The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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Statistics for CereaV Tear
, Now Ending' Illustrate
i Portland's Exports.
Auction Co.
1211 First St. Main 5655
Sales of Furniture
Tomorrow, Wednesday
and Friday at .2 P. M. J3
' Just Imagine a nice little hem tuoked away among the tre at Irvington Park. Young
na wnoi. tract
there's shade as
firs, cedars, dog-wood, wild currants and other shrubs grow profusely over the whole tract
neaitn t
or the ever-preaent invigorating air
hlldren have, to thrive ' there the res
ta from town, a pleasant, restful ride.
nv other In Portland: nerfeot natural dralnai
mountains and surrounding country: abundance ot Bull Bun water: eleotrlclty In your house I
iffotxuiiy suae
well aa sunahlna Think of the ever-nreaant inv
Think of th chanoa th children have, to thrive thweth rest for yon when . evening
cornea. It's only 20 minutes from town, a pleasant, restful ride. You're on a table land
Other In Portland; perfect, natural drainage; Inspiring view of th
butchers and grocers ready to aery you.
Shipment of . Season Almost Equal
. . ' - . . .. .... .. I jonn mmar ot Anuria ia i
to Tnose oi tne iTeceauig season i two-masted schooner at Joseph Supples
This Craft Mar Make Owner Very Wealthy.
John Rudder of Astoria is rigging a
'-- i, . . . - - ' ' boat yard on th east side to b Used
' When More Wheat Dot Lew Flour tar halibut fishing off the mouth of the
' n y 1 Columbia river. She will be a fin sea
v lla Bet Afloat. boat. Mr. Rudder aays any quantity of
Thla la t ha rf.v ,K. niTAT.VKfJ MAlTffllll
MONET by attending our auction sales. !
rn vat parties have trie aam oppor
tunity, v
rVe don't car who gats th
halibut can be caught on th tanks
along th coast and ha expects ta make
a fortune. Th fish can be sent to Port
iana jn line conaiwom irn, irera w" i Tomorrow ii.iuv numn iiuunoiil
sea. Thla will be a feature much ap-1 furnishings must bbi sacri. Ia
predated by halibut fiends, - I nCKD. Just look through our sale, j S3
goods, aa we ar forced to sell to th i
highest bidder at PUBUO AUCTION.
Vlneanne. Vr. bk.. ......... ..Olasrow
Portland's wheat and Hon exports for Marechael Turren. Ft. ba.,.. Hamburg
vine am aauinouee, r r. a. , , , , . niww(i
fit.t hiirv Vf Kb . . . . . A nfvirn
am as thos of the preceding season, 1 pterrl Lot!, rr. bk.,...., Antwerp
Br. eh. ........ Antwerp
sn,, .Antwerp
............ ,.iiettn
a trifle larger to roreign porta, out i "tan Auwr,
. , 1 Glenessliu. Br.
smaller to uuunrnu. imnni raw niw .... m v. i.u
year of 1906-7 Portland shipped 1,304,-1 General d Bolsdeffre, Fr. bk., .London
.066 bushels of wheat and LSS3.SSS bar.) General de Negriar. Jt. bk .London
ru of flow by wat.f. whu during girvi:::::;::::i5twe?3
preceding cereai year , roe ampmenia .. ; -., 0oj gaip, gja Xoute,
,wr (.Dl.fSt bushel ef wheat and Beiellf Pr. bk.. ........ ;..NwcasUs, A.
1,S0I,(I barrels of flour. Thus It will Cot, d VUleboIs, tvtarnil,Fr. bk
' be seen that while th wheat shipments " ' ,,. Newcastle, A.
were allghUy smaller during th year Claverdon, Br. sh...,,... Newcastle, A.
now ending1 th flour shipments were a Wlllscott, Am. bk Newcastle, A.
little larger than thos of th preceding Port Patrick Br. sh Newcastle, A.
8C Mlrren, Bralu-..
Newcastle, A.
..Newcastle, A.
Great ouanUtles of wheat and flour I Crtllon, Fr. bk
. . 7 - ... . ... . . . I . A 1 V.U
nav Deen lorwaraca io am orient uur i niuni i, J ' . IJu'n '
" lng th past few months, but only small I Eugen Schneider, FT. bk. .Newcastle. A.
quantities or breadstunrs nay Deen hi s rr. ...newcMua, j-
afloat for Europe this spring or during I ' Tramp Steamers Xa Bout. -,
the latter nair or. th year. Burop Henrik Ibsen. Nor. str.l.San Francisco
drw no wheat at all during th month Ouen Alexandra. Br. atr....... Madras
lyra. Nor. ..
