THE ' OREGON 'DAILY ' JOURNAt, PORTLAND, : JHURSDAY : EVENING, JULY 4, IC07. "" POPULAR PORTLANDERS. MARRIED . AT SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY , . j ToyiGHya amusements Mamuam (IranA . .imtHnlB flneclelt: - compur u vaudeville dhw Faksr .................. "Oliver Twut sW iVsse ett ftssj af frsjss Hlkr ' .... "Th. TJfe That Kills LEADING EAST SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE Lyrio. . i f , , . . "A Fair Rebel" The oeics. ....'.,........ t ....O. W. P. carllno. First and Aim Gorgeous fireworks display LiWU and Clark fair (rounds at . INSURES AIL KINDS 02f UVB STOCK AO AINST DKATXI FROM ANY Corner of Grand Avenue and Bast Alder spectacular illumination or ai, Mt Adams and Mt. 8t HHwt U p. ro. Topic lillll : . .ji.. ii; i :! "t.. v.- V '. Flans ars now belhf perfected, for the pavement of Belmont street on ths east side from the river to ml Tanor. A variety of different pavements will be used varying from crushed rock to hard surface pavements. It was at first Intended to make the entire stretch hard nttvmnt.owinr to the importance of. the thoroughfare, but on account of the protests or some or me property owners this has been abandoned for the time. It is still hoped, however, to' have the entire driveway paved with a bard surface pavement Woodmen, of the World ball was the scene of a marriage last night In which the groom was 74 years of age and the bride SO. The parties to the Interesting ceremony were cnanes Stewart, an em- na ine nnae was ixmisa j. a nomas, a governess. -Rev. Clarence True Wilson married the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart wHl reside at the corner of Sixteenth and Harrison streets. The St Johns Commercial club will have a housewarmlnr" during the coming, weekt at which time the new quarters of the organization will b opened for pub llo use. The club is furnishing . three "rooms consisting of one large assembly hall and two smaller rooms for the use of committee meetings .and similar gatherings The cost of the furnishings wui do sdoui iouu. F. E. Bowers of 109 Ssventeenth street lost a watch and fob valued at $75 while watching the Are on Northru street early this mornlnr. The watcl was engraved with the full name of Mr. Bowers and the fob was also en grsvea witit bis initials, it 1 sup posed that a pickpocket secured the timepiece. New Grocery Store at Bunnyslde We beg to announce that we are now open to receive orders for high-class " gro ceries. Imported goods, as well as the American cereal uorree. Known "Golden Grain Granules." which we guarantee to be the best In ths world. Peterson A Faueette, 14 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 443. i 1 ' J ft v ' n J - Water through hose for sprinkling ysrds or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours ' of I and I a. m., and S and I p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or wsstsfully. It will be shut oft A few of those Chatham Standard In cubators left, the kind that hatches every fertile egg, 110 and 140 eggs ca pacity, and as long as they last a 60 egg slse for only 18.00. Do you want one? -il or write, Geo. W. Foott, 121 East Morrison street Portland. While J. Meager, 414 Salmon street, was watching the plug ugly parade last night somebody walked off with his srm chair Just back of him on the porch. Tes, sir! "Golden Grain Granules" Is the health, coffee. It Is pure and goes further than any other. Tates A- Raymond, 1014 Belmont street Goorge 8prlngat-Blsb.opp. George Springate "Bishopp and Mlos Emma Hillman .were married at the Seamen's Friend society, 1(1 Flanders street, last Monday night Ths cere mony was pronounced by Rev. EJ, H. Roper, chaplain of the Institute. Ths targe concert bail was strewn with flowers, and flags of the world's na tions entwined with roses and marguer ites oovered the wells. The bride was eeoorted by her grand father, Edward Atmore, while Mlee Rose Riley played Mendelssohn's wed ding march. The bride wore a dress of white lingerie, trimmed In lsoe. The Veil wss hsld by a diamond brooch, the