THE ' OREGON SUNDAY i JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND,: SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 30, 1807; OR BALK HEAL ESTATE vnn bat.t! ' . 440 Two lot at Grave Croeeing, Mt Beott cerllne; graded itrU, city water; terms. $126 Choloe 1ote la MonterUla;amaU cajn payment, 16 per month. . 1460 Twn run lna In fan ajM 1 , : block from Mori ta villa oarllne; Aerma I 4 IS25 dhojoi lot In City Vlaw Parit; . terms given. :., . V ' $750 Oood lot In , BawtlHorna First gooa residence aismot, near!.! FOR 8AIJE REAL EST ATT. y For. Sals- 'An-IdealiHom . FOR BALE FARaiS. -i Washtagtoil & Oregon ;v; vv Realty,Co. 11.806 -160 arras iu mild from rati road In Clark county. Wash., 13 miles iron, vanoouver; 10 aoree in cuiuva- rl FOR REJTT FARMS .W.:W..Espey ROOM tit COMMERCIAL BLDO, ; Corner JId and Washington atA -'. ',-. .' 965-Acre Wheat Ranch Exchange In part for large stock " A bargain, 7-room house with, bath; lot it 0xiu6, corner; nara nmsn tnrougn- 1850 Corner lot near earllnA'll rnln. , utea' ride from business center. f 11.100 Full block, consisting mt t Jpta, l block from oarllne, tula aid I out with hardwood floors, full . bae- mm m at r rei rm msmt w it " . i 1 1 . .,-. .a ,ua romi ax r a ii VL , -41,660 .Two choice inside lota en Sal-l kinds; it n awinor fans aaa; tweinousA . soon. ; 1 lookl -unoioe -corner iota in liaw-1 see tion; jdo acraa river bottom; xamuy or- ranch In western Oregon ; 660 acraa now hard; now 4-room rustlo nouao, coat JB wheat and barley, which will threah 16001 email barn: t head Ot Cattle, from itfloa tit ilnnA hmhdi of a-raln cowai in iirm , raipiimmii w year; rood buildings, oronara, wa feneed; fin aoll;' Investigate thle before) ter, ato.; all well fenced; on fine road buying, to railroad and etoree; in Oraaa Valley, Sherman county. Price 180 per acre. Would exchange for a good a took ranch I 1 ' a . ... . . . . ... . mjt.m i i ai.TDO ii acrea. i mun inrai nr nari. wan locautd in weatarn ureaon: i goVd weFC plpd'aTl through ". Clark, oourfyj 11 acraa la tultl. Wlfi bear inVaaUgitloi i" : 7 ng for a home it wiu pay you to I ... i7.m I . .' , ' 1 X,f krrr h hafnre vnn hurt it u built " "now Wlin wirai.u ""' ,.; '. ' V a V V ' V . i ' . thorna Park, tha Mop H1U cf the aaat for a home, price T 11,000, caah or ln JW, ,,nowr-n?, 'itfA. TWia i . h . ataiimenta, or win traaa ror land in I ;. ' ----- T" . 1 " V lPna biook t li'",,, ,7 "ill .'V right locality Houae at 101 Wabaahl""" r . , , mga; pnoni . 1 bloc fromcarltne; fljoo takaa tha at:. Montavilia. or. Writa or oail on . . cloea fo ac ,i-wi'i..' ... : i:.'-..: 'il.f. 7Y . -.3 .'.-' I :: -r-:;.r. -l.r . M00; - - tn.vyv iji on weai. aiae on iiui bi. I . - - i i,ioo 100 acrea, a mini irom ran ,, , , , Bf.rtLoT8l'rJ th'a Jpropertr In t ' -' ', : -v . . Iroad and boat landing. In Clarke county. V ' , ba worth tt 0,000, ' . ; "'1, DCLailO I Waah.; 10 In cultivation; all fenced with j 5 r;:t; ! . .. R- I CATE. IK ITATtK ST. '"i "' I V rwfr ma"unTi VTT.T,i s I Wire: houee ltxll: barn 16x40; half mile i . in. v!: ' FIRLANri.. " r T V''"IrthBL: f to achoou it acres aaadtd ta graaa; fine CY.;;- j' online? a moar hAantinii aiintiink i - . . ' . inu. . f . Waahlngton countyj Improvements ana macninery, gooa ouua- in noueej on gooa Loma hooL B. P. V. mall, Price term a. Xl.a&flm T.fftrtw. mai1ih kMiM X 1jM "'I1.2S0 caah. halanna mi tarma." r. t, v li.800 -room modern oottaga. good .yHInfpf' i,flreplac,k baaement; I lota, - 100x150. Wutlful lawn, aaay terma. ' Oood -roora houee on K. lit N. near Tillamook convenient Fine Farm aiii 1 inrAt t lift iami land, nair lmnrovea ana in ; IcroD. 10 acrea In hay. 10 In grain. I I acrea potatoes and roots, a fine gar- -LJ ' ' a :1 . aen oronara. sv aoree line nmotr, iuuu 155 acrea, nwea rrom waenougmi. h0Use. good barns and chlcken- na rootnousa. atooa. it eows. l year-old steers, 4 yearling belf- . i miisiai rrom roriuna u icidi in uuiic i itrkiieijkai av to tha vtion and In crop; all level and fenced; buu, I- I, MS0 -room modern Jionse, t lota, JJ-'S0 , T5nlt ?, family orchard; team, new wagon; cream oi chickens, f mower. 1 rake, 1 hay II. 040 caah. balance eaay.'V . , , - U- for .". i.r ih ti aeparator: farm Implemente; t good fork. 1 harrow, 1 disk barrow. good il.tOO t-roora modern? new housa. JlSfl'l.l I0 ,iJi ,A,70tta.X',,r owe, Wa aonte chickens; Small eultfvatora, 1 roller, I cream separator. ! ' 11.000 vaah, balance 111 per month, Ao au,r,.3,fT T.u a Jron i TTrttr piaoej Jlne black soil, no bet- I tona old hay la barn, I hlvea bees, all .' i!J.(--5-room modern Aouee, 4 lota, g,' . SSXyii LIXawa lari IM0C . ,. n , the- maohlnery. Price ' 11,100 15.000 , t00 cash, balance easy. tOt-IOt BwetUnd bldg.. cor llh aV Waan. ,..,,, '. ' cash, balance time to suit, t per cent, -.'t 1 1908 4-room house bath' and tollat ' Botb phonee Main 1410, A-IK4. ' .. .,.', ., i ; or will aall half of tha land. II In cul- if . I J "J SO Acres UJO cash, balance 111 per month.' (TWO FACTORY 6ITE8 ON ft. R. WITH I " .BOO-10 acrea - In' Clarke county jtlvation and In grain and graaa, aome I nava aome nna homii ranarin m I ataei buunina- at a rest caraain Mil Wi.h. a miiaa tmm m k. atation. one ( una umoar at xo nar aera. Price from 190ft to 11.000: soma nlea letal 4 dare: at EL Johna. Or. H. ti. Oaden. I half mlia -to arhnoV and church: SO acres 1 mvr men un euy terms. . r icw .mini' rnrat ju. im, i in nne ataie oi cvuiviuun in uiufi J. H. DORM AN, . r 1 family orchards new 1-atory. a-room Flrland Btwtlon, Mt. Bcott earllne. ' 4 FOR RENtrrFARMS. ' . house; good frame barn 64xl, Binder, IS caah: 110 ner. month, l-room 111000- BUT8 UOO-ACRB HTOCK - MvuaTo, Btlliai aft VTlMr, UWIf -, 1500 lift- per month. gooo cnicaen yar lit! eaah huva -lot, one block from car. 4 house: small cellar, close to car. ii2K. I ranch; splendid water and some good 7114. .h.7.l I MF nantlL the vicinity of Portland;. II acrea im- oaiance e years, e pvr .. moaern nouaal alaetrla lla-nts: rooa aar. ',V" pw "- . , den; iot 76x100, ll.toa.. T , I nniMtngsr eronug; jraui irwus synvcaan. izo ner montn. i-room maa. i 1 . . Iiiiuwet, u - -"Mb more partly. Implementa; to;V"'lfijicft bilanca flmber, 10 head cowe. II head young stock. 