The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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P01IS TO 10
on July room
Over Ihc A: & G. R. R.
- a T i ion a v
A easide;;';:,-
"Spitball" Hogan Tickled for
Sixteen Hits and rortland
Wins by 12 to 3 Score.
Portland It.' Oakland t.
Los Angeles I, fian Francisco 1.
:. I ' i, ; -'i Y Won." JBU P.C
Tos Angeles ....,,'..,.41 tl .869
Oakland .4t , 7 v .81
Pan Francisco .........41 IT .lit
I'ortlend i ..... tt . '. S ' 86
' - ' ; ' (7oarnal Special Berrtea.)
. 8nn Francisco; Juna , 18.1 Every lea
ver except Busher Wallace carried hla
batting spectacles with him - yesterday,
and each scored anywhere from one to
four hits. "Spltball" Hogan was tickled
for 1( safe ones, and. the men from the
north plied up It funs. . Calif was -tilt
hard by the Commuters, but pretty field
ing On The part of the men behind hla
prevented the losers from landing a big
ger score. The tabulated result:.
i '
Off for Loir Jinks Land fa the Steamer Dearer 1906.
Hasser. If. .. 8 t t I 0
Mott, 8b ....... 6 . 2 2 t . t - a
t'asey. 2b 1M 1 I I t
McCredle. rf .;.... t;0 1,01 0
Ikinahue, e ........... 5 1 t 8 V 0
Carwon. lb .......... 10 t'U 11
Hchlmpf, sa .......... 8 1. 1 t- 0
Wallace, cf .......... 1 10 0
Callff. p i' 1 0 t
Totals , .44 It II IT II 1
-v ,; OAKLAND.
:. AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Pmlth, If t 11 t
Van Haltren. cf ...... I 1 11
Jleltmuller, rf 4 0 1. 1
Eaaan, as ... 4 0 0 1
Pashwood, e ........ 4. 01 I
Mgbee, lb ........... 4 0 l:
Haley. Sb 4 0 14
Ievereaug, lb 4 1 10
liogan, p 4 0 11
- Totals ............ J t 11 17 If I
Portland ......... 0 0 I 0 1 t 1 111
Hit 0 1 t t 1 1 t t I II
Oakland 0 0000001 1 I
, Hits ..........1 11 0 111! t 11
Two-base hits Mott. eHitmuller, Ko
ran.- Bacnnce ntts Mott, Kciumprr.
Virst base on called balls Off Calif 11
off Hovan 4. Struck out By Callff 4.
by Hopan 6. Hit by pitcher Wallace
2. Double play Kairan to Haley to Big
bee. Passpd ball Donahue. Wild bitch
Callff. Time of game One hour and
eu minutes., umpire .Derrick.
The annual "Low Jinks- of the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club will be
held. Sunday, July 1.1 The "Low Jinks"
Is ' the big plcnlc -dar Of tha-"yer" Tor
the Multnomah club boys.
In the old days when the bicycle' was
In the helghth of Its popularity tho
members rode their wheels to bl jonn.
the White House and various other
places, where high old times, or low
old times have been held in the past
Since the wheels nave Deen aiscaraeo
the moat noDular "Jinks" have been
steamer excursions down the Columbia.
The committee, profiting Dy the suc
cess or the "jinks'' neia in xne past,
have arranged an elaborate program.
One of the main features will be a
bull fight. 'George Simons, one of
the "Jinks" committee, made a special
trio down the Columbia and was suc
cessful In securing a ravage bull.
Jim Slemmons,' a well-known club mem
ber, has consented to fight the bull. In
order to give the. bull an even chance
for his life, Mr. Slemmons will enter
the ring blindfolded with one hand, tied
behind his back. This event win un
doubtedly rauae the wildest excitement.
One of the many surprises win oe mo
Introduction to the club members of a
new mascot who will take the place left
vacant by the beloved Jullua Caesar.
He come tn.he Aramltle"Very"hiiUi
recommended anal has mascotted suc
cessfully for the past 21 years.
