THE OREGON DAILY JOUIw.'AL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1007. ' : .t . . AY'S CROP LIItELV 1 i i -130,000 DALES Aspects Still for a Smaller 1 !. 1 . ' gon This Year. J f . i ';v-,"'-; . - - , :' Today's market feature: Hops look Ilka 130,000 bales," ... Hop aala at 7o a pound. . Bhsd men continue flKhlnir. V .' ; Central Cannera' aasoclatloa price. i y Car Brawler cantaloupea arrives. Berry market holding steady. -' . .: Cochalla tomatoes In fine a nape. 'i Oregon new spuds com faster. , Higher price rule on onion. : i -Drcpsed veal market firmer. - 1 Mi Err are dull; liable to drop, v Creamery butter 1 Just holding.' tSpTiortd plneapplec- in goc4-sfcs;w atop look lUk 130,000 Bale. Conservative hop men: those who Jiav the growers' Interests at heart as well as their own. are not making predictions of record-breaking .hop pro ductions in any section tnis season. yJlarry I Hart of thla city, who is in a position to estimate the hop crop aa 'wen as anyone, saye tnit tne crop ins 1 ' corains season will ranee arouna liu. 000 bales. It may go a fraction more than that but it is more likely to fall 'under that figure. "Hops look fins along the line of the rmuroaa oetween mis city anff eniem, ' maid Mr. Hart this morning. "The view . from the cars Is quite good. On the west Bids the yards are beginning to ' ; show better growth. I don't expect over -130,000 , bales In Oregon , thla -season , perhaps less. Tne yard have not teen cultivated like they were a year ago, ' and this alone will cut down he pro .' duction. There is 'no question in my tnind that the crop will be amaiier man Vi m year aao. I believe that arowerS will get ' a little better than the cost of Production It they sell at - the rlfht lima." Mr. Bart, Tom Livesley and a party xpect to make an automobile trip tnrougn the hop yards Curing the next . tew oaya. i- Sersa Oam Sal at Balsa. - That all Is not so" bad in the hop market as some would lead tho growers ; to believe la shown by the several aales . . lately at 7c. Yesterday th Provost lot of about 1J0 bales of choice goods was void to Shucking at a price said to be To a pound. Thera has been a number - of other sales at . thla .figure for. the tet quality. ' ,v The Eastern , markets 'are thu re 1 viewed by the New Tork Produoers' Frlc Current: ' ' ' "Business in the local market Is al most st a standstill. There has been very little inquiry, and ws only hear of aiaies or occasional vesjr smau- ioi. AVlth excellent ' growing weather the froat week in New York Stat the vine , '. iiu niaue 1 . r?F? FJ'LtP" mna '.n inoo3 ;ln-whlohjthe Vine was in good on the showing la exce lent. The ard condition ; mpre- backward yard have alao ahown ;a decided improvement,, and prospect for a fair crop are now much better, It is still claimed, however, that it will be 'Impossible to raise as many hops aa ..last year on account of th arge per- - , ventage or miasms; nws in tne 01a .-yards. The. Coast crops are reported to : pa in very good shape, the . ehower of 'late havlag brightened up the yards. - Tnm mnriinn mail and niviiuimr aa iiDtt mail anq ucwipoyor u-1 .to. th affect thathe . crop a very good tart, although - vlcea are has ?. alight attack of fly la reported. This s nothing unusual, however, and Is 1? wade" llglirorr "Tlie conUnentaT crops ars all reported aa looking very well,' ' Central Canners 2fam ViloM. Local Jobbers are In receipt of.'.the opening price on canned i goods made 5 by the Central Canners' Association of uaiixorma. wnnar- tne - exact rigures Miavet not as, yet been made-public,' it is i stated that they make tha figures ,of fa. year aao look.-dirt cheap in comparl- Sson.1 No opening prices have as yet .' been named by- , th. caiirornia jrruit scanners'- association. As was. told some , i time ago in this report, tho canners have much to contend with this season. f First there 4s the great uncertainty re i rardlnr the alze and Quality of the crop; i next there Is th scarcity and high price . of cans and boxes, and lastly, there is the enormous shortage in labor and the -i tugn prices ruling in tne sou in. Shad Kea Oontlan rishisg. Intent again on gettlng'a decision f- garding the master lisn waraen s atanu 4 on th close of shad fishing In the L Willamette slough, the fishers are con-1 'i tlnuing their work, ana some email ar rivals have been