The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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mmm t great
wiiriri nofrn
; i f HA r
U llbbl ! I IWi as-a-
I Pirifk -Coast Cities Want
. Uncle, Sani to ; Carry More
; wlreiglit on ranaraa itoau
f i to Giye Better Serrice Bfr
i '- twecn East and lVest. .
No: Greater Anywhere Than
, in North westThe Tur-
ner Convention.
"T. 7" ,"i
.iw-. i y ' .
Washington. June . js.-r-drresiaeni
(Special PUpatca to Tie Jearnai) -.
Turner. Or, . June 28. The session
of the Oregon Christian Missionary con.
ventlon have, been of a moat encour
aging nature thus far. ' The attendance
la food. Interest and . enthusiasm, are
running: hlh. . . '')
The dlsclples.of Christ. are waking
remarkable growth. From a mere hand
ful' 100 year a ago they have grown un
til they now number 1.J00.O0O. " .
.Th huge tabernacle at Turner was
erected In 191. At that tltel"ths
f ftnneevelt has been asked by the commer- Clr,la had onlv 40 consreeatlone In thin
clal praaai of, Seattle, Los Angeles and j state with a membership of S.4. They
V, 'T,T..: on the now hare .17 congregations, with a total
THiuM-vw - i mamberahln of 10.6UU
Pacific slope io Increase the faculties ti ot accessions m t
was raisea
debt and
J of .the Panama Railroad oompany m or-1 year is 1,110. About
' A.i . yi.. '.mniMtt. ilht -clvelfor state missions. The
'il-w""S:,5M;t7rrih Its year of work out of
t w"'v"" t I with none in the treasury.
1. 1 a k a ea . w n vrwuKima - iiv - &. x m i i u i - - - . - - . .
- 1 In 1109 the Disc
6000 nil
Trees coniiCTS
Judge Galloway Holds That
'New Law Passed by Leg-,
H - islature Is Valid. ;
rK!lnl Dlamtcb to Tb Joiiml.)
" Pendleton. . Or., une 28. The city
council has authorised the Immediate
hire or an vninr to niHke : arrange
ments for .extenoln and strenffthenins;
the levee on the ymatllla river-at an
expense "of several thousand dollars.
The weed law was panned, which pro
vides the -extirpation tof all noxious
weeds for yards and penalties for all
who refnse to obey. ,.
'Two thousand six hundred feet addi
tional macadamised street waa ordered.
sjoald-Kead, 0ealp Diseases Cured by
"trail xoraiiitoxiS subqeoit."
Druggists refund money If Ijr. Porter's
Antiseptic Healing OH falls. lie.
s 1 (Jcoraat CpfcUV. Sarrloe.1 , "
dauaallto. Oil., June 18. A wireless
message rent by a young woman pre
vented the destruction of many fine
homes hore yeet'rday. Fire broke out
In the home of W. L. Beatle on the hill
about. 1 o'clock In the afternoon. The
flames spread quickly to the home of
A A. Wat kins of the San Franclnca
board of trade. Before the fire depart
ment arrived both houses were com
pletely destroyed. The loss is estimated
it 120.000.
While the flames were ragln In the
Beatle house thieves ransacked the Wat-
kins home. . . v.
Several other fine homes in the vloln
ltv were saved b the bucket brlaade
from the cruiser Buffalo anchored In the
Markham and Governor Irwin, which
were dlsoatohed Quickly from Ban Fran
olsco ss a result of a wireless message
by Idles Nellie . Bryant, niece of
tenitnt Bryant, navlgatlns; officer of the
uurtaio. s
retitloo , Railroad CommlMion to
Force ' Southern Pacific Company
! to Prorldo Soltable Accommoda
tions for' Shippers, ' -
f Th. interstate ceoimerce commission
'. ! has received a acore of letters from com-
. merciai- aseociauons cumiuiiiiiu,
.the freight situation on - the Pacific
j. .Lcoasf and the retention and detention of
' rmAm. both by ions and short haul, IS
--"serious. -8istnessjsjepresented as be-
..!dn , narilvnuli and . Indianant bualnesa
men (.declare that the railroads-meet their
protests with trivial excuses.
v r An Immediate increase of the carry.
