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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
.4- THE v OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL,: PORTLAND, :: THURSDAY EVENING, JULY, 4, . 1C07. t ft ORCHARD'S-KIDNAPING IS STORY i. J. ' CONTRADICTED it r'"---t-.t st,? '' A :-..v ;...v .. 4tid Coates, Former liu ; tenant-Governor : of - Colo- " iuuty vrivcs ixiiu wo juav. NEVER .SUGGESTED THEFT OF CHILBEEN .Threatened Orchard With Exposune Should He Attempt tot Curry Out Plan of Abduction How tie Be came ''Acquainted With" Murderer, r if Huh O'NelU Special Commls loner of the Denver pott and Ore ' ton Journals) , n , , Boise, Ida., July 4. Thia la what David Coates, new or Wallace, jaano, nd onea lieutenant-governor ; of Colo said under croes-examlnauon by enator Borah -yesterday ' regardlns Orchard's statement that Coataa ' bad "onca suggested to Orchard that ha Lcould make, money by kldnaplntT pna ot i. Paulson's enlldren and holding it for ransom. Faulstfh la ona of the wealthy imen of Wallace.' a part owner of the Herculea mine that Orchard once held a share In.- Orchard had aald In hla evidence In chief that when he left Seattle, to return to Idaho and kill Frank Steunenberar, he went by way of Wallace becauae Paulaon lived there and Dave Coa tea had once, autnreated to '.Orchard that there was money In the kidnaping scheme. Mr. Coatea In hla evidence In chief denied thai story of Orchard'a. Mr. Coatea la a wel Mo-do realdent ot W1 lace. He was born In England, and aa a bov waa a cborlater In Durham cathedral. He Waa brought to America ,by hla father when he waa 11 yeara old. He la short In atature and well act up phyalcally and good looking, and he haa all the quiet, aelf confidence of a proaperoua man. Answering? Senator Borah'a queatlona, Mr. Coatea said: Aaiwn Coatea Made, "I really could not Bay exactly when I flrat rot acquainted with Mr. Pettl bone, but I have known htm for a num ber of yeara. I remember quite well, .when I waa nominated for lieutenant coventor that Mr. Pettlbone came to 'me and 'insisted upon my taking the nomination. I knew Mr. Haywooa soon after he became officially connected , with the Western Federation of Miners. Mr. Moyer also I have known for some time. SWELTERING HEAT FOR JAILBIRDS Terrible Suffering of Prison ers Caused by Los An . ' geles Awful Climate. .j .. . . .. m .. &'it i. i -iJoaraal Special serrfce.) ; toa AUgelea, July 4. Crowded Into ' the Upper tank of the city jail, which Is . H by l feet, and intended to hold 0 (men. Hi prisoners were huddled ell night, tortured by the sweltering heat The temnerature waa 110 derreea. Few men tried to sleep, because they were so packed tnat not over two aoaen . r-mtA 11. dawn at once. In other tanks and cella a hundred 'more suffered nearly aa much. One prisoner, 7 years old, slept in the sink or te lavaiory wiin ui, wwi iuiuw,,. Trnatiaa went before the lall authori ties in a body and pleaded for men in tha tanka for relief from the frightful .conditions which prevail,, becauae the prison la too email by two thlrda. They declared that another such night would kill some of them, and that they were ' kept alive only by constantly throwing ' water over each other, and wetting their heads. LASt evening coia -water wu sprinkled all over the roof and exterior of the building, and the doors will be -' kept open ana guaroea. ITALY EEMEMBERS GARIBALDI'S BIRTH (Joemal Special Service.) Rome. July 4. In every part Of the Italian kingdom today and wherever an Italian man-of-war noata me one nun wiredth anniversary of the birth " of Guiaeppe- Garibaldi, the great liberator, is being celebrated. Patriotism and love of country formed the keynote of .the . , elebratlone. '-' V ' r. nr tii, the dav waa aet V. apart aa a national holiday. At a given ifWVhour this morning salutes of 100 guna I ' were fired at alf the Italian military rw .and naval stations, xne cuy oi non I nrAfuanlv itnoratnd in honor Of the I Laalon, . Picture of Garibaldi and of I King- Victor Emmanuel. Masiini ana otner patriots wno were miirumtniai in bringing about Italian Independence and Unity were to be seen at every turn. The king and other members of the royal family attended