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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
;;H,i::V...K v4 THE h OREGONf PAII il . ELECTEJDLQUEEX OF OEEGON Bullet Fired-byjourth Celebrator Came Very Close to i Injuring ,or Killing Mrs. Hansen Standing In Front -; y v ' of Window Fainted From Excitement. i Whtl atandlna; la front of 'a window examlnlna lomi card to b used in a - piece of fancy work which she waa working this morning. Mrs. C. R. Han sen, Jr., of 16 Sixteenth street, nar rowly caped beinc ahet and possibly ' killed by a atray bullet from a pistol i discharged by a celebrator. The woman fainted. The incident occurred about 10 o'clock while Mrs. Hansen and a friend from San Francisco. Miss May : MoLennen, were working with a py- .roarahy outfit ....... Mr. Hansen was at the side of the bouse at the time engaged In wetting " down the porch and the awning to lee- i ... . ' V ' . ln ""I"' of fire from sparks. When th bullet atftlck the window be hind which Mrs. Hansen waa standing ... ...uuftin it waa mo nose turned on the window pane. - . I About noon Mr. Hansen went up to ... . wri. iu women were wont ing and aCClrinntlllv AlmnnvmrmA w. tne window t.,...i . i ... -..m .un io Duiiei naa entered tne .1 angie woicn showed It mut have been fired from the street. It wivnin an wen ana a half of Mre. trWns; Co wall and falling found. r w"r " WM vantually u rr. ....... ... I -j, --"v iiiiuiht or me fiaa-i niuywymcni oureau of this city. MIC SCHOOL my ludcmant tin a-.... ..&. v. I j a w gp iaa 9a w lf lms mj Introduced In tha whnnla .h. ..II.. than tha StlldV of InHmilliiM Jnn..iu nd mechanlo arts. Surely tha pruning of a tree, the knnwin .n. - 7 Pff Jng materia and tho ability to dif- tyoe Of cattle ere mi ) mm j I. " . v . . iiodiui aim Important aa the extraction of the cube root or the . wArlrfn . i ' TV. w in uai. III HtLP otllLt '"reonie nDCDnTnDOOTDIIP . JQiin maauvv II I II U llllal il I II 111! " ' t VI la 1 1 1 1 I VIIU 1 IJIIIIIal s,. 1 I . 'V- V.A J ,7 I ? "-. if il. : .!.: ae average Jndlvld- Aa a result of n nt k . .i ir- ""v "iv-ero .'Solis D. Cohen of Portland SSltC . ' m,. . m.... t-r ?.u25l. Teachers' assocla- &aj8 iney iear nome Mrg. Mary R. L. Wood, Aj-ed 120 Tears. From Classroom. y a committee was formed the feasibility of callinr a TEACHERS' SESSION tlon yesterda to look into conference for tho discussion and adopt- urn u. unimnn mi I mm j f th?re"on colleges, and to provide ' io ine govern- colleglate Interest. The committee conl sista or President H. M. Crooks of Al- UliUHlia AT KAliXiM ?' ?". President P. Of th TTnivaraltv r ' ISPi'i Pr',,dnt Hamline Coleman. Willamette UBlversltr: PaMn w V . . . . - - -uvaav ff . , Professor Kerr Speaks la Faror of fE5.'r' tofri5L?. ij?let". rtcturai eou XS5m F0"1"! an,, President W. N. Aiaaaai Training to xaice nace ori ""." Vl fKU'1' university. Too lrgo jtoount pi Work to CHICAGO OPERATORS ,. TO VOTE ON STRIKE Latin and Greek. t (gpeelsl 'Dlfpttek ta 'Tke Joarast) I (fcoraal gpeta BerriK.) Baiem. or- July . The seventh an-1 vnicago, juiy . when a vote f pual Stato Teachers association closed taken by the telegraphers' union here yesterday afternoon, after three busy Sunday It will be determined whether days and the 100 teachers that drank J not "i operators shall go on strike. wii munrai aww luin wnn inmyirm- i can vr reacned Derore that time hut tlon for tho work Of tha coming achool is reared that the companies will not year. Tho next eonvention wlU be held I rAU-.i mi .l.n1 i"t in Bngene. tha, race between tho unl- veft this week and that oSSST his action versuv town ana Aioanr navina Deen i ounaii win ninre varj ciobo uu me xormer place