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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
THE JOURNAL ; AM INDEPENDENT XXWSPAPrB. G. S. Jaeksoaw. Publlans the wife in the face. 1. 14-year-old Isoi Interfered and was felled to the floor by the father's heavy list. The scene that followed was awful Seizing a gun, the boy struck the father a violent blow orer the bead, smashing- the gun stock. The father rushed from the ' room -and the mntJiar knew the mnnnlnev "linn TELEPHONE II A I It T1TB. I . .. in tMttai. h. tkh ..!. lull for your lire, an urged, and the . - v"""r onranat 70 waa. i ne(j lown tn- road.. Jn an awful iKS-r the father pursued, and . . Bmanrtrk Buiidis. 225 rifts trtao. lflred three shots as he ran. At the "ttua"r . third the boy Bitched forward lnt aimnrm T.rrri it mall ttt ur Buuiw I . l' ta iiBitw sutM. Canada Mio the ssgebjush. The father bettered hMfcW ry evening exept Bandar) nd . uobb7 nrornins, at 1 & .ooraai awiiu- ssg, nru ana xanihul atria, rortiaaa. vr. tntrJ at th pnatorfle at Portland, Of., far i urnsga to Ball Moono-cu. utter. ... . ,, . I UA1H. . , A.-M Oa Boats I Sl'NDaT 6m nu..... .MM On meets f x DaILT AND SUNDAY. . Ona raar. $t.B0 I On moots Td hare what we want is riches, but to be able to do iwithout Is rower. George Macdonald. '': Wit'-. '' L00KTN0 BACKWARD-AND FORWARD. The monster then turned In the Mt II . A . . ij uirwuoD wuere ijqo momer ana two young children were fleeing for their lives. He overtook them, seised the wife by the shoulder, placed the weapon against her breast and, while she begged piteously for life, fired. She fell dead and her terror-stricken children threw themselves on her body. Such was the handiwork of this particular revolver. A grave for the mother, orphanage, bitter memories and a lonely world for three chll- but jAKEN AJJL. together, today's ' speeches will tell the most won derful story of nation-growth dren, and the gallows for the father aver told, and yet will nres-nt ell because a fool kept a loaded fraa-mentarv features of the weapon in his room. When will UNFURL THE PLACID By Samuel L. Simpson, the Oregon Poet . Unfurl the flag I let the winds caress ' - ,i t And lift it in rippling loveliness , ' Orer, all the wild west-world we claim;.. : : By cross and sword and in Freedom's name, ii.-. From the peaks that gleam o'er Alaskan gloom - To the isles of palm and the shores of bloom; ' From the sacred rock where the seed was sown' To the sunset capes where the flower has blown, O, flag of the Union, toss and wavet O'er millions of freemen . and not a slave, . t , Unfurl the flag! Jet it curl and kiss 1 The zephyr that faints in the summer's, bliss: It was born in storm, and its glory sprung . . ' Where the bolts of the battle shrieked and sung; Through smoke and cloud it has won the right To float and flaunt when the days are bright We know what souls in its white stars shine, And the blood on its crimson spilled like wine; We know the strife and the woes and fears That hedged it round for -a hundred years I Unfurl the flag! we have followed far'' !' That mystical token of stripe and star. V t And bome upon many a field of dread Its streaming splendor of white and red; But now from the height of the struggling years It bursts like the dawn on a night of tears, And we gather beneath it with radiant brows. As under the beautiful arch that bows In the shimmering vapors after the rain Has smitten the flowers and fields of grain. CARDINAL GIBBONS URGES REPEAL OF DIVORCE 1&WS$M& Small Ch . v - a 11. t m i I man thai af f n4 rnA la wr onmn fr wnnifl LruLii. 