Tllli OREGON ' DAILY JOUii. V, rORTL'AND, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE ' t3, 1CC7.' Cilia Classified Ad veriiseniciits wiil lis found cn, pp. 18-19. firmixuALisr. mm oo VJIHDV TIGURES WANTED A STENOGRAPHER WITH MRS. ,- SOPHIA Itt BEIP, RinaAnna experience, and It en do so, give reft tipirllual readtiiK lally at it o 2 Allak ern-e. A'lnrnwi a-hh, journal. WATJfEK555k for young ',wOm. en'a Christian camp .at- Uearbart mag. ciroips Tusiaya ann rninys 8 p. m.; ,16o. 'Phone Pnniflo 1H6. MRS. STEVENS. PORTLAND d HW wages good, u Apply Toung Wuijim'i liable pnlmtat and aplrltuHl life, I'hrlHtlnn AnwrxriHilon, rwnfr; rPxainKa nnuy. maw 'lamniu, Mrs. b ii a"ve iiTb pi rpTua l reAdeiC 2q Hurnnlde St., eornr 10th. WANTED-WOMEN AND GIRLS TO make shirts end overalls; steady work, Mt. Wood Factory, SSI Couch at. CARMENCITA SPIRITUAL CARD rradir, palmist and trance medium. Valuations in Washington SI IN. 3d St. ' ' ' ' : ," ..' STENOGRAPHERS Looming Up as Politi- " fK-' cal Issue. , '. WANT til A WAITRESS, ALSO COOlC at 1S1 N. 6th St.; irood wages. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND' TYPE InEkF &N KN T LAUNDRr COMPAN writer. Main 1271. 814 Dekum Dllg. wants good help. 1 -WANT kfl 1 1 1 iTjKHMAKfilt FGIt ' Air TRANSPORTATION. iff toratlon room at L Palais Royal, 115 .aj.ia 1 sisssssH C03DIISSI0OT TABLES WtWhlntnn L ' - ' ' ' (CONCLUSIVE IN LAW SITUATIONS WANTED FOIALE ( KCW TODAY. . 1 83-100 A OSES of land and more adjoining can be had If desired; 9 mlla from Portland, half mile from FORT. KAMT9-SAX.EM ELECTRIC OA I.IWBI A XAHD80MJB, W 7-KOOM KOUSB, 'wood fiber, plaster, hot and cold water and bath; large, new fainted bam; liandsome story and naif woodshed; more fruit than family can use; 100 feet from store, near 4 -room graded chool. 2 churches, blacksmith shop and gristmill. This ts In a handsome little village; will trade for city property, but must not be too far out; prefer well Improved property; will give or' take , rimerencex . wUAsnj VMa$!i ckioiwi Auurni ownur. , r lifefLCiSmitli V an rjtosrT cob. maijisow, Stattnlesea Hotel, Boom 631, City. Call " . . Before 18 o'Olook. , LADY TAKES CHARGE OF, ENTER tains Invalids, aged, children, by hour day, month. References, facino B71, FURMSHED ROOMS PO KENT, 450 YAMHILL, ONE OR MORE DE slrable - housekeeping rooms; -gas range; quiet, central. THE CHETOPA NEW. -MODERN ' apartments, now open,- corner 18th and Flanders its. Clarence J. Wheeler, gent, with Tun ft Ginbs. - " FOR RENT HOUSES 2650 Per Acre :, ... ADjorsmro -kxsiiobt. ;.(. . About 151 acres, lying directly along , Vie Vancouver road, mostly well within the established city limits. The greater fan oi mis property i wen wortn 1,600 per acre for platting purposes and - the remainder has a magnificent future for manufacturing purposes, be Ing surrounded by the Swift holdings. We give an 'absolutely clear title to this propety'and you are not bottled up In ay manner whatever. W also have 45.6, acres directly adjoining this acre . age on -the east and lying, (named lately on Vancouver 'ckrHha. This whole piece Is the cream of the' Love farm,, and ' there Is positively no other property of Its else that- will equal It for platting purposes "tu the ''whole 'city;1 Best of tfrms. - It won't last long; better get : OUSy.. v "... . .. .: . .;,' . ... -, . : Zimmerman &;Vaughan . Boom 803 ; Buchanan Bldg, ; ;. SUM. Washington St. A' 10-ROOM BOARDING' HOUSE AND a storeroom for grocery In connection; 126 per month. Strange, "The Rent ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR 1, WITH board, private family. 