The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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an orais
Steamer Will Be Taken Off!
i Rim , Between Portland
fain'diJie Bay City.'-'
n oTuntirnw ranin were Wrkflcl un
. mieruny fly inn .CUPTnin OI Ilia gaso
line boat Defender. The bovs had he.m
inine- water ror'aooet 10 tri nutoc
j nny were rescued orr the loot of Stark
street, . -
Th Stftam Schooner Crimen An ram n
to the Oregon Water 1'ower dor this
momma; 10 jos ra roml I . .1 'l'h
eteam echnoner Ncwberg wont to Ooble
f ia pa- me. train schooner , Sv.jh
I left dOWIt With 700.0(10 rtf )Hmha
V::.;- ,"'
tag-alar Users Btw to Antra.
Breakwater,' San Francisco. July 8
Costa Rica, Ban Franciaoo. .June 17
Alliance, Cooa Bay. . , . , . v. . i , . .July , 1
July J
Roanoke. Ban Pedro and ir
O. W. Elder. San Fed ro and way. July -8
I S, ai I al , Aalnh . a
fTJAT tn' tier PL4.CE Nicomn-, orUni: 5"? j?
UiAJ X 11V.11UI fYf Num-ntla. orient.., ......... ?Auiu? f
- - - v i w w v v m a a w f
Begulas Zoaen to Depart.
ana HO is.pct;ia voii" i Arams, orient ................. June 10
-j :-v 1 ai.U W lc-. nclaeo. .... .June so
cure. nniHinT 4 niuiv " nuuioic, pan -earo anq way.,., July
V;,.' ' - - tT iv-oiumoia, Ban Francisco... July
Authentic Information I at Hand. I Breakwater, Cooa Bay. July
.nienia, orient.. ....,.....,.,,. July I
Nioomedla, orient. ........... .August
.August ,21
vi ' ,a . ' . I . Heguias unera to Depart, y .
Agent Halwr Bays IJn Iiljrln Alliance. Coo, s,.
When ' the, ' ateamw i F. A.
Viim.ntla ..I.-.
J.aile4 from thU jort: weeK go way i Tola, Br. l.........,.v.Klevtor dock
.1 for Bun Frandsao It wm- probabir Wl-oroui,;. bt, DK....,........Atorl
.v. ... Moalved herelf.1";1 Br pk. Eaet pine
,-,o....r '.Jr , 7 I leuua. uer, DK.. .Knappton
. .iraet that the craft hu been aold by I Llllebonne, Am, eon... a R. & N. Alblna
li Tj.ii . a, etMmihiB com-1 i". Whitney. Am. bk... St Johne
' f the PaclflO Railway Bteamenip wm- Wa.nucU Am barge.. University Mill
pany to tne ijreacani nn nanana, Am. Dmn .Knappton
houaa company of Ban Pedro, which g"nr C ity, Am, bktn. Vancouver
. ' K ,v .nff tha 5eh"n,5- Aru- ach.. SL Helena
meana that; aha -win be taken on ina j H. Luntman, Am. ech... Stella
Portland run and placed In eommiaalon Charleston, Xj. 8. navy... ....... Harbor
i between Sa Franciaoo and Ban Pedro, gf Yirl '"" ? ffi'"?'
!. . . . nrmi. t.V.r tiaa wot I i KL f ?!? M . .-. Rainier
' wkm Aaii. "''"."','. v,.. I io, A.m eir. ........... iiour mm
. neen noiinea ai m M"no., -1 Aiaori itmr, nr. ai..;.. .........Stream
; perte word .thla afternoon. w fll. JMelvltle Uollar, Am. atr... Stella
.? e Kllburn wMcParchae! Jwrtha Nome City. Am. atr..,.M ...Stella
jracino iuuiwij D . " j.ll oanuera, Am. acn. ....... .Astoria
, . a few montha go, but It wa under- Manahu Warn. Jap aa.O. R. A N.. Alblna
, atooa wnn ine ininiioa "-""" i Alliance. Am. air. ., couch street
? 'Ti ncr run n. . . i - -
t 'WaUonvllle Trans
T it art naajej
I been much talk of the company aaaiDKicaaoade, Am. atr. ..O. W. P.
another steamer to the route. ijqhann Poulsen, Am. atr...... . Linn ton
Whether the sale ana wiinarswai oiiAjvana, Am. on. ...... ,v ,,,Westport
e KUDUm HIWUII nv ijkiiiuijiiiu v i . m. uiuilta, Am. UKin...
nuouoi "UI.I....B AiiiMM, Am. sir.,. Couch street
when operated by thai Finn., Nor. atr.,..,,... Greenwich
sportatlon company. I five. Am. atr.....i.. ..Astoria
brink and there has oo. W. Elder, Am. atr .Martina
the route
.by the pacific. Railway A I Newbera. .Am. str.........