11 we cumu nam rim i vvujv w - ' v, .. From ths Dcllnaator. Tha..reeklas facility with which di vorce la procured In this oountry Is an evil scarcity leas daplorable than Mor- I monism tndaed. It Is In aome respects mora aangerous than the latter, or divorce has the sanction of the civil law, which Mormonlim has not Is not I the law of divorce a virtual toleration of Mormonlsm In a modified fortriT Mor ; monlant . eonilata In a almultanaoua po ly$ajny, whlla the law of divorce prao- ucauy . leaas to suooeaalva poly ram y. Each state has on its statute book a list or causes or, rather pretext! which are reoornlsed as sufficient J round for divorce. There are in all 2 or more causes, most of them of a trifling charaoter. and In some state, as In Illinois and Maine, the power of granting- a dlvoroe la left to the dis cretion of the judge. It la Dlainlv manlfaat that th cancer Of divorce la ranldlv aoreadlnr over the community and poiaonlng the fountain of the nation. Unless the evil la checked by aome apeedy and heroic rem edy, the existence of family life Is Im perilled. How -can We call ourselves a unnatian people if we violate a funda I mental law of Christianity T And If the sanctity and indissolubility of marriage aoea not conatltuta a narrltnal nrlnrlnle of the Christian religion, I mm at a loss v anow wnai aoea. ' Plctura to vouraalf tfa faarfnl wrvclra dally caused by this rock of scandal, and the number of famlllaa that ara cast adrift on the ocean of life. Great streas la Juatly laid by moral ists on the abservance of tha Aundav. But what a mockery la the external re- poae oi tne unnatian sabbath to homes parents without exciting the Jealousy or hatred or me otner. Ana tne mel ancholy scenea ara followed by the final act of the drama when the family tlea are dissolved and hearts that bad vowed eternal love and union axe separated to meet no more. The facility with whloh marriage Is annullnd la moat lnlurloua to tha moral of individuals, of the family and of so-J ler work. Thls ie hurrah, day. Boom, bang, alp, rip, roar, How would a dry Fourth dot 3?,r' mor 16 eelebrate over" tbaa ever. !-;V". ,;..' .vi,:, 41 o'iTus' rr4oni'B banner streaming " :t .'i,e e " " After the Fourth, vaoatlon or stead clety. It leads to Ill-assorted and hasty mar. erUnlnU put In rlages, because persons are less circum spect in making a oompaet which may afterward be dissolved almost at will. It stimulates a dlsoontented snd un principled husband or wife to lawless ness, quarrels and even adultery, welt knowing that the very erlme will af ford a nretext and leaal . arounda for separation. - it ena-ander between hnahand ' and wife nerce litigations about the ouatody J commander this year, for sure, of their offspring. I It deprives the ohlldren of the pro. I Complaints of ear twiui ma k. tectlng arm of a father , or the gentle eapeotid iS lnB.WrriiT?,,y care of a mother, and too frequently I - -. the world; for the married couple who A.7?SnorrVt'. P win teU about tha deaths and Injuries. . . e . Now a. third mitM mH1 AA a.. v. . IS the matter with Dan fianna. . 'v The O. X R. of Oregon has a Blythe where the mother's heart Is broken and the father's spirit jcrushed. and where ) nanorama of America's unfolding know and deal with the folly of bar- tlve, poaltive, material steps taken, court as soon aa poaalble. If bla de- V and upbuilding. It would be a sue- boring revolvers? not to on war according to ciBion is upheld, petlUoners will bare the children cannoning to one of their cession of views to astonish gods as ' H 1 ,ome JMIjr changed rules, but to learned to be more careful next time. are wanting In conjugal love for on another are too often destitute also of arental affection, in a word, It brings into the household a blight and desola tion whloh neither wealth nor luxury can repair. This social plague calls for a radical euro, and the remedy can be found only In the aoolltlon of our mlsohevlous leg islation regarding dlvoroe and In an honeat application of the teachings of the goapeL If persons contemplating marriage were persuaded that once united they were legally debarred from entering into second wedlock they would be mor circumspect before marriage In the choice of a life partner, and would be more patient afterward In bearing the yoke and In tolerating each other's Infirmities. ? o well as men. And yet the country j Is, perhaps is. If Its people grow in wisdom nd " Justiceonly la Its youth..: . ' Though the American people, ' . 