THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING; JUNE 3, ir07. F 10 mmisBEGMonLitLuon-DomRSTOcinmDs ATHEL'JPORT Oottaffcira RapicUy , Settling: for a Summer by the Sea. , SUMMER SCHOOL TO V, BE A DEAINQ CAIU3 ,V l- ,'.ir frr- 1 1 FomHk of Jul Futtrltlet Inclode BxceUent Aqnntio Events Pro ml' xcuRsiori bent Arrivals at the Bech-New LOCIOG tajO U O UjO ' W'OI . . ' ' ; - ,r -1 v , r , Ktwport, Or, Jon tl. Th aMaon at Nt baaoD. Ktwport, haa opwad earnaat, ' Cottaga arc niltnf rapiyy. Tha Seaaida band rurnlibM mualo avarr vMlnc, WUob ta , rarr rnnoU appracl Tha winner achool eommaiMaa Tair asd . will . oooUnua .unttl Aacuat 19. It 'la axpactad taaohara from til avar tb tata wUl attand aa H will aomblaa aa ounnf vltB aa aaucatioaai eonvanuoa. Arranfftmaata hava ; baaa mada tor auparb camplair rroua4''ter:.tlioM 10 '"It any paraon poaaaaaad af ft tatara tin aya wUl alUat from tha Van couver ear at Meora aroaalnr. tarn to tha left, to through aaarlr two tallaa of potato patehaa, anaadoira, thlatlr and willow traea. ha wlU eotaa to tha aank of tha Oragoa alough. from wWoh. If moaaaltoea da aot obaear tha Wight, ha will ba abla to vlavr tha futura nodal cJtr of tha Union Uaat oompaar.i Thara la no city vialblc to tha ay at th praaent tlma, only raaoh of two nillea of waterfront property, aom 1.900 acrea of half-aabnargad land, aoaia tumpe and noma tent. But oat la tha middle of iha Oragoa aioagh floata a big. redt puffing thing, wfeoae long rub-bar-jolnted anout f flroa U throwing forth tha bottom of th Columbia over th lowlande at tha rat f lit oablo yard aa hour. Xad-Produot at Worth . ; Wednesday laat thla big laad-prodaear wia brought tip tha alough and put Into poalUon for tha long tk It haa before It. Thuraday a' long Una of pontoon t was atretehed from th dradg to tha middle or ua jowiana ua wm vim '! pump were atarted. In a minute an flowing out over tha land, ; , Thla marked tha beginning Of a proj " ect which la. deetlnad to ba of great moment ta the future hlatory of Port I land, th erection of a $1,000,000 atock- yard and picking plant .under tha name of the Union Meat company and I tha ownership of the 8 wlft: Packing company. On tha lowland where now , ) the carp feeda on th paaturee . when i the river la high It la planned to build a city to house tha people mat wji ' matte w Industry, ake their existence out of the packing Aiiatrv. Mitre will be a alue factory. nil tnniifcturln riant, a wool-null. ary, and perhapa a acouiing mill, a tan. y ana an me oiner jnauinos nicii their nature eluater about -the point V QaV!VL ,': : ti. )la to eover them. Blf Drtdr Startlnr on Flit for Paeklnr Plant Site and Quartern of th Men at Work. baaa made, It will tak 1,000,000 eublol ' : .. ., . .. ... . . yard of river bottom to flnlah the Job. Th manager of th company aatlmata that , tha dredge, by working 'dy and night for ' j year or 18 montha, will ba able to hava completed auch a part of the work, ; that It will b poaalbla - to erect th atockyard and the packing plant. It 1 hoped that in that length of time the plant will b In operation and th work of maklnr Portland one of th greateat . livestock center and Knvnnrt will have a Ftaurth Of JU ine zeaiurea win om hi. packing headqtiarter - of th United I Q0Vi.n .ti. v Btate will b actively under way. I Th ' itivilmMi aa ' nlanna wilt ha I hnat anil row boa. t - racaa for DrlBe ...Ma dftA ... n aatMa I I ner Will Jo vm II imiu " - w I K .w,rilnM nf tVia Rllata reaarva. eaca oay, ana in in am lengxa , oi i tl0t. , , Baaeball gamea'ar ohdule tlm MOO bog, and from 6,000 to 1,000 The day will ba closed with a f rand arti mi Am iMi-nam Mai aval fl mvsA tYtm AmATtA . AisDlar of t irtworks t night from boat increaaa, th capacity will ba enlarged. ,teamer rrancla H. Laggett la Tha yard will b buljt. not for tha due to arrive from Baa Pedro f or ' a exolualva naa of tha Union Meat com- cargo