gift Of the groom. M lines Alice and Llssie Culverwell were bridesmaids, and Mn.'BlsnOpp.' Miss Sarah Culrerwelt'maid of honor,' Little Maude Roper carried the rink In the heart of a Caroline Testout rose. The flower girls were Misses Laura and Marion Roper. The groom was attend ed by Harry Hillman, the bride's brother. The ceremony was followed by a reception and banquet The groom is well known in this city, where he occupies a responsible po sition with Meier ft Frank. The bride, who formerly lived in Itondon, England, is an artist of considerable ability, and has received It certificates for black and White drawings In the Kensington art schools. The young couple are taking a short wedding tour, after which they will re side In Sellwood. Many costly presents were given them. on wwmk l SALE Is without question the greatest bargain event ever inaugurated on the East Side. You cannot get away from figures and facts, especially when backed up by the superior class of merchandise we are showing; that's why this sale has been so successful. in bringing such crowds of people here from all directions to share in the bargain harvest , VERY RADICAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICE PREVAIL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT DURING THIS SALE ARBITRARY POSTMASTER REFUSES TO HAUL MAILS THIRTY FEET Residents of Hillsdale are greatly ex cited because of the action of Post master A. Mercer In refusing o carry ths malls from the railroad to the post office," a distance of about 10 feet' leav ing the oltlsens of the little suburb without letters from their loved ones. Postmaster Meroer contends that he is not paid to carry the mall and con sequently refuses to do eo. He says that the government provides 171 a year for a messenger to perform the work of carrying one or two mall sacks a day from the trains to ths office, but that he cannot ret anybody to fll the place. Complaints have been coming In thick and last to Frank B. Whitney, chief clerk of the railway mall service, since ths troubls started several di ago, and 1e will issue sn order tomor row directing all mall for Hillsdale to be forwarded to Portland, where resi dents of Hillsdale can secure it from the genera delivery. One of the worst features of the trouble Is that all malls deposited in the Hillsdale office for the past few days have not been placed on the trains and are accumulating in the postoffice. Another feature that is equally bad and one that affects a large number of persons Is thst rursl delivery carriers fet their mail from the Hillsdale office, hese men have been going over their routes dally since ths trouble beean without any mall to deliver. This branch of the work Is under the super vision of E. C. Clement, postoffice in spector, who Is out of the city and could not be seen ss to what action is to be taken in the case. BROKE NEGRO'S NOSE ON TAUNT CAUSING DOCTOR TO MAKE GOOD Darr and Quigley removed to dinar. Resl- Drs. rooms 414415-411 Swefland bulldi Phone Main 1401. Home A-2401, dence phone Main 1298. Steamer Jesse Harklne, for Camas, Waabouga! and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street . dock I p. m. Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street lunch 11:10 to i; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fins gasoline, rnona jcast 7 Fishing pole or box of candy with each pair of children s shoes at Rosenthal's. B. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks' Duiiomg, Beventn ena Biam sis. For Ice call Mala 114. Stark. los Delivery Co., Ill Oregonlan Confectionery, 111 Sixth. P. Chambers, optician, lit Seventh. . Berger signs 214 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler 105 Alder. Klser. Scenic photos. Imperial hotel. BEST BY TEST Goods of Bailable Makes Only tf o rake Methods. Thsrs's a satisfaction (n buying good goods. No matter how low the price JUU Bwv 11 VWI4 SWHVS em vvjmw dry goods store of McAllen A McDonnell, Annual midsummer le starts tomor row morning All summer goods, such , as parasols, neckwear, silk gloves, mus