The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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ste;.;.j mm
DflDLY IfflO
term r.:?.?-
I It uMwUII vj
V ' -'1
Join Them
ronari's AtitrsrsaxaTs.' .
Are Saying
llarqium Grand
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home"
ii AOS ielepnone i-,xcnane"
and a few hundred
' more have ac
counts In our Savlnga
Department They are
planning for the future.
Contractors Complain City
Fails to Crush the Rock
After It Is Placed.
Orand Vaudeville
J-yriO ...."A WickeJ Woman"
' The Charity Nurse"
ftha Oflka ,
....O. W. P. carllne. First and. Aider
The following items comprise our bargain offerings for tomorrow only; these being subject to delivery at our
' ' earliest convenience, and for which we will not accept mail,' C, O. D. or telephone orders : ' ,
One mora wUlmembera of th Klly
Clan gather In Portland to hold their
annual celebration, Th reunion will be
field at the home of the lata Plympton
Kelly, Eaat ' Twenty-eighth and Hol
gate streets tomorrow. Nearly 100 da
scendants of Clinton, Qllmore, Thomaa
nd Albert Kelly, coming from all parta
of Oregon, Washington and California,
will be present tomorrow. A dinner
will be aerved under the beautiful
shade trees, where speeches will ba
made and the family history for the
past year will ba recounted. A aoolal
reunion will be beld In the afternoon,
filnce the death of Plympton Kelly,
last year. Mrs. Van B. Da Lashmut ha
become the bead of the elan. 6 ha la
the daughter of Albert Kelly, a pio
neer who settled at Hillsdale, Oregon,
In 184. ; :- , -, . -J
Bey. I R. Dyott, D. D., of the United
Congregational church, Brooklyn, New
York, will In all probability be called
to the pastorate of the First Congrega
tional of thlsj city to aueeoed
the Rev. E. L. House,' who resigned lh
the - . early aprlng. Dr. Dyott
ldent of the Congrega-
Qreater New Torn,
tionaf college of
Which la composed of 00 Congregational
clergymen. lie waa In Portland recent
ly and preached In the First church last
Dunday and la known to have made an
excellent impression Upon his hearer.
J. W. Beakey, formerly at the Port-!
land hotel, died Ust night at O'clock i
at hU restdenoe, East Thirty-first an!
Fremont atreeta, of cancer of the throat.
Shortly after leaving the Portland hotel
. Mr; Beakey waa operated upon for hie
.affliction and while benefitted ,t or a
time the disease returned and caused
lia deajpt. He was aiso lormeny iw
Wo Pay
Compounded' twle
. every year. Ton will be ,
eurpriaed how a laiy
dollar can be turned
into . a 4 working dollar.
Set one to work and be
Ith and Washington Bta. ".
Portland, Oregon.
W. H. Moore. .President
"a. E. Lytla. .Vlce-Pree't "7"
,.. W. Cooper Morris, Cash'r
Contractors who ask for extensions
of time In which to complete their work
complain that the city doe not furnish
enough eteam roller to roll the crushed
rock after they have It laid on the street
and consequently they are delayed In
their work. ...
This waa brought out at a meeting or
the executive board street committee
yesterday by. several contractors who
are In need of extensions - and Mayor
Dane said another roller should be se
cured If neoessary. City Engineer Tay
lor Informix! the mayor that no aDDro-
priatton had been made for additional
ateam rollers but that another one
would uimi In very handy. It la very
likely another roller will be procured if
It is at an possiDis. .
The contractors also say they are kept
back' bv the Inability of mlllmen to fur
nish lumber for ourbings. This (natter
will be investigated ty tne city engineer.
intensions or time ior street im
irovement oontraots are not favored by
he committee and it waa decided yes-
terd-r -fro-grn t a longer limit -for-th
oompietton ex wore.
(Continued from ppeXne.)
ard of the Arlington club and was very
a rear ago.
Beakey was 45 years of age and 1'
; popular.