.Ban Franclsoo
of June, althourh th orient took 11.
.! bushels and California 7I.HI bush- Strathness, B. .gtr. ...Port Los Angeles
m..M. k... nnik th. OU Oarrlag jth. soat.
tsponding month of last year, when no Argyll, Am. str........... Port Harford
wheat waa shipped to either Europ nor A". trV" In E186 "
th orlant, and with only H.S01 bushels Marsrick, Am. str........ Ban Francisco
going to California. '
Th following tables show th ship
ments during the seasons of ltOO-T and
- Destination. 1106-7
Wheat. , . Bushels.
'Europ . ........... t,49M2I
.California . ........ 900,904
Orient . 1,000,039
Africa . ........... 100,001
South America ...,,101,220
rooms and select what you require, then lii
HOME OF THE' MAY WINE y pId u w'ui "coat 11
Old-Fashloned Barroom Where Oer-
' - man Drink U at Ita Best.
W hold sales vry Monday, Weijnes- 13
day and Friday at 1 t. ra. at 111 First 11
WIB.T is over, ddi loi seuun lor Mimr virw ,uu uur bhvi untui va uiorgnw 1 1 1
vln. wrlll - ...tin.,. ' . , lurt f An 9 tdls in too Vavried to admit of dwiorip-lil
TT IUS i TT MS 1 fVIIVIUWSJ ,VI " 1 4 . "W.m - - - - W.. WA.a I I 3
weeks longer. Its official duration In I wiU bu( t.,,,, w, rm what you H
mis city is always aaiarminea oy . i want, especially u it is in in nouse-
acUon of th llttl "wain", room near rurniswng una.
Union square, to which all connois
seurs in this German springtime bever
ag resort. For 16 years tha "Mai wain"
bowl has stood on th eastern and ' of
th bar and thither thirsty pilgrims who
never go to th place at any. other aa
son wend their way. Th bowl is not th
customary china punch bowl of the
average barroom filled with a watery
C. I FORD, Auctioneer.
.:. Th growth th present activity, th futur of Portland Is astonishing. And th '
growth on th aat aid Is three time that on th other. Cross any of ths bridges see
wnii inj r uuina un urua evvenu line ouuei for in wnoie east Side) nW buildings
going up big store coming in hotel a theatre homes and . th greater proportion of
mis srvwin is mving iuwaio irvinswn run. rropeny invre is simply nound
his growth IS going toward irvmgton rtuK. Property there Is simply bound to lumn
away up in value because things ar going that direction, and the lot with their trees
and their location ar mors desirable than any others In Ilk state of Improvement. Six
months from now you will not b able to touch any of thes lots for twice th money
they ar going for now. And after you've aeon th property and Passed throuah the streets'
. leading there you will not wonder. An Investment In Irvington Park real estat will yield
a. till
1 J.-amWft-!aaMlW!WBBS
yellow liquid adorned with a few atraw-
Derries ana .spears or mine - This re
ceptacle is Covered with a dark copper
frame. Ilk a short fat barrel. Ona aid
of th too lifts Ilk a lid. and inside this
fortress rests th punch bowL About it I
1 lc enough to keep th mixture al
ways, cool, but never ley, says th New
lora eon. - - . i
Th black walnut bar fixtures that
ara now dustier than aver from th
clouds of smoke that arise durlna- most
of th day and until late -In th night I
war put into piac long oerore tne I
ion Sales
Baker s Auction House
ooxjnra axssb ayo paxk its.
Bight now lots 150x100 ar selling for 1100 to $100 at th rat of, 10 per ent down
and 110 per month. That is less by from $100 to 6200 than you have to pay In other parts
of town far less desirable or conveniently located. But thes prices simply cannot last
long th demand will ba too great 61xty-foot streets and 100-foot boulevard being cut, -with
parkins on each side and omnt sidewalks; alleys through eaoh block; carlln nalng
' 105-6
Total ........ ...I.204.98I
Flour, Barrels.