161 N. 18th. pari rip 2917.. Gentlemen preferred. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE ROOMING 'HOUSE OF t rooms; nicely furnished; full and pay. Ing 160 per month; rent 122.(0; price . -u in niiin st. FOR BAIJ3- -irSAL ESTATE 3, 800 JUST , THINK, 100x100, ' AL- most new 6-roora house; beet of plumbing, gas,' full cement basement, cement aldewalk, nice lawn and shrub bery; one block from Union ave.; f 1,000 cash, .balance percent. - S. R. PENNICK & CO - Main 6758. . . 115 ' Ablnrton. iiVY A HOUSE AND. LOT AND- PAY aa rent.' $10 or $15 month secures a home. Strange, 81 6th t. $3,000 SECURE A MODERN. 6-ROOM Strange, "The Rent Man." m 6th sts FOR SALE A NEW, MODERN SEVEN - 'room house, on E. 3rd sL, near car line, good district, all rooms nicely In tea, full cement basement, nioo lawn; et nroDertv for the monev An the market. Inquire Jtfl Stark at. " it! iltK ' M Vs Jamestown Expasilic; mi RATES' -.' fCXT 9, , 6 ATTQUST 8, , 101 tzr- TTinta n. la. la. I - '. Chicago and return, ", $71.60. J . ,. St. Louis and return, $57.50. N.' " St PauL Minneapolis, Duluth, ' Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn. $60. ...,..,:, '. i ' For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional information, call on or address a. jjjcksun, c p. t. a. iaa tedu) BTn roBTzojro, ob. Telephones: Main ISO. ' Homo A-IlSt. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TWPS ' ..a. Spokano. fnaa 14. . .. Ml Jaly 10, 9 Ag. , qaeea, guy im. BtnCS BOUTB. : ; f. . VmatUla. ...... ,......,..7nao 85 8. B. AT.ABTA BOTJTB. V v FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. If FRESH' COWS.. GOOD MILKERS. (4( East Madison at. Phone Cut Z191. .j.... Zkagwari Ktka. Tnneaa and way porta. B. U. Co.'s Bamboldl........Jtuia 88 City of eattl , . Jaae 8 Cottagro City, via Sitka Joao 80 :.;'Ajr raABcisco bottib. ' latUnf t a. m Prom Beattls. Prcaideat .....i..,.....,...,..Xana 88 City of Pnebla .........fn 87 Sonoma June 88 and Jul 8 City tffloat 1.848, Waafclagtoa 8V l Houscholdcra , ' Hancock- Street Addition, la the xlace lbiiUdi : ,, . ,V , 'fJv east of Irvlngton. .j Sti-eeta gradetl ahd parked. , , Cement sidewalks and water, ( !No stores fli shacks. ' ' Building restrfctlon of" $2,000. '. !Schoolhouao near by- - . HORSES,v VE1UCLES, HARNESS. DOUBLE TE A14V HARNESS AND EX- ' press waxon , for sale i che&D. ' CSl .;iinton.- . .--,-"r ".!.. ., Ho! For Astoria 00 OB A. PERSONAL. FastStramerTelegraph Sltaatlon Win B Worked Into Stt i Poll tlca. Next iearSomo Argu ' rneotg of Those Who WUI Vie It Via the Campaign. (Special Dtopateh te The 7araat . ' Olympia, Wash, June 16. Tharo are Indications that ths radical element In Washington atata politics will attempt to make a loading campaign Issue next year of the results obtained by the rail road commission la the present - rail road. TsJlU. Jln- .Tha ti vacant publication or tna ngures ooxauea lor Seattle, ahowlng approxlmaUlr $50,000,. 