The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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American Promoters of a
Home for Persecuted Jews
Meet in New York.
President Harry Friedenwald of Dal
tlmore Will Probably Be Reelected
' to Office Religious Services Oc-
1 copied Greater Portion of Day.
i '" (Journal SpscUl 'Btrrlc.) !
Tannersvllla, ' N. T, Jun tl. Two
fcundrad . delegate, representing rrjr
' section of the countrr. gathered bere
today to attend the tenth annual eon
Ventloa of the Federation of American
Zionists. Rellaloua services marked the
opening today, y Tomorrow will be apent
, aa a day of rest. . The business . will
open on Sunday morning with the read-
BiUteee. A-banquet will -be- beld-Mon-'
day evening, and the convention will
continue until r Wednesday afternoon.
whn orricera eiectea.
The present officera of the federation
are: President, Dr. Harry Trledenwald
of Baltimore; treasurer, Henry Jackson
of Pittsburg; secretary J. U Magnes
of New York. - It is expected that Vr.
Friedenwald will be elected again, and
that Dr. Magnea will continue aa eecre
. tary. ........... t , .
In addition to the officera the promt
. Hunt mirtlntnanta tn the convention in
finite Rev.- Dr. Joseoh Frletlander of
liiimnnt Trill: I)r. BolomiWl Schech
' ter of New York. Dr. H. P. Mendea of
- New York, George Tnnkle f Augusta,
. Ueorgia; Jacob de Haaa of Boaton, Ber
. pard O. Richards of New York and Leon
Zolotkoff of Chicago. ... ' j, -
The Federation of American Zioniita
waa organised primarily for the purpose
of establishing in Paleatine a legal horn
for the oppressed and persecuted Jews
of Russia, Roumanla and other Euro
. pean countries; and to furnish them
with an asylum, by consent of th pow
ers, where they might hava an oppor
tunity to begin life anew under more
' favorable circumstances. In promoting
ante aim the federation worka in coii
junction with the International Zionist
congress, which haa branches through
out the world, . "
-i - Other matters, however, are to occupy
a large ahare of the attention of the
. present convention- of the federation.
The greater part of the program will be
devoted to question- - of organisation,
and It ! probable some action will be
Uken by the federation in reply to the
attacks that have been mad this year
by Reform Jewish rabbia upon Zionism.
The federation expects also to take aom
action recommending certain resolutions
' to the next session of the International
. Zionist congress, which. will be hsld at
The Hague during the latter part of
August. The international congress la
' to be held at Th Hague thia year in
order to influence, if possible, the treat-,
went of the Jewish question by the
peace oongresa. Th Zionist hope to
: be able to present th Jewish nationalist
ouestlon to th peao eongresa in aom
form or other that may bring-aom
expression of opinion from the dele
gates present to consider .matter of
peace and war.- -V .' '-
- i ' Spectacular- Success. t
' ""When , Johnny Cornea '..' Marchtne
Xlome" ia on oi th moat spectacular
auecesaea ever achieved in Portland.; It
la being produced by the Ban Francisoo
Opera company at th Marquam thla
week and la attracting crowded houses.
It is th laat week of the company here.
Zlnn's Beauty, Chorus. ' ;
Zlnn at th Baker thla week has gath
ered and trained hia noted beauty chorus
Of pretty girls for a long period. Every
one is a picked winner. For grace, life
and singing voices, the ehorue is hard
to beat. Performancea tonight, tomor-
row matinee and tomorrow night -
p. i i V- '
Acts Which Please.
' Vaudeville' is a .solane. It differs
from all Other klnda of amusement and
It requires atudy. Sullivan ft Consldln
nave' maae- - iuu ,u.......
unit that ia why they understand what
council; menihfrs of the Fourth of July
general committer; the flower rlRS from
which flowers will be strewn along the
line of march; liberty car with Oixldess
of Liberty and four poddeases repre
senting Peace, rienty, War and Justice,
the liberty car being supported by the
members of the Woodmen degree team,
th members thereof marching 'at the
horses' rend; Company L Third regi
ment O. N. O.; decorated driving rigs,
both single and double; band of JO cow-
uoys in irunuer cmiumfi tancy norse.a;
decorated business floats; pluguglles,
prises agfTatlng 10 to be awarded;
band of 40 Umatilla Indians, adorned in
their war bonnets and paint; the Eagles'
band: decorated bicycles; decorated au
tomobiles. All visiting autolsts' are invited to
participate In thla event and compete
for the prises that will be awarded for
th best decorated machines.