lately received In this city. The closing of shad -fishing at t this time would caese the loss ot aoouc $400 each to every man engaged in the B Tf tha ml nr nf ' th Astoria official is held in the court i th men say tnat H will a rive an tne Shad bualness to that city. The men : contend that soma time ago when the V government had appropriated a large ' sum for the dredging of the Willamette driver, a delegation from St. Helens tried to get some of this sum expended on tha Willamette alough; claiming that it i was a tributary of the river. According to th officials the alough was not a , trfhniarv. ao thev did not work there, iTh fiahermen base their view on this ' alleged decision of the government and uv thev are willlna to test it in the , courts against; tha ruling of the Astoria ' f , T3Wa ' Wntaa of tha fnda Egg rnirket duller with some talk of t lowering prices. ' Eastern eggs have be- isrun to arrive, in a smau way. and as the t they are much cheaper if nfianlra , ' aala. f lntfnl tnrk. !, : Chicken market In steady position Draaaed veal was very scarce during ' -' 4Vi naiit 24 hours, and soma sales were 1 ;: made a traction nigner. - ; '- Another car of Brawler cantaloupes ' arrived in this morning. Price lower at S HIS: v V; Cocbella tomatoes are shown in fine . : napo on ino - irei.. vnua mvu v $2.25. . Oregon new potatoes are coming In ; i faater. Sellin a a. fraction lower. -- ' rnfornla red onions have advanoed "liviSo in the local market on account of V f m .(m( . mava fn lha amifh Florida pineapples ar arriving in fin I Clll,..'. ' . ..... 'r , ahane A straight ear of peaches Is expected i tomorrow rrom uiuiornii, vtm teiii t around 21.60. - i , Today's Front street selling prices 'i.t"r-L.:V (train, rionr and reed. "Tr QBAin UAua uaicuiia, c largo .. v lots;; small lots. 10c. - i U WHEAT Club, 8485c; red Russian, sxcv niuaatem. niextssc. vaiiev. stavsao. I cukm wnoie ..uv; cracaea, t.s.uwi per ton. i EARLY POTATOES IT A TTj flAATl ATT 4 T TmV" 'iitvi'i iTirwii uim ij i i i ----- i "It looks at present as If the early: crop of potatoes In Ore-. gon will be rulte fair this sea- son. Thus far quality has been good but it Is hard to tell how d th stock : Will turn out, later. Everyone is rushing their early 4 stock to market with tha least possible delay and : soma are therefore'' shipping Unmatured a potatoes, Ths price on Oregona - 4 rules today St $2.60 8.00. They ... S ar better than caiiiornlas for home consumption but . are not matured enough as yet to ship distance." BJark Levy, f Mark Levy & Co... . 4 V .0 ' MAR EASTEKN EGGS ABE : . IN LOCAL MARKET I "Eggs ar coming n fairly well, and while price are eon- 4 slderably advanced, there I no - surplus. There are soma fresh eastern In the city, and they are ) selltng at considerably less than ) th local.. , ' . ."Cutter 1 la unchanged, and 4 quite firm for all grades. 4 . "Poultry has to a certain x . tent recovered, and while hens( 4 s are not any too firm, there is a brisk demand for large spring (very small ones art not sought 4 4 after) and at very fair prices. Ducks are., being marketed too freely and thera la a poor fle- - e 4 mind for them at present Old turkeys are also dull, and the e e same Is true as to all geese. e The only feature of the poultry market Is an increased demand for large springs. J ' "".'Thr "d wnantf - for- faney"- fat a e- veal Is very good, and the trade is not getting nearly what It , e needs. I hope that receipts of fancy will toon pick up. Email , and medium fancy nogs are good sellers, but large and rough are a e not wanted badly. Tom Farrell 4 tof Everdlng ft Farrell. ; '"':.- '. TJABTJTT New Feed t21.0O01t.Oo rer ton; rolled, $11.00 14.00; brewing. 22.00O22.00. , . , . hil ii. ob ner dwl OATS New Producers Dries- No. 1 white. 128.00 per ton; gray, 127.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patent. M.80; straights, $4.25; export, 14.00; valley, 24.20 $4.40; graham, Us. $1.76; whole wheat, 14.00; rye. 80s, .00; bales. $2.7. . ' MILLSTUTTS Bran, 117.00 per ton; middllna-s. 228.00:- shorts, country. 120; city, Jli.OO: chop. tK.00A21.OO. ' HAT Producers' price Timothy, ordinary. $l.o0OU.GU; eastern Oregon, $19.0020.00; mixed. - 10.0010.0; clover, $8.6001.00; grain, I8.0010.00; cheat. $8,60 $.00. , . ' Butter, Zrgs saa Poultry. - BTTTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 22 Hei sour, 21 Ho. BUTTER City creatnerr, 2 So; seo- onds, HHo; outside fancy, I6o; seo- Onds. 71 He; store, Oregon. 