kajiin underwear, knit underwear, wash ldi, corsets, shirtwaists, linen skirts, suits and coats, men's furnishings, draperies, camping blankets and com forters at greatly reduced prices. Tour opportunity, McAllen & McDonnell. BOISE INTERUBBAN BUILT TO CALDWELL Boise, Ida.. July 4. The Boise 3t In terurban electric line has been com pleted between Boise and Caldwell and connection has been made. Regular traf flo over the line will begin In about three weeks, when a big celebration ofj the event will take place. "Speaking of baseball," said John T. Flynn of Seattle at the Oregon hotel. "reminds me of a little stunt that oc curred many years ago at a county fair which I attsnded with Dr. O. P. S. Plum mer. It was In the days when they had a real live colored boy stick his head through a hols la a canvas at which anybody could throw three baseballs for a nickel every hit entitling the thrower to a good (T) cigar. "Dr. Plummer told me that if I broke the boy's nose he would set it free of charge. More in a Joke than anything else I picked up three balls and started the game. The first ball went wide of the mark by about 10 feet Everybody laughed, even the target Without a mo ment's delay I threw the second ball, caught the boy offguard and hit him square on the nose. Everybody wss surprised, Including myself. "The boy squealed like a good fellow and an examination showed that his nose had Tieen broken by the ball. Dr Plummer spent the rest of the day in attending to the broken nose, while I stood around and received the plaudits of the throne. - It w&ji f ha rir tin. r had thrown a baseball for several years and I refused to throw the third one for fear of leslnv the renut&tlnn T h.rf established." LIIIEMAIl MEETS ISTffl DEATH Charles t. Welsh, Veteran Power Company Employe, Is Electrocuted. Charles E. Welsh, one of ths veteran linemen In the employ of the Portland Railway. LiKht and Power company met Instant death at the top of a pole on Portland Heights at the corner of Chapman and Kim streets at s o ciock yesterday afternoon. The cause of tne accident is not known as there was no eye witness, but it is supposed that welsh came in contact with one of the htgh power wires as ha was descending the pole. rne accident occurea just booui me time the lineman was supposed to quit work for the dav and the body was seen hanging in the air by C. C. Craw ford who called Dr. George Wilson. When the physician, arrived, however, the man was dead. Policeman Wanless. aided bv Craw ford, lowered tne Body to tne grouna oy means of a rope. An Investigation by the ooroner showed that the fingers of the left hand had been burned off and the right arm was burned to a crisp up to the elbow. The man was sbout 80 years of age and resided at 789 Wil liams avenue with his wife. He was a member of the United Artisans. Cor oner Finley stated this morning that there was no cause for sn inquest as the cause of the death was apparent DRIVER DOG We believe in sharincr.our orofits with our depositors. For this reason we issue time certificates. A time certificate is prac tically a receipt for money deposited in the bank. This receipt is recorded and safeguarded so that the money it represents cannot be lost If the time certificate is lost we will, upon satisfactory evi dence, issue a duplicate. To secure a time certificate you must deposit your money for a stated period. This gives us an oppor- uy xo invest inc money wnere l? win earn cnougn to leave us a small margin of profit after payintr your interest. A time deposit in this' strong bank affords the -depositor an absolutely safe invest-. ment at 4 per cent interest OF AWARDED PRIZE Portland Ad Club Decides Rose Show Participant Is Entitled to Silver Cup. In the opinion of practical advertis ing men comprising ths membership of the Portland Ad club, the little boy who drove a decorated dog and cart In the rose show parade merited a prise. At the club's regular monthly meeting last evening the question was dis cussed and a silver cup was voted to the lad as a reward for his long trip with the dog. His nams was not known to the club, but will be ascer tained and he will be awarded the cup. The ad men will give a special re ception to Pacific northwest advertis ing men Who gather here about .Tulv IT on the way to the summer meeting of the Pacific ClUlt AH rfar,'a league at Sacramento. It was voted last night to Join in forming a large delegation to attend this meeting, for which Sacramento citizen hv mh. scribed a fund of 11,000 lor entertain ment ox guests. The ad men of the north coast will go m a special car attached to the re uiar southern Pacific train leaving vi iiiu b ii.iD n. m. nniT Manhino? Sacramento July 11. Delegates will at- iBuu rom lacoasa, Seattle, Spokane, Victoria. Lewlatoff and Portland Th. sessions will be held in Sacramento Elks hall and the opening meeting will be addressed by President R M Wan of the league, Mayor R. M. Beard of Bitcrninemo ana otners. The program of the entire convention will be one of unusual interest to tne coast At last evening's meeting of the club a committee was appointed to consider the advisability of Inviting the Na tional Advertising Men's league to hold its next annual meetins- in Portland in June, 1908, during the annual rose Handsome Silk Underskirts $8.50 Values at $4.49 Very handsome plaids, stripes and plain colors, all made in elegant style of rich, lustrous rustling taffeta silk of splendid quality. This price is less than you can buy the material for. Women's Whit Lawn Waists Values to $1 at 49c All good new styles. Lace and embroid ery trimmed, with short or long sleeves. Silk Floss Cushions 15c Each Sixteen-inch Silk Floss Pillows, regu larly sold at 25c. Bleached Roller Toweling 5c Yard Good quality of twill, bleached roller Toweling, full 16 inches wide. Women's White Canvas Oxfords $1.50 Values at 78c , All sizes, a splendid lot of White Can vas Oxfords, newest Blucher style. Men's Kid House Slippers $1.50 Values at 98c Very fine tan kid Everett Slippers, with n u i . t r :Uii.. i neXIDie turn soic. very aiguwy uu comfortable. Women's Shoes and Oxfords Values te $3 at $1.68 A big lot of s,tylish and good Shoes and Oxfords, some in patent kid and gun metal, some with Goodyear welt soles. All sizes in some kinds. Men's Fast Black Sox 2Vfi Values at 8c Pair Absolutely stainless and seamless, with spliced heel and toes. Colored Wash Underskirts J Values to 90c at 59c Made in neat plain colors, of good mer cerized Gingham, very wide flounce with neat narrow ruffle. Lace Trimmed Corset Covers Worth 35c at 18c Well made and very neatly trimmed with a good wearing lace. White Fringed Bedspreads $1.75 Values at $1.18 Extra full size, fringed and notched Bedspread of splendid weight and qual ity. Men's Shoes at $1.88 Includes shoes worth to $2.75. A lot of velour calf, box calf and kid shoes, in lace and Blucher styles, all good styles but broken lots. Men's Muslin NIghtrobes Worth 75c at 49c Good bleached Muslin Nightrobes, full size, with or without collar. Men's Black Sox Worth 25c at 17c Very fine mercerized silk, absolutely fast colors and seamless. TALBOT SECURES SPLENDID BERTH Director ol Oregon Electric Railway Company Elect Him Vlce-Pre si dent and General Manager. Transportation to Chautauqua. The Southern Pacific Railway oom- P&uy nave granted a rate or one and one tnira, on tne certificate plan to roruana and return irom all points on the west side and Yamhill divisions and to Oregon City from all points south thereof: Under these conditions patns Of the Chautaunua who htv tmM rT.n fare to Portland or Oregon City will be retumea at one ana one third fare on or Derore July zs. Certificates must be signed bv the secretary of the Chautauqua, and may be Issued on any of the three days prior to or on the Opening1 day." juuring tne session, juiy -n, mclu op at if ndt slve. the Eugene local will s to; Gladstone nark. Other trains wil stop. Passengers on other trains will stop at Oregon City and, transfer by motor line to the park, i The Oregon Water power A Railway company have constructed a branch from their main Oregon