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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY . EVENING, JULY 4, 1807, DAY USHEREDi IN WITH BEAVER IITTIF TRilflF ALOIIG STREET' Mfl (DIM Ed, START FOR OCEAN 13 STATE'S CRASH OF EXPLOSIVES Immense Crowds Throng the Streets Until a late Hour and Sightseeing Thousands Are About Bright . vV and Early This Morning. , Thank .' to Councilman Bemiett'i , eleventh-hour fireworks rolutlon. Port ion l'a big celebration waa ushered in last night with a crash and a roar that -continued until well along Into the small houra of the morning.. A mighty throng, varloualr estimated at from 30,000 to 60,000 people, surged along the main down-town thoroughfare . .'jLt sundown the rattle and roar of explosions began, Increaelng In volume until by midnight there waa a continu us deafening roar that fairly ahoolt ,ths city.- Thue right fittingly aw pauv v otio Portland greet the first hour of the day that marks the I31st anniversary . pt me nation's inaepenaeica. a , , tr ; xnag-vgu t aradev i.,, At I o'clock Washington, . Morrison, . ' Third. Fifth and Sixth atreeta were lined with thousands welting low the plug ugly parade scheduled to start at that hour. It was fully an hour later before ' the head of the parade reached the busi ness center, but the delayVdld not ex asperate the good-natured crowd. . ' Astir "at Daybreak, . At daybreak thla morning the noisy multitude, after a few hours' rest, waa astir again, determined to lose no time ' In the effort to make '.thla the most memorable celebration tn the blstory of Portland. Thousands of flags and patrl- otic designs of every character fluttered and waved from the windows of the big building. Most of the down-town blocks were encircled with red, .white and blue bunting. , ...'. ; Tacht races, motor-boat races, rowing corneals, norse racea at irvington, cricket, tennla and three baseball games is me us vi sports vnat wm De oriereo this afternoon. - The Riverside' Drlvlna- eluh haa ir. rangea . rine card, or races at irvington for this afternoon. . Rlaht racaa. t wn a. hlbttlona of fancy horses and a cerform- n.?? y ' E. B, - Turner's trained horse w,lll make up the .program. Baoee e the Biver. Promptly at' l:Sfl nVlork thla after. noan the aquatic sports will start The motor-boat handicap race will start at J:f S. -The start and finish win he mada at the Morrison street bridge. Fourteen boats have entered for thla contest. Other events will be contests between crews' of. the Charleston and several yacht races. ,-:. , i At 1:30 the Portland cricket team will Norwegian Tramp Finn Has Signed Vice-Consul at Ta coma as Able Seaman. , BROTHER GIVEN JOB " AS SECOND STEWARD '"N Vessel Goru to Paget Bound In Bal last to Load Lumber for Freman- tie, Australia Alliance, Coaster and Maverick Sail. Forest Service arid Census Bureau Collect Data for1 Enormous Total. i Four steamers crossed out over the bar thla morning, the Norwegian steamer Finn, In ballast for Tacoma, leading the procession. The oil carrier From the Seattle AthletlS' club? The Alliance and the lumber drogher Coaater game will be slaved on the rmimii I followed. The crews on the various Vhl?,V?-,ln;i-Mnt!n,V h01" would have enjoyed celebrating a game of baseball at 1:10 thla after- th" Slorlous Fourth In port but time noon on the league grounds. The Mult-I is money with the transportation com notnah ball team nlavad a. mm at 10 - - . .v . . . . this morning, with the fieattle athletic 'ss usual ? " 5L"b'n "Pft ths game this AmonS th. r. of th. irim, ... i:sb. Tne aames were T. t,Y . ."T.i ai AJ I vaa u w a s Viimiui v,aaaa VIVI t I vaea-a and hla brother Dirk Blaauw, Norwegian Hemlock . (Joaraal , Special Burke.) Washington, July 4. The director of the census announces the following pre liminary report on the production of lumber, lath and shingles In Oregon for the calendar year ending December 91, 1901. Statistics connm-nlna- tha nrmliin. tlon of lumber and timber products have heretofore been collected in connection with the decennial and aulnauennial census of manufactures. To satisfy the urgent demand for more frequent In formation relating to these lmnnrtant products, .the forest service of the de partment Of agriculture collected statis tics pertatnlna to the nroduction In laofi and for purposes of comparison these totals are presented below. ' In nrdar tn avoid duplication of work, however, and inmir, uniformity or results tne prepar Fourth of July Trade Small 'Today-pLoganberries Sell 1 at Wee Figures. . , ' . Xolldaj Host of Day. , . With the exception of the movement of a small amount of perishable stock; In the early morning today waa generally a holiday along Front atreet All e eastern markets are closed for the day. . , 4 afternoon at played on the Multnomah field. jrirsworzs at aTlgnt. vice-consul at Tacoma. The vlce-cnn. From to ' 10:10 tonlarht tha rnnat lul had slsmed on as abls seaman while magnificent fireworks display ever seen his brother wss enticed on board Just in roruana will tu niaca at tn. ijiwiii Deior ine crnrt lart Hortinnii veatar. and Clark fair grounds. day afternoon and put down as second The celebration will come to a close steward. Those who saw the steamer si ii o cioc tonight with a spectacular depart declare that Blaauw, the traveler. Illumination of Mounts Hood, Adams was taken to sea acalnst his own better and fit. Helena FARMERS CHARGE IfiTAI DniflATIOII i 'i' ?: .: '.'V ' !.' 