18010. - koos Kxtra rancy, - cacaied. iiov 24o: -uncandled, 22W2IHC CHEESE New Full cream. f Tats. lto per lb: Young America, Ho per lb. POULTRTi Mixed chicken, lie; fancy hens, 12Hc lb: roosters, ; Old. lOHo Ib:'fryrs. 14011c lb; broUers,'14 Ol So: old duck. lOo lb: Drln duck. itOlso id; geeae, old. soioo per 10; spring geese, 124 d iso per id; tur- U... 11 All. IK fn, nM .nitshi f Kfl Ps' Piseons, $1.26 per dos. Dressed poultry. flHo per lb lUgher. f i; ' J-mrl - wide, - . HOPS lSoi crop prims to cholcia, 7C! medium to . prime. I 7c; con tract. i97 crop, luwiio. WOOL 1107 clip Vallsr. .00210 eastern Oregon, 1I021& . MOHAlK--XMeW. 111 129 Ui9 HO. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 18 20c each: short wool, 26048c: medium wool, 60 16c erh; long wool, 76c $1.00 each. TALiuw tTime, per id, vo; no. . --A ,-mm. J I i"lfS V I . JJ K 60pT ltt. ' 1 , rruits and TegatabUa. ' ' JPOTATOES $20a2.25 rweeta. 4) I per id: new potatoes, c per id, ONIONS Jobblna- Price New Call fornla red.-$8.76 9 4.00 per sack; garlic. I so per id. APPLES 82.75 EPS. FRI RESH FRUITS Oranges. $204; bananas, 60V lb; lemons, $4.60 6.25 per box;- limes. Mexican. $4.00 per t s.2os.ou aos; grape : atrawberrles. Oregon. $1.76- per crate; - cherries., ' 4 12 Ho per - Ibf gooseberries, 60 per lb;, ap ricots. 81.2501.403 , loganberries. Il 1.26 pen crate: peaches, $1.351.60; cantaloupes, 14.00; raspberries, fi.esgs 1.76: piums, -VEOETABLES Turnips, new. : (0oO $1.00 sack; carrots, 75c$1.00 per sack; beets. $1.75 per sack: parsnips. $1,000 $1.26; ' cabbage. $2.50; tomatoes, Cali fornia. $L261.50; Oregoa, $2.5002.00: parsnips, 80c$l: string beans. -7c; cauliflower. $1.25du.50 dos; peas. j7c; norseraaisn. so 10: articnoses. oosji ydc i horseradish, 80 lb; artichokes, 66 4j 76c per dos; wuhoard squaan, l-r J oer id; cranberries.- $10.00 11.0(r per s . bbl; sprouts, () per lb; asparagus, 76o per .dos bunches; rhubarb. 8 & 3 HO lb; green onions, zoo per aos; oeu pep- nera. xba ner in: neaa. lettuce. ( ) dos; cucumbers, ' hothouse, 65c $1.00 dos; outdoor, $1.00(31.60; radishes. loo aos nuncnes; eggpiant. sua per id green corn. 36 ? 40c do. r Oroerle. Bats, Bto. SUGAR Cube, 26.1 2 V4 J rowdered. I 25.97U; berry, $5-77; dry granulated. $6.77 HJ BUr, 86.87 H; aam A . C T7 Lt I extra B, $5 27: golden C, $5.17 H; D yellow, $5.07 H: ot granulated, $6.67; barrels, 10c; half barrels, 16c; boxes, 500 advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 80 days net cash quotations. -., .., f nUMGi 3.o per crate. COFFEE Packaxe brands. 216.880 18.63. , BAL.T coarse Half pound, loos, til per Hon; 60s, $11.60; table, dairy, 60 $15.60; 100s, $15.25; bales, ' $2.10; 1m- T t..M,1 C Aa 41 O AA IHAa 17 224s. $16.00: extra fine. bbls. la I and 10s. 24.6005.60: Liverpool Iumt . rock. $20.60 per ton; 10-lb rock, $11.00; 100s. - (Above prloes apply to sales of less than car lota Car lots at .special prices subject to fluctuations.) KICJ& imperial japan., xmo. i, c; no. 2, 5H5c; New Orleans, head, , 7c; Ala-r Kp! rvenla. ISfA. BEANS Small white, $2.80; 1 large ! white. $8.26; pink, $8.26: bayou. $3.yo; Llmas, 8c; Mexican reds, 4Hc NUTS-e-Peanuts. Jumbo, 8U0 per lb; Virginia. 7 Ho per lb: roaated, 100 peri lb: Jananese. 5 6He: roasted. IJ7Uo nr lb: walnuts. California. 1 bo per lb; pin nuts..l4915o per lb: hickory nuts, in nAf in; srazii duii. ibo ur iu, Hu berts, lo per lb; fancy pecans, 18 20o per lb; almonds,-1921 He Msats. risk and Provuions. "-- imwRM MEATS Front street Hoss. fanny. SfflSUo oer lb: larire. SOTo per" lb; veaL extra, BQPSttO per id: orainary. b; veal, extra, 88Ho per id: ordinary.! poor, 8a per lb; muttoh, tancy, 88c par Ib;- , - . HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland' pack 71 Hocal) hama. 10 to 12 lbs, 1814o per lb; j lb lto per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. mu., kr..vr.t. baron. uu2Z9 cer )b. picnics. 12o per vit; cottage roll. per Id: regular anort clears, un d. 12o per lbt smoked, 12o per lb; clear backs, unsmoked. 12o; smoked, iso "lru h ciear vbj.4icto uuomvnv., - r mok-sd, u moked. 1314c per lb; shoulders, 11 lie per lb; pickled tonguea, 0o LOCAL- LARD Ketue leaf. 10o. 1$0 mt iht Ka. nun ner lb: SO-lb tins, 12140 per lb; steam-rendered. 