t-. 'THD OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL PORTXAtlD', TUESDAY, 3ENirJ." JULY 2, 1007.7 If LL Town Topics TOXIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS . "I i. if'"'."" 1 " . i ' i Marquam Grande-Child actors ' la Xnstt . llifA aMim DflnrllLi ...Hi 4 a aies-- ..r...7.rTh Hou That Jack Built" .Grand .... . . .. . ...... i Vaudeville Baker .' . ."Oliver Twist ' 1 Ly rlo . ..,, i .... i i t A Fair Rebel , Btkr.C, ...?!- Ufa That Kills' .. Th. Dalra. ........... . ' ; " Oresham la to hare an : Independent celebration on the Fourth which will be full of tnetreet., Included In the program la ft prooession beaded by the 'llfs and drum corps of the O. A. R. and having as a feature a liberty car with a uooaesa oi woinj mo young. ladles, literary exercises will be held with a rousing chorus made up of lnnn from Troutdale. Fairvlew. Ores. ham and Pleasant Home. There will be an address by the mayor, J. H. Short reallna' of the Declaration of Inde nendeno. by Miss Maud Clereland: solo, by James Preston, and an oration by Waldemar Seton. A baseball rams will be played between snattucics Blues ana the West Ends of Portland. There will be horse- races, tug of war and Other features, closing with a grand ball. , "Twenty members of ,the Portland ommerclal club who have a 110 balance on the ledger of their affection for Charles Warren , Fairbanks, self-con fessed aspirant for the presidency of these United States, can have the pleas ure of spending that amount and eat ing1 dinner with the distinguished vice ' president at Seaside July 17. The As torla chamber of commerce In arrang ing for the entertainment or the guest of honor found that, owing to limited accommodations at Seaside, It would be necessary to limit the number of guests at the dinner. Accordingly the commercial club was aiiowea zo repre sentatives. The list Is now open and any 20 members of the organisation can attend the dinner by the payment of the necessary iiv. Any time that A. U Craig, general passenger agent of the Great Northern and formerly holding a similar position with the Harrlman lines In Portland, wishes to come to Portland he can have the whole Commercial club building at his disposal. This action waa taken by the board of governors at a meeting held yesterday afternoon when a letter was sent to Mr. Craig thanking him for the work he has done for Portland by distributing Portland and Oregon ad vertising matter throughout the lines under his direction. Mr. Crang was formerly one of the most active mem bers of the Portland organisation and has carried his activity and interest with him, even when moving to an other state. The managers of the excursion made by the business men of Omaha, Which gathering was entertained in Portland during the recent past, has decided to provide a permanent record of Its trip by collecting copies of all the news papers printed along the route of the excursion which mentioned the party either before, during or after the visit. A request has been made of all the publications along the line of the ex cursion for copies of the papers con taining the notices and comments desired. C'i.TT!, t.1PM?'p " Into f nrouiMi mcwf -company s he'-A,ld rom to the buggy there was no serious result, though the terrcVnen f lTna" iK . ppecial service for Vancouver for the rVl fu,;r Portland Hallway. Light A Power company's ears will asfonow?nd;in4. Wf h.,nton 11,1 ?iw.!k :16' i0' l0:09 i. tltS Ferry will leave Van Fsg in Tafia ,VHfn.,?r? tt,r Portland l$. Vm? ?' "I" 10:"' U:,? ?-,,n- '"Nothing will he done with r-wi tn appointments of city engineer and chief oi ponce until the executive board meets morning "Th matter should be fully discussed with the board before ap pointments are made and until then X ..CJ,9.. 4? "J rthlng about possi ble candidates for the noaltinna.'r i - Ira O. Shattuck this morning fUed suit In . the circuit: court. Jto- foreclose a mortgage for 12,150 given by J. D. McOowan on two lots at Cherry and Crosby streets. Jnhn dniular li miHi aaeienaant in the suit. It being alleged that McOowan sold the mortgaged prop erty to him after the mortgage was Fireworks and Firecrackers. We , are the only store to carry full Unas and biggest stock for the Fourth of July celebration In Chinatown, at lowest f rices, uimt ana Duy now ana avoia he rush. Bow Yuen & Co., 129 Second stroet. near Washington, next to Title Guarantee A Trust com pan y. The first spinal meningitis death to occur la July was that of James Boning, SO years old, who had been 111 at St. Vincent's hospital, for the past month. A narfl riant was made ty the nhv- slclans to save Bcmlng's life, but medi cal skill waa of no avail and he passed away yesterday. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between the hours of 6 and a. m., and 6 and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling street, If used contrary to these rules, or wastefully, it will be shut oft Mrs. Mary A. E. Stone, mother of H. W. Stone, secretary of the local T. M. C. A., died at the residence of her son, 18S Eleventh street, last night Mrs. Stone had made Portland her home for the past 11 years and had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances here. Ed Hamilton and Edith Cameron pleaded guilty this morning to charges placed against them by officers in mu nicipal court. Hamilton was given tnree months on the rockpile and the woman Informed' that her presence In Portland was no lopger desired. At the meeting of the Universal New Thought assembly tomorrow afternoon at S o'clock at A. O. U. W. hall. Wash ington, between Tenth and Weat Park streets. Sister Avabania will speak to women upon "The Hindoo System of Treating the Skin." iliSSSIs Wafer Board .Funds-Will Not ' Permit Outlined Policy Owing to Reductions. Carlton, Oregon, will have a grand celebration on July 4. There will be a log rolling contest, sports of all klndsv horse racing and automoblllng races, a balloon ascension, etc. In the evening there will be dancing and a grand dis play of fireworks, canton is now en Joying a good boom owing to the com sletlon of the Carlton Lumber com pany sawmill, one of the largest on toe coast. Train leaves Portland at ;a. m., -returning lat ta the -evening. When the trial of Henry Agre on the charge of falling to support his wife, Laura Aire, was called by Judge Web ster In tne county court this morning;. It was discovered that Mrs. Agre had 'failed to appear to give testimony against her husband, and the trial was postponed until Friday. Mrs. Agre lodged a complaint against ner nusnana last week, alleging that he had failed to provide lor her and their three chll dren, Ellis, aged 8 years; Truman, aged S yvarv, auu jltcuu, cu uiviiiuja. At a meeting of the East Side Im prov'ement association held last week officer for the following term were eleoted as follows: President Georae B. Frank: vice-president Oeorare E. Crump. and secretary and treasurer, George Race. The association adopted resolu tions commending the Seilwood Im provement club for Its attitude concern' Ing the plumbing trust and pledged Its support and cooperation in any manner possioie. The United States civil service com mission- announces an examination on August 12. 1907. to secure eligible xrom wnicn to mane certincation to nil vacancies as they may occur in the lm migration service in the positions of Immigrant inspector and Chinese in speotor, at 21,200 per annum, entrance salary. Men only will De admitted to mis examination. Tas park board yesterday confirmed the riyusio committee's selection of A. De Capno as band manager for onen air concerts to be given in City park during July and August The leader will receive $10 per concert and 20 of the players win be paid the union scale of II a concert Two soloists will be inured at IS and IS .'resneetivalv. ah Mayor Lane will speak at the Toung Women's Christian Association tomor row at 12:30 for-15 minutes on the sub ject, "Young Women and Civil Inter ests." All young women will be welcome. Excursion July 4, steamer Charles R. 8pencer, round trip. Leaves foot of Washington street at 7 'o'clock. Ball game, all kinds of races. Camas and tevenson play for $60 purse. Music, St Johns bsnd. Only such extensions as ars abso lutely , necessary will' be made by the water board this year, the fact develop ing at a special meeting yesterday Chat the funds appropriated were not suf ficient to carry on the Improvements outlined the first of the year. Reduo. tlon of water rentals Is responsible to a degree for curtailment of proposed extensions recommended