'msde1 up of many kindreds, and tongues, and peoples, have wrought : ' - wonders, and can point with pride to . much, and can .without undue ego , tlsm boast of much, there is room ... yet for Improvement,' need for strlv- - Ing for better things, not so much material things or wealth or physical power r and ; prestige as for higher ";- ethical Ideals, a better exemplifica tion of true democracy. No other great country and numer ous people ever came so near to "WAYS THAT ARB DARK." "F do away with It altogether. If The It is a little curious that those who Hague conference Is not going to handled the petitions were not mora Tkc PI ay OR WAYS that are dark and address itself to this main question, careful to comply strictly with the tricks that are vain" it is me worm eares little about its dls- law. not only the heathen Chinee cussiona or performances. that is peculiar. There are Captain Mahan, a first-class naval That work will be Immediately re-1 the San Franoisco Opera company as 1 Count on tha Marquam for something good In the amusement line and you win not be disappointed. The old play bouse was optned In the snrlna with Others. Here, for instance, la Cop- authority, who believes in real war, sumed on the Drain-Coos Bay rail-Ith a111" and immediately resumed trroaaman fcf AnAall nt TtTvAmln I has shown that tha nrnnnuul nmiaA. I rnad to a nl. -A ttt. I tfl PMm,r PIac among Show hOUSSS " " " ' r - " ftwuu uowa. i that It had realgned a year before. When the government recently tion of private property at sea dur- will still keep hoping that similar Now cornea an attraction at the Mar asked for a large appropriation for In a war would only protract the news will come soon of work on thelJuam called the American Specialty examining evidence as to land claim war and add to its ultimate losses roads across central Oregon and the aat Tjght ad piea'aan'a'udKnci proofs, Congressman Mondell was a and miseries. He says that "if mer- from Natrona to Klamath Falls. Wel!hat lare deapite the celebrating bitter opponent of the plan. a member of the committee on puti- longing to a belligerent could enjoy eager and anxious, to write some- it4e,7"61he0attVacuon it offa'la uc lanas, nerore wnien tne request immunity it is not impoesiDie to im- ining nice aooui Mr. Harriman. It u one of the lar was pending. He fought the pro- agine wirs between certain powers one of the best vaudYvuie biifs thaf'naa hoad innrnnHatlnn with amnna-h that could o ftn foraivur. TnAeA Fourth of Jnlv. HVa. CihrUtmmm t. Over bean preaented In Portland.. The r rr.-r - 1 " l ' -variety or ita acta la exceDtlonal. for vigor to encompass its defeat. I before the development of the mod- in Its essentials about what it was I !? bU1. include nearly everything in That mrmm rli.Iri h.. la I orrt war rMaal whan manv mhar,t whan nM mAn wom TV... I. I . -?".-, 'V ' ""a 0n""Cl V1" I, Fourth of July, like Christmas, la Varf,tv"onf IS' titf u - in Its essentials about What it WM !!?a bill includes nearl; . . . the vaudeville line fron t When old man wr hova Thar la tn a vnAmMm, ?iadem In th Iand 'ttei at -hip. were themselves able to put more of it. a. there is of a circus. Lu?rn,fe0a?utrh.,a "olTfrtLtfi cessiuiiy a aemocracy, or to pe nonfo last week( Congressman P a good fight, there was no such but Toung America enjoys the koll- Pictures showing the great Rose Show Letters From the People An Appeal for the Cause of Equal Suffrage. Portland, July I. To the Editor of The Journal With many thanks for a lot of new girl. your courtesy In submitting to your I ... . V , readers the very able renort of our lest L.la0' JlL chmIt W h s.rolng i lis un iTrmminri nnvr i 1 1 It must ha tarrlhla . Who la axnaotajt tn ha .11 .k. 1 time. . ' e LTPT iW somebody send thepfsUr easily bulld0 th cB,t b Uoked jil ' 1 ; ' ' amV"ior 1 Bl speaks of high gonejp? Wa1"- T,, everything hag , nS Stnf t2r Oo ' Oklahoma will not be SO blind aa Oma nthar hiiiIkh k can't see. . -i, Some of the ether witnesses In the Haywood trial seem to be about as big liars a Orchard. A?i" Uncle Sam have to consult the mikado before he can send any war. ship across the Pacific?. a a After today, perhapa The Hague con ference will consider the question of Fourth of July disarmament As to bathing suit styles for this summer It la said there will be no more In them than usual, but there wlU be Saturday's eaual suffrare meeting. I re-1 nouncina- thia spectfully ask permission to sdd some basis for a plea of Insanity. But in an. he may be laying the ' accurate a republican