THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING, JUNE S3, ltZ7. 1 " 1 ij-.j . ' NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. yirvy today. JTEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW, TODAY: JOWESUOBE : ' The improvements in this tract are not visionary; they . are actually "being "accom plished. ..V i JORIESIllORE Is in the direct path of the growth of the best city in the r , northwest ; There is no mys t tery about .the growth of , " We do not claim this tract is the best in the city, but We , do claim that no other addi- tion is better,' for the person who wishes to build a home. '." .When vou buy a lot in. BaaaaaaaBBBaaaaWWMaaaMaaiaaaaaaaa . ' ' ' You are in the city limits, ' on an established ' carline 'with 10-minute service, and ' the lots aire 50x100 feet. The price you pay is all you pay, $350 to 0500. Geo.D.Schalk STARK ST. Both phones: Main 392; A 2392.v , ' FOR TRADE OR SALE f 1 B3.10O A.CSSB of land and more adjoining-can be had If desired miles from Portland, half mile from 0T- UKD-tAiEM ELECTmro oAJt x.zirBt fri"ruft "f " I and bath; large, new painted bam; SWU 14ir I'lM s UW -atU A twkvb mors fruit than family can use; 100 school, i churches, blacksmith ahop sod rrlatmUL This is In a handsome little village; will trade for city ' property, but must not be too far out; prefer well Improved property; will give or take difference; WILL 8EX.& OS ZAIT TEJMiS, Jtddrese owner.. Mrs. H. C. Smith asa ntOHT rH com. kadisok. Kaitkisssa Hotel, Boom 891, City. Call , Before 18 o'clock. ' Homes in Piedmont : THB MOST ATTRACTIVE SUBURB FOR MODERN HOMES IN THE CITY. IT HAS NO ' EQUAL AS TO SUR ROUNDINGS. , . ,' S5 000 larjre rooms, modern bouse. lOI xuusivu. ... v , . - S4 500 7 larcre rooms, modern bouse. S3 OOO 8-room modern house, lot BOz 82 800 -room modern house, lot 100 13 500 8-room modern bungalow It is a aaisy. Otto, Crockett & Harksoh HS 14 First Street 14th & Johnson Only $1 0,QOO IT PAYS TO,SEE US. Chanin & Herlow , I , . V 332 Chamber of Commerce, A . GOOD, OOBCrOJtTAI.B 7-XOOX bouse, in the suburbs, with a quarter block of ground, Close to car line; . must be sold at onc; take a look at it and make us an oiler. , . .. , Portland Trust Company or oaEOOw. 8. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. - S17C3 S1CD0 DOWN ' Lot 40x108. with house of 4 rooms and Jnrpe bathroom, cement foundation, nice location; not very far out, on the Mt ffcott car line; one block from car line; good neighborhood. ; ::. .. :-. APPLT Sli COMXSBCZAJj BX.OCX. ' C3 750 Lot 60x100 with 8-room house n on Schuyler st, between 17th "v and IJth, . - ;ic!aiG3 & ftfenefee 3 rtiia et, c&ambsr or Commorca. jacm&deering A 20 OOO A ehoire corner lot, Everett i .St., in ousintiai uiainuir xu,vu caah will handle; pays well un- der lease, ...... 14 500 A sightly quarter, 11th and . rented and paying well. . I $10 OOO Two good houses. 17th. at. paying per veni noi. handle tor 16,000. A first-class buy. , 17 000 New and modern colonial remaenca, juu corner iui, . ' lith, with barn. ; , -., 6 500 7&100 and rood dwelling on . isroaaway, near , 5 OOO An 8-room residence. In PlnK or oonamon, vuimoy, near .;-, ? f Easy terms. t,Vr.i !,.;;'; 4 500 M acres, high atate of cultt- vstion: t ooa aweiimaa; w ' of fruit and strawberries; on " ... . P. B.. near Gaaton. Or. Easy 1 terms, and ' Implements .. thrown in. , v?v Sin KAA Corner lot Reed and Out trlctf and tributary to terminal in . center mnnuiiviurinH - vrouniln. '. Price cut Oown aell promptly, as owner wants B.1 2 A A Fractional lot and l-room . awauinr. 4 in iu nnr lvuvi . easy walking dlstancs. Terms. 3 000 A l-room cottage, Qulmby ' ' paying- I per cent Terms,or L.. lUMLr 2UIU. ' -J. 11WIIC HUM mmu . - f 2 700 Strhtly 75-foot frontaire on 1 50080180. on Sellwood st,. near union ave.i ivuiu jiuut, , 'improved.,:: !.