- Besides oaseoaii games, swimming
races, tugs of war, oratorical debates
and ole-eatlng contests, there will be
helH the "Jinks" handican footrace, open
to all club members under II years of
age, weighing -over 200 pounds. The
following entries have been received to
date: I'op Bngnatn. ts. a. owigeri,
neoro-e Hovt. Sunerlntendent Woodnrd.
Charles Buckenmeyer, George McMil
lan. Gay Lombard. Edgar , Frank and
Al McHoIland. .
The committee has arranged for all
kinds of eatables and drinkables, such
aa, on account of recent rulings, can
not be served in Multnomah county.
Muala will be provided by Parsons'
orchestra and the Multnomah Mandolin
anil Glee clubs. S ...
The steamer Beaver will leave the
foot of Washington street at a. m.
aharn. flundav. Julv ?. The "Low Jinks"
are confined strictlyto Multnomah club
membtra. The committee in charge of
arrangements Is: George Simons, Frank
Harmar and Ray Warlnner.
Enterprise Beato Joseph.
(Special Dtapatck te The JoaratL)
Enterprise, Or., June 28. The Enter
prise baneball nine defeated Joaeph
Sunday by the close score of 10 to .
It was anybody's game until the last
half of the ninth, when Enterprise
scored two runs on two safe hits, an
error and a sacrifice, the line-up:
Enterprise Coahow. pitcher; Rodgers,
catcher; Bauer, first base; Savage, sec
ond base; Heener, shortstop: Forsvthe.
third baae; Brady, left field; Bldwell,
center neia; j-ace, rigni rieia.
Joseph Wllaon, pitcher; Myers,
catcher; Gaskell, first baae; Akin sec
ond base;. Brown, shortstop; Winston,
third bane; . Miller, left tfleld; Mylan,
center xieiu, uiwhh, rigni Jieia.
Three Straight lor Angels.
' (Journal Special flerrle.
Los Angeles, . June 28. The Angela
put it over trie Heats again yesterday,
making it three straight. .Score: .-
- . , . R. It B.
Los Angeles ..I 4-1
San Francisco .......... ...1
. Batteries Burns and Eager; Henley
and Street. , Umpire Perrine.
! Eli Captures Annual Rowing
Contest From Harvard by
v Single Boat's Length. ; .
'National League.
.: At Chicago Pittsburg, t: Chlcsga 0.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati. 2; St
JjOUIS. I. ' ' ,, "
At Brooklyn Boston, 4; Brooklyn, 1
At Philadelphia New fork, 1; Phil
adelphia, 0. . :' -t
American League.
At Boston Boston, 1: Philadelphia," 0,
At Detroit Cleveland, 6: Detroit, 4.
At New Tork New Tork, 11; Wash
ington, 7.- - .
At St. Louis St. Louis. 7;'ChIcago, 4.
.... ' .
; Northwest League. v
. Spokane. 11; Seattle, 1.
Tacoma, I; Vancouver, 0. :
. Aberdeen, 7; Butte. I.
Friend in Need Al
ways with You. :'
rHEN you have Heartburn,
" Colic, 'Coated Tongue,'
Suspected Breath, Aoid-rUlnr-iD
throat,' Gat-
fcelchlng, or an Incipient Cold, take a
Cascaret. : -...
Remember, all these are not .merely t
Discomforts, but Indications of a serious .
Cause. . , ,
Nip them In the bud eat a Candy Cas
caret Cascarets don't purge, nor pun
ish the stomach like "Bllo-drtving"
They act like Exercise on the Bowel
Muscles , that propel Food, and that
squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of
the body Into ooV i - ,- ' V
Cascarets ward off, or cure, the fot
lowing diseases: .
ItyspePsia .
; Torptd Liver
Colic : -
' Worms
? Files . .
I 5ad Breath
' Headache
1 Dtarrhaut '
Jaundice :
A'ausea t
, Vertigo
. In'such eases a Utile Cascaret in time
is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
later on, to say nothing of the suffering.
discomfort and loss of Business Energy.