"i lng capacity of the Panama railroad and
; ' Its -line , of -steamships In the Atlsntto
. and the 'Placing ot large steamers on
the Pacific as well as In the Atlantic.
withTiiriir-trsnsfers "at " terminals.'- ie
. recommended as one way to ease the
'. j situation; r.",' -' ; ' ,
i "'' (Speclel Dfcpstcl te The JouroaLJ
' . Pendleton, Or, June 18. Tenterday
was the hottest day of the year bere,
the thermometer reclsterln II detrees.
. A thunderstorm last night cleared the
- elr and It is cooler today. -
their ' centennial at
lcles will ceienrste
Pitsburg, Pennsyl-
S Qolden ,
Ti Tea Xeas ;
EAP ,eas
Salem. Or., June 28. Lumbermen and
sawmill men along the Southern Pacific
railroad hava filed a remonstrance
against the manner.ln which, the railway
people art at the present time, fixing
and repairing the swlth at Curttot spur
In Douglas county. As repairs are being
made It will reduce the working capacity
vanla. - Preparations are being mode to of the spur by about 140 feet, cutting
entertain 40.000 delegates, t r . " -a
vuv ivawiusj sraw - v - , - t
leaving room to load two cars on the
ground that can ba used.' They ask
that the. oompany be requested to ea
tend the spur-north ever Pass creek,
which would give them a working ca
pacity of seven cars, which would be
sufficient for their present needs.
Anoordln to ons of the petitioners
the railway company bad made arrange
ments for spur room for II cars, but it
seems that only, .three of them can , be
loaded and that there la no room to
move the remainder. ' i ? ( .
r Berry Z Tri.
Judge Galloway has ' restored ' R.
Berry . or,., umatiua county o- nir
lorn. Berry waa serving a six years
rtson sentence ror -iorgery ina inu
isbeas corpus proceedings alleging that
ha. waa antltlad to . deduction OI 11
tnnntha on his sentence and inat
1 , o
ne aiiuuiu w uiauxiitiBvu uiv a.
This was a teat case or tne act reiat
r to time aalned by prisoners in pen-
1 tent la ry by good behavior. About six
more prisoners will be affected . by
Judre Galloway's decision, which holds
in substance that all convicts doing time
except life timers are entitled to the
provisions of the new law. - -
The law provides that every convict
who shall have no Infraction of rules
against him and who performs bis work
faithfully shall oe aiiowea rrom nis
term. Instead and In lieu of the credits
heretofore allowed by law. a deduction
of two months in each of the first two
-Among the sneakers at ' the Turner
convention are George B. Ranshaw, of
Cincinnati, Ohio: A. U Chapman, or
Seattle: James 11. Morhorter, of St,
Louis. Missouri: George w. Mucaiey, or
Kansas city, Missouri; , Mrs. ina w.
Harrison, of Lexington. Kentucky: and
W. A. Moore, of Tacoma, Waabington.
Tomorrow will be "Education day.
The programs for that day and the next
Sanoatioa, Day Saturday, June 89.
Morning t. Bible Institute: 10. devo
tional, led by V. E. Hoven. Athena;
10:11. parliament, "Eugene Divinity
School." led. by A. D. Skaggs, centralla,
Washington,. apeclnl song; 11, address.
"The Harvest. Waiting,?. G. B. Ck Hum
Afternoon I ;lf, praise service, lea
r if. T. Horn. Medford: 1:10. ser
ibert Buxton, dean Christian univer
sity. Canton, Missouri; 1:11, special
song 1 1:20, short addressee and Business
of the Christian Educational union.