111...... A u-..' 10 acres, good toll, 26 acres In crap, oiearsa ana in pasture, etc: fine land, nice water fend several fine rmontn7 i 'hoasa, timber; good outrangVa o .adjoining aheeft 14 fifa? t3 iorlnM" choice roa"esf d othVr flowerJ yard: lot tOxlOO; 11.100. Unas; cash., f,. K25m5itefe. i? iS of tha Ibaal bout the house; all 'klnda of amall uye J-room bouae and ant v. a. ... a " TTT 1 . -ll. .1 fhi?,aTvl! t. i loofl Taaah. fruita and berrlea: good houae, barn ; from car. . TT t.B.8 " one of tha flneat homaa In buys oj themarket. Terma 11000 easn, j condition; ehloken- houae, etai 1 cow, 1 belfer coming in fresh, 60 chickens, I hours, wagone, top I . .:. . . -.' : I M 1 . j MM ,m I 11.800 M acrea. IB mllea from Port- mower, aorae raice. biowb. amau .elfer; chicken? " bar Warden laid in Waahlngton county in th. ; . ai.o nou-enom t--: eta; half caah. V ' . Tualatin valley; $6 aorea in cultivation. E-i.'Sr2ii. it lri!t ao? ' " ' r lit aorea slashed seeded to pasture. It SP?"! ' F-..m i,?r,c !'"?2 - u ...... v... I hmat, .r. h! amali trk- all I li.vuw oo wo, oaianoa on Hat at e per ero houae; M, acre, claaa to car. 11.500. ""i.r 11.100 cash, 126 per montbl-jroom j t00l moaern nouse. h acre, iu. WW sen I -.a ' 'ltu5Z3'Si2- KnAt'M?-.a-! mvV;.- " Irsl H mUe from atation fenoed and level, on main county road cent ... " 17.7JV . - f h!!?-7hP. Una Juet eutelde of cltr ltmiu: to Hli.sboro: new 11 -room house, large ,v f f&J'&Z VLll- w. good..bulld!nga. orchard, . berrfea. well barn and other building-, hmUr orch.- ; v- waa f a-s f nrt -all 1 TaariMd r WOU1A Mil AV Or XB 1 airil Paar a anil flflB lOaailOTi: Lairznsj. ana acreage, -uince open every aay u url. cagrad. Terma. I ' . HAK.H HUBS, ' I tl.RAS . eannrea a maoA home near y-v . Laorelwood, Mt- Beott oar. -' I MoniAvllla: lot 100x101 feet: 6-room cot- 3-4 Acres 11,000 caah,. balance Ion time. . , 1 acres, IH tnilea weat of food 'V' j . Ion a good county road; good young or- 110 acres, t mllea from Washougat,! chard; fair house, good barn; Z0 acrea , j CDI.-'nTiT frTO . VLTW-ir "rtVTt V 1 IAA. I .Mil -l.t-ni ahrnhk! IaI Will I ytl I . . . . A ..... I. ... 1mm . I Im v.ttt. m.. mm MtKaf vrn faMjt M nl 14 acrea. 4 blocks car line: bouae, I fenced; 1100 caah, balanoe monthly pay-j f.nCad with t wires; house 16x11. crop; all new land; more land can be i'tarn. hnna. nnn. farm Iranlamanta I manta. . - ; . Ium aHw.A, li. iia inriitnl- A anraa I cleared easilV! some timber and SOOd ;and eropa; terma. . (Hobo Realty, ItlVa I .... ...' ; ';'-"' . . M-)- iaeeded, on main county road, fine soil. 1 pasture; 1 large brood mare, mars and Morrtson at, , i eew ,wu m you iy" "; -1 price only III per acre, j Thia la asip. i coit, aoa wor ora-, waan, ousy, main atreet in aeuwooa, , ir lasen ai , , ,, . . - . ibarneas; toola or ail Kinds; ii nrst- houae and bam. on 101 aixva i . r . ,. I class young milch cowe, bringing in cash, balance monthly. : , id acrea. I mllea f rom Colum-1 good money every month; t heifers, 6 nice borne; -7 rooms, moaern iv.'ian...fc t class condition; fine lawn, fruit feet., 450 cash. at.t i In first . aim liuwoi a. Kiiun-n mom mmm cjifto, . vi... . .uH .IiaU. .. ahaiiaa and eamet in aoriA ahana: must I ""'V I . -- C . ..... L . ' ' . I a MM. M.M,a MM- ... , mm t S?. .01i.:iloom ,.,"0,V' "0M SuS fFoS "cinter of clt Mntn T04I. i -j.'.j a...!- Mi.j.jL ivj,.'j'jnwir m'H ma maa a youraau .'.ui A BUii-wwu niTOi KtiuM uw. while you are prospering - Bee 7,'W. Walker, 1191 K. 14th. , Room 10, uattHsooond pfc !i kk" .. j ......... t,M."" unr t ii. I, i - . ' I.. ' i t e -4 t. bia river, 11 miles. rrom rortiana, an in or a young spring. n"s ... I fine atata of cultivation axcoDt email and aome- plga. 1 extra high-grade Jer- yime. e mm- , t tImbr , or,. 6 acM- bearing aey bull, 10 to 10 fine chickens, 1 cream y. Buy - aome-1 ;. . 0L i..'.-.. snniaa eeoarator. mUk cana and talla: half mile : a gooa nomei v.: r. .11 ..n I trm ahoAi. Price ll.SOOi a cart can . ' houae I rooms, erood barn, good well atletand I yeare at t per oenC . OOOD MILLiNiCRY STORE: WILL. exchange for real estate., fixcluaive i e00 acrea at Portat Orava.nVr-:.?Vfe.-iT ragent. luite It; 161 Stark.; Stain 141. 4.rmh7u.a: barn, orchlfd and MU h. fi WAdufVxrAr.Kt CTfafgT fctraTAtlP. rlt all in ?iiHivatlnn. 100 Tarda from CMn balance . 6 yeftra at f per COM, ACREAOE. door, fine spring; horse and bugfry. l fine cows, 1 hdgs. 60 chlckms; R. P D., near. school, on main county road and ' W..W. fepey land. ROOM llti COMMERCIAL BLDO, Corner Id and wasnington ate. i accept any reasonable offer If taken at class condition, at Hlllaboro. ff- W..tfoUuTaV CUrkaty ,T.'d .c S ronce. Owner,f Q-408, Journal. 13.1161 acres. . t Apply to owner, 711, wniiama aveh ' ' i hV csr. . ; ill to cultivation. CM,tlT'V.: 1 c'ai : l . . in i.m' v.