a great review ot troops, which was one of the features 'of the celebration. Under the auspices . of natriotio and otner organisations ex erefses In memory of Garibaldi were held in all carts of Rome. Thousands of pilgrims visited the Island of Caprera - ana deposited handsome floral offerings at the Garibaldi tomb. Banquet of dayton t WOMEN TO HUSBANDS (Special fiispatea- p The Journal.) . ' Dayton, Or., July 4. The ladies of the Pleasant Hour Reading club gave their annual banquet to their husbands Tuesday evening at the Commercial ho tel. About fifty guests were present. Mrs. K. B, Miller acted as toast master. Mrs; J. I Castle responded to "The Gentlemen." R. U .Harris to "She Ladles." and J. H Mellinger to "The Beautiful Weat." Mrs. Martin Miller gave the club prophecy. Impromptu speeches were made by Rev. Dixon and B. I Barry. After the banquet the company repaired to the home of, Mrs. McCann and the remainder of the ev :n jng spent in a social way, . Fast Train Service. ' In addition to the dtfuble daily train service now in effect, the Canadian Pa cific will on JCuly ' lnaiDrurata a ft , chedule. giving trl-weekly service oe- tween Vancouver Jtnd Montreal. The new. train will be known aa-the I Xrans-Canada Uraltad" and will. make I rtie run netween Vancouver ana. Montre- is Hours. - raeaengers tor wtnae Toronta. Montreal. New Tork. and ft ar eastern points, leaving Portland at i p. ecu. Or 4 :S0, will make direct eon I nectlona at, Vancouver witn tiiia iralu. ' 'I . first becam , identified with' tabor organisation when I was: initiated into the Typographical union in'IMT. When I live in Denver I .waa connected "with another labors, organisation -that the western Federation waa affiliated with. I have been to Weatern Federation head quarters in Denver a numbar of tlmea. "I first met Orchard .in Pettibone's store wnen l came back from Chicago, where I had gone as a delegate to the convention called to form the Industrial Workers of the World.NMr. Moyer and Mr, Haywood were at tat convention, too. Orchard was Introduced to me in Pettibone's store by Mr; Pettlbone, as Thomati Hogan.' Pettlbone did not tell me that hla other name was. Harry Orchard. Orchard told me that himself later on, mat waa on July le, u. Orchard and Pettlbone and I walked down the atreet together and Orchard told me that ha had nnr.a lived In the Coeur d'Alene country and was one of the owners of the Herculea mine. He said he had to leave there when Bteun- enDerg sent tno troops in,. i use as t waa leaving them Drchard asked me to give iis name to rauiaon wo " back to Wallace. When I got to Wal lace I told Paulson. . '- . . f looked tot Zasy Xoney. "Orchard arrived in Wallace about the lath of Sen tern ber. 1 0S. About that time I saw Jack Slmpklna in Wal lace. I knew Jack Slmpklna quite well. I think I met him in Denver; Simnkins lived at Wardner, near Wallace. I think Slmpklna had lived mere a numoer or yeara Slmpklna very frequently came Into mv nian of bualneaa during the aix weeks tnat orenara waa in wanac. but I do not think I ever saw Orchard and Slmpklna together. 'The next day following Orchard's ar rival he came into my office and shook hands with me.. I saked him what he was doing there and he said he hsd come up on a trip to see some oia friends, or something of 'that kind. He said everybody seemed to be prosperous up there and he waa looking; to see any eaay money. - He aald he thought t would be a good thing to steal Paulson'a children. That day lie was In my of fice about It' minutes. Nobody elae In the office was near enough to hear us talking. , . ' "I knew Mr. rauison at inai unm. He lived close to me. I had a second talk with Orchard In my office four days later. Nobody elae was present anmia-h (a tutar. Ha mid n, had been to Paulson'a houae to dinner and it would be an eaay matter to ateai one or his children. I ssked him why he was telling that and he said that If he stols one of them he waa going to write to Paulaon telling him to give me $40,000. Said Xe Would Xxpose XUa. 7 told him that he was a fooL I said I would denounce him. Even If I had to go to the extent of printing an extra edition of the Tribune. When he spoke to me the first time I