The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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it . :
A chine for th ladle of Portland
to rava a dollar or two on their ahoe
bill. Kdlncott A Johnston 'a - '
S1.85 For ES. A J. IS.OO button, dull
top patent learner.
S2.85 For K. A J. $5.00 cuatora
bench- made ladles' turn sole ahoee,
.In button, lace. Oxford and Ban--
r dale. In Datent, vlcl kid, all wldtha
and aises. v
-,' roi X&lf M.00 Oxford.
S2.35 For B. J. 14.00 all patent
tixioros, turn aojea, rspanisn instep,
i; liaiiuaumi u,
Y ( il y f M V
. ---- sat up! ! H"-- . jj"-"" ae'""r- J
d V Yr 3.';
. Veil Bar Too, Consldarabl
Ladles' White Canvaa Shoee, 89.
Srf, Sl.lO and SI. 33. worth
$1.60, $1.75, 11.80. $1.10.
Mlii' White Canvaa Shoea,' 69.
. 85e Sl.OO and II 1.3 5. - worth
$1.16. $1.60, $1.9. $1.00. -
Children' Whit Canvas Shoee, 45.
60 and T5 worth TSo, $1.00"
and $1.89. . ..
, Whit Shoes.
your white ahoe
from th
noe stoca in -oruanck.
Our New .York buyer, covert himself with glory buys the surplus stock of three of New York's
, . most xamous maKers or , ; ;
Men U.S0 Straw Hata .....Sl.OO
Men'a 0 Cloth Cap.... 29
20 styles In regular $$.00 Hata
at S1.35
Hoffman. Rothchild & Co- 668 Broadway, sell us their, entire surplus stock of 1,031 Men's custom
,.''.,.. . - 1 A. - m A ' I IA 1 1 ''...:. . .
maae ouus, in ngnr. ana meaium wcignis ana ouung, ax xk on xne oouar.
Xa tfl4flJk AtiAfTf mM 2 fra) nrf 4A a1paS a 4 ts al 4fm lkteavjv Vw-aft flttra amah vU Am aai atV
s apv am . I If Ail T A WW VTVM WJ VVU VWV a VIHVJI A IUVOV VOiOliM VtU ffclAVUi VU ft Blalil
111 II III lrY I t0 Pve vou biS XiXnt on 016 'ourtn.
. mm m w
IS atvlaa.ln Veulr tS.OO Hata
at S1.85
10 atvlea In reaular 14.00 Hata
at , .....S2.50
' Our New fork buyer ha
ransacked th atock of avery
mKr . oz women- Tin
. rood In New Tork for
barg-alna for - the , Gloiiou
Fourth,' and ' ba aeeured
$$,000 worth of women's
wearing- apparel - of arery
: description t leaa than tOe
on tne aouar. . 4.
$1 for ladies' $2.50
White Parasols
In nice - natural ' handles.
handsomely embroidered on
wuta linen.
Xdlnoott Is Johnston, Xoohaster, Sfw
Tork, eonaln to na their aeaaoa'a
olean-np of , . . ' .
IS4 Casts of Men'a end
Women's RneCustom-Mcdo
With Instruction to ell came for
what they'll bring-. Thla la a grand
rhanen for ua to (five our cuatomera
the ahoe bargain of our Uvea, lien's
shoe, every pair guaranteed, ( . , t -
SI. 39 For , Edlncott A Johnston'
$2.00 work shoea-. -
SI. 6 5 For Edlncott tc Johnston' areea snoes. ? - '
iror Edlncott ft jonnetona
patent leathers.
For Kdlncott ft Johnston's
$3. f5 Oxfords, oatent and tan.
S2.SO For Edlncott Johnaton'a
J 3 7 & custom made shoe.
S3. 50 For Edlncott ft Johnston's
$5 and $ custom mad shoes. - ...