-"rMtA., 1 l.iwm houae. so fruit tra.a small fruit, some umoer, email nouse, i ,acre nne t.uu Bfti-LU Lir-iy-iifl. i-uwii r -j ,TV town cloaa to Portland - I orchard. One eon: K. F. v., near ecnooi; -hu"i- " O"1'1" vl.n.M tal!lV ttrma, H .caah, balance ywre. per t S' o owneT?!!1 nr.T i"?r Wroyement.; aU clears fL-' Ball & Brown. Lruii 01 mil Kina. SJ tnA . 1A ....-I ffMSeav.wa srAMil I "9awaja a - I -I.U W U m X aWl . WIU . IIIIUI VTVWa gwu I d : A .NEW" T-ROOM HOUSE,- BTRICTM.Ti.rooM, house, running water, 3 minutes - modern; for. sale, at a aacrifice If j walk from fit Mary'a atation, 'e?9.' taken at oncer owner 'leaving town. In-1 iiifiiu.ii ail imnrovad. ood Wash.. IM IMJlre 14 E.' 11th Ot. N. ' ' " Lrnnm hnnaa 1 mlnutra' walk of Baa. 1 mllea A large dairy ranch of . 110 acrea,' all bottom land. . over 100 In cultivation, balanoe in pasture; houae and I barnsi the reeldence la on am toitoi ii- rnmA tn-n' thll nlaca la WSll Watered. all well fenced, and is one of the best 110.760 8-ROOM HOUSE. jPERFECi verton ; throughout:. from, attie to baeement; - I1.0C . . . ' ' ' . puces in Waahlngton county; can be acrea In Clarke eotintv. I ci. u. ... am i.rmi n a a mllea from railroad atation. 21.V..Bti l. BlO-acre atock rancn, svo aoie vnaer FOR 8ALE FARMS Vanccaver, Wash., Land Bararalns 104 acrea. 14 miles from Vancouver, 4 mllea from river town; IS acrea under fine state of cultivation, aorea in orchard of aaaorted fruits, about II acrea timber, balance In pasture; new barn 40x60, fair 6-roora house, wood- sneo, nog ana cnicnan svuin, aiv,) fine team of horses. I rood milch cows. 1 heifers, 1 hogs, 14 sheep, chickens, new double-seated spring wagon, lum ber wagon, harneaa, new mower, raka cream separator; plow, spring tooth har row, axes, aaws, weagea, aiw., w, mile from achool; church Joins place, on a good road and In a good neighbor hood; all cropa go with plane and are worth at least 1 1,000 a fine -home; only IMtt, -t"'-- rri . Ill , acrea, f ' miles from' Vancouver and t mllea to country town; 76 acrea under rine etate ox cultivation, io acrea of green timber, balance good pasture; fine 10-room house, nicely painted) ! good barna, chicken bouse, woodshed, amall dryer and - all outbulldlnga, 10 aorea of fine orchard of assorted fruits. fine well of pure water, close to church and achool, and in a good neighborhood; an ideal home: nrica 11.500; terms If dealred. ;.. 40 acrea, all good rioh land, 19 acrea cleared and in crop: comfortable farm buildings, young orchard Juet beginning in Dur: wan inn Livin airaam aprnaa one oorner of land; aome cedar and fir timber: Ineludea the following personal property; I milch cowe. I helfera, 1 bull, t horses, I hoga, 1H doaen chick ens, - wagon, nuggy, mower, rase, e plowa, cultivator, cream aeparaton, axea, wedgea, sledges, and all amall toola that are used on farm, and all crops; prioa 11,000. 10 aorea of good rioh land, t miles) to Vancouver and 1U mllea to railroad town; 10 aorea cleared, t aorea of bear ing atrawberriee, I acrea in crop, nai anoa In pasture, fenoed and crossed fenced; new 4-room house, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, and all other outbuildings, fine family orchard of aa aorted fruits in full bearing, good well of water, mile to church and aohool; on a good road and In a good nalghoor- nooo; only ii,7l; terma. If you ' don't aee what you want la the above write or call on us aa we have a large Hat and can suit you and save you money. TnumrBOn at B WAN, OUsens' Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. 1- . . .. MACKINTOSH Si BlDWILIe 410 Commercial Bldjr, Phone Paclfio 16147 ' - moo. b. 10 ACRES, I MILES WEST OP COT HTAOE OROVB; OOOD HOITSE BARN. ACRES CLEARED, BALANCE IN FIR TIMBER: CHEAPEST BUT IN ORE GON. , . 4S ACRES' 0?',TtfALATIN RIVER: MOSTLY IN CULTIVATION; OOOD HOUSE, BARN AND - BUILDINGS; LOTS OP TOUNO FRUIT TREES; 4 MILES JROM SHERWOOD, I MILE8 FROM T3CHOLLS; ONLT I HOURS' DRIVE FROM PORTLAND. ..1mm. kai.fuw naafiira ana umoir. an fenced and eroasf eneed, with I creeks from amall town. R. F. IX. evt atation: a hurra I rt I main county road: some timber, good AAA9A MMff.M a U.m .ah IVb..I m I mnU '- J- . ' ' atrong foundation; .cement cellar floor; iBenverton; amall houae; 1200 down, bal-j "' . ; (running throughthe . place and several porches supported oy massive stone coi-1 ajice to Buii. . - i ' . . . . rine apnnga; uiia is a. conap piape m in .iimna; grounda 100x100 the most beau- 11.100 11 H Seres, 18 acres under cul-l , xne a dots pieces are au guaraaieea pr aere; It is well adapted to eneep 7 tir.ii Mrn.r in ha Maatrai aat ai rfia. I tlvatlon balance woodland: rood' l-room I aa advertised. t . .- lan1 a-nata: terma oh whole: will take , trlot. j, F. Compton,. IvO.ADlngron wag. I """"a "ng pren. wu'' , . " . . . . city tract xor nsj. oi j. ' Unik MhAnaa. . , i brii bb lut: av nnu ini uiem aaxi a. ai i rLBnu- I ' . . w a na-B MnrTiai an maa li laurinB. aw tu avw L-'Lt v 1 k'rpfr - f A-fTfl ' ritfrt. yllh- '' " '. . ' Above bargains are but a few of the aorea, eltuated In aeveral ccuntlea ; lao W.fkL ha.ohi-t. 5 laid -Th O"1?. wt !"" our ,1.,t W have the largest have city property for Bale or traaa for i" ... Vi. K.f nra Vnu hiiv , Puraa I . UL, wmcu twm mn uavno ir i uai wi linn. i njr iirui in rvrwnnu or i farms, will anu a-- ua. - . ,1" A" " iir rii.mku if OAmtnarna . J ,tt,a. fames aeiinng acreage near vicinity. - rrioes range irom idqo to . 7 -room nouae in ueuwooa. tuiov. ,y -i "-- " -- " city ana at me rignt price wiu 1 130.000. write or call U you are in I 7-room nouse on union ava., ee.euy. v . ! i nn.i nn . I Mrnfi . .mii.m. mm ... . . m,m mmwm . a.. . . I . . . 