Orient . ........ .7.1.234,305
California . ........ 125,160
Africa 11.000
,Europ ............ 10,000
Sir win. d.7"of thrV.tablt;hmnt F hll th. furnishings of Mrs. fj
Tha steam schooner ' Casoo cleared I It had been In a barroom for aome rears u"n rianoa, comprising mahuu- .
ystrday for . San Franolsco with 000 bfor and they ar old-faahloned AN,T PARLOR suits la sUk ooverings, H
tons of wheat 8h wUl aatl tomorrow, enougn to oespeaie a long term or srv-1 tli'i, ln e""""'1, n H
anaieo witn ions xn-1 Aly r wik, iwyBiu
h color of th. DESK. PORTIERES and LACB CUR- i
194.621 1 Maul .with 903,880 leet' oi lumDer, nia.noany, nas hi iawi in aaamg AJ;r.o, """ '.it,",vi:. iryi?
, loaded at St Johns This Is th first tojh dlfnnesa - . . SSIISk. Jlf PEDESTAL f TABLE,
milllllcarro to so to th Hawaiian island dl- . Bck -of th bar stretches a large, I SIDEBOARDand chairs, also yry
9 892 666 rcf from this port for som Urn. ww room and her can always b had pratty buitfet, au lust as good as
Barrel 1 1 I Tha steamer Kallbla rfhifts from the simple Oerman dUhes. At midday there I new and etricUy fashionable: oak bad
8i 47i North Paoiflo milla this morning toM a lunch at a fixed pric served to room suites, several Iron beds lnvart-
Totals ........ ...l,8t.55 1.206,685
Th flour shipments for th month of
June to th orient were very heavy, ag
gregating 186,816 barrels. Th last
101. 08S I ijinnion 10 omsa oer lumoer iuri ..w.. y m-'- . y
; th, nrimt . linen mere is no more iisnt tnan at I tresses ana. piuows;
IS 000 Th British' stemr Btrathnalrn Is r- nr 0'np "a nothing In th nat- ETB MAPLE
ps.uavi .h.-,... h... Alur of a rush disturbs tha relmlnr r-llaraa DREWS ETF
asvs aw uiiusi .aievaawa a v vviuv aava w v
sixes, best springs mat-
an igant biros
Princess dresser; also
pose of the plao. I other separata dresaers and commodea
Whn th May win season begins, chiffoniers, rockers, Brussels CAR-
lowara in ena er April, in otner pat-1 PKTB, 9x11 RUOSj good sewing ma
rona begin to com back. -IU ffct In chine, Bridge Beach COOK STOVE with
ahlpmnt. for th. season . worn plaoaa -XTT:... WoVinrin from Union "sauara and th. ZiLD'mnlTZ"l2
board the Portlana-Asiatlo liner Ara- . sipria, jun iura l"S drowsy conversation of tha other ru,iti I 7V. ","rrmS a V "C
load lumber for Australia soon. .
bia, which cleared yesterday afternoon J D t 6 p. m., smooth
for Hongkong and way ports with 66,
I miles; weather, cloudy,
; wind T south. II 32?WMtt. ,f Ptfft1" (Monday). Sale TUESDAY at 10 o cloc
ArrtMd down I la not JW,lJr. calculated With as much , BAKER A SON. Auctlonacra.
nftmiaiSar 'KrMrM. It should b. Four glasses T HO. ' . .V .
radr to sail until tomorrow afternoon. I Svea, for Ban Pedro. Bailed at s.l a. 1 1(4 n,., .rr. i.
Th Arabia was th first steamer to " "teamer Elmore. rorTiuamooa. i-ert tha audd.n iaV h i
clear at this port at th besi
the season and for that reason
effort was mad to get her cleared be-1
lor th oios oi th year.
OK FRIDAY NEXT w shall hold mi
Broadway in I usual weekly sal of good, clean house
hold rurnitur. carpets, .to. Bale at 10
o'clock. : -
BAKER A SON, Auctioneers.
Offlc 161-4 Aider st
rady to sail until tomorrow afternoon.
amer to Tl"' " rVi.V .TiimZi m. th "udden glare of th sun looks dlf fer
a special I ?l)?,A"v'J JT Y"'nV. I to th comfortabla, gloom of th low
HarbbrT Arriba ".I 1:40 pTm , schooB'.? f":.. Yni." faJ JS'SS;
Alumna, from San Pedro. Sailed at l!m !.'? 'th! -tmrjSii .Smu'-S?!