winning i oy m. margin or lu votes. FROSTFORKAISER Wil THE DANES Emperor and Empress Given Lukewarm Greeting on Arrival at Copenhagen. Tha closinar Droirim waa on of tha best or the entire season. The first paper waa read by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye r of Oregon City on "The School of the Pioneer." She said that ths "school master has over been In the forefront of civilisation and that no greater ro- WILL FORCE ESPEE " TO RUN ON SCHEDULE Tnaraul aiUl ImU t Salem, July 4 Because tha Southern mance will be written than that of the Pseltlo company haa repeatedly failed wandering, oedaroauea bearina aloft to keep its promises to run tt in. the torch of learning from ahore to lfn ,m' tta railroad commission nuurv. - dm mnn racouniM-now wil. hwvumiui uun io Ttrnrman iMfH 1 . . i i . i . . I tttm .1 am . . a.iuaiiv uiiirvreiir naa oeen lounaea Dr !---- vuw ecneme aavaneei y Jason Lee and Whitman college In hon or of Marcus Whitman and Pacific unl- v : varsity oy xabitha Brown, ' JUttM mtonlUoa. " Bolls D. Cohen of Portland delivered . an eloquent address oo "Tho Homo and . V the School." Ha sail that it was a credit to the public school system- that It had changed from a mere teaching . i.. mauiune io a poweriui ana moving xorce In the nation. ' He saw but one fault .. With public school system and that was a grave one, the permitting of secret societies in the high schools, because v ' they tend to engender feeling between classes and are barriers between tho In : fluences of the homo and tha school. , v The other address was that of Prel :m ojBnt W. J.-Kerr of the Oregon' Agri- cultural college at Corvallls, who spoke on --aioaern l enaencies in Education." ' He made a plea for manual training and for tho practical studios that can be applied In life directly. ( Another sign of modern tendencies In ,' education Is tho fact that the old clas sical oollegea have adopted courses In y engineering and sciences and that Han .r yard. Tale and Princeton have modified ' their entrance requirements and that Greek and oven Latin are now optional Ho read statistics to show that out of tho 11.000.090 pupils enrolled In tha pub ; lie school only two per cent were in . tho eighth grade and that 1 per cent Of thla two per cent when out of school made a living with their hands, acaaaal Training. !7 JT"!.0 nPhlM the awakening." ,. aald Dr. Kerr, "of this country in favor ' of manual training In tha schools. In bv Commission w.-t i. . :AulTi fare, his contention being that when 3 cent a mile service Is denied the paa thaf rtee BOt b . ru,r Pjr UNHm PACIFIC MAKES i , REPORT 0Fr EARNINGS -"l0":.."" Jul? The Union Pa- (Jooroal Special Bsrrlce.) Copenhagen, July 4. Emperor and empress and Princ Adalbert of Oer-I many arlved hero on tho Hohansollorn I In a pouring rain. Few flags were dla-l itayea ana not many people were on ill atresia nuini ic evident mar rn. feeling hero toward Germany is one of reserve, althouah tha concession re cently made by tha kaiser to the Dane of Schleswig has perhaps softened tho old feeling of resentment Princess Thrrla. whose reDortad en gagement to Prlnoe Adelbert hesTen the subject of wide comment, was the only royal person not. present at the reception. Neither Illness nor other ex. cuses for her absence are known. The emperor looked very serious, but the empreqa seemed to enjoy the -eeaalon. smiling pleasantly. OREGON EASTERN (Continued from Pag On.) Biiatmi-;--fiirtMii)iiiiipr , 7k 1 n i - ff I ueorss jh. wniiams. GREAT PARADE Pag One.) I Government to Mediate Be- tween Contending" Parties In Chicago and Frisco. Uoarael 8peltl Berrlce.V Washington, July 4. Every effort will ba made by the fovernment to pro vent a general strike by the telegraph ers of the country. Should the trouble extend to railway tealegraphers. whlcn is regarded as likely In the event that the commercial nnumtni-n arenerallv Walk out. tha tnAehlnnrv will nt nnae be set in motion for a settlement of the difficulty onder tha nrovlalona of m tiraman act. wnicn proviaea ror con dilation and mediation, ancorrilnr to tho well defined plan in case of trouble Detween in railroads and their em ployes.