The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    the o:;::co:r daily joui::;ai;, roniXAim, Friday . evening, june 3, isc7.
A RouDkjJRound-Up of Bargains in the Great Suit Room
usi. ; $
: CIEB MI0115
Echearsals of "House That
Jack Built" Bringing Out
Some Unusual Talent. ;
. . : -
' Cora of the little people who are' to
appear In 'The House That Jack Built"
axe pushing the principals hard for
honora la the rehearsals. The airs and
t-KV?f. J."Hi Mar., Quite ' Con-
oubretto. while "JUtue , Bo-reep" is
' as sweetly demure as the - childhood's
.favorite should, be. Winifred Lewis
r plays this part and her-singing will
delight her hearers. - .
The Three Crows -are portrayed in
all their uncanny humor by David Lor-
Ing, James Basey and Ferd Smith. The
: tragto muslo which - accompanies ' the
? lotting of these mischief-makers at
he Instigation of the Knave of Hearts
Is decidedly creepy, -
Roland Geary plays The Crooked
Man: Khirlev Fink represents the Old
Woman Who Lived in a Bhoa, and has
much difficulty managing her waywaru
children. Jack arid tilll are played Ity
f Konold Strong and Elisabeth .iMelvin
-who -dosonie rretty dancing. -Merle
Martin as Mother Hubbard, wlth-her
real live dog, is a decided attraction,
anil ma in Tom Tom. the Piper's Son,
with a truly pig whereby hangs a
quirky tale. -
- It appears that nowhere In town could
, tm found a. real live corker of portable
.else and with the vocal-accomplish-
tnents necensary to so distinguished a
: company. Finally the Union Moat com
pany sent a man to Troutdale to get a
r pig with which Tom could run away,
and the pig Is now in training for the
performance. The soubriquet ; of the
' pig could not De iearnu mi mv umv
of going to press, but Tom Is played by
' Ernest Crlchton. , .
The Three Blind Mice are said to be
. MuitM harmless. although they do give
nn nmnthlnar Of a scare, and little
i Miss Muffltt with her spider are worth
mninm tn Th dear little maiden
who plays this part and who sings so
enarmingiy l urerenen omun.
Other clever children are the oom
bearer to OMI Kin coie, nsroiu tn
tow, the page to the king, Edith Olds,
and the queen's page, Nan Russell;
while Jack Goose, son of the estimable
old lady is dona with much spirit and
- witn oeciaea aDiiity or tj 1
The performance runs smoothly from
' start to finish and the prospeots are
that capacity-nouses win greet wmrj
Mrfnrmuii. Rests ar selllne: rapidly.
Those who wish boxes or loges for
.any performance or ine Mouse tna
Jack Built will please see tor telephone
Mrs. XL D. Green at the Nortonla. , , .
Jacobs-Stine Company Pur
chases Kossmere Addition .
for Quarter Million. :
r. ' ' A suburban realty deal of consider
able magnitude and "importance was
closed this morning, when the Jacobs-'etme-
company- "became the owner - of
Koseinere, an addition. .recently . put job
- the market by the Title Guarantee A
' Trust company.' The sale, was negoti
ated directly between Mr. Jacobs and
fVie Title Guarantee & Trust company
! and involved a consideration of nearly
- 2BO.00O.
t Rossittere 1 is considered 'one of, the
l most idestrable tracts around Portland.
ilt is a continuation .of the elevated
' ground of which the Holladay Park ad
3 It ion Is a part, and lUs just nine blocks
beyond this addition. A large amount
' of Improvement work has already been
I done in Rossmere. Six tnousand ' feet
tl of six-foot cement sidewalks have been
laid, with contracts let to lay about IS,
; 000 ' additional feet Streets -are being
graded throughout, the tract, and water
4 mains laid.
This is the rourtn jarge suouroan ad
- ' dltlon that . the Jacoba-Stine , company
has handled since coming to Portland
1 six months ago. Belle Crest was put
4'n th timrlrnt. and sold nut In SO dsvs
i then - Berkeley, containing ' 1,20 lots,
4 was old clean In two - weeks, and the
' company is now selling North Belle
i Crest, while "Rossmere will be offered
OF .
'Portland Business Men Plan
i Visits to .Washington and.
Columbia Eiver Cities.
v ' 1' .v
A business men's excursion to coast
.1 points '1n Washington and Columbia
- Wlver cities is being planned by, the
i Commercial ; club. It is expected, that
final details ' will be completed at , a
i meeting to be held In the parlors of the
'' !club on July 2 at 4 o'clock, in the after
i noon. At that time the points to be
visited wlL be settled upon and all ar-
' rangements provwea ror. - -
It is planned for an excursion of 75
men to leave Portland on the morning
)of July 24 and return July zs at 7:30
, o'clock,in the morning. The round
trip is. planned tj cost $40, Including
? Pullman accommodations and meals.
I The points to be visited, as now select
fed, are: Scappoose, Houlton, ; Goble,
. , Rainier, maygers, uiatsKanie, seaside,
Warrenton, Astoria, Kalama, Kelso,
'Castle Rock, Winlock, Chehalis, South
1 Bend, RavmC id,. Centralla, Gate City,
Oakvllle, Klma, Montesano, Hoquiam,
I Aberdeen, Q.ympla, Tacoma and Seattle,
i n , i , . i - m 'i ii 'I ,
n (JonrD! Special Service.)
Columbus, Ohio, June 38. After hav
ing made all arrangements for his own
4 funeral, James Cornelius-, convicted of
the murder of his wife, walked to the
electric chair tnis morning and received
v the shock that ended his life. Cornelius
j did not flinch from the first to last and
. - insintea upon looking after the details
In the funeral arrangements in person.
j ? ' (Sprcitl Dinpetrh to The Joornat.)
Port Townsend, Wash., June 18.
Thousands of dollars' worth of fine ce
dar timber has been destroyed within
the last few .days by a great forest fire
Which has been Muring near , this place
and was only undnr control Inst night.
The fire Btarted from a spark from a
loRlng engine, the engineer in charpre
hnvlrm. a narrow escape from the
liiuuid. , .....
1 1 I I 1 1 1 IV t u. u.
i I U M Vv
- It's a clearance of all the one's, two's and three's of a kind and all odd and broken lines. About 50 Suits and v
' Dresses to po the remaininfr lines of our fastest Kellers. Knits nf rlnrlr anrl Tnrliari T-Tearl ttrtA Ti-
- C3 O : .' ....K. mu): 1U1U Uli Uib "l".
finest lawns. White and colors, all fancy styles and fancy trimmed with lace and imbroiderv. : Not one in the
lot but what the material alone is worth more. Pick the best all $10 and $12 values. Choice $3.98 and $4.98
Ladieo p3 cud 04
Waoh Suito
AndDrpsses,,, .white nd colors.
VUUlbO . . . . .......................
, A.. , I, l, . ( , " I J1 1
Ladies' 025.00 SO!: era OR
Jumper Suito .V J tJ0
Fancy styles, richly trimmed and all . It , .
Child's $3 to $10
Sample Coals
All one of a kind, all materials,
I $1.08 and
Till 10 to
otlock "
!g wit
k-J II U If Ik I
1112 TO l
'Terrific Reductions on All Our
Women's Tailored Shirts
Hundreds to be closed out regardless of cost or loss. Now
Is your time to buy. Made of the best all wool materials,
in black, colors and fancies. . ' , '
Worth Up to $1S no
Every one fancy trimmed with "straps, braid- (jUI )fJ
intr tn all fiilltr iaftntA anA all Tam ' , 1 i ' , t
great lots, worth up to $15.00 at $4.08 1
worth up to $a.UU at
nms clock c:i yai;;;;luit.c.4
Crowds Flocking; to the Great
Buy yours here, as thousands of others 1 are doing, and get 2 to S for the
price of 1. ' ' ,
All the latest and best styles, made of finest lawns and mulls, beautiful lace
Choice 991 and $1.98.
and embroidery trimmings.. The same identical waists that are shown all
over town at double and triple these prices, and values clear up to ' $3.00.
Clean Sweep of All
-No price too low to sell out
: , . what's left Here's how
v everything goes .
m0T Flowerb-li5
SM'S In H linen wlvet, afl
kinds and all large, big bunches
'" , ones49c mm98cVims11
9weep-Out Oalo of All f-v -
Trimmed Hato 9S
Fancy styles, worth from , $3.00 up to $100 aU 08
Worth to
$7.50 at:
$1.98 $3.98
A Once-in-a-L,lfetlme Offer
Lubin's $ 1 Perfumes T)
It's the genuine, the famous Lubin's, that sells in all
dru? stores at $1.00 per ounce. Most all odors.