10s. 1114 o per lb: 5s. 11140 per lb: compouno. lus. iuo 8a per lb: halibut 8 He per lb: striped bass, lie per lb; catfish, 10 per ins ti-l tnon. fresh Columbia Chinook. Ule per lbt bluebacki lOcrr per in; w. steel- heads, lOc per lb: herrings. So per lb; soles. o. per 10; BnrinipB, tw per it i- n iK. .A.1 1 . I lh! tnmnnfl. 7n rter in: lonaiera. lta mri loi Iresn macaerei, bb per crawuan. a nr do.: sturseon. lOo ner'lb: black baas, toe per lb; Colombia river smelt. oo per id; enaa, c per id; roe anna, eo i rer lot thaa roe, loo per ioj oiaca coa, i JHc per lb . , nvSTFHS Phftalwater bay. ter sl-1 Inn, $2 50; vr 100-lb sa-k. $4.60: Olym- : ' I. i.. .not, ,i ik IlivS Jit1 -,ann,a 190 "rrwiRB NAILS-Pr..ent b...U at $J.1. TS BETTER RUE) - THAU EXPECTED, Livestock ; JIarket'..JIoldingr Jones Gives Kansas, Oklahb Stcady Despite Fairly . ma and Teias as Seyenty . Good Supplies. Portland Union Stockyards, June 28V Livestock receipts: . . Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Tdday .............. 100 4 44 : 708 Veek ago .......... ... .826 127 Year ago ........... 18$ IT ... Previous year ..,,.. 16, . 87 ' itt ' While receipts, were larger than ex pected today, but little weakness was displayed In the quotations. The run Of sheep for the 14 hours was 708 head, against 127 bead a week ago, none this date a year ago, and 188 head for this However, -despite the Increased arrivals in this line,, the tone of tb sheep market held quite steady all day and no concession in th price was made. With the big run of sneep over for the seaaon, and with killers' require ments ss heavy, if not heavier, than ar rivals, there seems nothing at this time that could possibly affeot the price and cause It to take th downward slids. In fact, th evidence all leans toward an advance. Lambs look down to tb bot tom. N A year ago today the sheep market was quoted firm. - - Better Baa Thaa Expected. ' Today's oattle market, while showing a better run than expected on aooount of the recent out in values, was but lit tle better than half of what It was a week aro. RecelDta were 448 head aa agalnat 82S head a week ago. 27 bead a ii mm mr IT YmA f. thla Aam in 1805. Cattle are already down to such a level that the trade siU believes th bottom haa been reached. 7 - A year mmn tnAm v riannKa- 4ha nrnii. nal run. catu were anoted slow. WatotUaf Baste ra Sogs, Although th weather In the east is retting so warm that It will soon be dangerous to ship hogs to tha far west, ravine cuui pKitrs are iuii waicningi the values were, whil eastern quota - iivum unuuuiira hw7, uie unm wss weaker. Today 100 head were re- eelvedin the yards. This compares with none a weex ago, 11s head a year ago. and but 16. head In 1B0B J, IK rodajr'a mar- ket was steady, but dull Today 26 horses came In. , . u : Ofifclal livestock prices: ' Hogs Best sastern Oregon, $8.60; stockers and feeders, $6.15; China fata, $6.00, . . . Cattle Best aaatsrn Ore row ateera. $4.00; best cows and ' heifers, $2.25; bulls, $2.00. . , Sheep Wethers f 4.25 914.102 lamba, $5.60. . . AST?:;::- HOGS WEAK IX EAST Chicago Receipts Better Than Tear fx AgoOthera Art Steady i ' Chicago, Jun 28. Livestock redelpta: ' Hoaa. Cattle, i fiheen. Chlcaro ..... 18.000 if" .1.000 ' l.odol Kansas t-Hy 9,009 ' . 1,600 , 1,000 Omaha- .,.; 8,600 " '; 600 ? 1.000 I . Hogs are I with 5,400 It I were 17,000. weak at yesterdays close, left over. Receipts a year ago Ulu1 II m ft ii- a nttl .. ..v . a.vuv, 1 uu. ,u,uvur,,vi rat uvf J 16. 0606.06: rouah. t6.0 i!2 5.fi0: -llrhL $5.86($.10. . Cattle steady. .. . Sheep steady. ' . - ' - ,(w.lf KEVADA MTMXO STOCKS Bid Prices Today on .the San Fran ' '. clsco Exchange. ':. -.-San TranclsoA. June 28. Official- bid prices: ..... , GOLDPIELD DISTRICT. ? - Sandstorm 40c, Red Top $3, Columbia mi 40c, jumoo IS.Z6, jumoo jsxt. !.. Vernal ,16o, 'Pennsylvania 2& Ooldfleld M. Co. $1.25. Kendall 8O0, Booth L41o, Blu Bull 25c, Adams llo, SUvsr Pick obc, way yueen 1&0, we v. Boy 70, a. a. Ext. 7c, Blue Bell ISo. Dixie 6c, O. Co lumbia 20c, Hlbernia 6c St. Ives 96a, Conqueror lOo, BlIc.Rock 4 o. Lone Star 18c, O. Wonder 2c, Potlatch 60cA,. Oro 180, aienaaii iJXt. xc.- eandst. Ext. 6c Mayne 7c, Atlanta 47c Oreat Bend 68c, Z"'',tvtTA vV? f 10. Empire 9c. Red Top t rr" . 22c O. Daisy 21.60. La (run a $1.25. Com monwealth 60c, Comb. Fract $3.1H4, Or. Bend Ext. 12c, Or. Bend Anx. 15c Mill et or m 4 OA, B. B. 