by tne Doara. R. B. Lamson. a member of the board advocates transferring shout $20,000 from the hydrant fund to be devoted to laying mains In- various portions of me city and the board will take tne matter up at the next meeting. Construction fo the Portland Heights reservoir -and- pumping station at a cost of about $11,000 will probably be de ferred until next summer, regardless of the fact that the material has already been ordered and will soon be delivered. The board members present at the meet ing yesterday feel hat the money which would so Into the Portland Heights im provement mignt setter oe appuea to extending the mains elsewhere. If this policy Is adopted the pipe and pump win ne stored until next summer. The Portland T. M. C. A., represented by Secretary H. -W. Btone, yesterday asked for a reduction of its water rate upon the completion of Its new home. He argued that other municipalities gave reduoed rates to Christian socie ties, pointing out a number of instances wnere no charges were made, ne stated that if the present prices were charged the association tho water rent would be prohibitive in the new structure, and as a matter of relief the Y. M. C. A. would be compelled to sink an artesian well. Action will be taken on the request at the next meeting. NEAT PIN ADOPTED BY ENDEAV0REKS After Careful Deliberation Oregon Delegates to International Con vention Secure Emblem. Suit for divorce from Edwin Person was filed In the circuit court this morn ing by Mrs. Anna Person, who charges that Person has beoome an habitual drunkard since their marriage The couple were married at Brooklyn, New VnrV 1n AnrM 1SQ1 V n r. I i.ii dren, all under the age of 11 years. Mrs. person asks that sne oe allowed the ouaioay oi tne cniioren. The State Medical association will hold Its. twenty-third annual meeting at ni.a.. ... . . . . . . . bouiuv JU17 iz ana is. a ciam oaxe ana smoker will be added attractions. Papers will be read .hv eminent nhml. clans of this state and by visiting med icos 1 rum seatue ana Tacoma. uiscus'- sion win Toilow the papers. An inter eating program has been arranged. A horse belnna-tn in n Vnlff mrmt street plumber, ran away with Its buggy yesterday afternoon, running from First and Market to First and Columbia be- I WHO'S HOT? Oup windows. Ilk our hearta, are always open. Our laundry la on a corner, catching the brasses in all directions, and We Want Women to Work , in This Airy Place ... 1 .. We, pay big wages-aimost double stora par and give constant em-;' ployment Ws have added another story to our building andMUST bars mors help. ' "", UNION LAUNDRY . Tel. Mala 998. .. ', eooaa a4 Columbia, Burlesquers Wanted. Night of July $, In costume or otherwise. For par ticulars see program in today's paper. Special prises offered by 4th of July committee. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fourth of July Excursion Steamer "Undine" on July 4 will carry an excursion-from Portland to Multnomah Falls and return. For particulars see tomor row's paper. Burlesquers WanteYl. Night of July 2, in costume or otherwise. For par ticulars see program In today s paper. Special prises offered by 4th of July committee. Chamber of Commerce, bldg Burlesquers Wanted. Night of July s. in costume or otherwise. For par tlcuiara see program in today a paper. Special prises offered by 4th of July committee. Chamber or commerce bldg. Tonight at 'the information bureau. East Morrison and East Third street. the East Bide improvement association Will hear an address by J. T. Flynn on "concrete ana runnc uooks." It takes E minutes to boll "Golden Grain Granules," the cereal coffee. It is stronger and richer --than any other. Dan Kellaher, grocer, Portland, Oregon. We have a lot of second-hand single and double express harness, thoroughly overhauled, at very low prices. Keller Harness Co., 49 North Sixth street Drs. Darr and Qulgley removed to rooms 414-415-410 Swetland building. Phone Main ztui. Home a-soi. Kesi dence phone Main 1298. Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas. Washougal and way lanamgs, daily ex cept Sunday- ..Leaves Washington street dock z p. m. Excursion rates on steamer Telesranh to Astoria and way points July 2. i. and 1. uood returning 0 ana . sincie la round trip. Allen's Kushlon Komfort Shoe ease the feet In a satlsraotory way. "For all seasons." 405 Morrison street Horse races at Irvlngton track, July 4, 2 p. m. Admission, including grand stand, B0a . " Annual nlcnlo at Columbia university grounds July 4, for benefit of Holy Cross church. Waman's Exchange. 122 Tenth street lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal ell and fine gasoline. Phone East 789. Fishing pole oroox of candv with each pair of children's shoes at Rosenthal's. Perfect fitting eye glasses, $1.00. Dr. B. J. Mills, 111 Sixth, near Washington. W. Moore, expert photographer, building, Seventh and Stark sts. raics' Harness races! Running raoeel ington track, July 4, 2 p. m. Irv- After much deliberation and careful consideration, the state executive com mittee of the Christian Endeavor so ciety adopted a design for a state badge. It Is made of solid silver, gray finish, and Is a very neat design of Mount Hood in basrellef upon a shield, with the "C. E." monogram pendent. It is prepared at this particular time in order that delegates to the Interna tional convention at Seattle next week may have the badge then. It Is a very neat pin suitable for any occasion. The following Oregon state song, written by Robert Whltaker, will be sung: In' the name of Jesus, our Savior King, Happy words of greeting and love we bring, While we gladly gather to speak and sing In the praise of our King today. Chorus: Oregon! Oregon! Greets you now In Jesus' natqfc, Showers of blessings we pray on you all today Who the praise of our King proclaim. In the name of Jesus we'll work and wait; We will labor early and labor late. Till from end to end of our noble state - He Is King whom we sing today. Chorus. In the name of Jesus we bid you on, For the time for service will soon be gone; Let us never rest till the world Is won To the King of our hearts today. Chorus. Lsiesl.News Gfflslf Piriize CoMeslE 7 mm. EVERYVIAIL LOADED From every city and town In the northwest the letters are pouring in fi large office force i constantly busy opening, sorting and ranking business phrases submitted. Almost all have the firm name correct, and the contest becomes one of merit as to business phrases. A list of the best ones constantly grows longer from additions made with each delivery. Prizes will be awarded tonightwatch tomorrow's papers for further announcements. A These letters furnish a splendid illustration of the oft-repeated declaration regarding the versatility of our people. Possibly not one out of each thousand contestants ever wrote an ad in his life, and yet the great volume of the work meas ures' up to a splendid average in originality and terseness. H We are proud of the advertising brains of the northwest, and we shall in future write our ads m fear and trembling, know- H ing that a clever, thoughtful audience is evef before us. "You've Tried the Rest. Now Try the BesfS A promipent Portland firm that doe very clever advertising submitted this. It is certainly strong and catchy. How does it strike you? 1 HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND QOUQH STRCCTS SAN rBANCISCO Fecial SUMMER: RATKS New fcetel, faces Jefferson Sonar. ' Two blocks from Van New Ave th present hop ping district Car Unas traiwfarring ail orr city. Mas door. Jirerr modrm tmnrint 60 rooms single ore salte. IMprtvat baths. American and European plans. Prices moder at. Omnibus meets all trains. STEWART BARKEN CO. Th Hot! Stewart Opus September 1st SECRETARY GARFIELD AS HONOR GUEST Arrangements Completed by Com mercial Club to Entertain Gov ernment Party Next Week. Secretary of the Interior Janies A. Garfield will arrive In Portland early Saturday, July 13, and while here will be 'entertained by the Commercial club with a reception and dinner in the eve nine. Definite arrangements for Sec- etary Garfield's entertainment have Deen completed oy tne ciuo. 1 ne earty part of the day upon which Secretary Garfield will reach Portland will be taken up with the business of the rec lamation service which has called the secretary to the state and city. That business finished Secretary Garfield will be the guest of Dr. H. W. Coe for luncheon after which he will be taken for a ride through the city. At 7:30 In the evening a receDtion will be given the truest at the Commercial