thought he was In earnest, But the second time I didn't think he waa I don't think he waa In my place again for over a Week. I loaned him $10. '.The last day he was there he said he wanted some excuse to get money from Paulaon. He said he waa going to tell Paulson that he waa going to Xos Angeles to open a brokerage office. I said if he went I would sell him some stock. That was about the XOth of Oc tober.' I think that waa the very day he left. I met him later and he told me that Paulaon had lent him $800. I didn't think It neceasary to say anything to ' Paulson. He never asked me any thing about It I never talked with Paulaon about the taDfoOrchard and I had about ateallny hla children. None of these matters that I have spoken about here were ever talked over be tween Paulaon and myself either at that time or at any other time. "When Orchard talked to me about his excuse for getting the money from Paulson ana wnen ne anerwmras ioia me he had got it, I do not know that I understood that he never Intended to pay it back. I don't know that I ever understood anything from him. When Orchard got to Salt Lake he wrote me and I answered the letter.".. Mil TO 11 LOIIG JIS HOSES Natural; Force! of .William Fcrren, Oregon Centenar- - . WfWi-KUl Twitid H" ''iy'i':1-' ,: .... ....... . J:4 KNOWN FOR LONG AS . i THE.CHETCO PACKER Still FoUowg CalUng, With Hlg Eight ' Cajnues, After Half 3entory of It Lives VuAeritM Slty and Eats , Wild Meat. - r ' 1 (Speeial IHspsteti e The JeamaL) Grants Pass. Or, July 4. One of the many who will corns a long distance I to ' celebrate the glorious jrourin in Grants Pass today . will be William Ferren. otherwlss known aa the "Chet- co packer. ,The old packer win not only celebrate the Fourth, A will also celebrate hlsOlst anniversary. Though far past the ordinary ago or man, we years set lightly' on his shoulders, for he is as agile, hale and hearty as most men of SO. ' . ' . A. Ferren nas maae nis nome in in wild solitudes of the Cbetco country I for the peat .half century. Me pacaea In supplies from Crescent City to that camp and' to the camps of northern California 10 years ago. He is still following the business of a packer and nas xrom tnree io eign. pwm in train, making regular trips to Grants Pass and Crescent Jplty. Even thou gn he is old he is stljl strong and active and can pack a burro or cayuse with remarkable dexterity and ease. - Twenty-alx yeara ago he told his friends he would live till he was 100; now he says he wn live uu ne ia Ha navar thinks about 'being Old and never Intenda to ret old. and though he doea not profess to be a Christian Scientist he sees no reason why he should not live on end on. The oacker has always lived outdoors wd fed on wild game. He thinks this accounts largely for his having reached such an advanced age ana nis remain ing in robust health. His eyes are as keen and sparkling as those of a boy and he talks of the events of 40 and 70 years ago as fluently aa most peo- uie urn or m nappemngs oi yester day. DOOR FACTORY IS DESTROYED BY FIRE (Special Dlepatch to The Joaraal) Olvmnla. Wash.. July 4. Fire de stroyed the large sawmill Tuesday night belonging to the Olympia Door company. The loas is estimated at $40,000, '-he blase started Immediately after, a severe flash of lightning which la aupposed to have been the' cauae of the conflagration, following tne elec trical aisplay came a drenching rain which materially aided the .axemen in confining the flames to tne sawmill. TOTO XXTZX Is out of order. You go to bed In a bad humor and get up with a bad taate in your mouth. Tou want something ! to stimulate your liver. Just try Her- i bine, the liver regulator. A sosltive cure ror constipation, dyspepsia and an liver complaints. Mrs. jr Fort Worth,-Texas, writes . "Have used HerblfTe in my family for years. . words can t express what I think about it Everybody In my house hold are happy and well, and we owe It to Heroine. Sold by all druggista - j-awwiiwM't-ww-wv,Vi awAWVVXXXyxtoOifcVVwvXXX The Kind You Hare Alway Bought, and which has been In tue for over 80 years, has borne the sigrnature of - and has been made under his per-Zr- tonal saperrlsion since ta