'Bonana'6o, Kewanos 68c, Esmeralda 11c Portland 18c Crack er Jack 16cA, Francis Mohawk $1.25A, Red Hill 40c, Mohawk 10c, Lou Dillon 8c Y. Tiger ISc Grandma 10c, 8. Pick Ext 6c, Y. Rone ScA, CoL Mt Ext Ic Ooldf. - COns. $8.82 tt, Diamf. Trlanglo 20C . - ' - : t'i BULLFROG? DISTRICT. . Original 7c Bullf. J5c Mont, Bullf. 4c, Nat. Bank 21c L. Harris 2c Ame thVat Sn OolaW Bar 2c Stalnwev la. Denver BufT 'Tnx. lOeA, Bonnie fclaro 68c, Mayfl.-Cons. Sac Monty. Ohio Ext 8c Q. Sceptre lie. Monty. Mt. 14c B, Daisy 10c Homostaka Cons. 90c Yan kee Olrl 6c Nugget 6c Tramp Cons. b&c, victor so, XMortn star ec TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton, Nay. 1 $14. MonO Ton,' $8, Ton. Ext ' $1.70, MacNamara 28a, Midway $1.20, Ton. Belmont $3.45, Ton. No. Star 24c, Ohio Ton. Sc. West End Cons. 90o, Rescue 17c, Ton. & Calif. 7cA. Golden Anchor 19cv Jim Butler $1, Ton. Cash Boy 6c, Ton. Horn 40, Bost Ton. lie. Monarch Pitts. Ex. 8c, Mont Mid. Ext 4c, Oolden Crown 10c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. - Manh. Cons. 60oA, Manh. M.- Co. 80, G. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump. 6c Dexter 12c L, Joe 2C, Creseent 8cA, Granny 1C Mustang 22c, Cowboy 2c, Orlg. Manh. 13cA, Broncho 7c Pinenut 8c Buffalo 4c S. Dog 17c T. Horse 4c In dian Camp 6c United , States Government Bonds. New Tork, . Jun 2$. Government bonds: . , Data. Bid. Twos, registered ,1905 10H 1 do coupon ......1905 "105 Threea registered ..1918 10214 do ocoupon . . v . ,.1918 n 10214 Asked. 106 1061, 10314 103 14 Throes, small bonds. lvis : iui JToiirx- r-.. new.. ..1925 128 eoupeV ,ivi,.1925 ,128 rfnirB, reg., old... 1907 100 "do coupon ..i...l907 " 100 y0" philipplnea . .1904 .109 ds coupon ......1925 128( Fours, Philippines ao coupon Twos, Panama, new. v District of Columbia. . 104 104 114 San Francisco Grain Market. - Ban .j 'Franclsco.t Jun ? 28. Official . r ,,n . irv v 111111 bld. Barley.- Xecember, $1.25 sale. , ' , Uverpool Cotton . Market. ' , 'Liverpool, June 2 8. Jotton futures closed steady It to lit points up. CLAMS Ha rd shell, per box, $2.40 raipr clams. $2.00 per box: lOo per dos. Paints, Coal OH,. Bto, ROPE Pure Manila, 15 c; standard, 13e; alsal, 11c. ?; ; r COAL OIL Pearl or- Astral Cases, iiu. rnr tn:. wtier win is. iron. uuie. its ucr nn.. " . . v i light, 170 deg.. cases. 211to per gat GASOLINE ss aeg, casaa, tv,a per GASOLINE 8S aeg. I ,s m, l v-- r-. irvn vuim. u.v.v ' " ' ' ' . TURPENTINE In cases, 0 per gal; wooden bbls, 93c per gat - WHITE LEAD Ton -lots, : Par Iik. ann.lK Wa kn na lb: laaa lota IVo 1291a i 1914 t 10114 10114 14 f 105 4 2 ,108 Ilarry L. Ilart Gives tho Hop Growers Some Encouracmciit AVhcn ;llc Says Tliat Prices Will Not Be Quito So Low. CHOP REPORTS Three Jlillion. - .. Watching; Wheat Crop. , '" . Chicago, June 28. The Record- 4 Herald aays: ..a- j' '.':. Yesterday's remarkable ad- '" vance In -wheat was most extra- ' ordinary, overturning of prece- dent and showed to what extent , ' the northwestern spring wheat - arep prospeata - flgureariI;? year's wheat situation. ' Now ' . wheat will undoubtedly ba ar- riving In Kansas City by July ' 10, and at Chicago five days later. In fact a year ago Kan- 1 sas Clay was receiving plenty of wheat by thla Mm. 7 .;. ' . , CHiloate Wltsat Talasav . ' . Jnn 28. Juno 27. Losa. 1908, Jifly ..I0.85U $0.81 $0.00 H $0.82 SPt .. .SH v ,ys .0H - .83 .... 1.01 K A 1.01 H ftoij ..84 leo. Chicago wheat held very well eon- , 1 1 I iiaanni uia mannt (avinci luviea in ail ?!"" yssterday. The eloilnr ahowed bu mall loss djsplts the great pres. J sure on the market by the bears. The lo belnar in deferred months. Llv- erpool came with., a very sharp advance both at the start and the finish and this ISIwaa very eneouraa-ina tn tha bull aM a I The tone ruled very steady all day, the high point being made Just previous to tne ctostnrsi opuons suosequenuy sold 1 off on s jng pressure. The report of i j ones maaing in orop ot Kanaaa is,- Uoo.000 rushels was on of th factors I which caused tha market to recover its 1 early loss. Hs srlvea tha ernn at Van. saa. Oklahoma and Texas aa 7t.OOfl.oos bushsls, against 156,000,000 bushels a year ago. - , . -v .. . .-' Official Chicago prices by Overbeds. Starr ft Cook oompany: WHEAT. sHIgh. Low. H 844 . 100 $8 1024 100 OlMtla ' - Cloaa, 5H . 