He ended
Portland about
his service
a widow and three children.
was burned In the roof at S East
Twenty-first street and a few shingles
were burned on the roof at elf as
Clay street. ;,.... .. v. .:. -
There will be a pro re nata meeting of I George Russel, charged with Jiving
the Presbytery of Portland In th Haw- off tha earnings of scarlet women, was
thorns Park Presbyterian church at I arrested thla morning by a deputy from
w tn. Jul S. in transact the following the dietrlot attorney's office. Ball waa
business; To consider the call of the fixed at S00. Russel w ' arrested
Hawthorne Park Presbyterian church! 0n a houseboat near tha Aiblna ferry.
rer the
nastorai services or Key. u.
Nelson Alien, D. P.. and to arrange for
his Installation. To hear the report of
. i . t k a 7lMt flkr
in lUOCiBI VVUHUItiVw Via awawa - . ... es av
rnan church property; to transaot any ra game or neseoau wim we
Chief Campbell declines to .- allow
members of th fir department to play
other business made necessary by tha
foregoing items.' -..
causa the men cannot be spared from
; th eervice during; . tha time th gam
la in progress.
Company B, Third infantry. Oregon
tfatlonal Guard had a pleasant outing
and trial practice at Woodstock last
Sunday. Th company marched to wood
stock park Saturday evening, camped
nvmr fliindav tnil ntutnM tfl town 'that
evening. Two aham battle were fought I elusive.
In whlcn honors were even, lieutenant i
tpooner"a detachment won on and Lleu- All patrons of "Th Wckelodioa"? tb
tenant Doruahtv'a the Other. uarrmg 1 nnvtn. nlittim ahnw. 11B Blvth itrML
Notice to Holders of School Tickets
I School ticket will not be acoepted
for fares on the rtnes of the Portland
Railway. Light ft Power company from
July 1, 107, to September 1ft. 1)07, la
partment, went off well.
The United States civil service com
mission announces an examlnatlbn ' on
July 14, 1107, to secure ellglbles from
which to make certifications for the
IgSntsTn the "firfrSTff labor. d7pru -oUfr Sheldon,, B aahinrton
get a chance to try a cup of the
world-famous pur cereal coffee called
"uoiaen uram uranuiea. u tney visit
"Th jNickeiodion" toaay.
Every one expecting to go with th
Maismss on Mt Jffron trip must
11.300 to 12.000
an allowance for ex
penses when employed away from horn
. or outsiae or wasningion.
salaries ranging from
per annum and
complete arrangements.
Th Chicago Clothing company man-
Is i determined to break
few day and to that end , haa Inane-
selling record of the store for th next
v rated a monster sale In ail depart
Ed. Hamilton and Beatrice , Cameron
were arrested tms : morning oy Act
Ing Detectives Hill and Mallei. Both
were arraigned and held in default of
th ball, th charge being conducting a dis
orderly" souse, v-.- i ryjs ...
Don't go dry Sunday felly's Family
LJqnor store will deliver to your horn
anything in their line. Kelly Family
Dlquor store, successor to Caswell A
Keliy, Park and Morrison, Phone Mala
it. A-J802.
Third Presbyterlaa Sunday school
department Is keeping Picnl Magoona grove, Saturday. Jun
IndlvMuaJ . Mnnmnttn Bteamsr Aiiona leaves loot or Main
tnents of th store. Seasonable goods
Ilk summer suits, outing shirts and
other furnishings, will be put on sale
' at radical price reductions. For fur
ther particulars the reader Is referred
to the page ad of the firm In another
.. part or wis paper. . :
The polio
. watch for an
himself to be a collector for th Meier
- A Frank store and attempting to obtain
money under false pretenses. Patrons
of the big store are warned against pay
ing money to parties not ciotnea wun
aii i ujtjr ouitiviit .iuiii sv vwh'ii
' The swindler Is reported as being of
tout : stature- about five feet eight
inches and naving oionae curiy nair,
street 7:30 and 11:80 a. m. and 1:30
p. m. Tickets, adults 6o and children
25c i ,
Henry Davenport-of San Francisco
was fined In municipal court on a charge
of carrying concealed weapons. When
arrested, a pair of brass knuckles was
touna on nimi
Th commencement exercises of the I ! Wire and Iron work of all, kinds, fir
esoapes, elevator enclosures ana renoes.
Columbia Wire at Iron Works. 188x170
" i Iraki W7m .Mnvrin . YhAil V m m irnv
uy x-
r.vuii., . .... r . I nark l n. m.
gust Bens.
Sylvan school were held last night, clos- foapes, elevator enclosures and fences.