Headaches. Heartburn, Cas-belchlng, ;
Acid-risings In the throat, and Colicky
feeling are sure sign's of bowel trouble
from food poisons, and should be dealt
with promptly. - V J - ,r
One Cascaret will stop the coming
trouble, and move on the Bowel load. If (
taken at the first signs. " r
Don'T fail to carry the Vet Pocket
Cox cf Cascarets with you constantly. y
All dmpsts sell themover tea mil
lion boxes ayar. j
r very carjful to get the genuine,
r a !e only by the Sterling Remedy Com
; . and never sold In bulk. - Every
-- - . - . '..I'
(Joaroal Special Bervlee.)
New London, Conn., June 18. Tale
won the great intercouegiaie rowing
contest here yesterday evening, winning
from Harvard'by a eingle boat's length.
The, crowd, waa the largest that ever
witnessed a race on the Thames rtver,
and the time was the fastest ever rowed
up stream, being tl minutes and 10 sec-
n.irin. th race E. H Harriman. the
railroad magnate, persisted in violating
the rules or the course ano waa rrwu
and detained aboard the revenue cutter
Greaham. until the race was over. TM
arresting officer was Lieutenant Bui
mr . President ' Roosevelt's - naval aid.
u..plma. will nmhnhlv be fined.'
The race was scheduled to be-.TOwed
at 1:10, but the river wag too rough ana
rene&ted nostnonements i.were made
until the wind died down at about 7
o'clock. A remarkable thing about the
race was that Yale won. though her
crew averaged four strokes to the min
uter slower than Harvard.-.'.
Close for Entire Distance,
Both shells got away In good style and
together, and there was no time when
daylight showed between them. Har
vard had a few feet the advantage In the
first few boat lengths, but the El s
quickly evened matters and at the half
mile led by a half boat's length. At
he three-mile cost the sheila' noses
were slgsagglng ; and It waa elther's
'xale won by using her strength more
economically . than her Opponent. Most
of the distance Tale rowed at 28 strokes
te the minute, wnue Marvara roweu
high as 84. In the last half mile Tale
Increased her stroke to 81, and the
Crimsons could not come- up , to the
spurt. Tet it was only by Inches that
the Ells moved ahead and crossed the
line winner. . , , , V,
Harriman was arrested for violating
the rule aaainst followlnr the race. - All
the boat-owners were carefully Informed
of the rule before, the race, and Har
riman could not hide oehlnd the excuse
of ignorance. When the race began he
rushed In behind with his motor-Doat,
even nushina- un alongside-the. referee's
craft. Lieutenant v Bulmer and cnair-
maa Bchweppe, who were aooara xne re
gatta committee boat, the Arrow, re-
leateuiy warneu me raiuwiw"" u
.act but the latter paid no attention
and was finally -placed under arrest.
"Youna- man. I'll see you later," an
nounced Harriman. leveling his fin- et
threateningly at Bchweppe aahe was
taken aboard the Gresham. A yacht
nwnep who committed an offense slmi.
lar to that of llarrlmaa's last year was
" TOn account of the wind the freshman
eight-oared lace and the 'varsity four-
oared were postponed until totiay. u
waraoBBSi ex umra.
The makeup of the 'varsity eights
'TaTe-Stroke. " H. Boulton; No. 7, C
V. TH reantaln: No. S. li. A. Rowe:
No. I. W. 0. Taft; No. 4, B. C. Hip
r.ln: No. t. W. R. Bice; No. t. John
Mainor; bow, G. Auchlnloss; coxswain,
n. ; Rarkelow. Average weight. . 171
rounds: average . height. I feet; ever-
gHarvard-fitroke, E.' rarley: ; No. 7.
John Richardson; No. I, R. 1 Bacon
(captain); No. B.. W. u 'Beverance; o.
4. L. Hunt: No. 1, R. M. Faulkner;. No. 2,
8. W. Fish; bow. R. M. Tappan; cox
swain. F. M. Blagden. Average, weigni,
174 pounds; average height, I zeet; av
erage agf, 21 years. - , .
e- asMMgBSagaBBBJBBMsVSSsM -''- ' .'' t
Tomorrow Astorians :,l and
4 Brewers Meet First Time
. TwoSunday Games.