8H 101 HA Dec 101S CORN, V'SP15.-S5: OATS. juiv.:! 41 88 28 ill Sept Deo. . ; .1IS88 FORK. July.. 1696 ' 1807 ; 1 1581 1685 1620 V 'v LARtt " ' 880 875 ' ' ' 805 ; 88T ' 807 102. SHORT RIBS. 80 855 881 -. 577 105 1$ 87T ' 02 07 855 . 877t 72 I pept .iei 1 j ' Jnly.. 80 06 07 Sept. 4 Oct. .. Jnlv. 880 882 Sept. (OCt. - Uverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, June 28. Official prloes. . . WHEAT. . ' July ,;.Ts lUd 7 ' ttd IsllKd Sept, .. 7s td 7s 2Hd 7s S d !" - -J -k CORN.. :' ..' V ; Sept. i.4sll, d 4s 11 d 4sl04d New York Ootton Market, June Open. High. Low. 28. 27. Jan. 1166 1188 1164 1182 Feb. 1166 , 1188 1165 ' 1188 March ....1174 1192 ,1178 1192 June ..,. .. . ... ... . 1190 1187 1171 1176 1172 1178 1174 1141 1165 1154 1167 July .....1175, 1117 1175 1191 Aug. ,....1178 1192 1175 1188 Bept. , ....1144 1155 Oct .K...1167 1170 1149 1168 1152 1167 1160 1166 1164 1171 Nm Nov., 1152 1165 117f Dec ......1157 ' PORTLAND -STOCK MARKET iBank of California Loses $3 in Bid ; : Price Today, s'd Bank of California lost 15 In the bid iAJawi av Vava Ks . Itr , aha saaasi mnihanw1 iUUa VHIWl aaavsasa. - saasaas w miivihhibwi. Associated Oil lost SOo and Home Tele- T) for th latter. Alaska Petroleum gained ?a ana criusn,vpiumDi Aralina e- caacaaa iot c wnue xaooma ateei ACE 'Table Queen Bread, the Queen of Evei7 Repast" All of our happiness is quickly "seen, , , ... ,To coilie from the baker" of 'TABLE QUEEN.' ( He does more for his country by making such bread, i L Than all the great financiers of whom you have read, For no man could gain he hasn't the vim WithoutTABLE QUEEN" Bread to Strengthen him. : - No more baking days in a hot kitchen! What a relief It Is to the fnodern housekeeper to be free from worry over baking ' bread two or three times a week all through the warm summer. -. V "TABLE QUEEN" can be gotten fresh every day from your . dealer. 'Always pure, wholesome and reliable. Most Refreshing In Warm Weather Try It Royal Recipe N. 10 ' tax CUAJK At All Grocers 2 quarts cream. 2 quarts milk, 1H pounds sugar, 8 whole eggs ana 8 yolks i flavoring. , Plac the milk and bait tha sugar-on the fire to boil. Meanwnll mix th other half Of the sugar with the eggs, , : stir th boiling milk Into it re-' place on tb (Ira and stir; until it becomes ; creamy. Take car not to lot it boil Take off .the fira an4 add the cream at onto. Let cooL strain and freese. There are just northwest whq gained lHo. There was no change In Coeur d Alene shares. - Sales 1.000 Bullion at ' 7c, 2,000 Waahougal Extension at 2So and 10 Asnonlated Oil at $33.25. Official prices: , BANK STOCKS. V Bid. - Bank of California $316.00 Bankers ft Lumbermen's 104.00 Asked. $330.00 112.00 Merchants National., Oregon Tr. ft Savings 182.60 , 180.00 12640 . . roritana Trust uo..... United States National 200.00 LISTED SECURITIES BONDS. American Biscuit Co. 8s 18.75 100.00 City ft Suburban 4s. ....... 83.00 Homo Telephone 6s..., 80.00 0.W. P. ft Ry . 4s.... -101.00 '.. 108.60 Pacific Coaat Biscuit 6s 87.00 100.00 Portland Ry 6s. ............ . 98.28 M18CEXJNKOUS":STOCKa Associated Oil : ..,.. jr trlw .. 22.00 28.75 42.00 85.00 HVUI. i,IHUHn ...... , Pacific TeL ft Tel. nfd. . . Pacifla Tel. ft Tel., com, 7.80 Punt Sound Tel. ...... MINING STOCKS. , Lakeview , Manhattan Crown Point .18 Potlcie Mining .U Washougal Ext. ; ' 2S ; 16.00 40.00 .15 1 .81 A- .20 2 , i K lo.oo V UNLISTED STOCKS. Yaqulna Bay TeL..... $.60 Alaska Petroleum .... .16 British Columbia AmaL ' .03 Caacadla .............. .20 .29 .10 Mammoth ...,..,... . . . Morn in a- , .02U ' .04 H Standard Con. ......... i.OIH Tacoma Steel ......... .10 . .12 V COEUR D ALENE! DISTRICT, Copper Klna : .68 tf . Happy Day .044 f .08 Bnowsho ..... ....... .40 .46 Snowstorm 1.95 - 8.05 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Sharp Decline From High Prices f 1 Selling In Heading, .Mew York stock opened trong, bat later sold off several points. Th' severe weakness la Reading; bad Its affect on tha rest of th list and this carried all values down. London was strong for Americans. The report that tha Chesa peake ft Ohio had decided to shut down all Improvement work July 1 in conse quence of the scarcity of labor and the high price of loans had a depressing effect too on - prloe-maklng. Money started at T per cent and went to 12 per cent. : ' - - - Official New York prloes by Overbeck, Btarr a uoos company; DESCRIPTION. Amal. Cop. Ca. Am. Car F. . Am. Cot Oil o. Am. Loco., o ... Am. Sugar o ... T!5 31 Am. Smalt. . Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen o Atchison, o, .. IK 66Vk OH a. tu vj a 6H R A O. D . . Brook. Rao. tr. lAO. JTcVO. V 172 8 en. Lath. e ... a ft O. W....s C' M, ft St Pe C. 4k N. W. .... Ches. Ohio ... Cot Fuel 4k L O. Col. Southern, e. Del. & Hudson.. r-. -r, i . S!3 L' cm jv. jr. a,,.. Eric e ......... Illinois cent ... f a. r .. 139H 115 131 Manhattan fry.'l! Mex. Cent Ry... M-, K. T c. Distillers i0 lit Oreat Northern.. ISO Fed. Smelters ... Mo. Pac ...... Nat Lead 1 , . . 11. . a xvia. . . . . iini N. Y., O. W,. Nor. 4 w, com.i 74 tk No. Am. . , . . , No. Pac. com. Pac M. & & Co. Penn.. By.. . .. .. Pea. O. L iC Preit & .O, o,. Reading, oom., . do 2a pfd. do 1st pfd. .. 7 Rep. 1. ds 8., c Rock I., -oom. BtL. A8.F. ZpfdJ do isc pra... 6 Stu 4k aw. So. Pao., com... 79 V4 '78 169 . . do pfd. Sc Ry, oom.,,. Tenn. C 4k L.... Tex. 4k Pac .... 109 1V T. St L. 4k W. . Union Pac, 0.. do pfd. U. 8. Rub., com. 91 lit u. o. steal cc a, do pfd. ...... Wabash, com..,. West uv TeL . . Wis. Cen. oom.. sH T7 lii Vir. Chem. 26UI 25 Total sales for day, 745,208. -v, , Portland Bank Statement. Vi j Clearings today . .$I0,920.74 Clearing year ago 740,812.94 Gain today ...... .$240, 107.80 Balance today ............. 77,408.79 Balance year ago ...111,651.81 Labor is In big demand around Union. Look for "Royal" in Bottom f of Loaf Pictorial Adv. No. XI two more of this series of pictorial ads, then the beautiful cook books will have kept the series. Watch for the remaininj ones i JOEIISE YIELD ill 1'JIIEilT DLT Washington's Output to Ei- ceed Thirty Million v - Bushels. : '. FARMERS SIGSKO ; '. ' v NO SALE CONTRACTS High Quality Forecasted bv State Grain Inspector, With Good Prices Oregon and Idaho Share In the Excellent Conditions. 4 " -i (SpeeUl Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Tacoma, Wm-. June 28. Stat Grain Inspector John W. Arraamlth, who has Just returned from a trip through th cereal districts of eastern Washington, artisnates -that, this .season's w crop will be from 80,000.000 to 22,000,000 bushels. . Ha saya that report h has received from eastern Oregon and from Idaho wheat fields Indicate that rood crops ara also , bains; grown in tnos states.';' ' - '-.:'?. ','::: "While wa will cot hare an excep tional yield in this state," said he, "neverthelea. taking the . tat oyer. present, conditions easily warrant the prediction u'lTwrBt uu th dry weather cinching us last year we had 18,000.000 Duaneia. uur crop thla aummer will. easily be from 2,000, aiwi in ft nun ooa hmban mora. . v . 'w.ahlnaton . haa between 1.800.000 and 1.800.000 acres in wheat thla season. Of this 20 per cent is fan aown grain, th raat belna orina- wheat If th present cloudy weather condltlona pre vail up to harvest giving wheat longer to riDon. the yield of grain will be higher than tha figure I have given. In tha Paloua oountry spring wheat waa sown later than usuaL tha weather turned dry and cold there and It did not oom up; so the spring wheat stand thera la not uniform. There, was more spring-sown grain thla season than usual and It is rather backward. This will make harvest later than aauaL Cutting will begin, nevertheless, by the middle oz July and narvestung ny tn first of August New wheat will be moving-by August 16 or 80. - -r atone to as Shipped Bast, . , - "All tha wheat of th Inland empire will either find a market on tha coast this season or go to th interior flour ing mills. Non of It will ba shipped east . I expect farmer to hav a good market with wheat starting off at 70 cents in th Interior. Farmer ar now being offered 85 oents for future deliv ery and ar refusing, and none of tb farmers that I heard of are contracting at any piles. From tha present outlook tner win t litti or no nnviea or faulty grain in th market - Thar ara no indication ot a drouth to h rival wheat and heavy snows In the moun tain th past winter render remote th danger of hot winds, which in tha past hav mad havoc of our wheat" . Sapid Inor ass la Aoreag. . ' ' Mr. Arraamlth says It is gratifying to observe th rapid Increaae of the wheat acreage In eastern Washington. In 1904, he says. Franklin county had 70,000 acres of land sown to wheat This seaaon it report 200,000 acres of wheat fields. Douglas county had 220.000 acres In wheat In 1904 and this season it reports 275,000 acres of wheat Much of the present wheat fields of Franklin county, and also a large amount of th wheat area in the southern part or Douglas, were thought a few years ago fit lor notning out gr axing purposes. There has also been a large Increase In wheat acreage along the Una of the Oreat Northern railroad. -; . As ; : .