form of gov- n,a h,tar-i a. th- thin n.. M. th hi.h dv . th-. Rf. T,h?." J R.," r.1iLb?hown lJiMl land licr- He t"de could go on as well in war the greybeards did when life ahead Ifcfy V'fTll0 terlzed the Roosevelt project for con- as in peace." or them looked as if It were a thou- aB"y reauatio view or the gorgeous trol of the public pasture lands as It seems to be understood that no sand years long. other feature of especial interest ''the most tremendous and sweeping proposition for general disarmament, na'rd lnu"? la'atg'pouiai'ty grant of arbitrary power and author- or the cessation of additional arma- It is supposed that Grandpa Rock- l,.i5Ii!,.t; VP Miss Bertha Cordrav, a i. . a- . . . 1 . 111 1 . - j I .,.11 a.i.i a Y" ........c, vi uj ever praposed vo ue given in uine 1 ui uo vuicriaiueu, uur any 1 eioner id buiuiubuuj immuDo 10017 nama. xiciaa jsernara, rormeny a mem- of peace to an executive officer." 1, other that amounts to much of any- so that he can venture out and fire cuy ce'ived"! "deidavnp5Siill?i statesman or hlsforlan or other emi nent man prior to the eighteenth cen tury believed such a governmental experiment could possibly succeed. ' We have not succeeded entirely, but sufficiently to Justify, or at least ex- euse, . the congratulatory orations which, will today be uttered. look back over our, century and a '. third of development and advance ment, over the wonders that have been and are, and to look forward in speculation to the wonders that are to be. None of the founders of the republic dreamed of such a nation Items of Interest about which our Ore' u3kIV! r" ,"n'l It oost a Visitor to tha Jam..t. Suffraglata of Oregon. We all waited S?!it,?2 1" ? ,M irl- This the National American Woman Suffrage d0" n.A "".m very exorbitant, conald- convention to be held .In Portland, aa ng tne price or other luxuriee there. It waa ao auoceaafullv don in 105. Wei 1 wished our voter to a for thamaalvea I o i 1 t that our national leader were capable, V-frCCOn Dldellchtfl brilliant, eloquent and from their vlew-l D 6 point logical. We hoped after the con- . . . Vk.i. fc i . . ' . u r"i ' mill tha third " rr m.u iiuiun buui wiiivai mvtumvsn - - with aendln our national treasury, a moderate sum, A1 s at Milton and Kreewater from the abundance in Meantime, sentences are falling InV thing, and so the world is caring off a few firecrackers in honbr of the S,11"?. .h,r abeenca.for a yar. ... . .., . A. . I,, . . , . ohe has a medley of burleaque popular dlaorlmlnatalv Yin land tinrnviiuH In I lltrln annnt tha mnfaranoa I clnrlnna dxr tnnnrh nnrhana ha la I iinnt, that wnnM mAA ,n an Vnt vWu1UBV .shuwui , tte vlcln,tv of the congressman's prominence of de- district. The prominence of fendants cuts no figure in the prose cutions. Two bankers of Nebraska have been convicted, sent to Jail for three months and sentenced to pay fines of $1,000 each. Two million- T MENAND PARTY. HE Pacific Outlook, a Los An- not in a humor to show his approval of such a persecuting government. President Roosevelt declines to geles publication, remarks that I discuss the Fairbanks entertainment President Roosevelt's career is I cocktail question. He remembers proof that popularity is best what trouble Senator Penrose came tT.oa an A Mil.. .rvi.Tln. 1lv,. V I WOH hv SArvlna tha vIiaIa ftdAnlA on A I nao. vi tint, IntA at tftA at1lAiT I tMl hi, ).nni, TTT. "u I " " - I " O v-"""" '71 m" . v a " whom the newly convicted bankers not a party. "President Roosevelt," Bourne banquet were associated, were aent to Jail 11 "ays, "Is the president of the some time ago for terms of from six United States not the president of I With federal, state and city laws months to two years each. The ln-ltne Republican party.. Governor I against combinations of dealers In .would seem, are better qualified and 1 prepared to imagine what it will be s century or more hereafter, yet we J might not be able to form a very accurate, picture of the future nation. , Past, present and future are all linked together, and all things are both causes and effects. As our . fathers to a great extent made con , dltlons for us, so we are making con ditions for the far more and increas ingly multitudinous