ANOTHER DAY OF ;, AUT0SPEE01UG Oldfield, Wallace; Seibel and ; : Others Will Go Against y & V ' -; ; v More . Kccords. 'iW, , -RACE AT IKVIwiUJN ; ON THIRD OFJULY VP-.' Chief Events Will Be Donation E durajac Derby and : Patriotic V Sweepstakes In Which Many Ex X pert Will Baiso the Dnst i .';v The Barney Oldfleld race meet of a week ago waa so successful from every ' point of view that the Fourth of July committee has arranged to repeat the ' entertainment on the afternoon of July ! l..A at the previous meet, , Oldfleld, I t Blebel and Wallace wU be the chief attractions. " but ' it ' la not at all Im I nosathla that other driver almost if lno o.ult tr darjng may be developed !l,Withe meet-,- -a-The epeedy motorlsta ar arranging a program that promise to M even more attractive than thoes of June II and J. Perhepa the ..atar avent , wllL be the donation endurance derby, a 60 mlle raoe to -which la attached a $100 prlte for flret lace, ITS for second and $50 for tntri The event will not . he for racing- cart, but for fully equipped touring care, ao that a motor. '1st wUl not need to own an ultra racing machine to eland a chance to win. Seibel and Wallace have already Vha rnrrf for thle event li one hour, two minutes and I I- aeo 1 onds and it le not at all unlikely that It may be broken, me visiung -pew I ti.. f nralaln the local track and Oldfleld eajre that he . will break all records he can during bis atay . .b'Tbe patrtoUo eweensUkea la mttor event on the card, In which Oldfleld. Wallace and Slebel are entered. Numer ous prises of value hve beon donated , tor ail the aventa and prise wlU be . . at lasst first and aeoond ' fl... In ' all nt tham. ' f Bruno Belbel, the flying Johman. . has placed a new eog on his .time i ahart and promises to have something to say with a few of the mt German la on the warpath and is ana loua to redeem himself before hla - friends who have confidence in M abU itr to drive winning races. McKeagua -who won with the fast Tourist, is i now t in Bait Lake and effort. i jura belng made to again secure the antry of the Uttle car which made auch a f showing at the Irvlngton raoee and in the hlu ellmb on June . v r ii CRY FOR WIVES , Ffench Plan of Long Ago May Be Tried Again in Oaaada, 'A rv for wive cornea to the province setUersTn the Canadian northwest tor- rttoriei A Roman . Catholio cJergyman -fn Alberta 1. eontempta n g .trying a nt Ouebaa from the French-Canadian scheme suggeiieu ; .L" , aun- solauVacnSlora-of hi. pariah ior aup; plying themrwlth w ves Women, except pi"i ".- r. the Canadian terrltorlea and there is an ...----.a.- aWaaaanaa .AT iVmina 'woVthoaareng. ion as tna .r." fsheY of the proVlnce of Quebec, The !n"?..ox.. aa them mar- ! fiad to wlveV of their own nationality and faUhTao aa to enoouraga the growth .a i r.t ftii.bac the supplying- Thi north west aettlera are only too aiiiOUS to fall In with tha deelres of Thai T nrlests i in the matter of marriage. . rrtw ak lartlr nf ffTlal rrlareable women la tna nVthwest -terrltorle. cannot : b. obv,- for fhemselvesr -- in their doors to afford them some m t?e chince for selection.- they are pre rVared to depute their prleeta to do the " SSt" The scheme haa been discussed la tha French-Canadian newspapers and r,t candidates for mat- rlmony Will probably leave for Calgary aThe"7ppVeren"t 'novelty of the scheme hJ drawTdown "Pn 'couracC rMlnule. .Those who ar encouraging " u arlw thaiat-not only doea not savor j argue . t- that not " S5.rythrch.Vgrof-novelty can-be V. broSght agalnat it They PO"t oJ - s.