1 " . ;V-.:,. I IS KILLED BY R II DOM SHOT Umatilla County Graingrow- John Freeman Loses Life ; ere Protest Agamst-Rail- Through Quarrelsome Dis road "Wheat Rates. position of Friend EAILR0AD C0M3IISSI0N SLAYER IS ACQUITTED . V- IS TO INVESTIGATE OF BLAME BY CORONER Judgment as he fears that rolling mo tion of the swells. The two Blaauws Will bs sent ashore at Tacoma where they will make their homea Vive-Consul Cederbursh who alamed me crew says mat ins vice-consul and his brother took the oath of 1(03 to be have In a rfShtlemanly and orderly man ner on the voyage and to perform what ever duties may be prescribed. Al though a friend of theirs, Captain Lund gren has promised to keep the new members of the crew busy every mo ment of the trip. They are probably spending the Fourth clipping rust on the deck. , The Finn will load lumbar at one nf the sound mills for Fremantle, Aus tralia She will be followed here by me sriuan steamer strathn&irn which left Port Los Angeles yesterday for this port with a part cargo of cement consigned to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Loganberries gU Xow. On account of the'' verv liberal ar rivals' during the past 48 hours and the fact that today was a holiday sales of ation of the annual statistics has been loganberries were made very low dur commltted to the bureau of census. I In the morning hour!.- Some-cleanups which has worked In oooneratlon with were made as low as 60o a crate lor Z4s the forest service. and even the' best of stock In single The flarures cover the' ctit of BK7 mtlla crates did not sell far beyond tuat in 10S and 319 mills In 106. ngure. ' .... i i no car vi nrawjjj ciniaiuuiini uu I'Sii was nt unloaded until this morning. SJ'J22Ut was in very fine condition and com- r i9 manded very jgood prices considering T. iraae nas ieen snori oi loupes for several days and ?-X:;irore greeted with oeiignt. 1872 1 BomM uainif svnir aaniuTC. I Several local handlers of outside Total 1.004,894 1.862.610 creamery butter advanced their, quota r IDEAL. FOR THB-REAHiOAIESEEKER ' :-QjPSlSlDER: t ':.'.;ir.-:.-".'l!;.v.v.. -The Douglas fir (1) . Western pine (t) Ppruce Cedar sugar pine White fir All other 1P06. 1,347.467 131.460 73,662 20,481 9,847 8.76 3,409 2,841 6,971 ll'Z?,i manded veri i'til tha holiday. !!?? jcood cantalo Ml" The arrivals Zrftth Thousands. - 1906. Douglaa fir (1) 143,895 Western pine (i) 8,943 Spruce 2,729 Cedar 1,406 ami oiner Total 1905. $0,517 6,114 648 80,265 .156,973 116,466 Bhlsgle Western pine (t) Cedar . , . . Sugar pine au oiner -Tltoaaaada, 1906. ..... 2.743 96,291 200 1905. tlons to meet the last advance of the city creameries. They are selling small tots at the higher figure and some at the old price. City creameries report demand fully up to suppuus ana say they expect no difficulty In maintaining tne price at f je. Tont street prices: . eraia, tloajr aad ae4L GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9o. larre lots;; small lota 10c. WHEAT Club, it sac; red Russian. 82c: bluestem. 87 88c: vaUey. 84 85c. CORN Whole, J.ou; cracked, 129.00 ..e 919 ner ton. Jndffe Lowell of Pendleton Alleges I After Iteoelvlng Blow on Oregon - Railroad Navigation I Ward, Ferrrman McDonald at Company la llnfaip to Eastern) John Day - Gets ' Gun and Com . Oregon Ranchers. ' I mences "Wild Shooting, Begnlar Zlners Due to Arrive. Breakwater. San Francisco July woeia Kioa, ttan irranciaco. . . .July Alliance. Cooa Bay July ...V Head From - w- E,le''. S" Pedro and way. July 9 vuiuuiuia, otwi r mnctsco juiy iz Roanoke, San Pedro and way. . . .July 16 Alesta. orient July 16 Nicomaaia. orient.... July 27 Numantia. orient.. Auaustlt Arama, orient Kept 1 Xegnlar SUaera to Depart. RoaaokSr Saa Pedro jmd -way-Julr 4 Redondo, Seattle and way. July 6 L.oiumDia. can rraneisco July 6 (Special Dlipateh to Tbs JoerasL) Wasco, Or., July 4. Particulars of a Breakwater. Coos Bay July 8 (Special Dispatch te Tbs Joornal) t Salem. On. July' 4. The farmers of "Umatilla county through the, Inland fatal 'shooting at John