1 100x100, - "fa profit bv eallina cn us. as wa have the I tha marirat tnr firm weer siae, worm ir.vuw: win sen xoriiargest. iisv ox acreage ox any xirra in 17.000 if taken at once.- Qua Smith, 101 the city. . - . . .. :tnt K HT. ' I - mmm a a ' . ' ' " i N"E We'O RrT;'.lEAC .':PA61i:RTT, CHOICE FARM BARdAlKS. .' A W alSlSlIloOil & UfCifOll ' ! -M.'t : biMlhr n rr,. houses and, lota on Nya raelt, Gusr.; fl. 000-40 acres, flrat class i miles irom roriuna. cioaa id stores and churches; nothing better jtprj man wnu sman meana. . h Half caah, balanoe l per cent I nrton blda. f I me years, tor nice nu-acre-piece --i !a ii u . a ' i mini out on nne county roaa: witn 1 13.400-r-StklCTLY, ivlODERN 4-ROOM ' hnim. K. th at. N " small navmentl ' down, balance monthly. J.F. Compton, i.'; J IQI .Abli . -x JUSTi THffi THIN t ' "Rcaliyip. f 101 Second at, Portland, Or., , And 100 Main at., Vancouver,, Wash. rnont main iivi. y . V. t U- l Cl .... .' .J 'a BAA' - Lot 10X190, litn ana waaco. ii.ido. I-room-house Jt. Midway., lot, 0x114 nrM 1 KA. half -ah. . . Corner lot on Morrison at fine bouse. Quarter diock on .etn near jerxerson, 11,000; will double in value In two years and la navlna 8 on tha prioa now: this ia a anap for a apsculator.- Good-paying meat bualneas In Oaaton, Washlnrtott' county; plant complete for . "v. us crP tock implementa; you cannot L. A' .ap,th 'a -uit va "Vm-it fenTwiA. I1 cheap or will trade for olty or farm to bufld beat that anywhere around Portland.-' .- lMA.C,lsfh J.-BiITi.5 . i-? I FJ!!0ffrtTt.-'?-..n:r; L j. . . 1' ich, aear 110.800 12 acres first class aoiL I " a. or" v1 .bottom land J hOOM, Tut SWETLAND 3t.Da,, FIFTH ... . . .... m.-w wm I nn nrAAlriul rlvar unif.f 4rrtaftllAn.j1lth 1 V - . . xrr irr inuiMlAw 7 . !', A VTV A7 A XI UIVfiTllV . . . FINE FARM, 140 ACRES. 10 .MILES . Vnr - a rarnntr.- who- wants houses-. to aellict lota. 50x8T.each. .t Hawthosne ave. srxi (cloee lnr 1 lota eu-ef very4. corners; 13,400, easy terms ' Oonklin 1 crop Bros.. E." 85th and Hawthorne av. cblnerys 14 miles out., on fine county irom ma auriac.. "v f''!"?" f""" from Portland, on Base Line road; -: 366 EAfcH-HOltchi L6f 8 ON EAflt joad: thisjs a cnance very aeldom tre land.' 140. cro under 41re feneej 100 Mrerin culUvatloTandcrop; tin. 37th at. between Hawthorne eve. and fared; 13.500 cash, balance 6 per cent. 7A1 AL5 hOU iflxlSe rS? boUB two barns, many other outbuild- - Division ' .t;v3ldown and -110 per M I P aero-, io acre.. m laa i from t:c&:J,a! Inga; Una streAm through place. good ?.oni",n: nJn ''roa to Portland 100 Vc;" ri cul- 10 acrea In alfalfa. - 100 acrea nn b " ai w i ii if i tin am v ea. i . . . . . . ' . . i...j.a. a i w a a JHV al ; aScknrm:: WrrigUon,alo; .water; Tl-Teet Hawthorne Ave. -i tHiS MIOr.f fitllf t6lT. tivatlon. good achool tight on wait until you have 11.000 Takes a delightful modern cottage of 1 1 in that location ' large rooma.; cement basement, lawn, ner cent will take it. roses and fruit, dose In and near Haw- For good farms ofjinv slxe rtnorne; ava.; , io duxiuu. , vwner, i,.-.. rucus, ' Hawthorne ave.- j 1 81 ft Morrison at. -i 100xl00 FOR 900. Willamette boulevard, near I a -- . 1 E I WAIIIBU llinLB All L-lin UUUIIlIi TAX III 1 1 Dfargnn:nilnSrCdo ST barie'y, T Yn ew "mowe ?rom car" line. 1 H mile. fromral.road to P.F lltt W . 1 4 nnr-hoW.': T FARMERS. ATTENTION. Denver I 110 1 acres ona of the beat fai ave. ,' ir you want a gooa puy see thle, Yamhill county; 300 in , crop; 1 mllea Lafayette Realty Co., Sllhi Washington, from McMlnnvllle, at-160 per acre, or ... , A.;1.?.1..""-!!' tunltv to make a fortune. ".acres, one or ine oesi .arms in rinrinxr poitnty real KSTATB5 CO rnneviiie, or. which at 18 a ton la worth mora than seres potatoes; ail. hay. . oata, grain. the price asked. Price 111.000. Only xarming utensna ana macninery. witn 11.600 caah. balance on terma to ault cropa and atock, go with; place at 160 at 8 per cent. Alfalfa land well set is per acre; some. terms. '-', worth 1100 an Acre. Here la an oppor- - Fine farm, 141 acres, 10 miles from house and barn, good orchard, running water: achool near by; no gravel, fine irom MCMinnvuie, at- leo per acre, or i , i, , . ... . . rm-1 .mii tin a-nn-r... en.i. :n 1.11-UaJ" Hi i 1 -.111 aIU. a.II .11 H7m I mmII .Mf I llll.ll HH. IT A KM. .N K W HOI H HI A IM 1 1 1 "y - u.. ma ih Miwitn nw tna dcdui-i ' ... . i- . ...1 , . 1 in me ataie: crooa ro witn Diaca. ,!.- If van ara minm- tn hnlM In Ir. 1 .'!. per acre puya. tnis izu-acre larmu w mvrcm iii t'W,, m I VIm. 1a..a e if.. ... ; ' .1. .C... -i ".. v.V. r.. " lllO.ln cultivation : good a-room houae, property aon i xau to iooa inia up. j. i "... .... Z..,, " i . "T lljwil w. - .um.v w. j yj i vu They must be sold by July 4. Lafayeti Realty JO., ivi waanington at. llOln cultivation: good I-room house Korrtyr don't fall to look this up. J. x 'iTtA-ilea wall an7riilaiS large barn; 80 acrer Umber; living W. Rutherford, 517 Commercial blk. lV, 'i-t ifrir1 water, on reasonable terme. " Main 6110. - - ' ' efliJi.t.VaNi A0..M,.I., raVr. . t "ras, 40 In i ouklvatlqn. , good V ...... . FOR' RJlUL , .' 2P. in a low.' mar . car line and brand -new:! 1W. xnllea from FoI-h every convenience and will make vou aland .phone: a-ood level road Invalv little home.- Conklln . Broa.. K. oron. 165 ner- acre: 12.000 caah. 16th and Hawthorne Phone Tabor 106.1 48 aoree, 49 Jn crQp; good house and a- '. V 1 11 11 . M.MIM1M MIIIlHMnj M I I Ml f . . I MM... . . w. .. . n . .... n.M... M.IWf . . . .