club parlors, after which he will be the guest of honor at a dinner at 8 p. m. BROOKLYN P0ST0FFICE OPEN FOR BUSINESS M "Cilrifvlr,,!." SMAVVAIUil Is submitted being the Indian name for everything- good; it it expressive and terse, but would have to be explained to the hordes of easterners filling up the northwest "Read and Be Frenchv" Is a clever play on the firm name; a number of other apt raria- H 110ns in ine way 01 punning were cauca lurui. vv c appreciate sj their wit, but from a business standpoint they are not exactly H the best thing. S "Your Playmate." Another semi-pun phrase that has its good points. J "We Play to Win." g A catchy phrase, but too suggestive of the green cloth, perhaps. "We Make Money by Giving You Your Money's Worth," I This is the right idea, but it is rather long for repeated use. j "None Undersell None Excel." I This is terse, to the point, and for an alliterative style, pleases. J "Everybody Plays But Father." I This man evidently has it in for his dad; perhaps they have a ! player piano at home, and "dad" hasn't gotten around to con- I quering it yet. The letter's from the county jail. ! 'Teaches for Dinner." Hard to see the connection there till you're told that "Reed- I French Pianos" transposed spell those enticing words. This J may seem to you far- fetched, but it's no more wonderful a I transformation than that made in homes Into which our pianos go. "Anti-Divorce Piano Company.' I The writer of this phrase is evidently an observer. He's noticed j the harmony in homes that possess good pianos, and he con- j nects the causes. That's all right. If anything will prevent I divorce and promote the soothing atmosphere conducive to peace, surely one of our splendid pianos will do so. "Do U Need a Pi-ano?" A little 10-year-old girl suggests this phrase, as being the pro nounciationCo"mmwto old-fashioned country folks, and there fore too well known and apt to attract attention. She explains very reasonably that her slogan is "better than Uneeda biscuit, because u isn t a biscuit at ail, but a cracker. ne says sne wants a piano, and bless her little heart, we'll help her get one. "What will cheer the young or old? What win cheer the sick or well? What is better far than gold? Reed-French Pianos; that will tell." An 11-year-old girl writes this little verse as her offering. It is certainly well done. "Reed-French Piano Co. Credit to the People. Credit to the Pianos That's All." This brings to mind almost too vividly the brand of whiskey made 'famous by the latter part of it "While You Play, Pay." Very good; terse; tells something. "We Always Tote Fair." The letter accompanying this phrase' set the office force to laughing till the head had to call order. Wish we could pub lish it. "The Joy Bringers. ' Pretty, suggestive and appropriate. m BXAVTxrtrx. nw Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-distance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, eafe la cart with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., address N. 8. MULLAN. Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Hotel. San Francisco. HOTEL HOLLAND aula Street, Bet. Powell and Mason. San Francisco. NOW OPEN Strictly Flrst-Olass, Absolutely Fire proof. 1M Booms) so with Bath. J. ODOBaTZXL. Kg. MOTEL AUDUBON sajt F&ajrcxsco xvaoriAv flab ovxt. Single rooais or n salt. Elevator, iIm host. lctrle llsbts ad U sxxUra eosToal eases. Strictly rlrst-elaa. CesvonUat t shop ping centers. On direct lis from forry and Third a ad Towaaeod dapot Bata 11 as. kb auu st near van peas ' C K. OANTKR. War. TFe Portland PORTLAND, OREQOM. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more la tb Portland Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere In the city. Bverj weekday night from t:lo to IS. X. a SOWXBS. afanagM. l TH Of PCURSIO LRA TES THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC WI1X SELL. . . Round Trip lets Between All Points on the ) LINES IN OREGON Wednesday & Thursday July 3-4, '07 AT RATE OF A Wj Pare and a Third Tickets must be used for going trip on day of sale. Pinal return limit July 5. Stop over priv ilege not Included. ' Minimum rate, 30 cents. Children 5 years of age and under 12, hall fare. Inquire particulars and purchase tickets at city ticket office. Third and