- . Th government, however, will not wait tor the present trouble to become lore acute. commissioner of Labor elll. who already has been In nonfnr. ence wun committees representing both parties in tho strife left Waahlngton for Chicago yesterday. He will hold conrerences with telegraph officials and representatives or me union in that elf no a of the Letters Sent to in a rnenaiy tontest 7 Bgfom Jrilv Aik f mnr f hilrlrpn )r '-w w -ssjsT' sw w m wj mm m -m m m m t- w mmm ui In liver proc View tO settling tha' itlatllrhanna . , t is unqerstood he will then :ea to nan a rancisco. B4.Y CITY JAPANESE FILE DAMAGE SUIT (Journal BMclal ktln.)' San Frsnclaco. Julv 1 Thirvin. h. they have been damaaed tn tha vtnt of $2.e7S, tho Japanese proprietors of ni nurmiaw restaurant and adjacent bathhouse have brourht suit for that sum against the city and County of San FranClSCO. ThlS is the flmt Ammmm-m suit resulting from the announcement of the government that the Japanese shall have due reparation for any dam ages austained during the recent trou ble. The damagea alleged in the suit occurred during an attack of some union car strikers upon two non-union men who wer eating at the Horseshoe res taurant. SAYS SCHMITZ CAN NOT BE CANDIDATE t i mmm . (Journal Special Berrfe,.) Ban Francisco. Julv 4 Atim. lning the law on the point in question, Assistant district Attorney Harrison states that he does not believe Mayor echmits can run for reelection. Tho ouor naa aeciarea mat na win cBiiuiu.ii uu extireseea connaence in the outcome of the campaign, but the prosecutors say that his con vicl tlon of SVff Aatl AM KA m mm mmmm. m9m . . . . M M m i.. v.. uai. uiui sruni canaiaacy. ' ' Sgg ' Portland, br.Vlun 2. '0T, uear. ir: I saw your advertisement the naner tnit vmi . j , " " , , . . .' " - . " " .1 Of July. So I aot mamma t. hn paoaage oi uoiaen oraln Granules. We r.av'ur(1 thi whol - Packag and I like it fine, and. will buy some more of 11 - iir man coriee. i don t The nam of our , groooryman U P. A. Eddy. v . . , .-. ,. . , i go to unapmin scnooi, ' - - Five after each other In tha . and four at each aid. Tho reason why LV", oft5n " wh American family drink is because thero r so many that use it, and 1 should be used In every home. . . . , The package weigh X ' pounda " 4 am i years oia. OTTO NORMAN JONES, 721 Roosevelt st, Portland. it was the -best I drlnked before Our grocer' nam I Tompson A Dulium, I am 14 years old,. I Ilk to go to-sohool. . The nam of our school Is the Sllvertoii publio school. ' The Golden Grain Gran, tiles. It is called the family drink be. causo It Is raised in America. The way to put II package of . Golden Grain Granule in a box without leaving a vacant, space is this way. t t , Tours very truly, T ' : f INGRAHL, MEHBt - Dear evening when n4 in the Journ PortUnd. Or.. June 14. '07. air: I was out playing, on a dov toio we aDout y ai. au tne Dig t Troutdal. Or., June ' 14, '0T. Mr. maauw. Dear sir: I saw your advertisement in the Oregon Journal ana i tnougpt i mignt try to get a prise. 1. My mamma ordered a package of 2. I will send you the amotr carten S. We all like it better than coffee or tea, or rostum. 