nation of the future. What storms will It encoun ter? Will it suffer shipwreck like republics of old? And if so, on what rocks? Or will it go on from gen eration to generation, from age to age, increasing in wisdom as. In I vestigatlon involved the removal of Hughes Is governor of New York the necessaries of life, which laws the federal district attorney, and the state, not governor bf the Republl- will probably materialize before federal marshal. Now the air there can party in New Tork state. Gov- long, perhaps consumers will be able Is thick with indictments and the ernor Chamberlain is governor of to secure more nearly a square deal. debris of collapsed land conspiracies. tfle state of Oregon, not governor of In the midst of the drama, Mr. Mon- the Democratic party of Oregon. Torn! Now the government is going to dell, opponent of the land investlga- Johnson is mayor of the city of I prosecute the smelter trust. Of tlon, denouncer of government land Cleveland, not of the Democrats of course, Senator Guggenheim will policies, a congressman of the United Cleveland." States, a member of the public lands Public men of broad view and pf his 'ability. committee of congress, has formally deep convictions of duty to the peo relinquished his claim to a home- PIe are caring less for party thanl Don't blame the old boys for get stead tract of 160 acres, near New- ever before. As a matter of neces-ltlng a little gay on the Fourth castle, his state. It la Mia Cordrav'a flm In vaudeville. She was enthusiastically w! ges promise -oi great The Landauer troupe Is another fea ture of no little Importance to th bill. They pose in a number . of statuary B'"n u m uibuit ariiaiio manner. Mlaa inurne, wnone apeciauy is yodellng and singing ragtime aonga made decidedly favorable Impreaalon. There ara a numbav n nth hlrh-claa features on the bill, com prising as good a vandavllla attraction aa one will find. Th American Spe cialty company will be the bill at the Marquam until Sunday night. Includ ing matinee Saturday and Sunday. Ml Nance O'Neill will beain an an. gagement at the Marquam Monday night. - 'This Is My First Birthday." Prince William Frederick, son of ths crown prince of Germany and Emperor William's only grandson, was born July 4, 1808. his name In full Is Prince William Frederick Francis Joseph Christian- Olaf. Americans have a spe cial Interest In this little prince, be cause he was born an tha Wntirth nt help the government to the extent M"'- -Besiaes, nist mother, the orown uiva., v m, ivwt, vmiror o Ameri cans. In a very few years will begin the serious, work of training the little prince for the high poaltion he will ultimately be called unon to fill. Hie education will be a very rigid one. At S veara of are ha will haain th atnriv It is alleged that sary form they profess adherence to Uncle,, Sam is of quite a mature age Frencit He will Eavi daily driiii and be have opposed the government in more than an empty formality I For casualties, see its land investigations? fctfl .tfl.wlt Ma . n .1. IJ rtvtA naw mm . Vi . V. 1 . . .i lilmalf TVriWPr rfntnir inmtlnm an I "" m.vmti. h iu iiia resilience on "uo v uuim, uul yai tyiBIU I uiuwii uun. ' " '"""S I .V ll...v....,i h.. hnm. I.V. . v im,. I marrv tnn .n mn.. ..ihiii I "' "" ououiun l i - n, oui,u uu inue in greater measure the dream of the . author of the celebrated Declara tion? , These are great problems that no man can answer. But each respon sible citizen can help a little to bring about whatever comes. So midst the noise and excitement of Jubila tion and celebration the reflective T something like physical motions in paper religious worship. Governor Folk says that if he were to write a platform ' for the Democratic party he "would have it HE HAGUE conference Is saying declare for a tariff for revenue only; or aomg notnmg, so far as Is for protection for the people against reported to the waiting public, monopolies and not for monnnftH NOTHING 0? IMPORTANCE , DOING. It is having dally dlsnnnalnna oml.t .v. - . . citizen ponders, glancing backward but is tmto.rianT::: " I t" owr a nathwav of mhtr, 1 . . . " . .uumiiauw iw a a a . Z T. " secret as possioie.