Day ferry In An,fnc'i Co2" l?y'-'. ...July 10 ysin nm.. uiuiiMAn ranreaantjul I hih T.h viu4 km t08i? '9a 8an Francisco. .July 10 r . .. " 7 Z ,r : " " " " . ; u. w. itiaer, tan Pedro and way. July 11 hy Attorney Stephen A. Lowell of Pen-I Just been obtained. , I Alesia, orient..... ...July 87 dleton. hava notified the state railway Late Tuesday evening R. 8. Ward ao-1 Nicomedla, orient August 5 'mmmlulnn thaf It 1. lntntlm In Mmiunlul hv KVaaman laft Wurn tnr Numantia. orient ,....AUKUSt 28 the near futnre to ask for a hearing in Warfl., nnchf 16 mlle. w,t of w,ac0. ArftD,a- orien..pUmbar 15 the matter of alleged discrimination In . t. . , . , Vsaasla la Port. . rates relative to the transportation of upon their arrival at the ferry Ward Tola. Br. sh Elevator dock wheat along the line of the Oregon and Freeman became Involved In a Jordanniu, Br bK. ....r. .... ...Stream Railroad & Navigation company from quarrel and W. O. McDonald, who runs s'jjli"- T- 8t Pln UmatlUa tounty points, to Portland. It tha ferry, trted to quiet the two men I ?f5 Off. bk. . ... .... . . ..Knappton is also asserted in the communication and e-et them to a-o home. While Me- LIHebonne, Am. ach...O. R. A N. Alblna hat such a request s to come from. the Donald was Ulklng to Freeman Ward .farmers of SSorrow county.-1 seised a spade end struck McDonald a ;;It is also rumored that the commls- vicious blow over the head, inflicting niorj la to file a complaint against the serious Injurlea 'Ward then swam the various, railway lines operating in the river and ran home. McDonald In a state looking to a stricter compliance dased condlUon ran into his house, by the railway companies to section 22 seized a gun and nred three shots at nf -the act-creating the commission, random, one of which struck Freeman, This section provides that the railroads killing htm. His death was not dis- preTius ana maintain auequaie depot covered until His DOdy waa lound at 11 and building and clean and suitable O'clock p. m. tollot room's and a supply of pure wa- Sheriff "MoCoy went to the scene at placed ward under arrest and ter for the accommodation of the trav, aiing puono. REClDlfiE III ONB Biggest Ore Body Yet Dis coTered at Four Hundred and Fifty Foot Lerel. ,, .(Special Dispatch to The JonrnaL) : (Soldfleld. Nev., July 4. The Mohawk Company's workings this week opened 1 up an ore body at the 450-foot level, that la 1 feet In width, and which averages across the entire body 1250 to the ton. There is a two-foot belt running close to 11,400 to the ton. iai striae is saia to do tne biggest once. Disced Ward under arrest lodged him In the 'county Jail charged with asssult with Intent to kill. W. Q. McDonald Is at prominent resi dent and is well known In eastern Ore gon and Washington. He is a nephew of William Grant of Malheur county and also of Adam Grant of San Fran cisco. Freeman was well known around Wasco. i A coroner's jury returned a verdict that death was accidental from a gun shot fired by McDonald. Ward has a farm near tha scene of the tragedy. He is a Dad man wnen under tne influence of liquor. He had an Intense hatred toward McDonald and was heard to re mark on the streets Tuesday that he "waa going to get" McDonald.- SALEM HAS GEEAT FQUBTH CELEBEATI0N Hon. B. F. Mnlkey of Ashland Fills Position of Honor as Orator V . . of the Day. Wasnucta. Am. barge.; University Mill Chehalls, Am. bktn buciiuia, n. i ...... tvnappion yammer city. Am. DKtn. . i .. Vancouver Stella . . .Harbor .. .Astoria . . .Linn ton .Stream Feed. 821.00022.00 per ton; rolled. 823.00O 24.00; brewing, 322.00033.00. jtxlv 11.66 per cwt OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white. $28.00 per ton; gray. $37.00. a FLOUK lsstern Oregon patents. 84.80: straights. 34.26: export 34.00: valley. 34.3O&S4.40: graham. Us. 86.75: whole wheat. $4.00; rye, 50a $.0O; pales, $3.75. MILL8TUFF8 Bran. 817.00 ner ton: the employes' point of view the offices middlings. $26.00; shorts, country, $20; will be handv because thev will he with, city, $19.00: chop. $16.00021.00. In friar nlatnn rT th. iin.A.. HAY Producers price Timothy. and Alaska docks, where the San Fran- Willamette valley, fancy, $16.00017.06; Cisco as well as the oriental liners VxlhmHtXi' Y, 2r,"on' berth. It Is said that considerable l-0 O20.00; mixed. $10.00 lO.oO; money will be eiDended In flttlna ud ""' "' s 1 n.wiv.; Qa VUNI, 4,184 Total 98,234 139,461 (1) Includes vellnw fir. fed fie. Douglas spruce, red spruce and Oregon pine. (2) Includes California white pine noo weaiem yellow pine. Location - NEAR LENTS ft The Oar Service CARS EVERY 10 MINUTES ' - The Price - $300.00 AND UP The Terms 10 PER CENT CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT AN ACRE FOR THE PRICE OF A LOT " 1 i M 1 1 i I. i .I Knapp&Mackey II Chapin&Derlow Room 2 Chamber of Commerce 332 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 1652 mon. fresh Columbia chlnook.