Infancy. IZJ'CtfcAiAl Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits. Imitations and " Just-as-srood " are bnt Experiments that trifle 'with and endanger the health of Infants' and CnUdrejj Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It A contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relleres Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates 4he Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giring healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ... . .v. ..... ..... . , . . . ;...,., GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Haro Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. l I JournEI EeaderSa.1 f The Journal's friend a when patron. hi rig Journal advertisers. - will confer favor by mentioning that they saw the ad In The Journal. preferred stoek Cannes Sostsw ' ; .r, AUea Xwls Bsst Brand. I CUT OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND BRINQ XT TO -.-y . Butter-Nut . Cafe 145 THIRD STREET. NEAR MORRISON STREET. "J'.'" ;: Aa4wt.w& be senred witb.sft nice cup otj "GOLDEN GRAITJ GRANULES ' The rlch. imtritions' cereal 'health coffee, jttt of charger between 2nd v t ' -1- -r. in. wu;.. . V V .SLKIL VMtl IUCIUWHi lt IVVKl?tl luia . BJ.Uf-vullulUflj v coffee, but this gives everybody a chance , to try it before ordering from their grocers., 1 ' -t Curtain Zladr&s ; ',' ""' lit Inateafl of We." '' 36Vinch Mission : nd Cathedral ' Madras, in a large assortment of pretty designs and' colorings, good materials of real imported Madras, old regularly at 20c yard, spt cial, Bargain .Friday ";.,. Ctandard Ginhm ; Jc Instead of 12tfc , . IJJOO '-yards; best standard Dress Ginghams, in an assortment of pretty paterns, checks, atripes and plaids,' in all . the best colors, best Ulic quality, one day Only, Br gain Friday at ....,..... Wmm Our weekly event, which means an immense saving on good, dependable and seasonable merchandise; Here is a pag of items that for absolute worth stands unrivaled.- Our bargains cannot be duplicated. You find no undesirable merchandise here. "Every item is fresh, clean and up to date. Keep this fact before you. There is no juggling of prices at- this store. J Our regular prices ire low. Our Bargain Friday prices have never been equaled. Read the specials carefully; come as early, as, you cannone undersell us Another Great Sole Tomorrow women s k aicvMs M .Bk.a . mmmmtmmmmmmm 15 uemlcs IN BLACK, TAN, RED AND GRAY AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. : o- '4' i i'-f neiry BEST 25c AND 83c GRADES SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ; Without doubt the biggest and best bargain sale of Women's Fancy Hosiery ever offered. Another purchase direct from the manufacturer: that will make' tomorrow's sales at the hosiery counter the heaviest for monthBV'.'t,l.?iv Beautiful lace patterns in colors red, black and tan. Fine black Hose "with neatly embroidered silk; dots In blue,- .'.-;' green and red. Nobby gray mixtures with large black polka dots and other fancy figures. Fine black Hose , ' ' with white polka dots and figures; also black with unbleached soles. - r'f'v'Vi; These are spfendid qualities at 25c and 35c a pair. We place the entire lot on sale tomorrow at less -f n4"rt than cost to manufacture, all sizes, all new styles. Your choice for one day only, Bargain Friday, at. A tf WwUllSJ Children's Union Suits, Best 50o Vols., XOo FRIDAY ONLY. . . . - ' i ;t : ''.' Women's Stookingrs, Best 40o Grade, 23o SPLIT FOOT STYLE SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 200 dozen Women's finest imported black cotton stockings made with full fashioned leg and unbleached foot, a great special purchase placed on sale tomorrow for the first time. Real 40c grade, 0g specially priced Bargain Friday at AeJl, Children's Stookingrs, Best 35c Values, lOo Children's high grade, fine lisle stockings in the newest shade of . i . . . t , . tan, good wearing quality, sola everywnere ai ojc a pair ana excep tionally good values at that price. Specially priced Bargain 1 Q Friday at ,t Children's fine bleached cotton union suits, correct summer weight made with low neck, sleeveless, knee length, with lace trimming at yoke and knee, all sues in the lot Best 50c grade, one-day 1 only, Bargain Friday at ...X7C Children's Underwear, Best 35o Grades lOo Children's Lisle Thread .Vests and Pants in all sizes, vests ' are high neck, long sleeve styles; pants come in both knee and ankle length; regular 35c grade, specially priced for Bargain Fri- JCJg TfrHITE PARASOLS. 