4. Our grocer's name Is Mr. I. True. 6. The name of our school la AaltaA Bpringaaie school district No. 25. e. uur grocer would not set a whnla cw ana so i cannot prove that 11 acaage can be placed In a rase. But am sure mat it can na mna varv aaaiiv ii"gF-.Krooflr wouia ret a mi. i am ure mat would not laat very long. 7. The reaaon whv l-rim nftan i called the American family drink Is b- cauae it snouia be used In every Amer ican home and th reason why it should be used In every Atnerloan home la ha. cause it is a family drink. . . 8. Two nnunila la tha ..i. of the package we got from our grocer. . a w years. 10. Name. r.rwi tvt.t. Troutdale, Or., R. F. D. . box fiT i tnana you for your kind offer. (Continued from where, arm. in arm, th veterans of th blue and the gray walked under th snaaow or the star and stripe. Th . I.JIUU. louur operation for 11 onth a follow: Gross earnings 14 M8.98i increase. Il.i70.0i: SELt15'- Waed tha mail akirta tha fiut I third feature wa th division contain of Mount, Shasta, crossing th north !"? th- 'rm?V thJ? n7X. nd tn yo" arir. of lower KlaSath to KlarhaUi l?aTl. vieJ"n" f th Bpanisn-Amerloan war. Her it enters th region of th govrn- .wThe Pra oandd aftr passing mant rclamatlon project, whlon will !? reviewing sUnd. in whlofi wer open about 290,000 acres of load to cultl- MSJ0Ta 1'' a,neral Summer, Admir- vatlon. On th California end of th S,bl". Sw'nbuf" nd his staff, Colonel' line a una timoer country win bait:""'"" "i ". wn iSfii iea" 1, 7 1 'l2fli increase. 1808,389; net earnings. I2.7lt.l87 ...A m waa - - . . ., served. Due north from Klamath th road will veer into the Cascade foothills and eross the range at Odell lake, then follow the Willamette northwest to Natron on tne old line of the Southern Pacific, about half- wav between Portland and the California Un. Construction of this road will be pushed vigorously this year. For 60 miles up the middle fork of th Willamette from Natron there is a narrow valley, very sparsely settled. Even beyond and extending to th sum mit of th Casoad mountain th coun try ia wna -ana unnt ror settlement. The plateaus are likewise arid and tha soil ha been found too pervious to hold I George H. Williams and prominent civilians. a number of BOWLSBY FREE FOR SHORT TIHf MAaftaaaaa lt"1 ffiA rrom jui.y ij Oros-. SM.4SS.01i. In. ."LTI"..; luni xor j IINTJCR ItOOdman KPlPJISlPn I; ooeratins- a:-- u,'1" vnl2 P nonness or th crease, I7..80.77S.- operating n and taxea 114: net. I s,tv. TrtVoV 04P ineriaao Sal? rigion W COLFAX FAEMEE IS HIT BY LIGHTNING i (Spadal Stanatek a a T.t . tC.v".aW"'JH!r.2Wn'L- trying , "L " " irau ma atorm Cascade forest reserve, on xssiern rout enters! Matron, amariin frnm the reserve near Odell lake. Tha ammmt I of timber tributary to the1 line amounts! to billions of feet of hemlock, fir, cedar I ana pinea. IMPORTANT CASE (Continued from Pag One.) Accused Man, Who Is Re arrested by Prosecutor. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Astoria, Or., July 4. Late last even ing Justice Goodman dismissed the cas against J. H. Bowlsby, charged with murdering Cleve Jennings, saying PLATES Best Robber $7.SO Cood Set for $S.OQ Ll.l . . UU ui. ... . . . o ?LC" J!weP ov"JL.t?la country yeeter-1 ateDchlldren for nossesslon nf tha r. he did not think Bowlsby was resDonst .truck bV fflnL1. Robert was erty, alleging that he had a life Inter- bu fo,r, the act deputy District Attor boUpasVed'fSfhev'tei Jh est by curU.y In all hi. wif. prop- McCu. ordjr th. worxinff witn and the ensulnr f1mx I ii v.a. Kma- Mnai4iiw .a I him with out hs.ii. whirh wi rinn tne entire 1a t- "tii C1V1 i-kL zz vt: " ."