- 11 He per l m m - m ' w-v lb blueback. JOo per lb; Steel- f JYHIoQ1 - - heads, 10c per lb: herrings. 60 per " " J "wa-is-IMI lb; soles. 60 per lb; shrimps. 10c per (Brsmsa, ,'Oemaay.) lb; perch, 6c per lb: black cod, 7o per MQ-tia B1T R. aiXTIIMg rm-r. lb: fomcod. Tc per lb; lobatera 1 60 per um "i TBX. lb; fresh mackerel, 89 per lb; crawfish. A fV 1 1 JOo per doa sturgeon, l0o per lb; black bass, 200 per lb; Columbia river smelt. . 6c r lb: shad. (0 per lb: roe shad. 60 (Ualaoorporated) rer lb; shad roe, 16o per lb; black cod, r . Kcmiuance or nioney to and from turope )Ui ner Ih. OYSTERS Bhoelwater bsv. ner ral-1 inn. 13.60; per 100-ID sack, .eo: uiym pla, per gallon, 32.25; per 116-Ib sack, $5.5006.25; Eagle, canned, lOo can; $7.00 rtos. , clams nsrdcneii, per dot. z.o the new offices, It now appears that a decision has about been reached to place the steamer Lawton on the Portland-San Rica, or to alternate with the latter and ond 2&Hs; outside fancy 25c; seconds. i.OO. Butter, Xgga and Poultry, BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 26c; sour, 24c BUTTER City creamery. l7V4c; seo fommian xostbt zxcKjjraa. rasor clama. $2.00 per box: lOo per dot. ITioket Offloe for the Steamen Mm an 4 the Columbia The former transport win De equipped wits ou Durners and thoroughly overhauled before being or-. aered nortn rrom in nay city, en, will have accommodations for about 304 passengers. The Lawton is 321 feet In length, 43.2 feet beam and 17.6 feet depth of hold. The Columbia ' Is 309 feet long, 38.6 feet beam snd 14.4 feit aeptn 01 noia. xne LAwton was nuut at Chester, rennsyivania, ty the Dela ware-Rhode Island Shipbuilding & En gineering- company In 1890. She Is con structed of steel and when launched was christened the Tumurl. For the New York & Cuba Steamship company she operated between New Tork City ana Havana lor a numoer or years. At the outbreak of the Soanlsh-Amerlcan war aha wm ennverteri into an auvlllarv cruiser and was named the Badger. Twof eastcrrt Ore,on,railt21tc. 22 He: store Oregon. 18019c EOGS Extra fancy candled. 24c: un- csndled, 23c, ..' CHliESE New Full cream, fists. 14U01SC per lb: Young- Americas. I6U0 per lb. rUULTKi Mixed cnicKens. Izhc; fancy hens. 13c per lb; roosters, old, lOftc lb; fryers, 16o lb: broilers, 16o per lb: old ducks. 16c lb: snrlna ducks, 15016c lb; geese, old, 8$ 10c per lb; spring geese, 12 HO 13c per lb; tur keys 11014c lb for old; squabs. $2.50 per dos; pigeons, $1.26 per do. Dressed poultry, 10 lo per lb higher. Sops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1906 crop prime to choice. 7c; medium to prime, 407c; con tracts, crop, juuc. WOOL 1901 cr Valley. 30021c palats. Coal Oil, Uto. , ROPE Pure Manila. U61c; atandard. I3c; aisai, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. 19 Ho per gait water white. Iron bbls, 14c per gal: wooden, 17c per gal; head light. 170 deg cases. 21 Ho per gaL GASOLINE 86 deg., cases. 14 Ho per gai; iron nois, iso per gai. BENZINE (3 dec. caaea. 25e nar aal: iron ODia. sc ner aai. TURPENTINE In caaea, 9 60 per gal; wooden bbla. 98o ner aal. WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 1o per id; ooo-id iota, so per id; leas lots, ihc per id. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.16.1 JAP LAWS QUOTED TO HEAJ) OFF DAMAGE SUIT to JBurope. EIIJOIII STRIKERS FROr.lSEREriADINB New Form of Strike Annoy ance Brought to Light by Action in New Jersey. . (SpeHd T)l. patch to Tt Jearal. Los Angeles, Cat, July 4. Sued Jointly with the Salt Lake railroad by I the administrator of the estate of 1. 1 ivagast ror damages for the latter's death In a wreck, the Santa e - (Special Dinpatcb to Tb Joarn.l.) Sslem, Or., July 4. With flags un- ever made tn tue country and certainly furled and tricolored , bunting displayed will eclipse the Hayes and Monnette on all aides, with the crashing of band lease. . It proves the pemianeney Of the mnaln 1 tha rea-ntmdlne- nnlaea of t. , Goldfleld deep ore bodies. Stock his atarted to soar, taking the entire mar- aei wtta tt MAT SUTTON AFTER ;.. ENGLISH LAUBELS , ' Joorail Special Berries. London. July 4. May Sutton today won the right to challenge for' the. English championship by defeating Miss Wilson In the finals. - Wimbledon took two seta In succession by a score of 6-4, 6-S. , BANK TELLER TAKES I HIS COMPANY'S FUNDS " (Journal Special Berrlca.) New York, July 4CaImly filling a dress suit case with all of the money In his vault at the Windsor Trust com. rmny. Chester Runyon, paying teller of ' the bank. . walked out of the door and has