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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1907)
:Z2HrlU?JZPK MYSTERY ARMY OFFICER WEDS API ACT; II . .r a .f , j, j r .Tfcls Issue ef ' - Comprise! t Journal Circulation . Yesterday OO, TfM'O 10 The Weather Generally fair, warmer, westerly winds. , '' VOL. IV. NO. 18. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE SO, 1807; . PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 1 II 1 f ;, 1 k SAG HER 17AV IfJTO : 111s m -- LJ.'; Lieutenant Benedict of the Fourteenth Infantry Mar rics GcncTieve Ardell, a Taudeville Actress, After a Year's Courtship. : . Brother Officers Indignant . .and. Family of Groom An . ryCupid's Victory 'Hay 1 Cost Youthful Follower of . Hars His Shouldcr-Straps. kIt w her vole. Ther U no. qu tlon about It, thouah many claim-that H wai her, peraonallty that won' tha heart, and Jova ot the brave'youn oBl car who "threw hi anabltlona to tha wlnda and married her. ' Bha waa variety alnger.""At Hag-er'a playhouse in Vancouver 'aha aanjr th aonga that; won tha heart of tha gallant young; officer, Tand thera.aoa met mm - flrat. i It waa after ona of her aonga that he aent hia card and when they had visited- the restaurant 1 together they felt as If th world had been un true to them. She met lit in again,, and then arin, and Friday they wera mar ried. Ilia folKa are angry, hut what - iMa urf She la his brlda. and with her beelda- him ha will fc tna ''.world. - '" . ." All Vancouver la talking about tha , -wedding. At army barracks It la gossip, and in town it la me lain 01 me vuiagn. 1 Hoth -tlie bride and groom are well known there. , . . Lleutonantr Bpnedict ' waa .born Fn r.hoda Island. He joined the army at AVest Point and waa ent to Vancouver barrtu-ks a year ago. He la second lieu tenant in tha. Fourteenth rcglmnt ot Infantry, the raclt regiment of ' tna Vancouver post. , ':.-Tlma'a Wlnga war! walrMd. : : r When ha arrived at Vancouver a'yoar ago. time hung heavily on hia hand. The post waa dull, there waa nothing there that Interested him. Bo he visited the town, and there was nothing la tha .town. He went to . the theatre, - and there ha saw a vision, a vision that en thralled him and haa caused him to cast & aafda all chances .of the future.' . Miaa Ardell waa a alnger, a vaude 1 villa aingcr. , Genevleva Ardell waa her nUge name and under the Sullivan & Cohsldine circuit she made many en gagement.,' Among her engagements waa Hager"a theatre In Vancouver. 8h was -doing a vaudeville turn there three weeks ago. She sang,, and Jier voice m,m nna of tha big features of th man-1 agement Mr. Hager, birth way, doea . not get the eholceat of attractions and w yen ona ooes coma wj lUMca . ine mini ' , j. . . ' She i was singing When Lieutenant i (Continued on Pag Ten.) PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE THREE VJItMERS III THE SWID1W JOURUM'S DEMJTY QUEST ' ' 1 . , . '-L,. . , ' ,, -. ! : - ii ' I.; r H ' :" i ' ffl - ' ' l . ; ' J : " P T7i-'v . II . i i- in.- ii- . i...... "i. i m i ii i ....... .-. - 1 I ..-v ...v . y Si I JOM'&M&tl Vim$J5(PM. . . GOVERI,lEi!T TO GRAPPLE WITH PLUMBERS' TRUST lndictmcntsLWi' Follow If It; Is.Found That the Sher- man Anti-Trust Law Has Been Violated-Wash- , KWVlldA LTUABT, '' inffton Firm a-Hember of . Local Combination. pick lira in 1 1 KM DUES 1 I DAZZLED BY GOLDFIELD TALES SWEDES BUY STOCK Lavish . Entertainment of Alleged Swedish Hillionaire , From Nevada Induces Hany of His Countrymen to , ' ' Purchase Paper Believed to Be of No Value. ;. ; JOIIISOO'S 0 0 Authorities' :Believe They ' : Can ! Fasten Crime ; Upon: .Wayne, Now in the Pcni tentiary, and "Andersen, Also in Custody Portland , Heights Society v (Women' Identified. Crimi nals Months Ago as Hen: TVho Prowled About Al ' vord Eesidence. Frank Wayne, xprt safe cracker and escaped convict, now serving a nine-years sentenc In th federal prison at McNeil's laland for robbing th Scllwood postofflc. . , Charles Anderson, hurglar, thug, ex-convlot. In the county Jail awaiting trial for the rob bery of th Sellwood postofflc and shooting PqIIo Officer Bor enson. ' -' liCOHIt 110 4S I1AILED DQl'JI District Attorney Suddenly -. Closes Up All Kinds of ; uusmess iiuubcs. . . ft f '' There l a city beyond the Columbia where you can't buy ooie" today. In von can't even buy clgarettea for a atafe law la to go into eneci juy . h.rrin their sale,, and an ODstreperoua 1' district attorney haa - Issued, an order closing saloons toaay. , - . 1 The" order came late last night, a urprlae such aa the quaint villagers of ?r.-r iiva rarelv exnerienced.' T They thought It vWas to come next Sunday, and never for . a moment . oreamea wiat inumw ---- according to District Attorney Staple-tan-aloona must close their doors to- -iav and those who are thirsty must e'-.i.l tn ha thimtv. ' Vancouver'. waa the hope bf PortlandJ Until laat nigni. umer neiKiioynuwu ' towns announced the closing of their grog shops last Sunday, but Vancouver atood . game to the end and offered liauid refreshments for all who dared the trip." Saloon men-were jubilant; to- ' day would have brought aheckela , te '' them.5 . 5- . i - But dead is - hope4, 1 departed are , the visions of prosperityi Vancouver la "dry" today and luckv Is the man who - can raise a drink. - Portland la "dry." , Oregon City is "dry;" all contiguous towns and suburbs are . "dry," -Van- couver the last chance of. the thlraty, w la "dry" and hope is dead. Mr. Stapleton Issued the order last night Chief of Police-Bateman carried out the orders and salooninen are despondent Mayor Ilsrvey joined in the order and those who advoaate an open town are puziled. Up to yester day officials favored an open town,' and the chanee of heart -is Inexplicable. . - "It's fifty years I've lived here," said a Vancouver resident last, night, "and r never before have' I experienced such a feeling. To think that tomorrow is to: be "dry." Usually I ' buy a drink when 1 want it, but to think that I can't buy one tomorrow makes me feel i lik departing." - ...,, ,,-.-.-, 1 'Acting unort th evldenc developed during The ' Journafg ' expoaur of the Portland Plumber' truat. government authorities are planning an Investiga tion of the - eombin which ; will later lead to Indictments should It be oud that; the Sherman antl-truet- law has been-vlolaied.; ;?j '::X-& r"'f7 fAsaiatanf United S BUtes - Attorney James 'Cole." who last month brought about the Indictment of furnltura- deal era and. the dissolution of the furniture trust, is at' present considering th vl dence airlnst the local Plumbing com bine; and it is mora than likely that a sweeping Investigation will result .- The local plumbing combination does hot stop at the boundariea of this state, but Jts clutches reach oven to Yancou ver," Washington, and drag In he Jarg-. est plumbing .firm located there in, an effort to', throttle legitimate competi tion and, put 4h Independent matt down and OUt . . .,.i.4'w-r. :.'. '' .:"' ..Z The Vancouver firm, own stock in XT- CJ T,k KT T? , aiining. stocg manipulators appear to in i-pruana jumpers- jrroiociivs ucAt UUJluaj lUU JjO-WOI xca.u, 1 httv found Portland a proliflo field of tnui voman in America paper Which gives it license to levy a which are divided monthly. It is per mitted to bid for work Inside th city limits of Portland, subject alwaya, how ever, to the edicts or tn inner circle. . -Onlv once durtnar The Journal's in veatlgation waa there found a plumber Will Bo announced. operations of lata, Just now' consid erable - excitement prevail in; Swedish circles because of a number of th fair sona and daughters ot- th north hav ing been mad victims of what they Th national beaut eueat will be de-lnow believe one of the meanest and who admitted that he charged an ae-l olded the coming week: and next Sunday ltt??Le!!?bJ,,5V0??!?e5c.