Evening 7:10. song service and de
votional, led br Harry Benton. Pom'
rov. Washington; t. sermon. J. 8. Mo
C&llum, Eugene.
fcordl Day, June M.
g 1:45, Blbl
mon, J. n.. .Monorter,
aourl. '
' Afternoon 1:20. sermon. V. K. Hoyen,
Athena: i:4, communion service.
Bvenina 7:10. special song . service.
H a. Baston. conductor: 8. sermon. J.
J. JCvans, Albany.
SU Louis, Mia-
A mild and healthful .
stimulant Six flavor! 7
. Japan'- '
EnjUsh Breakfast
' Gunpowder V " ,
. Black and Oreen
It is simply a matter of taste
as to which flavor will please
i. A. FOLOER & CO,
, San Frandsco 1
years, lour montns in eaon 01 im nexx
two years ana live monms
In each ot
the remaining years of his term and
pro rata for any part of a sentence
wnere it is ior mon or lesa year.
Beautiful Hair At Small Cost
yjjmna the last decade great aa rapid gtridea bar been made lit
W Hateria Medic.' Many dlseaaet that were considered incurable
fifteen years ago are now cored in a few days, and in many cases prevented
altogether.. The scientists of late years have been delving for the cause,
the foundation, the reason and the starting point of disease, fully realizing
that the actual and true cause must be ascertained before the remedy can
be located. ; Hair troubles, like many other diseases, have been wrongly
diagnosed and altogether misunderstood. The hair itself is not the thing
to be treated, for the reason that it is simply a product of (he scalp, and
wholly dependent upon its action. The scalp is the very soil in which '
the hair is produced, nurtured and grown, and it alone should receive the'
attention if results are to be expected. It would do no earthly good to
treat the stem of a plant with a view of making it grow and become more
beautiful the soil in which the plant grows mast be attended to. There
fore, the scalp in which the hair grows must receive the attention if yon
n til e-rrwt tt ta arrow and hMnme mom VnHfnl. .'V ' . ' .' - --.,
Loss of hah Is caused by the scalp drying tip, or losing
its supply of moisture or nutriment, and when baldness '
occurs the scalp has simply lost all of its nouriahment, ,
leaving nothing for the hair to feed upon (a plant or even
a tree would die under similar conditions)
' The natural and logical thing to do in either case ia,
feed and replenish the soli or scalp as the case may be,
and your crop will grow and multiply as nature intended
it should. , '
Dr. Knowlton's DANDERINE
( '
i i'Y ,
No Matter What
You Build
onnnniirno ninr !
Wa mm m mm mm mm mm m m m mm . t
m II m " I ft BT
uuuauiiLiiu IUUL
(Special Dtepktek te Tbe Jovmal.)
Milton, Or., June 21 The case of the I
Peacock Mill company v& Milton City
et alL. which Is pending In the circuit
court Of Umatilla county, has been con
tinued to July 8. on account of the in
ability of Judtre Halley to be - here.
Judge Halley has taken the place of
W. R, King, formerly counsel for plain
tiff. '. The case has been i set several
times, but has been postponed for va
rious reasons.- xnere are about ago ce-i k- ior yourscu. now on aaie at v
fendante in alL The suit waa instl-J foUfnmla v Allf A1t a PnQll ft. i ...
Water- I uullivi t v. .v.a iucv nki) gif bwnw f itwi
1s the only remedy for the hair ever discovered that fa identical
with the natural hair foods or liquids of the scalp, ' It feeds and
nourishes the hair and does all the work originally carried on by
i the natural nutrients or life-giving Juices generated by the scalp -
lbscu. . pcucuaics uw pores ui uc acaip qwcaiy man un oair
..producing qualities.- ' , -V;..' .,.'. '
' ' One twenty-five-cent bottle ia enough to convince yon of its great
I worth as a hair growing end hair beautifying remedy try It and see
for yourself. Now on sale at every drug and toilet store in the land.
r- )
Whether you use brick, stone or wood -you'll
need nails, bolts, screws and, of
course, tools. Builders, owners, . con
tractors, oarpenters. masons and . other
mechanics will benefit by making an In
vestigation of our builders' hardware
and asking for quotations. What we
haven't In stock at the moment we can
Avery (Si Co'.
48 TXT&D ST.
x . wo oooAtera. ,
Our New Process of
Re -Enameling Teeth
Is the greatest Invention In modern
dentistry and has been the most sue
eessful of ail methods to restore
badly decayed teeth, which woald
otherwise be beyond nope to their
original usefulness. . y.
Snrtracttng- losiUyely Wftlont Vain
Bad Beanlt 50a. .
' To Introduce our method we will
through the month ot June do all
kinds of dentistry at one half our
regular price. Wo give a written
guarantee for IS with all work.
Open venlngs. , t'W'
szxtx ajtd WAtrarrjrtrrow.
m;l SC3Ti:S"3 SYRUP
has bean seed by H lllloas ot Mother far thetr
i eulldirn wblle TccUilnc for over Fifty Tears. 1
i It uotiMS the ehlld, ivrtens tbe gums, eilart 1
i all pain, euro wlad ouUe, and IS the best i
. remedyfor dlarriuM, . ,
i twkmtv -rivE cinrrs A BeTTM. ,
tuted In February, 1905,
users along the wi
lew it iiu w a LCI
alia walla - river are
anxious mat the ease be concluded. -
- i t
Fisherman's Narrow Escape,
; fSsedal Dboateh te Tie JonrnaLl
Astoria.' Or., JunS 21. A flshboat of
tne union i' cooperative! Fishermen's
Packing oompany, manned by Captain
Kven juusionen ana nis poat puller,
Samuel Patula, capslsed in the break
ers two miles south of Fort Canby. As
several ' flsblng boats were In the vl.
clnlty the men were ' rescued, - though
with great difficulty. The life-saving
crew of Fort Canby were "quickly on
tne scene ana towea tbe boat and net
, Over Country Boads in a
i .Blazing Chug Wagon. ,
. - ' ". .- . , , --v. . , . , ,
- . r , (Joersal Bpecial aerrlee.) - ,
Fresno, Cel., June 28. Farmers liv
ing In the vicinity of Tipton, soma 10
miles south of here, were excited last
night by the sight of a largo touring
car all ablase and two ocoupanta ann
ping the machine and speeding ahead,
unconscious of their perlL Al Eheraann,
formerly of an automobile firm "of this
city, was driving me oar. ana naa witn
him Charles Fuller Gates, editor of the
I Pacific Motor Maxaxlna.
The car was a biar touring oar. rolns
from Los Angeles to Fresno. - The car
left uakersf leia yesteraay afternoon.
I and a few miles south of Tipton the
road lay through a lot of straw. It Is
thought some of the straw collected In
I the muffler and heat from the engine
The whole tonneau was ablase before
the men discovered It. after rldina IS
I miles. Oates discovered the flamea. and
I as soon as the car was stopped tbe two
I men tnrew on airt, ngnung tbe flames
as best they could, and sustaining paln-
iui Durns. u na rear tires and tonneau
Were entirely destroyed. The men ware
(brought to Fresno and their burns at
tenaea to.
SOT Irwixtg Awaw. , Caaoatfo
its are positively enrea Dy
ypodermie or Internal use,
drug habitue by 7Wf
snd other drug habits
Ham me sent to any arar
mail. Rerular price 12.06 per bottle
it or cy mail in
, fv. If this is your date for making a break for the !
mountains or for the coast or any other place
. . where your fancy may take you, remember that
;f no vacation is complete without one of our com-
. fortable Outing Suits. J , , : , '
, 1 One hundred new. ones just received a de
layed shipmentjust in time for the warm,
weather.!v fM. k- fr-frt S
; Blue Serges anrTPlain and Fancv Lieht Wor-
rr rouETir of jult
, (Special Dif Batch to The Jonraal.i ;
Oallaa, Or., June 18. The Fourth of
July executive committee and the vari
ous sub-committees are. fast getting
things: In readiness . for the bls twa
aayr . celebration to be held here tin
I July 8 and 4. - Incandescent electric strung on. the principal
i streets, and the two nights of celebra
tion wiu laae on a carnival appearance.