-4ssl5s. jii..'oltr.ethalne.! i r French aettlera 10. - Louhf Xl"S' yrat'nSnUtoV of finance ' wd of the colonies, glrla were - taken mi frnm the houses of refug of Pans and Yl ia and aent out to Canada as pros Mvawivel for the settlers. 'Mother ffa'riJ denncarnatlon wrote in 1665 that a hundred had come that summer and were nearly all provided with hus SandraVtha.Vmore . war-. to come the following ' rar..MInr167Jc Count Frontenae, the governor -of ' - Canada, wrote home to Paris complaining or toe JewSty tha supply of young women , aant out from France. - "if 160 glrla and as many aervants." ha said."' been sent out this year , they would all have found huabanda and " maatera within a month." , After soma of the young women had msiried at Quebec ft : waa found that the: had husbands at home: The nrtaata becam cautious in tying the P,?.-V: .n rnihert thereupon 5 herself wun a ceruiiMW " ":".fc. lf ' or magistrate of her parish, to the ef fect that she was free to marry. wl ,L .. that tha aarae auallfi- cation will be Maulred or allB those . who are to b taken to th Canadian i northwest under eocleslaatical auspices. . instead of Wi t " v of. suitors for their Tiands,. in imitation of Th course adopted at Quebec two I aJinHMela. for matrimony will be en couraged by their conductora to accent : niiM , aa domesUo servants until sought out for wives. by their futur husband " Considering the, loud call for wives In the northwest of , Canada th new arrivals will not have long to wait. ' Nor -wlli it be necessary to entice or drlv th bachelor settler Into wedlock, a was th cas of aome of their fore fathers in Quebeo in th middle of th - Mvanteentn century. - ,, " Ducheaa Pained Inn Sign. wnm - tha Reader. - " ' Tha algnboard ot an Inn at Rose - neath, on th Clyde, was painted some time ago by the Duchess of Argyll to whll away a period of tdlou walt- ' lD T'ha diichesa la, of course, well-known aa an artist and has ror many years had a studio in -Kensington, palace, - w. aha anlillJl mlllT tlOUTS in DSlnt- Ing and modelling. Aa a aculptor she - has great ability,-and her-tutor, the ' late' Sir Edgar Boehm, thought Very highly of her sum. Th government ef South Australia - haa taken under consideration ant of fer from influential Jewish sources in rtV..t Britain to settle 60.000 Jewish ' emigrants ia tha Northern Territory. DEER MIDJIOJES OF AUTO WORLD Latest Information About Touring Carsani. Their,, v i rDrivers Every wherew Berkeley. California, has a young but pushing club. '":,,, J . , t j Tha federal bureau of publlo roads Is pushing Its Inquiry Into dustlsylng de vices. 1 ' ; .'. ' -v -. f .. ' Wlldwood, New Jersey, has, eaugnvme fever, and that seaside resort will have a anrles of races July 4. " k - . Ovar tiOO.OuO WSS Spent in- preparing the roads for tha kaiser's cup race, and, yet a fatality occurred. " ln;l0 Italy imporud about $00 cara, valued approximately at $1,000,000, and exported 700. worth, $1,750,000.. " The automobile ana tne siraignt are boeom friends. uanger oonw ka jMirv. 1 hereor th curve must go. trm have fallen In line with the, 1 4-hour raca Idea, and will hold one . . U.w TAUj.rM. '1 V IH11BD at the Brighton. Jcieacn vraca. and 10. . - ' il Randolpn county, inaiana, - t7t"V"T kill AAA fnarfa or aDOUt lit ZOr every man, .woman and child : In ' the COT.tIrmlned to keep the pace eat by modern clUes, Hartford. Connecticut, has urchasea a runaoou wr N'ewe'rsmo'toristi ara aa-la..ed ...k ,v,-i- rVant thraa-dav . andurance run that they havl decided -to inakr It gn 'annual event, r. . v , lV iJ ' Tha Minneapolis auh, wu u . . .,,.iinll rnr anarer by raising $10,000 for road improvements in its city and vicinity. ' ' .