6:40 p. m.. tug Daring, for Oray's Har- f,!. Aahl tlnlt T?. i11.
r ZZ - . . '
Khlrr DAliron&p ArHvM From TTAm.
v . , . m iiQninqr, nusuiuava. m.vw a v ui,giv uu . a, ai
. . s . jfc r- - I ' All VIQI lunil Will LC1I VUU II1SLL ansa
burg with cement. wy,wa.t ; Aus. Juni. : 9.-ArrlTl l"! 0. M&i XgL :a "1 W are offering for tale today a few
Whan off Cap Horn, with a terrlflo! Juna 46. French bark Armen. from Port-I ;"5r i: A Bf JD: 'l"; ;on In thj .. . . .
. . , . -s .v. iVnrt . r ; . 7 - eariy spring, n you iook in a lexicon
gat. blowing. ith. crw of th. British wj.. i.tori: Sunday Hirli water Enallsfi translation is -woodruff."
hip Dalgonar was called upon to oon- t:u"lt:ii m.flt TiUtl iS!ryM'JJ
sign th remains of Steward Naal to Low water, 10:46 a. m., 0.6 feetj 11:20 aJa Zlt,2? l jSXtl
th deep. Tha old man had xoird P. m-. 1.1 Mt . S?A !&7rV:??blM
fmm uim. malfl unltnAW. 111. ah1,i I . I . . . . .. . . "
-- -"v--r. !-1 ... . .. i on in ice in in rreac rernrnrator i . .,.. ...
Waa HusUn's rrlend. Istandina- In th cornr 1s a. baa of the MCI Willi 1 " DUF corner on assi
herb collected on Staten Island by th MPasUUV Salmon street, right at the
hous being constructed,
tract and Is
There Is a building restriction of 11,600 It's part of th. con-
absolutely btndlns shanties or unslrhtlr houses ara ImDossIbla at Irvlnrton
Park. Let tta show you ' th property there'll b no mora w can say thea It anaaka
for Itself. '. y " , .
yery - attractive homes . at , prices
which are reasonable. ,
mates, but they ' aay he was feeble-
finally compelled to take to his hunkl ' From th London Chronlal.
for good. Th bst of attention under An Interesting link with the pa
the p.lrnumatanraa wa rlvan him ht I Shortly be severed by th COtnlnc
ther seemed no help and he passed tion of .the Rev. 3. P.- Faunthorpe.
away in agony
flnement. j
Tha Dalronar
resterday afternoon and berthed at Colv
dock No. 1. where she will dls-I ?
the past will I ma nd, womn who mak a spaclalty too of th
lomln rsla-l,,l carryins ii aooui ai mis season or ;", .- ,,,j-i-
T.,,?wi5 the year to the win ahops where th. r,Sht " verr particular.
the hill. House is new. and
'. I fJapma aa athaa 6 a-) KAaat r. T aa I .
arrtv.4 In h. fiarhA r Chelaeac. Whltelands will 1 be familiar I 7? or . .V VWWWW
atudents of th voluminous corr-1 "u.m" ouona ia a wny iigoi
who took l0!?'4.,'?0'-,
' For a beautiful place at
Mt. Tabor. Over three
lots and all the lawn, shrubs and fruit
lumDia aoca mo. i. wnera ana win oia. nj""""1 i...m ,
chara 10 000 barrels of cement and keen Interest In th annual election and v. , ' .L'" cc,'uf ua.e jc-
'SSSJ EHSSf?-f :WA.Wa j4cnn A
vn.4ir hAItr. VL ?w us.,n7fi Lanaon ltuK1B .ociiy. v . . ,. marnum, palnUd and alidad where their Jri OUU near Hawthorne avenue
m,i Liiuuau iii fj uauiiaa ui uoir ciimrxtBr isi not 1 ' , - ,
I -Vaasa-a
Why Would You Pay Double Price.
When too Can Get Snaps Like These
2 200 A" nle quarter block on E.
. 19th sf. beautiful 7-room
' house; . room to build thre
more; ground , valued at $1,200;
nouse oost sz.iow io ouuu.