000 valuation of the terminal grounds alone exclusive of Improvements, for the Great Northern. Northern Paolflo and Pu get Sound Columbia railroad a, has aroliaed a protest agalnat the fixing of freight rates on any uoh valuation o railroad propertlea - Oomml salon's Plsrawg BuO, The valuation findings of the oommla- slon. In accordance with the law ox 1 007, will become "admissible la evi dence In any proceeding? or hearing to which the pubUe and the railroad ax foot thereby a Interested, and Such findings, when so . Introduced, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts stated In such' f ndlng or findings.' aa of1 the date of filing under conditions then vlatlna. mnA aunh faeta can onlT be controverted or contradicted by showing a subsequent change in conditions bear In, g upon the facts therein oeierminea. seni contend thst the actual value ,r ran lenato Cottertll and nis zouowers and supporters In this new movement CHICAGO . v MEDICAL INSTITUTE I Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei ciectno ana vioratory treatment rorit . . - I acuta and chronln 1 1 vnnA anr. I Street OOCK T a. BU all acute and chronic diseases; good sur geons in charge. ' 1H N. 6 th at. Phone pacino 1888. consultation free. PROF. GRIFFITH WILL GiVHl'TlPIh' lor lecture on solentiflo character read ing, with a brief delineation of those present; - $5 per evening. ,Jthone Pacific 1048. V . - ' VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE, 145 H PBOBB KAXar BBS.! '6th' at, room 25. SAFES Colambla RIvcr. Cccncry XXaTTXJtTOB UCBB TSAXXBS. Call aarvtea batwaaa Partlaad mA Tha pallet, except Sundr, . leavlog rortlaaa at I a. si- arrtvlm (boat D. m. eerrvlns fralgbt sod puHnttn. . .Splendid aeeeauneaa. ! Vonm tot oatllta an UTMtoct. - ' Dock foot of Alder at, rertlaadt font 1 Thompson SOeden BABBT ROAB ATB Ot B. BV B. B. PORTLAND 8AFE CO., SOLE AGENTS Cert U 'iae Oallea. Pbme Mala !. Pectlaad. foo Herrlnv-Hail-Marvln safes - and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes: 10 seoond-hand fjreproof safes and bank safes, very 'cheap. See them or write us. 92 7th et ' DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outa opened. Jacks,- Jails, metal furniture. Both! phones. J. K. uavls, 2d. STREET PAVING boat ricmo STUAxxxrr caa StetmshipsK9AN3KE and GEO. W. ELDER SaU for Kureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at I p. m. rinirat MPriM ' a a y . 'n niM - naa a i Maa iwa v v ' mmm auiivii iveaB era. a wis a Phcnes U. lilt. U. YOUNG. Agent CHEAP LOT V , HOLLADAY AVE.; : -, PRICE $500 X Terms 1100 down, balance In Install rnenta of $15 per month. Lot 60x100, n Holladay ave., bet E. 2:d and E. 23d sta MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Beoond St. and 392 B. Barnalde8. jHS'ifJPj1? "T. WARREN : CONSTRUCTION CO. - i 1 Street paving, sidewalks, and crose- ms:s. ii4 per Exchange: " THE BARBER- ASPHALT PAVInG CO. of Portland. Office (55 Worcester blk. i SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS , CHEAR CORNER tOTi HOLLADAY AVE. . ; . PRICE scoo Terms $100 nown, balance In Install-j CLEAN -, jnents ot i per montn. cor. lot buxiuo, FOSTER & KLEISER-SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign by first-class work ! and keeping our promises. ..Our prices are right. 6th and Everett sta Phone Exchange 65. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORf- 'land sign Co., 18T Stark. Paelfie 16B. TOWEL SUPPLY on S. W. cor. E, 2 2d and Holladay ave. MALL 4& VON BORSTEL 104 Second St and 393 B. Bnrnalde Bt. ' - MARIUAGE LICENSES. I Daniel Buckley, Seattle, Wash 22: I Katherine .M.', Archibald, Is. - William H.- Thomas, 11; Susie' H. Cchrelber, 18. . - ' . r - Karl F. R, Leonhardt, 41; Pauline L. , iscner, is. J. W. Phenlcie,'. 7 Michigan ave., 45; . jjaisy eioan, Bi.- v .. . Frank H.. ONelL Vancouver. B. C. t; KathrynF. McDonald, 17. " Weddiiis Cards. W, Q. Smith A. Co. . Washington bldg.,- corner 4th and Wash ,.! ' Ington sts. - -- . .. .- ' Tonseth & Co., florists,, for dowers of ; n Rinds, izs stn st.- TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, tl per month.-. Portland Iaunilrf At Towel Hnnnlv Co.. Couch sti. -Phone 410. - TYPEWRITERS Ith.andl HEADQUARTER8 FOR NEW AND RE- Duut tycewruers or an makes: j our window; If you are going to buy a! new typewriter , see us oetore; Duying; w can eavs ypu money; we nave parts for repairing all machines; state agents for the Visible Fox; we buy all kinds of typewriters. 'I no Typewriter Exchange, inc., Hi. J. r.iiiaon, mnngnr. ; sa It, LICKENSDfcaFER i TYPEWRITER ArencV BUPDliea: ' renal ra . Raleirh Diagrt-etr -ana' wssningion sis. TRANSFER AND HAULING C- a PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST Be tween starx ana uax sts.; pnone 698. i .1.1 ..; Vi - X;y;vxxa fioo 't'?r-' j l? Looks very ' temntlnv. I I r- very temotlns. doesn't Itt We'll give the winner aa oraer on wooa ard. Clarke for ths money. Better take a grip along: '.silver - weighs heavy and takes lots of room. , See page 11. (. FOR WOMEN ONLY . Dr. Baadarsoa'i . Oonpeoad Bsvta and Ctettoa Hoot PliU. The feaet aae ,eoiy reliable famady for DB LaTEU PBRIODS. Cure the aioal a,i.., u i. a fc. ,a 4... Frtcela per box, mailed la a lata vraapa. ,un Lr. i. a. riiaua..ui rm atraac trUaad. Oraaa. . i -Clarke . Bros.. Tlori.ts-Flne- flowers i'T'-Z,??' -X and floral designs. 280 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all alseS. TJnlque Tailoring Co., 80 Stark st i ki-ff- : . BIRTHS . '.;' y for shionlna: commodious brick ware house with separate iron rooms, f ront! and Clay, sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO."" Henry Roe. - W. A. Cleland. -i . r . tr. eneascreen. . General transfer and storage: ' safes. MLINTpCK j June 17. to Mr. and Mrs. pano and furniture moved, packed and ? Elbert E. McClintock, ,148. Knott st a shipped. 109 Oak st. Both phones - nor. Olson, 14th and E. Shaver, sts, a yon. t - ',, ". - .- i 4 ;t.:V DEATHS f: v: PUTNAM une z At his home.. 663. Klrbv st- ivt. '.xnomas mtnam, De- Transfer. 147 Alder st Phone Main 1171. ' -' OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. STH. Main 69. -i. Heavy hauling and storage. Independent baggage & trans- v fer-4jo, storaR.-i4 HtarK. Mam 7. loved husband of Annie I. Putnam and Vancouver, . f on ' IWi of I. P. Putnam of. ahlneton. v . i X)DD June 27, William Seymour Dodd. aged vi years, o months and T dtys, tl E. 22d st N.: cancer of bladder. JSfENKE June 26, Mra Augusta Yenke, sged 77 years, 4 months and S days, (?4 tn si.r nean raiiure. SlilCHELSON June . 24. . Michael Mich- elson, aged 84 years, 20 , Knott st; smothered In cave-in, , , T . JHITAN June 24, And Rltan, aged 81 years. 2 months and II days, at Ray tnoitd. wash. apoplexy. - y ....... .... i n; ni n, i . i aged 68 years, at Seattle, Wash.; killed in atretar aeoldent..- DICKENSON June 2. Kmll Dlckftnaort WHOLESALE JOBBERS M A. GUNST A COw DISTRIBUTORS OF' FINE CIGARS, PORTLAND, OKKtiUN. JjVERDiNG A FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission mercnanta 10 Front st. Portland, flr, ' i'hone Mam 17. OREGON - FURNITURE MANUFAC- turing Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. WAbHAM" t CO.. WHOIJESALE Gr5T cers, manufacturers ana commission merchants. 4th snd-Oak sts. URB MANUFACTURING AND nprlnl urders. L. Ruvenskvs furnt. ttire factory, soy iront m h?& i men'inx'ltis24 BtMKlCk ati tUi ALLEN A' LEWIS', COMMISSION AND WALLER- 1ms V Moses Vank Wal- "fj-"1- Vnnt d lr. agM CO years,. months and 1 gtJgSTl1??!: xi u' u Bay 460 Larrahpe t. oarrlnoma Of Jaw. ITLSINESS NOTICES IWINPOWt AND POORS MADI3 TO omr, 'ortlrfi .Jlnroware.t.'n., 74 Ftli. ii::lp v.