TIIC ' OIJEGON DAILY JOURNAL, rOIiTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE CD, 1CC7. EMOIUESlli'S : ilUilE MOTS California Girl Tells Journal h Workers How to Win , . Scholarship. .AXTJABLE MNTSS: ; WORTJI CONSIDERING 'Many Candidates Have Already Made 1? Splendid Starts in Race and All ;' - - , . -. i ' . ...... ' v Express" Themselves as Confident - or winning lTlzes. ' ; ' Hrst started out X tried to remember appointments and sddrssses without making; a written memorandum, and coume failed. Then 1 purchased a small book which would fit In my ba and wrote down all acMrencra and time V The experience of , thoae ' who have tone through The Journal scholarship contests who have distinguished them selves, ; should be read and considered. A Los Angeles girl, who nrurd promi nently in an educational contest, directed br the present contest manager of The Journal. . of fers Jtu.lowia?;vtc ia-aiM who have the opportunity to prepay their way through school by earning a scholarship in a newspaper voting contest: . ? ' .a contests is important to me. Mar be I . did the newspaper some good; I think I did. , but the , contest work and the award were of more Importance to me than anything which 1 ever can do for ths newspaper. - ; . y ' v Oxatafnl for Xsperleace. . ' Such Is the sentiment of the young lady three years after her contest ex perlence. She finished in her contest as winner of the sixth award, cash and a scholarship, and she graduated from ' a California college with first hono.-s. ...The former contestant goes on to say: - "In . canvassing for subscribers I places many, names on my list of friends and acquaintances. I gained some, knowledge . of , business life - and methods. : "I learned that a business man knows how to appreciate a person who has ' aimed his or her -own education. Such ..a on is more practical; more to be .trusted with the responsibilities of a geod position than the person who has . no general and broadening experience. - gome contestants 'When they first Start out to canvass imagine that people- look down on them. .The - man or woman who looks down on ' a - young ' person ' who .from choice : or necessity earns his or - her own way through scnooi is not wont considering.. -v "Southern California has the repute-. . tlon of being one of the most aristo cratic communities in the United States. But at school the children of the rich and of the well-to-do, whose ways are paid through school, treated me well, although my tuition was paid for by the newspaper for which I canvassed for subscribers.-"! really ' believe . I was treated with. more consideration.' They aid t not pity me f they actually enveld me, lor I had done soraethlnr and every reader of the newspaper knew it. The teachers, also, , patronised, me for- the school felt honored to have Its scholir- shlp selected by me." i '-, For the benefit of young people who re ' now striving for The . Journal scholarships,, this successful young wo . man gives a few suggestions, , as fol- lows: - - " . . - . i "First By stem. VWI.hout system you cannot expect to succeed. . When I at whlcn I was to call. By evening usually naa one or mro then with .the help of .my., father ; I wouia mate out a urn mr mo ji consequently. I knew exactly where,! should go on the morrow and at wnat time I should be there. My names were arranged In order so as to save as many atens as Dosslble: not alphabetic- aiiyi but in the order of a route. A great deal of Ume and energy is wasted unless your -work Is systematlsed. "Don't go nown to Sixth street and then-com back to Second and then probably meet a party at Kourtn. Plan out your course of action so as not to retrace your steps any more than Is absolutely necessary. "System Is the nrst point and neat ness, the second. V ''' ... .v-.v' SmUlnjr , aee "Wins. : , "A clean, smiling face in a neat, plain frock will win thousands where a dis couraged, dlrt-begrlmed countenance In a soiled dress wonders "why n earth they don't have the success that some of the others do." .Don't whatever you do, grumble at your hard luo (you are sure to strike some discouraging days.) Keep that to yourself and If a person awks you how ,-ou are getting along, look pleasant and tell him that you are doing as well as could be expected. "Last, but not least, do not approach a business man ss though you were basnful or frightened. A man admires straightforwardness "and self -command. If you enter an office, do so In .a brisk quick manner and clv I the door noiselessly,- say "Good . n.ornlng, sir," and state your name and case quickly and Intelligently. The manner of jrpuf an trance i..J-'J(lresi bus faV-moe Weight wi... a business man than.. 