Ing a successful year'a work. A class
or seven was graouatea ana
diplomas by Superintendent
class nroDhet: Ruth Gray. Hasel Robin.! B.unfL V1" .Waawngton st
r ni
4 Good returning and C. Single fare
Baseball tomorrow, 1:80 p. m. sharp,
Astoria Bohemians vs i
North Paclfio Brewers.
TrI-Clty league teams, ,
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets.
Admission. 8S cents. v .
Grandstand free. 1
Baseball tomorrow, 8:30 p. m. sharp.
Excursion rates on steamer Telegraph
oints July I, S, and
to Astoria and way
uooa n
round trip.
Why nay moreT
eyes for 81.
delphla, In course of time hi wounds,
both of body and heart, recovered and
he waa married to a young woman who
nursed blm on his return from the bat
tlefield. Many years later he moved to
Texas, where he became prominent In
a growing community. mere e Be
came a widower. But neither he nor the
girl he loved in childhood ever heard of
each other, and they have only told
themaelves what were their thoughts
during all those years. . " 1 - - .
In 1881 Mr; and Mrs. Pierce moved
from Philadelphia to Portland. Here
he died and la th course of time the
widow became Mrs. Stevena. He also
died seven years ago, but ah has re
mained In Portland continuously sine
her arrival. . . .
She has devoted her time largely to
church work and has been prominently
ldentmea witn tne.growui ana won oi
the church of her choice on the east
side. She has also been prominently
Identified with the prohibition move
ment, having frequently been chosen aa
delegate to the state and city conven
tlons.. She was for several years sec
retary nf the east side W. C T. LL, and
was the first vice-president of tha first
woman's jbxenangs in una city,
014 Xrfive Is Benewed. '
It was by the merest accident, and,
strangely enough,- by the reading of a
funeral announcement, that . this half
century love affair waa revived.' At
f rMiuent intervals frlanda In Aurora. Illi
nois, havs sent Mrs, Stevens copies . of
the local papers. In the news of whlcn
she waa, of course, deeply interested. -
Last January she read in th paper
of the death of on of Kr. Hopper's
sisters. He had twin Sisters, and It was
one of these who had died. Mrs. Ste
vens promptly - wrote to th surviving
sister a letter -of sympathy and condo
lence In ber bereavement The friends
tn Aurora did not know tne name, and a
letter soon reached Portland Inquiring
who Mrs. Stevens waa, Then she re
plied, giving her former name of Pierce
and telling of her younger days In Au
rora. To this th sister did not reply,
but forwarded th letter to her brother
la Texas. "'. ' v"
soon tn postman nrougnt xo Mrs. Ste
vens a letter, postmarxea -uiimer.
Texan." une an
curiously opened
the corresoondei
ths revival of the romance.
Aa the result of the correspondence
Mrs. Stevens Is to become Mrs. Horner
end Is preparing to leave within a few
.- H
er, postmarked "Gilmer,
knew no one there, but
led it In that way began
idence whjfch resulted In
ler veneraDie lover win meet rtmr
at some nolnt en route, nrobably in Cali
fornia, and esoort her to his home, where
they: will be married.
Water through hose for
Metirer fits your
iti wits. sc.. cor. 7tn.
zormeriy at lit oixtn street.
Allen's Kushlort Komfort shoes are
lust the shoe for the warm weather.
sprinkling .Morrison
yaras or siaewaucs or wasning porcnes ,iX d,yt outing on tha steamer Tele
or windows must be paid for in advance graph Sunday. Portland to Astoria and
anq usea omy petween me noun ox return. Ii.
ana S a. in., ana o ana p. m. it
must not be used for sprinkling streets,
Tf used , contrary to these rules, or
wastefuuy. It viu be shut orr.
: ' Notification pf ' his reappointment
was received by Clerk Frank D, Hen
nessy of tb municipal court this rnorn
Ing. ' The new appointment carries the
office until July l, iu, ana is tne re-
'Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety nal
oil and ria gasonne. .rnono ast 789.
Woman's Exchange. 1S8 Tenth street
tuncn n:v to 12 ousmess men a luncn.
Fishlnsr pole or box of candy with each
pair or children a snoes at Rosenthal's.
suit of Judge Cameron's reelection to b. J.-Mills, 111 Sixth,, near Washington.'
preside over municipal court for a slm-1 , ... , u
lar period.