- . u . .I.UUU TUaU. DU1T .WWW. .UW UUUID. -:..w -.--r.... ,-w..v.- ..yu.M .--"u tiwu-i " i . ' a snao ao acrea - or ,-aa una iana r...ii... , . , ; t orove; R..r, i. rierfce eountv affords: located "Mr'"'w i f ..a . NOTICE THIS. 5-room cottages, modern plumbing,' gaa .Gordon, owner, 208., 4th. at. Telephone wain foafl: rood fishing: etream touches! ... a W a -mm . . . i i or a i nn un pulii Atsrii.Bs. . barn; orchard; onlyJXjnlles to .roroat EAfc.&TK. loVE., th. near ' Morrtaqn at J-ovi.s?? roaa; r.f. u. Tmau a oi -a tv CI 2'iSI? K?i,;-.0-n17 LWft;... .nl alaotrio llvhta. verr dealrahla; will """f "l e-.w. o. wraa, or wu waue m,,,mMta with n1sja:. tin ar.nt ul" ""-f e.evi J2?' .'"AaMT. lr CjWm- RBALTT CO.. ? Ownera b, seen at Ul Jefrerson at. lder St.. Room 10. ' l0"1"""! .. .. 12 ia... ! . WR SALE 8.0 ACRES UNIMPROVED ;ACreS ;V':'h i' I land In Cowllts county. Wash, near , Hoc cash. baUWcb! lie MdN.i.-i: w-i room new ovun near car, less win in , :?-t.of housa; lenvVg city.,pKon. Tabor wfitlw'&i in'.M... .-.! ..... .. I TTaJama river, about B muea rrom Ka- a"W " --v.,- v w ire. f- - -H 9 wv4 ilrMm. nf acres in orcnaro, 'th-T. Jh r3.. -Am. 7i: T0- - -"V V v : rhnlrn Tnmtlri ;nT; fln. rnnTtl on 7r runnlna through place aome Urn- BEaITeaTBSISONSaXROK ba?an- Und chiefly In atraw j Hw-?rKa9ial Wash erageAn .-active. - capable, energetio herrieA hustler having - considerable v business ability la open for an opportunity with an up-to-date firm, where an honest, ambitious man Is wanteds and not his money. Kinaiy outline your proposition. Aoareee B-eui, journal. . r ' ONLY 14.760.- . Modern "-4-room home; all conveni ences; extra large' lot; one block from car; beautiful east aide residence dis trict; wiu- tint immediately to suit pur rrnaer. naara bb tj-VBt journal. -aV i.4.6-"-ti66M HOUSE; eaStr6nt Jfnly New 4-room house; modern, j , near carl in a Summit Investment Co., , Port h wick and Killlngsworth Ave. Phone I ' tr6R bale-1.a' NEW HARD MntShed , , tt 1-room houeo; nrkJEJot 60x100 on 84th ; at on ear line; only 700; terms. Phone tat.. - -- --.. ! " -:il.0, - W tORTLANTJ, 1800 40 acres, 1 mile from Cape Horn. I - "HUdebrand,. room 10, 188 H Washington. j . '-' ' H.. P. Palmer. . M. Van Alatlne. f -s. REAL ESTATE. INSURANcifi. " lit Fallinr- bids. Main HURL a.tatt LOT IN ST. JOHNS, 130 bbWN". 'lJ Aaareaa P? month; close to car. iT-408, journal. , lv. vrfty?: specniatcrs--:- ' - Buy 10 lots In St Johna. and resell in 60; days and make 60 per cent on inveetment. P. W. Henderson. J48 Stark. .J WATERFRONT. ' " v'- 635 feet frontage on river and rail; 4 acres, also has frontage on macadam road, south. Of Oregon . Furniture Mfg. st0 PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO. '- ' III Pallinc bldf, Mala 1(11; A-2IJJ, blberrier"' logAnberrle.: '''V. . ' raanharrlaa- flna hm.. I full atArloa I WE HAVE FOUK UUAKIKK BEU all plastered,' finished In cedar and red- tlona. for nonrestead location; close wood, large open atalrway from sitting- to a near-by eastern O".0" 0WEi . room! library-room, bath, tolleV cblna ooA for fruit land. Addreaa T-41I, furnMefuU brick benent. ' la"rge hilt Y6UR fAi'.. NEAR p6rtLanD; porches; a picturesque view, from house; I rich soil; prices advancing; send for one of the very best suburban homes my big descriptive list oralL O. W. about Portland, ,. , I Dixon. Can by. Or. - ' HENKL.E HARRlSUJi, . . .... ,., HOMESEEKERS. .17 Amngton iag. I We locate homeateadA desert claims of $3.600 40 ACRES, 40 ACRES CLEARED " tiii.ftan'v1 .n.d. 'tw. ' 10 acres in pasture. with timber 7loria- n Adai!f AutnJ v Pf ne' suitable for. cord wood; all level, fine ylyl" '"". ""e-.k-i, "" If soil; place all fenoed and cross-fenced. 187-ACRB - DAIRY , FARM, ALL Famtly orchard; new B-room housA good atooked: present inoome 1100 . per large barn and other good outbuildings; montn; ift.oeo casn ; wiu nanaie it; a weir At kitchen floor; a muea rrom I nne proposiuon. voiumoi irusi com railroad atation: I -r milea from Van- pany, Couch bldg. . eouver: on rood county roadt terma I , . ..,......'' . ..... . . . Northwestern Realty company, HICom- 1 - - ' A wtnaD ' merciai oik., r-oruano, w, or eot waan- a farm of 140 acres, for feaie. chaaoi ington at, Vancouver, wasn. ineT.asl-- Jn Tftlue rDidy : 1 mile 10 ACRES FINE LAND. ALL CULTI- from . Mount Hood railway, about 10 m. A.J sm.a nna bs.1 m rtAv lent 4eaal I van 4 1 At at venM Pnitl.nr1? Trllar.t 4ftntJ V H. IVU W U V V. w AAAAaat vi v awa w vi auvii I Ul lion a vm . e ( -nv..VM who excellent berries; a amall houae, good I abundant waterpower on the place: barn: never failing well of pure water; I mountain streams; timber; I am forced horses, wagon. 100 chickens, ' and all j to sell to aeoure ready money; a good farming toola go with place; near e'er- Investment for anyonA Inquire Quickly; HnA Tha wnoie nuameaa xor.; i Phone East 4oos, t,nn"- s-rT A-orrtPTW A ItPTAM ' ' .'' 100 ACRES, 50 CLEARED, ON BENCH ' v ...TiV. Pknn. t .S nn Of ChehAism mountain, a nines north End M.-V, carllne. Phone Tabor 670. .. Nh.r Bie-iy watered with $1,609 6-ACRB TRACT v IN -sl-YEAR-1 1 springs, l'l acrea in fruit and hops; ma atrawinrriaa. . mil. .rom- a ia-1 Mji-t rva nui lur iruiL. non. or corn. . ivi. tion, to fare; two yeare" cropa will morefQ. Oakley, Newberg. Or. . - i htl.0oLdo'AC.AA ed: 2 mlnutea- walk to ataUon. school l2?V .'"',V" VU' IS, 000 10 acres, all In etilttvAtlon; fruit garden and berries; t-room bouse; V. mile to rAiiroaa, o rsre." 1, J. BIMWIHLJi ex pit XXomesellers, 111. Uorrlaoa St. 1440 Rodney av.; Woodlawn. SNAP 240 ACRES LAND IN EA8T . arn Ore r on. Deechutea Irrigation dis trict, l par acrA Address K.