Washington streets. C W. STINGER, City Tick Ageat WM. McMURRAT. Oen. Fiv Agt Portland, Oregon. . HOTEL LENOX OOB. TBXBD AID MAX BTS, Portland's- L-atsaast and Moast Modsrn Hotsjl New Building, conveniently locat ed, fitted with th latest designed furniture, hot and cold water la every room, private baths, modern Grill, long distance telephone, free automobile bus. sample, .room, free from noise, facing plasa. Rates $1 and up. rum limits AWiiiCiiiii Nineteenth Tear Opens Sep tember M, 1387 "; The academy fits boys and. girls for eastern and western colleges. Boarding hall for girls provides for a limited number. Elementary grades, - both pri mary and grammar, under th sera management. Office hours during the summer, a. m. to 11 m. and from S to 4 p. m. For catalogue, address; FOBTXJLHD AOASXJaTT. "The House That Truth Built." For lc call Main Hi. Co.. SU Stark. Ie Delivery Horse races! Horse) races I ton track, July , 1 p. m. Irving- Dr. B5. C Brown. Bye-Ear. Karquam. Oregonlaa Confectionery. 1SI Sixth. D. Chambers, optician, ill Seventh. Berger signs 284 TamhUK phone. Bark Tonle for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler -205 Alder. Riser. Scenlo photos. Imperial hotel. PERSONAL C J. Mlllis, general manager or the Coos bay properties of th Harrlman system. wlU leave for bis new post of duty on Monday next, making the trip to Marahfleld on the Initial run of the Breakwater. The steamship will reach Portland Thursday from San Francisco and will leave for her new schedule-on Monday., A regular trip will b there- alter made each ween. air. Minis will reside ,t in , Marahfleld ' permanently,, though bis famllir will not leave Port. land, for several moatha as yet.,.. The new postoffice established at Brooklyn was opened yesterday for the first time at Ml Mllwaukle avenue, near Brooklyn street The office was recenUy consolidated with the one at Seilwood and removed to Brooklyn. mucn againsi tne wisnes or many pa' trons. Postmaster Mlnto. however, af tr careful study of the conditions In which he was Joined by several of the postoffice authorities decided that the charm would result beneficallr to both places. Buperintenoeni j. js. Wilson is in charge and J. H. Butler is his assistant Six carriers are employed at the new station and one more will be added In a monin. rne aisirict covered by the sta tion extends south from Division street to tne city limits ana rrom tne Willam ette river to East Fiftieth street A place for the sale of stamps and money orders will -be maintained at Seilwood. LAEGE COMMITTEE WILL MEET DELEGATES A reception continue composed of 100 members will be named at a meet ing of. the Christian Endeavor societies this wee it to iook after delegates pass ing through Portland enroute to the In ternational convention which meeta In Seattle July 10. The purpose Is to en tertain tnose delegates wno atop over In Portland, show them about the city and supply them with literature furnished by the Commercial club and other or ganisations. It is estimated that 15,000 delegates will attend the Seattle fathering, f which number nrobablv 5.000 will atnn off in Portland. .. ...l -. -. : EIVER TRIPS FOB JULY 4 To Kagoon's Fark jud Oregoa City. Boats leave Main street dock 7:10. iMA m i. an a.A j.ia - . .irI trips back 8:S0 and :I0 p. jn.- Round trip 450,, Tlcketa axchancad with O. w. S Vg V , f fy. V A very expressive phrase, suggested no doubt by the children's play now on in the city. "A Living Is Ours, the Profit, Yours." Don't you like that pretty well? t i tin- 3 Crisp and breeiy. There Was Room at the Top and We Got There." JJ Some way, there's a lot of vigor to that phrase. We like it B" "There's Harmony in the Case." H Very applicable to pianos also the home containing a Reed- H rrencn riano. M "The Store That Makes Things Hum!" H The writer -of this evidently knows us pretty welL, A number turned to S "We're Both Upright and Square.' Another good pun on piano house words. i tnis pnase oi tne suojeci. "Wide-awake for Your Sake." I Lots of life and vim to that. i "Do You Reed-French Piano Co.'s Ads?" , Just think! A little 11-year-old girl wrote that, and spent a great deal of time on it because she wants to get the $100 prize so she can take violin lessons. Bless her, (he's got to have violin