of lumber for that port , It will Kny and lta packing plant, but. will take 1,600.000 feet, ......,. i., an open market for tha northweat . Fifteen oottage are now ta ocmrM of wner atocicirrowera can Dring ineir aiu-1 eonitruetlon on wye neacn. mala for rublic and private eale. I Charles B. Moore aa Tha packlng-nouae ueeir wut d oapa-Balom ar living In their summer oot- at the start of hendllnr 800 head of tin at Kva baa oh for tha eeaaon. catUe and 1,000 head aacn of ahaep and , Mr. Ida parrla and famUy of Oor hog every day. EvrypojHntment of I valll ar In their eottag for the auav- ino msmuuon win i) ox in inosi mm eottaga laat la building ern aelectlon. ao that tha plant will Del . r v. Cartwrlrht and family of Hat I Monday. Mr. Cartwrlght M bull aom i.00 acre will . be fllleul Banker, ta via penvvMVH, ""w a-v --- t at Mi vei I vniitiv weaaaj " th most complete and convenient of rleburg moved to their new it west or vnioago. .- i Monday, jar. uar To provld room for theaatwo begin-1 two other cottage. aril within tha IS montha apeclled. bany are eonatructlni belr oottagea, It 1 a email beginning that haa beenWhich will be ready for occupancy by r tna peninsula, i Aurust U ; f nding. If Banker J. Hendrlcka and family of in mean a Eugene will arrive ehortiy ana c rve alon' I tha.ii attrnmar home On' Nye beach. th two-mile atretch of -waterfront, Itl q. h. Gordon, th contractor of made out . the wood o: but It will have a larpe ending. I peninaula, Auguat U long line of docks and wharves a Ion" j tetr summer home On Nye bead the plana ar carried out It will mean a Eugene will arrive shortly and occupy ng don ana Raiaton ox ai- itructlng. th oupaa d faml: and o baanh O. H. Oordon. th contractor of Port. will mean a 40-foot harbor a quarter of hand ha his oottage well under way. a mil wide, where th largeat ahlna lua arnanta to move in br Julr 15. that carry freight can load with Ora- The ' new roUer akatlng Unit haa gon-grown $ and ore-on-reeaea meat opened for th eeaaon and la wU iMnrai aa I . - I at Jl fva tti4 HMiAn mjnA m wall TM.t products for th oriental trade. ' . I It will mean in lta ultimate evmpn-t Mra. O. Sperling of tndepndne ! tlon a P11", that will employ, from j gpendlng a few weak at th beach for asu r-ai w awvji?i , .nuuao,jiuv wa iioia Alllfr nttaJTIh 1 will mean a market for livestock of thel Mrs, p, b. Byma and family of Bpo northweet,4 It will mean that : Portland kan. Waahlngton, ar located In their will take its rank aa tha packing canter aummar eotta at Nre beach, while Dr. of the Pauflo northweat coast. from which each day thousand of eat tl. sheep and hoga paaa from Ufa Into tha realm of "beefsteak, mutton ohopa, llvcr'n baoon. V Th big red dredg now buay racking ap th bottom of th alough ha a long, hard Job before It. In .time all .of th l.uuv acre ownea. Dy mi uiuoi nw company will have to b built up from ne river oea unxu ii is no longer jmw lbl for the backwater of tha Colum- ccordlng to the estimate that have I TTIii BIO G7(m WTTH TTHl IJrrTLO PSICQ3 Mm -the IhSpecris ToHslp Ycap:!2brcto tho Nctional Holiday lb MEN'S OUTING or FHEIEE-PIECE SUITS Coodstinj? of the t?c33orV cnartcst single or, dou ble breasted Myks nd 25 psttcras to choose from. Our price ; , ,rv;;r, v' "; ( 12 f , Some stores ask $1500 for them and others- even j4--". r v ' ' "' more. , , r ? , GENUINE PAN ARIA Regular $5.00 values.. fc .$3.95 Regular, j $6.00 raluef . $4.85 Regular $7.50 .values.., w.$5.85 ; Regular $10.00 values $7.