-10J, Jour- 1600 cash. Fine 6-acre tract near Lenta Junction. 1,000. , .-!V,..:-. .V,-.. CllAKLON ft CO, ":s,i.' , 41i Commercial Bldf. Phone Paflflo 1198. . W6 ck6ICE VamhILL to. ARMfl. . 110 acrea, all cultivated, running wa ter; - good 10-room . housA v plastered; brick foundation; , barna, outbuildings, fruits, berries, eta; well located; joins R. R. atation at good, town: good train til R AA ' 17 acres, all choice land, all culti vated; 16 acres In bearing' orchard; houee, I barna. outbuildings; nicely sit- uatea, on roaa rota, a muea xrom gooa town, , - HENKLE A HARRISON, SIT Ablngton Bldg. ' 6?E OF THE FINEST INARMS iW THfl Willamette valley: 116 acrea. house. barn and Improvements worth 110(000; let us teu you adoui tniA n. m. war- t.m4 rM 1 1.91 jc rh.Aik.. M .. U ... A A . . VU.H.1MI V. Commerce, Portland, Or. 6U ACCOUNT 6t b&ktli 6F HUti band, widow will aaerlfloe fine 10-acre fruit and poultry farm at Canby, 20 mllea of Portland, all In cultivation; 10 bearing apple trees, ISO young pine trees, atrawberrieA ' -cherries; - ele- r;ant houae, chicken-yard, etc., beautiful oca tion: a money-maker and tha beat bargain on the market; you will say sol V TIMBER. FOR SALE MXSCI.IJ.AN: FREE FOR EVKRTT.ODV KI.n ' Main 4210 or call tlh front et. v buy and sell furniturA clothing if ATTENTION. ' Wanted m few more to locate on tlm her rlalma and hnmaateada: direct BOV ernment fUlnaai you'll have to hurry fold thing. aa the are axcantlonallv arood. Only 11 I ' B-t'iMF t.'A'v'iVli i -JIT m les from town of 1.000; also within I p,wtng machines at your own rr,. '! "I1,1" ?J railroad; locating feea reason- make ,t white Hewing In- I : bll.Yt,'rn company, 16 H Id. office. , - II. l. JoneA. 180 TamMU at-. CEJlf IftED SRlP. ANfSliB, LOW- rorner 4th. - est prloA W. Q, HowelL 111 Cham-J Bi-JAFtl M't.AS6UNB 'WJIlsii ' per orcommercA . 1' ' L . J. . . j " i sale or trade; stationary or marine. A rBW HFECIALLX GUUU XttUljUVV TfOm I 10 11 H. r. 501 1st St. yjtltilhil1 Trust Wo KeW ItPRlallf pIIK.Tinm: f.Vh hfia.0" C0 lumD, TruV other. 136; organ. 1A Oleaaon b.A, tin rttt-a t-TMr-Ofi Tiumrn ti if.IfJ. I j. j. " iu. g- oltTw launch, perfect condition, 10-horae- amllt.M Kll. W. ,.. mmiI f.M,Ka .lai-a f power englnA fully equipped for paeeen-t iAMtWX hgarrcom,rb These are ruaranteed as represinted; ONri 1-FOOT Cl-iAR AND l-FOo i' only'take, onVX toreacn'" alnt. mt!bZV Al vvd.tock flle and . return to - Portland, Party stone, cor. Tabor ave., Woodstock car. leavee Monday evening bo call early FOR SALE CHEAP 'RNTrURK OJ" Monday. '- v . 2 housekeeping rooms! good oppor- luE VETERAN LAND CO.,. tunlty for buyer wanting down-town lo- "j.. - . I6tu ird st. ' cation; i can be seen Sunday from I till CAW LddAtfi 4 people oM f iMMR t-on,.m.b.?rdlaSUef -i1 pLnA-i t i" clalma la Cooe county olalma will R""w sA'A!K?t!. V,V rrTrrlV ; orulse from 4.000L000 to 4,000.000 feef. ENGLISH POINTEAPUP FftSALI.f red fir and cedar. Call today. R. II, New 4 months old. II E. list AnAenjfl Orant, 2nd and Grant. ,"' car ' ' - FOR SALE ONE 600-GALLON TAN tw ' eultable for barbershop: 271 1st st HORSES AND 'BUGGIES FOR - RENT turA including 1 writing desk, f eew- by day, week and months special rates ng machine, 1 rujf. 1 davenport, i cloea to buaineas houseA Ith and HawtbornA l parlor chair. Call 107 H Id at. It'LA i.,A iM iiifaT-imd -AL&-J'6x TerrISr TVILl BEST WORK AND LIGHT HARNESS. age 8 weeka. Phone B. 4078. HORSES, V EniCLES, HARNESS ness In exchange for new. ness Co., 4 North fth at, Inquire 171 let at. frnrf"fl.t i'-iiap i V.Rfci3 HlvU.' FOR SALE 11-FOOT LAUNC1L AP- nrf.. F ..Vw. . .u . m2i Ply - MaaterB, east end Mad I- ness, express wagon; an or part. mrtl K-ia FWB PELlVfeATwH6RSiOI. SwLa. poK'iaftr, 'weX a'lU, v.ii iv. MBMwry - I varv arentla. One MaUorv Woodlawn 711. for SaLe q66d QBWLa HoftSa inott very gentlA One mile east Mt Tabor reservoir. Section Line road, Dell 1 1 AA MMl.M.. M.b ....k.M. ...,M- I .... A.H, AU" . AtJ "Al U '" I mobile parts, 1,1 H. P. air cooled mo- Mtdr for cuttlng. Mm. Matthews tor and all running geara. CaU 411 E. Roeemont ave, Montavilla HnA iA iu,vn Ar. Wt' STORE FlXTt-RES, flAFE. ii6-aAL- EXPRES8 RIG DOING OOOD BUS I- iOB patent oil tank, show eaaea. ehe-ee nees, also 1.100-lb. horsa 110 Water, cutter. Toledo oomDutinr acalA oof feel1 TU'6 ' 6v(aLL HOtlSlfcfl " AWb" 6Ni1 mill, McCeskey Moount reglBtee-. ahelv pony for sale at the Oregon Livestock Ing, counterA eto. Call Monday t ore-. Stkblea. th and Burnslde eta. noon, lis missen at. tu car. FOR SALE" TWENff HEAb 6tf FOR SALE FlllS MALI. BULL JUP; vounr work horses and drlvarA at I mom eoo m. Union StockyardA Saturday evening and SHOWCASES AND COUNTERS. A LI. Sunday, June 18 and 10. ' - . ' kinds and bIssa Western Seirage Ce lAtfRt.fa TkAm. tlAREnd 1Mb Ex-1 827 Washington at aW J - aSAf A AWarAABsba m SaanAA ! AAtaa 9 AWA- SB- A-"- -7, ,, " -, -r jja niiri P . ..Mill . press wagon for sale cheap. Ill LAUNCH. NEW; 21 FT, LONG; SPEED Clinton. ' - -if mllea per hour: cheap. If taken at RargAXn' ' seLdom 6ffered-bAV "M Phone E. 1811. hofBA I veara old. welerht 1.180: per- FOR SALE NEW 40-INdH TRUNXj fectly sound and safe for family use; Cail at 474 Yamhill st or Phone Main also fine buggy and harnesA Call at 21 1918. " ; J w. ntn at., near Murnsioe. I FOR SALE NICE NEW FEATIIEJI MARE, COLT, CART AND HAR-i bed, and PjUowa; bargain. J. R, Jdor-. nees. 140. C. BsvL foot of Bavier st gsn, ws inn. main seis. 3R SaLE-1-FInE BAt WARE. ABOUT i ELEGANT HI HIGH ORADE PIANO.' AL. most new: cash xr terms: must Bell this weeK. . Address K-41U. journal. 