- This is not be- strict regulation of railroads and w . w. I nnrianr 1," BlfftliriAanr rtltv 9ornA 1 t 1 . . . B-- , iue wuirui, aoi government ownersnip Pudiic supposes, because they really Except on the tariff question. Folk amount to nothing. ; and Roosevelt therefore stand to ll seems likely that' the oowers c-nthr. anri it ) ir.nnrn n " v .u nuvnu mat nW9V THE. LOADED, REVOLVER. U 1 N MHihoiir nn,,n(. ' . I t. . :UBre ar? represented will agree to some pro- velt favors reductions of tariff rtHM A t I riAan lai A a a t Jk A. ! . . . . ' ru" uooiBueu iu m war a iicue Ana nosts or Republicans agree with . three parentless children ' tb firm hnm. ! r. . .... I . aiditu, laub. lnna hmtal t. - II. .T. th. tnVrr:' :? Tl a.eaa or technical, but the world is in thTatarT 7. ' gal" but uttl interested in these dilet- i.7 thf Lht ' hnUa7' Frl" tante Bchem"' fojecu seem nZee real subject in between husband and wife for a long see why if there must be war it !?: -7eaf8 ttefatherhad rtould not be made a. fierce and destrucUve as possible, for then Jt kept a loaded revolver in his room. He. returned from Vale one after nooBaniwhen Vhis wife placed a cold lunch-instead of a warm meal before ,him;he was1 augry. iPailid with passion, he demanded to know If she intended to cease cooking for mm. ier ajiswer was conciliatory, erplainlng" tlyttViti war pqr pear the warm 'imeal of the:evenlng - she thought cold junch. would answer. Acgry words followed, and he struck win tne sooner be over. Barbarous methods have been in part. aban doned not because ' v- BvukiuieuvsM Ism or an ethical view of war, bnt oecause they did not pay. ' The things about war that people want abandoned and abrogated are the killing', the making of widows and orphans, and the destruction of property death, suffering poverty, misery. ; In, other words, they want Folk. Roosevelt Is immensely larger than his party, so much so that while in office he . dominates It, though most of its leaders dislike and If they dared would oppose him. When Bryan stands up in view, where is the Democratic party? You can't see it. . The greatly worthy Republican, or Democrat, in office, one whom the people will rely on and delight to honor. Is the one who considering only their interests forgets in their service that there is such a thing as party to ierve. Partisan yawp can sway the people no more. Judge Galloway's decision on the referendum petitions seems to be one which he could not well escape ren dering,' but the Cases should be ap pealed and passed en by the supreme The Souvenir Hunter. From the Denver Republican. "The American souvenir hunter will steal anything but a cellar full of water." Admiral Bab Evans. The souvenir hunter" fares him out To the groaning banquet board, And a coffee pot, with a silver spout. He adds to his mighty hoard; 8ome bananas, a plat of macaroons, For the kids he stows away; And, Just for good measure, six silver poona He take as he sings this lay: Hunting the snark, hunting the shark, xiunung me lion or aeer Is nary a fraction or decimal mark To hunting the souvenir. ' Where'er he goes, he deftly lifts A much Drlsed object or two: Some knlckknacks perhaps they're wed' aing girts But he hopes It won't trouble you : He never steals oh, tie! 1 Nay, nay Th fiend merely takes alone ' Some keepsake to cheer his lonely way as ne caroi nis aauy song; military exercises and will be thor oughly grounded In horsemanship. At 10 years he will be made a lieutenant I mA will h.v 4 . .11. l i , . tomorrow S the stalwart grenadiers of the guard. rour year proDaoiy win be spent at the military cadet school at Plnn at. most until he reaches his twenty-first year ne will be under the rigid rule of uermaa mintarnm. , supjeet to the dis cipline of tutors and governor, like any other young officer of the army. sufficient to carry to a auceaaafiil mm. I are turning OUt Well. pletlon the quiet plan of campaign that aiarung irom a tnouaana timea wwrje Brownsville young people havsorgan- - , t ...... m e ii -..-v i ma auiia&tu oiuo. ouvii uuputaniy imunf our Toter or 1 ,AK ,1... .... L . a .1 ..i.. could not restrain their astonishment or .?."