiaerea Deiore-
UGENTC SCHMITZ announces to hand that tho8e towns are ,mPrtant
the public that he expects to Places- and Bn?uld De ,nto
be elected mayor again next closer commerclal relationship to
fall. There Is an "if " how- ortiana wnicn is practically as near
lettered. ' The best results will be
when every child In the common
wealth will have time and oppor
tunity for a complete and wholesome
course in the common schools. '
, The common schools, representing ever.
He will endeavor to become t0 tnem as Seatt,e or Tacoma Is.
! aa they do so enormous a Dercentagel mavor imi t onnfMnnt ha win What Is needed 1b service on the
f aa wa aw va VM "111 O t V
of our educational product, should ceed, If the supreme court shall re- Northern Pacific more favorable to
r have the encouragement and foster- verse his conviction In Judge Dunne's Prtlanl' tnat wni D as fair to
T :-fnsr care for which Covernor Cham-1 mnrr aa ha a it h Portland aa to tne Fuget sound
.. w " w aa - ' a - -a.'vve VUk 1. VUQ I
-fterlaia pleads. Ample money should I verdict and the Judgment to be nro- c,t,es- 11 th,s coula be had Port
so to their support ao that the num- nounced stand, and he has to go to land could do a eood deal ot buBl"
. er of school month, in all settle- the penitentiary, he admits that lt is ne8S aown tnere
. ments, remote one. Included, can be I all off with him.
lengthened. More money .hould be I Mr. Schmlts verv nosltiv-iv Tbe government should do noth-
avallable so that teacher, of caliber that he Is not guilty of anything, ,ng to arouBe the hostility of the el
and character will be tempted to re- that h victim nt nniitixai ceedingly sensitive Japanese, but
- ' aw iaw-aas ws, yuiltlVHI Dw
main tn the .educational life of the cutlon, and that all the evidence tnlB country cannot afford to avoid
vBtatey? therprop6sitlon is one on againBt him has been trumped up carrying out Its program of sending
which it seems impossible that there I by Heney, Burns and Langdon at BOme battlesnlps into Asiatic waters
should be difference of opinion. the Instigation and In the Interest of merely because some belligerent
Rudolph Spreckels and James D. Japanese object. It would be a pretty
Phelan; and Schmltz seems to think state of affairs If Uncle Sam dared
tha nnhiin win nr nnirht t hi not send his ships wherever he
him. For our part, we can't do so. pleased on the high seas In time of
HE FINDINGS in an experiment We can readily believe that Spreckels peace, and especially to waters con
at Corvallls command atten- and Phelan were actuated in part by tlguous to his own possessions.
tlon. The experiment occurred I selfish motives, though this is not
tha ArrlciiUnral mllara I oartaln hnt the, erMenra oolnat tha A fTOOd Vacation trip IOr SOme
such a meager basis Is out of the ques
If a man becomes very much Inter
ested In a girl he usually finds some
way of being Introduced to her. It may
taxe time, but If he is in earnest ha
usually succeeds.
By John Anderson Jayne.
An open letter to a young man: My
Dear Boy: Tour friend has watched
your progress with a great amount of
AskVouTn friend, how they feel !.ntres! ' f on ,n ror
on this question of Introduction. I ""wminaiion 10 Become a suoeessrul
think you will find that their views are business man.
very similar to those of 'Interested." ir. haa nntA witv . .. . .
But lt is not enough that the men " n0ted Wlth Teat mount of
should have the proper view of the satisfaction your progress from office
question. The girls are the ones who boy to keeper of indexes and your varl
must take the right stand, and stick 0us advancements until you now stand
Every woman and glrr sets her own ,n a-000 Position, oommandlng a salary
standard, you know, and that Is what that years ago would have been regard-
"""'""' .w" "8.1 7.".'7 " -ufflcient even for a man of ma-
yourself. tur rearB' '
Nearly every girl Is filled with the Tou are certainly a young man in
ambition to be well-bred and ladylike. wnom your par,nt- should rejoice and
to appear as though she were capable of . ,. ' . . . " . . . 7 .
filling any social position to which she of whom your frlende should be glad.
might be called. I can assure you, dear Tou learned in your home the lesson
girls that no thoroughly ladylike girl or neatness. In school you were taught
xm n 1 1 1 rv kis rkvTV-1 f aa man s f a Irak haa I ----
Oregon Sidelight"
A commercial club may be organised
at Jacksonville.
a a
A fuel .famine is expected next win
ter up the valley.