'ou would pronnmy imagine. i -"These are my suggestions and If you tnlnk they would help any participant In the contest. I am only too glad to mention them." ... ' . . . ' College JBdncstloa Beairea. ' John A. Ouy, 491 East Twenty-eighth street, has entered The Journal contest to earn -the two-year - scholarship- K Albany college. He was nominated It Glenn E. 8prgu, 148 Woolaeley street. Both Mr. Guy and. Mr. Sprague-ere members of the T. M. C. A. and Mr. Guy has been attending the Y. M. C. A. day school since January 1. He has been reviewing on some of his studies not having gone to school for -about four years. He has a good common school education but feels that his life months' win not be complete unless ne can nave the training which only a college gives. The fact that four, years4 which should have been j put to advancement In col lege classes have slipped . away- Into hard work' does hot discourage this young man from now carrying out his aim. He is II years. old end he means to win a scholarship and . go through college.:: ,- '',,-... Glenn sprague. wno nominates - air. Ouy. Is 17 years old and recently grad uated from the Stevens Grammar school. He has asked for a receipt book ana he will give some time to hustling for subscribers so as to add contest votes to Guy's score. Mr. Sprague got the promise of one six months' subscription the first day he started out. and feels quite encouraged. - "' - - , Young Guy la a member Of the MIs pah Presbyterian church. East Twelfth and Powell streets, and he aspires to become a Y. M. C. , A. worker. With that definite object in view he will make his way through eollege. - . Earl W,-Heckart, an enterprising con testant at Corvallla. writes that he has1 secured the promise of 4.800 votes which he will be able to cast befere July 1. He Is getting on such headway in his contest efforts that It looks as though he will not only win a scholarship but in addition may be able to send some one on the excursion to Alaska. f Hawrt' Bsa . W0Tkei.j -f lnees of Wanhlnnton county and now living at Hlllnboro. was award! a scholarship In Tualatin academy in Feb ruary, 10T, for graduating with the highest markings from the ninth grade, the did not uae the scholarship last year and she -Is now-sorry she did not THE SCHOLARSHIPS . So far as at present made up, ths scholarships to be awarded at the end of the contest are presented he low. More schools msy be added as the contest progresses and the number- of determined contestants multiply.- .?:::;; "i.- Hill Military Academy, for boys, Port land, Oregon. 5 i ' 'j Two scholarships; one scholarship with board, room, tuition, laundry and other Items amounting to $500. Another scholarship as a separate prise for tui tion and noon meal, value 1100. St. Marya Institute, Beaverton, Ore gon, One scholarship in acaaemio u partment, including lessons on eny4n strdment; also board, room, etc. .Value St Helen's Hall. day and boaraing school for girls and young ladles, Port land, Oregon. Two scholarships, includ ing noon meals. -' - Whitman College1. Walla walla, wasn. Scholarship v In the Conservatory or Music,'-, value 1100. u ' :; ;i ' .'t-,' Willamette ttnlverslty. Salem, Oregon. Two scholarships. One In either college or preparatory department, value 160; the other In the muslo department . Dallas College, Dallas, Oregon. Schol arship In. either academic or college de partment, value 135 to $50. .-y Portland "Academx, Portland. Oregon. Day scholarship In either college . or academlo- department, - good for one year, value $120. . ' Mrs. Walter Reed, Portland, '- Oregon. Teacher of voice and singing. JUesson to the value of $100. , . v McMlnnvllle College. ' McMtnnville, Oregon. - Two - scholarships. One In either academle or college department. department or value $50; one In, music, vai'ie so. the ,t Pacific University, Forest drove. Ore- ton. - Two scholarships. One day schol arship in the academy or college, value $50. One scholarship for a girl with 10 is instruction in - music; noara, room, etc., in Herrica Haii, itoo. . Paclflo College, Newberg, Oregon. One scholarship in either college or academy department ror one scnooi year, . R. Max Mver. 141 Alder street Port land, Oregon. One scholarship good for 71 .hours . Instruction . In drawtn or, water color painting, or paste Holmes Business college Portland, Oregon. Four scholarships; one com bined scholarship one year, value $160; one academlo -or civil service scholar ship, one year, .