Services will be held this evening at
Congregational Talmud Thorah, corner
Sixth and Hall streets. Rev, Dr. N. H.
Heller .will officiate with a new choir.
BuMnr-t nf sermon announced in. "Israel
In a Now Dlght", , Strangers always
i welcome. ;
Two small fires occurred lata yes
terday afternoon on the east side. Dam
age In each instance, 825. A small holel
Diamond W It's a coffe ask for It
at your grocera
For lo call Main 184.
Co., 8S1 Stark.
Ice Delivery
r.iAin 165
niQUiniES Fon
f;:st ahd Cix streets
Dr.- E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Oregbnlan Confectionery, 181 Sixth,
D. Chambers, optician, 189 Seventh.
Berger signs -884 Tamhlll phone. .
BaVk Tonio for rheumatism. .. "
t - i 1 "
Beck Jeweler 105 Alder. .' '
Klser. " Scenlo photos. Imperial hotel.
(Special Dispatch te Tbe Jooraal.) 1
Tacoma, .Wash Jun 88. All the
timber lands of Pierce county will be
cruised ' in order that .the county as
sessor may be able to place a correct
valuation for equitable taxation. Th
pierce county commissioners .have
passed this resolution in accordance
with a suggestion of the state tax
commission. Some of tha ' heaviest
timbered land In the state is In this
county, and from the NIsqually river
to the King county border and from
tree Una on the Cascades almost to Ta
coma there Is one unbroken 'orest
, Th commissioners have vised wit
Assessor Rallab&ck relative to methoc
of placing corporation .valuations. In
creased valuations will be placed on all
corporUcm properties . herei but the
percentage or increase haa not been fig
ured OUt, ' r
v '. ; t-;s: ,, ""u -r;:;.
(Speelal Olspetek to Tbe lesraal.)
Ashland, June, 88The Rogue River
Baptist association, in convention with
th First Baptist church of Ashland,
Rev. F. N. Baker pastor, has just dosed
Its thirtieth aiMiual session. The dele
gation waa tn largest in tna nistory or
nat ooc y. neina aiso reoresentea ny
eminent divinea from abroad. Besides
the local ministers, there were present
-Rev.., J. It . Whirry, of McMlnnvllle
Miss Carrie O. Mlllsnauah. of Port
land, secretary of, th Baptist, Toung
Stewart. D. D., dean of Rochester Theo
logical seminary.
The followlna resolution from its re
port on temperance was , unanimously
approved ror publication in the columns
or Tne journal: , .- , : .
"Resolved, That we, the delegates and
members of the Rogue River Baptist
association, do most heartily commend
the action of District Attorney Man
ning and Mayor Lane of Portland, in
closing the saloons of our ohlef city
on Sunday, June 18. , We regard this as
a ' most signal victory for temperance
ana earnestly pray mat tn example
of Portland may b followed by other
cities ana towns oz our iair coast.
(Journal Special Service.)
.: Baltimore. Md., June 88. At the reg
ular election tomorrow B. S. Josselyn,
who recently resigned tha vice-ores!
dency of the Baltimore Electric- and
Maryland Telephone company, will b
elected president of the Portland Rail
wav. Llaht and 1 Power com nan r. - Mr.
Josselyn will be succeeded bv ff. M.
Clark of Philadelphia, who accepted the
presidency of the company temporarily
upon tne anatn oi tne late tl. w. uooae.
iMr. josseiyn wm aepart ror rortland
OAK STOOLS, Special $1.30
In the Mission design, weathered finished, seat cov
ered in green terry, exactly like cut. One only to each
purchaser. : ; 7-; ' : ' ' :J"
Pleasure seekers will recognUe the opportunity for completing
their needs for the summer season, For tomorrow only our Base-5
ment. Department offers unusual selling values in five srzes o
Japanese reed telescopes . '
- Regular 1 .- 70c values . for "e ,.V -'; . ', ,.35,
Regular ?v 80c values ' for; , . . , I V? ; "A0f
Regular w; 00c, values for.V.i'i " f I m.ifi 45
Regular $1.00 values for
: Regular $1.10 vvalue$ for . I . . '.I;. ... .70$ '.