- ' ....,,,. Tha Automooua ciuo ' haa decided xo compile and disseminate information regarding, motoring routes lBTthh: aWub8farrl.burg. Penn ylvanla. which recenUy held a success ful two days' endurance run. will have a hlllcltmblng contBBt July 4. I. Tha proposed hlllcllmblng contest at Oatea MU1. Cleveland. wa ,bandoned owing to tha etrenuoua objeotlona mads by residents In tha Immediate locality. Toledo,-Ohio, haa cut tha speed limit down to 10 miles an hour and has -or ganised a Corps Ol momnvjv.. A""T men to sea that tha ordinance is obeyed. Elated by thaouccaas of the Bport hill climbing contest, the Automobile club of Brldgeiwrt, Connecticut, has announced A stock company composed .of Mexi cana and Americans has b"ne Una of autobusea between Cludad Por f irlo Dlaa,, Mexico,-- and Eagle . Faaa, 'nA.rA Vannard. the Snallsh novelist. Is . an ardent -devotee of the auto and a member of the new olub of society women headed by , the Ducheaa fA.umme 10 to July 17 will be held at Oatend, one Of tha finest seashore, tesorte In BroPf Every notable European make will be "A western manufacturer haa lust turned out the first drop-frame motor. vMa far famlntne use that haa been built In the United Btatea. They i ..a.a.4 la 1Taindh - 1 1 "Sul'ta ha'ben filed by thajtasocla tlon of Licensed Automobile Manufac turer against four more manufacturers of motor cars who havs questioned the validity of tha Belden P",. .:, Neal Brown, the newly elecfM preal dent of the Wlsconsia Automobile asso ciation, haa mapped out a vigorous era ..a' r - road improvement and the sque lohlng or racaiess unvera, finds oonslderabla favor on. the Pacific Strawing" tha roaae ia a c"10 "I" slop, the farmera - joming oui on a specified day and atrewlng th roads with straw to improve vehicle trafflo. W A favorit trlckmployed by Instruct ors at the T. M. C A. automobllechool in New York la to "queer" tha care - ao they will I not run. and let the atudents dlscorar and remedy tha def ect. - A flfe-mlle race for motor cara driven by women Is a feature of. program of events planned by the Aatomobi club of Santa Rosa. California, for Jalv I and 4. A handsome trophy la to ba - There were 1 atartara in ihe Moaeow Bt. Petersburg road race, the first event of tha kind avar held in Russia.' The winner covered tha $00 miles at an av erage rat of mora '.hen 4$ miles an hTha ateepest ' and mokt dangaroua grade In tha White mountains, Tug-of-War hill. In -Crawford Notch,. will oe lowered and made, safe for motorista at the expanse f tkejrtate Iff TJew Hamp- "One hundred routa arM Warning algm are being erected In Northern New York by the Syracuse Automobile club, which also Is interested In a plan to Improve the main road aorpaa that portion of the . Tha Automobll Clnb Of California and the ; San .Francisco Automobile penfers' association have Joined , hands In flrhtln for the openln of the fine HQ RD AxoQBILES 15 H." P. FOUR CYLINDER RUNABOUT, shaft drive, high clearance,'! every working part enclosed ,frorn dust and mud; the acknowledged peer of Run abouts.. '.We wiir match this car' against any car in Portland' selling under $2,000, for, : speed or hill : " - climbing ability.. , Price . . . .'. .V. r -?TOO SIX CYLINDER ,40 H. P. TOURING CAR, 4 to 40 miles' an hour on high gear. "Price."; , . .3,000. 