TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTLAND, - TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 'IV' 1807.' ;. y. ; .'. ii' )J--'.,; nr. h pEJffilDB IIE17 mWM 5IL1Z The store that is fast becoming recognked as the)RepresentatiYe House of , Bargains. ' The store which demands the respect arid commands the esteem of all peo-. pie who appreciate the value of money and the merit of value. Established on a firm basis cf good treatment, "good merchan dise and lowest prices, this bouse today numbers among its patrons rmoT nnnniT V s , r I II A I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 i . . ill II I , , miiiiii Ifll Spirit of the Teacher Infuses I people of all walks in life, people Many people who are neglecting symptoms of k 1 d n e y trouble, hoping" will wear away." are drifting towards Bright s Disease, which ts kidney, trouble la one of Its worst forms. ' h 'H-P SUCCESS 0 4 r 1 1 1 1 i f i i riix; the State Assembly f r , " at Salem. vV -: . PUBLIC OP CAPiTAJj . : CEOWBS THE HALLS J H ( . . . .. . State Superintendent Ackerman Key . noteg His State Sentiment on Compulsory Education Reception to Visiting Teachers. ; of good judgment, good taste ? and appreciative of true values. Errrcs clock gi TAisuLLrnca zttj xozna (SpteMi pbssks. tbs moimli Salem, July I.-Success marked ths ipenlng day Of the 8 tat Teacher' as sociation and . more than 500 teacher ' war In attendanca at yesterday's ses sions. ! The general sessions were Jg0tj attended and the Flrat Christian tti mntmlnv and flftarnnnn vatttArinara Linn oounty haa a delegation of about ioo ana- all wear T?UjK ribDons. "f oik county ha a delegation tr about 100 teaoher bedecked with yellow stream r and Marlon oounty furnishes a very large contingent Superintendent Si. T. Moore ia especially gratified at the showing made by the Marlon county teacher In attending the association. Portland furnishes ISO teachers and from every section of the state many are In attendance. sr atom's Hospitality. V While up to last evening only lit teacher had enrolled a members of the state association, the attendance at the meeting is not to be Judged by that entirely, for many of the teachers who are in attendasea will not Join the state organisation. Sal era haa extended the hospitality of her homes to the. teachers . and the street have teen decorated with flags and banners In honor of the oeeaalen. A huge sign "Welcome to Salem" haa been jplaced at the intersection of State and Commercial street and empresses well the sentiment of the population of the Capital Oity toward the host of vlsltjng teachers. 'a Attar . Superintendent J. H. Ackerman's ad - dress on, '"Compulsory Education" waa "na of thf .strongest of yesterday's pro gram. .The superintendent of the states of Washington.. IcUhoi and Mon tana mmrm tint nreaant veaterdav. Mr. Ackerman said in part: -''In olden . times we -heard much of men's rights and children's duties, but ' the modern world has come to realise that title Idea abeuld be reversed, and hence we believe in children's rights and men's duties. ,,., "In a commercial sense, up to a cer tain age the child's time is his own and by legislative enactment we have recog nised thla principle when the child labor lawa and compulsory attendance lawa were passed. The state recognises In these laws the fact that In far too many Instance the child, up to the age on 4 la a victim of the greed of the parent on the one hand and the rapacity Of the employer on the other, and we should never lose sight of the fact that the same condition may exist In an agricultural community, as In a manu . facturlng one. Human nature la the Same the world over. The minute the child's time becomes commercially valu able, there is tacit ' conspiracy be tween the parent and the employer to the and that the child's time shall be : eommenelally utilised to .the limit of the hUd'S fcndurftnoe. Vj. .Sr? ree freed JsMseTSsMr. 