SI, 75 Fo
$5.0(1 pat
S1.05 Fo
Sox v.
lla Tor rinaat I So Imported to
A. W. Cowan ft Broa.. Chicago, eloa
out their entire atock, it caaea, of
fine Imported Hosiery to th Boston
at one-third their wholesale cost,
lie For Men's finest embroidered
fast colored Sox, 100 atyles, In best
2o values for lla.,:- ';
Suspendsrs end Celts
8Sa 7os 80a Ouyot BTnspenders $
dosen Wilson Bros, finest Ouyot Sus
penders, In .white and fancy colors,
French lisle webs, light, cool and
airy, for summer wear.
Belts at Sama PHo.
Slo Tot BOo Wlndao na-In all
the new plaids and checks for outing
shirts.. -....-v,..- -, ; .-.-.-.-'
A! y y iI
,r I. It-,'1 I ,
1Jd AC For II. ft R flne $10.00 5id $12.00 wool worsted suits, also sergea,
ytJ7 outings, two-piece suit,' singla and double .breasted, sixes 33 to 44.
Cft For II. ft R. extra fine $15.00 and $18.00 custom tailor mad suit
POu band-finished collars, . hand-made button holes, hand-padded and
pressed collars, n owea, prays. Drown, duck ana lancy mixtures, au sixes.
:: $10.15 for $20 and $22.50. Suits S
1 1? For H. ft R. Suits that cost $13 JO to $14.75 wholesale' and that
)lvl retailed by most of the leading stores. in this dty for $20.00 and
tfk ... : .1 , i. 1 .: , t , ..... t . . . - . .... ..--tT
Over 500 Suits to choose from.' Not a bad pattern In th lot. Belwarp,
blua serf es, fancy block checks, worsteds and cassimeres. In beautiful pat-
terns. Every new, wrinkle, form Cttine and serni-trulitarr backs. A. clear
saviny; of $10X0 to $120 on erery $10a5lrait you buy at this sal.
$14;50 fcr $30;aiid $35 Suits
J1 A CA Takes choice of 187 of as fin Suits as you aver laid your eyes
JlrWU on, in every new shade of imported woolens, neat tasty patterns,"
nana tailored through ana through, suits that retail everywhere for 523.00,
$30.00 and $33.00, can be bought 'at th Boston Store up to noon July 4th
i or jiuju. . zou can pay aou.uv out you cant ouy a uner suit.
75c for $1, $1.25 andk$1.50 Shirts
D. Jones ft Sons, New. York's greatest shirt makers, 'sells the Boston's
' buyer 400 doxen of their famous $1, $15 and $1 JO Emperor and Princley
Shirts, in neaiize and dress.' with and without collars, also with collars at.
tached. Cream, pongee, with doffs attached and detached, at a price that
11 you these finest of dress neglige shirts .. .. .. ,
45c foriRcg $1; andj$1.25; Underwear
, th Boston 22 cases of manufacturers' seconds or slightly imperfect summer
rs, in reg
enables us-to se
ior ...... .....i....... j i. .'... 4 ,4..t
rot Sl-fiS Whltel Waists A ' dose:
J. Samuels ft Sons, manufacturtrs' agents, 684 Broadway. New Tork, sells
Underwear in balbnrran. maco. Eemtain. ribs and mesh: 15 colors, in rer.
war i.uu ana values, at a.uo per aoxen. ine Boston sens
mem xor rourtn or juiy sai at ..............................
nll mhrntHirA1 llnon Itwnl In
.rauMB, every ise, ' . - i.- -
Sl.OO ror ta.BO Xmbroldrd Waists 4$ ,
'doxn from Welsen ft Goldstein, makers .
or rln waist, peek-a-ooos, etc, oeautt
fully embroidered, - sheer lawns. Nain
sooks and mull. , $2.60. Values , every
. where, for Sl.OO- .