$100; choice of either commercial or ' shorthand scholarships, six months. $60; night course, any de partment, one year. 160. - - - - CliESCEill COI IIOLDLIGS SOLD Timber, and 7 Lignite Near Cliehalis Now in Strong: : (Speelat Dlipsteb to Tbe -IohtimI.) . Chehalis. Wash.. June , . The. sale is reported of thetmber and coal prop erty holdings of the Crescent Coal com pany, about Z00 acres near Littell and about four miles west of Chehalis. to Beall Foster, a Tacoma lumber maj and associates. They are interested' I the .Adna Mill company, which owns a fine plant at Adna on tne unenans South Bend branch.) It Is understood the timber will eventually be cut at the Adna mill.,' .". M-Vt" What arrangements wl)l be made as to shipping -the coal from, the, mine which has been opened has,, not been learned. , ,: The Crescent Coal company 'was originally 1 organized by Tacoma : men and C. it. Curtis has for. several years been a moving factor In handling the f reposition. Opening ' and developing he mine has Proved very expensive, and tne crescent oompanynas neen senousiy Handicapped by want 01 tunas. - All last winter no coal was mined, owing to the . V fact that the Chehalis Lumber company of Littell and the Crescent company had become Involved in ' litigation. - In volving damages, over the use of the railroad from Lit tell to the mine, which was built Jointly by the two. has been compromised. this paying about lumoer company. Recent) thm Roa.1 $2,000 ' to . the company ber comix Receiver Cllft of Tacoma, who is hanf it oil Anise Hewitt, ' of t Roseburg, Oregon, is the first contestant to score with new subscription from the Umpqua val ley. That is a good beginning for Miss Hewitt ' - - . --- - .- - ' . ..- - Miss Grace Delchman, one of the nom- NOMINATE A FA VORITE Or several. If you like. If you nominate more then one. Select your nominees from different localities. ... Cat This Oat ana KaU to THS JOTXYAI rOBTXAJTS, 0 V At Oaoe. J . 1 1 . 1 1111 . . 1 1 ... 3 .: ,v ...,.. .' ;,.-..'., ...' '...,--( -:: w.. 1 i ;.r-;,f.t '- -' v ' - yt," f- -: J,', ; v. , ,Town. , . . . . . . .... ... ......... . . .Date 1.7. , . rrBZJSxxBS oksqoit sovuvax., roBTZ,ASS, osroov, ' ' I nominate the following as suitable to enter your contest for scholarships and cash awards: - . v.-v - . . .,..". AOS t . ABOBEBS Varna of School or College Wanted, (Any young person between tbe ages of 10 and 10 having good character is eligible to enter this contest) .-.-- . .- . ' ,.. - .r r Nomination Made by. . '. .". . . i Whose Permanent Address is...... wnoae j ciepnane tu any; la. ...... ...i. . partment one year, $60, Behnke- Walker' Business eollege, Portland, " Oregon. Four scholarships for 12 months' combined 'course, value $100;' one acholarship for i months' com bined course ' value $86; one scholar ship for months' course, value $70; one scholarship for t months either shorthand er business course, value $0. ' Baker City Business college. Baker City, Oregon. -Scholarship good for one year: in shorthand, commercial, Eng lish, advertising snd penmanship courses, value $100. 'International Correspondence Schools of-8cranton. Pa., Portland agency. Two scnoisrsnips;. choice of 1 100 tuition in any ot the numerous or helpful courses except : language course or courses In locomotive running; another scholarship in the same to the value of International Conservatory of .Music. C. K. Sands, manager, Paclflo coast di vision, Portland, Oregon.- i Three scholarships:- the winners to - have ! their choice of any - of the five different courses taught by this conservatory: namely.' piano, organ, violin, mandolin and - gutter; scholarships Include sheet music,, all Instructions and the stringed Instruments,. If, stringed Instrument courses are selected. , . ' Oregon Expert college, Portland, Ore gon. One scholarship in telegraphy and typewriting, - value $100. v dllng trie -coal company's' business, Is now settling all -claims and when the Foster oprapany takes over the coal holdings ft will be clear of Incum brances. ' The sale has been confirmed by the court and money has already passed, so the deal la practically set tled except for closing the details. The price paid Is 145. 