, ' '.. . ; : , .
Galveston. Texas, June Ii. Among
th passengers on th North German
Lloyd steamer Castle, due to arrive her
from Bremen today or tomorrow, are
a party of ft Jews, principally from
Russia and Roumanla. Their arrival
will mark th first Important step In
th plana of tji ' Jewish Immigration
society to form Jewish colonies in th
southwest. The plana have been going
forward for some time and are now well
organised. It ia the' chief aim of th
society to divert th Jewish Immigra
tion from the large cities and congested
districts of the north to Texas and the
eontiguoua territory west of th Mis
sissippi. Th Immigrant ar to be
carefully selected and will Include arti
sans, mechanics, farmers and othera
fitted to take up life in a new country.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
Anger -or euffer-a cut, bruiser burnor
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eo
lectrio Oil instantly relieves th pain
quickly curef th wound. ..
DEO YOi lit
i '' . J -J '
Controller Offers Twenty-
Nine Million Dollars In
Four Per Cent Bonds,
'-cj' H'i '. , '"'. :': r
(Journal Special Beirlte.) '
New York, Jun XI. New York City
today reached th limit of it b"0
ln capacity, when Controller Met of
fered for sal 4 per cent city oonas i w
the amount of $5,000,000. Th money
Is to b used for lmprovsments of vari
ous kinds, snd for the first time In some
'ears th bona ox niw r w...
iear Interest coupons, for which variety
of aecurlty there haa been "''"''
demand sine th last bond aale, which
wae unsuccessful.
Today's offering la watched with deep
i-t....r in invealment elrolea. as me
manner in which It la taken up will fur
nish an aecurat Indication of th true
condition of th bond market, as bank
ers recognlxa th fact that ths flrat
general demand from Inveatora mu
iom rather In bond than
Borne fear Is expressed that thla offer
In: coming Juat befors July 1, will af
fefi th money market temporartly. but
most banker agree that the time waa
wellselected. in that th city of frtna
will get th full benefit of the July dle
buraementa and vhatvr purchasing
power may reeult therefrom. Ther I
no doubt among th bankers that te
bond will- b en, -but-tbs prtos tat
which ther will aeU Is th chief point
Vhbonds carry 4 per cent interest
nd ctir.nnt be sold under par, but as
they are exempt from personal taxea
they are -neriilly considered a deslr
ahle lnvesn.H-nt for estatea It la
thought that wmi of the holdera of
Vnltnd states bonds which are to be re
tired before July 10 will reinvest their
money in these securities.
: ' . , n
(Joanul Special San toe.) '
Atlanta, 0a Jun SI. All ar r an re
in en ts are completed for th Inaugura
tion tomorrow of Governor Hoke firultu.
Th advance guard of - visitors from
throughout th state Is already putting
tn an appearance, and from all Indica
tion the largest crowd will be here to
morrow that ever witnessed the Inau
guration of a Georgia governor. Th
members of the state leslnlature now In
session will participate in the Inaugura
tion ceremonlea, which will take place
in th open air following th customary
Snrad of military and civlo organisat
ion. ,-
Oovernor Terrell, tii outgoing execu
tive, has arranged to take a short vaca
tion after he give up the reins of of flee
to his successor. When his vacation la
over he will resum th practice of law
with hia brother.
preferred Stock Canned dooos,
Allan Lwla Best brand. ,
Work on Wallows, Extension.
Wallowa, Or., June 21 .Work onhe
O. R.. A N. extension la progressingrap
idly and large crews of men ar e i rrtv
ing dally. Kverr Indication pofnts to
the completion of the road at an early
data.- Th grades are aboutall eotn
pleted and a crew I now putting tn
aha pa tha roadbed mad last fall. The
laying of steel will soon Ommnca
i s
will um thr ! her baby la properly eared
for to do thla a good purgatlv 1 nec
essary. Many babies suffer from worms
and their . mothers don't know it -if
your baby is feverish and doesn't Bleep
st nights, it la troubled with worm a
Whlte'a Cream Vermifuge win. clean
out these worms in a mild, pleasant
way. Once tried always used. Glv It
a trial. Price it cent. Sold by all
druggists. i t nt :.
' Coras at ones and have free sxamtaa-
Uon. . . ,- , -
II. 00 TO 6.0; WUITB CROWNd fl.i
All . work, guaranteed for tea years.