?. irnL,r" . "round Weston are delight. ""'! nn ouiiaings. They knew, before they took charge Of the camnala-n whtnh foilnw1 a ram. I Another bear and aevaral mi ha warm palgn which npiWon of them has ever captured alive at Trail, been able to launch at home that tha I a a undersigned, who had long been a veteran Many T.inn om.ntv h.n-. ..... ... limine-, alwava oblactad tol viiHin rmn tn tin ...k arousing at a general elecUon the bal- lot armed, but indifferent vntaa nf tha . . . . ... onnoaltlon by a anactarnl.r aThihttin. nk.rv.mfM OT Umvyionm graao teachers women aa . agltafora. But when, by a "av oe"n 19 BOI,a system of adroit manipulation which would have given pointers to any aet of , Fifteen Pennsylvania people arrived lawyer under the sun, they made a com- ln Perdee to work tn a aawmlll. blnation with two or three inexperienced " bu.b,t,u Oregon women who wanted Mr. Hollowell, near Falls City, ban. to be It and were ouahed to the front by a vested 6.000 boxes of strawberries. , sample of "butt-ln grasa-wldows," and . 1 thua got themaelve "united" to take t a.. . , wttisr&i fo'car;u?frfav;h -vra tha Dimlau hull hw th, -..i.. I ly dodged their lariat and escaped to L A Crook county stock firm recently California till after the state annual bought 17 head of Shorthorn cattle at meeting of that vear. thua a-lvlna- thamlfrom 1100 to 1400 a head. all the rope they wanted. I Their action, and. that nf thatr inai I a xi-..m. r...v .... . Kf- -V.wn..trrln 19 fVl u" boWy fto a thumb while aplittlng kindling, which the prohibition camp in November. 1S0(, he will let his wife do ncreafter. Is still fresh In the public mind. a tionaf ZrSXSmt' havinl? mu.Mn2t h; N2 leM th"n 100 ara hauling threat lo aend no fuSL fKm'nlH 2!r wo- Pol" n(1 lumber out of the ivi . ...-??.n. 2 uns t rom our na- Catharine and Llttla rraalr hilla Into. "rV"DnTw.yr.;n.a. "Jo? o'.?ea?e "a " dedl it newbeoomes my duty to appeal to ... . the publlo spirited men and women of . An Independence man has a new Oreron for tne 1S00 wa na,. at thi. berry that he Is Juat atartlna that ha for our petition work. As your reporter thinks is lust the thing lor the valley, carefully stated, I am "ashamed" to do 11 l' similar to th loganberry but by this, as It is well known that we have largr per cent of them are tens of thousands of dollars In our na- double, tlonal treasury, but th ahnva .. ment of facta muat ha mw inii...i I A Canbv man accordine tn tha Trlh. and apology. lune. is engaged ln manufacturing an The women of Oraann knnw that I engine that runa by -aa and makaa ita alone have the nnwar tn rlr, n. -.i.t,. own gaa aa It runs. If tha anaina hold from us our right to vote. In no stops and the gas all runs out all you tat where conatant agitation of this haYM i0 to blow lnt th g valve nuDoiiuii la aroina on among women do women have a ghoat of a show to Suc ceed. I have lnna Irnnwn that th . - Jorlty of the beat and most Intelligent ln : bag that and It a tart again. a A Wallowa county man put soma oats ian, i in m nunwv mil naa Daan ivina in an men favor the enfranchlaamant I outhouse, and awlnaine- It nv hia mothers and wives, but a waa proven ahoulder started out after a horse. After m Wyoming, Colorado. Utah and Idaho, walking three miles he stopped to talk T.u, ui, uiuiui waa oeaiowea upon WO- wjiii tui uquununce, tnrowing in men, almost without the aaklng, there nosebag on the ground, when It was waa no. rataplan or tambourine cam- discovered that It contained a large rat- palgn to arouse the combined forcea of tleanake, which waa killed. , '., """.'i. ipnursjioe ana vioe, andl their discredited woman alllaa a Tnhi - . .... .. . the mothers and dauahtar. . f"rn"P" .on Mae "d brethren, ln thla cam-n-." 