0P0. .: 'j k- The mine, which Is ready to' be op erated, has a 1 1-foot -vein, of exoellent lignite. ' It Is stated the new company proposes to add ' the ' Crescent - to the Washington mines available for su ing fuel to -the sound and Portland markets. A large number of men will oe employed. It is not known here lust vet whether the -new eompany will ship. the coal to the South Bend branch line by way The Government of the U.S. 1$ the only QovtrnYment in the World that provides its citizens with a A simple means of distlnjrulshlny; between REAL V whiskey and imitations. Under -the CotC!n3 In t Bond Act, whiskey bottled un nr.' i aer uovernmeni dupery uion ;. must near over tne a . at a a ii W 4 .c- -ii Vfcv Green Slamn onil wniui is piainir siatcuf 1 the exact agt, strength and quantity of whiskey in the bottle; When your ; health requires a stimulant, demand. ft lit ft. - i n.nr Iil 1 1 iMwettfim. ' BOTTLED IN BONO nay. 2PURE.F00D DISTILLED IN KENTUCKY , BMaitMtlwil yea will KNOW thst the whiskey ye. erlak Is set leiistara, armV dally agsd er adsKsralea ta mmf way. SUNNY BROOK. Is SitttUt aelMtltlcslly. ' atatarsd thereiiflily. rtpsaed sn4 flaveras by age eaty, aad bettlei swear the direct eessrvlslea el V. S. Urtsmal Kevesee Omctrs. It leechss ths ceessisr Kh Ms high' aaaUty asd soft, rich Haver fully stmwvS whbbty wttaeai aa cmI the ' cheteest ereduct el Kealeeky's greatest OtsMOsry. K . .. . s-. BLUMAUER & HOCH, Portland, Oreeon. Distributor!. : Portland Business college. Portland. Oregon, , -A.- P. ' Armstrong, . - principal. Four scholarships, as follows: One for 1 2 ' months in combined course, value $100;- one for -1 months in combined course, value SB; one for t months In combined course, value 70;.one for months In shorthand or business course, value. 60.; s ,t--.-y "-t .;. -!., . Rose City Business college, Portland, Oregon. Two- scholarships; - one : com bined course' for one school year, value so; one months' course in shorthand or bookkeeping, 50. -. - - Capital -Business college,. Balem, Ore gon, -1 vine scnoiarsnip gooa lor 1 u months' , tuition in either department. value 1100. . , , w . Oregon '(Conservatory of' Music. Port land, Oregon. Instruction In any de- pertment,aniue iiuv. j-;:-.,.v ..,-; . ' Eugene Business college, Eugene, Ore gon. One scholarship In commercial or stenographic .course, value- 100. , v Western ' Academy of Music, Elocu tion and Dramatic Art, W. M. Rasmus, DrinciDai. roruana, ureron. one schol arship in choice of vocal, piano,' violin. mandolin, elocution, oratory and dram atic art, v.Mue izvu. . ' Holmes-Flanders Private school, port land. One scholarship good- for one year s - special ,. university preparation, one years normal course, or ' practical English course for one and one half years, valued at 1160. -. , , Oregon '-''-Law college. Commonwealth bunding, Portland,'- Oregon. . - Scholar ship In the first two years of the course, value I ISO. WHITE PINE LUMBER . TO 'MARKETS EAST '. (Slwclal ; Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) .. Troy, Idaho, June 29. This' is one of the largest lumber shipping points on the Palouse branch of the Northern Pa .1,1. IIm. J ' T. I- ..(U.tl k.,.1I 000,000 feet of pine, fir. and tamaraca lumber win oe eawea ana snippea esst from-Tror this year, valued at 1225,000. Troy; 'for ; nearly 20 years, has main tained a Drominence among the towns along the Palouse branch, and It wlll be at least 11 years before tne mroaas of the mills will make a noticeable dif ference in shipments from this point. A freight train has lust arrived bring ing 15 boa cars to be loaded with lumber for shipment to the eastern states. -The cars will go loaded -with white ; pine lumper, eacn car will carry irom iiu, 000 to 10.000 feet ..' y MEAD CONSULTS mMmi v , REMOVAL OP INSANE of LittelUor whether- the Adna logrlni road will be extended to the mineT OFFICERS OF GRAND ARMY AND W. R. C. (dpeelal 'Dispatch to The Journal. ) Newberg, Or, June JJ. The following officers were elected at the O. A. R. encampment: Commander, C. F, Blythe, of Hood River;' senior 'vice commander, George W. Allen. Newberg: Junior vice commander W. J. R. Beach, Forest Orove; medical director, Pr. J. K- Hall, Portland; chaplain, Rev. Henry A. Bar- den, Portland: council - of administra tion. J, R. 1C' Irvine Portland: J.