Lady attendant alwaye present. AH
work dons absolutely without pals by
specialist of from II in years ex
perience. ... . , -
; Boston Dentists J
' rhoss Kata I030u
91V, Korrtsoa sjt, Oss Fofll, .
atuaeular Insufficient, ; H are
usually Ignored by most optometrists,
ar spclally and carefully considered
by us. '
Our system of optical muscular treat
meat' Insures your perfect comfort. It
does not follow, necessarily, that you
Will hav to wear classes .
It will require but a very few minute
of your time to call and talk th matter
over with as. '
Munsell ; Optical Co.
' & XXssa Xusaen, &efrtiaBist, ,
ICaoleaT BUdiar. . ' o-Uaad, Oregwa.
; AND; . . ; , i3
kind of acts th public prefers. This
i u:
week's bill at th
Srand ia typical.
' 'jjlttis Ollis Cooper,- who ;; attracled
theatr-gors all over ths country .by
tier deser playing of yXAttto -Lord
FauntlerojT and ,7Th , Prtnc and th
Pauper," will be aeen in Charles Dick
ens'? famous play, "Oliver Twist," - at
the Baker next week, etartlng Sunday
matin; Special Fourth of July ma u-
It 'A, nigh-Toned Burglar."
"Portland has had its high-toned bur-
gjare, but "Ths Htgh-Toned. Burglar
coming to the Grand theatre ext week
ia different. from th reat. - Thla la a
- rousing fares in one act by Dolan and
Lenharr. Eastern critics declars tha act
one of th beat in vaudeville, x
i "The Life That Klils.n - -i-T
Commencing Monday evening th at
traction at ths fiUr theatrs for 'next
week will bs Th Life That KUla,- an
xclting melodrama in four acta. Thoa
who have seen thla play In the east aay
It la exciting and thrilling every minute.
There will be th usual matinees.
" Juvenile Court Day at daks. -
' This Is Juvenile court day st th Oaks
snd Jsdg Fraaer'a warda are having
one of the bappleat times of their Uvea.
They reached the park on a special car
thla morning., A. percentage of thr re
ceipts will be contributed to an open
Air funrfor the benefit of ths young
fa stars. , r , i . , . .,..,. 4 ... .
-.Vtf I ' II I I - II I l !V.;,.,.'.T-
' Auto Line to Be One of Chief Fe
tures of Parade Indians, , . ;
Cowboys, Plnguglles. r
' (Special Dtipateh to The JeurnaL)
Pendleton, Or. June J. Elaborat
preparations are being. made fof the
fourth of July celebration hers. Xllsa
" Pauline Jones has been chosen Goddess
" of Liberty by the committee. - Chief of
police omt Gureene will serve aa grand
marshal. The Twenty Thousand Boost
club of Pendleton haa the matter in
charge, and. it promise to be- One; of
the leading- celebration aver held In
astern Oregon. Among; , the leBdfrfg
features will be S bnnd or 9 Umatilla
IndlnnaMi the rrad.
Following, is tha rrocrram: Troop of
ln1y riders, reprr sphUhit the 13 orlinnl
tates; WaH.t W ail.i nnslry I 'ti 1 of Z)
jleces; major and nn aitura oi n.e clsy
' SK1CK KO. lAHe don't like it' because we put TWO Jj
."HUNDRED HAL,1 JJUL.UAK3 , in vyoouaru ot was u
winuow iusvcu v ; i . .", . y .
Now, we explained once, but we will repeat because we
want EVERYBODY SATISFIED, that's our house policy.
WeJtried our best; but we couldn't get 100 fresh, shiny new
dollars anywhere in town and. we had our hearts set on giving'
CLEAN money so we had td compromise and use half dol
lars. We're sorry, but they'll buy just as much, and they're
Jail there unt 'em. ",'
' KICK NO. 2. He wants to send a LIST OF PHRASES
' t.:.t. .... U.a Wn Ki 4nft An tfiia TKut he HAN
J I ruin wiuv.ii wc u tuwss. mv v - -
, Bend just aa many separate phrases as he arranges firm names
J ;to;accomjiany;,;-V;' 0iJj
KICK NO. S. He lives OUT OF TOWN m Salem
and he says his letter can't reach us by Monday, July 2d. We
think it miirht, but there is good ground for his objection, and
THE TIME TO JULY 2d: This gives the most distant
northwest towns an equal chance. ' 1 k
. Ever hear how THE LUCKY CURVE" Fountain pen
got this name? A young man who was just beginning to turn
his attention toward advertisements was trying hard to think
of a good phrase for Parker's pen.' ''-.'