- meB-. . aociation "bonua", . He admitted that he Th. wm ; Bre..nt lta readers I .l"lu. Jl"t.a?' I?,al? tarknrl tha sum of 12 on avarv fixture I T " vu,"v ''' wuu sni-mignu papor which -he sold out of his T store. . In with the (announcement of the winners certificates of mining stock for which reality, the "bonus" charg is $5. and photographs of th woman adjudged i" PVi. JD"ril3r;n ln seller that ion to which Vandor- Daszled promises lash- - This same: piumDer oeniea that tnei,,i in I a I ri" . " " '. . i onu" raft' laat year and until a t w ri " V 1 "T T Sf-nf1' ney w,.u.laS po5" m..tha ?r.i ... . i.r. i Watch for nxt Sundava Journal , M wallow In wealth th -llk of tha .face of ,tlia "bonus" recalnta which l4Tha Jonrnkl waa tha laat of tha Is Ph'7 Rockefeller. Morgan - or i Tha -Jonptial had nuhllahad. ihovlncl. . . . Dili COUia afford to Imagine. ' conclusively, that th graft wa placed L Bunaay P'Pers in ine unuea - i by sweet words, felg sounding ,t-th -n-riiraxamArf k. l enter tha contest and waa, tha last to I and delicious repasts at the m read the published accounts. The Van couver -firm ' denied that It !waa. asso- (Cohtlqftied on Page Fourteen.) ; t ; ; who has lived all of her life elnoe In fancy in. the Willamette -valley, where her mother still resides at Albany. i Miss Ceneth- Robertson, daughter of the late captain H. R. Kobertson, the well-known lumberman, -was th win ner of -the second prise- of 50 Miss Robertson- la a well-known 'society girl and for the paat 10 years haa -resided wltb ner parents ln Portland.. . " ; I - To. -Write rat -. JonrnaL Unwritten ;LameaHeets Appro Jury;: 6&p .-STtS a ontuiiija iu j binuu w ivu uvi is cat cik cat 44 tn winner 01 me mira priae, iza. -Miss Stuart is a milliner, by r trade ana is empxoyea in a local store. She is at present east, visiting -the James town exposition, which she .will de scribe -jor journal readers. ; 1 Miss -Parrish is employed in El. W. -Thou shait M0frJ? ?"St0r,a,p,L5fIlar?.5? ?i" .?? announce ;its prise winners; The first TirwYiSZ, 55: prls of 75 was won by. Vlra Stuart of want of fresh bait of the: moat allui I Portland, a native of North Carolina, ing aind. . -,-.! . On . of the victim, a woman, de clares ; she will see the manipulators punished if there is a law by which to reach them and .aha has traced them to Seattle. In a wire to a friend, and also 'a victim of tha confidence game, this woman says she has located the "capitalist" and will endegvor to have them brought to terms. ." - About two months ago Charles Bro berg, Mrs, Broberg. his wife, and Henry Lindholm, an aged - minor and "cap italist." hit Portland from the south, having "blown In" from Nevada and California, where they had "struck It" lmmenaely ' rich. ' Mr. Broberg spent money with a lavish hand for several days among those he intended cultlvat ing and .where he.: thought It would bring the fattest returns before he began1 to , discos . of .choice -.blocks of stocx in the Nevada-California Chan nel Mining company. - He had no stock to sell,, but bis friend, dear old Mr, At last the authorities hav what they believe 4to be a positive clue to th murderers Of Dr. Edward Johnson, who was thrown from tha Ford street bridge laat January, In the positive identifica tion of Frank Wayn and Charles An derson bV two well-known society women of Portland Helghta, who eaw the two men prowling around the resi dence of W. C Alvord. 