- D. Haynes, Portland; C. H. Baker, Eugene: R. W. McNutt. Forest Orove; Daniel WeMiter, Balem; delegate, to national encampment tofhe held at Saratoga in September, George - A. Harding, August Dlpple, W. C 8hawr C. A. Sloan, C. A. Edmunds; alternates, A. M. Kelly, R. H. MUler, O. W. Hendershott, C H. Eggers, R. F. Chamberlain. v 1 ; The Woman's Relief Corps elected the following; Department president, Mrs. Cora Davis, of Union; senior vice-president. Mrs. Lettie'' Eggers, of Newberg: junior vice-president. Mary Dickey, - of Cottage Orove; secretary.. Mr. Anns Maxwell., ot. Union; treasurer, - Hannah Reeves. of Union; chaplain Sarah Kemp, of Portland; executive commit tee, Mrs. Addle Morgan. Forest Greve; Louisa Good bred, of union; Mrs. Caddy Reel of Cove; Esther Pursei. of union: Cora McBrlde. of Port sand; delegates at large, Bertha D. Oilman, of Heppner; Clara Blythe. of Carvsllls; Mandana Thorp, of Corvallls: alternates, - Mrs. Kline, of Corvallls: fiuslle Talmare. of Tillamook; and Carrie Couter, of Port land.. - . V' -v .. 'v. ' '. ;"-i'-. '. - The encampment wui be neid at New port, Oregon. ' . , .. , ... -. 1- DATES ARE SET FOR , " TEACHERS MEETINGS !-:H-V- i -) ' ; 1 ; - 1 - Vyr-i ' .. 7;t : (Special Dlf patch to "to JosnuL) -Salem, Or., June 2 1. Already dates for county teachers' 4nstltutes have been set as follows: Marlon, Linn and -Polk will hold joint Institutes In connec tion with the Western Division of the State Teachers' association, July 1. 2. and I: Coos county at Bandon, August zi. xx and ia; Benton county at cor vallls August 29. to and 21; Lane coun ty at Eugene. September 23, 24. and 26: Douglas at Roseburg, September 28, 17 and 28; Wasco county at The , Dalles, October U. 17 and II; Umatilla county at Pendleton. October 28, it and 26; Multnomah county at Portland, Novem ber SS,- 2 and 27.' "..".,(.;--(; SIIEEPSIIEARER TURNS : . DOWN A FORTUNE Rpeclsl Dispateh to Tbe " Josrnal.) - - Butte, Mont, June 29. John Cun ningham. ' a sheep shearer of Shoshone, Wyoming, who shears sheep for a grub stake to work his copper claims on Copper mountain, has refused a -cash offer of 1126,000 for his property. Cunningham-owns 110 s acres of. mineral ground. ' which he located seven years ssro. being the first - prospector in the oistnct. He iiOnci '-of the Important Duties of Phyciciano ; and the V7cIl-Informcd of the World W ( i- t..m ma 4tm Mlatfm lai,J! '-l:.V!1!t it. 1.1 f ' . k , , ' l(V icaiu cuo . l,u uig - icwuio ibuiuuig BUIU XVUUUIUIJ VV Ult leading luanuI&ClUr L V ' ers of medicinal agents,, a the most eminent, physicians are the. most careful aa to 11 the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it ia well : a. i : j a. nr. 11 T j if ii.x .i. . juiuwu vj yuvaiKHuis iuxu uw ; Ticu-jLtu.urxneu Kenerauy, mat me tjauiornia i) liZ orTUD Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company nas pecome a guarantee ot the excellence of its remedy. ?!:v': TRUTH AND QUiLJTV eppeal to the Well-Informed in! every walk, of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing,- therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would eajoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. -.With proper knowledffe of what is best each hour - of - recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and. the use oz medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, .but as in many instances a simple,.' wholesome remedy msy be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won -the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because of the excellence of the combination method of sianufiRrf ture, which is Mown to, the Cahiorma Fig Syrup Co. only. ;V j - ; ; : t , vThis valuable remedy bis'beeullong and favorably known TOder thVnam Byrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide, acceptance ; as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural, laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of-Syrup of Figs and Elixir of i Senna as more fully descriptive of the , remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always Jnote, when purchasing, the full name of the .Company California "Fig" Syrup Co." plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and , Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Col and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat isfaction to millions.' -The genuine is for sale by. all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. ; . r .; . ' ; . i;T'.:f';v'i-.' 'iV;:,; ""y 'v'''-'.-5:-;";, !' : ; v - Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company," filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at. Washington,. D. C that the remedy is not adulterated or nusbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP LouIflviHe, Ky. San Francisco, CaL U.S. A. , London, England,- New. York, N. ( MMMHMMMMMMMHMHMMMMm; ; - S ; j&l ?. v J; -l-or Frorr Matcmrjto Player ' 'x -: .Vj? V;:'';', -V :': -v. :l l?fiAi!i(oi if aw m. mm m 6- 15). if l in I Pianos Sent on Approval t Sixth and Curnside 4 holds out for 1250,000. Uakes the skin like you want it. ' V ' Does.it in a moment. ' Hagaris cMagnolia. atrru A liquid preparation. for Face, ..Neck, Arms and Hands. It is neither sticky nor greasy. ' It's harmless,, clean . and refreshing. ' Cannot be detected. Two colors Pink and White. ... Use it morning, noon and night, Winter, Spring,. Summer, Fall. SAMPLE FREE. " X.TOX Me- Co., 44 a. Fifth St, Brookljs, K.T. Dr.L'orroff'sAnti-le i . .. r - m ' -A U . ;i' - -x ii - XAxas uajr raorxos TAt ' T&roafa tae aerroas S7S- srstam. . Xt . la tmrczj vegetable eompoaad. Contains no ells or fats or any drug that Is Injurious er uabie to proauoe a naoit : IT IS THX CMtATKST TONIC IN THX WOKLD Each " bottle contains a month's treatment and costs 11.10 at any flrst-clasa drttg store, rreparea y tne AHTI-LEAN UIXICRE CO. OregeaUm Bldg, rorQaad. Os. 1f IJ I t t I K t l A ? Ailll A. u'lA.-v 1 J j ' . .... ' , j"" BANK AND OFFICE RAILING . WIRE AND IRON FEMCIG . Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc - v PORTLAND Xim AMD IRON MOWS- (Sptelnl Dlsntteh te Th Joaroil.) Tscoms, Wash.," June 28. Governor Mead had a conference here -with James H. Davis, member of the state board of control, one or the matters fliscussed being the removal of the criminally In sane from the asylums of the state to the insane ward or the state peniten tiary In accordance with the provisions of the new law, Esther Mitchell, the Holy Roller, whov killed her brother Oeorge and whs sent to the lnssne asy lum near Stellacoom. has not yet been sent to the state penitentiary, Mead's Secretary .Resigns. -i ' (Special Dispatch to Tbe Josnwt.) ' Olympla, Wash., June 28. Major A. N. Brown, .private secretary to Governor Mead, has resigned, to-take effect July IS. The resignation came aa a complete surprise at the state house, although, the s-overnor anneara to have received the resignation, some weeks ego. Mr. Brown retires to reenter, .newspaper . worn at Seattle. He will be retained on the gov ernor's military staff as lieutenant-colonel and aide de-camp. Announcement llili LqkqSSuo Pleasant to tall and does not gripe or nauseato, Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Troublo Stimulation Without; Irritation. Oeiko Laxative fruit Syrup is a new laxative 8jrup combined with tbe deli' dons flavor of fruits,' and; is very pleas ant to take. . It will not gripe or sicken. It is much .more pleasant, and effective than Pills, .Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. : ConstipMlon. Oktjto Laxative Frnit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is. upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains nn changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This '; is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. ; Why ORINO is different. Oaoro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really., acts upon all of the digestive organs, ; Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs can not cure Chronic OonstipatIon,Torpid ' Liver Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. - For Biliousness and SlclX Headache. Take Orhto Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. " ' Clears the Complexions Okxso Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the ' system and' clears t the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripo cr sicken. iXef use substitutes. ftHl-'eUABADTEE Talle OliINO LoxatlVo Fruit Syrup and If 7 arc not satisfied your xncney will !:o refer..!. Prepared only by FOLIY CO.J Chicago, IX ' colo Af id nicor.:.:z::DiD cv ' ALL DRU GGISTS rhone Main 2CC0. SECOND ANP-EVERETT. STS. has not yet been maae or Major jurown a successor. i