iTilman Ford Of Salem will deliver the
annual address to tbe pioneers on Julj
I and Judge H. L. Benson of KlamaU
Falls WU1 deliver the oration on July 4
Three bands have been engaged for the
two days, with an extra one for the
"piugugly" parade. -
, The business men of the city are re-
spondlna liberally with ' contrlbutlona.
and fraternal organisations and business
nouses generally wu rurnlsn approprl-
i ate uoais ior me paraae on tne morn
ing of the Fourth, -"
Miss Nola Coad has been chosen as
GoddesM of Liberty and will have a
retinue, of four maids of honor. The
McMlnnvllle. Chemawa and Dallas ball
teams-wlU play a series of games dart
ing the two afternoons. No other town
in Polk county will celebrate this year,
and Dallas will no doubt entertain tho
largest crowd ever seen at any celebra
tion. 3.:, : Vi--:;'w:;;.. ,:;S;.v
$15.00, $18.00
Gui2IfulnProp, :
We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boyi '
i:mcs thikd theex : . ' " MOHAWK building
(SpeclU i)lpth to Tbe Joeraal.) :
Hood River, Or.; Juna , 2t. The nut-
lock,: which waa recently Invented by J.
J, Luckey of Hood .River, will be manu
factured by a company organised bere
yesterday with a capital stock of 1200,
000, at a par Value of 21 per share.
Articles or incorporation have been
filed, naming the following as officers
and directors: President. J. J. Luckev:
vice-president, B, Reed; treasurer, . R.
W. Pratt of the Hood River Banking &
irusi company! secretary, w. U. Ulum;
directors, W. I Clark, J. H. Osborne,
William Vogt. R. Reed and L Reed.
The company -will also manufacture a
ball-bearing hub, an invention 3 of Mr.
Tha (mmran'.-Htl will U th, (mti
Xock A Ball-Bearlng company. It is
me intention to erect a email plant at
resent, adjacent to the machine shop of
tr. Luckey, In order to fill several trial
orders that have been received, and later
to enlarge the plant as -the business
grows.. . t - - k
tt you haven't the time to exercise
regularly, Doan's Regulets will prevent
constipation. - They Induce a mild, easy,
healthful action of the bowels without
rising. A& your or ucKist for them. iba.
. . . . . '"'';''' t ' '' r" ' l: w ' , ,t 7mr fat rist or by n
IrTlfili TJI,Vi&?fm3rtP ? sa sample free by retrn mall to any on who sends this advertlsenMst Cbesnleal
to the Knewltoa fiaaderUa bo, Cadeaaw, wiu their aaate aad address sad la eeats la sUt or sumps to a posUgeT ,.rVJ?i1;J)' "ixi.r
plain wrappen
C.. St Loo la. Moa
Drag Vh m XUi -
.Mm: Wwsv$ y
; ' -f ; q$MM fDOUBUC .
... T3 m I BREASTED .
W:m "rmmL Parisian
K t ,.- '.,,... ,j ,'i-:ai ,
correct summer attire
?v,i...i -:.,.. :-!,.,'.. i -'."..ii-V,- r"-
Glorious Fourth
Everything newest in Ladies' Suits,
Waists, Skirts, Coats," Millinery,
Belts, Gloves, Hosiery, .Underwear, ,
Corsets, Parasols, Shoes, Bags and
Purses, v f Everything that . is : re-;.
quired for Men's Correct Toggery; 1
Everything novel in Jewelry,' ,
Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and ,
, . .. . Silverware. .
Evervthiner criced verv moderatelv and in plain figures. Our part, payment plan privi
leges you to select whatever you wish and pay for same in small weekly or monthly, pay
' - - ---- ments to suit your-own convenience. , -t.. ,
Corner Washington and Tenth
The Stcrc Vhcre Yclt Credit Is Gccd