1 A Pemonstration in this car is a revelation."Get One. , " :'Reo. Cars 8-io H. P. RUNABOUT....;;. ...... ....:..:?70O WITH FOLDING SEAT,. ?725 f20 H. P. 5-PASSENGER TOURING CAR with de tachable tonneau - ; ?l,40O ; In the Reo you pay for what you get, not what you- f PRED A .BENNETT ' 495 ALDER ST PORTLAND A . ; 718 FRONT. STi SPOKANE. ' , felJNDAY TOURNAli; PORTLAND, SUNDAY OREGON driveways of Golden Oats, park to mo- To better facilitate the pas-a; sutomobllos over the border a Buffalo custom-house broker ..has arranged .a plan of bondinr cars sent Into t"88; ooviating me 40 aep"'' "'"" owners much delay. - ' . . K if.irin. rfni.ia imnn. an earner snow. tha promoters of the Madieon" Square ..kikiiinn kava nrauaaed tne m . u i anhatltllta a fall Kting forhe 8wlM winter wna p . To get rid of the tollro-d which ur round Grand Rapids. Michigan, la the . ,h. in.i rinh. which has also offered a reward for thearrest oper ons who -throw glees, nsils '("lher tlre-puncturlng nibbish In the atreeis. . " The American Motor Car Manufactur era' aeeociatlon and the New Vork Au ..m.hii. nv.,i. aaanciatlon are working together to obtain permission line car-MO eater me -"'"-Steamehlp piers of New York. - kno" Belgiai nrolorl.t. haa undert. upon Vood clVcuii that wlU thPe "Aouataa of rival tlonjtl-. - Tha ilatas lor xne enduranoa contest t irom Bo pleased waY General Kurokl with hla rftee In American autome-bllea In ssveral bltle. which he vi-itea . . . recent "tour mat ne """"" Vh tlon of exporting several to use In the Japanese army maneuvers In tha fall. ' f..i a .. hnraa to mOW-hlS fawn! Colonel rVebb iy... of Fremont OhloT hauls a $-lnch owar with hla two-eyllnder runabout, hlch slso is utilised to poll a two-horse roadacrsper and a two-fioraa wagon for hauling rub bish, ato. " -,ilMim made as a resuix vt a ri by six prominent business men and one woman aided by a eewara, Good Government aasoclaWon haa ob tained weighty avldenoa toasslst it in it. namnairn for the bettermant or tne oitya.4ieplorablaatreets. . . . . Woe.t;r(Ms.hWtt.) club have succeeded in putting . crimp In the tree-graiiing - r bles and petty mais Last year France-imported fnacmn tools for tha use of automobile builders to tM valu. of $4.16.000. or which more than one fourth can from the United Btatea. "VlVr organised at Farts with a capital 01 II 16$.000 to manufacture auch tools, f il.B,C-lL h , hiiAran from beoomlng irfjn&Z L $ NewTork Motor lost or mixed up tne nw club and Long Island Automobile tied colored ribbons and taga-to-arms of their nearly 1000 little gt the guests Island, on the Orphans' day run to coney wnrkad like a charm. 'Ten IS-horepow.r African eam - MttA .t, waa-anatta bus Bodies, have been piacea in " Kport Company for generU pasn- SantlonaUr aevera character, u row succession of sharp graaaa Whe tha motor mla ra while the car Is running at low speed, and I the missing ceases when tne apeea p .Mnathlnr mill with traorinm,Th. caTdT most likely; by th.adml.rton of t0!m.hpon.ri to a strop touring board of tha American Auto mobile association has decided to allow machines in the Olldden tour to carry . nannants telllna tha maKe of car. " To secure uniformity and neat ness the committee will supply the pen The Automobile- Club of America has Offered to the district ttoraeys o f two counties In the vicinity of - New JTork .t. e t lanl department In aiding the convlcUon of two chauffeur, whosj recklessness recently caused the death of one man and tha aarlous Injury which traveling motorists are subjected . . irnnf enuntv. 