C . 1 I
. . rinKIa
Steamship company row remains 10 oa imiaonar, atr. an Columbia No. 1
seen. Local - Aajent aer is m mnoo i tucm. ah. air.... . , .. .Alnawor
and he would
TZoi nfiS menV Jftrr. Am . bktn San
at sea as any one else on wis question Xnuabe Carrlsra fin aonta.
like to anow soon as iVl1 , ... - .
He wired tha company couple S'-rr v-" a JT"isoo
TrV .nvintia to know the real lumn"r Am- fc" Ban Francisco
ita ui of affairs Agent Bakera tele- SS""-!
gram to his owners was aleo sent be- gut aa y. Am. atr.,.. .Ban Franc sco
cauae of the fact that one of the proml- Am. atr in
N nvont atreat had re i.Ivi .An t i Ban Francisoo
, sold Vnd-woSld bVlUdrawn from the tZfo&g:::;:S RSJgJ
Portland run. ; th., Thoa, U Wand, Am. atr.. San Francisco
AB,Ln." "PTl!S.5'Lt!2?V.t?hI Am. bk Ban Pedro
i rwuana-tooB oy run ujr u , . with r.m.4 . ,
Paciflo comDanv has aoroethlnr to do I Wlta Ctmant and General.
with the withdrawal of the Kllburn. Buccieucn. Br. sh...,,..,.,,.Hambur
The Breakwater Is a much faster and ?renn, r. bit....,..,,, ,..,.Hul
: larger craft than the Kllburn lalonwy Castle, Br. bk.,......; Antwerp
possible that, foreseeing - eompetlUon. 'Konar, Br. ah. ...Hamburg
; the ownere decided to wunaraw xne jj"'". um. ...Antwerp
' Kllburn upon receiving a fair offer to gnvJ?y Mollnos, Fr. bk London
' In this nineteenth oentury to keep
, tip with the march of progTeaa evary
power of woman la trained to ita
' utmost, and the tax upon ber phyaU
t cal system is far greater than aver,
f In the rood old-fashioned daya of
oar grandmothers few druga were
used In mediolnea, They relied upon
roots and herbs to Cure weaknesses
' and disease, and their knowledg-e of
roots and herbs was far ' greater
than that of women today.
It was in thla study of roots and
herbs that Lydla B, Pinkham, of
Lynn, Iass., discovered and rave
to the women of ths world a remedy
more potent - and efficacious than
any combination of drops.
is an honest, tried and time remedy of unquestionable therapeutlo value.
, This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics
or other harmful druga and today holds the record for the larrest number -of
actual cores of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever
known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials ' are on file in the
laboratory at Lynn, Mass. jwhich testify to its wonderful value. ' ' '
'. . Mrs. C. E. Finkyof Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhatn- ,4I
wish every suffering- woman would take Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and write to you for advice. - It has done me a world of rood
and what It has accomplished for me I know it will do for others. ,r
...When women are troubled with Irrerularitles. Displacements. TJloer
ation, Inflammation, Bakache,"2fftrTous Prostration, they should xe-
member there Is one) tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Plakham's Veff.
table Compound.-: "r " " I ' .'. : " J -' . '
'Kirs'. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women sufferlpr from any form of female; weakness are Invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of
perlente sha probably has theyery knowledge tnat wiufleip your case.
. : . ' " ' . .. 5
. . -
' -i )ini ipnii mijimsBi Bjufg iir"p" frTW"' i .' '
' . '... Si' ' ' "'"
f .'v.'": . , - ' "
r v
k :
Shopping in our splendid 4
Rene Kervtler, Fr. sh.,i......Hambur
The Breakwater, la expected to saU ff"" rrL h .......Swansea
om this port-on fa-Tmp.tol" ......London
Mosamblque Br, ah Newcastle. E.
aw. ui.., Shields
Slam. Gr. ah.,... ........Lnndnn
Cooa bay early next month, about the
date the Kllburn would have been
scheduled to nail, so It will make little
difference to shippers. The Breakwater,
however, la a much better boat than ber
predecessor, POtn lor passengers ano
insight. . - ': ,', "
I Officers Say the Lawton May, qo on
; ; ; ' the Route. C- ' " v'
; Off Icera Of ' the ' HairimaB teamer
Costa Rica are- of the opinion that the
steaaier Lawton. formerly a transport,
' will be put on the Portland-San Fran-
Cisco run to alternate with, the Columbia
; and the Costa Rica. They admit having
' no official information on the aubject,
however, their opinions being based
- purely on hearsay. ,':
Th Lawton was recently purchased
." bv the Harrlman people, but It was not
' announced publicly for what purpose.