-r.r:",.: ULV )) II John Blaauw. Dear sir: I bought a package of Golden Grain Granules and wer trying to get a prize. I asked mamma If she would nfeas get me a package oi Golden Grain Granules. Bh our oy aid not want any she said. waa good enough. So I saved my .nickel and bought a package and asked her to please use .u She used it and she ay she won't us any mor h , says it li . lota bettor than papa say It's fin. Ana -my rotner 'says it is theiaeal thing. And I think It Is betterSan any otuer drink. Mamma took mKv m 1.- I . . . . . . . T . a iii.nui nouae ana inert was a Dojf Mink aVi. mmmA mm mmm . boy wa so well and rosy cheek, and I butted in and said that he ought; to i toio neri used to Jv h-adaeh and lnc I have uaad S-O I have not had headaaha. Nnta- ? think other boy would Ilk It too, and would feel better If they osed it Tou asked m to give th name of my grocer. Hi name la Mr. Bnranaan de Son; hi store Is 145 Bel. St. You asked me th nam of my school. It is Glenco achool. ' Golden Grain Granule la callavl' lh. family drink because It don't hurt any. body, or it-Is aood for avervbodv an 1 used in all families. Th xact weight of on nackare la on pound and 12 ounce: th nackm alone weigh I ounce. On way to get 11 packages in th box Is to lay four (4) packages down and four (4) on th top of each on (1) and five (J) is standing uo on tha Other side. This is all. Age t years. - , . , JOE WALKER OEISLER. 0 E. 44th at. Mt Tabor, Or. Same kind all our reliable dentists make: only difference is the profit we asa. Bridge work or teeth, with uui pistes, per tooth. 83.00 to K.OO? ooid Finings, up from., RHvar irilllira. .. ""VXf a I VI4I a a aa a W sv? oorcalaln Painless i&traction. -,-3.00-85,00 . A guarantee for 10 year with all work, xady attendant. Lily Dental Co. TH I ED AJTS COUCH gTJUSTS. Opening evening until 8 and Sunday until 1 p. m. Horn Phone A1010. Paciflo State Phoa Padflo lasa. "if th Piano Store on Burnsld Street" The Prize Winners! The judges of the $100 cash prize contest are not in an cnviaDie position, iney have toiled long and faithfully in the work of judging who had most truly won the Reed-French Piano Co. Caah prize, and who should receive the additional prizes. So "ffi gcmlnt Phrases' wcr received that to name one as BEST seemed an impossibility. Fifty were finally se lected, separated from their owners' names so that we could not Know wnose tney were, and subiected to the severest rfia- cussion and analysis. We imagined each our advertisements, in our letters6nourttfatuVer'Mlevery4 pvisiuuu, we consiaerea u irom tne standpoint of freshness, originality, catchy wording,' our house policy, etc. Under the fire of this sharp criticism phrase after phrase' dropped out until onlv seven maintain-H th-ir if ar : a Vi klVtlJ All sharp defiancfs of every onslaught Then we had a hard tussle with that seven. ..... Read each one. of them from a Reed-French standpoint and ore uuw Liicy siriKc you. 1 "All for Harmony and Harmony for AU." ' Thi expresses the idea of music, of harmony in our house dealings, and of harmony in the home containing one of our low priced pianos. Fits us.well. r . 'Cash or Credit With Courtesy.'' Exactly our system of dealing with the public, though alliteration" is not popular. A good phrase ) STO&I pidly rrln ,SoiLthaBorI" S crt7 e" and hi thibfow 1 m eMect of I tended to Ufa intrat Jn all th wife Pr?,tMVn:-t Th property, but Judge Cleland held that! calld lnhe clrc the avlfe' separate p: subject to tho right of and his attorney vigorously i case win proDaoiy te but Judge Cleland held that I 5""d. In the circuit court tomorrow be- roperty was not "ra juugo mconaf. Iw STOfiE CLOSED TODAYBDT COME AND SEE OUR WINDOW j Kunyan had eurtesv and that no interest