2 850 Swell 6-roora cottage; 60x100
ft of around: areat mammoth
' cherry trees, other fruit shrub-
' bery ana an avaiancne oi romi
- In th most beautiful part of
Sunnyslde, East Aider si. zou
can't duplicate It anywhere In
the city ror ma money.
ctAfk Dvtr a swell Queen Anna T-
w w -- - - . i
room coiiaa. niuuara vvuvviii-
nces; near Denver ave. , and
Wilaratte boulevard; nw and
stylish. "You can't duplioai
th hous for less than 2,o00.
Value of around. 8700.
3 000 Plce for $2,200: (on. Atlantlo i
feet of ground, with new strict
ly modern Quean Ann 6-room
Don't ba foolish and Imagine you can
ly cheaper from th owner when th
agents always have th bargains, for
they nver will list property unless th
prlo. Is .low, .';;,.'..- : , .!:;' ' 71..
- laau nxn SITsVEZT. ' IH
. ti AOBB9) on th Oregon City oar Una, H nil. from 'Wlllamett rlv.r,
v all lc. leval land, soil rich; on publlo road. Prlo f 660 per acre;
. M cash, balano. to suit purchas.r. ; s --77. -: r-'V.?
Avaaaaa, a dioo irora arrioar una, h mu. irom vruiamtt. nvarj
all cleared; 1 acr fenced; good 4 -room house. Prlo f 1,600; half cash,
' 7? balanc to suit purchassr. X":-"t ';:'.''',' '.-': .;;:.7'7:;i'
U ACTABS; mn from wniamtt. Hvr; all aloe, lrrl land, on good
publlo road. Prlo. $200 per acre. Suitably looated for etttting tnt
acr tracts; IL000 caah, balano. 2nonthlr.v:);X;y-,v.?y?
SS ACbVBS on th. Oregon City ear Has; all elard and ln eultlvaUon, on
good publlo. road; sell rich and lays wall; aultabls for cutting Into.
lots and selling at a larga profit Price $$,000; half cash, , balance on , t
,il AOmBS, mil. front riUamtta.-rlvr, on- good publlo .."toad; . al
cleared but half acr; 'all lays well, rich solL : Price $2,400 half cash, '
balance to suit purchassr.
H AOX81 la Washington oounty,' 4 mil. from streetcar 11ns;' I aorea
cleared; good 'new s-room housa Price $2,000, Including good horse
t and buggy good cow, farming Implements, tools, etc , . .'' .
Third St IP Shaw-Fear Company? flk
riven out
The Dalgonar arrived up at 9 o'clock
: and she waa followed later by th. Nor
' weglan Steamer- Mathilda from- New
. castle. N. S. W., via San Franclaco un
. der charter to load lumber for1 Fre
mantle, Australia. The Portland 1 Lum-
v ver cuioDuif win xurniaa me cargo.
Sterula Z.lnrs Bus vs ARtva. .
Alliance, Coos Bay. ....... ......July 1
Roanoke, San Pedro and way,;.. July 2
Columbia, San Francisco....,,,,, July 2
. Breakwater,. San Francisco..,. ..July 8
... Costa Rica, Ban Francisco... i July 7
. O. W.Elder, San Pedro and way. July t
, Alesia. orient.. ................ .July 16
Nlcomedla, orient. ............ ..July 27
Numantia. orient..., ....Auaust II
Arabia, orient ....... . ........ Sept 1
- Begnlar ZJaers to Depart,
Costa Rica. San Francisco...,. -.June 29
Arabia, orient ............... ...July 1
Alliance, Coos Bay.. ..........July 4
Roanoke. San Pedro and way.,;. July 4
Columbia.- Ban Francisco..,... .July 6
. Breakwater, Coos Bay. ........ ..July 6
- u. w. iiaer, nan fearo ana way.juiy 11
Alesia. orient. ............... ..July 27
Nlcomedia, orient......,..,.,. August 6
Numantia. orient.......,,.., August 2$
;i - Tassels in Jort, :
Tola, Br. sh Elevator dock
Jordanhlll, Br bk.,... .........Stream
tin Ita, Br. bk........ ....... East Pine
Tellua. Ger, bk. ..Knappton
Whana Ho, Chinese June, .....The Oaks
Llllebonne, Am. sch., .O. R. A N. Alblna
E. F. Whitney, Am. bk. , ... .. .St Johns
Wasnueta, Am. barge. .Unlversitv Mill
; Chehalls, Am. bktn. ......... .Knappton
7. Gardiner City, Am. bktn..,. .Vancouver
Eehome, Am. sch............ St Helens
J. H. Lunsman, Am. sch..., .... .Stella
Charleston, U. 8. navy,,...,,,,. Harbor
Paul Jonas, U. S. N..... Astoria
. Kalibla. Br atr.. N. P. Mills
Arabia, Am str............ Flour mills
; Maori King, Br. as. ....... ..... .Stream
Melville Dollar, Am. str. ........ .Stella
Manshu Maru. Jap ss.O. R. A N., Alblna
Finn, Nor. str. ...... j.... ...Greenwich
cascade, Am. str W. P.