He started one evening down a country road, smoking
and puzzling over the matter, when suddenly the new moon
. , Tfc ATrrTtrTTT ri!PVPfim im nvMi the. trM. and
showed in the path ahead the figures of a young man and his j
SWCCUlCai pF-uie inau a aim iumui w m.-w - - - w "
about the maiden s waisu '
The 'observer halted his brain puzzling.' s "LUCKY
CHAP,'r he said to himself then, quizzically, connecting
MOON. MAN and , PEN-" LUCKY CUR VE"-he added,
I and had the idea. , j ,' - . ,
? A 1rrino- wae mAf of trie mnonlip-ht scene, and it ao-
ts.sorsm4 n varv ntihltrAtinn of imDDrt&nce in Americas '
the Original School of Advertising from a capitalization of a
;$1.90 to tlAL.r A -xms pnrasp was uscu m inc h
first ad' ever run by the firm a little classified ad in , the it
Chicago Tribune ten years ago. It caught; success followed, j
anu : lO . IU1S Uajr ll. IS uacu, uiu nus w, his hujhwf, ui wat
firm who would dare run an ad without it It's worth thou.
sands as a business asset. , , , r
"ASK THE MAN'Every AN knows what THAT
advertises.-. "
. "THERE'S A REASON" You at once think of grape
rwrtaf TTMrT?ppnnT ..m nvppwKAn,,Sotitia
like a shoe and bat firm; but ifs used by the tin plate com-
I . 4 f , , .
pany. . s , . 11
I "Men swear BY them, not AT them" and "COMFORT
FOR YOU" form the team that pranced Washburn fasteners
into public favor. . ,, ... . C , f ;
-WE WILL MEND THY WAGES" Shakespeare said
it some hundreds of Vears aeo but it's busy now hebine
make a big business bigger.,. " , .' " 'J ?, f
There ar many mors as many as uier are) uvoinmaa tsusat:a;
- these should suggest bsttsr onea No ons likes an Imitation; BE5 OHIO--..
INAU .": '.' :';..'.- M-f rjM-'i .'t ;: rh v x4
ONLT ONE ZXAT MORS of this contest; ths interest Is about at hlgn
tide. Ar you ready? .
VlTIX REPEAT THE CONDITIONS; But you bad better get ths
back numbers of th paper and read up. The contest opened th 21st of
June, and requires that the contestant form th name of our firm from
th letters that w hav printed snd ar now printing each day; that hs.
also supply is with th BEST BUSINESS PHRASE, and that he send bis
answer so ss to reach us not later than July 1st; ths contest closes Jun
; astfc. vt vr:a '; f-M c
Three Letters in Our Kim Name Are:'
VI :
Addroaa Plnlnly-Room C14
Buchanan Bldff.V-V Portland. Or.
'ruw It IVffl Pay Yoii to Read Out
. i ; .: Portland, Oregon. . . . , , . ..
a pew op the RKAkoKs wiir , vceMy Adverliscmciils
) Bainoi fi Co, ' T f. t.
;' Ii the popular Eait Side Shopping place,..' 1 flCjl CII-IHC IFHIH-
I.-Buying for our Portland store in
connection with our eastern, store we
can buy in great Quantities s and saye Household necessities and SUmmtT Wearing
you the jobber.' profit . . A ,
apparcx at jicss uian yuu iicivc ever uuugub
them before. - . v
An Immense New Stock of
Summer Merchandise
in Stupendous Clearance Tomorrow
t '2. We are out of the high rent di-
' trlct '
, 3. We positively- allow no exaggera
tions in our advertisements. ,
' 4. Yott are extended every courtesy.
We coniideg no transaction complete
until the customer is satisfied, -
' ' SYour money is instantly refunded
If to desired, no delay 6r quibbling of
any tort " , . .
A Grand
Surprise Coupon
; Cfler
Girls, Cut Tliis Conpcn
v.-.' .ontiHasfe:
Fin aut tt a our sSore tomorrow sat4
reoelv s gift & wUl Sallgh yom,
lAst week ww iasued a coupon offer
for th boys, being boys w knads them
bring a -cnt piece with each coupon
In order to receive a IS-eent article, but
we ar going to glv ths girls th best
of it, snd glv them a present absolutely
fre all w require I the coupon.
Tt w war to iaU you wbaA H is ww
intend So gtv .way w would so usabls
to handle ths crowds, se ws Shall kern
ths secret. Corns and ss, a plsasaat
aarprla awaits you.
New East Side Department Store 388-390 East Morrison Street, Rear Grand Avenue
The opening gun of the midsummer Clearance Sales will be fired tomorrow. ' Read of the mighty reductions
. . ( , v , , . prevailing here Saturday on all hot weather goods. - "
Price slashing in every department done with characteristic thoroughness, the savings offered in this mighty
clearance wipe all former records off the slate. Each and every department contributes many . attractions
Tte'Mdmg Specials for Tomorrow fflily
Thooaands of yards of wash goods tt half
price and less.
Snmmer Dress Fabrics All
v Reduced
Amoskeag Gingham, yard ..J. ...... ...Tj4
American Prints, yard 6
IflOO yards Indian Head shrank bleached Suit
ing for summer dresses, on sale at ,
Lace Curtains and Curtain
Materials at Startling Prices
800 yards best 20c quality Curtain Swiss, in
dots and stripes, yard .......Of
4 100 pairs handsome patterns bleached full
length window curtains, 75c qualities
37c Pair
' Cotton Blankets
50 pairs full sized white, with red border, cot
ton Blankets. Just the thing for the summer
cottage, the mountains or the seashore. While
; they they last at , ,
59c Pair
: Fancy Ribbons
Mile of them. We offer; the greatest Ribbon
:." sensation of the season, Nos, 40 and 60 Rib
bons of all silk taffeta, fancy checks pr printed
Dresden flowered, best 25c and 35c qualities
15c Yard
Women's White Canvas
V ; Oxfords ,
Buy them tomorrow and save on every pair
200 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords,' pretty
shapely styles, all bright and pew from the
makers hands, tomorrow .
Mennen's Talcum Powder
The balm for sunburn, regular 25c sixe snd
worth it, we sell it at, the box, none to dealers
Women's While Lawn
- Wash Soils V
50 of them, the daintiest imaginable, made of
fine sheer white lawn, waists are trimmed with
lace insertion, best $4.50 values
Wash Celts and Beauty Pins
AH of the fixings so essential to the summer
costume at clearance prices.
Thousands of them, gold plated, plain or pearl
sets, 25c quality," each .;; 5e
50 dosen Wash Belts, plain or fancy embroid
ered, handsome buckles, best 25c grade for
Women's Stockings
200 dozen Women's plain black or black with
unbleached soles, also a big variety of fancy
embroidered and lace ankle designs, best ,25c
10c Pair
Boys' Shirts
50 dozen Boys' Work Shirts, in plain or striped
percales, all sizes, well made and usually sold
at 35c, on sale tomorrow at ' -
Women's Waists
m4 ' '
. ... .. --v-.v
We have selected 50 dozen Waists from our
best $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 values. Not a waist
in the lot sold regularly for less, the season's
latest styles at, each
Women's Silk Jumper Suits
$ltJ0 to $25.00 qualities.' A small lot of 30
Suits In brown, blue and black. Swell creations
in the newest styles. , Your choice, while they
last, at
Children's Stockings
200 dozen Children's fast blacE double knee.
Stockings. Your choice of such brands . as
"Black Cat," "North Star," etc, best 20c! quaL
5c Pair
. Towels! Towels' !
200 dosen bleached Huck and Turkish Towels,
36x18 inches, best 20c grades at, each..;...9 '
300 dozen Turkish or cotton crash face Towels, '
with red borders, best 10c and 12J4c grades
tomorrow : .. : ' .", .- i. ,. , .
Sleeveless Vests
100 dozen sleeveless Vests, all sizes,' sCk taped j
throughout, not the ordinary 25c' article, out
the best 35c vest on the market. Buy them at,
Men's Underwear
Fancy blue and flesh-colored summer weight
ribbed shim and drawers, best 65c grade, a J
200' best 40c quality plain balbriggan shirts ;
and drawers, ail sizes, at, each
Women's I7c:!i SMr
S3 dozen Skirts of extra" c-T vel-'is (
full width and handsome' ts.Iortl, t -
$2.00 and $20 q-::::;;ic3, til ; tt .