1 1 F ikh in at im now upon uft. fooKlng'to you, m cZSdce anhn 1 W f1. .yST lng that If you are placed UDori av!S"aevnJ' .wa,iounTy A M Wskrsk Thai man tt ika a. MC vwrasvs VJ WIO IIOCK in A Utea above named, you will unite your tr?? P?m. rope aDout three feet long, forces aa they didand Invite us to tak5 wh,ch " 1Uupp0,l "j16, a01 or th Recipe. From Life, ' To make a Beat Seller: Take a statuesque blonde who looks like a cloak model and talks like a prin cess; A statuesaue man, who looks like floorwalker and talks like a matinee hero; Add one rauraer mystery. Two missing -wills, Four runaway autoa. Mix with two deadly enemies for 18 chapters. Then take out the deadly anemlea and when the mixture cornea to a boll rap idly sur in xour pages or sort laix. on bellev: honor, our place beside you In the full and puJpo".' a5a th,n clmbed Into the tree free possession of our joint Inheritance andi after fastening the rope around her leaving it to our Opinion at every subse- nec- sprang into tn air. quent election, to use our right to vote. ing t Hunting the lion or deer Is nary a fraction or decimal mark To bunting the souvenir. )ne half nage of tears. one nail page or silence, Four pages of hugs, Five nages of clinging embraces And 42 pages of mad kisses, scatter ing them quickly over the brow, the ear, the hair, the lips and the cheeks of tne neroin. -- -,v--- Close quickly and serve while warm. l'amhlll County. From the Dayton Optimist. nhltl county is ranldl: ma garaen apot or tne worm ana it i(r,i- miitaph " fun. So have we. Enonghl Henry Watterson In the Louisvlll Courier-journal: Come boys, time's up! Enough is enough, whilst too much is a surfeit! Breakaway for a little fun xamnui county is rapiaiy Deooming ih. ,m..u xou nava naa tots-or up to our citizens to make tha fact IrnAwrt TXT It U t n ha Mav 1 A w. I1UII. DU i l V W Wtt Alluioiifc UJBVUi.T ,a vera! fl Ail - farm In sr. luanv tt rti fsmi. I ..I . v. ... - M ; . . - f?-J -?ur x"rn?- "I feel hign.",. "Shanghai!" versified farming. era ere getting nei returns zrom their I "How hlshT" land which, if figured aa interest on I "Shan ah ill" " money investea,. would mage the - land Now we'll have the overture from worm rrom isoo to n.oo n um. Mrk. u. . n a,a. ... f... . - ; - M W : i iiiu utAvt r ai , "...i . v i a . n,v rr i l ii in a; very inuri lime mouunai dt inu.ain. Knii.i -raiw'a nantm win . . . . .v.. i i . .... i i v:"::: "-" - " p w. .u . i.iiari. iiavv ifwit Knimii(nu i tj tSUXyi . oi 'u uia tuOTi to proauoa wneat win hops, walnuts, and apple and as these 3 Nothing Coming, more profitable crop are Dut ln thavl - Wnm tha Tntuir, r!anitai. wm require a larger population to care I President Roosevelt -warns the news ror tnHJ ' Wlta this lnoreaa In BOB-. I nan ara 'tn avnM hvataala Th.l'. all Ulatlon, . better transportation facilities right, but, remembering the "Dear Ma- wiii m prqTiuTO ' ana , ramniu county ria" and "snort, ugiy word" and 95,000.- wiii.viagi.m a gnwwi or eiacino i auo conspiracy . tetters, tne -papers .im .a .t. " ' I r . . ......a w wi.iu uaueraui w vu vauay. , , . xuom ui sreaueni on toat soore. or lei it aiona mat aa mn a ir.:,5,t,m w wlii never vao wur nuurn, uu you OaVO thUS honored yourselves in our behalf. Ore aon Is the only afata In IK. tt.i.- to take the lead In granting to every cltlsen a republican form of gwernmenf Our petitions are now in the hands Tof ncAnowieagea Dy and prompt' ABIGAIL, SCOTT DUNIWAT a.a . rresiaent o. 8. E. S. A ayTa1 Portland. Or. This T)ftf In TTIatA . j . 4t Tlberiaai,n deeate th- Crusaders iillZfibl?!? Parliament met f eitedl& ?1PeLhe.,?eB. Washington de- 1781 British fnroa .... evacuated Willlamsburir Vifgln i,de.n WaaffintoTapprovsd flrat atraat , aaiTl """". uuiiaer or tne 183 ' Uwy CT ho, v Died lega!?tUo9.y:a.rt ftOO aS A Ohio ZZXZTV 2n.e. t?5. Baltimore i ni.r.1f7haftp'n J'?hn C.- Fremont de iA1d Independence of California,, 1 SgJ-Oeneral Wmberu"-", Vlcksbur to (Ximhi n,..i " m 1888 President Johnaon nmM.i.j - oomplete amneaty. " claimerin' ilWft,Un repuWte V i8.8. u Jst.J)jr floods Texas. In Win Come Prepared. -.1.' . . From the Waahlngton Herald. come, Weg "An East Bids Bank for East Sid People." I N taking care of your weekly or monthly mis cellaneous expenses, dont ran to set asiae soms part of your salary whloh shall go to your savings ac count, and mak It your first duty to see that ' It Is de posited to your credit 'with our company. One reason why so many people fall to save Is that no definite plan of action Is ever adopted. Try this one, and we feel sure the only regret you will have Is that you did not start sooner. WE PAY 4 On Savings Accounts pounded semi-annually. com- The CommcrcialT Savings XXOTT Aim WTXLIAMa 1T& ow Sir.:3aUi.ii'iViFrasiden J J? 8. Blrrel.. . i , .Caahler