-at;-: ," ii :. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND ' 'glassware.,-? Prael, Hegele aV CO., Port land. Or. f II Pi OREGON CHEESE C6. '(INC ChefKe. butter, epus eto., dairy prod ucts tiounht or .handled on eommlaelon. 126 tin t. (Swetland bldg.). Portland. (r. ' - , , 1, i. i ... - . lRi,i .ici' SUPPLY M, i.i.i . imiiTra.i.-"f.i ,. '' "Preferred Stock Canned Goods, .it Allen A Lewis Best Brand. - i -.-. road properties in Seattle, for strictly I railroad purpoaes, ought not to go be yond $6,000,000. and certainly not more than 110.000.000. lncludlnc the proper ties of the Union Pacific and Milwaukee A St. PauL neither of which Is Included In the railroad commission s valuation returns. - ..Boom YalnaUons IConstrous. It la also contended that these ter minal lands were secured Urfrely by the railroads as a bonus, or at nominal values, and that to come la now and appraise them at the very top of the real estate - crest on values fixed by I Harrlman and Earllng when they .were obliged to carve their way through-expensive blocks a "square foot" rates under conditions which Inflated all nlhtvrlna- values ' 100 to- 1.004) ' per cent, will have the direct result of bur-iianina- tha rvaofcla with excessive rates. It Is pointed out that In Seattle alone this ainerenoe in vaiues gm " railroads nearly $1,000,000 net revenue annually If they are allowed per cent Income on values. Then there are Ta eoma, Spokane, Everett Belllngham and other places . where similar eondltlons prevail. ..- i ,.,:-.!?:.-., . ;-t;l - Cheaw Tide tanas With the Bee. It la ohargedthat fuUy.two thirds of the tide lands -owned by . the railroads now in. eaiue were avciiuimu wnoi scarcely' any outlay, and that if the rail road commission now rastens ooom values on this property with the object Of allowing rtmoa reaaonaoie returns on such values, then the commission will be held responsible for an unwar ranteu frelrht rata that will take mil lions of dollars annually out of the pockets of the shippers ana consumers Of the stater or wasmngioiWi YAIE, A5D HAEVAUD . DIVIPE THE H0N0ES Former Captures 'Varsity Fottrs and I ' Latter Takres the Freshman ' ' Eights m ReffatU. " (Joornal Bpedal BtrrleeJ ,) New . London, Conn June 18-The varsity fours and the freshmen eights raced here this morning, ending . the annual Yale-Harvard ' regatta ' on the Thames. The two Institutions divided honors. Yale winning the 'varsity fours and Harvard ' capturing the freshmen event : The four oared race was - one sided, Yale winning by 14 lengths in 12:11. The freshmen race was closer. Harvard winning by less than a length in "li-is, soin races were rowea, up stream. .... V. , 4. . v, ';,-,.;-.-.' SPLENDID PORTRAYAL : OF OUTDOOR LIFE A wealth of outdoor life Is portrayed. both In photographs and text matter. In the outing number of Pacific monthly for July. ' The Issue Is ; full of ' hot weather articles, tha kind that can be I enjoyed both by the man at home and the-one' whtiinir away the days In his favorite nonttng or fishing resort, w a enerous parcel of delightful tales and lustrations uphold to the reader the attractiveness of the Pacific coast from British Columbia to Los Angeles and westward to , Catallna 1 and Sandwich Islands. - :'-- -. ', - . . - . Two striking features of the number are ine colored plates. -The Domesti cated Indian."' aa seen on the Warm Springs reservation, by Mrs. Fanny van uuyn, and "Byrne