: Local fans will have an opportunity
to see three ,of the Trl-Clty league
teams perform ' upon the professional
diamond at Vaughn street Saturday af
ternoon, Sunday morning and . Sunday
afternoon. ' ? ' ' -
The Brewers will meet the fast As
toria ' Bohemians - Saturday afternoon.
This "Ir the first' appearance of the
Fishermen upon a Portland diamond
for ahany years. 4 They have a clever
team and are putting up a game race
in the lea cue. Their bla t wirier. Backus,
Is one of . the lk?st pitchers In the
northwest. After beating the Brewers
Saturday . they move on to wooaourn,
where they will have a tilt with the
Indiana on fhmriav. -
The two Sunday games at Athletlo
park Sunday morning and afternoon
will be .between the Bralnard Cubs and
the Brewera. These' two teams have
never met, their scheduled games being
postponed from time to time. The Cubs
are hitting tne- oau 'ana are getting
together in their team worn. Manager
Smith says he has started to climb out
of the cellar now and ls prepared -to
give the patrona ' or Tri-tJity league
nines me worm oi tneir muiicy, u
aturday afternoon game will be called
at : 8:80 o'clock. Cheyne wui umpiro.
The Sunday morning game- win oe
called at 10: and the afternoon game
at I o clock. Hid tianicin wui uuiy'v-
Saturday s line-up iouows; - . . - .
tt...... . PoKit ion. i Astoria.
Bredemier . .c., . . ' Kelt
Rohlnaon . i. ..... ..D. .......... .dbcui
ui,. !........ Blossom
Melaer ...I. lb.... .uates
rw ...Sb. ..........Griffith
IReppel . ..,.,.. 8 b. . , . . . Graham
Thompson ......... ii ,....... . , . "
Chapin . , . , ..... .cf . , . .yac8n
The Charleston Jackies and the Mult
nomah club ball nine wltl cross Dais
on the Multnoman aianionu iuiuwi i
afternoon at 8 o'clock. The crack
Charleston band will furnlah music
The line-up will be: ;
U. S. B. Charleaton. -m ' , U. A. A. C.
Pasnow --rf Trimble, Eastman
Waugh .......... 8 h? . . , . . . . . . . i nomas
Bonier .", . ,. . .2b. ,.... . .Campbell
Lehnhof f ........ .as .... . .Mcyieuan
Schonhoven ... . . .If ,.ennet
Willardt ......... lb...., ..,.. Slnnott
Hodinott ...... . v .. . .Kinger
Teager ... ...... .ft . . . .Btott, Moreiana
Neuman ......... P Morris
Good Fight Expected. v
' (Joaroal Special Servlee.)
-Mltm'aiiVee.i Wis.. June 28. Patrons
of the Badger Athletic club are looking
forward to one of the beat fights pulled
off in this vicinity In a long time when
Charlie Neary and Packy McFarland
come together tonight. -The two are re
garded as evenly matched, and as both
are reported In the beat of condition the
battle la expected to be a rattling af
fair from start to finish. The articles
of - agreement, provide that the winner
of the contest shall take the entire
purse.- whicn conamon win serv &u
nducement for eacn ngnier. w oo pis
3. F. Ewlng defeated H, JL iferdman
In the ' semi-final round of the Ladd
tournament yesterday. The men played
on even terms, Ewlng .winning In
straight fcets, 8-1. 1-4, 1-4. . t
While vr..aun.- nssk-oitubbomlar
contested there were few who Jhought
that Ewlng could win without the loss
of a set Ewlng went Into the game
with a lot of speed, however, and piayea
a very dashing game at the net Herd
man excelled with his cho?. but Ewlng
had the edge on the East Side High
school principal at every otner pni ui
the aame. His smashing and lobbing
furnished the, feature of the match, h;
.i.n vniuv.ii unusually well and uaed
much head work In varying and placing
his serves. ' , .