1 1 can say:.thl about ou own legis lature, irrespective of party.that (here la no aupiect on wmcn we can ajjpmu u them which' meets with suoh a hearty response as when we maxe an appeal re garding the condition of the children of the state. There Is no subject to which they respond with suoh great sympathy men of all parties. "And yet, are not the age limits too low, are not ine weaaening exemption too many, are. not the number of month of school lnsr too scant, are not the means of enforcement too , inadequate, in the mi hi la conscience yet aroused as It should be and will the time come anH that speeauy when every ciuia snail oe furnished with an annual schooling of 16 weeks up to tne age or it "1 would ursre in- the strongest nos - slble manner that the strong arm of the law be not evoicea until an oxner means have failed. I think the teacher should have a heart to heart talk with the parent, the school board, -use Its per suasive powers, and the people of the community intercede with the refractory farent before the child's name is sent o the county superintendent, but after all the moral suaalv mean have been of no a(all then the law should be en forced without fear or favor in no un certain terras." Bsoeptloa last HUM. The Baiem Teachers' club gave a re ception in honor of the visiting teach era at Elks' hall last evening which was larselv attended. The affair was . Informal in character. ThO address of welcome was made by Mayor George F. - ttodgers of Balem, and the response on . behalf of the teachers was bv D. A. ' Grout assistant superintendent of the Portland city schools. He characterised the viait of the teachers to Salem as a 'hnme.rominar ' because it waa here. seven yeara ago that the association bad Its Inception. Music was -furnished by r. K. A. Heritage ana Mr. von jessen the Willamette university muslo acnool. i Among the, county superintendents who are in attendanca are W. W. Wiley Kit Tillamook, F. B. Hamlin of Douglas, George Bethers of Lincoln, Mrs. Emma Warren of Clatsop, H. XX Seymour of Polk. W. C Bryant of 8herman, W. B. DUIard of Lane, W. L. Jackson of Linn. E. T. Moores of Marlon, M. C. Caae of Washington. W. H. Bunch of Coos, J. W, Kerns of Wallowa,- Lincoln Savage Of Josephine, C. B. Dinwiddle of Crook, J. O. Wlaht of Klamath, fi. I. Strattnn of Morrow and J. C Neff of Wasco. One of the chief entertainment feat ures of the convention will be that stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worq-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as It passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous watte matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, earning dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish .liver, irregular Jieart action, etc. If you hare any signs oi Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine if Tour kid neys are ontoferdor by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it la cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about In it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNBY CURB should be taken at once. ; 0. B. BsrilsMM Testlflee After Fee1 Year. . & a Bsrfcm trOtHM Carter. H. T, wrltM "About tour years age I wrote yea aWgsi f bad bean entirely eered of a sever kidney trclekTaf lei thaa "Ji'JCl Kidney Cur. I entirely stopped the brU dust sediment sod pain and symptemsof htdner disease disappeared. I am glad to aay that I have never had s return ef any of ttoee eyinp. mmtw uuiiu. ww .vim - i I an evtdeatl eared to star eared, and aeertDy reeoamead Foley's Kdney Oars js a aaa syjleflas Iron kidney or bladder eroalne. Twe tliea, BOe end 100. SOLD AID KEC0CSEK9HD Bf aUi Brnvooxaza. an BITTERS If anv man or woman- nuiicring iruin wens sium- acn, inactive aver or con stipated bowels "will take a dose of the Bitters before meals and at bed-time a wonderful improvement will soon be- noticed. , It cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cos tlvenesa, Diarrhoea, Female IUs and Biliousness. , " given tonight by William Lee Oreen leaf, with musloa! program under the direction of Dr. Heritage and Von Jes sen of Willamette univerelty. Today's Ficgramsi The general session program today was aa foUows: Morning session Reports of secre tary and treasurer; president' address, Alphla L. Dlmlck: nomination of offi cers: "Industrial Education for Boys." L. D. Harvey, superintendent of the Stout manual training schools, Menont onte, Wisconsin. Afternoon "Education for Otrls for the Home," I D. Harvey; "BJdncatlon From a Business Man's Standpoint," W. P. Olds, of the firm of 01da,Wprtman & King, Portland; "All the World'e a Stag, Congresamaa W. C Hawley, Sa lem. - - The usual sectional sessions were he chief topic aiscussea Doing ows: Superintendent' department County annual Institutes and local Institutes and the school register. Secondary and higher education High school curriculum, high school English and high school debating. City superintendents and principals High and grammar schools