Special Lach $1.25
80 by 60-inch KabaH Rugs half y?ool and half fiber,
in many distinctive patterns and colorings.' These are
ideal for bedroom and porch. Special for tomorrow
only in 'our Carpet Department at the above price.
Tomorrow only in our Drapery Department
Sixth Floor -: ,4y,j.i
Regular $1.50 values in 5-foo three-panel v
Oak Screens, filled with silkoline, in several
;'eolors. t Special .'l.......;';....;.:,.85''
Regular $5.25 values in three-panel Oalq
Screens; 5 feet (J inches high," filled with
denim, ; in two r colors, red ' and green.
Special . .......... .. . . .?2.50
AND ".
l!i22?JjWJilJ 1L1 U JlUV4sU J VJUUiJUUJIUi
Immediately after his election, probably
Baltimore Sunday evening.
Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector at Trtnfti
Episcopal church, has gone to New Tort
City where he will spend a month's va
cation. While away Dr. Morrison will
preach In several of th large eastern
churches on invitation from pastors
wun wtium n iv wen anown. - . -tr - .
W. J. Barrett, of Ban Francisco. P
clfto coast manager of the Wright Wire
company, or Worcester,- Mansacflusetts,
is at the Portland. ; Mr. Barrett has
many friends in Portland with whom he
will visit while In the Rose City.
"A Wicked Woman" At lyric.
One of the amusement events of the
week is "A Wicked Woman," presented
at the Lyric by the Allen stock com
pany. Thousands of people have been
held Spellbound by the intense Interest
of the play. It is one of the greatest
socletr problem plays of the age. ,
"A Fair Rebel" Next WeeaU
Another theatrical i treat Is In store
for Lyric pairons neit week when the
Allen stock company will appear In that
beautiful romantld drama, "A Fair
Rebel." It deals with a most interesting-
period of history and presents a
moer oi una mmso ipeu. . :.r , - j
Most disflrurlna- skin eruptions, scrof-
ula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to Im
pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a
cleasnlns blood tonic. Makes you clear
eyed, clear-prtdned, cle-skJnaed, ,
tf your teeth need treatment the
long-er you wait th lanar It will
make your bin,
Opiates C-
Call at enoa and' let as examine
your teeth. W wlU tly oti th
best servlca In every branch of the
dental profession, ( and by painless
methods that will meat with your
approval. When desired rou can
hav P. Wis or . tny personal
service. f ,
W. A. WISE, Dentist
T. P. Wise, H. A. Starderant and Dr.
Hoffman, Associates
ruon stvuar soas, .
Congressman Wllllamson'i
Naval Academy Appointee
Wiris vHigh B-onors. .
Paul If. i Bates, the 18-year-old sou
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bates, who
last year received his appointment
through Congressman Williamson to th
United States naval academy at Anna
polls, has passed his physical and other
examinations with honors and will snter
at one as a midshipman. ; 4
Touna Bates is a craduat : of the
Colonel Robert Bingham college, Ashe
vllle, - North ' Carolina, and graduated
from the Hill Military academy In the
class or not. : fie waa born in Blr
m Ingham, Alabama, and has been a resi
dent of Portland since his parents
moved nere zrom ine south three years
ago. we is a nepnew or raui Tuiane,
founder of Tuiane university, New Or
leans, Mr. and Mrs. Bates reside at
389 Main street, c They received a tele
gram this morning announcing the re
sult or ineir sons aucoesaiui examina
tion.. Vs..'Vw-;:. J'-' "'i.'''' ' -V . ' V
Strong Resolutions Passed by Wil
lamette Baptist Association, Be
for Adjournment..' " v
At th close of the Willamette Bap
tist association's convention at Calvary
Baptist church yesterday th following
resolutions wer adopted: . , -
'Resolved, That we reiterate our eter
nal opposition to the legalised liquor
traffic and our appreciation of any ef
fort which tends to suppress or in any
measure to reduce the traffic. W
recognise in the success attendlna the
efforts now being made in the city and
county to close saloons on Sundays a
good Illustration of what can be done
oj Qfttqiala who are iecrajlceij o hanJ
Straws that defy the Hcat-This
' Label on each hat
jEruAasape: ron
t ,
Peer of All $3.00 Hats
estly enforce the law, and we hope that
this movementwill be . permanently
maintained." ' ' "
Th following' committees were an
nounced by Moderator John Bentseln:
Foreign ; missions Rev. "Oilman Par
ker, Mrs. James Falling. Mrs. E. A,
Leonard; ' home missions -Bev. E. A,
fimlth, Mrs. R D. Gates, Rev. 8. C.