Ewlng will play Northrop in the
finals Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Tti, ' men will meet, on nearly even
terms, Northrop owing but one point In
six games. '.'-
Th. mtpiiH In the lrvlnffton tourna
ment are being played so fast that Jf
fine weatner continues me unais may
all be played next week. , Teeterday's
results-fellow: 1 mmm , " "
Men's alnaies Wilder fOWO II 4-1)
beat Barnes (receive; 18) 1-4. l-t. North
rop (owe 40) bent Northrop (receive
It 1-6) 1-0, l-t. Ferris (owe 1-1) beat
Warren (receive 15) 8-1, -4, 7-1.
Ladies' elngles Miss Fox (owe 11
t-) bat Mrs. Judge (owe t-) -l, 7-1.
Miss Fording (owe 18.8-1) beat Mrs. Mc
Lachlan (owe 8-1) 1-4. 1-1.
Men's doubles Gobs and MeAlpin
(owe 80) beat Starr and Starr (receive
18 1-1) 1-7, 8-4. 1-4. -
Mixed doubles Mlsa Goas snd Wolf
(receive 80) beat Mrs. McLachlan and
Reynolds (receive 80) 1-4, 1-4. Miss
Leadbetter and Warren (scratch) beat
Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood (scratch) 1-4,
Women's doubles Miss Goes snd Mrs. .
Lockwood (scratch) beat Miss Btever
and Miss Crane 1-1, 1-1.
A women s double match is specially
scheduled for tomorrow mornlnj at 10
o'clock. Mrs. Haley and Miss Shaefer
(scratch) will nlay Mrs. Judge and
Miss Fox (owe 15). .
Riverside Driving Associa
tion Announces Program
vfor Irvington Track. v
. The Riverside Privtng. association an
nounces the following program of races
for the afternoon of July 4 at the Irv
Ington race.track:-' t .i.'-."-'"
Class' A, free-for-atl trot Red Skin, A.
C. Lohmlre; McBrler, L. Zimmerman;
Hawk, J. C. Crane; Will Fane. W, Q.
Brown; Pins, Frank Richardson.
Class B, free-for-all pace New Moon,
M. J. Jones; Crochet t. Al Ro well;
Agness Fenway, Dr. J. M. Craemer. 1
Class C. 1:31 pace Teddy Rooaevelt
T II ' Tt.n I.. . Al. T T Inlin.An. 11..
M V V . , f ..... .i., . w. . ui.imui. win.
Athelena, O. J. Brown; Babe Corbett, K.
(jorbett; Lady Lovelace, J. F. Shea.
Class D. 2:80 trot Hallle C. J. S.
Crane; Red Rock, J.. W. Bailey; Ned
Thome, A. - Lumsden; Wallace Wilka.
J. W. Connell; Donax, M. E. Lee.
Class E. 2:40 mixed trot and pace
Sailor Boy, Frank Anderson; Pay Mack,
David Dupee; Mar Lovelace, . Walter
Qlllnsky; Blue Jacket, - L, ,W. Watts;
Rabbit Foot. Ben E. Wing; Willamette
D. W.v A. DeLaahmbtt
Ppny racea. ,ruanin-4liHopns,' "
William Walker.
Subject to additions . snd changes.
Motor boat owners are
ette on the Fourth of July.
planning to
number of races on the WllTam
Those in
terested are requested to meet tomorrow
night at 7:80 at Vandeveera boat house,
where all details will be arranged
Make's the 6kir like you want it
Does it In a noment.
; - Hagan's "
' k .J' ' :f.r .
cMagriolia. Balm.
A liquid preparation for Face,
- neoK, Arms ana rianas.
It is neither sticky nor creasy.
. It's harmless, clean '
, -. . and refreshing. :
Cannot be detected. . v
Two colors Pink and White.
Use it morning, noon and night,
winter i spring, summer, ran.
Ltom Mrs. Co., 44 Puh St., Brooktya, N.T.
$2.50 Rouna Trip
Tickets good returning Monday. j Ride on the Seaside Flyr" enjoy
the ozone.' One unbroken panorama of scenic delights to please the
traveler.1 'Departs from Union Depot every Saturday at 3:10 p.
arriving at Seaside' 6:50 p. tn.''y-f. :')'.. ''''-v
' Tickets on sale at Northern Pacific ticket office and Union Depot
General Passenger Agent
III r7Alwere'Bay 'y' y
H Mi&&r Collars y
I I . eSSS: wj ommk.