206 King street, on the afternoon of the murder. Tha . women were in th corridors of tha noa toff Ice building when - Wayne. Carter, Anderson and several there of the gang were lanen mio Assistant United States Attorney James Cole'a nfft. ami nicked out Wavne and An derson as the two men they saw about Mrs. Alvord's house. Neither woman hesitated a moment in Identifying tn robbers. - s . - . - . Tames) avre wifoneia. Tor aaveral ' months the authorltlea) have had this Information, but hav re fuaed to reveal It heretofore, and even at present refuse to give the names of th women who Identified the men. When asked ' about tha case. Deputy District Attorney Qua C. Moaer refused to give the namea of the iTomen, but atated that ha had been Quietly at worlc on the case and haa strong circumstan tial -evidence against Wayn and An derson, on which h xpecta to oonvlct Continued on Page flight) . r Which Holds That Defendant Was Justified.- in , ? i Slaying Youth : Who , Ruined Daughter. ; By Julian Hawthorne. t'i. i-- yBaaaaf V.aM K f AnMBt TaISa4 VIM A ' ,Jwie vst r wma . ,' 1 s, Houston, Va., June 1 28.Judge -,: Lov ing -was acquitted of the. murder f "jOf Theodore Estes this evening, one hour after the case waa given into, tha hand of tha - Jury. ; Vvv.,,:,"; sThe "unwritten law, Jnvoked In: hia behalf - by ' Elizabeth Lovlflg, daughter Of the accused man,, and pleaded before theTlury wlthfervld eloquence by his counsel. triumphed one mora, and the slaver of - young ..Estes-" was showered with congratulation as he walked from the courtroom a rree man. ; ! Judee L.oving"DroKe oown ano wept " After a day 6f 'oratory. In which former State Senator W.- P. Barksdale, Walton Moore and John J. Lee made eloquent pleaa for the defense and Wood Bouldin of Halifax closed for the prose cution. 'the case was -given over. tOftbe Jury-' at :4:4L o'clock."; , , ..-i' ;' . ...,-;... v. - a Appeals Chivalry., M: ' Strode ot the defense opened In the morning with the apeech for Lov ing. He appealed to the Virginia chiv alry and . reverence for . womanhood, which la to -an true , sons or tne sacred soil dearer than life, itself: and he drew a vivid picture .of ' the agony . of mind of the defendant when he., was . con fronted, with the certainty of the in justice 'dona, to.-her, who had always been the chief object of his love and care. ' ; v .- '.- v Mr.- Strode spoke with much -fervor. I must remark that., the speeches, as far as my experience of them goes, are much roor slncer In 'ton and urgent ln subatanc. than on hears In "New York, southerners having a finer sens than the lawyer of tha east - - - . Mr.. Barksdale made a brief but emo-' tlonal address, attempting to controvert the suggestion . of- iir. iiarmon y ester-, day- -that God .has said : - 0. R. & N. Tunnel Franchise Refused 'in no Uncertain Terms -Intimation, of "Joker"-ty Council Must i Flock Solidly to! Rescue or 'Measure Js Lost' ' Mayor Lane's veto axe haa fallen upon i i.m ti ' . . ,7:.-- . . i Ri.mnr .ann.-wiii write rar . .jnnrniii ZmZSS!AnmAwm about photography as a sphere the tunnel franchise, ordinance grant lowed by a JurFverdlct th O. R.- N-'a' right-of-way murder tnjU degree. t P-nlnaula and.unles. city ,i - v. -. -T-j- . .-j-v . i airecuon oi me .various newapapers l '" H culminated bv thanklnar Ood that I who have nartlclDated in th national 1 measure- 'will die tha death, of tha-da- Virginians would always do murder in I contest, and will write of her- travels leanltatad - and the-com Dan y will ; have the lnterestawof the sanctity of their for readers of The Sunday Journal, v Pl. . " ' T-: V nomea, ana oj using sucn means as l winntH. - : 't ;; ,-'-. I HW - - 4 . - - - .- .. ... . . . mmt-mt . n m l , . tn mayor in amxing; oiu t turaiu iiiii thkt hi. iinr,i nn fmm an I In the national beauty unenllchtened.asa down t th. t.rnt I lnt thi most beautiful .woman ln the I in no uncertain tenna. He broadly In day..,, - v. ' . r tw " u U?-ritory aaajgned them, as followa:-In I tlmatea 'thaV there la ' a Joker ln-the . m..- eyivaine, - wancnestar. psnire; itnoas island, con- that "a -VUrginlan gentleman can never - Mr. Moore following on th same side, n!an remarked in reference to his own real- dence in a distant part of the state. New Hamp 14 -..4 .1... , ii i be wholl a stranger hfor . iin-flfl" (Continued n Pag Seven.) Virglniana" - He applied himself chiefly ordinance Which would seemingly grant I tha common user clause demanded by I mm out in reaiuy wouia kiv no out side road the right to use th approaches to attempting to remove , in, ground I ..-m n-mrrt -rr'rrt ' rrmn '- r from beneath th testimony fatal to th EDGE RUNS HIS AUTO -contention of the defense, riven h- tha I 'J ijkj iuw,u-,vlj : MILE, A MINUTE FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS contention of the defense, given by-the matumy "w timony wh to - the tunnel thus shutting every cor- The mayor further takea the ground noratlon except th U. n. tributaries from use of the and Its property. Insanity expert for the prosecution, tet timony wnicn provea mat Jjoving really sane at the time he 'killed Estes. -waa He took advantage of the -exclusion -of the collateral evidence to relate all. de tails, of th event whioh are now gen erally recognised aa untrue. ; - -, .... v , y Xdeallaee. Judg lVOTlnr. ;; He painted -a .picture of a 'man1 typl tna tha ordinance aa written grants a perpetual franchise to tn v. a. N, and he calls , attention to tn i ex rarianm the nitv has met ln the Past and Is now1 undergoing by reason of similar granta ; He also argues- tnai e (PnblhdMrs' Pnea hy gpaeial Leased Wlre 4) the interests of the"' city come before l-tt m T ,"-rnIMa Sat'lt Is "t& SutT'of thyor : ind e . the Uat bf his 24-hour endurance iSr -,.n . Mn.Mer thM. intereata c1 J$ th, higheat-and noblest manhood I test at the greatest speed at!; before those of any other corporaUon n I nia and., nar! a tan the tha aa I l a- stained throughout his race, S. T. v e or inaauax. - TrT Edge broke all records, covering e it r Ttatlng "what the proposed or 1,611 miles and 1,310 yarda Hia Idlnance provides writes as follows: of Virginia, and declared that the au- thor or the Hcariet letter" himself never- deDlcted a situation so nrofound- ly. tragic, aa that which confronted this ex-Judge.' ex-Inebriate and shedder- of his brother's .blood when his . daughter made her communication ' to: him on April 23 . last, r . - Mr. Lee next spoke. lie proceeded -to draw a horrible Picture of - woman's condition, in the north as brought about by their entrance into industrial pur suits. Men of the north, - unlike the gentlemen of the south, regard woman -e ' slowest time was 60 miles', an' hour, and . his average a trifle . e under 60 milea. . The record waa made over the ' new Brooklands cement track; Edge covered the first 100 miles In a trlfl over 86 mlnutea . - ' ft' XConUnued en Page Eight). i Xntlniatloa of Joker. 'Thta franchise Or arant has a com mon . user clause which . allows - other railroad companies -to use the tunnel UDon Dayment of a Just proportion of the cost of the same, but nowhere pro vide any. right -or access- or egress fromf Said .tunnel. In other worda any other railroad company, upon payment of - ita proportion of the cost, of the i I same,, can us the tunnel, providing It can conjure up some means of getting Into it, or out of It, which quite natur ally It could not do unless it in some way- aecurea a ngnt to us - the ap proaches to such tunnel, whioh is the " j 1 . , .... . . r riKni. m ray - opinion, tnai soouia e Insisted upon by the representatives of tne city neiore tne grant is made. "Also there Is no time limit set n nnn the life of the grant so far as I can ascertain, It being a perpetual fran chise with no restriction,, -of -which grants tnis city nas nan experience. In le past, and la now having, m. - t-;pr,-;:itauitMt- of ; citrM ::piu ' "The'' cltva interests 'demand that aa few bridsea. tunnels and cuts thmnirii over and under its property be made as possible, and in the event that another rauroan snouia come to tne citv ordi. nary . foresight suggests that, th pro vision for the same be made as soon as ossiDie. 11 in city through Us agents tad taken such a view of - the matter when th deep eut across the peninsula, now In - process of construction, waa suggested It would not have been neces sary to. deface that section-of the city with the deep gash which Is both de structive to its beauty and; its useful ness, nor -would the present grant have been , asked for. i s , ;...... "Also It would hav rendered' It nn- neeessary to construct the bridge across the Willamette river, which is now be ing erected and which when completed will forever be a bar to navigation and add to-the cost of every shipment ironi this port ln the future, to the detriment of the community. "The interests or tne people are greater than -are those of any corporation, and however; rnuch 1 any particular company may have suffered at the hands of a more astute or canny rival In It efforts to secure terminal facilities, the tact remains that we are but the agents of the people, and our duty 4 to them alone 4nd to none other. - iiAlun jUAN ilayor. Mr. Moser's theory of the murder fits in strongly with a statement made by Wayne to the effect that he came to Portland for the purpose of robbing a bank. The deputy district attorney be lieves that Wayne and Anderson shad owed Mr. Alvord's house ln the hop of catching Mr. Alvord and robbing) him. When they saw Dr. Johnson leave the house tn the dark and g (Continued on Page Eight) T.10TIIER DRUDGED Margaret 'Aiken Deman&j ..Rock Pile for Spend- ; thrift. MotherrrayeTagalnat son Is tha latest development of the non-support law by 'which men who do not provide for their families may be Imprisoned at the Kelly Butte ; rockpile while tha county pays $1.60 a day to the depend ent wife or children. , -VMr ,Margaret Aiken yesterday aft ernoon swore to a complaint chartrin that her son, Andrew Aiken, haa t.ui. 1 to support his three children. Ac ni-1-Ing to tho story told by Mrs. Ahu n t- Deputy Sheriff Jt-H. Jones, hi-r sum's wife had left him and their inrre c i. dren. "When, his wife left A ikon too h. .iiiiiirtn to his mother. ni lu... at 634 Seventh afreet. Mrs. Aiken aaya she Is a poor -- scarcely able to support n i the burden of caring for her sr ' dren is too great She aald sh.e 1 .1.1 her ann If he did not Support tli r dren she would resort to tho tm law, and that ne tnreatenej tum would a-o to Tacoma and lnv iifr f the chtkiren behind if she ati...- u, 1 t auch thing. Aiken had no opportunity to v ' t to Tacoma. however, for l'M'"'v Boatty arrested him on a l.-m i within half en hour ettr tn was file.1. He la now lx-in r county jU in d-:"lt of J Aiken s i I he r-vt 1 . . n -n! '. logging catr.p. l i ri'.'uer . ' a lineman, i-rnrloy i ,y tl t company. -rr,i, s jj a 1 -. dren are: 1 rv, S(i 1 ?; v . 6; Viobert. -I I y. . W. II. Sai., o-l, a nv - restwij on. a ni-. ' t to by bia if". I i . r-'- t y i given j c ... i i