The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    :goii daily journal, Portland, Friday evening, june : 3 ico7.
nr. KM IT?
Hood River Shipping Firm
;; Gets Warning From ;
't'")' : : Canada. " " . :
Inspector Report raciages Are Not
Conforming to the New Law and
' ; Notify Shippers, Who Send Warn
; Ing on to the Packer. V
v Wtal JMwteh to The Joaroat)
tlon received by th Davidson- Fruit
' company from th office of th de
partment of "agriculture at Ottawa. Can?
ada. tates that commission merchant
there who have , been receiving ship
ments of Hood River strawberries from
the Davidson company f may be fined
1 for violating the law relating to paok
, In of berries to docelve the buyer. ' The
letter ay that a number of case of
berries were found t YlV
1 fruit much euperlor to that In-th bot
1 torn of, the. box and that tlhs waii de
tected by an Inspector, who repotted
It to the Dominion officials. They have
.; Informed arowers here ' through .Mr.
Davidson that 16 per cent of the fruit
in the Interior of the bo must .be aa
good as that on top. The fine for the
first offense ta 15 cents and for all
subsequent offenses tl per package.
Should, the fine be Imposed the corn-
. mission man will be forced to pay It,
who In turn Is expected to fall back
. en the shipper.; In case thla- Is done
- it Is said the shipper wlir hold the
-grower, who It Is claimed is the ne at
y fault, ! responsible snd deduct, the
amount levied front his account;;- .;
"Waning; Issued To backers.
,""The Davidson company has Issued a
; atatement warning growers to be more
particular In packina Mrries la future
and notlfyine them that they will be
to,rwSOTeoW..tth. -Trull tMark.
Acts" went Into effect In Canada this
: year and unfamlliarity with It is .said
- to be the cause of the trouble. Other
( t districts ship fruit into Canada from
Oregon and Washington and It Is said
i by growers that they should be warnsd.
. The part of the law applying to the
present case provides that it shall be
'Unlawful to sell.' ofter for sale or have
- In possession fruit In packages "in
t which the faced Or shown surface rives
' a false representation of the contents
of such package; and it shall be eon-
aldered a false representation when
more than IS per cent of such fruit Is
substantially smaller In else than. Or
.Inferior In grade to, or dlfferen In yar
. lety from, the; faced or ebowil surface
Of such package." ' .'a
Summary conviction la permitted and
' " .'penalties of fines of 25 cents per pack
age with the alternative of imprlson
ment are provided. .
Judge Chadwick Gives Reasons for
. '. . Calling and ' Incidentally Ex
- , C plain JTuVjr
fi?tf Dlioetcb to The journal.) J
Colfax, Wash., June tt The charges
of graft which, nave recenuy wepa
culated to this Whitman) county . In
connection with the prosecuting .attor-
ney-a office, are soon lo be Investigated
i Judge Chadwick will caU a grand Jury
at an arly date for that purpose. Judge
t Ch.?idl decided to oak S gVand Jury.
- It cannot well be avoided.. I have asked
1 the attorney general f or advice; as to
' the tljie when It can be called. Under
, the pfesent Jury , law Jury cannot be
called except on the second Saturday
. of each month, -That .'would bring the
earliest possible date on the second Sat
urday In July. That will probably be
the next day on which the call wlir be
made. The bar association will elect
Jury commissioners next Saturday and
these commissioner must draw a Jury
for the ensuing year, within 20 days.
I expect the Jurors will be drawn soon
-- after the commissioners are appointed
and the grand Jury will be drawn from
this list, which la supposed to contain
practically all of the qualified Jurors
' residing In the county.""
Sentiment in favor of a- grand Jury
. baa been very strong since the graft
(charges were circulated.
' " (Special Dispatch to Tfae Journal.) '.,,
: Grants Pass. Or.,. June 2S. Grant
Pasa la preparing to have, the biggest
celebration in Ha history.. It la to be
an all-southern Oregon event. andwM
fill two days, the fourth' and fifth, brim
full. There will be horse races, foot
races, rock drill contests, , balloon as
censions, a big parade in which every
- t . . & nt. . a. ill ntt va A
Business noui", i -"i ... . . v
float or be otherwise represented, band,
7 i- -.n,.v. imr.liii mnifiHtn
music, uiobui. 0 - ,
an all-night open-air dance free for alL
barbecue, and a speech by Senator FuU
ton. There will not be a dull .moment
from sunrise on the morning of the
Fourth, till sunrise on the morning of
the sixth. ' .