-.. aOSO Good Jot, Cook s,vs., Alblna near iws caj-itnea. tnvsK lAta on 4 Willi boulevard, , , half pries of lots two blocks Kcverai bunches of 'ots on peninsula too numerous to specify ana oeiow rui lng prices sure money-maKera FK0 JtAZV 9X 99 tVJUtX T. BARGAINS S5.000Whole block, 275x200 teet, Jbast i wemn ana rres- cott sts., 11 lots, v ; , ' ; 2.750 75x100, : new ' 8-TOOm Y ' nr-n . . . house, l'block from yv lllamette station, on St. Johns carline. er Terms. $5 ,500 Corner lot . 50x100 and 8 rooms, house built last year. Lawn and . flowers, Twenty seventh and East Taylor Sts., Acreace nicely . located near Portland, on Base and Section line roads. . Tom M. Word ; Real Estate Co. S30 Stark St.. Mala 4561. 8661 Hood River Bargain $2,950 ACKES aU under hlgrh state of cultivation; acres in orcnara - a vaara am tnndnrrl variety treea. With berries between; IU acres in clover and oata; too' creek on one side of place abundance of free water for irrlgat In: rountr road on two aides of place near school, church and store; I M miles from Hood River; , new 6-room frame house; ood fences. This will pay for itself in two years ana is ine oeei osr sain In this beautiful valley. If you want an irina.! Hood River hOmS tha will be a money-maker It, will pay you to Investigate wis; easy terms. M iifS! -wasaufioB. Acreage in Five acres near Rose ' City, Park at a bargain. WAKEFIELD, PRIES & CO. -, 229 STARK ST. , CHOICB HOTS, convenient to rood car line, water mains iaia; uxiu isei each, only $110 each while they last; monthly paymenta Portland TiTISt Company 8. X. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 82 500 Nlos 5-room. cottaga, lot 8(ht on the Oregon City carline . at i . , Center station, -t rxew moo em o room cottage. All In fine con , dition. v t , Holmes & Menefee 89 Third St, Chamber of Commerce. cozr H irras 4-boom oottAob and corner lot, near Sellwood car, for (1,100; good lot in City View Park for 1326; two lots in xremont nice at , (150 each. . For terms apply Portland Trust Company or oreooit. B. S. Cos, Third aad Oak Sts.' Iargs modern, 7-room hoasst IRVINOTON C L.. PARRI8H & CO. 31X Xatoam W. roas JWa waa. ejl ., ' . I SXOTCU) KZXT VU AT Overtoil TODAT If You Yish to See the Best Addition for Homes' 5000 Ft. of Vatermains 5000 Ft. of Sewers - , 2000 Ft Cement Walks COMPLETED OB V CAM Takes you to the ground. . Compare Overlook with other additions, and If you cannot conrlncs yourself of its su periority donot buy.- ,. ' Prices and terms Reasonable ?: Swensson & Co. MM wAsmuroTOjr rr. rXOHX KATJT 8058., ( III Room 1 1; 145 J4 First St $ 600 H Good building, 60al00 feet, in Albina Homestead, near Fail- and Bhaver streets, very cheap. . . : . s . . . : i . r . $3000 -i : ,' " . . 'if; nmuitlful corner lot. $0x100 feet, with (-room residence. nearly new, modem basement tn. . Onrner , East 29th and Flanders sts. Choice location and very cheap property. $5000 Two lots, 100x100 feet. - with 9-room residence; plenty fruit and shrubbery. Bituatea on tu. 11th sC In Stephens' Addition. Choice building lots, 60x100 $550 $1000 $2800 feet each, in Tlbbetts Home stead. Very near-la property at low prices. 40 acres, rough Mil land. In thickly settled neighborhood, 10 miles southeast of the city. One half the land worth the money asked for ail. . Lot 60x100 feet, with' neat, modern l-room residence; nlentv of shrubbery and rruit ; street '' Improved, one block from . Willamette' station on St. Johns car Una This is a cheap home; sickness causs of selling. 4 , - WAREHOUSE SITES 15th Street 100xl50.r DONTJFORGET THAT IT PAYS TO SEE US. S;i;a v" y Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. -Will Buy t,000 WHITE feEAR. 1,000 MOONLIGHT. 1,000 COPPER kino: , Will Sell 1.000 BENTON. T.000 COEUR D'ALENB CON. ! 1,000 COPPER KINO. 00 WHXJK BEAR. W. H. Smith ! S09-910 lumber Biohange Bldg. $25,000 Buys 'B 4-story brick, Front St., wo stores, rooms above, good tenants. Rent 5165 ; after January $230, which will make it pay 10 Net .. E. J.DALY ; v 114 THIRD ST. GOOD T-XOOK SOVSB, not far from car barns, at .Norm AiDina, iov cunio, street and sidewalks In; It's a corner. Price S3,000. Portland Trust Company OT OBEOOJr. S. Z. Cox, VUxi aad Oak Sts, : r. m "Sal Two fine warehouse sites on the east side, each cover ing a full half, block, with trackage facilities. . Prices $20,000 and $18,000.; " Also have other fine ware house sites, factory sites and inside property. For .full particulars call upon Charles K.Henry &Son 122 THIRD STREETS PORTLAND, OR DO YOU KNOW Hat Only a Few Lots Ara Laft tn LORRINTON ? CotUrea and bunralowa are sprlnglnc up on all sides. Coma out and for your own satisfaction see what this cnoics residence addition has dona la tha last 10 days., .... . Wa are nfferin lota with all ira- provsments made, streets gradsd. walks parked and graveled and water laid to every lot, ior less man ouir umuwi are aell Ins, and they have mads no lm- rroveroenta whatever. Think of HI 175 'for a fins residence lot, with all Improvements made. Terms. It down and IB per month. We, give t per cent discount for cash. Abstract furnished with your deed. . Take W-W par at Third and Tarn- hill streets and vet off at Woodstock station. There the bis sign points the wty. r,;u ?,:'-;,..v' v.-;,. Don't fall to ro while these lots last They beat anything on the market. - a. ft - woorc Kcaity tompany . .- 868 BTA3UC BTXXZT , Afnt at the of floe oa the grows New School House AND New Presbyterian Church ' Are Nearly Completed ia VSNON riQwn.r. 7VU UUI vvawl BVm, I with improved streets, at prices still revelling In the choioe residence sso- ,on- . ' . .... Don't leave ths elty to buy lots, boy close In. Take the car with the big "A" at Id and Washington, and see for yourself. .. MOORE REALTY CO. 868 KTAMX BT... Agent, at Twenty-First and Alberta Sta in vernon. xei. txi tvta. . HoIIaday Park Residence ; Nearly new modern . residence on Clackamas st. 7 rooms and reception hall, hardwood floors, gas and electrlo fixtures, Areplace, furnace, lot 00X100, nice lawn; price sa.uuv. Irvington Residence A good horns on Broadway, I rooms and 1 receDtlon hall, fireplace, cement basement, lot 10x100; price, 14,000, Woodstock Home A neat 8-room residence on car line, priced at a figure that you cannot af ford toiUet it get away from you; 11,260. Better-iett us show you. O' Donnell & Lucas 814 Chamber of Commeroe. READ THIS If you are looking; for one of the finest farms within iVi miles of a thriving county - seat, 40 miles from Portland, fully equipped In every detail, with modern farming implements; water In every building; steamer makes round trip to Portland daily. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY ; . B. KACZTJO, aianager. 9SU 833 lumber Exchange Bldg. 330, See'The Dunn-Lawrenca r Company for Farms ; In Clarke, Clackamas, Wshington and Tamhlll counties, that are worth In vestigating. - (Tou should call at their office and obtain full description, pho tographic views; thev have the Dest bargains oa the Pacific coast. . 141 Vi First su - . in i Junction fJcKehna The Tunnel Townslts A Imprevsment will offer for sale for a short tims a limited number of lots at MoKesnal Junction. MnTTanna Junction Is located on Co lumbia boulevard.' at the approach of the tunnel throurn Dana street ana un der University Park, st the eroailns of I I the main line of tha O. R. V N. from I ths east with the main 11ns of the Har rlman system of Puget sound. , McKenne Junction la where ths depot and railroad yards will be. . . . Work has commenced on the lsylnf of the tracks for Swift and Armour Com- nanlaa nifkln. nl.ntl. Tlia Hnlinfl tnfl the Troutdale finw and the tunnel under Univeralty Park will be push, pletlon. v ihed to com- McKsnna Junction will be a manu- facturtns; elty, with lars; payrolla ValTennai Jnnnttnn ha a the STeatSSt future of any suburb la Portland. Bur a business lot bow befors prices I are aavanoea. . lots ftot and np. Terms. It per cent cash. 10 per sect every taree momna. : V. II. Grindstaff ofness. oodaaru ttatioa. ob bx johni af Umm. , v . 10 oeaumsceiai tueox. VkOM atau coot. Stock on Installments You - can buy stock in ' the Rurnf ffivrr f!nnan1idatr1 Mlninf 0 1 md Dredging co. now At 50c Per Share bat after. July 15 price will id ivance to 75c per share. We ac cept payments on stock In weekly Or monthly installments. ' Call at lour office and get one of our pros pectuses. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO. " Fiscal Agents. , 304-310-312 Dekum BldgV Phones Main 6490; A-2429. Free Lot! The chance of your llfstlms to get la home cheap. : We are offering la Clemsbn A FREE LOT PROPOSITION to HOME BUTLDERS. COME! IN AND TALK IT OVBJR.. , : Conditions make valuea Ton do not I have to wait for them la Clemson. They 1 ara there NOW. Consider PRESENT I surroundings aad advantages .not what they may be five years hence, but. what they are NOW. Clemson has graded school, churches,! stores, Bo car fare, phone, lights, graded streets, pura water ALL at your door NOW. . dMfA 4 4l0?A LOIS $IIU 10 $1 Tour own terms. Phone or call and see us about our FREE LOT offer. Branch office Lents Hotel. - Take Mt I Scott car, First and Alder. Get off at Lents. " " i Clarke-CIemson-BIumauer ; : Company A SOl-t OOTTCK BXJ0, VOBTXuUTD, OB. raonasi Kala 4011, Home A-1668. Residence; Property 81 OOO ABB TJ Lots on Commercial .. St., between Knott and Sellwood . sta Terms. - S3 250i Crn 101 and l-room house in rood condition: on carline. west side; house rents for S0 per, montn. vierms. . ' ' f 6 500-4 ACBEB land and 2-story house; , near - carline, Mount " ' ; Tabor. Terma This is a snap. Sinnott & Sinnott S3S CBAJQBSB OX COXXEBCB. , f drone I Prices HI Advance Has Bull Run water. Has electric lights and gas. I 4 it.. 11-' XiaS CXCCUCHl, ewviwj. Has beautiful view ' of I rv.r' harbor and mOUTltainS. riyCf, uiv inywiiwiiii. K w . . f I . . J ilaS One Ot Uie XCW DCaUU 1 1 J ill! UUU1CVCU U3i Has central location J on the peninsula, where all the big improvements are being e made Has building restriction. (No shacks.) These are not wildcat lots,1 they are within walking dis tance to where thousands ot men are now employed. It is the best residence lo cation on the east side. This is the cheapest dtod- erty offered on the Peninsula todav considering location. I . . : Buy now and make the ad vance. - 1 Take a look today. St. I Johns car, get off at Greeley. Agent on the ground. : , TOPAZ LAND CO. 605 " COMMERCIAL BLK $650 Per Acre Aojoxrara KS9X0VT. about III aerea. lvina- directly along the Vancouver road, mostly well within -the established city limits. The greater Dart of this property is wen worm II. BOO Der acre for elattlns purposes and the remainder has a magnificent .ft-ilJBpp W. give an absolutely clear title to this and -you are not bottled up in any manner whatever. we aiso navs 4I.S acres directly adjoining this aore age on the east and lying Immediately on Vancouver carline. This whole piece Is the cream of the Love farm, and there la positively no other property of Its else that win equal it for piatuni i in the wnoie city, west o It won't .last long; bat tax. get busy, zlaiLvSan Washla-toa . S650 for fiOxlOO-foot lot. near Hawthorne ave., a oargain at . . . this price. - 151,050 Corner lot on Haw thorne ave., 100 feet lacing tne avenue; ideal for home. ?l,5O0 Choice lot on Corbett street, fine view, good car ser vice. 84,500 West side 6-room mod era house, 10 minutes walk from postofficfer - , , . S4,500 6-ropm modern house, North foruana. 