1111- A aample of tne petty arii.i..a to Sols, wherTa f erryman -having the only 8 to ferry motor cars and 1$ cents for ?nrp?mcIpa?Uln'g for a woman to i. tn driv an automo bile Is to learn the us of the ateering wheel, th bt-kes, etc.. Siting .these nrmly llxed iff her m nd, and then to be allowed to us them In prsjtlee without wofVlment'or annoyance from-ner m Kto? whll she is raiding the i car. -Mor than 200.000 tons of concrete weTe used in BJw,n;.y,S England, motor track, 'which Is three woTa Quarter miles in circumferlnce ind 100 feet wide. The curves are scl Mtlflcally banked so that a car traveling at -Wah speed will round them many feet above on running at a slower rate. ' The automobile school recently start ed by the West Side T. M. C. A. in New Tork is attracting students from west of the Mississippi. Many rich men also, send their coaohmen there to .ba trained aa churTeura , One recent stu dent waa a full-blooded Zulu prince, who la atudylng at Columbia unlyer- "!tTha Automoblla club of Buffalo Is or aantstng a vigilance committee to assist police in running down violators of ia aneed laws and the other drivers who edinger the live, of pedestrians the Federation of AmericaiK Motor yy-cll-ta at ovidewe. Rhode IsUnd have been finally changed to Auyuat ; 1 . 1 I and 4. This will result In sUrtinf the now vi m through reckl8snesa: They will navs power to maxe arrests, ana wim" arainst aangerous arivma: ducted. . ; ' . A record-breaking trip was maa oj Mrs. E. Philips, wife of nr. warna rhllllps. and, Mra Artnur Jervia, of New York, from Bprlagneio, Massa chusetts, to New lorn, lai mno-, m laa than 10 hours actual running time. Mrs. Phillips is as proticlent In the care nt har car and even in repairs, aa nrAf.aalAnnl ohailfTaitr. Autos de luxe are planned by a Paris Arm hlh axaka tr cater only to the custom of the wealthy. They will hire out luxuriously appointed town cars manned by chauffeurs wnose nvery wm be changed to suit the taste of their temporary employers, who thus will be able to present the appearance of . own- ina hlffti.nlaaa r.ara. j The Florida East Coast Automobile asaoclatlon is determined to get the Vanarhllt run raca run Over the Or mond-Daytona Beach course If such a thing IS poBBlnie. it IS unaeraiiKHi m if proper protection In the guarding ot Taland course cannot be se cured the first chance will b lvn Florida to hold the race. - , . : The aupreme court 01 lowa, in nanu-ia- nwn an inatructlva decision In re gard to the law governing automobile travel, declared that owners of automo biles possess tha same Jrlghta on the highways as other users, but that they mint tiaa tha new means Of locomotion with due regard ror tne ngms 01 gey nf iimt vw - ' M A new way or catcning Dreaaera m the speed law haa been devised Dyro- llce Commissioner Bingham . or ew York. The sign snowing bis nign-speea whole two policemen In civilian attire ride around in localities frequented by speed sharps, who fall aaar-victim to tha man in tha Innocent - looking . me a la aa Afr Inlal venicia IS remvTau VU'iiw. . . . . m German cars. William K. vanaerput Jr.. donor of tha Vanderbllt cup and a leader in motor aporta, haa purchased Vila flrat American automobile. ' K. it. Thomaa, the New York banker, whose flrat a-rnarlanna with domestio CarS WS in th season o.lo. baa added another to his garage, . aireaay wsu iuviuin with foreign cara. ', '". , . Tha following circuit or una naa been arranaed br the United States Motor Racing association: guiy -, T,,ia- j,.iv s. Milwaukee: July 10. Cleveland; July 1-1$, Chloaa-o; fuiy 10-20. Indianapolis; , Juiy n-iii rf- burg; August $-$, - Providence, Khoae Island; August 1-10, Brighton Beach, New York. These events will be open only to stock touring cara, racing ma chines oeing narrea. - ' Far rrom sausnea witn ,tn " praaev stat laws regulating (automobiles, Maryland motorists already ar plan ning a campaign to induce th legisla ture w-loh meets next January to raise tha apeed limit on open roads from 1$ to $0 miles an hour; to repeal tha atat ute which allows local authorltlee to pass ordinances which con fl lot with the . a . , . V - J..V1. State laws, ana 10 mu vur uunuw changaa, ' -.