(Journal Soeclal Serrlce.) '
' Harrlsburg. Fa June !8. -AtJ the
Democratic conventi6n her yesterday a
resolution Indorsing William J. Bryan
wa tabled and the announcement made
that the issue In the election will be
made on the state capltol graft The
erection of The new capltol at a cost of
59.000,000 will be the base for the fight
ohn G. Harmon waa nominated for
state treasurer. '
Miss Your; Astoria
Train. '-
Beginning Saturday, -June J9th. reg
Aatnrla evening train will leave
Union depot :00p. m running through
to Seaside and Clatsop Beach point.
Of a prominent Portland
firm ha already sent In
his answer and If certain
ly nnlque. We're delighted
to have Mr brain work for
us, but the result are whut
count. Spb pace It
7 V
Zf Ton Do Ton Are Doctoring the
Symptoms Only Dr. Williams rink
. rills Cifre the Disease.'
There are almbst as many ways of
treating rheumatism as there are doc
tors.': ;' " ' -. ' 'V; -"'
Most . of these treatments are directed
at the. symptoms and are considered
successful If. they relieve the pain and
stiffness. . Elit the bloo! haa not been
purified and the rheumatism la sure to
returnr especially after a aeason of ex
posure to cold' and dampness.--, The pa
tient goes through this, experience year
after year and begins to think that per
manent relief is Impossible.' -'
The "only way to treat rheumatism is
through the blood. This Is the method
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla they not
only cleanss the blood of the Impurities
which cause the disease but build up
and restore the broken-down system.
Mr. John Riley of Casenovia, N.
iavn- "In mv work a a blacksmith I
am exposed a kteat dwaeWfc'firxt
temperature, c Some time ago I noticed
that my health was breaking down. The
symptoms .were general physical weak
ness, loss of appetite and nervousness.
'It was evident that my blood was
weak and Impure... I became no better
aa time went on and finally this condi
tion of my blood, with the constant ex
posure, brought on rheumatism. It wss
of the inflammatory kind and was very
painful In the Joints, especially of the
feet and wrists. ' Many aays i couia
hardly walkand suffered intense pain. I
took to my bed several times for a day
Or so and once for six weeks. , '
"A fellow blacksmith advised me to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and as I
had gained no help from other Ureat
ments I decided to give them a trial.
Within a reasonable time I noticed that
I was getting better and In a few weeks
I was cured. That the cur Is perma
nent Is shown by my not having lost a
day at my tradesince then. I'cen
truthfully say thai Dr. William' Pink
Pills put me on my feel again." - .
Dr. Williams Pink Pills have cured
anaemia, after-effects of the gTlp and
fevers, general debility , and sick head
aches, dlsslness, nervous- prostration,
even partial paralysis and , locomotor
ataxia. ! f
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill are sold by
all druggists, or sent, postpaid. -on re
ceipt' of - price, ' 60. cents per' box, six
boxes for $2.60.. by the Dr.' William
Medicine company, Schenectady, N. T. -.
San iFrancisco police Com-
mission Denies . Permits "
:foT Intelliffeifce Offices.
' r (JoorsarBpeelal tervlea.)
i Ban i Francisco, j June 2t A new
grievance wa given to thej Japanese of
this city yesterday when the police
commission denied ' the application Of
five Japanese for the privilege of rft;
newlng their, permits - to- .keep intelli
gence offices In this city and refused
two Japanese applicants who desired to
obtain -new permits for - the same busi
ness on the around that th applicant
were not cltliens of the AT n I ted States
and that heretofore the policy of the
board ha been always to giva preier-
nn in thM nnviieres to citizens
against those who are not and cannot
become cltlsenB. ' ' ,A, '
The Japanese based their petitions on
the treaty rlghta granted In the,docu
mant which was so freely ouoted during
the school ; controversy, but the police
commission takes the view that the
matter comes within the police power
of the state and city and that the treaty
can naw uv vnovi. a vuu.ivui. ava in closlnsr:' . .