City line direct to Gladstone park, and win do all local business be tween TertlanA and Oregon City. Directors of the Oregon Electric Rall- wav com nan v have elected Guy W. Tal bot to the position of vice-president and general manager and his duties will be gin when the rosd U completed and ready for operation. He will be asso ciated with Charles F. Bwigert. presi dent of the company, in the handling of the road's operation. If is the expectation of the builders to havs the roniana-oaiem une com pleted and . In operation from Portland to waraen raurae uj n- tember and the entire line In operation hw the first of the coming year. As soon as the line is running between Portland and the state capital, exten sions will be made In other directions. It is probable tnat a Drancn m Grove and HUlsboro will be built. There is talk of extending the main une fur ther up the Willamette valley from Sa lem. Journal Readers. The Journal's friends, when patron ising Journal advertisers, will confer lavor oy mentioning; iu mo The Mexican Mustang Liniment the ad In Journal. When in San Francisco Slay at Hotel Hamlin, MT Eddy. Fire proof: 100 rooms. 40 baths; rates $1.50 anO UP. AUyaBil m ..... Goesflulokty tothe vory ooroof the disease and1 steps ths moot deep-set, xo islatlng pains almost Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Ouros every allmenl of Man or Beast that a good, honest Unhnsnt sao None bettor, Note so rjooa. AMUBXXMWtn. LYRIC THEATRE FWA This week the Allen Stock Co. Present ing Harry P. Mauson s Celebrated Mtlltay Drama, "A FAZB um" Matinees Tues., Thure.. Bat and Sun. Prices lOo, 80c. Ever evening at 1:11. Prices 10c, 10c and Soe. Reserved seats by Dhone. Main 4(11. Office open from 10 a. m. to 10 a, m . FOXmTX TODAY, girl an' feller there, A MXBBT TYv MA th&t -4THntrin lemonade? To him she Is the "only." he to her th. nrM waji made. There is gladness in their boosums an' delight Is In each eye. As they celebrate together this great Fourth day of July. D'ye see that scarred up urchin, with nil without rank? He's a bigger man this evenln' than th rhsn who own a bank True, occasionally he utters Just a ten- .r mrl nlffh. Then again you'll hear him shouun' tor the jrourtn oay oi uif. Oh. there's freedom an' there's sunsnme in tne merry unji oi juiiw. . An' there's ecetacy , e-bubblin' in tne haarta of Tom and Ruth. There's no thorns upon their pathways an no oiouas upon tneir ey. An' their lives are just forever uks the Fourth oay oi juiy. That's the way It's la our laundry .v.pvmv'i run at a-iaa n Though, of course, wo must admit It, we re as eusy as. a nee. Bat no gloom pervadss-our sane turn- not runs ever goes awry . . . Every day's a day of beauty, like the rourtn day or juty. , . tnrxov SAUaTSBT. Tel Ate Seoosa and Columbia. THE STAR Fhomo Main B4M. Week of July 1, l07. The Great Morallstlo Drams, Tn un TXAT XXZXS" Matinees. Tues- Thurs., Sat and Sun. at 1:10. Prices 10c and lOo. Evening at 1:19. Prices 10c, SOo and SOe. Secure eeats for all performances by phone. nam ts. Marquam Grand Tonight and All Week, American Specialty Co. Boyals, eomedy mastolsas, BeOros, Bomaa rtag, mioatdot fasts of Bessie, M ovtaff clotures, uaad Comedy Fun, Bertha Oordray, first . appears ass la vaudeville, B. Tlaoest, ylstwroA Baslo also, latndaitor Troups, Bontaa stataary, s an, enar mg ugenms, Taos. X. Clarke B Co, "Bseaomleal Jane." Kiss Tbon Mb fassoas yodlar, Son Trio, aav avareo wvttx aatsa. laetosoope, movlnA piotmres ForUaad Boss CamlvaL Prloes BOo, tSc, lOo. Matinee, 28c. 10c. Marquam Grand Special Engagement of America's Fore most Tragedienne, NANCE O'NEIL Beginning Monday, July S. Throe Nights, with Matinee Wednesday. Sardou's Spectacular Drama, The Sorceress Balance of week, beginning Thursday Evening, with Matinee on Satur day, the Delightful Classlo Drama, irvaoMAR Seats now on sale at the boxofflce. Prices 15c. 80c. lie, 11.00. Boxes and logee, 1.50. j fna B. fcdst F.tVas. B. B Okess Owl Mgsf Jss. M. Ober latmaiy B. V Baniar Owniss ) (Long m toe Omsm i stflssd Ch set ef , Mm4 Beard sf Tne ' 1 Own Traa sad ssrlsgs Sssk NitfMdflMi The Srsostisst Co at a. a Pea B Co. Cuswilsl Kprnm . r mmmrn lt ,:Jt t We SMbe as rienlet we se M BBf " . Wegheresassssiedest tsskeie ; bom omen t-r-t ufa rmx siml , Cm WmJUmthm 4 Sik ZVW Om Z OAXJF OBXXA BOTZZJL llftl:. m mm a. HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND GOUQH 6TRCCTS SAN rRANCISCQ -PgCUL lUMMtR RATES New hotel, faeee JTeffe oa Square, Two blocks frees Van Ne Ave, the pra sent :fW piag district. Car Unas trsnaf erring all ever city, pass door. Every modern convenience. 860 rooms single or ea suite. 160 private setba. Asssrtean and European plana. Prices gasses ate. Omnibus nets all trains. STEWART-BARKER CO. The Hotel Stewart Opens September 1st TKU BXATTZFTTXj XWW - Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-fiis-tanoe telephones, compressed air clan lng, largs lobby, cafs a la carta witl i eulslno and service unsurpassed. Fer rates, etc, addreea . N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Aasistsnt Manager . Peiass Kotel. San Franolsoo. HOTEL HOLLAND Bills Street, Bel. Powell a&a Sam Fraadsoo. NOW OPEtf ' awietiy rsvciass, Absoisteiv ri prooi. in aocmii so wtu sau. J. ODOBTr IU, Mftm HOTEL AUDUBON AY rAFCICO-r iOPXAS FLAB FIT. Ingle rooms or ss salts. Elm tor, staas ' lest, eleetrie llshts ssd all stodera sosves eeees. Strictly flratlaaa. OBBveaUst te shoo. (log eesters. Oa dirtet Dae front ferry sad TbtH ssd Townaend depot. Bates II ea, .., as sun near vas nass sv v. u. Hants a. HIT. HOTEL LENOX COB. TB U AXT KATBT STS, Portland - Latesat and Moat Mod sir n Hotal New Building, conveniently locat ed, fitted with the latest designed furniture, hot ' and cold water ' la every room, private baths, . modsxn Grill, long distance telephone, free automobile bus. sample room, free from noise, facing plasa. Rstss $1 and up. i LOCKSLEY ML SEASIDE, OREGON Spend your vacation at Seaside and at ' delightful Locksley HalL More attrao-, tlve than ever before. Accommodations , of the highest order. One hundred ele gant outside rooms; private baths; eleo trie lights; '.ot and cold water. Annex overlooking the Psclflo and daw HghtfulTy situated cottagea , Cnlslao Uararpassed. Sea FOoda B Specialty. FBBB BUS MZBTS AXB T BAIBB, ' F. X A IT T, B, A. CABUSXB, Fropa, JULY 4th Council Crest Take- yoar "Innoh and ' Srow orko and pond the day with nature on the beau tiful bills. : ' BAjrCXBB ' Afternoon and Evening to '' BBB t FATXLIOB, Fine Cool Breeses. Grand Ylew. - Good Orcheetra. - OBAB9 XXATnCXBATZOSr RoA Fire on the Mountains Seen to Best ,;..-' 1, a - -i Advantage.' Befresasseats. oty AttraoUeaa. ttt?tt Tn rrtrf A TBI? Faono Fourteenth and washlngtoa. Chsrles Frohman Presents ETHEL BAROVMORE Friday night, Saturday mat., July 6, i ne r antaaiio uomeoy, "OAFTAZB BBS" Sat night. July . the delightful comedy "COTJSXB BATH Pricee, both night and matlneo TjOw or floor, escept last 1 rows, $1; last t rows, ll.BO; bslcony, fljrst 4 rows tl.BO, next 5 rows $1, laat S rows TSc; entire gal lery tOc Seats now eelllng at theatre. BAKER JHEATEE 1 Vhon Vain oku., uen. Manager. AH tms weea, v;naa xncaenr famous pjay, -. "j- ' MOBXTBB V Ml 1S! .: With Oeorgie . Woodthorpo and Little Ollie Cooper, supported by members of the Baker Comoanv of elavera Matinee Saturday, verung prices, 150, lio, (Oa Mstlnee, loo, tlo. - ' - THE. GRAND Vaudeville Do LiUxa -.t - The greatest vaudevnie "fcla ever offered UO pUDlio or Portland weeg or July I, headed hy C2.. t & x--"TAra, The best (' it iciAitni'Wf'ft Boat f ' ' . c ; .u 1 t HOTEL MOORE ,P0W!'AUi;TKSTlAB.,v'" ' CLATS0F BXAOB. ZAttDE. 01X00. - - Tae PUff Bease ef Orates. ' Otreethr ea tee aeseb, eeertooklng trie eeeaa. Bet salt Beth sad sort bathing. Been ettes pier roc inning. ; sea saner, eleetrie llcbts. firapleee sad fsrasce SMt. dS Walks ssd driTss. tes feeds S sseelaltr Rates, $2.50 and $3.00 per . sTICUt' ItATBS ST TBS WBC1C DAS J. BOOSB. Prop. , PORTLAND ACADEuY Ths academy f:fs bys an 1 ' ' sentern snd western c.n. hall -for r'rls provul.- i .- number, fclemetiterjr murv and r re !'"". lunimir, ft. i-