S1.B0 ror S3.00 and 13.85 Wilts Waists ,
Matchless variety, in real rarls pat
terns, about II dosen, won't-last long,'
at S1.50- ;:: '
f!2.59 For fin Imported $5.09 and
i.00 Dainty Waists.
2J5 Vox SS.00 Bilk Waists 41 only In
an siyusn, nieoiy trimmea, ail
raiuea B.uu. ,-
th lot.
lie. S.OO va
luea S2
89 and Sl-00 Ooraeta, 4o 10 dosen
silk embroidered tape rirdl Corsets,
pink, blue and white, for 49.
.Whit Anti-Rust whalebone Corset,
military front, $1.76 and $1.60 val
ues for Sl.OO. .',-:-.
81,29 For $J.0O Long Bilk Gloves,
all oolors. ' . '
1K For Boya and Olrls 5o Buster
f Brown Hose.- .
Orf For Ladles' 15e black IIos. ;
15) For Ladles I6o black hog.
25 For Ladies 40o black, tan and
fancy Hoim. - - v-
10a For Ladles' Back Elds Combs,
worth 60o.
.45at-...For ...Ladlaa'.ooA Ica. JHoea,-
black only.. -.. " v
10. For Ladles' i Bo Lac Denledlcl
Collars. " , . , - -
10 For Ladle 60c Dupont ft Dar
r Ungton Collars. .
wnu xinen Duck BRirte. verv
f2.25. worth 41.167 ia.$6; la.6.
Keady to Wsar.
Linen Duck " Sklrta,
Ladle Dark Llnon Skirt at
ana .sa.75,. woi
- Good tor outing.
50 For
TKWortblSJe anai5To5.
76a and too Chambray
S4.KO For fin Frenoh Linen Jumper
Suits, very stylish, $7.60 value.
S3.9S For Ladles' and : Mlssta Short
Coats, in 16 different styles and ool-
or, worth $?.00 to $11.60.
- S3.95 For long Silk Kimono, mad of
best grade raw Jap silk, $10 values.
- Just the thing for these warm daya
;. or aeaald.
S2.4B For fin Jap Silk Shirt Waist.
, French yoke, lac trimmed, Batten
berg braid, $5.00 and $8.00 value.
$20.00 ' Silk
and golden
S9.BO For $17.60 and
Suits, black
60 For Japanese Crp Klmonoa.
10 For Ladlea 111 Teats, wortth lla. :
; Othera In .111 and .Bilk up to $6.00.
75 For Children's 11.00 Mull Hata for
aumraer. . .. .. ,
50 For
1.75 For Olrla1
3.05 For Ladle1
Children' $l.t$ Wash
$5.00 red and Ua
$10 Cravanettea.
5.QO For Ladlea $16 Sample Suite.
1.25 For Ladies' II whit Farasols
; TUKEVsoTrs BamOAXBra.
Corset covers at '254, 50, 75).'
Sl.OO. worth lc, 85c, Jl.U, il.t
Drawer at S5, 50). 85V
60C, JiC,, $1.00,. $1.6.
Underskirts4 at 'J fl.25. - SI. 75.
S4.05 For 110 white mohair Skirts,
S12.50 For - $85 00? Ladlea' Vofla
Sulu, In Eton.' Frlno Chap, to
hand man tailor. i
Big Variety, Tary Xuoh TJndarprload.
S1.95 For II.EO dirsaa and walking
Skirt. v
S2.85 For $4.00 dress and walking
. Skirts -' - v
S4.50 For 11.50 dress and walking
bklrta. ' -
fiUrta.Fr drM and wtlWn
SIO For drees and walking Bklrte
and an up to $JO.00. in ail makea of '
cloth and cut of skirt.. Panamas,
voiles, serge,, batistes, nun veil
'' Ing, crepes, craponcito, brllllan
. tine. Over 1.000 aklrta ta pick
' from. - All alteration promptly
don. " ' ,, ., - .. .