- 3ffw'W2iat Blstrlots. " ; A brand new wheat district that will be known as tha Rattlesnake country ARBITRATE CAR ! STRIKE AT BAY CITY - 1 (Jooraal Special Service.) 1 v 8 San Francisco, Juno 28. The ways and means eommlttes of the strike campaign committee, ' 4 composed of representatives of th central " organisations and 4 non-aff Uiated unions, Will hold " a conference this afternoon with 4 President Calhoun of tha United Railway with, a view of bring- ing th street car atrika to an and.' The : committee haa bean a 4 quietly negotiating with Calhoun 4 and this morning: b consented to receive, it . What tha commit- ; tea has to offer Is unknown. EJEt I III M OF hie ;iiEi,j Allegations as to rortlan! ' Combine Crop Up at - 7 ' Qlympia. ABLE TO BUY WIE AT CHEAPEE THAN SOUND Witnesses Travel Over Ground Made ; Familiar at Frevlons Sessions la Effort to Establish CTaim to Joint Wheat Rate. V (Special Dispatch t Tb JoaraaL) ' Olympla. Wash, June 21 Th Joint wheat rats hearing has been resumed before tb railroad commission. In so oordano with adjournment last week. JahSJimijoreryabsence io Chairman Falrcluld ana commissioner wones iue hearing" was conducted by Commissioner J. C Lawrano. At th opening of the proceedings th attorneys for the defendant railroads waived objections and consented to pro ceed with th hearing, to be conducted by Commlaaioner Lawrence alone. The witnesses Were B. J. Taylor, 4 wheat buyer of St. John, Whitman county; Seymour Manning, a wheat buyer of Colfax, and C A. Peplow, a flouring mill man of Seattle. The testimony waa along th same lines aa inai vi om wwr. lajtvr auu Manning testified that the Tacoma and Seattle markets were general!' better than Portland, and Peplow said the mills at Portland were able to buy wheat and sell flour several cents a tinaHt Iha. Ka C.ttl. nllla An aooount of tho better prices for which they obtained their wheat - Attorney Zera Snow, for th Oregon Railroad 4k Navigation company, of-, fared in evidence certain newapaper quotations of - Portland and Tacoma. showing that la many instances tha same grade of wheat was Quoted at a higher figure In Portland than la Ta coma, on tha same day. ... . . ' Xortlaa4 Comhtns AHrd. ' 1 - The witnesses met his evldenc by th intimation that th local Portland market was controlled by a millers' combine and it i understood the attorney-general will later Introduce evi dence to ahow that farmers at 0 R. 4k N. points la' eastern Washington are at the mercy of tha Portland millers In selling their crops. Attorney Snow spent nearly tha en tire afternoon la the cross-examination of Mr. Peplow. After having tha wit ness admit that in his opinion a Joint rate would have a tendency to raise the price of wheat at O. R. 4k N. points in eastern Washington, Attorney Snow asked: ! "Thn you favor a Joint rate do you. so It will rale th price ot wheat that tha millers have to buyT" "WelL" answered th witness, "I fa vor a Joint rate so it will compel all th miliars to nay tha aama Brina tnr their wheat" Tha hearing will continue tha remain der of tha week. haa bean opened by pioneering cereal growers In th western part of Benton county. Tha district is traversed by Cold creek and lies in the angle between the xaiuma ana tn Columbia rivers, and Mr. Arraamlth thinks It will soon rival the other oereal districts of the state. Th wheat-producing area of the Horse Heaven district which is only a little older In cereal culture than the Rattlesnake country, lying Just north of: It, la being increase year by yea- Mr. Arraamlth aays. lVe new norm bank railroad runs "VMS th southern boundaries of this patriot whil the Northern Pacific main Una cuta along th Yakima river on the north, giving the farmers there excellent, marketing facllties. THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED ' IN THE NORTH- , WEST ' ' SaaSBpssasaSsaT AT YOUR GROCERS. te r t j taii. I M ccrrtf