not been ' aeen since. A reward of iz.eitu nsa peen orierea oy tne company for the arrest of Runyon, who is alleged to have etolen $96,817.. .. Ilunyan . said that Je waa gqlng . to , Rochester to spend Sunday with his moiner, wn was m. wis wire as well us his employers believed this to be the rase, and the defaulting teller secured a u-oof atari Derore ma ieri waa discov Journal Readers.'; The Journal's friends,- when patron lxlus Journal advertisers, will confer a favor by mentioning that., they saw the ad In The Journal Ltttia lines ' The Journal bring, re aults to the advertisers. - . plodlng firecrackers and the hurrahs of several thousand people the capital city Is today alive and teeming with visitors from all the neighboring sectlojas unit ing In the commemoration of the anni versary of the nation's birthday. At 6:30 thla morning a 46-gun salute ushered In one of the greatest celebra tions in the history of the capital city. a paraae consisting or tne rraternai or ganizations of the eitv. Company M. O. N. O. and four bands Playing martial musio. followed by scores of floats and other features marched - through the main business streets and disbanded at Marlnn m,.r lb. Iltmn cises were held. The Liberty car wasf rilled with winsome roung ladles act ing as aides to the Ooddess of Liberty. miss JMaua iu. , A chorus of 100 voices unaer the di recti on of Dr. R. A. Heritage, rendered patriotic selections. The Declaration of independence was read by L. C. Stringer ana non. r . Muixey ox ,asniBna ae llvored a stirring address replete With patriotic suggestions and eloquent in its uivuun una sentiment. . This afternoon street races of various kinds are to be held and a game of Dasetmu is to be played between . the "uooourn ana TrunKmakers teams. In the evening there will be launch racea snd a game of baseball on the water, fawning event of the celebration p me pyrotechnic display. J. H. Lunsman, Am. sch Charleston. V. 8 navy.., Paul Jones. U. S. N Kallbln. Br str Maori King. Br. bs Manshu Maru. Jap ss.O. R. A N Alblna Alvena, Am. sch ..Westport J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn Stella Dalgonar, Br. sh Columbia No. 1 Mathilda, Nor ss Portland Lbr Co. wallacot. Am. barge ..Astoria Redondo, Am. str Couch street Alumna, Am. sch..... Knappton Excelsior, Am. str Portland Lbr. Co. Roanoke. Am. str Martin's donk Columbia, Am. str Alnsworth Bee. Am. sch. . .Willamette I. A B. Wks. iettitia. Am. sen on way up III amber Carriers En Boats. Mabel XJale, Am. sch 'San Frilsco Retriever. Am. bktn San ranclsoo South Bay, Am. str.,,.. San Francisco Echo. Am. bktn San Franolan Melrose Am. sch San Pedro oauor woy. Am. sen Han Francisco Alden Be". Am hk flan Francisco Thos. L. Wand, Am. str.. San Francisco jyouisiana. Am. bk 8a,n Pedro Irene. Am. sch San nies-n Washington, barge ;. .San Pedro .En Koute with Cement and Oeaerat Buccleuch. Br. ah Hamburg Brenn, Fr. bh . . . i ; Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk Antwerp Europe, Fr. bk Antwerp Genevieve Moltnoa, Fr. bk, London Rene Kervller. Fr. sh Hamburg Laennec. Fr. sh ,.8wansea Le Pilier. IT. bk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh Newcastle. R. Samoa, Br. bk Shields tuam. uer. an rnini Thiers, Fr. sh ....Newcastle, ETfv. . ...... .... , . . - im ............. uinnHVW Marechaei Turrene. Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg Vllle de Mulhouse. Fr. bk Antwarn Ouethary, Fr. bk...,., ...Antwerp Plerri Loti. Fr. bk..... Antwern Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwern Glenesslln. Br. eh , Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk...i Leith General de Botsdeffre. Fr. bk... London Oenersl de Ncgrler. 'Sr. bk London Bnvard. Fr. l,k Anix.m Ville de DIJon, Fr. bk Antwerp coal ships En Boats. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. vv. a vuieuois jnarenii.m hk.v... Newcastle, A. years later she was taken over by the quartermaster's department . and was sent to San Francisco. EXCURSIONS OX RIVER Steamer Telephone Carries a Largo Crowd .to Cascades. - Hundreds of people took advantage of the excursions given on the river today. It la estimated - that fully 600 went to the Cascades on the steamer ! Telephone, which left Alder street dock At 9 nVlnclt. It wna a marrv rrnwri that started out and Indications were box; for a flne day on the water. MOHAIR New 1907 2903940. SHEEPSKINS Sheaitig. . 16tf20c each; short wool, Z540c; indtur.. vrool, blKtfi&c each; long wool, 76cttl.oo each. tallow jTime. per lb. 344c: No. 2 sdd grease, 2 2 He. CH1TTIM BARK 6e per lb. Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES $3 ; sweets, ( ) per lb; new potatoes, 3V43Hc per lb. ONIONS Jobbing Drice New Call fornla red, $3.60&3.75 per sack; garlic, 8c per lb. ArfLBB New. $1.001.76. FRESH FRUITS Oranges. 