relations, the world's peace movement and par ents' meetings. . Advanced section Discussion of crit icisms on public schools, history and teachers' clubs. Intermediate Music, drawing, west ern literature, nature study and social aspect of the school. Primary Mature stuay, literature in the . grades, philosophy of numbei number work demonstration and held" tk as folio kindergarten. lc- Muafc Muslo for sr am mar grades and aubllc school music. A subject of general remark is the excellent balancing of the programs, ail sections of the territory Included un der the association being represented. Th response la equally gratifying. The percentage of those prepared with pa per is uncommonly high. Washington Boys Bonds. (Special Dlepateb to The JoomaL) Olympla, Wash., July t. The state board of finance today made the fol lowing bond purchases; School dis trict No. 24, Snohomish county, $50,000; Interest rate t per cent. Thurston county school district No. 8. M.004; Interest- rate S per cent. Seattle park bonds, 100,000; Interest rate 4 per cent. Seattle lighting bonds, 1 100. 000; Interest. rate t per cent. SPORTING NOTES Local and Otherwise. "Pop" Anaon will open his new semi professional baseball park In Chicago July i. "Happy Jack" CheSbro 1 pitching poor bf for the Highlanders, and New York fan think the former king of "apittera" ia near quitting; time. The Brooklyn team In the Major league has played the best ball away from home this seaaon. During their last trip the "Dodger" played all the teama of the National league and won 16 out Of 6 gamee. Wheellnr has taken a new lease of life In Mexico, according to the report of the American consul at vera urua. Amerioan made motorcycles are also marking their appearance Jn that part of Mexico. - Mra Wliuam Jennings jsryan naa ever allowed her enthusiasm for eye ing to grow coia, ana neueve tne sport f fare one of the finest forma of recre ation for women ever devised. Mra iryan unoouoteaiy apeaica wun aumor y. for She is a consistent believer In athletic." She can swim a, mil. Is a splendid walker, ana nancues norses with ease. ' Next to tne tire problem, no question of motor oar economics now looms more importantly than that or cooimg sys tems. - Air cooling ia excellent, but has Ita limitations. For water cooling ay, tema in which a Bums la -oeed. -there k We hart cone through every department, selected each articles as ars resHjr most needed for the Fourth of July, picnic, the excursion or whatever form of celebration maybe., Every department has responded Uberally and tonight we find the store fairly aflame with values, awaiting the morrow. ALL PRICES QUOTED HERB WILL RULE SUPREME WEDNESDAY -JUST ONE DAY. We have made plans for the: reception of hundreds of visitors and thousands of our Portland friends on this dsy. To make this day all that can possibly be and for the benefit of those out-of-town guests arriving in the dty after 6 tomorrow evening we will remain open until 9 o'clock, but as is our custom, will remain closed all day Thursday. ; ( .- .".-' "i,";' 50-Inch All-Wool Cream Panama 84c Yard The same cloth that we sell regularly at $1.35 a yard. Very seasonable tad stylish for suits, skirts or jackets, and the most serviceable of all woolen fabrics. Special Lot Handkerchiefs km rfnien of them. A vast assortment in hemmed pare linen and fine sheer brie TCerchlefs, plain or fancy borders; regular 10c and 15c slues, Wednesday.... . .5c fancy Silk Stocks We present a large variety of these, some in ribbon, others in beaded effects: these are strictly up in style and newness, all colors; these are our regular 50c stocks OCm Wednesday, choice .... m . ew."w Pillows for the Picnic ... j-r'" '.' AH ready for use, and a mighty nice showing of them; the $1.50 ones at 08; 4 OA those finer ones worth $2.25 at ...vAeeleJ Handbags for Wednesday's Selling-Worth to $5 $148 Genuine leather fat teal and walrus, nearly every shape and style, fitted up completely for women a accommodation: every bag from the lining to the clasp good in every particular; this (1 iQ will go shortly tomorrow at e e eye e e e Wednesday Sale of Gloves Gloves of genuine Bale thread, la white and black, large pearl button clasp; these are such gloves as combine every essential of style and of service; we picked these gloves, up to sell qukUy at 78c a pair to add ginger to this esse day's phenomenal sale we offer these gloves . , a- Wednesday at 45c Pair Hosiery at a Good Saving full