Johann Poulsen. Am. str..,.. . .Linn ton
Alvena, Am. sch ., ... .Westport
J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn..... Stella
Newberg, Am. str. .............. .Goble
Dalgonar, Br. so....;,.. Columbia No. 1
Costa Rica, Am. str.... ...... Ains worth
Mathilda, JMor ss.... .Jfortland Lbr Co.
"a aco. Am. atr. v.... Montgomery No.
Wallaoot Am. barge,,.... Astoria
Lumber Carriers Ba Bout.
Mabel Gala Am, sch,,.,. San FtujiIsoo
Retriever, Am. bktn..,. .San "Yanclaco
Alumna, Am. sch. .......San Francisco
Walacot Am. barge. San Francisco
Ronth Rnv. Am. str. ....San Francisco
Kcho, Am. bkta.,, ...... .San Francisco
Melrose. Am, sen... .can t-earo
Salldr Boy. Am. sch.. .San Francisco
Alden Bessa. Am bk.....Pan Francisco
Iettitia. Am. rranciscs
Thoa. L. Wand, Am. str.. San Francisco
Louisiana. Am. bk ......... -can earo
Coaster, Am. str.. San Francisco
, Sa Bonte With Cement and Oaaeral.
Buccleuch, Br. sh. ...........Hamburg
Brenn, Fr. bk.i ........... M .,.:. .Hull
Conwsy Castle. Br. bk. .. J.. ,. .Antwerp
l urope, Fr. bk. .............. .Antwerp
oenevlev Molinos, Fr. bk ...... London
:rnt Ken'Her. FT. ah. ...... ..Hamburg
taennec, Fr. sh...,....,.....,8wansea
l e Filler. IT. bk. ............. .London
rtha Roux. Fr. ba. ........ .Hamburg
: TMmbliue, Br. sh..... .Newcastle. E,
Knot, Hr. bk. ................ .Shlelda
f m. Gr. ah..1 .London
i.iiV ir, ib.ju wNewcaaUa, &
i. ;
t , ' - ' i
1 ..:::.
labels used to b. Ther was lanrl Eaar 20th street. A rtlaca whrra
one. upon a time; th tradition goes, a " ... . ... " t.
nicnt on' wnicn an tnes bottles win ;"1' !"" u vnu m hviui.
mntllM.whlf.h aoiinH it th iVrlnlr I
lers must hare been a rac of slant a It I it 47 A A An 8-room modern house
l2i. on the west side, with lot
such deeds of prowess. MotT ef the 50x110. For particulars apply
... . L - . , . 1 . .1 ...... I , . . 1
men wno sit apoui in in sioom are
past middle age and few young men ar
seen there. I
Portland Trust Co.
AllpSinn SaIps of Oregon
a a v mm .... w sww
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta.
I S3 500 Nice a-room cottage, lot 6 Ox
ivo, on iioaney ave.j near
Ivy st
. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
"aJSLa?? d at Salesroom' Holmes (D. Menofee
208 First street
Now 1 the time to seeur. treat bar-
rains at our salea There Is really no I
Inducement In ordinary merchandising I
10 tempt buyers out these July hot daya.
BUT we offer tempting Inducements by 1
selling the best grade housefurnlshlngs.1
89 Third Bt, Chamber of Commerce.
100x100 feet on Hawthorne ava, he
. jt - 1 c-i ' luuxiuu ie
woiitolb, uwi'' vuvsiiri)! ani every num ,, fmA n mnA .nil.
Lr.ait a pitth.ii i tifTmni b .t w tween Grand ave. and river: solid
-- r.r",."""" around, below prices.. Be us; bargain
iiivio iiu wtior 4Mif ui aui iiiaiJiiiKsi i " v. i .... i , .
on th market than th Immense stock can b bM now'
J. U. Wells Co. 1
SOfl CKAXBim OF coicmzxch BLoa.
Buyers will find the highest-grade fur
niture; also the plainer, less expensive
goods that have seen but ' little, : if
any. use (good as new), and the price
they bring at this season of the year
is within the reach of everybody. PAR
few blocks south of Morrison.
with an east frontage.
for a limited time 'only.
James J. Flynn
512 Chamber of Commerce.
Special Today
09 AAABuys 8-room house and one
Al I II II I block on R. 8. car Una If
w w v w you fcr6 looking for some good
me at once. -
I also have a fine list of houses for
sale In all carts of tha eltv. ranrlna ln
price from $1,000 up, and -lots In the
best additions In Portland from $200 to
tow. .
See me for any kind of real estate in
vestments or timber lands. I believe 1 1
can piease you. ... " . . . .,.,-v.
Thos. P. Thornton
no csakb Ejteir coKiciica.
2fhon Main 4ael.
N. B. Any one that wants cash tor
advantage to call up Main
their belon
ags will find It to their
1626 or
A-4248. Our price for goods Is right. '
, J. T. WILSON Auctioneer,
Quarter Block
. Belmont and Seventh
One block front Korrlson, . two blocks
xrom urana are.
Or will boild to suit tenant on ions;
Palmer VariAfotina Co.
i ne uuaa oi urieans, wno nas al
ready; explored - hitherto unknown
territory at the - extreme north of
Greenland, Is, leaving agala for Williftme A.rAi Ce4a
fresh voyage to the polar seas on his Mi6Alarv V. OHU6A
stoat little yacht, the Beleca. The! rnArt ' 3 lots and house near
axnadltlnn Is taVlnr nrnTlslnnt for VwVUU . railing, or 'U n d 1 V I d e.d
I two yeara. i A picture ot the duke l?0""; '7pr "S'.P
v..; - ' - 7 J'.n two, yearj, at 7 -per cent. 325 15.
. appears bera. , . , V; . i6th Jt -orto, Phone 3co'24Jl, -v
saa TAixnro
". Main eeeii A-aesa. .
It Out
A. ' piece of Nob Hill
property, 66x100 feet,
must he sold . by July
15 for $2,000 cash,
) IA eflwa aasM llMa
f vv via u v w j ca.a at iiuiq WJt'J i v
at 6 per cent' Interest; jk.''
that lot, or rather TWO1
lots. Is really worth $,
600 of any man's moneg.
Located on Kearney st,
between 2td and 24th, It 7.
Is surrounded by' fine -
resldences on svery hand. " Ground that six 60x100 feet will carry four
large flats, sad flats rent readily In that part of the city. Four modern flats
will bring in $1(0 par month, or $1,600 per annum on a $12,000 Investment
In land and building nearly IS FEB dOT,. This property Is selling at
least $1,000 too low, yet the owner Is hard, pressed and must have the
money. If you have a little loose chsnge her is an opportunity to put It
to work.. See Foster, the Ad Man, about It, at Gevurts A Sons, 17$ First st
' Embodies all the advantages of an ideal v
home site. ,
' ". " FINE VIEW ,s
MENTS ..,';
' II
:. . II
. .
, n
-:' II
': II
.: ,
:. I!
:: ii
, ' H .
., il
:l ;
Commonwealth Trust Co.
, Sixth and Ankeny.
take W.-W. Car to Holgate St.:
Main 394: ' : Home A-2465.
EastAsfi St
Desirable lots. BOxlOO, all im
provements in, price $1,150. $250
cashrbalance on your own terns.
StarlTStreet, near Second.
X.OTS nr FiirnrstrtA aisrrzovs
are the best buys on the peninsula. The
dredge Is at work In front of this prop
erty, tiling In for the packing house. .
Holmes L Menefee
St Third St, Chamber oi Couuneroe. '
Russell Street
Two good lots 46x161 feet each. They
are Just off this busy . thoroughfare.
Street macadamised and cement walks
lcvv can sell at a price whloh will
mak. money for you. .7 ' ;
roxTZJuro nvn coxpajrr or
1 v; , oaraov, " - ' .? v:
U. Z. Cor. Third and Oak Its. 7
On easy terms, 6-room modern bouse.
corner Grand ave., near Fremont st; s
bargain if sold Soon.
j. l. Wells co'