13(34: bananas. 5c lb: lemons, $4,6046.25 per limes. Mexican. $4.00 per 100: pineapples, $3.236.00 dot; grape The steamer t'ndlne carried a rrowit fruit. $3.26 strawberries. Oregon. to Multnomah Falls and scores of $1601.75 per crate; cherries, 612MC launches and smaller river craft started out for near-by picnic groves and paras. r, ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Breakwater Is scheduled to sail every Monday for Coos Bay. en? win imve uaa street aocK. The German shit) Tellus sailed from Knappton for Sydney yesterday with a cargo oi lumDer. The government boat Governor Men del is up from Astoria. She is berthed at the foot of Everett street. She steamer Columbia sails tomorrow morning for San Francisco. The Roan oke sails for San Pedro and way ports tonight. MARINE XOTES MILLWRIGHT FATALLY INJURED IN MACHINE (Special Dtapatrt to The JaeratV) wrThfTi, x0" 4. A mill wright named Abercromble met with a &ar .htf'm,Jft,ff!2f wh,, worklnS near the machinery ir. a mill. u was drawn Into the, shafting and drsgged around many times before the T ma- from a compound fracture of the skuA and concuss on nf th. kV- "SS.i , H.'lora deciars hut rannvu i. i- . , .v. An...w ... T UDIW, . ; , ., laJmoat ajllalnlna- tha fitael hrMn i.TerflB' Br- sh Newcastle. A. wiusron. Am. ok ........ Newcastle, A. Port Patrick. Br: sh Newcastle, A, St Mlrren. Br. sh Newcastle, A. Crillon. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. jj ruBncrnia. ur dk ........ Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. .Newcastle. A. St. Louis. Fr. sh Newcastle, A. :. ) Tramp Steamers Bn Boats. Henrfk Ibsen, Nor. str... San Francisco Queen Alexandra, Br. str. ... ...Madras Thyra. Nor. a. a. . . . , Rn tr..i.M Strathness. Br. str..., Port Loa Angeiea Strathnairn, Br. ss Los Angeles OU Carrier En Bonte. Argyll, Am. atr . .Port Harford Catania. Am. str. YGavlota OFFICES NEAR DOCKS Harriman Steamship Business to Be , , Centralized. For the purpose of centralizing it. business the Harriman steamship offices on Washington atreet will be removed to the Alnsworth dock, near the Steel bridge. The present Quarters win hn aoanaonea on or bdoui tsepteiflber 1 A ticket "booth", may be maintained In tha main portion of the eitv rv,,. h. convenience Mt the publlo should the new office appear to be out of the way for the time being. c Both the offices of the San Frani.nn & Portland Steamship company and the Portland 4 Asiatic Stearashln comnnnv will be affected by the decision reached by Mr. 8chwerin, general "manager at Ban Francisco. It is said that the plans are to erect a structure for the offices Astoria. July , 4. Sailed at 6 a m. orweglan steamer Finn, for Tacoma Sailed at 6:60-a. m. Steamer' Conster for San Francisco. Sailed at 8:10 a. m Steamer Maverick and barje 91 for fan Franclco. Bailed at 8:40 a. m. Steamer Alliance for Coos bay. Astoria. July 3. Arrived down at 6 p. . m. Schooner Sehome .and barse 91. rtrnvwa uuwn ri q Bnu sHiiea ai 9 p. m Steamer Johan Poulsen for San Francisco. Left up nt 7 p. m, Schooner lyettitia. Arrived down at 8 p. m. Norwegian steamer Finn. San Francisco, July 8 Sailed r Schooner Virginia for Portland. Astoria, July 4. Condition of the bar st 8 p. m.. smooth; wind west, 8 miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria today High water, 8:31 a. m.. 6.5 feet: 8:48 p. m., 8.3 fset. Low water. 2:38 a. m 1.6 feet; 2:37 p. m, 2.2 feet. SOLDIERS IN. RIOT AT JAMESTOWN FAIR (Journal Special Service.) Norfolk, Va., July 4. When 600 mem- oers of the First Kentucky and Second South Carolina regiments took posses sion of the warns tH at the Jamestown .exposition last night, they were at tacked by the exposition guards and a bloody riot ensued. Which resulted in a number or men being injured and sev eral of the ringleaders of tha soldiers Deing placed under arrest. y xne soldiers were orunx, and pro ceeded to "rough house" the conces sions or the warpath. The guards atw tacked them, and after a bloody fight; aisperBBo. uie moo ana oraer was re stored. : - GETS HIGH PRICE FOR - HUSBANDS AFFECTION ' ' fjonrnal Special -8erI.l -vv. . ' Seattle, - Wash.. Juljr 4. Damages in the sum of $25,000 were awarded Mrs. Anna Zech agafnst Mildred Tlmm, for alienating the affections of her husband, by the circuit .cotyt. today. , Mrs. Zech waa also granted; an accounting for her private f unds, which " alie claims were bandied by herliusband and Miss Tlmm ana uiveaioa in eaatue real estate. per lb; gooseberries. 6c per lb: ap ricota. $1.26 1.40; loganberries. 60c $1.00 per crate; peacHes, $1.6001.76; ODntfllntinAs fa nrtr 4 J K Kl) A A ft a-a mr. ii - J , V-W tT lVV I iaOf- berries. $1.0001.26; plums. $1.2501.60, VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 9Oc0 $1.00 snck; carrots, 76c$1.00 per sack; Deets, si. ia per sacg; parsnips, ll.oovs $1.25; cabbage, $3.00; tomatoes, Cali fornia, 31.76; Oregon, $2.6003.00; parsnips. 80crll; wax beans, 606c; freen, 809c per lb; cauliflower, $1,260 ,50 doxeh; peas, 67c; horseradish, 8o lb; artichokes 6b 7 5c per dozen; cranberries, $10.00tfill. 0(r per bbl; sprouts, ( ) per lb; asparagus, 65c per dos bunches; rhubarb. 30314c lb; green onions, 25c per doz; bell pep pers, 25080c per lb; head lettuce, ( ) dor; cucumbers hothouse, 65c0 $1.00 doz; outdoor. $1.00 01.50; radishes. 15c doz bunches; eggplant, 80036c lb; green corn, 36040c doz. Groceries, Huts, Etc SUGAR -Cube, 16.12H; powdered, 15.9714: berry, 85.77 H: dry granulated. 35.77 H; Star, 35.67 H; cpnf. A, 85.77 Hj extra B. 35.271: golden C. tillU: D .. i.m - m . . . . . . . '. veuow, iD.uivi: oeet granuiateo, barrels. 10c; half parrels, S6c; boxes, 50s advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 30 daya net cash quotations.; , HONEY $3.6(1 per crate COFFEE Pacxage brands, $16,880 SALTCoarse Half pound, 160s. $11 person; ous, u.ou; tapie, dairy, w io.ou; iuus, io.2o; oaies,; im, ported Liverpool. 60s. 318.00: 100a. 817 224a, $16.00; extra fine, bbis, 2a. 6a and lus, if.eoffCB.&u; Liverpool lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-ib rock. $11.00; 100s, $10.60. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices suDjeci to iiuciuaiiorie.j , RICE Imperial Janan. No. 1. 6o: No. z, enwoc; New Orleans, nead, 7o AJax. 5c: Creole. 6e. beans sma l white. 33.80: large White. 33.25: pink. 33.26: bavou. 83.90 Llmas. tMc; Mexican reds, 4 hie NUTS Peanuts Jumbo. Uc ner lb Virginia, 714c per lb; roasted, 10c per id; Japanese, 5j;&ttn; ronated, ?T7ic per id: walnuts. California, tea per id; pine nuts, I4016e per lb: hickory nuta lOo per lb; Brazil nuts, 18c per lb; fil berts, 16c per ,1b; fancy pecans, 180200 per id; aimonoa iaiihio. Meats, Pisa and Provisions. (Hearst News Service.) New Tork, July 4 A sew form of strike annoyance has been brought to railroad, has made unique defense In NUht In Newark, N. J, In the granting of the United States circuit court Nagasi, I an injunction .at that place, restraining 5tw.P.anne,T's! wi Ie..,coi1,2 the WUng operatives of the HUI 8111c between a Santa Fe passenger and I u.iif..t,i.. u u... 8al5 kefr.C'fht tralt Th.t c?mPy fm inulrfeVrng with the company Md contends that, inasmuch as the laws of lit. .mitinvu A, r.irtbM. ,iT. Japan do not provide for. or permit tfye near the factory and "serenaoing" oper- recovery of damages or on behalf of stives who refuse to join the strike, heirs for the death of an ancestor, and Vice Chancellor Howell emphasised the Nagasi was an alien, the case should legal right of the comnlainanta to free- not be tried. Idom from Interference of thla nature. Federal authorltlea are taking cog-1 The lnluntrtlon will hold oendlnr the nixance of the plea, and the Japanese I final decision of the action of the Hitl government's representative hereis tak-f company against the Silk Loom fixers ing an Intense Interest in the case. I!H BY BEEF TRUST Chicago Packers Establish ing Immense Plants in Three Sections. and Twtatara Prntartlv anri RanavA lent association and several discharged employes, who, it la alleged, Incited the strike. In . hla decision the vice chancellor sayss "The serenade as described In the bill, consists of the gathering of a large crowd Of Strikers, and their frlanria. about the door of the mill when any one working for It la about to leave, and having the crowd ahout, hoot, hiss and catcall at such persons, pointing to them, and callinr them vlla an1 In. decent names, and. then to follow soon Sersons to their homes, keeping up a' emonatratlon at the house of such fiersons, anu , remaining there and con lnulng the disturbance and annoyance.' LINCOLN PREACHER'lS , ACCUSED OF SCANDAL (Journal Special Sarrlca.) '. LlncoMt, Neb., July 4. Rev, W, P. Ferguson, pastor of the First Methodist church at University Place, the largest Methodlat congregation in Nebraska, is mccuaea or gross misconduct in hla re lations with a married woman, a mem- FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 08 He per lb; large. 607c per id;, veai, extra, ikc per id: ordinary, Se per lb; poor. 607o per lb; mutton, fancy, 89o per lb. 1 HA MS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack tiocai; Rami, is to is ids, is ho per id; 14 to 1C lbs. lfto per lb: 18 to 20 lbs. 1 6 4c: breakfast bacon,- 15H22- per id; picnics, izo per id; cottage roiiv 11 He tier lb: resular short clears, un. smoKcd, 12c per it; smoKed, izo per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12cr smoked, 13c per id union niitts. iu to ia ids un smoked, 8c per lb; smoked, 9 per lb; clear belrtea, unsmoked, 11 He per lb; smoked. liMa cer lb: shoulders. 