-;,';-. X-' AafflRIOAN IiEAOm "ly - Boston Shut Oat.1';.;'' nA.Mi Uiu A Jnna It. Sullivan's muff in th sixth inning gar th Ath- letloa a start ana mey lauiea mrw times, winning the game. Score: i . i . . ' R. A. XL Philadelphia J!lfM f f Boston ' .......OOOOOOOOO t $ Batteries WaddeU and Bohreck; Glase and Bhaw.:. Umplr-Bhrtdan. ;: ' - A One-Sided Game." : : -Detroit, Mich., June . Detroit won a one-aided game from ueveiaao. tooay, V JW. Cleveland Detroit . I II10OIDS l ! Batteries Hees, Berger and Bemls: Wekefleld, MulUn and Archer. Umpire, O'Lougblln, Saints Get Package - . as a Louis. Mo., June IfTha Boa -atsd package handed Bt. Louls a good VUISi - . w. aawa Chicago i o i i ij ;, 1 Bt. Louis ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f I Batterles-Walsh and Sullivan: Glade and Buelow. Umpires Evana and Con? Klaa akr'UpftAAn. RflOrA nelly. :. . The estabjlshment of a minimum war in New Zealand desn't prevent the DCSl woraerairum a aa . . , mmMmTmmw-mmmmmmmmmm--mm Employery association. ' - . " '""l!! -----aa-a-Maa- ' -sssssss .. -S TheT mm Mrr R. D. Inman's Thomas Flyer Roadster, driven by; W. D. Wallace, defeated the specially built tracic racing car of Bruno Seibel. We under stand this is the first time Mr. Seibel has been beaten in his tour of the United States, with the ex ception of Barney Oldfield J" ; A ;OUR CLAIM SUSTAINED We have always daimei we Hi not only fastest .but the mbst reliable cars -on earth, . These , "just . Sd" lutSesXays "fall dowa"- wfen worked under severe conditions nmity to show the public what our cars will do, but you. you wul and us there .mth the goods when that tuna - comes.,, rui " UO JaaO Northwest Distributors . for Pope . . MORNING JlfNE 30, 1907, LIVED THE CENTURY. ' Rosc) Storey of Seaside, Oregon, who ;dled Ut week; at the; age of. 100 1 years, was domestio servant until k few years ago,, when . she became j a i county .. charge. She spent her little ; spare . money for V gifts for poor .children. She was . Terr eecentrlo and her life history ' she never told. . ' ' . ..'.'TENNIS. TOURNAMENT i?lvt icnrthron.: the most recent addl- III ""'V., . . r- , , O tlen to Portland's aquad of tennla ea- 1 , -. y;; , i -I ptrtsTtrL , .. ' -a , v 1 '. T- It t IN I I 1(1 1 7 . . - ": . .. " .-. " - . :-; t . as flyer DcfcaSs the-led Driven by the Tlying Dutchman KHIS Seventh and Oak Streets; Portland, Or. V : Oldsmot)iles hla name -engraved "on ' the big . silver mug donated .by J. Wesley Ladd to en courage tennis at th Multnomah club. Northrop defeated J. F. Ewlng In the finals in three atraight aeta---$-$, -$. a.J ; ' '. - -v.".', li ' ' ' r ' ! While Bwlng put up a plucky game and fought for every point, he seemed OF THE MOST POPULAR AND RELIABLE i.' BICYCLES. NATIONAL, PIERCE AND EMBLEM Old Yhocsa!e Oiir ftock U complete; Prices x. BndAuto VwiSAjaaajJtJU j-- Bnllou Wridit TRUSCOTT eaaSaassBtlaaassasS LAUNCHES gxcel in style and durability because tHey are built by those who know. Before pur . . chasing your summer's pleasure craft visit our shop. Launches, Rowboats and Canoes at reasonable price. r ? - ; REIERSON RMCfflNERY CO. 182-4-6 MORRISON ST. .Tolcdos, Thomas ;ana quicks 11 at ho time In danger of winning a st. The men played on nearly even term. Vnrthrnn owlna one point In six gauiea. clever placing or vo.iy en. l?o rop waa me nmn rnamant clar at the Multnomah club Is now over until th state ' championships, which begin July $0. ?20 to ?G5. Motorcycle TSupplieB. i - r-i - 86 Sixth Street Opp. WELLS - KAROO -,- -.'. BUILDING Fortys, Franklin: rTv ' rinn i slJ.o