I tniv ooarr oaaoa so qwck ' I
I I Bavs'inrocOBIT eyelet banoahoW I 1
I Baayte button. . Sinng to bold. 1
. W OO, ts;,.. S J
1 - Taov,H.v. ' S
' Policeinen Badly Beaten.
The letter carriers defeated the police
men In a game of baseball at the league
grounds vesterday afternoon. , Score, J7
to 8.' i Patrolmen John Wendorf. Pat
Maloney. Harry Parker. Jim Anderson
and Fred Wallet, all aspired for pitch
Ing honors, but all were batted more or
leas heavily. ... The lineup: - .
Policemen. Letter Carriers.
Parker. Wendorf.
Anderson. Mallettp. .. . . Dauaherty
B. F. Smith. .......c. ........ O'Connor
Wendorf . . ... . i . . .in, . . . ,H . .. .-.iyae
Anderson, Mallett. 2b. ...... ,.F. BHggs
W aloney ,2b . , . .fl. Briggs
Phillips , , ,ss ......... k iirown
Ouatafson ........If..... Olson
Bohson .... ...... -cr....... Amnrose
Bales ........ ..rf... ...... Feathers
... full Day Auto Races.
miUnlnlnhla ' ; Pa.. '" June 88. The
rrentestr automobile race, meeting Phil
adelphia has ever known was bee-un to
day at the Point Breese .track under the
nnaplces of the Quaker City Motor club.
The program provides for half a dosen
races at various distances, but the big
event and the contest in which the most
interest is displayed 1 the twenty-four
hour competition, in which all the lead
in makes of machines have been en
Death End All I
This is not a theological Question i it is nther . Kel4
aid butter ouettion. Should the death nf'a m,n .Hj
all the comfort of a family; the education of .hit children t
the existence of hit home: If such be not the case it ii
because the average plain man hat given this matter thought,
and, at the expense of present enjoyment, has provided foe
future needs. ,.
The Mutual ;
Life Insurance
furnishet the best because the safest -.v.
. . .. .. r and most economical, method of perpet .
'toating the home and protecting its inmates To meet 'these
common and inevitable, needs it was organized tixty-four
f ; years ago, V It it, owned by its policy holders, v Their "
i confidence and support have made and kept it the largest : r
; ... and suunchestof its kind. ; If you have responsibility
ii uh iui rwy oe protection lor vou
and yours. ' - ,
The Time to Act is NOW
For the" new forrai of policies coniult out "
.Marat sgent, or writs direct to . T
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
'.; of Now Tork. v
N. Y. t -1
BOaTTI til '
nL' vrtn phlM anfTee with that
cough when you can cure It with Bal-
Coughs, Bronchitis, Influensa, Croup and
Pulmonary juiseases. jjujt m uuiu. uu
try it. . '
. B. B. Laugher, Byhaiia, Miss., writes:
"I have two children who had croup. I
tried many different remedies, but I
best Croup and Cough medicine I ever
uaeu. ' duiu uy "i ui hiss is.
Take-back" your money
and keepr the tea you
may give it away if you
like. , v ' '
Toor rrecer nhiras yeer eof If yes Seat
like Scaillies's Beeti we pay bisk
Credit to Everybody on
' . Diamonds, Watches
and Jewelry ;
7 EVery Article Guaranteed
i 1 iJ ',f r f
' v 1 189 Ttlrd St. ntliveta VsnS H S Tajl:r "
My EQuipnidnt : is Cbmpletej
- , . - , .......
Much of the delicate equipment of my of
fice and hospital Is specially constructed
meet the requirements' of my dlttinctlve
methods of treatment which Involves the
scientific sppllcatton at every curable influ
ence known to be helpful In treating the
class: of diseases I cureJ
Z have stopped at no expense that could
add to tha efficiency of my' work or the com
fort o my patients. There is no other equal
ly equipped Institution for the treatment of
men s aliments in ino racmo nonawni.