"The action of the board win enable
th applicant to apply to the court
where Judicial determination can be had
mnmniint hi rlcrhts under the treaty.
Thla is the most orderly proceeding to
be taken, ana tnis noara win xaciiiiaie
In every way any steps lasen iu mat ui
rectlon. . . -;.
' -j'-;. (Jeensl Special Berries.) '
'.Chicago, June 28. Th rovernment
haa nrartlcsllv decided to adODt I BV
device tor the delivery of mail from
rapidly movm traina.? xn new, eon
trlvance la called tae Burr mail ex
chanre. Ita general uae by rallroade
will, it la Bald, obviate wreck and per
sonal Injury which, frequently occur
from throwing mall sacks from mall
trains running at high speed. ,
' The Burr exchange haa been selected
after J.118 severe teet. which were
conducted In 10 and 101. Some of
the trial were made in actual service
on Rock Island fast mall tralna and at
six station between De Moines and
Atlantic City. As a result Guy Adam,
mall expert of the Bock Island, reported
that the dsice ha accomplished a great
deal more than . the government had
asked of It v"',;;'"V'", ' '. C"
It will requlr at least $45, possibly
160. to equip each mall car with the de
vice. Mall la delivered from a trap
door placed In the car door and operated
by air.
(7raraat Special Berrfce.)
Palo Alto. CaL. June . After suffer
ing agony for three years as a result of
Injuries received In a football ; match
whll a member of the Santa Rosa high
chool. Harry E. Miller, a young man
of J0i died here. A sturdy athlete and
clever player. Miller wa a tar on the
Santa ftosa elevwi three year ago. - In
a close atruggle with a rtval high achool
team he was Injured everely, ju back
being wrenched. Tuberculosia of the
spine set In. I HI parenta cam to live
In Palo Alto in the hope that the change
might benefit him. Recently the Invalid
declined rapidly, and he wa racked, by
pain in the day preceding his death.
Miller' grit stood htm In good stead
to the end. and ni attitude waa An of
cheerfulness at all time. .
V (Special Dispatch t The Joersel.l "
Aahland, June It. Reaolutlons t ap
nrnvtn the action of District Attorney
Manning and Mayor Lan In closing the
. . - n . 1 A AM BiiMjIai. w.m
passed by the Rogue River Paptlst as
snclatlon. which Just closed ita annual
session here.
""" Special Excursion.
Tlx Canadian Pacific excursion will
be on again July-3d. th and 6th. Very
low roundtrlp rate to 6t. Paul, Chl-
- Q. T rtn 1 m mrsA Mltprn
polnta, with long-time limit and atop-
over going (no reiorninj! uviuuj.
dally train ervlce, aniperb equipment,
dining and alecplng-car service-unex-rriiil.
For. full particular cell on or
address F. R. Johnson, O. A. P. ZX. 14 J
lUird street, Portland. j
A Gigantic Stccft
Everybody knows that
Jivcryouuy ,wiiwwa
'r J
r??r . 7
Tomorrow from 8:30 as long
as they last
Corset Covers ?
Values up to 50c. ; . . . n . . .Of
FROM 9 A. M. TO 10 A. M.
Short Kimonos
Regular 65c . values; .21
FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.
Short Dressing Ssques
' l Regular 75c values. 29
1 1 Drawers
Regular 85c values ...... 2Jf
Afternoon Hour Sale
- FROM 1 TO 2 P. M.
; lap Silk Waists
...Regular $3.50 values. ;139
' ' FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. '
y ij White Belts
Regular 50c Belts ........ 101
FROM 3 TO 4 P. M.
' Regular $1.75 values... .40
If You
'J ' . . . aaai ' BBBBBBBak W , WW W bbBbbI P"-kfJ WW 'W .- .H W t a M : M M .1.
1 ".'' ..."',..' i , : . .', .. i, . " .-.;'.) .' . ' "-' . , : .,. . - ' .. "..."'.:.".;, .'" .
j f ",'','..'. ' " ' . " i . " . . - .t 'i .' '. ': ."'''.." ' . :.