1,000" ounces for tomorrow's sale; one day only. The finest of
$1.00 perfumes at 25 per, ounce. Not over 4 ounces to any one
Women's Neckwear
The Finest ofr 25c Neckwear
It's the maker's lose that's how you -get
two for the price of one. Over. 500 dozen
women's wash collars to go, in pique,
linen and lawn, all fancy styles, plain and
k ((rtm whit and colors. . Buy what vou
want of these 25c collars tomorrow and pay
us Just half. Choice . . .
1 9c for 30c and $ I
All one, ' two and three of -a
kind, in finest ' lawn and Swiss,
embroidery" inserted and fancy
lace trimmed, -plain and collar
effects.. All 50c to $1.00 JA.
ones and plenty of the I Ml
finest Choice wv
Womei 10c Pure Linen
All hemstitched, full
titty regular 10c
ones ' k " v
Half Price
Tomorrow Beino the Second and Last Week of the
Great. Sample, Shoe Sale ;
Thousands of pairs still to go and for the last week we throw out an the reserve lots at still lower prices to keen no the
buying excitement. All styles, the shoe samples from 12 of America's greatest factories, and every pair at almost half
price. Here's but a few of the hundreds of bargains. Now read every word: . , . .. "
i -1 i
Boys $1.50 and, $1.75
.Sample Shoes ;,
Tart think of Bors'.eJX leather shoes
m,t this prioef leee styles, with esp
toes end extensloat eolesi ill ffA
,lsee ejid rernls $U0 sa4 IJ
velnes, peiy ............ f 7U
AU the aewert shapes, made of feeet See
Island dnok, latest toes, weU made and
aU alaesi S exeat lota, valves p to S2-60
$2.50 CI iO $1.50
black, tans
All the finest for dress wear in black, tans
and patent leathers; all have turned
soles: are worth no to SIJJQ. Unoice,
X Ladies.9 and Misses' $2 and 52.25
n : i fiL . j . J
dauipie duues ami uxiurus
It's a bargain lot to amaze you; all the latest styles
in both high cut and Oxfords; fine vici kids, b
15c White Canvas
Shoo 0 BoL
calf and patent leather; all the newest shapes and
weights of soles. Every pair a sample i
None worth less than $2.00 up to $2.25
r.Icn's $2.50 and J3.C3
Sample Shoes
tlxed lot, la box ealf, viol kid and
veloar, Oxfords and high Bhoee, pUtn
or eap toes. aU alias and A j
widths; tef. $ajo and if
S3.00 values, pair .........1.47
$1.75 and $2.00 Oxfords
For ladies and misses; in paten leather and
fine kids; new toes, flexible soles: Mi
all sizes; regular $1.7 $ and 200KJQ
9n , $3.50 and $4 Hlgh-Qrade
S Shoes and Oxfords
And every pair the same you pay $3.50 and $4
for out of reg; stock. Oxford, and high shoes,
all popular leathers as well as guaranteed pat
ents; all shapes, styles and sizes, from 5 to 12.
Remember, the finest, all $3.50 and $4 shoes
8(1.. 98
. Infants' Shoes
Soft sole Moccasins in all colors; silk
stitching and foot-form .' shapes; Q
all SSo and iio values go at..,'
Boys' $2.25 Shoes t
The famous Walton make and the all
leather line: all samples, and QAr
regular $J.o6 and shoes, , 3"V
The $1.79 Shoe Samples
Are worth every penny of $3 and $8.50; high ahoea and
lace; nand turn or welt soles: viol
Oxfords; btttton and
luiu leuuu iuub .biiu uwc Dmenc imnrn. : rwi . . iriv
class, dressy footwear and all sties. Not worth 16.00
and tS.00. but splendid SS.00 and ' 3.60 values, r pa
On sale at, per pair. ..... ... . . , . . . . ... ... MVli(V
Men's and Boys'
$1 Shoes 39c
Men's and boys' White. Canvas
Running Vacation . Shoes: all
samples and all sizes. Nona
worth less than 76a audio.
up to $1 a pair p0
Ch ild Allover Lace
25c Hosiery I9c
'.It n f .. , t V I I !
' Don't pay 25c elsewhere when the same kind
' go here at 19; children's tan color all-over
lace Hose,' full ' seamless, sizes ' 5 ' to 9fo
Special, three pairs for oOf,. , 1 . 10
or pair
Biff 10c Sale
Of Ztadles hlaek Stole, fine gauge, fall regal
made and' all sixes. Guaranteed 80o values I n
at Jnst haU prloe, pair IvC
A Rlbboo Sensation
Ribbons Worth to 35c at 1 Oc Yard
, Figures, stripes, dots and fancies
(CT. of all kinds, all widths, values up
to 30c and 35c. '
yd- Choice 10c Yard
Over 5,000 yards of manufacturer's odds and ends to be closed out In this one-day sale. Think of it-the
finest of fancy Ribbons, worth up to 3Dc, choice, xvf yard.