Views of tha Clacka mas River." from photographs by CX FreyUg. - Both excel in their respective lines, and tell a -atorv which . nthaw wise could not be told In many printed 1 pages James Hopper - contributes 'Carmelita." aml.there are nthar iiu. ot wu anown western writers. ' Now is the time to paint your .Screens. We are selling big quantities of a specially prepared paint .for screen doors and windows. Does not gum the mesh. Easily applied by anyone. Green and black in 25c and 50c cans. - ADJUSTABLE YJMOYl SCREENS : : Four sizes, to fit any window, spl., 30c, 35c, 50c, J50c THE PAINt STORE Mainaoii M5 FIRST ST. . T " 1 ' ' S X - a CJ i -i 1 J.7j0. II !jVt 6 -ro EST Wi ,'"' ' i . . - ..'..- .:,:.'..; ..' :' W f TTMIE above illustration vividly shows the results of an ACTUAL STEAM jv: TEST, made at the STAR BREWERY at Vancouver, Washington, last Wednesday. It disproves every accusation" that has been made to tho; effect that this coal will not burn. IT WILL BURN ! IT BURNS FAR BETV TER THAN DRY FIR WOOD, TO SAY NOTHING ABOUT "GREEN FIR SLABS." ONE "AND A HALF TON S i OF COAL were used in this test as against THREE CORDS OF FIR WOOD. The coal was used in connection with a boiler producing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY HORSEPOWER, " while the wood was used with a ONE HUNDRED AND- FOTY HORSE POWER BOILER. The coal was burned in a WOOD GRATE, another tro-' mendous disadvantage. Every rninute, during a TEST LASTING SIX HOURS, the steam-gauge showed that the COAL PRODUCED AN AVERAGE OF FIFTEEN' POUNDS MORE-STEAM; PRESSURE; THAN THE , WOOD, EVEN UNDER THE DISADVANTAGES. Many times during the test the difference IN s FAVOR OF .THE COAL, was shown to be; TWENTY POUNDS,-as inriicated by the gauges shown above. , '.: ; ; ; FREE EXCURSION NEXT SUNDAY The steamboat Joseph Kel logg, has been chartered and wfl leave the foot of Salmon street at 8 a, m. Meal will be served free , on : the boat coming and going. v "Tickets MUST BE SECURED AT OUR OFFICE We.wffl re-, main open tonight and tomor- row night until 0 o'clock for this purpose. COMMON WEALTH TRUST COM- r- PANY, Corner Sixth and M,M J -.".' ' ' k Business Men end Coal Consumers Are especially invited. This -is not a picnic party, and we have no, time to be bothered' with curiosity .or pleasure- seekers. . If you care to buy '. this stock and combine pleas-' ure with profit, we will be glad to have you accompany us. , Get, your ticket tonight, COMMOrJWEAITM TRUST COMPANY; Corner Sixth and . Ankeny. - :. ; 3p. . .. ; . Sacks of Coal We Gave Away Are Giv ing Excellent Results to Everybody Within a few days we will begin the publication of letters from people who took' advantage of our free offer of a sack of coal. They. are beginning to comet in, and we have not yet received a letter that does not commend the , coal. Nearly .everybody .tells us that the coal is the best they have ever used since they came to Portland. We are also in receipt of scores of orders from these peo ple to reserve for them a sufficient supply of this coal for their winter use. Con sumers Coal is one of the best investments on the market today, and will not be purchasable very- much longer Monday the directors will meet to decide whether to withdraw the stock altogether. This may be your last opportunity to take advantage of our free excursions. Get your tickets early. Number limited. 0 0 " - (COM C CO.1MON WEALTH TRUST CO. ficcal ag:: Commonwealth Bldg. . to Ccr. An!. my FARMti u i ima, Rarbers . Fur : i. 10th & Morrison. i