regular made lisle thread Hose, in open work and lace enacts; colors, in white, tan and black, all sises and good 35c value; sires and every pair a good 39c value Wednesday or Pair 4WV Ml. e SNAPPY BARGAINS Throughout the House for Tomorrow. Every Department Presents Some New Phase of This Store's Policy "More Values for Less Money" Sills The soft fluffy China Summer SOk, full 27 inches wide, colors and white; worth 4Q 65c yard, at Also a 36-inch Jap SOk, in white, which we consider a 65c bargain, Wednesday JO on sale at, yard .tuC Kai Kai Corded Silks that take so readQy to washing, mostly tana and 13 nlack; 50c value, yard 1U3C Stand Covers 36-inch squsre. of good tspestry; covers prked modestly at 50c Wednes- JCj Pillow Tops AH ready for the pillows; pretty designs, and some hand painted; good 50c OQ values, tomorrow n7C Scarfs 60x20 white honey-comb Dresser Scarfs; easily worth 50c, tomor- 9Q row on.. . ..-. "ft For the Table 2, ft snd 3-ysrd lengths all linen Damask, good for the table, the outing or the 9 4 picnic; regular 50c cloths, ysrd .JtC Oilcloth In white, for the tsbls; the very best Q grade, yard IOC Toweling Bleached and of genuine Irish huck; the same that sells at 8 l-3c, yard UC :or ' the 41th Flags, BaHoona, Lanterns, .Buntlnjg In short everything that may be included In decoration for the home, the store or the street; these with the exception of the bunting go tomorrow at exactly half price; the bunting in the patriotic red, whhe m . and blue we offer at, the yard .....dC Men's Suits and Boys' Wash Suits for the Fourth at Little Prices Now is the time when a man should care less about his dally cares and more about his dress. The Fourth of July is a time when the man haa an opportunity to appreciate bis own appearance. Three great suit prices for tomorrow KUI make, worth $22.50, $20 and $18. $(Q).45 For neat, well-tailored Suits worth $15 and $13.50. $J.OO For the $10 and $12 talked Suits of other stores. The Suits are priced according to our prices, not according to those of other stores, where profits and prices alike run high. We offer these as the best suits for the money on the market, and we stand back of every suit Start the boy out the morning of the Fourth with a new Wash Suit on. He will enjoy the day a great deal more and in being careful of his new suit he will not be near so apt to fall into an ac cident. Three lots for the boy's selection 59c $l.29$l.79 For Suits worth $1.25 and $1. For Suits worth For Suits worth $2 and $1.50. $2J0 and op. Mighty cheaply priced are these Suits, considering the make-up, material and the good assortment in pat tern and color. There is almost one separate and dis tinct suit for every boy in Portland in sises from VA to 10. DONT OVERLOOK THESE SUIT ROOM BARGAINS TOMORROW Shirt waist Bargains All the popular summer styles, thin and fine sheer fabrics, dainty trimmed effects, strictly hot weather waists, airy, cool and pretty; $2 values at 75s, $8.00 values at 90e and the very finest of them AO all, $5 values at.. Pl.l70 Outing Caps for the 4th For the lady or the miss who wants a hat that can be handled roughly, yet always look neat; stylish mate rials and shapes; worth to $1.50............. .;.4D Straw Sailors, very cheaply priced. 49c, 98c and $ 1 .98 for Sailor Worth to $3.00 Store closed all day (be Fourth Open Tomorrow Night Till 9 No sacrifice should be too great for any lady to make in order to give this store a visit tomorrow No lady can regret the time she may spend in this store LOOK FOR OUR AD. WEDNESDAY EVt 7 w jj Guaranteed v r '1x111 Under the 1 - I I FOOD AND "IP I 1 DRUGS ACT J V l Serial No. 6768. (M vVA ' ' The Goopcl off True TempciranGO IS A MILD STIMULANT Terns A STRONG INTOXICANT. (Ordinarily, Beer is Just What You Want.) Famous a o) EM DAM It" .11 (gj St, Ly is 1 Is absohitely Pure and Healthful. Is Fully Aged, whloh means Ko Blllonsness. Is Thoroughly Stcrillaed, which means No Germs. SHOULD BE IN EYE&Y HOME. THIS STANDARD TABLE BEES OF AMERICA; Tho American Braviinrj OopzpB,-) CkjLcz:cS K B0THCH2L0 CROTHERS Dltlrttatert, 3 Csttlvi Caty mt tm Lnmttry Li the objection that often the pumtt runs there ls4a)evret'Whenthe-eBcin ee tha. most which the llonamlt la the ereat ezaenent in Eu rope, end the Max well the aole s4vantSLe el having the etrputetton of water lnoreeeeA la dl net riccsA ,ret' ntkv with th I Srd for tne i rem tK some Improvement reaaovjn eeousf, yae varaj-(rjfSA(a xstip, ex wS W uua I , ? 'j - " ."