1 817.500 Four -strictly . modern flats, ideal location. - 823,000 Good income proper ty on iweittn st- , 818,000 Buys 28 lots and fine home near Jtiawtnorne ave. Good investment. ' jyfj g; LEE Room 20 Raleigh Bldg 823i Washington St. ONLY LEFT Out of fifteen one-acre tracts. Only four are left In that beautiful piece of ground recently platted by us at Grays crossinev on the Mount Scott car line: fi-cent car fare, 16-mlnute eervlce. No acre tracts on the market today for the nrlce asked. Easy terma ir you are In want of aa acre or more see us at J once. .i Knapp & Mackey Alberta Lands We are general agents for Canadian pacifio Irrigation companya , lands, tne larsest lrrifratlon proposition on the continent; lands sold on long time. small payment down, low Interest, spe- I clal railroad ratea Call or writs for particulars. B. & Cook & Co. ssi uu3 an CC3EAP LOTS On Eosy Tcrn.3, rC2 SALE EY f!AU tC.1 IZ7SIU, TILLAMOOK STIU-Ta PRICE $500. Terms 1180 down, balnea la rr-rtalVi manta of til per month. LC 44al0 M Tillamook st, bet. tlta and ltb sta. , TILLAMOOK STREET. ; . A y : PRICE $500. i; . Terms 1150 Ansa, balanoe tn tnwtpJU" msnts ex IK per month. Cor. let 0si00 & W. cor. 18la aad Tillamook sta. r SCHUXLER STREET. "1 -v;;: price 9475.:'. '':h: , Terms fllO down, balanoe fa fasten, meats of tlt-per month. Lot 41 Half, on south Side tof Tillamook and Bahuylafl sts., between Iftb and Ui sta. v ., v BROADWAY STREET. -"PRICE t?750. Terma 1161. balanoe In tnstsJtnieiras ofl 111 per month. Xxt 10x14, en read : way st, between ilth and lOti, sta, Street Improvements all made. .WEIDLER STREET.' , ; ; PRICE $050. vA'J.:: - Terms $100 dawn, balanoe la faetaTU Sents ot 111 per month. ' lrt 10x040. L Iltb and Itlk sta. . S : IIALSEY STREET. ri PRtntt-Mtsa. Terms 1110 down, balanoe tn tnataS ants of liS per month. Lot loxlte, an' alee, st. between Ilth and lta sta. Includee eemsnt walks bow being made. ' CLACKAMAS STREET. PRICE 9G50. Terms till down, balance ia Install ments ef 111 bet. Ilth and ill per montn. ixi aoxiea, bet. 18th and lath sta Includes eemeat walks now being made. WASCO STREET. PRICE $G50. Terma 1119 down, balanoe la Install Ill ments of 111 per er -month. Lot 10x100. bet Ilth and tlth sta. Includes cement walks bow being made. PACIFIC STREET. ; PRICE ?500.' Terms 1100 down, balanoe in inatan- ments of lli er month. Inside lot I Ox 100. between iota ana b. .tin sts. . PACIFIC STREET, r -:4:;;; price ?i,ioo. 4 Terms ItOO down, balance In install ments of 111 per month. Quarter-block 100x100, on N. E. cor. 16th and Pa cificists., . .. . ji.'-.-. ..-V-', :;; ' HOLLADAY AVE. ; PRICE ?GOO. " P ; - Terms 1100 down, balance In lnstsll ments of 115 per month. Cor. lot, 10x100, oa 8. W. cor, K. lid and Holla day ave.., ... ;.v.:'J.:'-,.;::-V'-; .y.-'w.-'-;' ' holladay'ave.'!-? price $500. Terms 1100 down, balance la Install ments of 111 per month. Lot 10x100, on Holladay ava, bet. E. , 13d and E. ltd sts. , !V;...;. ; TWENTY-SECOND ST.r :i :!,. PRICE; 9500. :l f'Si Terms 1100 down, balanee In InataH mente of ill per month. Lot 10x100. oa JO. lid, bet Holladay ave. and Pacific St. : multnomah street.' : -. price 9500. , : Terms 1100 down, balanos in Install ments of 111 per month. Lot 10x10, on a slds of Multnomah, bet Ilth and ivta. Mall & Von Gorstcl 104 Second and ill B. Burnslde Sts.. ;S.,'v A TDREE-STORY BRICK pun PiioPEiin on . a ' ' prominent Russell J street comer. Pays, 8 perv cent net Price $32,000 - "- Charles (Henry. & Son 122 THIRD STREET, ; PORTLAND, OR. . $11,000 Suburban Acreage . Sacrifico rtntv eeven mtlss east 9t 'tha eeurt- house, on Section Line roadl 40 aerss, all in prime cultivation. Ths prloe, however. Includes a bounteous crop on every square foot of It also tha crop on 30 acrss adjoining. A fins modem residence, easily worth 11,000; good out bouses, livestock and farm Implements. We have also many other ehoioe sub urban tracts on our list at very low . prices. Lambert-Vhltrner Co. 107 SBXXZiOOX BIBO, 404 8, JaXZUCS. '-ii.'rg'-.