She Is a good thing to have about these
daya with steamships In demand every.
: whm Hi one- tha coaats. and vet Port
; land people have come to the conclusion
that the Lawton will eventually prove
t to be the fine - liner that Manager
Schwerln promised ao many montha ago
for the Portland-San Francisco run.
The Costa Rica, Captain Ifaaon, ar
rived here early tnia morning arier a
. fair voyage from San' Francisco. She
; crossed in over the bar at J:80 o'clock
yesterday afternoon and left up a couple
; oi nours later, ene orougni aDout iuu
passengers, (4 cabin and 41 steerage.
: Among the cabin passengers were Mrs.
- Stung and Mra. Oossv wives of Lleu
tenants Stung and Oosa on tha flagship
Charleston, which Is now here In the
j naroor. . : . .
Passing Tillamook a small two-masted
' schooner waa seen to salt In over the
bar.- Her name could not be made out
Thiers. Fr. ah.... ...,.. Newcastle, E.
V1ncennes. Fr. bk ..Glasgow
v.n-eCA,t1. TKrMnJrVb,u .Hamburg
VlUe de Mulhouse, Fr. bk...... Antwerp
uuBuimrj, jit. DS. ........... ..Antwarn
Pierrt Lotl. Fr. bk;.".;;::;ASS
Waiden.Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp
Olenessllu, Br. sh Antwerp
Versailles. Fr. bk. ......... ..Leith
ri!S!!i a 20,,,!,f trJL bk... London
VUla da Dijon. Fr. bk". .'.tiAatwafp
. i $, ' vobj gmps z Jtout.
wau,rr. Dm ,
..... ...pivewcastie.
Persistent complaints are received at
police headquarters from different eo
tlons of tha city, regarding; the annoy
ance of women by certain Italian ped
dlers selling cheap muslins which they
represent to be rare linens. . In one or
two Instances tha foreigners became
insulting when turned away, ,
A woman on Mississippi avenue re
ported yesterday that a abort man and
a tall man, who looked as If they might
have been Itallana, were frightening the
residents In that vicinity. They, ap
peared at the door with a splendid earn- j
pie of linen which, they said, had been I
smuggled Into the country and which
they were therefore enabled to sell at
a very low price. However, the stuff
mat waa aeuverea was a very common
grade of U ft -cent muslin, for which
the woman promptly refused - to pay.
The foreigner thereupon affected great
indignation ana uaea insulting language. 1
Another similar report - was ' received
shortly afterward from the same vicin
ity. "
, These peddlers are working under the
sanction of the city and are provided
with city Uoenaea. Nevertheless, Chief i
Oritsmacher has ordered an Investiga
tion and the licenses may be revoked.
No crush no crowding plenty of room, air and light
in this spacious department AN ENTIRE FLOOR '
devoted exclusively to Juvenile Apparel C
But Only to Say No Land for
Sale at Any Price
Whatever. '
Claverdon,. Br. sh
Cement-Laden Ship Ends an Exciting
Voyage From Hamburg.
After having : battled with contrary
i .winds, fought- out terrific galea and
drifted about lastly In dead calms, the
v British ship Dalgonar arrived at Aa-
toria last nipni, m - aays out rrom
Hamburg. , While off Staten Island she
epoke the British bark Conway Caatle
H bound - for this port and about two
weeks ago aha sighted a vessel believed
to oe xne uerman snip Biam from Lon-
don. also, for this port. , Tha Conway
Castle haa put into Valparaiso - subse
' quenUy to being spoken by the Dalgo-
: liar. '- - - , ..... . . .. : ..j - . ., .