1,060. Call 176 East 184, near Bel mont Ttinna 1!aat 7 and H-lnfl7. BAY HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD, SAFE FOR SALE. CHEAP KITCHEN AND ror woman. 7i cnapmaa St. I iiemung smve; - auao sucnan. uoiw, FOR SALE BtjGGy AND COVERED alre, ta 111 E. 16th. Phone R 171 tj delivery wagon and harness. Phone Tabor 71. : FOR SALE A WAGON, GOOD - AS new: will aall cheaD. Call or write T. DeLano, 181 4th st Phone Pacific 40. FOR SALE FINE DRIVING MARE, PERSONAL - ' Hypatla OTHB WORLD'S WONDER. Dr. StanTa "Key to Man." Descrlp. With COlt t months Old. InOUlre 464 I tion -V,or Vraa -,Tth aarh raalna- ie --. I IV. Id St. cheap; 4 good drlvera; t buggies. Peter son s titaoie, it union, cor. Asn. A FINE MARE I VEARS 6Ubi U6J; DR. T. J. P.ERCE. SPECIAL.ST, bl w . 5-Y'"1" V, eie c eases or women; au irregularities eor- BOn St. Phone E. 2991, - I rattan; . mmM' marfiVlna K. mall. GOOD BROWN HORSE, WEIGHT Offloe 111 1st st- eornsr Yamhill, Port- 1,060; 10 years; harness and rubber- land. Or. . - ,- tirt buggy; $175. One saddle . horse tfiiBi tanH-rfllWri-Mnf tlff e iSir an. teopathy and Electricity. We treat all chronle eases.' rheumatism, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis. Insomnia, la grippe, fneumonlA. Consultation and examine Inn . ra. Tir- Ta.h.lla Mai-lrla 1E01A, FRESH COWS. GOOD MILKKRS. I ui,n..n vrn-a hiir Main lam 141 East Madison at. Phone East t. . vi u- sixL" FtRST-cLAsa MtUM ' c6ws tofll'.d BI ''KVt"to"nt'- for Bale. 1480 Macadam it Main 6181. 1 ...., uMi.1 bA0".n w...vl ' ... . . " a.a..a. 1 l.i.A.a 1 ill iilJAiig JM l-iui, f vn auu iahiau, TWO JERSEY COWS, FRESH, GEN-1 disease a 121 East Belmont Phono FOR SALE UVESTOCK. tie; are four gallons day each. 117 I East 4034. riiw, uvua au.v..u- u, .vv., u.-inui i oniniuni at., pnone xuaac a o o a. -oca tion; a money-maker and the bestlfJTvR .itgii' " witat. Tv? K..MI. m. tha -.arkaf vm, -fi . I 0 SALiE 10 HEAD OF GOOD I 60c. Ladles' skirts pressed. lOo. G1U when von see It: If taken soon. lliOOO. ..i?0' JfS ? Bno J- -oni, pert J0h Bixtn at, next to uueUA same else baa Just sold fo? $3,005: Virat TWO Q66b COWS ClffiAP. come, urat aervea. , w, juixon, uanoy, i jersey, et. """S- vir 11 ACRES. NEAR PORTLAND. ftKA. - ver dam land; fine 4-aere onion crop St., city. inciuaea wnicn win net over ii per oent on Investment; also other crops; a snap, -v Purse As Co, ttt Chamber' of commerce. $27,000 FARM FOR $17,000 Phona Main 2088. 120 8. IliACk DATES OF MAGAZINES AT t I ' cent a Jones Book atore. - ill Alder. FOR: riALE N(J. T FRESlI 'iAlilS'fif SEftifAN BOOkS, IttAOAZINEfl, NOV. els, v eta.; German, English,; rrencn. and Holateln cow, at 1227 Borthwlckl MTSICAL IA8TRTJME.VTS Snanish. Swedish and Italian diction. aiiea; foreign books . of all . kind A Schmale Co., 21t Firet at ' 1U6LDE'S feHEUMAfW CUiE Sure cure ror ybeumausm. noia py Ait A GREAT BARGAIN. I.VVU A7 A-AiA A Vrt Of A I , VV U . iltVAn ww V ivuit wvuA7y.i,a V . a. v...- I U I Vi J( 1 B 10. Portland; present crop will net thU DaAoio. worth 11.000; l genuine An- v k ii 1 .V ViAA A re6 thiiEft' ' " bii." yeAr-l6,00q. Thlsaounda queer, but it la dreus Amatt li.ooor 1 genuine Anareua N.rr. oiohniea. One month so; investigate, purse ft Co. 121 Cham- I uumeriua, per or commerca , ii,uoo; i Look! at thIs i6 ACreS. H UKdEA trenume jAoob . JlWi:"!. vL. VS2. .Yo'oTn ?SoV WnnC kRS, OBROCk,- aRADUATE ' MAS- WU AT-nlia. . Mai W VVTf W. V C y Vil 1 aJ git I - - - - - ' - I Ll-.rn.m- va. ault SflAtaT alAAhAl iood shApeyiH mUes from boat land- of noted French and Oerman rnaHers, 'UZ. frna'm. ii. fng and railroad Atation; cheap for coat worth from $25 to $50 each, and about b, cream iMBBAgei referenoeA v I8 ana win taxe gooq , city property, ijau ox my mrai, ""Kg in vue "n,Vi f 126 Ablngton building. TIMBEla. IV VaV It. W-ii siisAKi aeaiiajiiABj s ia ss-iuo i 1 i n. i iji u J I JL XL" "' Ji 1 ' ' frnm lit .a 1100: alan about 40 handur- I DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- ritas, guitars and mandolins, worth nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, $400; total valuation about $11,000. Oi l cerUln cure for ail' dlaeases. Ill 3d at. will Bell the lot ror IS.OOO the WW es-l oetween uramn ana .yior. timate put on the Btrad alonA G. C. botJ'T BE DULL AND - INACTIVE; Rider. 211U Ith at. Portland. Or. I Barlne Pills euro aU weaknesa: II a VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND box, t for ISlfuU gruaranteA Addresa records; Btelnway (and other) pianoA I or oaii J. u. vitmnun, ummn, irur.- shemran. ciav ft t:o.. em ana Aiorriaon I iana. ur. - sts.. opp. postofflce. CHR6I41C; KERVdrfl 1Kb SPECIAL WAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD TIM-1 - oAX.Ar irlAJNU, - mniAiu.1 xii-w; i mii 01 " " " ,' BFR LOCATIONS OPEN FOR ENTRY I cn-P Ior caan; aiso some xurnuurA I oy moaern scienimo inauivui, -ueciria MACKINTOSH A BID WELL. 420 Commercial Bldg. TV MinnLH OF AUGUST 4 000 000 452 Market at. phone Paclflo 84. treatment for diaeasea of the prostate. rraXORBiff: fiUH,X2 "iZL. "A? L .f.1."