Store Cpca Every Eve. UnUI Jdy 4, & Cpea Jclj 4 CntU Noca
Breaking Up of Wall Street
, Interests Booms Indus-
trial Situation. 1
Three Lots on East Side of
Vaughn Street Sold by'
; Trust Company.
. Charles i K. Crane Enthusiastic Over
.,-.-. . . i - -Wonderful
t Strides Country Is
Making West 'of the Mississippi
-Demand .Greater Tban k Supply.'
' Charles R. Cran"- of ; Chicago, vie-.
president of the Crane company, one of
' in largest -manuiacturers oi iron- ana
i other ..metals ''In the - world, Is' at the
Portland hotel, and said this morning
that " the ' recent . breaking up , of th
speculative .'Interest In Wall street was
. having great effects In, booming the In
dustrlal situation In the ' country. -' ' :
'. Mr.' Cran Said th commercial pros
perity is in splendid condition and the
consumption -la ss grreat as ever in th
history, of the United States, showing
. no diminution ana Keeping steadily
ahead of. the output In demand. In
speaking upon, industrial conditions Mr.
Cran said; . ' ... -t r .
' Wondsrfnl Strldsa. ' '
West of Chicago the country is mak
ing wonderful strides. The west has the
. fundamental conditions necessary for a
marvelous growth. East of Chicago con
ditions are good, but people there have
; developed tneir natural resources.
"There need be no fear of a setback
In commerce, now that the great pools
have been broken up. - As a result of
th breaking or these combinations a
Hood of money nas roeen let loose that
has eased the financial situation greatly.
Railroads are having as much, or more,
business as tney can nandie ana ail talk
of i financial ; crisis' cannot be based
upon anything save th merging of huge
sum of money , for speculativ . pur
pose. : -.,-t.ih--;.s
Orat SUvalry. Xxlata. ' -'"
"Take -our branches -in Portland and
Seat tie. '' Both hav shown; wonderful
strides, in business and the rivalry x
iHting between .them is as great as if
they were two separate- firms Instead
of being branches of the same houses.
Their growth Is only sample of the
commercial growth of the country. To
rum up, the Industrial . branch of our
trade Is in a sound, healthy condition
tlit Is constantly growing in volume."
Mr. Crane came to the coast to attend
lils lau'hter. who sailed from Seattle
for Japan Inst week. This Is his first
visit to Portland In 11 years, and he did
-t reooRnlxe th city when he drove
nhoiit the streets today. : He will stay
in 1'ortiand several days and leav for
i rx Francisco, whors h will vl4t an
.)' r branch house of bis company.
The Cran company employs 7,500
'i in its factorie at Chicago and
Xri4geport, connecucui.
lYhy Not Travel. - .
V-y not f east while the rates ar
: - ? Cheajir to travel than to remain
, t otne. A trip via the Canadian Pa-
can be made with comfort and
- ' y. So dust acros th continent
.... i a, -
A, J. F. Careacha and aasoclatea have
purchased three lota fronting eaat on
Guild street, between Thurman and
Vaughn streets. The property was sold
by the Fidelity Trust company for a
consideration of $9,011. ,; ' "
An irregular haped tract at ' the
aouthwest ' corner of : Gantenbein and
Falling streets has been sold by Edna
B. - Halght to ; Georg W. Prtest for
ourchased six tots in Btranora s addi
tion paying $600 each. The sal was
mad by Conrad. Tost, who jwned th
inaitn- k. rsumaon na purcnaaea rrora
people who know how to take car of
themaelvea th majority do net. Th
liver 1 a most Important organ In th
body. . Herbtne will keep It In condition.
Y. C Slmpklns, Alba, ' Texas, writes:
"I hav used Herbtne for Chills and
F.ver and find It th best medicine I
ever used. I would not b without It.
It is as good for children as it la for
frown-up people, and I recommend it
It is fins for La Grinn. Bold br all
druggists. : -
H. L. Powers an unjmproved lot la th
Hawthorn Park tract ror i,400.