The- Dalgonar comes eonsiamed to
f Meyer.' Wilson A Co.. and is aald to be
, 'cnanerea ior outwara ousiness although
- the nature of the charter cannot be
learned until the arrival here of the
vessel which wiU be this evening or
r,,? V"noTow mormngi she brings
IS. 000 barrels cement. 650 tons coke and
600 tons vlg Iron besides some smaller
pnipmeniB or general merchandise. I
will dlschargefat Columbia dock No
Captain Jnlster reports that Just before
, . joBuuiiiK iiu nurn ine snip a steward
was taken ill He expired after a brief
, Illness and was burled at sea.
f-fi'h-li, 'A.-'i ' - ..'oi.a ., ... .',
Strathnesg Will Bring Cement From
- Europe.' "j -
Half a cargo of cement, or J0.000
barrels, will be brought to Portland next
month on the British steamer Strath
neas which is now at Port Los Angeles
discharging ajjortlon of her cargo from
Europe. Confirmation .of the report of
the vessel coming here was obtained
' this morning. . The rement . is consigned
to Balfour, Guthrie & Co.; v, en
One result of the strike In Sah Fran
citco and the conseQuent inactivity In
the bulldiiT-.. Industry ia'lllcoiv I. k.
n more liberal supply of cement here, as
i:uMinmr ui material orig
inally booked for ' the Bar Citv will be
num. un i ruriwna. ' ini Norwegian
eteamer Finn, now discharging here
firought '16.600 barrels that' were Orig
inally intended for the flan . Francisco
market, and it Is aald that-therevare
IV1 tUB. IHms C1RB8 lO lOliOWi ' ' J. '
;. . v,. ... . j ., . i ' -
The steam schooner J.. Marhoffer was
towrd to Aberdeen for repairs inatead
of cfmlng here, im Intended. ,
The Britlnh steamer Kali bla arrived
up tills morning and went to the mills
; rf ttie North Pactfic Lumber company
to finish her lumber cargo. T.
The British . bark JordanhHI Isrbav-
Ina- trouble securing enough sailors to
tiike her to sea. She is short a couple
r incn find so rents at anchor In the
Mrenm. nUhmigh fully laden. She goes
1) Calico. Three men fell from -the
ticc:n and were killed on the way to
1 V I I.uh1. -, - . .
U na loyn clinging to the bottom of
WUlscott. Am. bk v. .i. i.
Newcastle, A.
St. Mlrren,-Br. Sh,...'.,..Neweaatl! A
Crillon. Fr. bk....V.V..,V.NJwctstle: X.
Ardencraig: Br. bk;. .Newcastle:
ir.7: J iT "i.- . V a wcasue- A.
Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. . Newcastle, Z
Bt. Louis, Fr, sh.. ..... . . .Newcastle Z
ramp rteamers r Boute. ,
SuSXiT A1-l'-I!;Nort'8,lo Franclaco
SkSS Alexandra, Br. str.. Madras
it'lSTfc.JL?'' A - -S" irranoiico
"ir.,..)ri ivOs Angeles
Oil Carrier Xn Bout, v
mV-.'a tr- e" Francisco
Maverick, Am. atr... .....Ban Frandaco
Astoria, June JJArrived at 4:80 and
left up at 7 a. m. -Steamer Newberg
from Ban Francisco.' Sailed at 4:4$
a. tn. Steamer George W, Elder, for
0 Jla way porta. Sailed at
S:10 a. m.- Hteamr U.i,aW.. . . -
i,"B . um r a oerqeen.. Arrived
down ar C a, m.--8teanfers Alliance.
Nome City and Melville Dollar. Left
mua un amp uaigonar. 1
Ban Franelnnou Jim. i cii. ..,
. . . . V- ' m-m mv UWUC7U ,L
last nignteteamer Coaster tnr n.
Ijrahla river; steamer Maverick, for
Astoria, June JT. Arrived at :-- -is
v- wuiiin snip ; uaigonar, from
Hamburg. Arrived at i:ia mH i.e
A i.KA . CI. . . . .7 -
v -Diowiiei- vosta Mica, zrom
Astoria. . Jnn tt imtltiw .1.
r i. . m., smootn; winu south. S
miles; weather, eloudy. ,
Tides at Astoria today: High water a. m.. s.y reet: !Hi n m tb e
Low water 9:57 a, m, --l.x feet; jut
ra., s.o xeeu
Sao Francisco, June 21 Sailed at 10
m., steamer Redondo for Portland.-
Hongkong. June 28. Ballnrl nrman
wnmw nicomeaia ior i-roruana.
. ,"8l0 PayA June x,8. Arrived May
j my .uau vurnei;, jron Astoria.
vV ; 5 : . ,,v'..
, (Joernal BtiUI Berrice.)
Houston,' June ls.-The Jury tn the
Loving murder trial was discharged un
til S o'clock this afternoon to allow the
lawyers time to complete their requests
for instructions.' . ... ; ? m .
V,. : , ' " lit 1 1 . ' 1
: (Jooraat pedal Barries.). - '
Dallas,' Of June 18. Dallas cltliena
who ' hava , filed Xn Southern Pacific
lands ,ia Polk county, are; anxiously
awaiting ' the report of Assistant At
torney. General Townsend. who is now
in Portland investigating the .matter for
the government Soma 200 I claims In
Polk ceunty,-aggregating about 13,000
acres of valuable timber,' hivs been
posted by citizens here, who are" Inter
ested as to the. outcome. Applications
and tenders have been made the San
Francisco office of the Oregon A Cal
ifornia Railroad company, by registered
letter. Receipts of applications is gen
erally acknowledged by Charles W. Eb-
erlln, land agent of the company, in
terms stating that the application
would not be considered aa auoh. and
that the land was not for sale and
would not be for sale at $160 per acre
or at any other price. In spite of thla,
however, the applicants here look for
a favorable termination of tha matter
when Uncle Bam really gats into too
case. -. " !. '.
Itching piles provoke profanity, but
profanity won't cure them. Doan'spint-I
mem, cum ucnin, ' viaoumg or prv
truding plies axter years ox sunering.1
At any drug store. . !..- v
(Continued from Page. One.)
and tha least , possible injury to thai
flab, disentangle ana let loose the same,
and- transmit tha fish to the water; with
out -rlolenea. :';'" V ;,. 'r
It Is reneraJlv believed that it was
tha Intention, merely to . shorten the
closed season on the from five
montha to three months, and leave ail
the other streams In the state with a
five months closed season, but the ef
fect was to Rive tne umooua a thraa
months closed season, and other streams
no closed season at all. - -
The law can not be remedied until the
next legislature convenes in . 1909. and
many believe that by the. time an
amendment ; could be made effect! v
trout in Oregon streams would be nearly
... . ..... . ... . i
ail xisnea oub -.
for Boys' and Girls' in splendid assortment
1 Leading Glothicr
fr" ji t
. r.
The Cook I
: tT xhtml A
reputation is safe when he
prepares, a cup of Ghirar-
delli's Cocoa He may be
sure that Its delicious ira-
prance will please the most
exacting guest. With his own
breakfast, also ;
.'a cop of
for the Graduate
or the fiancee
fTIicre is no gem so prized aa a Diamond.
From; Maker to Player
I Pianos Sent on Approval t 4 - . SiithVand Buraside "
There is no woman who does not feel the power and prestiee riven bv tha
possession of a Diamond. (i ' l
A diamond sparkline on a youne woman's hand besnealc
- confidence and love of a fond parent or some man's endtlring regard and affection. ' A
, : , If you have a lovable and charming daughter why make her wait for the prized '
. "diamond ring until the coming of this man who takes her away from you ? j v --'
. - Fathers, if vou wish to keen vour daucbtftrs with vvn frto-. i,..'aJ.''i..-.,.;'. ,4'"
i the prized luxuries that are, usually denied them until Dan Cupid makes his ap- '''- X
pearance into their lives. ' ( 1 4 - y T
It is possible for every father to give his graduating, daughter a Diamond Ring
1 v , to commemorate the day she steps from school girl days into beautiful womanhood,
when we are offering you the Close Prices and Easy Payment' Terms as are quoted
below; , ..,-' ' -
One quarter karat, perfect white; brUliant v One karat blaewhiterYerbrilliah perfect l
cut diamonds set in 14K gold Tiffany J A , cut stone, set in UK gold Tiffany- Af syssi
mounting. DftU.. mounting. .' v, i . . JJ) 1 0 ' "
One half karat white, very brilliant, perfect, Five eighths karat; perfect cuf stone, very
cut diamond, set in 14K gold Tiffany f ft A brilliant, set in 14K gold Tiffany A f a a
mounting..., .tDOll mountini?.. ISIIIII
Three quarter karat, perfect cut, .brilliant One and one half karat, beautiful blue stone; ' 1 ' TV
; white diamond, set in 14K gold - f10C perfect cut, set in Ulgold ' fOfifk ev
Tiffany mounting Oi&O mounting. J)ajUU . T " I
; we nave a Large Assorlment oi SracII Dismonds : :
in sizes from 1-32 to K karat, brilliant white stones, set in plain or fancy Tiffany mount- ' "
Ings af t ' ' ,' - . , ( " r , - , . , r. '
(7 fA tIA t!A (IP AA H PA10 At AA flP An i r
v 272 wash:
frMvvtmHvv;,vmvvvvvmmv4Hm : ;