One "Jag" of cherries aold at Mil
ton brought llil.
a a
Within three weeks 60 lota of a Mad
ford addition were sold.
e a
Beat prune prospect In the history ef
the valley la the report
A good new hotel will probably be
built soon in Prairie City.
Three tons a da9ef oherrlea -have
been shipped from, Milton.
A new variety ef valuable granite has
been discovered near Central Point
Letters From tLe People
Antelorje Shed Their Horns.
x, ... - T', . On one trip the steamer Delia took
Portland, July l.To the Editor of 1200 CMe, 0f cheese out of Cloverdala.
ine journoi see oj na journal oi i
liberty of forcing his acquaintanceship
upon her without a proper Introduction.
Canada Beats Us.
The foreign trade of Canada, observes
a writer In the current Harper's Weekly,
has grown during the last 10 years
from $239,000,000 to $562,000,000, and
Is now two and a half times per head
that of the great American republic.
The expansion of her home market la
farm, and is illuminative of tha mon- mavor la too overwhelming. To be Portland people saying notnmg
omental folly of Oregon appearing J sure, it is the evidence of grafters about the heat would be to go up
s an importer of hog products. It and boodlers or of their victims, ,nt0 he wheat belt and see where
ahows with what ease Oregon farm-1 most of them people whose unsup- the bread comes from and how the
eri could not onlv sunnlv all Orpcon nortAil Individual wnrd wonld nnt 60.000,000 bushels Of Pacific north-
with fork, but be heavy exDortera eo far. but It la incredible that all of west wheat are harvested.
of such products. them are lying against themselves as
The experiment was under the di- well as against Schmltz, and equally
rectlon of Dr. Wlthycombe, and its incredible that all that, boodle was
purpose was to ascertain the value being disbursed without the mayor
of alfalfa in the production of pork, knowing lt and getting a share.
Thirty-two pigs, mostly picked up In But lt does not follow that
the open market, were put on a two-1 Schmltz, In the case of his "If" work-
acre field of alfalfa April 1. Up to ing right, cannot he reelected mayor.
July 1, a period of three months, the We cannot think this probable, but
pigs had made an Increase In weight It may be possIble--in San Francisco
of 1.630 pounds. Besides alfalfa,
A young man in New York cele
brated by shooting off a revolver,
and killed a young woman standing
in a window. A similar "accident"
.they had consumed 11,850 pounds of THE COURT WANTS TO KNOW.
akim milk and 1,420 pounds of
HE REPEATED and continued
though finally unsuccessful at
tempts of John D. Rockefeller
to avoid service of a subpoena
giving testimony have been
. chopped wheat. Allowing 25 cents
. per 100 pounds for the milk and one
- and one halt cents a pound for the
i wheat chop, the cost of the Increase
' was $50.92. At the market price of and
. ? $M cents a pound, the value of the taken generally as confession that If
Increased weight is $105.95. The net he testified he would have to give
profit which represents the product evidence injurious to the defendant
from the twp acres of alfalfa pastur the Standard Oil company
.age, waa $55.03, or $27.51 per acre, though he has said heretofore that
' ' What makes the findings of rare he has had nothine to do with Stand-i
interest Ja that the pigs will remain ard Oil business for years and knows
t oa thealfalfa until late in October,
giving ;iearlv;sfouf , months more of
; feed, by which time more than $o0
per acre should b$ realized. Mean
time, 25 cents per 100 has been real
ized for gkim tnllfii with a market in
the barnyard. : Kinety cetits a hiishel
haa been, received, for wheat, and
' $27.5 1 ' per acre for pasturage for
three months on growing alfalfa. '
' The demonstration shows that the
nearly happened here. The deadly
and worse than useless revolver Is
the cause of countless tragedies.
Rumors Increase that Harrlman Is
going to get busy building In south
eastern as well as southwestern Ore
gon. We'd like a chance to hurrah
for Harrlman once.