Mall ft Von Borstel hav aold to
Peter Schmeer the aouthwest corner of
Twenty-ninth -and Eaat PIna atreeta
The property which waa owned by th
Btanuara vn company, win d immedi
ately improved by th new owner. ..
Edward F. Fanting, who haa Juat
bought from th United State National
Da Qjc a lot on juasi Twenty-tnird street,
wiu begin the immediate , construction
of a modern dwelling. .
The reDOrted negotiation bv the Ladd
estate for the . sal of the Canterbury
building at ' th northwest corner of
i niro ana wasninrion streets is Known
to b without foundation. .- Som time
ago. a party of local , capitalists asked
to be quoted a price on thia quarter
block and th .request waa refused with
th statement that the property la not
ror sale, it nas long Deen. weu-known
fact that thi corner will ultimately be
th home of tn ladd ft- 'l'llton bank,
and la being reserved by the Ladd est&te
ror tni purpose.
Come Where
Your Money Stretches
Out and ' ' f.
Is original! Soma people
ar betting on th winner
with the odda la favor. of
boy I y Well, he'a aa apt
to win as anybody!
- fr'-k Csoaed Ooods.
SpryccUpfor ttie-:4th.
All our Suits are of the very latest designs and possess a finer
quality, fit and finish than it would be possible for yon to get any
where at the same prices s ' - - ;
$10 to:$25
' . OXFORDS We have a fine new line of the latest shapes and leathers,
patent leathers, vici kid, velour calf, f3.50 and f f00.
STRAW 'AND PANAMA HATSThe "very latest In style; we can
, fit you at from f 1.00 to f 6.00. , . v
GOLF AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS These are exquisite in design
and material; a dandy at from 75 to f2.50." ' : j
LEATHER BELTS These are the niftiest1 little belts in town;
see them; 50a. - r
III ... . ,
i -
ill v -, . - .
mm iss. V-" -'I
; - 7:f km breasted
: I'!swwireTn Mal,T .
mmmmam'mmmmmmmmm.. . ,
" '
oMr Cred It Is . Good
Of course you enjoy wearing clothes of quality. .Clothing with' style and "snap"
- attire.that fits .and gives you that satisfied ' feeling of 'being , well dressed, neatly
groomed smartly, gowned. That's. the sort of clothes we show. whep you come to'
this store. Clothing for men, women and young folk. That's the kind of clothes ;
v that has increased this, business of ours and compelled the enlargement of our store
, to accommodate increasing, patronage ' . - -
Good Goods '
Fair Prices
' A Little Down
Courteous Treatment
Assured Satisfaction
A Littie Once in a .While
Are some of the inducements ; ; these, 'and 'a; wonderful aggregation of thex newest
things 4 for spring and summer- weartawaiCyou. .You'll tbe surprised how smartly
you can be dressed for a' little money: 'A. little 'down then ; - ;' '
A-. " D O'ULiARVA -: W E-'E IC
Special Sale of Blach Silli SMrls for Saturday
Regular $12.00 to $15.00 'values tomorrow, "only . . . .1 , S&25
Regular $18.00 to $20.00 values tomorrow only . ." ' 'sil 05
AiiolhcrSafnrday Spcc'l in Lawn Waists
$2.25 values . . '.$lM - ftl 51 VJ &f
SA .00 vain- 2.nS V U
. . .$2.05
Oiildrcp's I7asii Dresses
We, can dress the little ones as well as the older mem
bers of the family . Our showing of .Wash Dresses for
Children is made up of many pretty patterns. , All sizes,
all styles. Values from $1.00 to $5.00. -
$1.00 A WBEIC
Men's Clothing:
Big suiamer showing. All the nobby cuts.". Prices way
down any suit. ..., .?1.00 A WEEK.
York Outf 5tt!niJ9c Go
165-167$ F1ROT-OTREET, Near Morrison
. & i-tnlj' i. est x-raci