In Any Uncomplicated Case
You Can Pay 1
Consultation and advlca free t fnce K.l0? tliwJit
flleted consult me. Tou can piece Implicit confidence In what I tell you.,
and if I accept your case you can rest assured that .a complete and per
manent cure will follow my treatment
. Stricture
' Surgery Is not only harsh, pain
ful and dangerous, but is entirely
unnecessary ir. the treatment of
stricture. I employ a painless
which the oosirucung
, Specific Blood Poisoa
I cure this leprous disease com
pletely. The syetem Is thoroughly
cleansed and every poiBonoua taint
'; removed. The last symptom van
ishes to appear no more, and all la
accomplished by the use of harm
less, blood-cleansing remedies. v
Contracted Disorder!
' I have reduced the time1 required
' for curing contracted disorders
sbout one half. Thia la an Import
ant achievement ; It replaeee dan
ger with - safety. It foreatalls
chronic, complications. It- removes
the infection and Inflammation be
fore that vital center, the prostate
gland, can become Involved. To
' many men It means the difference
between perfect health and a life
time of misery and functional
.weakness. - My . method Is mine
alone. . My treatment la original;
In some features It resembles the
ordinary. In its chief essentials It
Is different. In reaults It . is en
tirely different It la safe, prompt
and- thorough. .-v-it-...'. :?..-tT
- Sty sneceas in Permanently Cur
ing That. Condition Commonly
Known aa "Weakness rally Dem
onstrates the Absolute Correctness
of Vy Itethod of Treatment.
method bv
tissue Is dissolved
membranes of the organs Involved
thoroughly cleansed , ana
ail the
to a healthy slate.
': Varicocele
; The perfection of my method of
curing varicocele Is no loss than
a marvelous achievement, and af
fords a striking example of , the
wonderful ponslbllitleg of mild
and gentle forms of treatment.
Equally forcible. It demonstrates
the-folly of resorting to. surgery
In the treatment of this disease,
I a cure varicocele In one week,
without cutting or pain, and sel
dom is it necessary . to detain tho
patient a single day from his busi
ness A cure is a certainty In each
Instance, normal circulation Is re
stored, and the natural processes
of waste and repair are again es
tablished throughout the organic
system. Why suffer varicocele and
endanger your health and msniy
power? ,1 offer you a radical cure,
and my- treatment Is Independent
of the harsh painful and danger
ous features that characterise the
methods usually employed, ,
Taylor co.
We are curfng more men than 'any two spe- ,
-cialists in Portland. Our . small ; fee enables .
us to cure for less money thaa many self--
styled specialists ask for their serivces. Our
advice to you will be worth much in your caset
if you need the services of a skiUea. reliable
specialist. I " ' '
Vn Dm; I Trt! acc Ca irtA . .
.... ,-... .1 .... ... . .,'
If you hive a disease or weakness peculiar to men your condi
. tion calls' promptly for the best treatment the medical profession
affords We have' long studied and, thoroughly mastered infirm-
- ities of this character. : Our business and professional methods are
" clean While we are-naturally ambitious to cure as many .men as -'
possible, yet we want to do so on a fair and square, basis, with
mutual confidence between physician and! patient. Our object ts .,
not so much to do the work that other doctors can do, but, rather
to do that which they cannot do. What we solicit in particular i
' obstinate cases; cases wjslch have been made worse by all kinds of , ;
Inferior treatment. ..The knowledge, akiU and experienca of year
gre at your servic.l.-''::V.:-j v
' Bt the latst and best methods we cure tof remsln cured, VARI'
associate diseases tnd weaknesses with their reflex complications.
We make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusiness-like
' propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise, to cure them in
a few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure
their patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort
to such methods. - "-'. . " ' t
work are not a mushroom growth. ' We have been curing men for ;
' 27 years. ' - , J ',",'".-
Write, if you cannot call. AH correspondence strictly confidential ,
and all replies sent in plain envelope. Enclose 2-cem) stamp to
insure reply.
OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sun
days, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. , . , . ,
1 coasrxa escoirn awo tamhh.1. btbexts, yoaxiAwn,
tered. " - i