All fancies up to 5 inches wide, all . i ;
, en art a. a. 1 .
pure suit, uvcr umcrciii put' i i
terns to pick from.' ' 1 1
Choice 10c Yard "
Manufacturer'sSale Sample Gloves
75c ;Qlovesvfor
AH Samples
SOc t 75c Values for 25c '
The maker's entire stock of samples, 1,200 pairs in
all, and over 50 different kinds and styles to pick
from. All 2-clasD in finest taffeta lisle and suede
finish, in plain and also lace effects', black, white, tans, grays, etc. Every size
in the lot and plenty of them. None worth less than 50c and up to 75c Pick
'em out Choose 75c gloves if you want. Choice. 251 pair. t
Ferguson Q
FfSnsIin Underrear
Half Price
The big sale continues again to
morrow. Today's crowds were
simply immense, and even with
10 extra 1 salespeople we ; can
hardly wait upon' all.
(towns. Chemise, Skirts, Drawers
and Corset Covers, ell the finest
and best . Beautiful garments,
rergnson MoXinney's samples,
and yon know there's no better
underwear made. It's your chanoe
to make one dollar do the work of
jnVt'.;? ..HALrF
i Save Half ori Your
Family Ufquors
blsT profit! villi von uma bnv Hi
Atherton iSrr
Bye. regular $IM nart VJ VJ' Vbs
hottta ...........
BFECX4X 800 bottles jr. B. Veppet (in.
Full aoart bottle Holland Ola, ""n't r
muw jubw eoiue vv
AH Our 35c eSs
SOc Wines at
ort, Tokay, ignsaat and WHlte Tati, auart
bottlee of tbe best SSe and 60o YpZ
kinds, for one day, bottle ...IC
Ho! for thej
Mmb Mats
The good kind, double
straw braid. Remem
ber, not the common
25c ones, but best 35c
values. One to a cus
Another Great Sensation for Men
Sam pie Suspender 5a le
: WsMSitliiiMisiiiil'llllsl
50c and 75c
' y t t s ,1 t
All manufacturer's odds and ends and
.samples; 1,000 pairs to pick from, and
over 100 different kinds in the lot, Best
. linen. elastic and fancy webs, cast-off
buckles, leather and cast off ends. Work
. Suspenders and dress Suspenders, i Buy
the finest of 50c and 75c grades. All in
one lot, choice, 24f pair. r" -
,Hcns lCc Seeks 5c
The mixed fcookf ore ones that
eU the world ever at . loo,
faney gray mixtures, fnll
seamless. Oaly half prloe to
morrow, 54 pair.
Kta's Peres Ee!I Us2ivr
ede of
Shirts only, In pretty shade of
urn nine, au sises.
Standard Oo value
Elctfs He Pure H'fclk :
irhen Cabtrlc EJifo
Hemstitched, soft finish and
all good site, srever sold am
der lOo. Choloe
Jcs! Uzli
Three Great Specials in
I V MOTH 13 yjio IL
1 .(- nfffi
Reduced Drices on everv Riiit In efnrv M i t
means something;, for our regular prices at from $3.00 to $5.00
less than exclusive clothiers ask and these reductions bring
; prices down to almost half what you are asked to pay elsewhere.
AH Our $16.50, $18 (Ml ir
& $20 Men's Suits $JWlJ)
Every Suit in Jhe lot guaranteed by Friend Bros. Clothing Co., the
makers, and made by them to aeU at $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00. All the
finest of custom tailored suits, single and double breasted, pure worsteds,
cheviots, velours and cassimeres. Hand-tailored throughout. Regular
gothmf stores prices $20.00 to $25.00. Our price $16.50 to Cl 9 A
$20.00. Sale price, choice 4 V 1 JC 5
All ?!5, 113.50 and 12 Sufe
JB-very waiwea styie, coior ana pattern In the lot, single jf M p
patterns. Keguiar clothing store prices $15.00 to $13.C0.VI k
and double breasted, best of tailoring throughout' and ft f f 4
a i
in a splendid assortment of desirable staple and fancy
vu tii i price ..............
y A!l Tev .En's r::;l
. TCL'I 3 ;
All stvlea an A i
i trl f