01.00 Values at 68 Cents A special lot of Women's Fine White Parasols in pretty polka dot effects, colors red, blue and black, large assortment of neat bamboo and. natural wood crook handles to choose from; unusually good values at $1.00. On sale Bargain Friday Alii tKcSYXtci a ww wvmww FRIDAY SHOE BARGAIU SHOES FOB MISSES AND BOYS Our shoes for misses and boys are sturdier and more elegant The claim for sturdiness alone is not sufficient for the present generation style, good style, must accompany the long life of a shoe. We have laid special stress on the fact that our shoes' for children show as much style and are as finely made and finished as those Jor the grown-ups. HERE ARE SOME EXTRAOR DINARY VALUES FOR FRIDAY: Boys' Shoes of box calf and vici kid, $2.25 values ...... Boys' Shoes of kangaroo calf and vici kid, $2.50 values Boys' Shoes of calf skm, sizes 9 to 13, $1.75 values......., Boys' and Girls' Canvas Shoes, leather trimmed, $1.50 QQn values. VaC Misses' Shoes of vici kid, best of styles, all sizes, $1.50 QQ values VeC And many other specials not mentioned here. $1.37 $1.57 .... 99c PXFORDS FOB THE WOHEN Greatest Oxford showing ever made in Portland. The summer Oxford display is in full swing now. Best we ever had, and in teresting because of the low prices. These Oxfords are the pro duct of the best Oxford makers in the country as well made and as comfortable as it is possible to get them. From the viewpoint of even the most critically inclined the following offers will be found to be of EXCEPTIONAL WORTH : ; Women's Oxfords in white canvas and tan vici kid, l flf $2.50 values..... -MeUU Women's Oxfords in black vici kid, best styles, d 07 $3.00 values J f 1 AVomen's Oxfords in vici kid and patent leather. d4 TT ,$3.50 values........ ............dial Women's Oxfords of White canvas, best $3.00 0 AT values ...Ol.'rl Women's Oxfords, hand-made, 12 styles, best $3.50 tyj values -i . f Visit Our Bargain Basement Shoe Department Tomorrow - Hen's and Boys' Wear 8MABTLX-BELOW PRICE If these worthy offerings of underwear, waists, shirts, etc, do not draw throngs of eager buyers tomorrow, it win be because the wants of the people of this community are filled for all time to come. The savings for tomorrow are most substantial A SMART HAT FOR MEN. "The OhurchiU" SHAPES. $2.50 SHADES We had to hurry our repeat orders for these popular hatsdrlssy men came in for them in great num bers. - The combination of style, good quality and moderate pries waa a good ides. Men's Underwear, 75c Grade, Only MV Men's summer weight underwear, shirts and drawers, all sizes, fine French Balbriggan, custom made, perfect fitting garments, best CQ 75c grade; specially priced for Bargain Friday , Ji7l Boys' Blouse Waists, Best 39c Grade, at 29e. A special sale tomorrow, Boys' Blouse Waists made from plain and corded Madras, come in plain blue, tan and white; also checks and OQ stripes in neat effects; regular 35c values, Bargain Friday Aie7C Boys', Negligee Shirts, Best 75c Grade, 49e. A specially desirable lot of Boys' Negligee Shirts, made with soft bosom, come in lain cream colored ground, with fine mohair bosom, silk em brolderecTfn small blue and lavendar figures; regular 75c grade, specially priced Bargain Friday at ."17C ' Men's Fancy Socks, Best 25c Grade, 18. Men's fancy socks, made with full fashioned foot and elastic top, s Urge assortment to choose from in. pretty striped patterns, in shade of red, blue, lavendar and black; excellent 25c values. Ifise Bargain Friday ...IOC Men's 'Kerchiefs, Best 25c Grade, 18tV Men's fancy Silk Lle 'Kerchiefs, mercerised to look like silk, come in all the latest up to date patterns; they are the correct Novelty ICerchief for men, excellent values at 25c; special, 1ff Bargain Friday at ... .....10C Domestic Specials ;l EXCEPTIONAL VALUES OF MERIT AND ATTRACTIVENESS. You will find many more equally good values in this great department that are not mentioned here, but if you would share in the savings you must com tomorrow ss the pikes ar for oner day enlys BARGAIN FRIDAY. . . ' - .... BLEACHED MUSLIN 8c Instead of 10c 35-inch Bleached Muslin, fine soft finish, nice even thread, free from starch, sold everywhere at 10c a yard and good values at this price, special. Bargain Friday at 8a BATH TOWELS 19c Instead ol 25c Bleached Bath Towels, extra heavy weight, closely woven, excellent wearing quality, large size, 22x45 inches, our leader at 25c eacfi, spe cially priced Bargain Friday.. 10 ' Embroidered Collars Regular 25c Values, Special Friday st x5J Each. An unlimited assortment of women's collars to choose, from, dainty at tractive patterns and styles, including the Garrotts, a new novelty of this season. Unusually good values st this price. ---f - . Corset Cover Embroidery at 21c Yard Corset Embroidery, full 18 inches wide, neat, dainty patterns, good -'de pendable quality, specially pncea ior oaxgain rnaay at ;...,.r..f Hat Drejes Sailor Hat Drapes, made of Brussels net with lace edges, dainty pat terns. A varied but limited assortment to choose from. Special for .Bar-' ' gam. Friday, each . ............ ... . v. . .... tQreat Sample Purchaso of Neclrvrear Another great sample purchase of Neckwear, face jackets, lace yokes and scarfs, all dainty, new and attractive styles. .Only one of a kind. These are to be placed on the bargain table Friday at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. - ?-' cVV v- jVr.:4 y V ' Great Dresden Ilibboa Special. - V i Regular 25 Values, Special -Friday at !. Printed Wrj Floral Dresden Ribbon, full 4 inches wide, just the thing for hair ribbons, millinery, sashes nd fancy work. Big range of patterns and color combinations to choose from; specially priced Friday at. , V2--SINGLE CURTAINS-- A , SALE EXTRAORDINARY : " &??f K s Scotch. Lace Curtaino Sinsrle Chirtaizis 39 Cents Each Values Up to $Z2S Pair. ' " Great Curtain Values That Are Impoasibl to Find Elsewhere. . About 900 Manufacturer's Culls Slightly Imperfect Singl Curtains That Ar Extraordinary Bargains at This Price. Yon have heard of manufacturer's "culls" before This is a fin assort ment, and at this price a selection from it will be most advantageous. These curtains for one reason or another could" not pass the critical inspection of one of the best curtain, manufacturers ia the country, as perfect curtains, some are slightly soiled, some have slight imper fections in the weave, a dropped thread,', imperfect patters, etc, .etc,' othera are marked with spots of oil or discolored threads in many cases the imperfections are so slight as to be hardly noticeable, they come in three-yard lengths, in width from 40 to 60 inches; perfect curtains of same quality would sell at $225 fV pair. We place the entire lot on sale tomor- UJ) JCaia row at the ridiculously low price, your choice QbM Tvrt Eirtra Notion Values At the notion counter tomorrow yon will find a varied collection o! useful helps to dressmaking. Wouldn't be anything extraordinary about it if the prices weren't unusual. Below w quote a few: 7c Tape Lines. 60 inches long 'Friday. ............. ............ 4 12c German Silver Thimbles Friday l 35c Sterling Silver J Thimbles Friday .....21 30c Silk Covered Dress Shields Friday ..21 5c Hooks and Eyes, special Friday ....,, .......... 75c Dressmaker's skirt markers Friday; . , . , $1.00 Silver Steel Shears, r 7-inch aia at Jf 2S Silver Steel Shears, 8-inch size at i $1.50 Silver Steel Shears,' 9-inch size at ! 75c Buttonhole Scissors, ; special a t . C3r J r . 75c BACK COMBS AT 49a. " Fancy gilt an4 oxydired mounted Back Combs, excellent collection t choose .from, regular 75c values, special price, each.... ........-' ? ; .!,-'. 75 SHOPPINO BAGS, ' Good assortment of Leather Shopping- Bsgs, neat and stylish, eom ji black and red, well worth 75c each, special price, each f : frit Ue GLYCERINE SOAP. ; , . Best quality Glycerin Soap tductd tor Bttzun Fn?3ys - tO ft s si a -Je ' a p kit! e A'gond qnal'ty all i:k suitable for I oo4 value ft '-f " 1 i ... : Regular 25c Values, Special Fnijy, 1" . V. Taffeta Ribbon, f- I 5 mr r rsLbons, sasnes ana nu.. . ; , Trice. . ' i