wnatever in y w r i mMfWmW QlobeinOur f th property held by Jennie Win rata i ana oer oruvnnra nna sisters. aeorre B. Bheoherd. Runvan's attnp. nav nana van mar tnu viaw i. and yesterday. gav notice of an appeal Judg ileland held also that the con- to the supreme court. Clelani n of Oft lslatlon had superseded eurtesv so far a concerns the wife' separate property. i n question was raised at tne trial or WOULD COLLECT COIN FOR KILLING SPOUSE (Special Dtapetes to The Jot) roil. ) Xthanv rtr Tulv i Tha !not nH- ffi.rSrSS m?,X... of the Twenty-flv. Hundred, a lif Insurance organization with headquar ter at this city, are in receipt of a communication rrom Hardin & Hurlburt or Beningnam, wasnington, asking that the amount carried bv the deceased wifa oi tneir client, k. f. walker, be for warded them and paid to him as her oenenciary. Secretary Walter M. Parker of tha local order believes that under the rules I of the company this cannot be paid to I him nn arfmint nt tha tan Umw Um ! I w.a V. .,w AUV 111.. aeatn or tne insured was due to pistol wounds inflicted by the beneficiary. Th local order I willing to pay the the suit bv Attorney R. E. Mood v. who appeared for Mr. Runvan's chUdren. Th question is considered as very I the amount carried bv t he Question is Important to tha Oration law. and at. torneys all over th state are areatlv Interested In what th decision of the supreme court wui be. SQUIRES IS PLAYED (Continued from Pag One.) w .r.T.V k ""kJ". "Sk"'"'nu anapnaiu or tne cnudren of the de aa. and $18,000 la the cash box. .1 Kaufman haa challenged th win- WHAT'S YOUR GUESS? t .lu,- v . vrecat uertiucate or a fine Violin or a good 5.te.r t0 one who guesses nearest; and other ubftan- was greeted by cheers. There are ap- cedent ,quv peopi insiae in arena Al ner. Edwards and Murohv hava entered the ring. The preliminary started at XIV. A telegram has been receive. frnm Tom O'Rourke, who challenge the win ner On behalf Of his man Ttnrmrm fur a fD,vvv liuo uau 1 f Inurleindow mSSSL n" Counting to be done ' : ,1 PLACED TORPEDOES (Continued from Page On.) PROSPERITY WRECKS ANARCHIST COLONY (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Tacoma, July 4 Th Mutual Horn association, an anarchist colony run on the communlstlo plan for 10 year at Joe's Bay, 14 mites from Tacoma, is go in to pieces. With the comlna- of m times prosperity visited th colony, and with it advent the dove of peace got up ana ausiea ana seems to have for- (Use this Coupon mail or bring to our Store.) It was not learned that nuira h.A gotten tho way back. oeen in ma employ oi tne street railway until after he left the ooiina atati. and it is not known whether he was dl charged or quit work at the tima af tha strike. tn. NJ RAILROADS STOP (Continued frc-n Page One.) THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY. BIGGEST, . BUSIEST AND BEST piemorttlitkLUStr 353shitoii Street, Cor. Park TFTags on the globe displayed I' rues that there are. . in your window. WRITE PLAINLY Marne:': . i , i -Jr.AS v f ( journal. '?:'' -vy-''' ' 1 - ' asr' ELECTRICAL STORM BEATS DOWN CROPS (Special Dl patch to The lenraal.t Spokane. Wash., July 4 One of th fr .il!Kl.J!?..M .,ow worst rata and electrical storm ever Z;ai.iJK3r.firi ' JK ' ishtng escursiona" nearly every road in Illinois will show a large deficit in in terstate " traffic in comparison with the earnings during th same period last year and the loss will bo ascribed to th t-oent far law. Railroad have aa x uoiil a mim ior aiipn .vm. ..I... I .V.. I . ... .... . . wM.a.uu ezoerlenced here sweot over tha taiaaA t"?. "V" 1.lme te created mplr l.f yesterday afternoon, Crp. E2-lit?1Z,.t; . 0r Vtl-avll : .aaw ivauiai 1.1 a-lll(' wer beaten 3own and rraln, dimiLrd to some extent while water was runnlnj mi iuvuvbj uocy in vu sue vers. STEAMER IN DISTRESS OFF CANADIAN COAST! COFFEE Takes .two things t o make good coffee: (1) . . . . . . j . I -v r victoyia. b. juiy 4 Froi car- j good coffee; (2) the know- Don't Miss It- The annual Columbia mid season sale is now in full swing. As a special induce ment to get acquainted with our superior work and our popular prices we offer now An Extra Pair of Trousers Free WITH EVERY SUIT COSTING $22.50 OR MORE There's a clear gain of about a third in extra value, be sides the saving of another third between the high class tailor's prices and those here. You'd better investigate! 3 "We're Not Satisfied Till You're Satisfied." This is absolutely true of the Reed-French Co. We take no satisfaction in sale unless we feel that the customer is more than pleased with her bargain. 4 "Results, Not Promises," This hits home. Our, popularity is owing to the result of each PJY!?a!; Itl ottea cheaply, straight from the factory 5 iuuuu au wear wcii, ana it is sweet-toned. The neighbors and friends all like it, thus the piano itself extends the good will with which we are regarded. p "It's the Piano Store on Burnside Street." y"..n2i"e.am1?ch in 5hat ?,Y.ase. at first lan. but think m " mahah there Is reported a larae t we- nmnioa aieamer in distress. 11 naa a Diaca runnei wiut a wnit Dana or ban. Two tugs are alonf side. The steamer how. I I about IS. mllea outhwst t .Car i i, War trocerrehwai year money lim doi'i - Grant Phegtey, Manager -t . ,, Elks' Building Sevtfii and Sfarll minute; doesn't it sound awfullv homev 'nt....";u rT,m mmmmAm. . ' . . l"'"""1 " T w? tTvi-j-if-j. wajr one person wouia direct another to t place where she bought her piano bargain? It's so off hand a natural like , we were Just one of vnr n.;nun.. ..t:.c tI are-sellint yoj the $iano our house makeover on Burnside out of the retail district it some way convevs the "Mal.' seif-nght-at-home" spirit, and it sounds good to us. You see ! Yt ?Parat" "ew herejust a year in business-and the familiarity and honuness of that phrase strikes right at our Kttotl thit h0mC,y' pUin ,ittlc hT s "Yours in Any Case." a That catchy litUe phrase with its many meanings got into the f heap of discards and was rescued on the las general re-readint-. The more you say itto yourself the better you like it. It's kind 6f a first cousin to "Your bosom friend" without being an iml tation. How do you like it? I" You Make the Middleman's Profit.". A straight statement of a well the best piano that first-class workmanship and the hiSTest grade materials could produce, and they sell ft directly from the WnMWtIlat wou,d ""iJy t to the middleman GOES TO YOU; you actually buy at factory prices. See what you save. . ' . "'-iurJf Now consider carefully and thoughtfully each of these seven phrases and see if you agree with us. Our preference finallv fell on two. "Your, tn any case," which we fi57o be submitted by Margaret M. Griffin. 182 East Seventh street. North Port land; and Its the piano store on Burnside street," submitted & Ji5s Fm 1nt' ??evn, C,ty on,y W Postoffice box, U)u! nff bl ,t0 deci betwf" and liking them both immensely, we w split the $100 srix -atM award eaeh one $50.; Will successful contestant. kindcaH l"1 our office and receive an order on Wbodard, Clarke fif Ca for contest?'7 exhibited in their window during this . The -additional prizes, valued from $50-down to $20. will awaroca pyau. riease credit any delay to the "Fourth? breaking into the business week. . ... ' . " - Yours in Any Case Watch Tomorrow's Paper for Further Announcements.';. ft