A bolt of lightning passed through
a Palouse farmer, and he was only
stunned. He must be a tough citi
zen, though not in an undesirable
sense. '
There can be no great amount of
fun without some accompanying or I
promptness, and your business career
baa taught you the neoesslty of accur
acy. , Tou are a good dresser, or, as the
men who deal In horses would say, "you
are a good looker and you act like a
Tou have no bad habits to act as a
drag on your progress.
Tou scorn a He, you hate a cheat, and
abhor a rake!
xpansion of her home market is But with ail this there Is arowlnr nn
attested by the statistics of her eco- j your ilt eo yam,. oia friend thlnki
nomlc prosperity. Last year her rail- , " .' '
roads, m which $1,289,000,000 are In- a carelessness as regards the days that
vested, carried 30,000,000 passengers and are to come. Tou wished the other day
102.000,000 tons of freight and earned that you had $26. Tou have a aalar.
$106,000,000. The paid-up capital of the , ,, . ,., v 7 aiary
banks In the Dominion Is $88,000,000, of $76 per month! Tou' give your moth-
and the sum of their assets Is $767,- er $30 of this, leaving you $46 for your
000.000 In 1905 the revenue of the 0wn uses. Now. were you a married
Dominion was $71,000,000 for 6.000.000 . ... . . .
people; In 1855 the revenue of the AJrDrotM??alatfn
tTnlted States was but $65,000,000 for 25Jendet u5.n 7u- might receive
27.000.000 people. No better proof could r?m. 7' 'lend a alfferent kind of
be afforded of the Immensely greater . But 'n lew or the fact that
purchasing power of Canada today than you, r fu"i wn ou J0"1" friend
was possessed by our republic half a notices that with your opportunities,
century ago. In view of these facts, lt a,arr and position you are always
is riot strange that Canada should face broke near the end of the month.
tha future with supreme confidence. It .Iour "isna xnows tnat you hate debt,
remains to add that the opening of the Tnat w.natevr .blll y?u contract you
snort route to isurope Dy way or hu- """""' f-ur income,
son Bay a route which will be open for ,?u,t here Js-the point: While you are
five months In the year, and will llvrf within your Income now,you have
shorten the distance between Liverpool javed nothing for a possible time when
ana the western snippers or grain by "'S'D " '?.
about 2,000 miles Is now definitely as- . 11 YV nave naa $1., $20, $30 or $40
sured. no fewer than six railways to t0 spend, you have spent lt on yourself.
Port Churchill, the best of the Hudson ana yu nave nothing to show for it
Bay harbors, having been already char- ecept soms more or less pleasant and
tered. unpleasant rememorances, some half-
worn lies, snoes, suits ana shirts.
Tour friend asks you this question:
jn pay aay wna. is ma nrst thing you
June 28 that Cephas Ft Clapp of Forest
Orove wants to find out if the antelope
shed their horns. The American ante
lope of Montana and British Columbia
shed their horns as do the elk and deer
In the months of December and January
and the horns begin to grow In April
and May. They commence to shed the
velvet from the horns in August and cents more per pound for butter fat for
, The Linn county recorder's office did
a larger business last month' than ever
Cows In Tillamook have been bring
ing their owners over $1 a month for
several months past.
Tillamook dairymen received over lt
Senator Gearln Made "A Pretty Fair
From the Eugene Guard.
A member of the state university
graduating class remarked in the Guard
office yesterday that ex-Senator
Oearln's address to the class was a
"pretty fair talk." No doubt it was In
the opinion of the young man who haa
May than for the corresponding month
last year.
a a
Prairie's Infant Industry will take Ha
first milk Monday morning when the
head nurse will transform lt Into oheese,
says the Miner.
a a
A Canyonvllle horse worth $100 put
Its head under the halter rope and
Sushed forward until lt had choked to
eath. Looks, like a case of suicide,
a a
Klamath Falls neonle have offered re.
wards aggregating $300 for the arrest
crammed all the knowledge of the world anil conviction of a dog poisoner, eight
cou'aVdW hv,n -X!