(X MEirSOUTINQ PANTS, regnhr $3.50 and $4.00 values .. ... M v.. ... . ... . .. ,$35 CORRECT STRAW HATS Split Sennit and Mackinaw, in all the Jlatest shapes; the quality other stores tell for 50c to $h00 more. MEN'S FANCY BAL. UNDERWEAR, regular r 75c values, our price, per garment .... , 50c SEE - WINDOW. DISPLAY CO.irtSR OF WORRlSOn AND SECOriD STREETS Secretary Tift Says Alarm ists Are Candidates fpr :. Ananias Club. ; going to- anyone In , ,. Isthmian .canal work,;' (Xaant Newe by laageat taaaed wln) Washington, June St. Seoretary Taft today labelled a absolutely fals the abarg of graft on- th lathmaaU- "Af ter inveatlgatlng every charge which ha been brought to ray atten tion whether apparently well-founded or not, X hay been unable to find a single penny of graft connection with he declared. The statement was mad fey th aeo- retary--when-til" attention waa called to ua atatements that apeoiai aaoount aata have been eent to the isthmus to examine the booka of tha disbursing of- rioera or tn commission, vvnen colonel Ooethe) assumed charge of the work he asked Secretary Taft to hava a corps of azperta sent to the isthmus to count th cash , on hand. Four experts were eent and th result mat to ac. counts balanced exactly. 1 AINSW0RTH SLATED r ., FOE ISLAND COMMAND (eeret Kewa by Leaaest Leaaed WfceJ Washington, Jun it. Major General Fred C Alnaworth, adjutant general f tha army, 1 elated to auoceed Major General iJaonard Wood of th Philippine division. The chanjre. according to are. ent indications, will be made next fall. when General wood win ana nis tour of dutv in tn rmiioDin ana return to 'th states to assume command of th department Of th - east Major General Fred U. urant, at present com mander of the department or th east. will be transferred to Chicago In com mand of the department of th lakes. DOG POISONER AT . KLAMATH FALLS aaBaiaaBiaawMBaM t 1 j. (Bpectel Dfcpatck to The ?oaraat) " Klamath Falls, Or.; June 29. Much Indignation ha been aroused . her by th wholesale poisoning 0f dogs. As Is true la .all frontier towne, nearly every eltlaen In Klamath Falls owna one or more eanlnea, and of course each la very much attached to his own. Conse quently when th atreet was strewn with nolsoned meat and many dots war victim there waa great Indigna tion. A. rward of $200 Is offered by th gun club for any Information don ee rn In g th guilty party. WESTON YARD BUYS 1 MORE BRICK SOIL (Special Dispatch t Tbe Jourasl.) ' ' Weston. - Or., June J9.The Weston Brickyard haa bought of J. X, Glsh his entire addition to the city of Weston, which -constats of nearly 10 acres in th lower part of town, for 120.000. Tho yard management ? has demonstrated that the 'soil therein Is of superior qual ity for brick-making purposes, and haa bought this land with a view to future ! extension or. in brickyard. HOOD 'S BUSY : FOURTH E Unique Feature a Marching: Chorus of Hundred Yolees in Parade.., , 8pcial , Btrattj a ne learaal) Hood ltlvar. 'OR, IJan ll-Prepara- tlons for lood Rlvbr's big Fourth of July 4 celebration hav 'been completed and v m program arranred for th dav that' provides' for' eontlnuatloa , of event prom' 1:30 la th morning until th laat skyrocket, la ahot heavenward after dark, ' Rata jof orie and pn third nav oeen aeoureavon the O. B. A, N. railroad from' pointa within ,200 mllee and boat lines haya giaated a reduced rat ' of on far. ' Th Mt Hood road will provld a special - train to bring celebratora to Hood River and has made a rat oi on iar to point on it line, Tha dar will bar in with a naraila n th morning - constating of floats deo orated for tha occasion, cowboys, In dians,' achool children and a marching uuoru. os. jluu voicaa ainsinr nacnrrrin aire Tha procession will be headed by th; Hood River band, followed by . a float - bearing tha goddeaa of .Hbertv axter which will com member of th city government and carriage contain ing Judge H. H. Northrop, of Portland, who 1 vo deliver .th orauon, and other gueaia ox tne city. . : v-. ., During tha exercise at tha. park tha Declaration Of Independence will b read. Th sports will commence at 1 o'clock with a ball game between fat and thin men, followed by footraces, sack races, baaeball throwing and other Held sports, for which prise In money will be given. A ho laying contest will ""bo a fea ture late in th afternoon, for which a prii or lie win b gjvea me winner and 110 to second. Th day will wind up with a tub rao and log rolling contest on th river and a display of flrwork. CONTRACTS LET FOE , GIANT BATTLESHIPS nant Kews by Longest teased Wire.) Wajihlnarton. Juna 28. Tha - Fore River Ship A Engine Building company of Qulncy, Massachusetts, and the New port News Bhlp t Building & Drydock oompany of Newport Mews, Virginia, were each today awarded th contract to build on of th two 20,000-ton giant batueahips authorised by ' con gress. ' ' . I t' Byrne Is campaigning his state for th Democratic nomination for governor. . H. Zonhar snoup. pnysicai cuuur Di rector at the state normal school at Monmouth.'- wm nav cnarg or , atn- letloa and physical culture in the sum mer ehool courv H will atabllah headauartera at tha Auditorium at Nye beach. - Ha will bring a large amount of pparatua and Da wui aquippea xor w irnotton in basketball and tennl. W. P. Winora. president of the Farm ers' bank at Walla Walla. Washlngtoft. will head, a large following, who, will spend the aummer at. Nr beach. ,'n s Sold Liquor to Indian Woman. . - '(Speclil Dhpetcb te Tke eataL) Pendleton, Or., Jun 2. For 'lllng liquor to an Indian woman tn-to rear of hla saloon, th Log Cabin, Jam - the: SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' . WILL.SELI.: :: Round Trio Tickets Between All Points on thtiJ LINES IN OREGON i Wednesdays Thursday July 3-4, '07 AT RATE OF A Fare and a Third Tickets must be usedior eoing trip on day of ialc Final return limit July 5. ; Stop over prir ileee not included, t Minimum rate, S3 cents.2 Children 5 years of age and under 12, half fare. laqulr particular ' and purchas tickets at city ticket offlce. Third and Waahlngtoa atraeta. - s C W. BTINOSR, City Ticket Agent. WM. McUtrRRAT. Oen.Pasa Agt , . - Portland, Oregon s , ii ii'sJi ! I i. i aataWm nlli.., Meaplt proprietor of that placed was fined 130. In police court, , , - " Piano Recital. ' " Oa Monday evening. July 1. at iMur- lark hall. Twenty-third and Washington (tracts. Miss Marie Soule will present Miss Ktnei ttarasaai in piano reouai. Mia Barkadal wUl be assisted by Mlsa Ann Pitohburn, soprano, Mr, John Clair ' Mon tleth. ' bari tone Miss Chal mtrsi Dlanisk: and Mrs. Florence Hoi lister, accompanist No .admission will be charged and lnvitatlona may be se cured rrora Miss uouia and' otnar tax. tng part la th program.) ' - v A Wemect RdbiP Rubber Sanded Roofing U made in our own' factories under the personal enipervision; ( of roofing experts, backed by a quarter sl a ' century ,;i roofing experience.' We ; stand, back of every foot sold,!. because we know we can "make good" 'every claim of. its " uperioHty. -.5; f--;,', V ;t ? , M iit..VIh! 1 pltUBBEfl Roofing tss?.:.f5; wear- . That hard J flint" sands, surface is proof, and eUminates-all .paint expenses. ;A ootoplete roofing kit with every roll . . , Any, man with a hammer,, a knife and " an old paint bruh.can lay it right." :;txxmpiete;Kooiing Guide sent it - free : with ' samples' an4. prices. , Ask for it. SbA.BTVO'SBEir tt ,OOh . - Id and Taylor. , . XOOAXi 4? .'1 : mm HQLL PilFEIl ICt ANGELES , CAL. , Hanafaotu ran . ' HMMMMtHTHWvvfvvvT 1 I J I I 1 tAeVl I I I I -" ---in ii-ri ----- - - I 1 Mprom Maker r to Player1' 1 - t M Fast.Traia Servicer tt In addition to the doubla dallV train service now In effect, the Canadian Pa cific will on. July I inaugurate a fast schedule, giving ' trl-weekly service . be tween Vancouver ana Montreal. The new train will be known as tbe Trans-Canada Limited" and will make th run between Vancouver and Montre al In 85 hours. Passengers for Wlnne peg, Toronto,- Montreal,-New York, and far eastern points, leaving Portland At 1 n. m.. or 4:30. will make, direct con. jieotloos at yanoouva ,wlUii thla ,trala Pianos Sent on Approval Sixth and Burnside t