lessons, some way or other. "Makers of Music Makers" Is a very attractive phrase, that expresses a great deal "Home Builders in Mother's .Wake The writer of this evidently knows that music in a.home Is next to mother. ' We'd like to inVite you all in to read the many interesting letters and catchy phrases, each one reflecting thought and appreciation of what is best, but we couldn't very well, so we've let you dip in at random and get an idea of the way the contest is going. We thank you , for your interest. RfflFRENitPIANO CO; HOTEL MOORE orar AIX TKX TEA. CLATSOP B EACH, SXASTDX. OlXOOg. To Cliff Xoua f Oragoa. Directly ea tb beacb, overlooktag tht eeaaa. am aaii earns too urc aatmog. lUciaetlea star for- flstthst Sea paraare, leetno unia, nrapuc sea nmaee aaai. riae walks sod drive. Ss foods a specialty Sates, $2.50 and $3.00 per day SPECIAL HATKS BT TBS WCBK. DAM J. MOORK, nop. Marquam Qrand AXXBICAJr SnOXAXTT oo. - Vaudeville Jubilee I5-Bit Actl5 Plv Nights, Commencing irtrongsiT, txtlt a. sutuima inunua;. oaviuruar. Bunoay, SXAT0 SOW OV SAUL , -Prices too, 15c, 10c Matlneea lie, IS. Monday, July 8. America's Wnmmott Tragedienn. s ..',, STAjrcnB O'JIIUX. r - BAKER THEATRE Phone Main a. GEO. Ia BAKER. Oen. lfanasrr. Special 4th of July Matinee Thura. All this week, Cbaa. Dickens' famous play. "ourrm vwttv v With Georgia Woodthorpe and TJtfle Ollls Cooper, supported by mmbr of th. hiaVmr rnmnanv or BlavpaL Mauaaft . Saturday. Evening price. JBQ, lee too. Matinee. 16e, 16c. . : LYRIC THEATRE LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OREGON Spend your vacation at Seaside and at delightful Lockslev Hall. Mora attrac tive than ever before. Accommodations of th highest order. One hundred ele gant outside rooms; private baths; also trio lights; .' ot and cold water. Annex overlooking the Paclflo and de lightfully situated cottagea. Cuisine Unsurpassed. S' roods a Specialty. rmss bits acBBTS iu TmAxjra. p. Jh APsror. r.. a. cajujbu. yraps. Phon Main 48 S- This week th Allen Stock Co. Prnt- Ing Harry P. Mauson's Celebrated. Mllitay Drams, , ' "A TAXM BBBBV Matinees Tuefcr Thur fiat- autd Sun. Price 10c, 20a Every evening at 1:1, rices loo, zoo ana sve. Reserved seats by phone. Mala 4CIL Office open from 10 a. m.,to IS p. ra. i Vhoaa" THE STAR The Great Morallstio Drama, Matinees, Tuea. JThurs., Sat and Sun. at 1:80. Prices 10c and too. vairtf at 8:1S. Prices 10c. SOo and 80. 8our aeata for all perlormanc by phonev Main 849. . THE GRAND ; Vaudeville D Lux. Th greatest vaudeville bill ever offered 'the publle of Portland. Waek oC -July 1, headed by . ; j BOivasr a umumm, The bst skatoh team on American stag Don't miss this show or yoaTl aoiry. DAINTY F009 at Economical Prices for Picnics & Lnnches for the Week Ending Jcly 4lb J. P. Smith PltUd Qun Ollvea, 82-ox. bottles ............ .(J. JtK 3. P. Smith Pitted Queen Olives, 16-os. bottles ...,T5 j, f. emiui van uiives. so-ca. bottles ...604 Seville Queen Olives, 81-oa, bottles ..85) Seville Qua Olives. 10-oa. bottle ?....SS4i Spanish Queen Stuffed with Sweat Pepper 18-os. botnee..... ..75g opanian uuv oiuiiea wun sweet Peppers, S-os. bottles . . . . . , . X04 Queen Olive, extra Urge, bulk, per irallon . S2.O0 IDiporieu Manasuiuia yUTfl, PU1K. M at W4 T A -m Wa . . av ar d ""iKiriw Ajppra ur rlnsr. Mr can ............ URA jL.DA- orai in imponeaiupperea , Herring, per an m. omiin imporxeu noun , -- Haddock., ner ran. . 9KJ a. ia. omiin importea jreserved oar dine: Helna ardlnes H'a. . . ' .3S ont imported Boneless , ardlnea, large .'....,,. ...23 tslenne Imnorted 8ar i a..V..v... 15 a 7 varieties at popular price. D. C. DURns CO. Ai... JL FOURTH OF JULY iu mrss or ATTaaAcrroirs--per. formers, singers, motion pictures, tv. furnished for th holidays., streat fairs, etc Terms reasonable. . Newnaa ADcsement Agency ft run sad a lat f Amnj rt- Tmi at a . mmm ' A ) Wk. aWasatlonal XUnmlaa- V SWIMMING - BATHS, ' IXKll. ; ! Bnake-Eved Hora. Spray tt . V Mfe, Brassy Cbute. Aerial ; f Whirl, riarur laht. New k' Skat and Continuous HmI . . thi finlr Rink. Marrv fa- . V rousal. rR4TB-Bump, Swing f and Hiae-ana-seea aious. - , vnrwsss at rxm tattx 4 f v .. Kvanlng w Quick, i;un ' ! fnrlihln Ktila nn th rinnl.u I track. Follow th erowj and -vou won't ro wrona. l ' AXXi DAT UASCa. 4TX '