urally commonplace and easy. Probably
ir Mr. uearin were aiso iresn rrom coi
A Sherman county farmer's new well.
haiDump, winamiu reservoir and all com-
uineu. cum i,iuu, wnicn ne minks is
lege, with tha accent on the fresh
Ill 1 K 11 k VA 1.V UIUI1UH u.u VJ .111. ,,4--t -l .... i " y-- , ,
ate expression of approval, but at his cheap, as compared with hauling water.
time or lire ne is more liKeiy to oe
amused than otherwise If lt should A second artesian well has been
come to his attention. I struck hear Fort Klamath, water being
Senator Oearln Is an orator who has found at a depth of 190 feat, and nm.
few peers In thla country, and Is at his Ing 8 feet above ground. It Is clear
best on an occasion like that of yester- and pure, and has a temperature of 40
dav. Certainly many of his auditors degrees.
will never have the pleasure of listening
to a more able address than this one Many strangers have been visiting
the finished product of many years of Myrtle Point during the past week,
thought and labor combined with the looking: for ooDortunltlea for Invui.
rare ability and' natural graces of ora- ment or for engaging In business or
tory which few men possess, for real establishing homes in this beautiful val
orators, like real poets, come Into the ley, says the Enterprise.
woria enaowea wnn me aiinouies oi a a
i.. "JliJ ?Vhia ,3SS 1 "f r " Photon Tribune: The O. R. 4k K. "
was ever able to produce. cannot nnnl. anoiiah 1a1 J
?.!fif uJf Ji ?.!iw.-fal.i "g the . entire year" to transport thel
reason for encouragement and hopeful- k ih.t Vn. inTii X
ness. It may be taken to mean that tViLt.?,.0faL ,Pa"""fr..t P-
some of the older generation have not ."""rV. Vunj .V",nI?
- 'a vaav-a-a aaavav uiwi lu.f BJIIUU 1U i,
This Date in History.
1758 British embarked on exoedltlon do with the money that Is In your nav
against xiconaeroga ana urown t'olnt,
1777 Americans abandoned Fort Tl-
1779 New Haven cantured by Ameri
can force under Governor Tyron of New i
1814 Americans victorious over Brit-
en velopeT
Ish at battle of Chippewa
1830 French took
possession of Al-
1846 Joseph B. Foraker.
States senator from Ohio. born.
1849 William T. Btead. English Jour
nalist, born.
1900 Democratic national convention
at Kansas City geminated Bryan and
1904 Peoples party national cohven-1 centage of your money reaularly. ana
in at Rnrtn-flolil TMnnf.' nMm4..,AAI. 1 . .
i;. - K,1 ' TTr.-Xtr nlJ:J.Z. I " riiwnaiiHuijr, ana going on TO
Tou take $80 for vour mother. That
Is well. Tou pay what little bills have
come naturally during the month. That
is wen. a man is no better than hi .
credit. Then what? Well, you go to
the theatre. That's no harm, if the
play Is a good one. Tou get a suit of
cioines or some neckties. ou have
a good dinner with a friend. All of
tnese tnings are right And proper within
certain limits, but this one thing Is
uuuc-nDie; in going aown street witn
your money In your pocket you stop at
pretty nearly every place except the
savings bank.
instead or taking out a certain per-
the bank first with your savinsrs ad-
Justing your expenditures to your sav
ings, not your savings to your expendi
tures you leave tne nanK out or all
little or nothing about its affairs,
This was not generally believed, and
it is supposed that he owns and re
ceives dividends from about one half
of Standard Oil Btock. At any rate,
the government's attorneys profess
to need his evidence as to the finan
cial affairs' of that company, as well
as that of William Rockefeller. H.
H. Rogers and John D. Archbold.
If, as they have claimed,3 Standard
Taft and the Poets.
, , i..-"-. Y.iiM'"mw'rvJrL '"''"f you forget that a penny saved Is a
conseanent misery, as every rounn '.""v." Ul presents serious penny earned.
- ... .1 oosiacies to tne political rnymester." a You forget that the foundations of
all great fortunes have been laid in the
of July celebration proves.
. It was a big celebration, all over
the country, but lt is difficult to
make the celebrations fit the coun
try size, any more.