Laphara: - state missions Rev. - C- A.
Nutley, Rev, E. A. Leonard. Miss Carrie
Uspaugh; education Roy. J. W.
lev. j. j, uook. san. su.
McArthur; publication Rev. W. T. Jor-
Brougher, Rev.
dan, Mrs. O. A. Learn. C. H. Hart: Sun
iv schools Rev. A. b. wans. t. 4.
Elklns, Mra T, J. Hoye. vw ,
E. B. McFarland was last ntght'tinant-
mously elected president of the Portland
Rose society at a meeting of the so-
otetv in the rooms of the board of trade.
Mrs, - Benton Klllln was elected first
vice-president, Mrs. John Minto second
vice-president. Mrs Herbert -Holman
secretary, jnrs. ose tioyi auonor anu
Mn P. J Mann. Mrs. Oeorge H. Um-
berson, Mrs. W. Wynne Johnson, W, S.
filhBon and T. -V. Holman jnembert of
Jhe executive committee. .-s . ,
Xastera Trains for Wstr Tolas '
ave Chicago dally over Pennsylvania
short lines :1S a. m, 10:06 a. m., 11
a m- t:46 d. m.. :! P. m., :S0 p. m.,
in n tn . 11:41 n. m. For details write
SPEND , your i vaca
tion at thia delight
ful t resort (at .. snow
line). Enjoy a snow
ball in aummer ' time.
Automobiles meet Mt. .
Hood railroad trains.
Rate, $9.50 for round
trip from Portland. Ak
at O. R. & N. city
ticket agent ; for : par
ticulars, or write
. Manager,
P. O,' Mt Hood, Or.
! y -i
So far as reported King Edward ha
not yet told Mark Twain the answer to
Tom Sawver'a auestlon to Hucklfharrv
Farewell , week. ; SAJT TKAHCISCO
OSXKA CO., presenting the spectacular
military comic opera.- "When Johnny
domes searching Borne." The biggent
hit of all. Only five more performances.
Matinees Saturday, Sunday. Evening,
25c, 60c, 76c Matinees, 26c, SOc. Mon
day, July , Nance O'Neill in "Th Sor
ceress." -v-
pboa Ktts a.
Qkx. L, BakT, Mrr.
Second and Last Week of Zlnn's
i Musical Travesty. Co. in
- tkb TsusraoarB sxcKAiraa
With All the Great Beauty Chorus,
Splendid Costumes snd Effects.
Rvenlng prices 15c, ISe. 85c, 60c
Matinees 15c, 26c. Matinee Saturday.
Meat week LicKen- ureal nay,
The Great Heart Story of Modem Life,
Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays, Satur
days and Sundays at 2:30. Prices. lOo
and 20c Every evening at 1:15. Prices,
lOv, 20o and 0c -
Phon for Reserved Seats, Main 5498.
' Phon Main 4685. t
Thla week the Allen Stock Company,
Presenting the Three-Act Drama,
-a wxcxss woiwr.
Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Satur
day and Sunday. Price 10c, 20c. Every
evening at 8:15. Price 19c, J 0c, and 30o.
Beservea seats oy p none, Main 4683.
Office open, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
The Grand
A Pew of the Hcadllners:
Bohert rnlgora, Adele Palmer. Oook It
viiBUB. acr. ana aars. swioara.
And Many Others.
Nest Week DOLAN & LENHARR. tha
Greatest Sketch Team on tha
American Stage.
5 -
Ihinrd Fa1s SlOO. 9:SH. .
and 9 AO o'clock by
Hungarian Hussars
t Swfmmifig Baths Open ?
tfJ First-class Chicken Dinners at
Z V th Tavern Restaurant 6:30 to
Jm , . t P. m. . -
Museum of Tragedies
"KI3 A WAT,"
She r!''-: "v v
tourh wltii the 1 : 1
flrniH " A! v i;
WBtl'll!'' .!':
WIVI t. K ! Jr t '