12UO per lb; pickled tongues, 60e each. , LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c, 13o per lb; 6s, 13 He per lb: 60-fb tins, 12 He per lb; steam rendered. 10s, 11 V a per lb; 6s, 11 e per lb; compound. 10a lOo per lb. ..i .. J..., ..':. -. v-s FISH Rock cod. 7e per lb; flounders; e ner lb: halibut. 5Uc ner lhi.ntrlr, casa, iic yer ip( cairian, jveper io; ui- (Journal Special Service.) Paris, July 4. In aplte of denials on the part of J. Ogden, Armoucsnd other packers, that they are planning to V- tabUsh large planta in France, the prftj ects1 are real add they are already un. der way. For three months certain ber of his congregation. The preache ,iri atiiia in mo rieiitu uuwn,i unu, naa ibkbh b. iv-aara vacstion and navo riiwwji tuv iw iii n icnuni 1 buho east somewnera r ormai som but now their knowledge is definite 1 Plaint has been filed with tha h,.r.h enough to cause a growing sensation. board by the Injured husband, and tha ii KBini Liini, iiiira uuuiubiiidb, VBLCiin- i nnHrrpi wi na nairviiak-i si , ha mm. Ibly French, but really American, will nual Methodist conference in September, operate one plant at Bonneuil, near I In case the sccused pastor 'decides' to t-ans. zona a.- nun, auu uu bv uur- liana inai. MemDers- oi tne board ax deaux. At Bonneuil a large acreage nect him tn seni 'nntia nt hi Mim.. has been bought for a packing house. I tlon and retirement from th mlniatr. and olana have been submitted for the Rev. Ferguson - rd.h tn trnivit 1 . . I . . J I , MA,.HA11 I T, . . . J . " nppruvai ui im uiuukiiw cuuiiiiu. nwfl cnurcn one year ago rrom Jted- no unicnKo name appears, dui n is I lanas,. uaiuorma He is a widower, 49 generally admitted there that the "Chi- years old, and haa four children. He is ycaro crowd " is auPDiytng tne money. IK. .a! VanW fii-mr rimltv An nr... ldent of the French Stock Raisers1 as sociation, said that the report was any thing out raise. STATUE IN MEMORY OF CARTER H. HARRISON (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, 111., July 4. With Interest Ing exercises and In the presence of a large crowd a heroic else statue of the late Mayor Carter H. Harrison, who was assassinated October 28, 1893, was unveiled today In Union nark. A tablet on the pedestal of the statue bears the following Quotation from an nddreaa delivered by Mayor Harrison at the world's Fair on the day of his assaasl nation; ' ., . "Genius Is but audacity and aha au daclty of Chicago has chosen a qtar. It has looked upward to it ano knows nothing that It fears to attempt, and thus far as found nothing that it cannot accomplish. - , . I,, I,, i .ft i CIIEMAWA INDIANS LQSE BY CLOSE SCORE . 'N , . , . (Joornal Special Serrtc.). Dallas. Or.. July 4. The Dallas base ball team defeated- the Chemawa. Indian school In a fast game here yesterday afternoon -by a score of 6 to 6. There were few errors and the rame waa a. citing throughout. This afternoon the crack teams of McMlnnvllle and For est Grove will play on the local field. 'i ; in.- - sv a good talker, and within a few weeks aner taxing charge or tne church, every seat was filled. He Is good looking, and became the Idol of the women of his congregation. He had been here only a few months, when whispers of hia conduct with one of the "slatera" began to be heard. - ( MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WILL 00 UP IN SMOKE (Journal Special Service. New Tork. July 4. It wiiv.mii. ha. tween $16,000,000 and $20,000,000 for young America to ahow hla patriotism today. Thla for fireworks ainna with out the counting in tjie loss by flrea and the prlceof bandages and arnica. The trade tn fireworks thla vaai- ha. hn a record-breaker. Representative fire works dealers along Park Place? who handle most of he trade, said, today that New Tork'a flravrnrka hill thla v..v would come close to 82,000,000, while the remainder of the country would bring the total to nearly ten times that fig ure, at a moderate estimate. While the Old-fashioned nrankara atlll hnlrf . thalv ' place of supremacy Mi the heart of tha small boy. there have also been Invent a in iste years innumerable other ways to ourn up money, . v , TO FORM BOHEMIA MINING DISTRICT Dr.i F., F. V Casaeday. 4ye.-' -aaai anai throat, removed toJlt JDekum. Hours w ..XV, . wj . juain xez. ' (Special 'TMspateb to The Journal.) Mineral. Or July. 4. A"-meeting of Bohemia mine ownera and all others Interested In the Bohenjia camp ht been called for. July 13 In the afternoon.' Matters of much Importance to the dls trlct will be discussed and among othee things will be the organlxlng of a min ing uibvi ivv