' Oars Biggest and Best.
From tho Boston Globe.
Armordlna- to -recent measurements
taken In France. England and the United
States, tha English woman Is the tallest.
Uhe American woman weighs the i tout,
the average. Being m pounds, and the
reaca -ua , i
poet on tha contributor's staff of Har
per s Weekly rises to remark:
"The rhymester read this note and
Said he: 'That fellow must be daft
If he can't see the ease of "Taft"
To poets fore, and poets aft.
In days like these, when men of craft.
When men of deep and little draft,
Go In for every kind of graft.
Somebody must his nibs have chaffed.
Or else his inky nibllok's sclaffed.
as editor ne snouid be raffed
If he can't see the endless raft -
Of rhyming wods to point the shaft
With which the expert noeta waft
xne tnougnts tneir Muse
For and arainst old Blllle Taft! V " v
Go to good girl .You're off your haltf "
cement of sacrifice and founded on the
pennies that grow -rapidly when they
are properly taken care of.
Money makes money) If you have
saved $100 many times you can Invest
it and make that money work for you.
With an established record for being
react y ior legitimate investments, even
though tne investment Is small, you" will
soon come to the place where you can
make the larger. ' Instead of wanting
to borrow $26, you will have ther amount
to lend on good security, at a good rate
of Interest, if you form the habit of
Kolna- to the savings bank first when
has para?Lyou get your pay envelope.
nememoer mis, tint man wno spends
more than ha makes, sickness, death and
ears for tbosa dependent Upon hitn de-
entlrely railed to make good,
111- vion ui'in i viia vuni mail, aii, it.. ...., , ' .
having garnered all there ?s of human F.,ihticllTllT..S! l00" Passengar
wisdom In school book lore, roes out to lfa,n. .r?r a c! tury. indeed, there
rejuvenate the world and readjust those enouia pe any aencienoy.
things ana conditions tnat are undenia
bly as tne snouia not ne.
Still Backing.
From the Rainier Review.
Judge Cleland of the circuit court for
jjuitnoman county nas decided tnat the
law creating the Port of Columbia la
constitutional, but the people of Astoria
(or at least those who claim to repre
sent the people of that graft-ridden
community) have decided to keep on
fighting. They don't know when they
are licked. Even if they should defeat
the present law which they will not
the next legislature would pass another
that would stand the test of the courts.
The pilotage graft Is located at Astoria.
It has levied burdensome toll upon the
commerce of the Columbia river for
many years, and lt will not let ao until
Its fingers are chopped off. It has the
support of, the liquor trafflo of Astoria,
beoause it. brings money to their tills.
and the liquor dealers of that city eome
very near being the whole show. ' The
case will be carried to the supreme
court, and If possible to the supreme
court of the united 8tates In order to
defeat a measure which, If Astoria ever
expects to pa a snipping port of any
importance, would benefit it eauallv
with Portland. The bosses down there
must be arnicted with that famous
trouble, "a perverse profund of nbll-
uity. .
St. Pant's Bargain.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
The cheerful celerity with whluh tha
St Paul paid a $10,000 fine for rebating
i. ji.. i . t. . . i . i . . . . ...
inuiuaics 111a w & w-fiaiu-ran it n&n R
"An East Side Bank for Bast
Side People."
Small Savings
Large Accounts
barred, Is a criminal ' The man who
spends all ha makes is a fool. Tha man
who lays by him In store for the days
that are to come ia a wise man.
Ask yourself, then, the question, dear
boys "Where do I go first afetr I have
received my pay envelope T"
The .right answer given and lived up
te jrW ao-ve jwue ctf your problema. "
By laying one brlok at a time,
the largest buildings are
erected. fBy depositing- one
dollar at a time many large,
bank accounts are built .
Wouldn't you like to build a
bank account by starting with
n OO Jt this bankT Accounts
Of $1.00 and up -receive inter
est at tha rata of
Which Is declared semi
annually. If you don't live In the city,
open an account with us by
It is perfectly safe and very
Simple. . .
The Commercial
Savings Bank
at-TOT An WTtiT.TI-f ATX.
George, w., Bates.. .- ..President '
J, ,8.Birrel. .Caahler