!: Commonwealth bldWT" " ' YOUR LOCATION BEFORE THE leaving the city, Address A-401, Jour- A, REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIEilj RUSH COMES ON. PHONE PACIFIC I naL ' - sealskin garmenta redved and re- jjia I i 1 "vi. " i.i .ii... . i i -i aas modeled; expert fitter; eetimatea glvenj ' I . . w,.m.... . . vy. . .... n , . ' , aa vrT v. I . V.... luww priova. . ave . timjuuiuu- iuvu. Main T808. FOR SALE, OR TRADE A 14-TON MANICURlN3, IflCS MASSAGE 1TTI5 boat: would trade for team. B. B. I scaln treatment . Try room L ' 10$ ik Von) 1K Williama Ava. ' Phona Wnnd. t WaahlnrtAn at. - -. ' . - ffMRER LAWlbS. ' " lawn 1204. mrr-vir'tixl t?.tya l.iA" AfAr.S.7f ! To the OwnTra of Timber Landa: We Wa, '.m nnw.TtrUiyihui vt, ttkV. Ta,i...".Ta Vantiam.n XXX?Z want timber lands In large and small estate, i. Mason ft Hamlin organ, (Main 1958. . - ' , tract a sin ale clalma. in Oregon. Waah-1 n. lilU lat at Phona A-1781. . I v.... rAVt 'WHH'Uf.llB1 SHb'g.eA' Sw-Vya-t wanVany oSn ' ' OR EXClLiNGE 'FOR "nttdAndruff. 211 at: nfntm wr'wh'at'vou nAv. to'offe.? L.-J.L'...!" fJl V ' ' ...... your lowest net caah -price: aend ua your S. ;."rrici U per men- w. l pir dlf- -MP1?8 2fS.-' 8AEJRSOirs to Je.ttcrlptionA kind otlmW and your ferenc.:$uYete estimate if you have It . hand office. Call at Chamber. of Coxa- SL.Wre 'TSSL'IJSL ViVi.V W-ltA na TIA Tlnn AUt WRBf WS Can AO ! .mmm. 1AI . I V" ' - -" A I I . - .. I . - . , - . . I tor you. w a are in iua diumi ai mi at: tf -aa v..,,ik KnfrrUAi 111 vwi. I r lunin iiau witiAoorviiwiiiyr timea for any deal that la right , " T.V tirl Von v., iT .i.r.V; club for honest, aober, aingle people. GREGG BROS- . aJX.neS Zt wP rnufnV-nS-fun' Address Mrs. J. C? Smith, 110 Croeby et. 117-lt Fenton bldg. 84 8th .t. Portland. ILhanr,rroC83.lumVlaa ' LADY BARBER SHOP, FOUR CHAIKST Wli ARB dtILL tit A P66lfl6tf TO I?!' W-r . P,.itA,r . Prompt BervicA ,84 4ta st Lady bar- . . - 1 ...l.a axaa ullu.jl l.J. I w AT aft. JL. 4.1 "JT " 4VVsU4.1J " A A W lj fc? Hi I V a. . aaa ,4a1 Someone In town ' would gladly pay you a dollar more per week for that room than your ; present lodger ; pays. Don't you think a Jour ; nal want ad would pay? Tryit. Rate one cent a ' word. ... ' ' lOT-Alt pjMTVrlM uaai Lien vii i small uxu UUal I jau . iMi . law. I vnr w nuiou. '. . ' "aa whhaT r,,rir4ni8ir JrnaV CritdAGO jttMtJV? ...... i. w. mmm.- .,i.ii. rv.t.t. or. r.YrHiNfin-rii.iirnBviA ".""."' iro. locnuwn,- inomuui, "f7 I tjM. . . ---.-. , p..,.. ! roTiaul taf loi ward, location. Including .all attorney Paclflo 2883. Consultation frea . . . . . .. . ... ... ' i .nk.i. . nu..t..i v....... ... fees, we cnarre un sum or to. . wow i uumn - ii,mai..u. i- i.l u l - mtt'i. -.. i v . j - come and look into this proposition. If U vi6LlN iVORTH 2o F0R , tiLAR- PROF-GRIFFITH WlLuaiva A PAR. tnu have never oouani any tanas irom - inat or. nnrnet or horn in tha kev or i 1 ""'Y -- the compahy heretofore: remember this C. -Web.) 206 Taylor. " lng, with brief aeuneation f tboe ?h:, n,?AA,tirAnd1t fSl oirtJeu' F-NE v RESIDENCE." Lof ,;'orf ' WES I fFA1 J P.St other rights, call and get fail parUou- -ld. '.nd caah for house' and lot on ?,P4r.. " .... Phone Pacina larA HOWSm MILLER4 se sin at. Open evenings. Phono Main 6188. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T We offer you every aayantage tnrougn you? A-408. Journal. which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without apendlng time side ana casn ior nouse ana lot on r,.:iu'irj itA'ui'.i'iW unr west side, .or central East Portland. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAG3, UTZ Holladay or Irvinxton. -. Address F-408. 1 6th st, room 85. - - v Journal. - " - -' z - IMIS3 . RAYMOND MASSEUSE." S68H7. FOR TRADE 6-PAS8ENQER AUTO- : Morrison, room 14; phone Meln 4911. mobile, in rine conaiuon; wnat. nave i LADIES! ASK. YOUR DRUGGIST FO .4 Chlcheatera PlUA tne uiamona Brena. Ta. II . Known -II bt. aaf FOR SALE AII3Ca1XLAKEOTJS ' ' Always rellablA - Take no other. .Ct i. chesters Diamond Brand Puis axe eui 1 estlmatea by two and a half acrea are ally venrieo, . TRT-THE LACET WAT. or. money. If our general report lnd I- poj, 8ALE TB EIGHT-WEEKS-OLD bv druae-latB everywherA catea m l. w. want vur - - -mK Whit. Ta-hnm rhlok. i, 1 7v,K tl.MVH'V n'A'i " ... nil -i 1 . 1 I runiuAnu nAioiavuuu lui.ii 1 a acruioa, , rnmv wimuns. - "r 1 HciU business from reliable pa CallfornlA 4i mOA old, worth up to T??I "r .if0'. JlTt .,' NECESSITIES F6R AtAKRl Wavland at. TTnlvaraltv Park Sta eltv.l :' en. Call OT addrefS Mrs. Ii. C. itUWmamettne FOR BALE 6r EXCHANGE F6UR- ft Til rlTT n?M x:c ffiohTge- AVStg.rilg gJ j -,- r ' " i" ii TrT ttrxria Ducim i-rt-' i-'ittj IP ttfrSt? namoer oiviramtrt., i TIMBER JaApS.. -; r T.Tra fo 'rhVumauioT -So MbV all KLbERLT LADYvITii wishes to meet man rr i i . JAWS D. LACET ft ' ' ; 5 tit Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, SeattlA 1 Tntandln ourchAters desiring to be .' c"r"J.1or. located upon lands , with heavy timber y'AT " ixTT, faAf vifaf ird W.Afa with home or ni-n. mtn oi-aI-iiu.-i awv ..a.a.u """IcllnHd. Addra N- -i n tho land Arant of the Oregon ft California rauroaa in aoutnern Oregon r " " . v ..Mm. mimlTi- i thi rinTrNrswirK'-'RAi.K'ir-for.i.F'.Nr. I wapyi. i .m vi: nemil V3A1 Ul uw ooMi- evjr earn am ui.ivb.iji i . - - ii j. . Locati- - foes Including all necessary at- j PER CO.. 48 3d st. Portland Li life ln knrn an torney-a feea are reaaonablA Addresa gHOW CaES AND FIXTURES. NEW fhe hae'' Pf.ri' cure" and' re t- J. E. Verdln, Grants Pssa Or. and second-hand. rTvinicR wiiiTuru tririitart to I strom, i t-oinn st. Carlson ft Kail- LilUUblk , 'A ' . A." ,,UV,A1,4 I . A .i.i i II I ' ' . t ih-J0aliaiem or In Tillamook and TWO . STEAM WOOD SAWS; WILL Lincoln counties. Principals only. 44$ sell cheap. Inquire Loweniardt, ii SherlooK Piag. i-oruano, wr. v - irAra. . , - : f a.'. 1 i t-ritor sn-1 r-i I tear IS'jtt.t'j-i. .