1 .--, '
.... . ' , , , ' . ,
m'jH -wmmmmmwmm fms-mB.
X'X- t:j:XX:X :: XyXX-X'X 'XX' XX-y - :,;
'..'.- .
X . ..,1 t ' ' J ' ' :.! aaaaar "''v-,:f:::,-":;-,'V:
All Druggists
And Grocers
i : i
(8pcll Dtopah-a t.Th ... JeeraeL
Albany, Or., Jim Js-Albany t.
bavi pubUo ilbraxy. A , tea last
A Grand Sale of Wearing Apparel for Women
a ."' A . VY" CATC ! t rnr
whenever J. M. Acheson Co. advertises A BIG SALE it is
j r,-- When'wn nnnnunce for tomorrow
Z,, this
Wy bargain
54 HMD
Regular $25.00
Tomorrow ... -
Li ar.
Two Grand Lots of Trimmed Hats ab 52.95 and 53.95 Each
WUt U,. ...n?
cvciy ' .
horns. Neapolitans, Chit,
effects, baturaay-we piaco
- M r m)) W
j Mined in Oregon, Made in Oregon
Do Not Try It You're. Not a Good Oregonian
One cake will cure the worst case of ecma or skin
disease.. Did you ever hear 'expressions from those
who use it, and did ever another soap have as good a
'O'?one''mlliioii.bart of this soap have been sold In
New York within six months. ' . '
The doctors of the highest standing, hospitals and
nurses are its best friends. X
If New York people prfce it so highly, why not use
it at home?
meeting of th city council a committee
wss appointed to take the matter In
charge and' select a suitable place for
quarter. The library will be maintained
out of privet funds and the publlo
generally , wilt contribute to. lt sup
port. The member of th committee
are a follows: H. H. Hewitt, Frank J.
Miller, Mrs, J. K. Weatherford. Mr. &
never known in Portland.
record in the west. -
Your Choice of About 100
Suits. Values up to $50
SEE Otm windows r -jj
Values, g Q
, .
,TJ .Vak.Tnmnrfow J
Vals. .Tomorrow
: . X, . -i
ana m -mm ---.
un auc w h
Rainier Mine Co., Rainier, Or.
R. TwBfc Mra tt r. Merrill. Pf. M.
II. EUhv Miss .liver Qra and r. r.
Nutting. .j ty.'- ' iVr' r t
W t Toa Moaey
Cm -trunks. W menufaeture travelers
nds. peerles Trunk companr. tit
Third street. , i
sure Mfy.
this fit :X
This ' - '2M M
- ' J r0 AC
, hi UIIU $d,UO
Shakespeare at th Seashore
Stella "What waa th summer resort
Bella-i-A hamlet with Romeo left out
Metsger fits your y tor It. ii
Weshlnston street, corner fceventa.
formerly at U,6ixta strtei.
$ mm
Afternoon Hour. Sale
FROM 4 TO 5 P. M..
Ladies' Vests
Regular 20c values . . . . . . 8 $
Wash Suits
Values up to $20.00. , . .$3.05
FROM 6 TO 9:30 P. M.
Silk Petticoats
Regular $10.00 values. .$3.95
o ALDER Sts.
. Ought to; .Interest every
man in Portland. It's cer
tainly liberal enough.
, When you consider that
our prices are fully twenty,
five to thirty-five per cent
lower: than any other high
class .tailor in this city It
must: be readily V apparent
that an extra pair of trous
ers free with every suit cost
ing not less than $22.50 is
value quite unusual.
It's a tailoring concession
that is positively without
equal, when you sum up all
the merits of the proposition.
There is the high quality of
our fabrics, the high stand
ard of our work, , the excep
tional style of our' produc
tions, the assurance of a per
fect kit the' guarantee of sat
isfaction. Really, you'll have
to admit that you're getting
the "long" end of the bar
gain. We do it . to Induce new
patrons to try Columbia tail
oringalso to reduce ,our
summer stock also to keep
our tailors busy during ml J
season Cr: